tv [untitled] November 15, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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tonight peaceful protests and the rough response u.s. police moving to arrest occupy activists the victims their camp in new york harbor head of the anti corporate movement's two month anniversary we bring up to date on the latest. moscow steps up its efforts to mediate a diplomatic deal in syria hosting members of the country's opposition urging them to hold talks with the government. plus reaping the rewards of war british firms line up to exploit libya's rich oil and gas reserves with lucrative contracts on offer for the transitional government.
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it's eleven pm tuesday night here in moscow welcome you watching r.t. with me kevin now in our top story for you the birthplace of the anti corporate occupy movement in new york has been raided and cleared out by the police hundreds of protesters who've been counted in zuccotti park for two months now been evicted offices reportedly used force to kick out some of the activists with witnesses suggesting pepper spray tear gas was used authorities removed all the tents citing health and safety concerns but the protesters say that's just an excuse to sabotage a massive demonstration they have planned for thursday out is more important i as the latest. here city mayor michael bloomberg says the first amendment protects free speech but not used. to occupy a park and this is why the billionaire mayor says that when activists zuccotti park they cannot bring any up their tents tarts or sleeping that. however the lawyers
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for the occupy activists say a working order has been issued to allow protesters to green. tents back to zuccotti park forty two reports of new york city judge said that mayor bloomberg bus show cause for the occupy wall street protesters from zuccotti park early tuesday morning when hundreds of police officers dozens of them clad in bright pierre moved into zuccotti park it was somewhat of a secret the activists were not foot notified and they knew of this when the cops came in with flood lights and sirens and demanded that all of those occupiers that had been living there about two hundred or so we've immediately and removed their property from the park i believe mrs he's soft spots you think he was sick open the tennis fans and people were sleeping and he yelling for them to get out maybe the
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protesters did leave peacefully many of them were shot he didn't realize what was happening what was hoing large hundreds of cops were surrounding them but other activists did resist some tied themselves to trees there was a video that's been seen and shown in the film of some of their resisting octave is being manhandled by the police. seventy people as far have been arrested and some eyewitnesses say that sound cannons were used by the n.y.p.d. to try to evacuate anybody any of the it is that were resisting to leave the park this is maybe rally even more support for the for the for the little bit but at the same time it has been a huge book an occupier archivist who's in new york at the time the police rogue says that the authorities heavy handed response was an infringement on civil liberties. what i saw was essentially wall to wall and
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cops riot gear. i've never seen so many police cars in my entire life i think that americans have no choice try to essentially raise these grievances with government because our government has been controlled by factions you know every institution of society from the press and the civic square to elections are controlled by dominant factions that are essentially you know creating a neary bills in abuses of a government that preys on the resources and the spirits of citizens this is the state of our democratic republic it is indicate that this continued who can tally on the part of the cocks especially coming at two am you know not a lot even arresting you know members of the craft not allowing any of the press to typical what was going on i think that it's essentially going to create a war dissent in this country because this is not an ideological protests this is a protest that is based on people actually experiencing the consequences of
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a government that preys on the resources and the spirits of citizens you can arrest an idea you know occupy to me individually is the civic square in america and i doubt americans are going to continue to our civic square to be taken from us. just like you know keeping a very close eye on the nationwide standoff between america's occupy protesters and the police will know if you watch the last two months our correspondents following all the developments from the scene updating on the artes twitter feed for the latest information first pounding get the info as we get it and get the most recent footage too of those protests that somehow you choose channel. it's.
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also hosting a high profile members of syria's opposition in the latest attempt the words of the world's top some of the country's government it comes a day after the kremlin slammed western countries are backing syrian regime forces in the returns to overthrow president bashar al assad peter all of the reports. well what we've heard from the syrian opposition delegation today is very interesting indeed they said that they would like to see a u.n. resolution put in place now this u.n. resolution would not be a resolution allowing any foreign military intervention that is something that they are vehemently against they share that stance with russia that this would be a u.n. resolution allowing observers on the ground in the country and allowing observers to to see what's going on at the embattled cities that are still under siege in
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syria now they also said that they would continue to keep on calling for the resignation the stepping down of president bashar al assad and they called on the international community to help with us. we have said that we want to give a political solution to the crisis a chance and this is also the demand of the syrian people therefore we are calling on those countries that want a peaceful outcome to put pressure on the president to step down we do want to prevent any military involvement in the syrian crisis and prevent a repetition of the libyan scenario we are in favor of a peaceful solution through negotiations. on saturday the arab league announced that they were going to suspend syria from their organization now that suspensions expected to be rubber stamped and a meeting on wednesday in morocco this really leaves assad and syria alone in the arab world we heard from the king of jordan king abdullah saying that if he
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was in a position that he would be considering stepping down himself. the news this syria had the would be suspended from the arab league was greeted with dismay here in russia the story minister sergei lavrov saying it was counterproductive to an ongoing discussions of peace it's a getting people to the table to talk this out and say missed by suspending so. a year from the arab league did they give the opposition the impetus to try and implement regime change instead of trying to talk this out in finding a peaceful solution no the news that syria would be suspended from the arab league caused thousands of people to take to the streets of damascus and other cities across the country protesting against this we saw some protests outside of the embassies of saudi arabia and qatar two nations which voted to suspend syria from
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the league the people of syria and damascus they clearly thinking that the suspension of syria from the arab league not the way to bring about peace in the country the correspondent peter all overwhelming time anti government forces inside syria are also turning up the heat on the regime scores of state security officers were gunned down by suspected army defectors in the south of the country choose those especially bloody day for syria with nearly one hundred killings reported today the u.n. is estimating that a total of more than three and a half thousand people have lost their lives and rising so far foreign journalists are banned from moving around freely and syria could have virtually impossible to confirm many of the reports let's get some perspective now this is patrick is reporter from the online magazine spike patrick very good evening thanks for being on r.t. will be heading toward wednesday syria's suspension from the arab league is expected to be finalized then turn in the core part when libya was suspended we of course saw outside intervention taking place are we going to see
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a similar scenario where in syria do you think. well i mean it is certainly the case that in march this year when libya was suspended from the arab league i think that was very much seem to of paved the way for the u.n. and then effectively nato to come in and to intervene and i think increasingly the arab league you know hardly representative in many ways of the middle east and people you know you have saudi arabia bahrain. you know how that actually done similar things to what the syrian government is doing now basically acting who is an extension of the international community and i think really in that sense they are effectively kind of pandering to western interests because really america is no longer feels like it's or thora t. in the region in the same way that it used to be so now hides behind groups like the arab league like the un like the i.a.e.a. which we saw the other day who are doing weapons inspections in both syria and iran at the moment in order to try and effectively go behind the scenes speed this on
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its choose these kind of organizations as almost puppet groups to voice their own interests western interests and i think that's really problematic alternately it should be for the arab league that are representative of middle eastern people a tool to determine what happens in syria it should be for the syrian people to to really get engaged in their struggle so if you're dictator should they so choose and anything any external intervention be it un observers or anyone else who starts meddling in syria is also really going to make that situation worse it's going to take away from the struggle at it must be really for it to be a true democratic struggle which is for the syrian people to try and write up and overthrow you know the government should they they they want to do as a lot of western powers are saying that they won't see western powers typically want to speak on behalf of the syrian people and think they're in a part better position than the syrian people themselves to do so where are we
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tonight goes this all rumbles on it's been eight months now these protests calling for assad to step thousands of people have been killed is there any end in sight or is syria closer to a full blown civil war. but i mean one thing it's quite hard to get objective reporting in syria i mean there's some good stuff going on but at the same time there are a lot of pious reports coming out there's a lot of interest play when it comes to actually finding out what's going on on the ground so actually getting to the heart of that is really problematic but i mean i really stress at this i think you know the more you have you on observers going in . on the ground and intervening and monitoring what's going on the more you have the threat of economic sanctions which can often really get the people as much as they can the governments the more you have these kind of outside interventions and see the longer more protracted the struggle actually be in these these countries so i mean i don't actually hold and i think actually fundamentally it can be
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a long protracted struggle when you have a western another how it's intervening also can really get in the way of trying to build a ship or a true position for me in these countries we're seeing that in libya now where reflectively what you've got other you know the lackeys of the west in charge who don't really have democratic legitimacy let me say thought through a struggle to get rid of these things take for the partner isn't some outside intervention needed to try and get the sides rather negotiating table after all at the moment the opposition speaking it was going to progress. well there is always lot session we try to boost peacefully and unfortunately it isn't always the case that you can always do things smoothly in peacefully certainly a start isn't taking that approach and you can understand why the opposition isn't to some extent but i mean these struggles need to play out that you can't always just intervene and try and try and do it in the most what kind of the west will see is the most humane way possible unfortunately revolutions uprisings it historically and i think today too to require people to really put their life on the line and
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say we're going to fight for this that if we see what we want to try and achieve in syria as being something that goes people just beyond sitting around a table and having polite conversation but actually something that we really need to get through physical violence if necessary and it may well come to that i think this kind of suggestion that people western forces need to intervene to always keep the peace is problematic it's always sad when people lose their lives and struggles but remember often people are fighting for an idea to really try and change things not just for themselves but for future generations and that sometimes us require physical violence and struggle another line today we seem to be ramping up the pressure it's. the cut off the country's electrical power supplies to syria it's also cancelled plans for oil exploration there are many going to see other countries as the clock ticks old reacting in a similar way tightening the pressure until assad steps are again will he take any notice of that. well it does seem like obviously serious becoming increasingly
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isolated on the world stage i mean really the only support that you can rely upon in the middle east now is from iran and it's also pretty kind of isolated in many ways so i mean yes i think people will tighten tighten sanctions but again this can . people like that can the government it also if if a leader like a star is basically put in a corner even you know his kind of place of death if you know it's i mean you're going to have to kind of really fight to try may think power so i can actually have far bloodier far worse implications for the syrian people than actually if western countries just backed off and let them bring about an arab spring revolt in their own country so actually i think the sanctions could actually have unforeseen effects where the syrian people really come out of this far worse because i think really any intervention like this will mean that they will suffer and it won't necessarily be a star in the short term at the very least ok patrick hope support a free online magazine spike thanks for your thoughts on our thank you britain's in
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pole position to take the lion's share of the spoils of libya's vast postwar all reserves london city executives have been offered lucrative oil and gas contracts as the national transitional council is touting for business opportunities to foreign investors our correspondent laura smith. the effort to topple gadhafi was an effort that was certainly initially led by the u.k. and also france and the u.k. sent in its air force and it also used its navy to make a naval blockade around libya and now the national transitional council in libya is saying that it's friends will be rewarded and these are not just words we've seen a couple of trips in the last two weeks or so earlier this month the u.k. department of trade and industry of working party to libya to have a look around see what needed doing what needed rebuilding and now the national transitional council has come to london to hold
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a meeting with top city business executives to drum up interest of what they're calling massive opportunities in. libya so what we're seeing really is this direct correlation between participation in the effort to oust gadhafi and contracts that are awarded afterwards we know that libya has the biggest oil reserves in africa but this seems to give more fuel to that argument seems to make it more obvious that the constant professions of this humanitarian goals seem to have been made a mockery of by this and as someone said to me last week we form you know we destroy and now we get a contract to rebuild the place and that there is this seemingly direct correlation as i say and we also heard at the time of reports of evidence of faltering before nato even got involved in this we heard reports that the national transitional council told the french that if they sent in their war planes then the libyans eventually which awards to tell the french all companies thirty five percent of all
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the oil contracts are up for grabs and for the u.k. of course which which is looking like it could be one of the main players in this this is turned out to be excellent business estimates vary as to how much the the war cost the u.k. but it was sort of settled around half a billion dollars now. and now we're looking at thirteen billion dollars in contracts up for grabs over the next ten years so it's that in that second act things investment. or smith there's been a fresh twist in the controversy surrounding last week's un report into iran's nuclear program u.s. media reports that a mysterious foreign expert allegedly been helping to run develop atomic weapons for more on the subject let's cross to live now via broadband the fresno california of their sun fire as mannish professor at california state university professor thanks for being on the program could be of use tonight now the i recent report as i mentioned there claims that iran's nuclear research was carried out with the help
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of this so-called foreign expert some western media putting the finger of blame on ukrainian the scientists and he's for his part denied it and it appears he's not even a nuclear expert at the end of the day so where does it leave these claims most importantly . it's clear. case that you were mentioning was new should. we. be using google. and you actually mentioned. any link or. called the issue was really. individual there's actually you know. you can go through six.
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or. only. please you or specially here. isis is. so strange. an official reports you have here. you can see yet what we were reporting on it a couple of days before talking about this but just my mind's a bit confused about this no can you just explain the relevance of this chap you're talking about nested down in length oh what was the relevance of the big of him being in that report if indeed at the end of the day wasn't a nuclear expert. team will was there he
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was actually giving lectures in the iran. nuclear scientists and he was helping them we got nuclear weapons but as he said he has the no experience nuclear is. well you know. he just. poured. and when you look at it was. some of. the who called. was. two thousand and four and it has been disputed and iran has. these charges so much of the information in there and. you. can see. who is one of. their only geishas that
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means he. has. i think you've got a message coming in on the screen but we'll let you read that later let's continue with our interview for now i mean we're talking about allegations in reports of course we mediately think we think of a nuclear the two thousand and two before the start of the whole war in iraq before that all played out we heard all about the claims that the country then had. but of course at the end of the day no one could be found if this is a precursor what we're seeing now what happened in iraq do you think. almost the whole was in utero or weaken the war. or oh really will we see for example in utero such as lead to our great plains to be. introduced in europe in. certain parts. as i mentioned in my article we need
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a. actually. in one thousand nine hundred ninety. seven this flies. in the same seems to be happening a yes' been used an instrument to start the war to actually can do regime change in iraq and support with anything but this report out it is as it stands at the moment could that be used for the us to make an excuse to impose tighter sanctions now well the us had been hoping to use series of so he's pulling the story oh twenty minutes ago about some unusual strength to assess the need. and hours ago they were you trying to use that this story as well as these new reports to push for sentient in the un security council. doesn't seem to have
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produced the result that they were getting for. really the countries in that ward especially some european countries. only. and i'm not sure if this report is going to. push or. see anything because the resolution because it seems that russia and china are. luck. to push for a closure of your expert view on the program professor phase when i share pressuring. because you are a california state university thank you. but other news in brief in around the world that first of all u.s. drone strike in pakistan's north waziristan region to kill six suspected militants intelligence officials said the drone fired two missiles on an alleged insurgent base in the middle of sharia and u.s. claims several groups linked to assaults against nato forces in afghanistan are located in the region pakistan's tribal areas have been hit by more than sixty
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american drone attacks since the start of the year. maoist rebels in west bengal india have called off a month long cease fire the group ended the true self of the government failed to meet their demands to withdraw forces from the region saying they're fighting for the country's indigenous tribal people in the rural poor the rebels have a violent history in india just last year they killed over one hundred people of a train crushed by allegedly sabotaging the rails. coming up pretty about ten minutes that banks closed reflects on the future of banks and the e.u. and its beleaguered currency right now a lot to talk about the first of those catch up with the business said to me trees here. with. top officials from the world's leading gas exporting countries have met in doha between them they hold more than two thirds of the world's gas reserves and they're some of the same that balancing the interests of producers and consumers another
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discussion of similar topics took place in moscow at the annual gas of russia for business artie's money because through was following. some of the main issues so far have been pricing innovation and competition it's no secret that many european countries are dissatisfied right now with russia's gas from because it links its import rates to oil prices and many believe that given the current market conditions russia should rethink its pricing of formula at the same time today ministers meeting in doha are considering returning to apply swing to oil to save long term gas contracts and russia's energy minister who's right now outlined his main concerns for us on the book which firstly it's the supremacy of a long term gas contracts with us we've relied on this strategy and will stick to it in future secondly it's the principle of linking natural gas prices to oil prices we believe that natural gas should not cost less than crude just because
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natural gas meter high ecological requirement a mission be priced in by the market when it comes to the immediate future gas from has already forecast an increase in european cells next year over around eight percent and of course will be more volumes now with a newly launched a north stream gas pipeline so it's a really essential for gas brawn to iron out its differences with its european counterparts. so going to markets this hour investors in the u.s. they're getting their minds of europe's debt problems this is news mario monti with support for a new government together with retail sales which came in better than expected for the second month the bajan to seeing a boost of. more than that one point true. but your have no time to react news came in about mario monti's success in forming a new government after the markets for things down by just a notch the backstab by a point nine percent still on worries about the debt situation and rising.
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in russia most of the day was negative but they managed to and lots of positive to klein's in fine. munjal stocks on the my sex and well actually compensated for neander her bank was up point six percent after buzz losing one point three percent the spiked reporting a five point five percent rise in net profits in the first nine months on lukoil was up from high oil prices. russian can make a guess as reported a profit for the first half of twenty eleven that's after reporting a loss in the same period last year and that's income reached almost fifty million dollars with the company benefiting from the higher the not here as well as on the verge of bankruptcy in two thousand i managed to restructure one billion dollars worth of debt significantly cut costs the c.e.o. of the company is positive about the future but if you look at the first have we had trapped a nine percent growth of revenue. we came in at nine point six percent the but they are very strong performance very strong performance by zero zero zero dealers and i
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