tv [untitled] November 16, 2011 3:30am-4:00am EST
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that there is time for a look at the headlines not here now that. the u.n. nuclear watchdog is debating iran's ambitions after its reports claimed it could be building a bomb some media are highlighting the evidence of a mysterious scientists which they wrongly in its russian news credentials are denied by women colleagues. wall street demonstrators demand to be let back into their h.q. after police swept out because he parked in new york court there is banned demonstrators from returning to summer camp also almost two months to protest.
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the money men move into running greece and italy hoping to keep them out of their debts home there's concerns over whether the technocrats priority will be to these the banks other people face the hardship. bus three new crew members get a warm welcome from their cosmic colleagues after reaching the international space station for the new two day journey all six are now in orbit after the russian soyuz rocket successfully talked. when next we hear from inside europe's financial elite as you and p. dirk i think so is this what went wrong with the usa integrating occurrences of sovereign states is easier said than done. europeans will still miss building the european parliament in repeats of the french revolution according to epping a member of the european parliament why are people so fed up with the e.u.
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well i've been become a bit less optimistic because since i wrote the book many things happened in particularly we're facing now a euro crisis a crisis in the eurozone and nobody actually knows what to do we go from one summit to the other every time we think we found a solution just to find out a few weeks later that the problem is still there and even in the bigger size so i think that. we are facing some fundamental questions in the european union and this idea of ever closer union and ever bigger pleasures and ever more institutions is basically the wrong way and we have to take tough positions greece male not gets a second bailout how do you think this year across this will end well this is the big question everybody is wondering actually nobody knows the european parliament doesn't know the commission doesn't know the heads of government don't know everybody hopes for the best but there is no guarantee for success if this crisis
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is lingering or it's going to infect the entire eurozone and not only italy and spain but also for ours so we have been facing a problem that is growing all the time whereas we thought we could menage. by putting greece inside so greece is the worst of the problems but not the only problem there are more problems to it and sometimes wondering whether either it will be solved by greece leaving the eurozone need cuisinart leaving the eurozone it will become worse and worse and worse to stage the point at which for example. germany netherlands finland emotional say ok we're going to leave you and you get a complete break up of the news though of course this is something that may not happen tomorrow but it may be one of the scenarios we have to keep in mind how this
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course is affecting people in the street the currency looks to be still quite strong but that is because the dollar is very weak basically the currencies of the major powers in the world japan the united states and the euro are quite weak but of course what is the effect of this eurozone crisis is that there is little growth actually our economies are not growing in the north they are growing in the south they are not growing and the main problem of the euro crisis is not so much the euro itself it is rather a gap of competitiveness between the north and the south the north is still growing the south is in a crisis in a stagnation in recession and as long as they are in the euro zone it's very hard for them to grow if there's no economic growth it is also because of the fact that investors have no confidence in any growth in the in the eurozone. because for the south of europe the in the euro is too expensive it pushes them into
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a recession even greece and it depression italy in a recession and spain in a recession and portugal in a recession that has forty percent of the eurozone in trouble and the question of causey's whether the currency will survive that could be you citizens actually do if they don't agree with the policy you see the european elites to which i myself also belong always thought we don't we are doing the right thing for the european public we are doing good things nice things and people have to be grateful to us for what we are doing we are creating more institutions big buildings more competences more agencies and people happy about it and actually we see now. the first time is that lots of people are angry with the e.u. and it's not only foreigners it's the man in the street the germans get angry because they do not support bill out of other countries and people in italy and spain and portugal in greece are angry because they say europe is the problem. and
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germany is the problem problem germany should pay faster and more so the public the public opinion in both the south and the north are go in different directions in finland we've seen the rise of the politics the true feelings in in holland we've seen the rise of the project of mr willetts in germany lot of discontent about what's going on. and the same you see in the south for different reasons so there are so many different forces going on that you really have to ask the question whether the euro will survive all this do you leaders on the stand people's problems they still think the fewer things they say about it the better it is every time they have a summit and they will proclaim that they found a solution a solution only last one or two weeks and then another crisis we have another summit i will now go in leaping from summit to summit the man in the street is where it the men in the street doesn't know where this is going to end and they're
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worried because of their savings because of their current pensions and because of the jobs and so a man in the street has the question what's the european leader he is not in charge and doesn't know where to go and that is not an easy solution to but. the european leaders always thought it we're doing the right thing for the citizens and they have to be grateful and what we do should not be challenged and now it is challenged in the streets of of greece and italy and at the ballot box in germany and in finland and this is a message i think the european elites still has to understand the. the european union will survive this crisis i think some countries are very competitive i think scandinavian countries have shown to be competitive and germany is competitive and they're losing a parity with the problem of the european union is that the economies in southern europe are not competitive and they're slipping back and we have this crisis in
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greece which is basically now depression. and we've got a recession or it at least stagnation and italy spain and portugal i think ireland will get out of the problem because it is restoring its competitiveness ireland is really improving but still will have forty percent of the eurozone in trouble and what these countries have to do is to improve and increase their competitiveness and sydney they cannot devalue within the euro zone they have to bring about a sort of a domestic develop ration by reducing salaries by cutting the public sector of making their labor markets more flexible and this is very hard to do because people immediately feel the pain and they start protesting against it's not only against those measures against the entire project of the european union some people are saying that european union is like the soviet union. while they both try to be a sort of union and what the soviet union showed is that if you want to hold more
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noice everything too much in an unnatural way that it will collapse so what we have to be careful about is that we do not try to harmonize everything that is under the sun and legislate on everything that is under the sun peoples in europe the peoples in europe there are all be different or different cultures different languages and we have to keep that into account and we can be successful in european integration if we just know where the limits are but now we're acting as if there are no limits and that integration can go on. without any without any sort of a mechanism. i'm of correction so i think that it's very important to know where these limits are to focus our budget on about five six point to be efficient there and then europe can grow again how these internal divisions affecting the e.u.'s foreign policy it is very simple if britain france and germany agree we have
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a common european foreign policy if they do not agree we don't have one or you have one or two countries acting on the row in this case germany didn't want to support military action against the regime of calling all the duffy. and they even didn't support the resolution the united nations in the security council which was very disappointing i thought so the only alternative was for the british and the french to go ahead with the effort which the european union doesn't have that force so it's the friends of the bridge that will have to take the lead and since the americans were leading from behind as this call these days well we actually had to do it it took much longer of course than in visit. and i hope the regime is now gone forever because gadhafi has been a shame for all of us i have seen all these european leaders kissing and hugging gaddafi bending him thinking that he would be. a modern ruler and advising his son
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and how to write a thesis in the london school of economics these things were all completely wrong in one thing mr gadhafi was a dictator and he has been a dictator all along everybody has seen the downing of the airplane in lockerbie in one thousand eight hundred days so what other prove the unique we knew it and still they go there to start kissing etc and just just a few months later they have one bit so i think it is a real has been a reality check for european leaders who are trying to in case african dictators to be more careful has immigration policy to be you've been a success one of the aims of libya mr gadhafi was to make a sort of a gate for any great. to europe through it's way to early and putting pressure on the european union and getting billions of euro in. but of course here again our immigration policy is not yet really a common immigration policy there are lots of problems there's
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a flow of people from africa from northern african states that we've not been able to deal with that yes we have proclaimed a common integration policy ten years ago and still it doesn't work so a lot of people seem a lot of people are illegal. and lots of people don't want to get a chance to get integrated. so i think it's something we have to work on and this is one of the of the of the. focus points of the portacio the european union should do rather than spend its time on all these speaking projects these are policy areas we have to last in a very short period of time. i think a member of the european parliament thank you for speaking with l.t. .
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eighty. began a journey. where did it take. the official anti allocation of your body for my pod touch from the shops to. life on the good. video on demand exceeds my old costs and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. questions on the job com in india auntie's available in the grand central shirts in wimbledon the taj mahal the. president mubarak famous result no beach resort park close. taj mahal hotel surges the same record. hotel. in the radio the judge the hotel's shares in new delhi who took the maori babyhood
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clearing collection ramona plaza. maiden's hotels the park was a married reticent shift it was callous but they promised. the u.n. nuclear watchdog is the baiting iran's ambitions after its reports claimed it could be building a bomb some media highlighting the evidence of a mysterious scientist who they want to claim is russian and his credentials are dismissed by former colleagues from the wall street demonstrators demand to be that back into their h.q. the police swept out. of court there is bans demonstrators from returning to set up camp after almost two. the protests. the money men move in to run greece and italy hoping to dig them out of their debt hole but there's concern over whether the technocrats priority would be to please the banks or the people face further hardship. plus three new crew members get
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a warm welcome from their cosmic colleagues after reaching the international space station following a two day journey all six are now in orbits half of their russian so use rocket successfully docked. but i mean she's here now with all that's a sport. i know that sports or not so you could have again coming up. with czech republic or to go crazy and the republic of ireland last for your time to twelve places are decided for in crucial return like. the void in germany or england and so they gracious qualification victory which puts russia in the second quarter for the european championship roll. and the mountain is reaching new heights and it's
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a national team to help people in moscow about their latest concrete plan. and of course we start with all the discipline so the euro transits well finals have been determined that soft so chooses return legs in the play of qualification campaign russia's interest was focused on the creation turkey encounter is to convert hearts man depended on its outcome turkey failed to overturn the three new tests that deficit in the return leg and subgroup following that goal is through their great should be to sit ins charges on aggregate and will go to poland and ukraine this summer thanks to their victory at russia will be in the second quarter along with germany italy and england that means russia will not join them in the same group at the european championships pedro takes place in cleveland the second of december. run hope you will be realistic. to see maybe you might you see she is and if you talk about lose money feel you. know if you release
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the game. and then. portugal also and their right to take part and you are trying to trial for shall another and company a fresh posner and has a governor that returned like last six to lisbon remember their first match finished goalless this time rinaldo added a brace push to get what's also with a double there for the health service in this image and in this part of the scoreboard for the balls and so portugal will be in the third quarter with creation . what if you the objective for euro two hundred twelve is the same as we had in previous competitions try to do the best we can now it's time to enjoy the moment and then chart to prepare for the great coming of we want to do well in poland and ukraine but it's clear to me and it's been my opinion for a long time that the portugal are not favorites to win either european or world championship there are teams that are stronger than us with
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a lot of quality and above all else they've already had the experience of winning great competitions where. that would be the republic of ireland made it through to the finals of a major international competition for the first time in a decade following a five one agra between over its twenty or given it took a toll on his men had a massive advantage against their opponents following their want to overturn talent so there were time lake and dublin was nearly half a mallet say one zero it finish that stephen ward and consulting with city of this chorus so joyce denmark france and the czech republic in the fourth that. we would close the game again. but. if there's a good time to. score a goal. you maybe because we. know lost. and. we continue in these away we would lose the game i am sure we can go we know.
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we can go in this tournament we will be confident about i want to play. checks meanwhile managing to continue their record of reaching every european championship finals since czechoslovakia split into two countries in one thousand nine hundred three michael bullock's side claimed the three no aggregate win against montenegro applied to jurassic score the goal of the night in the second leg of their playoff campaign. source i feel fantastic this is huge for us the atmosphere was intense and i'm pleasant during qualification that's why i'm even more glad that everything finished this way. you know the olds have shortened on the n.b.a. season not taking place this year that's after players again rejected the league's latest financial of calling it extremely unfair the players' union is now threatening to take their concerns to court a lot of individual players have
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a lot of things personally a stake in terms of their careers and where they stand and right now they feel it's important and we all feel it's important to all of our players not just the ones in this room but our entire group. not only try and get a deal done for today before the body of n.b.a. players there will come and it's obviously over the next decade and beyond and so going forward the collective bargaining process will not be the way that as players this crisis continues for us and we will allow our legal team to really lead the charge. and hopefully at some point. assist us in getting a deal done and. in the spirit of our entire. nowhere raining for a december to remember as the brits and seeks to retain his w. b. and b. f. super worth of weight belts against the amount people the champion will fight in his
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opponent's native washington d.c. on the tenth and match up that brings together two men who have lost just once professionals little time for can't showboat for the cameras with veteran trainer fred it brooch being the twenty four year old and he's toast twenty seven year old bits and though stating he will ruin cancer plans to reign supreme court of the light welterweight division the champion holds a record of twenty six wins and just one defeat while peterson was once homeless washington before becoming the both it's going to now going strong and one drop in history to date. but you know he's very dangerous really lost one fight his whole career pete pace tosses are all. just that's probably going to go in there do what i do best i'm for kids that i nor got a job behind i hopefully get this player that we normally would describe what we in a good but we got to bigger and better things. the ups and downs of martin climbing now and the tough stuff needed to scale some of the world's harshest peaks and
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international group of martinis have been captivating infuser in moscow about how they're made it to the top in their latest expedition. reports. kerkorian range spreads across the borders of pakistan a nd in china the boards the highest concentration of peaks in the world regional with aids kilometers in parts k two question rule one growth being in question room to these peaks the damage in climbed in winter until these years. see more and more of it silly as a daily swoop and corridors through the united states becoming the first man in history to reach the summit of any career corum a thousand there in the winter months the trio removing cash of room two from the list of on corporate peaks it was really a challenge and merely exploration adventure and probably the secret had been the key means myself being one colleague who worked so well together we have the same
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wish to sing and as he seemed to get up roasting adventure that would be anyone in the shop more endurable good had been working together for many years they made their names with another eight thousand leases sands in mecca luthier park in two thousand and nine while richards was a relative unknown morris's of the climbers got some inches of the filter for the dangers ashish not only would he strengthen the team technically but would be able to recall the hopeful historic steps of region one of world climates most fabled summits i think some people can do it but it's necessity to have. many a point there's a killer. for example book training team i would have a team of people who are looking for one aim to many details that need to be together in one moment and in the season is difficult but i think it's interesting because always if i've been like this it was far from being straightforward at
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seventeen days after arriving at the first base camp an altitude of around five thousand metres they reached there this. elation hours of tyson waits in painful struggle lead in them for the sun in speechless wonder. after various sand there's descend. this particular challenge. the biggest danger will be enticed position on the very last day of huge avalanche or up to. five during all three under endless piles of snow just to morrow how was thankfully able to not only rescue himself. it's. a question to send a triumph. the end of chapter but certainly not the end there are still forty thousand metre peaks that someone. climbing.
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up out of. the last that they say makes one professional see it. usually have only a ten percent chance of success and live in a ninety percent chance of failure but for people who themselves make the impossible possible that. can be just enough. ok. well. technology innovation. developments from around. the future.
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