tv [untitled] November 15, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EST
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new york police are taking down tents and t. corporate campaigners h.q. in zuccotti park live pictures here and our tea party protesters out escalate their protests to mark two months of action. russia hits the arab league for expelling syria and for imposing sanctions sparking mass rallies in the troubled country. syrian opposition leaders are in moscow for talks with russian officials at an attempt to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in the country i'll have more not in a few moments time. as unelected bankers and economists take the reins in greece and italy r.t. explores how the euro zone descended into the troubleshooters have to dig them out
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. on air and online twenty four hours a day this is our team welcome to the program police have begun clearing out occupy protests to camps in new york also claims that pepper sprays being used in raids comes after activists about heightened action this coming thursday to mark two months since the movement began let's talk to r.t. . in new york for us not really have the camp been removed. evacuation surprise sweep plan wall street headquarters in new york city is still ongoing this surprise we began at one am tuesday morning at that point hundreds of police officers trust. riot gear descended on park and presented the
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activists have been camped out there with the letter it's ordering them to temporarily evacuate the park and activists were told that all the tents were going to be removed by the police officers policed cleaned it was a health issue an opera park needed to be inspected the new york city police commissioner ray kelly was on scene for this episode as it unfolded was the first time a new york city police commissioner has been present as a police officer as an occupy wall street activist you know people confronted face to face this has been going on for two months but clearly this is that pinnacle of all the tension that has been taking place in new york city for the past eight weeks the protesters were told that they were would be allowed to return to the park but not with their property then when the police proceeded with the evacuation we saw the tents being violently ripped down ripped apart removed from the park.
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peaceful activists that were there some were being dragged out of the park there have been reports of pepper spray being used on the activists many of whom sat down and refused to leave and there's also been reports of the police department using an el rad machine to you know create from an inconvenience the noise sound to get the activists out of the park before this week took place the police clearly had a plan because they were barricades put all around zuccotti park with in all four block within a four block radius and when i'm media members of the press were trying to get down to the park to access the event was going on to report about what was going on and many members of the press were not being allowed in. we understand the tense were also dismantle of the sites in oakland in california some fifty people were
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arrested in portland it looks like authorities are tightening the screws on the protests there that's right and clearly looks not just like a new york city sweep but in nationwide speak of the occupy wall street the occupy camps that have settled in major cities throughout the united states it looks like it may be a domino effect from one city to another by new york city it is the headquarters of this campaign of this movement but many do believe the new york city police department are trying to get ahead of the game because as you already mentioned the occupy wall street movement is planning your protest for thursday that's the seventeen that marks the two month anniversary of the occupy movement and major events will be taking place all day including good organizers say will be an attempt to shut down new york stock exchange so as you can imagine the york city
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officials are probably trying to preempt that trying to avoid it and if that means they're going to sweep camp and try to me it's inconvenient for activists to remain there with her without tags and without their property that's clearly what city officials are trying to do. a very important are in new york thank you for a live update cheer up. russia has. the decision to expel syria as accusing nato countries of inciting violence there and league voted for suspension and sanctions at the weekend triggering mass protests in the country as pressure piles on the regime of syrian opposition leaders for talks. all the two sides the syrian opposition and the russian sides both have things they want to gain from this meeting today in moscow the syrian opposition are looking for russian help in trying to find a solution to the crisis in syria they say that they want to start
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a new chapter in syria russian relations the russian side are expected to call on the syrian opposition to bring about an end to violence in the country and to think more about the people of syria as opposed to any kind of regime change in the country so far in the eight months this crisis has continued at the u.n. suggest around three and a half thousand people have been killed so far decision to suspend syria from the arab league over the weekend just saw the russian foreign minister express russia's dismay at the decision calling it counterproductive to a peace to peace negotiations and suggesting that the shadowy handle of western governments had been behind the arab league is meeting on wednesday where it's expected the rubber stamp will be put on that decision to suspend syria from the group they've also put forward a plan to send a five hundred strong delegation into syria on the fact finding mission that
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delegation would contain military personnel they are saying and syria has welcomed this offer of sending this this fact finding delegation into the country now in syria across syria we've seen protests from pro government protesters against the decision from the arab league to suspend them. the embassies of saudi arabia and qatar the scene for some of these protests saudi arabia gets are two countries which voted to suspend syria problem with groups and this is being targeted as well as protests across damascus and other places in syria where people believe that the decision is a wrong one and not one which will bring about peace in the country any time soon. while the freezing of syria's arab membership as well as sanctions prompted fears of a military intervention something russia has long been warning against well later former foreign minister a veteran diplomat explains what if any from
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a cough says the lessons of iraq must be learned. i don't think the west is prepared to take this action that with a the security council's backing i think we're smarter now and at a time when the first council resolution was adopted we will not adopt another resolution using a vague terms which could be used for digital might in these activities. nobody knows what libya is going to recover from chaos look at iraq for example it's been more than eight years and they still can't sleep away as the situation t.v. never stops reporting new casualties fifteen thirty dead every day in iraq explosions and so on it could happen so regular people get used to it we start thinking this is normal the disk here was over eight and a half years of occupation there's been nothing we could do and libya's going to be even tougher so i don't think if i had much success in libya. yes the full interview with former russian privacy again you can look up is here
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they're out in it's time at r.t. . new technocrat led government syria greece and italy are getting down to business to tackle him massive debts italy's prime minister designate says it's too early to determine how his country will cope with more crisis measures but it's warning people of sacrifices ahead companies are trying to rally parties for support some wanting to go once reforms are pushed through the former e.u. commissioner plans to stay on until the twenty thirteen election the clock is ticking for greece with a new prime minister fifteen week coalition. faces a confidence vote on wednesday and says securing the next played out is a priority that is country must stick with the u.s. business editor nick poole explores how the single currency is normals have led some countries to ruins rather than reach its. it was supposed to bring peace and prosperity for all but for
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a while it did but now the euro is costing people their jobs their pensions and even the democratic rights from the beginning the floors were there for everyone to see the skeptic said the economy is a bit like that it's the increase which is too different from germany in finland too regulated by one system but optimism and idealism carried the day and a new currency was born it was strong and stable and was regulated in ways that german central bank might approve of there in lay the seeds of the problem greece italy portugal and spain now had their hands on a strong currency and could borrow against it and unlike before the interest rates they would have to pay would be much less so they could borrow much more which is what they did italy currently has a debt to g.d.p. ratio around one hundred twenty percent greece is more than one hundred sixty percent that's a bit like somebody with an income of twenty thousand dollars a year i mean thirty two thousand on their credit card they would you can cross the banks were and many more money the flat screen t.v.
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would be repossessed and would be a diet of cabbage and potatoes in the worst case. it's similar for a country but instead public sector pay is cut and thousands of people are forced out of jobs. greece and italy always had the possibility of devaluing the currency when times were bad this had the effect of lowering total debt and of conferring a competitive advantage as products services and labor became cheaper and this stimulated economic growth it also made people poor as the money in their pockets was worth less but crucially it did not result in mass redundancies especially not imposed by a foreign power under a hard currency like the euro this option is no longer available to the indebted nations so instead they must part because they remain uncompetitive they cannot grow the worst of both worlds. the cool there are the politicians fail to cook and they don't greece and italy soaring we're doing the question now is
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whether the economic hit squads can do any better financial expert max kaiser is far from convinced saying the bank is behind the scenes of continuing to play the system and night of the living death and all of the zombie bankers we can't get rid of them you can't kill them they live to bank another day they are a plague around the world and certainly in europe there are no law actions but they're putting bankers in charge to bring about total banker domination as the world goes down a slippery slope into banker hell in place of the elected officials put in place i don't like the bankers and of course they work together they work with the central banks to keep the keys keeping interest rates near zero percent because this allows them to fund their speculations of zero cost they don't want to spend any money to borrow money to put the outrages of bets on the table and every time they lose a bed they impose more austerity measures every time they win
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a bet they keep one hundred percent of the profits in the eurozone they have an opportunity to bring all the balance sheets of all the countries together and create new lending facilities like that which is a new five trillion euro lending facility and they want to build on that to create ten twenty trillion euro lending facilities because bankers get paid on how much debt they create nevermind the fact that to pay for the debt ultimately their film pose more austerity measures more austerity measures more debt more fees for bankers more financial terrorism. well coming up later in the program torture and abuse on america's watch ten years of the worst kuantan of a bay prison and it's still going strong despite widespread condemnation and president obama's pledges to close it also. that strange noise is creating a buzz among radio enthusiasm around the world investigate what it could mean and
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where it may be coming from in a few minutes. sacked former mayor cough being questioned by the russian interior ministry so after some half a billion dollars from the bank of moscow two years ago the case also involves his billionaire wife has been evading investigation and is now abroad let's get some more details on this from artistical greaves in moscow. jacob why is this case proving to be so high profile do you think. all comes down to the people and characters involved in this embezzle case now as you mention the clues that are for moscow mary yuri luzhkov eighteen years really at the forefront of the problem of man in russian and moscow politics now being forced to attend the building just behind me to give evidence as a witness now among those on the list is also death of his wife elaine about serena
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she is regarded by forces russia's richest woman should still be sought after for questioning by the t.v. she so far refusing to attend court summons alleging that spawned the quest of her husband yuri luzhkov it will take us back to two thousand and nine and then the bank of moscow's grants a bailout actually russia's largest ever paid out so bank total in just under half a billion dollars and investigates a large chunk of that is actually stifling doff as they say city who grants a load to premier estates are in their eyes a bogus real estate for some of four hundred twenty seven million dollars and investigators claim that ended up in the county of your lane of battery and so far she has denied any wrongdoing though she is due to attend court summons for further questioning on this issue day really the mainstay of attention surrounding that for may year luzhkov it's his first major hard profile appearance since his dismissal from office just september of last year on the back of an eighteen year reign as
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moscow where bush towards the end three laws by scandal and also allegations of corruption speaking very interested in what you have to say here today. ok if his decrees in moscow thank you for that. pressure is on warning against imposing new sanctions on iran saying the policy has outlived its usefulness the prime minister's comments follow the diplomatic fallout from a u.n. nuclear watchdog reports suggesting tehran could be developing an atomic weapon. has been hearing how further sanctions could backfire on america and europe. it's actually we're at a point where we've run out of things to sanction and we're actually looking at things that are going to ourselves there is talk of iran central bank which would effectively taking iranian oil off the market and you know it could put the world
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into economic tailspin there's really there's two paths here either you do the military thing which has been presented as ok or one off strikes and then you know it's over but in reality and what the u.s. to press secretary recently said is that the best that that would do is set iran's program back by two or three years you would see them rapidly escalate the program they'd go into you know manhattan project sort of mentality and pursue a nuclear weapon out right and you know in a lot of respects be driven into that. the other alternative for the military action is full scale war which nobody can afford right now then the other path that you have is a diplomatic resolution and that's sort of the path that not a lot of people are willing to talk about but if the end goal is to solve this and not do immense damage to the u.s. and the globe there is going to have to be a day in the future when we are at the table with iran and we actually set up an agreement where iran is not able to develop
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a nuclear weapons capability they have safeguards on their program and you know we address some of the issues that we have concerns about and we have avoided a devastating war. but on the cooperation to weaken iran might already be underway as artsy reports of light we investigate claims that israel's intelligence agency could be behind an explosion at a military base in iran killed seventeen people including a key figure a defense also. close make jenny a russian rocket is said the crew of three on its way to the international space station for a successful launch of monday these are the stories you'll think it's just a click away at our team thought. the world's most notorious military prison is still open for business despite repeated pledges by president of not to get it close down ten years since george w. bush open the ground a facility interesting thought i think ations of torture and abuse recitative
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reported recently appalled believes his country is betraying the principles it promotes. we're we're hypocrites we're your disability has actually fought every p.b.s. corpus case that has appeared in a d.c. court room so you know we're very good at preaching but not practicing what we're preaching so it's integrity it's credibility credibility is is the number one issue right now. there is a lot of rhetoric there's a lot of promises that have been made it's political this came down to deal making with senators such as john mccain lindsey graham where they would not get behind certain policies that the president wanted to push forward unless there were promises made that first of all guantanamo would remain open but military commissions would continue i think that for the most part it's fear mongering and
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it's politically charged. of a lot of world news for you know the size of nuclear contamination in japan is proving to be worse than expected and radioactive material in parts of the northeast exceeding levels safer from it is the first detail the estimates of the pollution caused by the machine with disaster and much more production in the contaminated areas these militants a piece of video makes it. a killing spree in germany he's being linked to a near nazi terrorist cell just because it's went unnoticed if a it's a connect a known far right from the unsolved murders of migrant workers and these women that's been described shameful chancer. think came to light with one suspect. to others and suicide. among the hundreds of radio stations in russia is one that seemingly out of this world instead of music or news these broadcasts
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are mysterious releases and louis is and should left radio and. baffle r.t.c. office going off investigates. this sound has been gripping the imagination of radio spotters worldwide for over three decades. the u.v.b. seventy six also known as the basel. first aroused my interest because it is so strange personally i think it's a legacy device that in the late seventy's or eighty's. the military operations at the time of its original. p.c. is been going like this since the start whenever that was. sometimes the buzzer started in a male robotic like voice it was just names and numbers in russian. is
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the soviet union's and now russia's contact with spies or even civilizations from other worlds. yes life has been a radio fan since his childhood he's also had his share of the budget but his explanation of his purpose is much more down to earth one of. this sort of connections to stream the reliable it will shut down in cases where a large nuclear explosion but only for a few hours it's not dependable anything about why it's still widely used today by the army the idea is pretty simple i knew to be a radio station sends out the buzzer which is received by other army bases by stopping the buzzer operators signals that if a man called off the letters and numbers is about to be broadcast and when the transmission is complete there was a turns on again you just lost said moscow's radio spot in community nor were the
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signal used to come from a piece outside of the capital but this is what you saw that. and this man is the only living soul we could find on the spot he used to work at the beach and still lives in the village nearby. but it is used to be one of the best units in the country but two years ago we received an order to shut it down we were told it consumed too much energy ok there is also another similar unit it still. could be that the legendary bowser used to be out of the building and is the signal coming from now. who won't be able to find any signs of that mysterious transamerica here because the equipment was literally ripped out of the walls and floors of the building when the bee thought. things are actually still here journal would be less leading back to me two thousand and nine.
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but the sound. never it's coming from. causing through the radio either of almost as if it always has. a simple technology that's comparable my. car to. a mystery indeed well on the way better in a russian diplomat explains why the country is against tougher military measures in the escalating syrian conflict but first let's check out the business news now with you here. thanks carrie her own welcome to the business update top officials from the world's leading gas exporting countries on meeting in doha and trim them they hold more than two thousand of the world's gas reserves and the summit same's at balancing
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the interests of both producers and consumers another discussion of similar topics is underway in moscow up the animal gals of russia for me this is our she is not in acosta is following both events good morning marina so what's firing up delegates of both talks. one of the main points today is a pricing it's no secret european countries are not happy with russia's gas boom right now because it links import rates to oil prices making them face billion euro losses and many believe that with the current market conditions right now russia should rethink its pricing formula and the world's biggest gas producer may be going for a compromise right now considering giving and the missional level of support in the station less than five percent at the same time right now ministers meeting and it's hard are expected to call for every situation of a price later or oil to save long term gas contracts and another issue that's important to mention is europe's third energy package which requires the separation
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of energy production transportation and sales gas from which goes against all of that says that it's ready to compete on the european market but it wants to see changes to the packaging part and acceptable solution for all parties involved russia's energy minister who's there right now give us his outline the main concerns for russia when it comes to gas right now. one of the spoke words here with a firstly it's the supremacy of the long term gas contracts with our partner because we've relied on their strategy and will stick to it in future secondly it's the principle of linking natural gas prices to oil prices we believe that natural gas should not cost less than a crude just because natural gas meets high ecological requirements in an issue be priced in where the market can you which will come with a flick of. the demand for energy is skyrockets right now in russia's role is crucial to meeting that extra demand of major consumers and the international
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energy agency actually expects natural gas consumption to double bytes one c. a thirty five and also now with germany abandon a nuclear energy it will need a lot more power stations worth around fifteen a billion euros and russia's energy minister has already said that russia is ready to finance a large scale project and castro has already forecast that next year european gas sales will increase by about eight percent and of course will be more volumes with a newly launched nordstrom gas pipeline so it's really essential for gas from to iron out its differences with its european partners thank you very much archies morgan acosta reporting from the gas forum here in moscow and let's check on the markets courage is trading near you today alone speculation but your role struggle to contain its debt crisis providing some support for prices on expectations that's a report by the u.s. energy department chew on wednesday may show declining fuel stockpiles and the u.s.
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might just raising that. ninety s at ninety eight dollars a barrel by a branch is hovering at one hundred twelve dollars per barrel. in asia the markets traded in the right for you to tell him boring cost search which revived concern that europe's debt crisis is spreading. from european markets a low in trade to european stock markets opened a lot with euro zone that is once again plaguing investors and all eyes on rising spanish and italian bond yields and finally hit most of the markets. and it trades with the r.t.s. and the much sustaining over one percent. that's all we have time for knowledge on it for another business update in less than fifteen minutes so we've got most of us want websites are shut off com slash business.
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