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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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to my. mind. tonight on our t.v. flashback to iraq the same experts that claimed baghdad had weapons of mass destruction and now endorsing the i.a.e.a. suggestions that iran is developing a nuclear bomb. the antigovernment free syrian army reportedly launches a major assault on a loyalist place near damascus but says the arab league turns up the heat on president assad despite his pledge to hold talks and continue reform class. should not down a string of forceful addictions runs the corporate occupy protesters across america fails to stop the movement from gearing up to shut down three.
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very good evening for me kevin our winner at r.t. tonight is now eleven pm wednesday night asco time the top story for you there's been a new twist in the controversy surrounding last week's u.n. reports into iran's nuclear program it includes the mention of a mysterious foreign expert who western media claims to be russian said he's helped to run build an atomic detonator but he's innocent now explores the findings and where they may lead. a human has long been a hot topic bomb iran. but anyway the greatest threat that america and the world faces had faced was a nuclear iran but it's heated up since last week's report from the un's nuclear watchdog sparking fears iran was pursuing atomic weapons the i.a.e.a.
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says iran developed a high explosives initiation system a detonator with the help of a foreign experts question that current expert is called the mystery scientists and russian by some western movie out even though the i.a.e.a. report doesn't name him and he's not russian by ukrainian and here's how former weapons inspector david albright talks suffered a scientist nuclear credentials on c.n.n. with weapons showed him how to build of a thin hemispherical shell with holes in it and it where the detonation happens and you simultaneously set off explosive pellets in a series of holes in that amount of shell and those explosive pel pellets ignite the high explosive underneath and in a very spiritual way it compresses the core and then you get a nuclear explosion this is not benny and kurt is a scientist but not a nuclear specialist those who actually know daniel say this. he worked in a nuclear facility but not every person who does is
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a new clear specialist he's actually trained to construct the airplanes and it's not the i.a.e.a. that is question you know but journalists audience nevertheless albright accuses the new hancock who specialized in nano diamonds in iran of working with the iranians to help them miniaturize their group or warhead so they can put it on top of one of their missiles so it can be fired her own right has a history of pointing fingers just before iraq was invaded he said this in two thousand and two. terms of the chemical and biological weapons iraq has those now how many how could they deliver them i mean these are big questions then backtrack to the l a times once known w m d's were just covered in iraq. if there are no weapons of mass destruction i'll be mad as hell i certainly accept to be administration's clues on chemical and biological weapons i figured they were
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telling the truth and some of us politicians think non-truths could be repeating with iran but i'm afraid what's going on right now is similar to the war propaganda when i want to instill iraq you know they didn't have the weapons of mass destruction but there were enough official reports implying otherwise in terms of the report there is limited information a lot of the reason it's when it is because it's most likely that iran does not it is you know it is the case in iran does not have a nuclear weapons program diplomatic days hours who could be called critics say the public especially in the us are about to be inundated with another flood of so-called expert analysis the wearer of a dangerous mideast country that's presumably hiding secret nuclear weapons and may require a military strike the difference this time it's iran not iraq and he's now an artsy
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moscow middle east expert professor. is being used as a tool to exert pressure on iran and propose a regime change in the country. again get injured has actually denied that he has any expertise in nuclear physics and he's here simply. did chemo was that he was actually giving lectures in iran to do here saying he was helping them with nuclear weapons and here reported florrie theory and police of course. for restricted or i know he had it in may and it's. only so strange. that an official reports do hit us here on the websites you already know you can stick it out in your still be. almost the whole host of each of us when we can with war
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against iraq. are already well. less than seems to be happening a year is the news an instrument. of war actually can do regime change in iran say forty thousand. and we're also interested in your opinions today we're asking if you think the nuclear allegations against the ground are justified the votes on our website if you haven't checked it already though it was good to hear from you this is what you are telling us it seems the heart of you sort of forty four percent know still registering as forty two percent forty two percent of you are claiming that it's a western propaganda campaign second the belief that rand should be allowed to go nuclear and then around ten percent you think the evidence around trying to acquire nuclear weapons is far is confusing say to run the ball you go online because. syria now their army defectors say they've attacked a major military base near the country's capital it's the highest profile strike on
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loyalist forces since anti-government unrest began in march says the arab league confirmed syria suspension and france for of course its ambassador from the country russian lawmaker and foreign policy architect constantine cotton chart told me that targeting damascus is counterproductive to solving the crisis. the fact that the situation is escalating the violence is escalating is a reflection of the wrong approach taken by. certain states a unilateral approach the keep saying keep sending messages to the people of syria the people say you are right the thought is of syria wrong and this is the wrong approach because. of messages. introduces an illusion that zero the people of syria can get freedom democracy or through or by using violence against the rule in authority and not by
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negotiating not by maintaining the political groups that we or probably one of very few or maybe the only country which has which maintains this dialogue both with mr cassatt and with the opposition the opposition from from abroad resisted russia recently and the rather another discussion was called nobody else does the same thing people either support these part or that part we are impartial we have dialogue we have discussions with each and every one in the country in truthfully little succeed in promoting the political process. of the cause of the me because more perspective analysis from beirut based political advisor found it very very rigid damascus has been sanctioned by foreign powers for cracking down
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on peaceful protesters but understands force is perfectly justified in fighting back if they're being attacked by armed insurgents like the free syrian army as apparently happened today what were your thoughts about. let's first of all talk about the recent events starting from the arab league initiative the syrian has accepted the arab league initiative then suddenly we found that. the arab league has decided recently an illegal decision trying to first spend syria out of the arab league which is illegal because it's against of arab league charter and convention today we don't know what will happen in the evening there are holding a meeting and are about in but here what we would like to say as a result of of the whole situation there is clearly no it is not
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a demand of free phones it is targeting syria which is very dangerous and very risky to the whole region nobody can shake the major pull in the region this is totally unpredictable the results how badly and negatively it will be on that region mainly we in lebanon we are seriously. seriously afraid and fear is getting too old delhi benny's of the situation and the way the approach from the arab league is. getting there and in fact this is something i could bring a disaster and be catastrophic to the region. that probably prefers god but what is purchased in future with questions only got a little. white as the arab league carries specially comes of talking about
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democracy it's trying to isolate present a side of the moment in this latest move that we've looked at we've seen today but you know by many estimates there are only what about three are of countries arab league countries that can lay any claim to some forward democracy so does the arab league really carry any weight these days it was much the. i don't know if i get you properly but let me since you are talking about democracy and the arab league the country is with us because the country is but in fact the there is a fact that nobody can deny that all the other companies are the other. no this initiative or this. they have no democracy or at least they don't have some of them they don't have a constitution and at the same time they're asking syria constitutions and to. develop their democracy that they are having it is ironic and paradox at the same
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time. what we've. taken out on the west and the arab league all significantly that if president assad steps down then all the problems are going to simply disappear is that wishful thinking is it is is it really as simple as all that at the end of the day do you think would you kindly repeat your questions i'm not getting you properly that's ok if you sound problems no problem but western the arab league seem to think that if president assad steps then all the problems will disappear is that a correct way of thinking. no no not at all not at all not at all it is not the way it is not the proper approach to deal with the syrians and president is ready to for the dialogue and he invites all the oppositions and he accepts the arab league initiatives also but this is cannot and could not happen in twenty four hours and overnight this is we know in lebanon let me talk about our
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country we've been since one thousand nine hundred eighty nine we have agreement after a large round of negotiations under log in saudi arabia and till now it's twenty two years and the constitution or the agreement has never been implemented totally and the lebanese are still complaining that they need more dialogue and they have to do more reforms on the other hand we've seen that they are asking president assad to do that in less than twenty four hours this is impossible this is shows that there is a bad plan for syria and this is we are not telling a secret this is a third seriously the whole region it will drop the whole region into turbulence that nobody can tell that chaos will conquer the whole region. frankly speaking what we see here is that. behind. the arab league countries the americans
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are trying to create. a cover of smoke behind after their leaving their religion and they want to cover the. failed in afghanistan in iraq in having a peace process to reestablish the peace process in palestine and the dialogue between them and the israelis they are creating more troubles they. failed ok this is simply this is how the situation there's a lot which could be said about this with your talking for a lot longer it's a very complicated subject but live from beirut thank you for your party thoughts for now alexander there thank you. coming up ahead of the program eurozone teetering on the brink investor conferences shake europe that close spreads to other heavyweight economies will grayson if city. and corporate
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occupy protesters return to new york's zuccotti park without the tents and sleeping beer the supreme court ruled that demonstrators could no longer camp out there for the night meeting with two month long occupation of the park is over police in riot gear storms are caught each tuesday morning tearing down tents and evicting hundreds of activists those refusing to leave and forcibly remove the middle occasions with offices and sound pans path a spray tear gas authorities started health and fire hazards of the reason behind the move to protest the thing as a flimsy excuse to kick them out before the movement's two month anniversary of the same massive rally wolf that. i think christine presented looks at how much of an impact occupied made since it first flared up a big i think. you could say it started with a whisper called by canadian activist group and busters that spread on facebook i. think i this very spot wall street is the site of the meanest crime but before
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long that whisper turned into a roar. a collective anger and wall street corruption had growing income inequality in america and at a system in which government policy is often dictated by corporate greed before long the crowds brought police. and police brought pepper spray. the story brought on more protesters and a few days later seven hundred of them were arrested on the brooklyn bridge. instead of scaring people away scenes like this. outraged the masses and before long argued. my movements multiplied from los angeles. to chicago. to boston.
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and just about everywhere in between the mood grew darker as authorities threaten to clear the tent city at zuccotti park at the last minute they were allowed to remain after cleaning the park themselves. occupy times square was next and brought scenes like this is not a word. that doesn't make an. iraq war veteran shamar thomas fighting what have become in his eyes wide spread police brutality he appeared on our show a few days later they're saying if you want to fight go to iraq go to afghanistan what do you mean by this you know to hurt the citizens that you swear to protect you know this is kind of you know a contradiction to the oath that you take and then there was occupy oakland here you see another veteran scott olsen standing peacefully. within moments he was hit in the head with a tear gas canister fractured his skull and left him in critical condition where
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the water. shot a spotlight now shining bright on the role of police all the while the protests spread much to the dismay of authorities who over the weekend evicted encampments once again in oakland. and in portland. st louis to name a few and new york's zuccotti park the heart of the movement also clear for the first time since the movement began now they worry what's next for occupy d.c. so one of the first things they did here is to clear this part of the park protesters tell me they've moved their tents closer to one another they say they've condensed their efforts because they want to stay focused they want to stay organized they say there's a chance that some of the protesters from the other occupations around the country could wind up here on k. street because this is one of the last places a very few clashes with police. in washington christine for our team. so it's
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newly appointed prime minister mario monti has now been sworn in and he's unveiled his new technocrat government unelected bankers diplomats and business executives will take charge of the country now with wanting him self at the helm both as premier and finance minister but in cabinet will be sworn in later on wednesday there have to push through more tough austerity measures to bring italy's debt crisis under control now he says he plans to remain in office until the end of the current parliament in two thousand and thirteen and in greece meantime the new government there is what a confidence vote in parliament the coalition will now have to work very quickly to ratify the rescue package and avoid bankruptcy but as our correspondent dana bush running a country calls for a lot more than an economic background. greece's new leader used to be voice president of the european central bank italy's new premier is also explained because of the voice of the goldman sachs to so mario monti's first actions in
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charge prove he's there to help fellow going to is not his people one thing one of the first things. we have to see financial stability of course will take care of the social problems credit system problems because you have a government led by a banker and there. wasn't even elected in the first place and he's not going to seek reelection so he can do whatever he pleases without having to go back to this previous post after two or three years but the e.u. says the institute for democracy in corporations john local and brussels has put into men who continue would. not support the public the way to predict this is did . you actually have office the moment you suggested a referendum on the. screen eventually or just a moment you said that italians should become more under the euro the use of insisted on elected officials taking charge in italy and greece all of those
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countries leaders questions the reforms being imposed on them could burst open by. the charges of being dictatorial and the democratic one politicians think this is a warning to all the e.u. leaders who try to help the poor pollution oppose all spending cuts and you'll have to go can be done in italy. it can be done in greece it's only a matter of time. before it can be done anywhere else good financial analyst makes causes of things going because of the very worst sort to put in children this time people say well the bankers know best well the bankers are the ones who have stolen all the money so are we going to give them more ability to steal more money in a post more austerity measures that's insane with the e.u. may have gone to war with boiling over it's the measures demanded by brussels seventy people have been injured in protests in italy well greek civil servants and teachers walked out of jobs on tuesday over pension cuts. for more
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violence but another public demonstration on thursday in brussels the new push to fourteen. a new draft rather world where u.s. drones have killed at least sixteen people in pakistan officials say the missiles hit two compounds in a village in the northwest of the country where it is considered the taliban stronghold hours before the strikes militants attacked an army checkpoint in the same region with rockets killing one soldier and wounding another pakistan's frequently criticize us drone strikes as a violation of the country's sovereignty in western china and many bus on its way to a kindergarten this collided head on with a truck killing eighteen children and two adults have personally had nine seats but it was reportedly carrying sixty youngsters many of them were taken to a nearby hospital there in a critical condition officials say the crash was caused by the bus being so heavily over larry. afghan president hamid karzai has demanded the foreign troops and not
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end night raids and stop detaining afghans addressing a council of trial. well doocy was also critical of nato playing its the part to run twenty fourteen would be good for the country because i pledged to see national sovereignty after growing increasingly angry over u.s. military action resulting in civilian deaths. the u.s. is expanding its military presence in australia with a total of two thousand five hundred troops expected to arrive over the next few years the plan was unveiled by president obama under strain prime minister julia gillard it seems by some as an attempt to offset china's growing global influence beijing's immediately questioned whether bringing in u.s. ships aircraft and vehicles would help stability in the region a lot more of a story that we're talking about in more depth on a website r.t. dot com here's what else we got for you lined up as well tonight washington's plans of retaliating against a following the kids and not just didn't cyberspace got the story online also while you there this morning for you two passports the theatre the legendary bolshoi is
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come up with stranded by the legal ticket sales for ford's rock just weeks ago against. dot com it's a. more thoughtful debate coming up shortly but the big news stories of the day cross talk in a few minutes gets to grips with where the tipping point might be for western nations we convene in syria let's get across the business update before that with an intriguing. good evening and a warm welcome to business arts acceptance of the w.t. means russia will have to alter some of its existing contracts with foreign companies in particular this concerns the car industry has not seen as many in the course of its like. right now russia isn't
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a good place financially and is prepared to compromise to make it into the w.c.l. that's the view of driving your points and he says russia is in a much better position than many of its european counterparts the country's g.d.p. grew four point two percent in the first nine months of the year and it's not sexy at the moment jitters to gold plate here of course the country is not immune to the crisis taking place beyond its borders which is why it's a recent place to help the prime minister says the ship may need down the international monetary fund now when it comes to russia and the recession that helped seal carmakers are and main concern lattimer says the government have to change some words and system contracts with international companies this year the government already promised transparency several boring companies including the word gold strike in bruno and exchanged a great so simple we just found some cars a year in russia using mostly locally made components not the benefits are expected
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to last once it's once it's once a pipeline the company still means that they could be lifted earlier the prime minister says compensation will be paid to meet russia's promises to investors and that's just one of the many things that needs to be ironed out as the country joins the trade body saying with d.w.i. accession russia may challenge that you use new energy rules through the trade body reuters agency quotes a government official says it could be an effective way to protect the country's interests when it becomes a member by the end of the year russian government has repeatedly complained about the so-called the use of third energy package which bans gas producers from owning the transit routes and in particular this affects gas from cigarette of the markets oil is up almost three dollars over one hundred dollars per barrel the first time since april this year this is because of the decline in u.s. oil in the trees and. a falling dollar please notice the narrow price difference
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between brant and w t i this is the pressure in shares of midwest petroleum refiners which had been benefiting from cheaper that enjoyed prices over the summer . in the u.s. the markets are still a lower this is after the bank of england said prospects for europe's economy added worsening and also disappointing corporate results for example from retail abercrombie and fitch pretty much the same situation in europe where stocks didn't manage to recover from losses the footsie ending down point one percent the dax point three percent for the dax it's the session of losses and finally to the closing picture in russia also a similar picture of the r.t.s. my six losing a third of a percent not really supported by the higher oil prices we might see a reaction on the first day they have to however this is on a lucky streak it's up one point six percent in this session magill losing four percent after a pause a disappointing third quarter sales then lost the outstanding gate after announcing
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a buy back with a sixty percent premium to the market price. in other news the russian government is aiming to cut annual inflation to below three and a half percent liberties and says this could be achieved in the short or medium term as for this year consumer prices are expected to rise by roughly seven percent that's the lowest rate in modern russian history all right that's it from the business desk for today john my colleague a block of us will be here at eight twenty am moscow time.
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question is that so much given to each musician on the market for serious money as they make them is made out of any military operation against syria though this could change the face change on the ground. the. russian cleon goes down. squandered money. abandoned mines. what is now. more than sixty square kilometers and in one move from the most nations and those who are still suprising new lives and fighting for just their lives giving bad out here.


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