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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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it's. welcome to the lower show where we get the real headlines with none of the mercy for me live in washington d.c. now tonight we're going to take a look at what the court ruled the vision of the park means for the occupy movement is the beginning of the end or will only make movement across the us stronger and the spirit is going to join us then today as being the american censorship day as free speech civil rights groups and tech giants all join together to protest legislation working its way through congress that they fear might break the internet we're going to hash out why sopa and protect ip are considered so
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dangerous and then we'll take a look at the loya jirga hamid karzai has called together in afghanistan as well as what the future of military commitment by the u.s. might be in this country to lynch is going to join us to explain it where he feels the military has gone completely wrong we have all the am or theater night getting a dose of happy hour but first take a look what the mainstream media has decided to miss. wells another day of election coverage and candidate scandals and today the mainstream media was all over the latest story coming out about newt gingrich clear some brand new reports that new congress was paid more than one point five million dollars in consulting fees by mortgage giant freddie mac. he's being dogged by reports that he earns one point six million consulting for mortgage giant freddie mac. when asked about this at the debate he said he was hired as a historian but it turns out he. was a p.t. advisor to freddie now which was bailed out by taxpayers his consulting firm was
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paid a whopping three hundred thousand dollars and that new figure is significantly larger than the three hundred thousand dollars payment that gingrich was asked about in the debate last week gingrich had to make one to one point eight million dollars in consulting fees we don't know where he got the money for tiffany's from middle east he's very smart guy. and freddie both fired a lot of people in washington. good advice he clearly was one of them and he's going to explain why. now what happened today after the m.s.m. went over the details of exactly how much gingrich got when and why was it then they immediately went into how this might hurt his campaign the conversation became all about the polls cain sex scandal a lack of foreign policy knowledge versus gingrich's baggage and what's going to hurt whom or almost completely glossed over is the fact that this is just one more example of the corruption that happens on a large scale in our political system all the time another reason why people are
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protesting and setting up cancel over the country is getting a hypocrite and corrupt yes of course he is but he's hardly the only one this is a systemic problem this is part of the revolving door between washington and wall street and lobbying groups and you name it the fact that if you're at the top and you're in power you never lose power because you just get to move on to the next organization that wants your contacts and is willing to pay you a lot of money for that more cronyism and less democracy now let me throw in another little tidbit for you that hasn't been getting the coverage it deserves just as a coffee park is being cleared out late at night republican members of congress are very hard at work this man filling some of the much needed regulations for the derivatives market that's right they managed to cut the budget requests for the commodity futures trading commission by one third so now we can even have even fewer organizations overseeing the corrupt practices on wall street and they can just go unchecked again all of this is systemic all of this is part of the bigger
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picture that needs to be discussed the occupiers and actual journalists out there was some integrity are trying to bring into the spotlight but the mainstream media they'd rather focus on election polls and miss the rest. after the court in new york ruled yesterday the protesters and the coffee party could not say a lot of questions as to. whether or not this could be the beginning of the end for the occupy movement and an interview with the b.b.c. wanted me to but he got on a conference call with eighteen other states and they the examiner reported that cities also had the help of the department of homeland security and the f.b.i. so it looks like some of this might have been recorded aided crackdown on cities across the board but also the officials try to tear down the camps former labor secretary and u.s. u.c. berkeley professor robert reich said last night that this is only going to strengthen the movement every movement that has occurred over the last somebody
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five years of american history and we know a lot of movements are brought as well when they are cracked down upon when there is sort of violence and for to to end them and also especially when the members of the movement maintain a kind of peacefulness nonviolence civil disobedience that strengthens the movement the movement grows and that is almost inevitably what's going to happen here. so is he right joining me from our studio in los angeles to discuss this an experience co-host of the young turks and a thanks so much for joining us tonight now before we get into what rice said you know the greater problems are the future of occupy wall street movement i first want to know what your reaction was to the court ruling yesterday that the protesters out of the park and basically said that free speech is allowed at all times and all places. you know i was really surprised at
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the fact the police raid was able to actually happen i was surprised at the fact that there was a media blackout during that process and the fact that people in zuccotti park no longer have their tents there they are allowed to be there at the park and i guess protest in essence but they're still not allowed to be there with their tents and it's surprising to me because it's just it just goes to show you that the government doesn't value free speech as much as they claim they do they only value free speech when it's convenient for them those protesters should have the right to be there with their tents they should be able to offer part and occupy protesters should be able to occupy whichever city that they're in and the fact that we don't have protections in place that allow these people to practice their first amendment rights is really surprising to me but you know i'm sure that many people who are watching the show right now would say hey you know what you're being naive the freedom of speech has always been violated through our throughout our history and it is always something that is only used when it's convenient for government
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officials and for police officials i mean i'm really happy that you mention that attempted media blackout from the other night because yesterday i was outraged you know we saw a lot of blogs reporting on this for the new york times writing about it when you looked and looked at c.n.n. m.s.n. b.c. or fox news any of the cable media networks they didn't really seem to report on that they reported on the fact that the rate went down but i can't believe they didn't report on the fact that there was an attempted media blackout and so what happens when even you know the press or at least a part of the press the one that has a lot more of the exposure what does that mean when they when they don't care. it means if they never value the story in the first place the only people who cover the story are non conventional media outlets the young turks r t several bloggers salon dot com think talk progress all of those websites where you would expect actual news and journalism taking place however the mainstream media never cared
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about the story so they don't care that there was a media blackout at zuccotti park they don't care that bloomberg called for it they don't care that freedom of press is being violated significantly in this country they don't care because the the story isn't important for them i wonder how much they would care if it came to the conrad murray story what if there was a media blackout with that i'm sure they would talk about it time and time again or what about the casey anthony trial oh my god they would be so outraged but when it comes to something as important as the occupy movement you don't hear the mainstream media saying a word about it and i think that it's unbelievable and it's honestly something that just shows you how corrupt our mainstream media has become at this point out what they consider news is honestly garbage all right now let's move on to where you think that some of this might go i have seen you know we've seen crackdowns definitely been movement or at least parking in the coffee is over for now so new york seems to be in a little bit of jeopardy but robert reich says that he thinks this will only make the movement stronger do you agree with them. you know it's
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a pivotal moment right now for the occupy protesters and i want to be just as optimistic as he is and i think that there are definitely going to be some members of the occupy movement who will be motivated by this they are going to show that nothing is going to stop them when it comes to practicing their first amendment rights and getting their message message across however there are other strategies for occupy wall street and the occupy movement to be highly successful so you know we know that the winter season is coming it's going to be a very difficult time for the protesters to carry on and i know that there are some people out there who are strong enough to i guess deal with the harsh conditions that they're going to be protesting in however maybe this is a good opportunity for them to kind of just take some time off be a sleeping giant until the spring and then kind of regroup and come forward and come forward in a very aggressive way and the reason i say that is because by next spring the entire country is going to be politically engaged we have an election season coming
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up everyone is curious about who's going to get elected everyone wants to take part in politics and i think it'll be a great opportunity for the occupy movement to grab the attention of people who haven't been paying attention so far so i think that regardless of what happens with occupy wall street they will be successful in the end i just don't know whether or not they're going to tough it out throughout the winter or if they're going to be the sleeping giant that kind of wakes up during the spring season and comes down hard on our corrupt political system so in that sense are you saying that you don't think that a lot of this is based on momentum and a lot of anger that is consistently building within the population you think that they can just wait on it and people are still going to come out in mass force. no i that's not what i mean i definitely think that there is momentum building and people are definitely angry and they want to take to the streets right now and they don't want anything to stop them however there are other people out there who regardless of how angry they are they probably know a better idea is to kind of lay low throughout the winter season and then come down
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hard on the political system later in the spring when weather conditions are better i don't know exactly what the collective ideology is right now with the occupy protesters i don't know what they're thinking honestly my guess is that they're going to try to tough it out throughout the winter season which i give them all the credit for it because it takes a tremendous amount of courage but i'm just saying that regardless of what strategy they take it's going to be a successful movement and it's been so successful already because of the fact that they've been able to change the discourse here in the united states now really quickly you know we can talk about we're not exactly sure what the collective mentality is by wall street but it's been pretty obvious when it comes to the occupy wall street haters and those on the right representative peter king they call them bunch of angry losers said they need to see a psychiatrist and then there's this really wonderful video of karl rove kind of losing it in baltimore and take a look right quick. yes
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. you are. right it is you are it was i. was. i right. you. are. it was. screaming who gave you the right so occupy america well you know i think we could probably come up with the answers we call that bitterness here i definitely bitterness i definitely sense a little bit of fear and intimidation i'm sure he didn't expect that to happen he probably thought hey i'm going to show up to john hopkins university you know speak
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my right wing talking points and everything's going to be ok but i love that they might check karl rove because it totally caught him off guard and he genuinely looks surprised which i love and yeah it was zinger who gave you rights occupy america really is that the best you could come up with karl rove you know they also did a my check on governor scott walker and i also thought that was highly amusing and definitely an excellent my check so i like that the protesters are finding creative ways to practice their first amendment rights and they're doing a great job i give them a tremendous amount of credit for doing that hopefully we'll see some more of those two and a thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you ilana. now we reported to you on police violence occupy sites from oakland to new york city in the last week but it looks like the pain isn't over yet last night as demonstrators occupy seattle were marching in their old city they were confronted by police who proceeded to assault them with pepper spray.
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and now amongst those who were pepper sprayed was a four foot ten eighty four year old woman named laura lee rainie she has a history of activism that dates back decades and i named jennifer was also hit by pepper spray and she's two months pregnant and take a look at this video captured after jennifer reaches the ambulance. they. say. by seattle's confirm that jennifer is still hospitalized at this moment do you think that pepper spray elderly in pregnant women would be condemned by police however seattle p.d. spokesman jeff compel seemed indifferent to the assault he says that pepper spray is quote not age pacific no more dangerous to someone who is ten or someone who is eighty eight so good to know the police have no qualms with pepper spraying your
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grandma somebody please explain to me why police think it is ok to wage a pepper spray assault against pregnant and elderly women much less the rest of the peaceful protesters in seattle sadly can't really say that i'm surprised this police violence has become the norm for occupy movements nationwide but in the meantime police across the country continue to use unnecessary force which often creates what little violence has been seen at the occupy sites across the country if notice from police are peaceful so are the protesters. now that's so much more time than i told you about the act but today will delve into the details of a house judiciary committee version of this anti-piracy legislation called so but i'll tell you why so many are declaring it as the end of the. internet all their military mechanisms to go work on supreme justice or.
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i have a right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i paid taxes. so i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and hear see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm trying hard because the big.
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i'm learning mr. think the police corruption is. like what a protester nobody seems to know. that never appropriate to face but already argument that they're being overly dramatic.
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well today has been the american censorship day an incredible amount of opposition is mounted towards legislation working its way through both the house and the senate to combat copyright infringement on the web now we've spoken about the protect ip act many times on the show but today the house judiciary committee held a hearing on their version of the bill known as sopa the stop online privacy act out of the six i.p.x. would allow the attorney general to create a blacklist of websites that they see as engaging in infringing activities to be blocked by us people died or search engines payment providers and advertising networks all about a court hearing or a trial but sopa goes even further and numerous groups have come out against both pieces of legislation from civil liberties and free speech groups like the a.c.l.u. that would try to friends here foundation various think tanks a bipartisan group of lawmakers including ron paul more than one hundred legal scholars and even a tech giants take a look at this of full page ad taken out in the new york times today was taken out
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by a well either a facebook google linked in was ill or twitter yahoo and so so much opposition might congress actually listen are disgusted with these alexander howard government two point zero washington correspondent for o'reilly media center thanks so much for being here tonight nice to be here ok so like i said our family or our viewers the viewers are very familiar with the protect ip act let's talk about what the differences are between protect ip and sopa why this one is considered to be so much worse but i think one of the ways that people tend to look specifically at this is private right after you refer to that a little bit which is to say that someone who has the ownership to a given piece of content that feels and infringing could then go right to the department of justice and do that in a way that's not really public and then they can complain against it and then it would give the department just a certain powers to then take that set offline and you talk about a number of them right the idea that you can take it out of search results the way you could constrain it financially and then potentially what's most controversial
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which isn't using the i mean. system to make it so that when people search for the domain of the site they simply couldn't find it ok how about the fact to you that you know some of these companies now if something is posted on line that might be infringing on copyright as soon as they're notified they just take it down but won't they be held responsible now they are going to have to start blocking it censoring it from from the very beginning they'll have to face legal protections of three every get that their right will mean the existing infrastructure but this is the d.m.c.a. right doing g.m.c. take down if your company you see something of yours up on you tube for instance and say we have ownership of that and you have your individual piece of content it gets taken down and that's seeing some amount of abuse but it's been a workable system but it's that basically says if you see information content on a given site given piece and take that off what the this bill has been introduced around is this idea of rogue web sites that are outside the united states and congress with the urging on a lot of people who sponsored the bill and the people you saw testify that they are
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interested in finding ways to prevent these rogue web sites beyond us jurisdiction from be able to host or link to pirated content and there are only so many means that you can do that the one that i think there's broad consensus around is following the money so no change in the way that you can fund these sites through advertising or through payment mechanisms the same thing in fact and you struggle with you it's one of the quite controversial in the internet community is this idea of using the demeaning system let's in fact talk about the hearing today and who was that was there i already mentioned the long list. of you know organizations out there members of congress they're all opposed to the legislation that people are backing and you have the chamber of commerce the motion pictures as the asian you have a lot of the entertainment industry how come they are how come the opposition wasn't allowed to speak or voice their concerns today at this hearing you would have to ask representative smith the heads of. the nation. to
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my understanding the consumer electronics or association for the biggest of its kind asked to testify and did not have the opportunity if you took a picture of that table of people that was there the only one that reps from the companies you reference the biggest and companies in the world was google and that represented had a pretty tough time today out of tough questioning from the congressman. you didn't see constituencies and venture capital community you didn't see constituencies from public advocates from civil rights organizations humans or rights organizations and notably you did not see anyone from the engineering side there was actually a specific point where one of the congressman to raise this issue of whether this bill would be a problem for cybersecurity as you know this is a huge issue in washington cyber crime has been growing is a really important issue it's important to note from the national stage is to teach
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it so when someone brought up this idea that a passed council of d h s m r m r smith was reminded about this is on them as well mr baker and that this demeaning system security was an issue something that engineers been working on for a long time we think that's something that members of congress who care about what they do and when it was raised that came up well we should know about that they asked the witnesses about it since this call d.n.a.'s sack and it's basically trying to build a more secure demeaning system because without it there are some ways that your traffic can be spoofed which is it can be a significant issue if you're in parts of the world where your traffic is intercepted it could be dangerous to you and essentially something unusual happened to a group of internet engineers wrote a letter to congress saying if you do this it's going to break but we've been building now and if you've come out with many engineers they don't usually like to insert themselves in politics but they have number of venture capitalists including
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fred wilson burnham. you know these guys don't get all the way out it seems it seems rather crazy that the congress with at least allow them to come in and have their piece and they're going through you know this this type of hearing process and so what do you think the chances are that some of this might actually go through either the senate version or the house version well it depends who you talk to right. if you talk to. the chairman government oversight he told the hill today that he doesn't think it's going to get very far it thinks that the regulatory burden here is going to actually be significant opposition to security is one important thing people actually. really going to because we're running out of time i mean do you think that this also equates us in terms of censorship we've heard a lot of people say well we point fingers at china all the time and here are definitely setting a very dangerous precedent you know for what it looks like around the world people perked up when the m.p.a. talked about that there's a very important op ed written by rebecca mackinnon in the new york times today and
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she entitled of the great firewall of america referring to china's censorship mechanism and this particular principle this idea that a site should be held liable or not for information content that's brought into it the way we've made the internet over the past twenty years has protected sites from doing that it's really what is enabled the internet to grow as much as it has and the principles intermediary liability write that if a site is online it shouldn't be held liable for user generated content if someone has something on the you know what's going to happen so what's the mechanism you choose to deal with it if you make it so that the whole site goes down blocks and search results money gets taken away goes away then what is that going to mean for for and what is going to mean for the risk tolerance of venture capitalists who want to fund the startups that are asking that question what does it mean for you for an entrepreneur is for startups for innovation well that people are calling it the end of the internet or the breaking of the internet you know. you know
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just in common thank you so much for joining thank you for inviting me. all right let's shift our focus to iran ever since guy a report came out about the iranian nuclear weapons program the calls to bomb iran have been renewed by war hawks here in the u.s. and mainstream media has rushed to do their part but is r.t. the nice and now he points out jumping the gun could have very grave consequences. i give on has long been a hot topic. but. the greatest threat that america in the world faces at faced was a nuclear iran but it's heated up since last week's report from the un's nuclear watchdog sparking fears iran was pursuing atomic weapons the i.a.e.a. says iran developed a high explosives initiation system a detonator with the help of a foreign experts question that current expert is called it the new century science with its own russian by some western media even though the i.a.e.a.
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report nothing name him and he's not russian by ukrainian it here's how former weapons inspector david albright talks up the scientists nuclear credentials on c.n.n. he showed him how to build of a thin hemispherical shell with holes in it and it were the detonation happens and you simultaneously set off explosive pellets in a series of holes in that a woman shell and those explosive pell pellets in night the high explosive underneath and in a very spiritual way it compresses the core and then you get a nuclear explosion this is then he is a scientist but not a nuclear specialist those who actually know down again cannot say this binion credible because he worked in a nuclear facility but not every person who does is a new clear specialist he's actually trained to construct the airplanes and it's not the i.a.e.a. that is question you know but journalists audience nevertheless all right accuses
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the young khan who specialized in the know diamonds in iran of working with iranians to help them miniaturize their nuclear warhead so they can put it on top of one of their missiles so it can be fired oh bright has a history of pointing fingers just before iraq was invaded he said this in two thousand and two. in terms of the chemical and biological weapons iraq has those now how many how could they deliver them i mean these are big questions then backtrack to the l a times once known w m d's were just covered in iraq. if there are no weapons of mass destruction i'll be mad as hell i certainly accepted the administration's claims on chemical and biological weapons i figured they were telling the truth and some us politicians think non-truths could be repeating with iran and i'm afraid what's going on right now is similar to the war
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propaganda that went on against iraq and you know they didn't have the weapons of mass destruction but there were enough official reports implying otherwise in terms of the report there is limited information the reason it's limited is because it's most likely that iran does not know it is you know it is the case iran does not have a nuclear weapons program outré diplomatic days are who could be called critics say the public especially in the us are about to be inundated with another flood of so-called expert analysis the wearer of a dangerous mideast country that's presumably hiding secret nuclear weapons and may require a military strike the difference this time it's iran not iraq and he's now artsy moscow. coming up next i'll sound off with you said i read it and then afghanistan president hamid karzai wants to keep u.s. troops in this country for another decade after.


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