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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EST

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it starts on t.v. dot com. the u.n. nuclear agency the sect's iran's ambitions and some media pounce on a mysterious scientists from its reports many claims being russian pledged to have helped iran build a bomb also. kicked out but carrying on wall street demonstrators demanded access to that h.q. after police swept out the new york based on two months of campaigning. with money men into run greece and italy this concern over whether the technocrats priority is pleasing the banks other people face further hardship. still a lot of uncertainty on the european markets where the eurozone debt crisis still
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going on and that more analysis of this is about twenty minutes. plus an out of this world journey reaches its goal three new crew members get a warm welcome from their cosmic colleagues at the international space station. well news and much more twenty four hours a day you're watching out the u.n. nuclear watchdog is discussing iran after delivering its harshest report yet claiming to run could be developing atomic bombs it includes evidence from a foreign experts which western media only country has a russian saying he's helped iran build a detonator it's also not only reports with and see iran sentiments are high such flaky findings could see it follow in the rocks footsteps.
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iran has long been a hot topic bomb iran. but. the greatest threat that america in the world faces but had faced was a nuclear iran but it's heated up since last week's report from the un's nuclear watchdog sparking fears iran was pursuing atomic martens the i.a.e.a. says iran developed a high explosives initiation system a detonator with the help of a foreign experts question that current expert is called it the mystery science who is the russian by some western media even though the i.a.e.a. report doesn't name him and he's not russian by ukrainian any here's how former weapons inspector david albright talks not where the science is nuclear conventional on c.n.n. with weapons showed it how to build of a thin hemispherical shell with holes in it and it where the detonation happens and you simultaneously set off explosive pellets in a series of holes in that of one of shell and those explosive pellet pellets ignite
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the high explosive underneath and in a very spiritual way it compresses the core and then you get a nuclear explosion this is benny and is a scientist but not a nuclear specialist those who actually know daniel say this. is good he worked in a nuclear facility but not every person who does is a nucleus specialist he's actually trained to construct the airplanes and it's not the i.a.e.a. that is question him now but journalists iranians nevertheless all right accuses the only outcome who specialized in the no diamonds in iran working with the iranians to help them miniaturize their nuclear warhead so they can put it on top of one of their missiles so it can be fired victor own pride has a history out pointing fingers just as for iraq was invaded he said this in two thousand and two. terms of the chemical and biological weapons iraq has those now
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how many how could they deliver them i mean these are big questions then backtrack to the l a times once no w m d's were discovered in iraq. if there are no weapons of mass destruction i'll be mad as hell i certainly accepted the administration's claims on chemical and biological weapons i figured they were telling the truth and some us politicians think non-truths could be repeating with iran but i'm afraid what's going on right now is similar to the war propaganda when i want to instill a rat you know they didn't have. weapons of mass destruction or were enough official reports implying otherwise in terms of the report there is limited information a lot of the reason it's when it is because it's most likely that iran does not it is you know it is the case in iran does not have a nuclear weapons program right diplomatic days out who could be called critics say
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the public especially in the us are about to be inundated with another flood of so-called expert analysis the way are of a dangerous mideast country that's presumably hiding secret nuclear weapons and may require a military strike the difference this time it's iran not iraq and he's now artsy moscow. he has been hearing concerns over suppose it prep work for a move on iran at least experts professor is now this says america is using any excuse to pressure iran and prepare the ground for a potential invasion. again there is your that's actually no where near as any expertise in nuclear physics is here simply. means it's clean well was that he was actually giving lectures in iran to do here so he was helping them. he
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reported fury theory into so. restricted you for having been so. only so very astri how do you speak and of future reports you have here and we all want to be. people happier still be. almost a whole host a neutral in the war against iran or are really well. yes same seems to be happening in use an instrument to start a war actually the new regime change in iran so important. avenue is now in the birthplace of the occupy wall street movement in the us has been cleared out and the new york court has banned demonstrators from setting up camp at zuccotti park after their tents were forcibly removed by police activists mounted
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a legal challenge and your thoughts decided they could only return without their tents or sleeping bags and a point now has the details. the scene here is a pretty park has literally been turned on its head and that's because all the occupied protesters and activists and supporters are standing on the outside of the park behind barricades and in the inside of the park a particular bridge over here occupying zuccotti park are police officers in riot gear police officers in regular uniforms and also what is believed to be private security on behalf of the property owners of the zuccotti park quite a stark difference from the past eight weeks that we've seen hundreds of occupy wall street baptist camps out there creating a community a community that's a get out the message about wealth inequality but of course that community watch shut down to say one am went off hundreds of police officers raided this area
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docking with it hundreds of activists out there world war two that police officers even use knives to grip over the tents that people were sleeping and there were huge clashes between up to is that persisted to the park and police officers forcing them out first reports and video of these using batons pepper spray mace against our activists that refused to leave alternately everyone vacated about two hundred people were arrested but the property inside was destroyed and the books the food and medical supplies new york city mayor michael bloomberg said the park needed to be evacuated temporarily for health concerns are you concerned that it was becoming up concert and so the park was cleaned out mayor michael bloomberg said that these activists could go back it but not that they're sleeping that stop their chances are making it much harder for them to withstand the cold temperatures
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in the coming weeks and the op people have been street movement a movement that and marking its two month anniversary on thursday. many people believe that that is the reason why the advice he keep not conducted sweeping because this is the momentum that he did speak with some of the activists that taking part of them were part of the result is somewhat of hurt as it stands still this campaign is not giving up it may be even inspired by the resistance that recently faced the force when it marks its two month anniversary they say that the city could expect that many more demonstrations took up the street freedom or not. but it's certainly been a turbulent two months for the occupy movement. looks at how it started its and why it spread so rapidly across the u.s. . you could say it started with a whisper a call by canadian activist group and busters that spread on facebook groups i.
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hate this very spot wall street is the site of a heinous crime but before long that whisper turned into a roar like. a collective anger at wall street corruption a growing income inequality in america and a system in which government policy is often dictated by corporate greed and before long the crowds brought police. and police brought pepper spray was a story brought on more protesters and a few days later seven hundred of them were arrested on the brooklyn bridge. instead of scaring people away scenes like this i doubt reach the masses and before long occupy movements multiplied from los angeles.
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to chicago. to boston. and just about everywhere in between the mood grew darker as authorities threaten to clear the tent city at zuccotti park at the last minute they were allowed to remain after cleaning the park themselves. occupy times square was next and brought scenes like this is not where. the government in. iraq war veteran shamar thomas fighting what had become in his eyes wide spread police brutality he appeared on our show a few days later they're saying if you want to fight go to iraq go to afghanistan what do you mean by this you know to hurt the citizens that you swear to protect you noses. it's kind of you know a contradiction. and then there was occupy oakland here you see another veteran
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scott olsen standing peacefully. within moments he was hit in the head with a tear gas canister fractured his skull and left him in critical condition what a lot of. a spotlight now shining bright on the roll of police all the while the protests spread much to the dismay of authorities who over the weekend evicted encampments once again in oakland. and in portland. st louis to name a few and new york's zuccotti park the heart of the movement also cleared for the first time since the movement began now many worry what's next for occupy d.c. so one of the first things they did here is to clear this part of the park out answers tell me they've moved their tents closer to one another if they've condensed their efforts because they want to stay focused they want to stay organized if there's a chance that some of the protesters on the other occupations around the country
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could wind up here on k. street because this is one of the last places a very few clashes with police in washington christine for r.t. . also ahead this hour syria gets shut out r.t.r. who's pulling the strings arab league is taking a tough stance on one of its own investigating this outside influence of the season to suspend syria. and the man soyuz spacecraft safely to me it was its crew to the international space station two russian cosmonauts and astronauts to their colleagues in orbit with details just ahead. the new number crunching leaders in greece and italy are getting it into the country's financial problems rome prime minister president room once he says he is sure they can get back on track but not since cabinet votes on wednesday. it's a good support from italy's main political clout and has a massive task ahead to what almost two trillion euros of debt. while greece time
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is of the essence with the finance minister warning the new rescue package and rapid ratification to stop the country going under result is a bushel has been hearing the europeans aren't convinced the manager maestros can put it off. greece's new leader used to be voice president of the european central bank italy's new premier is also an explainer and did voice of the goldman sachs to so mario monti's first actions in charge prove he's there to help fellow going to those people normally one of the first things. we have to see financial stability of course will take care of the social problems that is just bubbles if you have a government led by a bank like that he wasn't even elected in the first place and he's not going to seek reelection so he can do whatever he pleases without having to think he's going to go back to his previous post after two or three years but the suits the e.u.
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says the institute for democracy in corporations john local and process is put into men who continue with the bank bailouts and not support the public the way the criticisms did. actually office the moment you suggested a referendum on the get back in and berlusconi had to leave office a moment you said typically and should it come under your it the useful to have insisted on elected officials taking charge in italy in greece off to those countries leaders questions the reforms mean you posed on them but that's open brussels up to charges of being dictatorial and the democratic one politicians think this is a warning to all e.u. leaders who try to help their population oppose all spending cuts but you have to go all of it can be done in italy. it can be done in greece it's only a matter of time. before it can be done anywhere else financial journalist makes
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causes of things because of the very worst sort of put in charge at this time people say well the bankers know best what the bankers are the ones who have stolen all the money so are we going to give them more ability to steal more money in opposing our stary measures that's insane but there are signs the e.u. may have gone too far with anger boiling over it's there it's image is demanded by brussels seventy people have been injured in protests in italy while crete civil servants and teachers walked out of jobs on tuesday over wage and pension cuts i think he's gearing up for more violence at another public demonstration on thursday in brussels the new bushell forty. but as the technocrats take over creeps through the euro zone the concern for some is that they could do more harm than elected politicians they target that's your m.p. explains why those taking charge seem to do more talking than sorting. every time they have a summit in and they will proclaim that they found a solution
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a solution only last one or two weeks and then another crisis we have another summit i will now go in leaping from summit to summit the men in the street is where it men industry doesn't know where this is going to end and they're worried because of their savings because of their current pensions. and because of their jobs and so are the men in the streets has the real question which is that you can leave the elite is not in charge and doesn't know where to go and there is not an easy solution to but. the european leaders always thought it we're doing the black thing for the citizens and they have to be grateful and what we do should not be challenged and now it is challenged in the streets of of greece and italy and at the ballot box in germany and in finland and this is a message i think the european elites still has to understand.
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more thoughts on how europe can get so far from it that she and me an epic history are starting to see. serious leadership is set to face even greater isolation in the coming hours as our urban league meets to form a suspend the country's membership and ask the says it will boycott the meeting decision was made when with other sections last saturday attempt to force the regime to end its crackdown on anti-government protests in syria and attacked a military base near the capital damascus using rockets and machine guns vendor is already the bloodiest month since the uprisings began in march hundred forty people died in the past three days nato nations are now arab gulf states around blasting the regime turkey says it will cut electricity supplies and stop joint all exploration projects if president assad doesn't change course the u.n. nuclear watchdog is also adding pressure on syria for its atomic work john. sees as
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an extension of the west's will in the area. well i think increasingly the arab league you know hardly representative in many ways of the middle east and people you know you have saudi arabia bahrain operation you know have actually done similar things to what the syrian government is doing now basically acting here is an extension of the international community and i think really in that sense they are effectively kind of pandering to western interests because really america is no longer feels it can assert its authority in the region in the same way that you see so now hides behind groups like the arab league like the u.n. like the i.a.e.a. which we saw the other day who are doing weapons inspections in both syria and iran at the moment in order to try and effectively behind the scenes use these kind of organizations i don't know if puppet groups but with the western interests and
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anything any it fairly intervention be it un observers or anyone else who starts meddling in syria is alternately going to make that situation worse. for the foreign pressure is piling on syria post gadhafi libya the new leaders have at least one ace up and sleep and we'll ask dot com reports online how western companies are lining up for the state is that you think that's likely to come out on top find out why the brits have been favored. so of course on the loot russian terminals form of mail answer some of comfortable questions about half of billion dollars that went missing from the bank of moscow two years ago. so the world's main news this hour. the mascara bring a gun elvis is underway to discuss how much that country should stain on the united states a grand council decided level of washington's involvement once come back to twenty . years and. wants to use
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a national sovereignty after becoming increasingly angry and actions presenting its that's. president obama has arrived in australia twice canceling his visit last year because of problems back home part of that is to try and expand america's military presence there by station facilities joint training exercises and access to bases to counterbalance china which is dominant pacific. llambias largest rebel group park leader. is accused of being behind some of the group's most notorious attacks and raids. previously there was no massacre until an operation. well there's been a warm welcome in all bits of the international space station for its new crew members ride safely actions between the so use the caps and station rope and just
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a short while ago nazis because all of that has been watching the mission you can see right now the full six crew of the moment they're speaking with mission control they arrived well not a long time ago and just basically checking in with mission control stretching their legs you have to remember these guys have been trapped inside a tiny so used module for the best part of just over two days you have a look now at the moment when they entered into the international space station but the hatch opening and we should see them. cosmonauts appear the three men that have entered into the international space station have had a bit of a wait to get up there their mission was the made by two months boats they did make up so that i would probably there were nine minutes early when it came to docking with the space station so. obviously for me to say anatoly it ition
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burbank all pomp or the international space station safe and sound the reason that this mission was delayed by two months was due to the crash of a soyuz rocket carrying a supply module to the international space station at the end of august now that's our use rocket is a similar type of rocket that's used for months now they were going to take any risks when it came to if there was any technical problems with the soyuz they tested it makes it apart they put it back together they tried several unmanned missions they all went off without any kind of a problem so they decided to go ahead with the monday mission the so used to make twenty two rockets taking off on monday docking successfully with the international space station today all the crew on board safe and sound. great stuff in a few minutes we'll look at the environmental catastrophe that's dividing a vast swathes of america's oklahoma. and out of the stars business updates.
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hello and a very warm welcome to the program russia could team up with its key rival in the global natural gas industry qatar is eyeing a stake in russia's top private gas producer not a turk and its projects in the arctic area of western siberia the project is expected to produce five billion tons of liquefied natural gas for years starting in twenty sixteen it should then take two years for production to reach fifteen million tons annually russian officials believe that carter's expertise in arranging liquefied natural gas shipments could be off use talks are underway but there's no indication as to how big they could be. the eurozone is on the brink of recession its economy grew just point two percent in the third quarter with economists offering only a slim prospect of growth in the next two quarters compounding the problem spanish and italian bond yields are rising despite
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a new prime minister in rome and the approval of more cuts but there's been some better than expected consumer data over in the u.s. how the markets are performing this hour and we start with a price of oil it has dropped from its highest level in more than three months it's in the wake of record why the american petroleum institute which says crude stockpiles in the u.s. rose by one point three million barrels last week. now trading at around ninety nine dollars a barrel branches that round one hundred twelve dollars per barrel. and european stocks are higher breaking a session losing streak as investors die just a turnings reports and want to turn developments in europe zone markets nothing problems were in the spotlight on wednesday after a bullish note from h.s.b.c. a broker upgraded its ratings on the grounds that holder has jumped more than three percent on that. and finally here in moscow both the r.t.s.
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and the might succeed narrowing their earlier losses children equities are crazy at the lowest level in a week as the world dropped after your stockpiles increased and with europe's debt crisis still weighing on investors here let's have a look at some of the individual show moves in the my six most of the blue chips are in the roche the world's biggest producer of insult and russia's largest producer of still making cold metal losing one point seven and two point three percent respectively it. is bucking the trend with the buyback announcement with a premium sixty percent above the market notation the coal miner has soared by fifteen percent this hour. europe's deepening debt crisis and stoking concerns of a cash squeeze among russian learned as growing yields on banks have prompted a record injection of cash from the central bank bunker sealand over twenty six billion dollars to banks yes they do the most and nine years analysts say reduced
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ruble the quiddity in russia is they can learn more expensive additional pressure is coming from capital flight which doubled this year to seventy billion dollars. and in other news burbank has become europe's third biggest bank by market capitalization valued at around sixty two billion dollars the top two are britain's h.s.b.c. and spain's bank sometime during more than one hundred twenty three and sixty eight billion dollars respectively turbine hasn't pushed us to join the ranks of the world's top ten banks within the next three years. and finally russian carmaker gas group is joining up with a chinese truck maker which could see ten thousand beagles roll off the production line per year it will be a fifty fifty venture with first autumn of our works both firms are keeping their lips tight of the level of investment but only suspected to reach the two million dollars they also believe the new trucks will face fierce competition from russia's
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come us which controls hobbled the domestic market meanwhile gas group has also pledged to launch assembly local wives for votes and several where next year. but perhaps not the business program during the last months of two minutes type or another business update here on r.t. . ragin clean and goes down. squandered morning.
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about. what is no. more than sixty square kilometers of the mom of the miss nation and those who are still supervising the new lives i'm fighting for just their stuff that's getting bad out here but not saying hardly any birds squirrels you know. darts you know i don't know what's going on here. on the green on the marquee. twenty years ago these are just country. to certain places. but how did you come. to teach began a journey. where did it take.


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