tv [untitled] November 16, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EST
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flashback to iraq some experts that way and that baghdad had weapons of mass destruction now when gore suggestions that iran is developing the long. government free syrian army reportedly long was a major assault on a loyalist base near damascus and this as the arab league turns up the heat on president assad despite his pledge still talks and continue reforms. out but not down a string of forceful objections of anti-corporate occupy protesters across the u.s. without the movement from pure enough to shut down the street. or welcome the
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international space the group joined by really new members as well so it was rocketed reverses probably think it will. even though light sweet crude goes above one hundred and one goal is about for the first time since april russia is not just a menace to recover from losses in the obvious my six and wins the session down a foot of a percent more in this in twenty. seven pm in moscow i'm at treasury good to have you with us here on archie our top story there's been a new twist in the controversy surrounding last week's un report into iran's nuclear program and you close a mention of a mysterious foreign expert that western media claims to be russian saying he's helping he's helped iran build an atomic detonator and he said no way explores the i.a.e.a. findings and where they may lead. iran has long been
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a hot topic bomb iran. but. the greatest threat that america in the world faces at face was a nuclear iran but it's heated up since last week's report from the un's nuclear watchdog sparking fears iran was pursuing atomic weapons the i.a.e.a. says iran developed a high explosives initiation system a detonator with the help of a foreign expert voices that aren't expert is called the mystery scientists and russian by some western media even though the i.a.e.a. report nothing name him and he's not russian ukrainian id here's how former weapons inspector david albright talks suffer the scientists nuclear credentials on c.n.n. when he showed him how to build of a thin hemispherical shell with holes in it and they were the detonation happens and you simultaneously set off explosive pellets in
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a series of holes in that when the shell and those explosive pell pellets ignite the high explosive underneath and in a very severe way it compresses the core and then you get a nuclear explosion and this is not any downed power is a scientist but not a nuclear specialist those who actually know say this. he worked in a nuclear facility but not every person who does is a nucleus specialist he's actually trained to construct the airplanes and it's not the i.a.e.a. that is question you know but journalists want ians nevertheless all right accuses the only outcome who specialize in the no diamonds in iran of working with the iranians to help them miniaturize their nuclear warhead so they can put it on top of one of their missiles so it can be fired oh bright has a history of pointing fingers just before iraq was invaded he said this in two thousand and and two. terms of the chemical and biological weapons iraq has those
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now how many how could they deliver them i mean these are big questions then backtrack to the l a times once known w m d's were discovered in iran. if there are no weapons of mass destruction i'll be mad as hell i certainly accepted the administration's claims on chemical and biological weapons i figured they were telling the truth and some of us politicians think non-truths could be repeating with iran i'm afraid what's going on right now it's similar to the war propaganda that went on against iraq and you know they didn't have the weapons of mass destruction but there were enough official reports implying otherwise in terms of the report there is limited information on the reason it's what it is because it's most likely that iran does not it is you know it is the case iran does not
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have a nuclear weapons program right there promoting days of who could be called critics say the public especially in the us are about to be inundated with another flood of so-called expert analysis the where of a dangerous mideast country that's presumably hiding secret nuclear weapons and may require a military strike the difference this time it's iran not iraq and he's now artsy moscow. we're always interested in your opinion today we're asking if you think the nuclear allegations against is iran are justified go to r.t. dot com take part in our latest online poll this hour the way things back looks like a tie between the first two choices those who say iran should be allowed to go nuclear and those who think the claims are western propaganda around twelve percent i think the evidence of iran trying to up the wire nuclear weapons is ten percent say that tehran ease in fact trying to build a bomb they're the minority go online cast your vote we love to hear from.
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stay with us here on our t.v. still to come the eurozone teetering on the brain investor confidence shaken as your debt crisis spread to other heavyweight economies while greece and italy battled for their survival last. rocket man a russian soyuz successfully reaches the international space station a jubilant scenes with the crew of their set to report its. first anti-corporate occupy protesters have returned to new york's zuccotti park but without the tents and sleeping here the new york supreme court has ruled demonstrators can no longer camp out for the night meaning the two month long occupation of the park is effectively finished police in a why if you're storms are tuesday morning tearing down tents affecting hundreds of activists those are refusing to leave or forcibly removed amid allegations that officers use sound patterns pepper spray and tear gas authorities cited health and fire hazard as the reasons behind the move protesters think it's
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a flimsy excuse to kick them out before the movement's two month anniversary thursday and they say a massive rally will roll street parties christie's out looks at how much of an impact occupy has made since it first started in the big apple. you could say it started with a whisper called by canadian activist group adbusters then spread on facebook. this very spot. wall street is the site of a heinous crime but before long that whisper turned into a roar. a collective anger at wall street corruption a growing income inequality in america and that a system in which government policy is often dictated by corporate greed before long the crowds brought police. and police brought pepper spray. was the story brought on more
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protesters and a few days later seven hundred of them were arrested on the brooklyn bridge. instead of scaring people away scenes like this. outraged the masses and before long occupy movements multiplied from los angeles. to chicago. to boston. and just about everywhere in between the mood grew darker as authorities threaten to clear the tent city at zuccotti park at the last minute they were allowed to remain after clearing the park themselves. occupy times square was next and brought scenes like this is not where. the government in. iraq war veteran shamar thomas finding what had become in his eyes wide spread
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police brutality he appeared on our show a few days later here saying if you want to fight go to iraq or afghanistan what do you mean by this you know to hurt the citizens that you swear to protect you know is this kind of you know a contradiction to the old fashioned take and then there was occupy oakland here you see another veteran scott olsen standing peacefully. within moments he is hit in the head with a tear gas. cannister fractured his school and left him in pretty good condition what a lot but. a spotlight now shining bright on the role of police all the while the protests spread much to the dismay of authorities who over the weekend if they did encampments once again in oakland. and in portland. st louis to name a few and new york's economy park the heart of the movement also cleared for the first time since the movement began now many worry what's next for occupy d.c.
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so one of the first things they did here is to clear this part of the park sensors tell me they've moved their tents closer to one another if they've condensed their efforts because they want to stay focused they want to stay organized i think there's a chance that some of the protesters from the other occupations around the country could wind up here on k. street because this is one of the last places and very few clashes with police in washington christine frizz out our team. turning now to syria where army defectors have reportedly attacked a major military installation near the capital it's the highest profile strike on loyalist forces since anti-government underestimated in march the free syrian army fighting against the rule of president bashar al assad now claims to number more than twenty five thousand this is the arab league confirmed seriousness pension and france has recalled its ambassador for about his government supporters are recorded in the storming of the moroccan amorality embassies in damascus in response to this
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or more on all this and some perspective we're joined by a ruby for researcher sarah maris sacked from syracuse university good to have you with us so army defectors have apparently struck near the heart of the assad regime if the armed opposition really does a number in the thousands twenty five thousand possibly do you think it could lead to an all out civil war. yes indeed thank you for having me first of all and i think this is the these are very troubling developments that we've been hearing this week of course we've been worried about this all along but definitely with more arms going into the protesters in the demonstrators and those who are not peaceful demonstrators and protesters and who are trying to stoke violence and this is very troubling new developments this weekend of course there are dangers that this could become a civil war especially with the way the regional situation in some valving and countries are framing the situation and the way the west is continuing to put
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pressure on even countries to pressure syria so we are definitely in a very troubling spot right now where we have the west in the arab league saying to america saying damascus is cracking down on peaceful demonstrations and certainly we have seen these demonstrations going on for months now and many many of the demonstrators have apparently been killed but if the government truly is under attack from what is now an organized opposition and its armed what options does the government. well this is the true predicament because if the arab league is pressing for the syrian government to withdraw its forces and the syrian government and the military and the intelligence services are being attacked quite violently and by well armed people then there's not really much chance for the syrian government to take the troops from the streets to remove the tanks really right now the arab league should be putting pressure not only on the syrian government but also on the protesters and if they're going to require syria the syrian government
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to enter into dialogue with certainly the protesters to stop the violence and also enter into a dialogue with the government so right now really the pressure is being directed only to one side and the conflict it's two sided and so we really need to start focusing on a deescalation of the opposition in syria if there is a civil war has to be a burden at this point the way the opposition is framing things they're not thinking about how many people are still in the country and who support president assad and this is really really potentially destructive because they could pretend that they're a popular movement and of course they have a lot of support but they also have a lot of opposition in syria people come into the streets by the tens of thousands to protest for the government and for president assad and right now the opposition is considering that fact they're not thinking about the fact that democracy means
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that they're going to have to dialogue with all syrians including those people who support president assad of the arab league claims damascus is implementing the peace deal that are brokered earlier in the month what exactly are they expecting from president assad next. well that's a very good question and i think today there was a promising development with the release of more than a thousand political prisoners of course there are many other political prisoners that still need to be released that this is you know a sign it is still being he still concerned about what his neighbors think and he still. under some sort of willingness to negotiate and to work with not only the arab league but potentially with the opposition activists. and certainly he's going to be willing to talk to them as well i'm not sure if the arab league has enough patience for this to happen in a realistic way and they're making demands that are very difficult to immediately put into place but of course if they give the government
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a little bit more time there will be a chance for a positive developments to take place we're seeing for insurgents being stepped up against the assad regime how do you think they're going to affect people the syrians themselves i think sanctions are always very destructive to the people i mean we've all those in iraq during the one nine hundred ninety s. we see it in iran now. may be a way for the powerful western countries to exert some sort of pressure over syrian government but really the people are the ones who suffer by not being able to have medicines by not being able to have certain technologies that may be required to save lives and so course the syrian people are going to be the ones who suffer and i just don't really understand what. why the increased sanctions would be put on the table considering the certain no the situation is very sort of the media and so sanctions are a long term solution that are not necessarily i don't find them active at all but
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history will tell us over time whether or not they are effective they weren't in iraq and they're not in iran so we'll see. just if syria does descend into a full scale civil war do you think your short community should step in. this is such a difficult question i don't think the international community should step in and i think. as undemocratic and problematic as the arab league is that it is a better solution to have regional countries deal with the problem but of course the real issue is. in syria then certainly iraq and lebanon will be for all and in fact potentially even jordan and i think these are developments that are just right now too dangerous to consider that it's useless to think about what may happen when right now we have a chance to stop it from happening really all rights are a certain circles are versity good reading. thank you very much. italy's newly
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appointed leader mario monti has unveiled his new technocrat government i like to experts in bankers will take charge of the country with marty yourself as premier and finance minister and you cabinet will be sworn in later on wednesday they are to push through tough measures to bring italy's debt crisis under control right he says he plans to remain in office so the end of the current parliament in twenty thirteen in greece the finance minister has urged the new government to act urgently to ratify the e.u. rescue package and avoid bankruptcy but authorities daniel bush or ports running a country calls for a lot more than a background in economics would. greece's new leader used to be voice president of the european central bank italy's new premier is also an explain cause and did voice it's a goldman sachs to sell mario monti's first actions in charge prove he's the help fellow going because nazis people normally one of the first things said here we have to finance the stability of course we'll take care of the social problems that
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is just doublespeak if you have a government led by a banker and he wasn't even elected in the first place and he's not going to seek reelection so he can do whatever he pleases without having to physically go back to his previous post after two or three years but the suits the e.u. says the institute for democracy in corporations to look and brussels is put into men who continue with the job and not support the public the way the previous is did. you actually have office the moment you suggested a referendum on the get back in school actually the moment you said could literally insert. europe the useful to have insisted on an elected officials taking charge and in greece all of those countries' leaders questions the reforms being imposed on them or virts open brussels up to charges of being dictatorial and the. one politician thinks this is a warning to all e.u.
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leaders who try to help the pollution oppose all spending cuts and you have to go all of it can be done in italy and it can be done in greece and it's only a matter of time. before it can be done anywhere else get financial analyst mix cause of things going because of the very worst sort to put in children this time people say well the bankers know best well the bankers are the ones who have stolen all the money so are we going to give them more ability to steal more money in a post more austerity measures that's in same with the e.u. may have gone to full with boiling over it's. just get more did go to brussels seventy people have been injured in protest the need to leave greek civil servants and teachers weak tell to billy joel till tuesday and pension cards i think he's gearing up for more boilers that's another public demonstration on thursday in brussels the new push to forty. three now to some other stories making headlines
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across the globe u.s. drones have killed at least sixteen people in pakistan officials say missiles hit two compounds in a village in the northwest of the country the region is considered a taliban stronghold hours before the strikes militants attack an army checkpoint in the same region with rockets killing one soldier wounding another pakistan's frequently criticized u.s. drone strikes as a violation of the country's sovereignty. in western china a minibus on its way to a kindergarten collided head on with the trucks killing eighteen children two adults the bus only had nine seats but was reportedly overstuffed with sixty two youngsters many of them taken to a nearby hospital and are in critical condition officials say the crash was caused by the bus being so heavily loaded guns afghan president hamid karzai is demanded foreign troops and night raids and stop attaining afghans addressing a council of tribal elders he was also critical of nato claiming its departure in
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twenty fourteen will be good for the country as i pledge to restore national sovereignty after a growing increasingly angry over u.s. military action that resulted in civilian deaths. u.s. is expanding its military presence in australia with a total of twenty five hundred troops expected to arrive over the next few years the plan was unveiled by president obama an australian prime minister julia guillard it seemed by some as an attempt to offset china's growing global influence beijing has immediately questioned whether bringing in u.s. ships aircraft and vehicles would helps ability in the region. remember we have more coverage on our stories a click away at r.t. dot com here's what's online for you right now. how washington plans to retaliate against war and happiness not just in cyberspace what's. passing for the theater the legendary bolshoi has come up with a new strategy to fight illegal ticket sales.
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probably in this news block after two days of space travel among the in the soyuz rocket two cosmonauts and an asteroid have safely arrived at the international space station they were warmly greeted by their russian american and japanese colleagues that they're due to replace or computer all over has more on the mission you can see right now the full six month crew of the it says at the moment they speaking with mission control they arrived well not a long time ago and they have just basically checking in with mission control stretching their legs you have to remember these guys have been trapped inside a tiny so you smoke you will. best thought of just over two days we could have a look now at the moment when they entered into the international space station the hatch opening. we should see. and cosmonauts appear the three
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men that have entered into the international space station have had a bit of a wait to get up there their mission was delayed by two months berths they did make up some of that time apparently there were no minutes earlier when it came to docking with the space station so. let off easy for me to say on a totally alien ition and daniel all on board the international space station safe and sound the reason that this mission was delayed by two months was due to the crash of a soyuz rocket carrying a supply module to the international space station at the end of august now that so used rocket is a similar type of rocket that's used for months spaceflight now they were going to take any risks when it came to if there was any technical problems with the soyuz they tested it they took it apart they put it back together they tried several unmanned missions they all went off without any kind of a problem so they decided to go ahead with the mund mission at the so yes t.n.a.
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twenty two rockets taking off on monday docking successfully with the international space station today and all the crew on board safe and sound. and if you miss crossed the groups to where the tipping point might be for western nations to intervene in syria but first the business of pink with dmitri. thanks not accession to the w t o means russia will have to also some of its existing contracts with foreign companies in particular in the car industry as artie's money nicholson explains. right now russia isn't a good place financially and is prepared to compromise to make it inside the w.c. and that's the beauty of driving airplanes and he says russia is a master of position the many of its european supplies the country's g.d.p. grew four point two percent in the first nine months of the year and if you see economic jitters to go away with me here of course the country is not immune to the
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debt crisis taking place beyond its borders which is why it's actively seek ways to help the prime minister says there's a new down through the international monetary fund now when it comes to russia's end of the session so that the c.e.o. carmakers are and main concern and bottom of this is the government's have to seek some would say this thing contracts with international companies this year the government already promised stanford's several foreign companies including ford gold strike in bruno and in exchange they agreed to assemble the hundred thousand cars a year in russia using mostly locally made components not the benefits are expected to last months it's like once a pipeline the company's c.e.o. means it may be lifted earlier the prime minister says compensation will be paid to meet russia's promises to investors and it's just one of the many things that needs to be ironed out as the country joins the trade body. a collaboration between two
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major gas powerhouses could be on the way as cats are considers a buying a stake in russia's largest independent gas producer nova turk is currently developing a your mouth peninsula in russia's arctic to produce a liquefied natural gas oil and genome project estimated at around twenty eight billion dollars the vice president of oil and gas research at the renesas capital says if the deal with cats all goes through it will send a positive signals really strange. i think investors will have more confidence in the russian gas industry in the short to increase reserves and production because a few years ago their war confirms that actually russia may not be able to supply enough gas to europe going forward and at the same time we need the mass to come on sort of such a big. trend of russian gas market players and
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a positive signal compass. suggests that you know the future looks bright for. ryan let's take a look at the markets this start with commodities a very interesting situation over here in the market where it was up not only over one hundred dollars per barrel which would be the first time since april of this year it's now at one hundred one and a half the light sweet this is apparently due to the weakening of the dollar also know that the difference between brands and w. . is narrowing down this is pressuring shares of petroleum refiners which have been benefiting from cheaper w.i. prices over the summer. in the u.s. the markets of opened lower on the disappointing data jones is down more than one. point eight percent in europe pretty much similar situation of course investors around the world are keeping their eye on the situation in the e.u. on yields especially for spanish and italian bonds that the bank of england has
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announced that the outlook for the u.k. economy has worsened the dax is also seeing a decline a point four percent third day in a row in philly and technologies is driving the losses mainly and this is the closing picture for russia with your tears in my six point three percent that's despite the higher oil prices the only pretty much stock which was still gaining on that was last near dark one point six percent. is down four percent for. reported disappointing sales results for the third quarter is bucking the trend outstanding of the day with the buyback announcement of a premium of sixty percent to the mark of the shares are up more than ten percent he could go higher but the troika dialog wraps up today. are the markets open sea extremely well on monday and during these two or three actually three days we lost almost everything anyone yesterday would drop sharply down and today we're almost
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played back all what we lost yesterday so what what i'm saying is that the markets are very volatile so they're very sensitive to european news right now yes the intraday we hear very good statistics in the united states and it makes some investors feel not sure more comfortable so we see very very mordor rates but still positive developments improvements in the united states headlines are next on. the. cut.
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