tv [untitled] November 15, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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being from the streets of canada. for a show to rule the day. tonight peaceful protests and a rough response the worst police move into a rest occupy activists evicting their camp a new york park head of the anti corporate movement's two month anniversary. moscow steps up its efforts to mediate a diplomatic deal in syria hosting members of the country's opposition and urging them to hold talks with the government. last reaping the rewards of war british firms line up to exploit libya's rich oil and gas reserves with lucrative contracts on offer from the transitional government. demands for natural gas is expected to increase significantly over the coming decades and russia is trying to maintain
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its grasp on this market find out how and business of the instant you look. it's nine pm tuesday night here in moscow welcome if you just joined us you're watching our with me kevin oh in this hour on the birthplace of the anti corporate occupier movement in new york has been raided and cleared out by police hundreds of protesters have been counted in zuccotti park for two months have been evicted offices reportedly use force to kick out some of the activists with witnesses suggesting pepper spray and tear gas are also used authorities removed all the tents citing health and safety concerns the protesters say that's just an excuse to sabotage a massive demonstration that was planned for thursday that is more important the latest. here city mayor michael bloomberg says the first amendment protects free
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speech may not be used. to occupy a park and this is why that billionaire mayor says that we have this richmond she says i think park they cannot bring any up there ok. start your sleeping back however the workers who work the fuck you i ask that will say a recorder has been issued to allow protesters to read anything that i answered tense back to zuccotti park. to report to new york city judge said that mayor bloomberg bus show cause for the big king the occupy wall street protesters from zuccotti park early tuesday morning when hundreds of police officers dozens of them in bright peer moved into zuccotti park it was somewhat of a secret the the activists were not foot notified and they knew of this when the cops came in with flood lights and sirens and manjit that all of those occupiers
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that had been living there about two hundred m. or so and we need it leave and remove their property from the park and i didn't miss says he saw fox using pocket knives to keep hoping that tends to some people were sleeping and yelling for them to get out to many of the protesters did the peacefully many of them horrid shock they didn't realize what was happening what was going on hundreds of cops were surrounding them but other activists did resist some tied themselves to trees and there was a video that's been seen and shown in the film of some of their resisting octave is being manhandled by the police least seventy people thus far have been arrested and some eyewitnesses say that sound cannons were used by the n.y.p.d. to try to evacuate anybody any of the occupy activists that were resisting to leave the park this is maybe rallied more support for the for the for the movement but at
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the same time it has been a huge blow. when occupy cruised through the new york at the time of the police raid says that the authorities heavy handed response has been an infringement of civil liberties. what i saw was essentially wall to wall and cops in riot gear. i've never seen so many police cars in my entire life i think that americans have no choice try to essentially raise these grievances with government because our government has been controlled by factions you know every institution of society from the press and the cynics where to elections are controlled by jonathan factions that are essentially you know creating a neary isn't uses of a government that preys on the resources and the spirits of citizens this is the state of a democratic republic it is in decay. this continued tally on the part of the cox especially coming out to a and you know not to even arresting you know members of
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the press not allowing any of the press to fill in what was going on i think that it's essentially going to create more dissent in this country because this is not an ideological protests this is a protest that is based on people actually experiencing the consequences of a government that preys on the resources and the spirits of citizens you can arrest an idea you know occupy to me individually is the civic square in america and i doubt americans are going to continue to allow our civic square to be taken from us . we've been as you've been safely from watching us for last two months keeping a very close eye on the nationwide standoff between americans occupy protesters and the police of course problems following everything they've been seeing witnessing at the scene if you want to keep abreast of the latest visit artie's twitter feed for the latest information first hand we've got most recent footage as well of the protests you can catch that annoy you choose channel.
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moscow is hosting a high profile members of syria's opposition in the latest attempt to urge them towards talks with the country's government it comes a day after the credit and slammed western countries are backing syrian anti regime forces and their attempts to overthrow president bashar assad is peter all over reports. well what we've heard from the syrian opposition delegation today is very interesting indeed they said that they would like to see a u.n. resolution put in place now this u.n. resolution would not be a resolution allowing any foreign military intervention that is something that they
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are vehemently against they share that stance with russia this would be a u.n. resolution allowing observers on the ground in the country and allowing observers to to see what's going on at the embattled cities that are still under siege in syria now they also said that they would continue to keep on calling for the resignation the stepping down of president bashar al assad and they called on the international community to help with us. we have said that we want to give a political solution to the crisis a chance and this is also the demand of the syrian people therefore we're calling on those countries that want a peaceful outcome to put pressure on the president to step down we do want to prevent any military involvement in the syrian crisis intervention repetition of the libyan scenario we are in favor of a peaceful solution through negotiations. on saturday the arab league announced
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that they were going to suspend syria from their organization now but suspensions are expected to be rather stunted a meeting all the way to stay in morocco this really leaves assad and syria alone in the arab world we heard from the king of jordan king abdullah saying that if he was in assad's position that he would be considering stepping down himself. the news this syria had be would be suspended from the arab league was greeted with this may here in russia story minister sergei lavrov saying it was counterproductive to an ongoing discussions of peace and to getting people to the table to talk this out saying they supply suspending see. area from the arab league that they give the opposition parties to try and implement regime change instead of trying to talk this out and finding a peaceful solution now the news that syria would be suspended from the arab league
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caused thousands of people to take to the streets of damascus and other cities across the country protesting against this we saw some protests outside of the embassies of saudi arabia and qatar two nations which voted to suspend syria from the league the people of syria and damascus they clearly thinking that the suspension of syria from the arab league not the way to bring about peace in the country. of course one paper all over there will be time anti government forces inside syria are also turning up the heat on the regime scores of state security officers have been suspended army defectors in the south of the country tuesday's been especially. with nearly one hundred killings recruited us estimating our total of more than three and a half thousand people have lost their lives in the uprising foreign journalists are banned from moving around freely in syria making it virtually impossible to confirm any of the reports hisham jaber from the center for middle east studies told me the regime should open its doors to the media so that the world can see
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what's really happening. to stop the military action we have to stop it from both ways when they ask the syrian government to stop military operations who will convince the surgeon to stop their military are there there is an operation against the execution in syria there is a large mass media that syria has not could not until today contains all the words that they do. and the international community is not with them for about what's going on in syria i think if the senior world opened their doors to the mass media they would sure the whole world that there is all our fighting can not only their governments but the institutions of the state and they are killing people and the government of syria must use your security forces to start up those are the turks. principled position to take the lion's share of the spoils of libya's vast
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postwar all reserves london city executives have been offered lucrative oil and gas contracts as the national transitional council's business opportunities to foreign investors a correspondent laura smith. the effort to topple gadhafi was an effort that was certainly initially led by the u.k. and also france and the u.k. sense and its air force and it also used its navy to make a naval blockade around libya and now the national transitional council in libya is saying that its friends will be rewarded and these are not just words we've seen a couple of trips in the last two weeks or so earlier this month the u.k. department of trade and industry of working party to libya to have a look around see what needed doing what needed rebuilding and now the national transitional council has come to london to hold a meeting with top city business executives to drum up interest of what they're
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calling massive opportunities in rebuild libya so what we're seeing really is this direct correlation between participation in the effort to oust gadhafi and contracts that are awarded afterwards we know that libya has the biggest oil reserves in africa but this seems to give more fuel to that argument seems to make it more obvious that the constant professions of this humanitarian goal seem to have been made a mockery of by this and as someone said to me last we form you know we destroy and now we get the contract to rebuild the place and that there is this seemingly direct correlation as i say and we also heard at the time of reports of evidence of bartering before nato even got involved in this we've heard reports that the national transitional council told the french that if they sent in their war planes then the libyans eventually would awards to tell the french all companies thirty five percent of all contracts are up for grabs and for the u.k.
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of course which which is looking like it could be one of the main players in this this is turned out to be excellent business and estimates vary as to how much the the war cost the u.k. but it was sort of settled around half a billion dollars now and now we're looking at thirty billion dollars in contracts up for grabs over the next ten years so it certainly looks like an excellent investment. that is laura smith in london just ahead the radio station with something of an enigmatic message. now right there in south much but that bizarre noise has sparked interest a lot of it among radio enthusiasm around the world we go investigating what it could mean and where it might be coming from in just a few minutes time. italy the newly appointed prime minister mario monti is hard at work creating a controversial new technocrat government it's expected to be made up of unelected
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experts rather than politicians to try to rescue the country from its towering debt crisis and once that team is formed of the probably designate will face a confidence vote in parliament that could be as soon as this week he'll then need to work through a juice at least deficit and boost its economic growth under immense pressure from the e.u. meantime focusing on grace the new pm there lucas papademos says that he's determined to keep the country in the euro zone if you coalition government has to approve a one hundred thirty billion euro bailout deal despite harsh austerity measures already in place in the country our business said it's a big pool takes a look at where it all went wrong for the bringing once proud nation to their needs . it was supposed to bring peace and prosperity for all for a while but now the euro is costing people their jobs their pensions and even the democratic rights from the beginning the flaws with for everyone to see skeptics
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the economies of the likes of sleep increase which is different from germany in finland to be regulated by one system but optimism and idealism carried the new currency was paul and it was strong and stable and was regulated in ways that german central bank might approve of but very later seeds of the problem greece italy portugal and spain hands on a strong currency war against it and on like before. the interest rates they would have to pay would be much less so they could pour a much more which is what they did italy currently has a debt to g.d.p. ratio around one hundred twenty percent greece is more than one hundred sixty percent that's a bit like somebody with an income of twenty thousand dollars a year and when thirty two thousand on the credit card they will be bankrupt the banks won't lend them any more money the flat screen t.v. will be repossessed and will be a diet of cabbage and potatoes in the worst case the house will go it's similar for a country but instead public sector pay its cars and thousands of people are forced
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out of jobs before the euro greece and italy always had the possibility of devaluing the currency when times were that this had the effect of lowering total debt and of conferring a competitive advantage as products services became cheaper and this stimulated economic growth it also made people poorer as the money in their pockets was worth less but crucially it did not result in mass redundancies especially not imposed by foreign powers under hard currency like the euro this option is no longer available to the indebted nations so instead they must cart because they remain uncompetitive they cannot grow the worst of both worlds. former mayor your english coffers preen interrogated by the russian interior ministry over the case of iran half a billion dollars thought of it embezzled from the bank of moscow two years ago the case also involves the wife russia's richest woman who allegedly evaded the investigation and is currently abroad jake aggrieved has been following the
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developments. they we had for mayor yuri luzhkov arriving in the building behind me upon the request of the interior ministry to answer questions there is a witness to give evidence now that last about four and a half hours after he left he did promise to return again with further questioning in the future in this case here also seeking to question his wife elena. case actually dates back to two thousand and nine and then city hall portières in the bank of moscow for just under half a billion dollars investigators say that if the parts of softened up disguised as a load to premiere of bogus company and they actually arrived they say in the count of a lane of a private and personal accounts so far she denied any wrongdoing in this matter yury luzhkov laws the hearing today said that a new best case has been appointed to look into the actions of the dealings of bank
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of moscow at this time in two thousand and nine. in the future that really should remain only as a witness in this case and nothing else yuri luzhkov resigned in power for eighteen years preside over a long period change in the cat food as well with massive construction that ten year old came to an end just last year september on the back of allegations of corruption and really his quarter final completion of the prison expressed they no longer trusted. over moscow million of a tour for her part well she's she described as force of russia's richest woman she's also actually amassed a fortune as a real estate tycoon jury knows days of course because struction booms are two very prominent people people still very interested and what they have to say. world news in brief reported u.s. drone strike in pakistan's north as a result the region's killed six suspected militants intelligence officials say the
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drone fired two missiles on an alleged surgeon base in the mirror and sharia he was claimed several groups linked to salt's against nato forces in afghanistan are located in the area pakistan's tribal areas have been hit by more than sixty american drone attacks since the start of the year. maoist rebels in west bengal india of called off a month long ceasefire the group ended the truce after government failed to meet their demands to withdraw forces from the region say the country's indigenous tribal people and the rural poor rebels have a violent history in india just last year they killed over one hundred people in a train crash by allegedly sabotaging the rails. amount of radioactive contamination in the soil in northeastern japan succeeded levels considered safe for farming the massive earthquake and tsunami triggered an explosion in the fukushima power plant in march that when a low grade evoked of material to leak into the surrounding areas food production in the region is likely to be severely affected. this is to be story of the day the
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next two and mysterious broadcasts coming from summer and russia radio enthusiasm puzzled for decades the hidden transmitter just broadcasts a strange series of beeps and buzzes stopping only to announce names in russian but it leaves some wondering what its purpose actually is not easy go to risk an off shoot in. the sound has been gripping the imagination of radio spotters worldwide for over three decades. the u.v.b. seventy six also known as the was our. first aroused my interest because it is so strange personally i think it's a legacy device that's in the late seventy's or eighty's. the military operations of the time and storage and this is in.
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the sea it's been going like this since the start whenever that was were sometimes the was or stops in the mail robotically voice lists names and numbers in russian. is the soviet union's and now russia's contact with spies or even civilizations from other worlds. u.s. law has been a radio fans since his childhood he's also had his share of the browser but his explanation of his purpose is much more down to earth when the first. this sort of connection is extremely reliable it will shut down in case of a large nuclear explosion but only for a few hours i mean it's not a tennis ball anything that's why it's still widely used today by the army the idea is pretty simple a military radio station sends out a buzzer which is received by other army bases by stopping the buzzer operator signals that
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a command called off the letters and numbers is about to be broadcast when the transmission is complete the buzzer sounds on again you just lost said moscow's radios departing community nor were the signal used to come from a base outside of the capital but this is what we saw that and this man is the only living soul we could find. on the spot he used to work it would be nice and still would still a good deal by. a little but it is used to be one of the best units in the country but two years ago we received an order to shut it down we were told it consumed too much energy there is also another similar unit it still operates could be that the legendary buzzer used to give out of the building and with is the signal coming from now it looks like we were only able to find any signs of that mysterious transmitter in here because the equipment was literally ripped out of the walls and
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floors of the building when the beast was shut down things are actually still here journal with the last entry leading back to me two thousand and nine. but the sounds. were never it's coming from. rosie through the radio as if you. believe. the simple technology that's conquered the morning. he got to school for. most of the. what a mystery call some people have baffled them by the transmissions they are receiving seems others are more concerned about signals they might be sending because they don't know who is listening in as we report online tonight we hear that the big brother taxi is to make his dead you're the prettiest city giver hawksford is the local council there's all the old bison crowd to be equipped with c.c.t.v. cameras recording bugger all vo and video good idea or not what do you think about
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that also for you by a big hollywood superstar brad pitt reportedly approaches the soviet era t. fifty four times after he fell in love with it apparently waller filming is a later movie and also online in a nod to our top story on his part movement go to our team don't come from or the musician who performed an anthem called a protest in front of barack obama in the apec leaders during a state dinner. travels very soon tonight we're going to journey to russia seventh largest city so not to find out what used to house many foreign embassies are in the second world war as well as stalin secret bunker that's to come and about but it's business first with
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dmitri. thanks kevin top officials from the world's leading gas exporting countries have met in doha between them they hold more than two thirds of the world's scarce reserves and their sanity is in the balance in the interests of both producers and consumers another discussion of similar topics took place in moscow at the annual gas of russia for business our team is not in the course or was falling but from. some of the main issues so far have been pricing innovation and competition and it's no secret that many european countries are dissatisfied right now with russia's gas from because it limits its import rights to oil prices and many believe that given the current market conditions russia should rethink its pricing of formula at the same time today ministers meeting in the overall market he said of returning to apply swing to oil to save long term gas contracts and russia's
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energy minister who is saying it's all right now outlined his main concerns for us one of the spoke with. firstly it's the supremacy of the long term gas contracts with which we've relied on the strategy and will stick to it in future secondly it's the principle of linking natural gas prices to oil. we believe that natural gas should not cost less than a crude just because natural gas meets high ecological requirements and this should be priced in by the market when it comes to the immediate future gas home has already forecast an increase in european cells next year of around eight per cent and of course will be more volumes now with a newly launched nord stream gas supply plane so it's really essential for gas to iron out its differences with its european counterparts saying look at the markets they're looking for direction in the united states retail sales come in better than expected for the second consecutive month which did give an initial boost to the
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dow but now it's down by a quarter of a percent the nasdaq is filling up. this is the closing picture in europe well of london and flat frankfurt was down almost five percent eurozone debt worries once again weighing on investors on rising spanish and italian bond. in their ranks but the main losers. in sure it's. while it was fairing in that negative ground most of the session the r.t.s. m i six i managed to end the day. let's suppose that if we did see declines in financial stocks bonds burbank managed to recover by the end of the session point six percent in the black car make up the buzz is lower one point three percent the company has boosted its net profit to russian accounting standards more than five and a half for the european first nine months not supporting the stock as you can see that lukoil one of the biggest gainers one point three percent on its.
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russian can make a guess as reported a profit for the first half of twenty eleven following a loss in the same period last year and that's income reached almost fifty million dollars with a company benefiting from the market we have to remember jasmine was on the verge of bankruptcy in two thousand and nine and managed to restructure one billion dollars worth of debt and significantly cut costs the c.e.o. of the company spoke to business r.t. . if you look at the first we had twenty nine percent growth of revenue. we came in a. very strong performance very strong performance by zero zero zero dealers please look at the second half will be even stronger. we will finish three hundred thirty two hundred forty billion rubles of revenue. for more on these and other stories you can always log on to a website called forward slash business where you can join around fifty five
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