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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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deal. now with the apology. was playing dirty from the windy city to the mile high city police forces are ramping up their efforts to shut down the occupy wall street and now opens mayor is alluding toward a court in needed crackdown so will this stop the cons in its tracks or fuel it further we'll have a report from new york city. that we're going to afford a rig is going to remove what i want to be around when we will have fourteen down to a gun out of. d.c. elites shark and maybe that's why the nation's richest counties are located right here in the nation's capital so while the rest of the country tightens its fiscal belts we'll take
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a look at the lawmakers in the lobbyists who are living the high life. i'm afraid which were born right now it's similar to the war propaganda that women want to use to write you know they didn't have. weapons of mass destruction plus it's a game of deal or no deal on the line america's financial future the players twelve members of the super committee and as the clock ticks toward its eleventh hour is a deal even possible at this point and with all that lobbyist influence is this game room and. everyone you are tuned in to our t.v. on this wednesday november sixteenth it's eight pm here in our studios in washington d.c. i'm christine. well they are bruised but not broken occupy wall street protesters kicked out of various occupations around the country including the one where it all started in new york. city but they say they are not backing down meanwhile they've
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been taking shifts at zuccotti park where they have been allowed to return but not to camp backpacks tents and sleeping bags are banned after the protesters were cleared late monday night early tuesday morning on the orders of new york city mayor michael bloomberg but we want to take a closer look at what has happened over the last few days and was of course just new york we've been telling you this has been happening around the country very early this morning about one twenty it was san francisco police raided three encampments there and dismantled tense about sixty people have been camping out there it was a similar situation over the weekend in portland oregon police in riot gear evicted campers and police arrested more than fifty people protesters say police used excessive force and physical violence local authorities say the occupy protests there had turned into nothing more than a party for check out these photos these are from overnight in seattle washington this is
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a four for ten eighty four year old woman who had been pepper sprayed in the face this could become folks the new face of the movement police here obviously using pepper spray with no discretion as a weapon in their war to clear people out also check this out this is a pregnant woman we believe she is nineteen years old she was also pepper sprayed in the face. here you see more police presence protesters all in seattle i should mention seattle police say they use pepper spray only against objects who are either refusing an order to disperse or quote using assaultive behavior toward officers finally the same pregnant woman that you saw before here she's being escorted out taken to the hospital so it seems a little strange that all of these are victims of occupy movements around the country happened during the same week and even on the same day most of them were very early in the morning and most included a large police presence and no access this time even to the media but it couldn't be recorded afeard credit police departments are all autonomous aren't they well
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maybe not here's a. in an interview with the b.b.c. i was recently in our conference call eight hundred fifty s. across the country who had this thing and situation where we started as a political need and what we call. and that being an encampment that was no longer in control of the people who started it all and we don't think you're starting to see is looking like it. is looking forward. all right so the mayor here saying she was on a conference call with eighteen other mayors and it's not just that we are now hearing reports particularly in a news article written in the minneapolis top news examiner that it wasn't just these mayors but the department of homeland security was also in on this this came as shocking news to many people not shocked though radio host alex jones i spoke to him earlier today and asked him is this evidence that big brother is alive and well
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here's his take. well it is a t.s.a. under homeland security has now set up checkpoints on highways across the united states and are searching people like it's an airport running on a highway something right out of a third world dictatorship all our borders are pretty much what open in many areas and federally they're putting in cameras microphones everywhere they have threat fusion centers that are run by the feds sometimes at military bases or the local police departments and fire departments are all moving into so this is a total federalization that violates our tenth amendment why even have states why don't have counties and cities if the federal government is running everything and i noticed a few weeks ago you would see concerted on the same day in ten fifteen twenty cities raids on occupy wall street i mean that's obvious it's been concerted what happens on the same day same night same morning in the same way same tactics and now it's just admitted and they're brutalizing people another crack team over the head with billy clubs they're pepper spraying babies and it's
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a message of we don't like what you're doing i mean what happened early on was. the democratic party try to co-opt this like the republicans try to co-opt the tea party and that didn't really succeed and so they've gone from a month ago this the council on foreign relations the federal reserve the obama administration ben bernanke he all endorsing occupy wall street and i thought they could come. to now saying get them out of here and also i discovered austin and in detroit as well as new york we've confirmed. they're when they let homeless people out who get arrested for being drunk in public or sleeping on the sidewalk or they're released from prison or homo shelters or mental institutions they tell them go to austin occupy the new york occupy if we want to rescue here so for the last month they've been shifting all the homeless people and mentally ill people and prisoners there so they could then demonize it she look people are going to the
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bathroom on the ground are you going to support a party people are fights are breaking out there's robberies we've heard as well alex and we've heard as well that at some of these movements police they used to have a pretty large presence in some of these areas in some of these parts of the city and decided to just abandon those parts so when violence happens they're not there i will say i've spent a lot of time here at occupy k. street here in washington so the protesters even tell me they've been warned by other protesters that people are being sent in by either homeland security or other agencies trying to get information their concerns what with these you know so-called spies have to gain by infiltrating this movement well they're now trying to blame the shooting at the white house on occupy wall street what they have to gain they get intelligence so they can the demonize the group they can separate groups look the system knows with it out with its actuaries of different calculations that there is an uprising against the corruption on wall street and
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against the federal reserve coming but this is not an uprising that's quiet i mean they have all of their actions all of their intentions posted on their websites i mean they don't need this isn't a secret movement this isn't a it's a peaceful say i operation this is a movement that is very open and transparent so why would the homeland security need to be sending people into these parks and into these squares to find out information well. exactly that's why the system knows that there's more political action more demonstrating coming from across the political spectrum show it first they kind of give occupy wall street good press try to make it a democratic type thing so they can at least make it partisan now they're in the business of demonizing it infiltrating it to try to manufacture or data dirt on them as a way to generally. demonize all forms of protest in this country ahead of the food depressionary collapse bank runs and everything else that's in
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the works you know i see the police and her talk radio demonizing occupy wall street across the board calling a bunch of dirty criminals the new york post called them a rabble which means basically criminal scum this idea that protesting and demonstrating is criminal or is scummy or filthy is really un-american and anti-democratic across the world and so that's my big concern and now we have this image club all taking nine hundred million dollars of people's own bank accounts out of their system and giving it to mega banks and raiding people's private accounts like journal solenn k. that broke here yesterday and it's now the biggest stories in the country we allowed only see a perp walk for those criminals who are openly doing this well it turns out that the head of the c.e.o. of t.c. according to reuters is invested deeply with a course on line who runs this m.f. global so so you've got these massive lootings at bank accounts being grabbed at
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derivatives and all these scams going on none of them get in trouble they get bulky trillion dollar citizen paid bailouts and then when citizens are mad about the country going into a depression the media demonizes the people and six military style police on i mean what i saw in new york where they were cracking women in the head for no reason to believe club. and and shooting veterans in the face with rubber bullets and almost killing them in oakland and then to hear the media defending it i mean my god our country has gone from twenty years ago to crying tiananmen square. basically praising some words i think it's really really scary certainly this this issue you're talking about alex about john corazon and m.f. global this is one of so many stories that people on occupy wall street are certainly frustrated about my concern and i think a lot of people's concern and i'm wondering if you have any ideas for this is the messaging war has changed as you said so many people at first said you know these
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are peaceful protesters you know fighting this corrupt system that's really got out of control and it's not just the media it's you know a lot of people getting involved federal agencies that have really started to amp up to beef up the message that these are nothing more than drunks you know they make headlines when you know this murder happened. and what needs to change here to turn this message war around. well it's a psyop again week we've confirmed they're telling the homeless people you're arrested if you sleep anywhere else under a bridge or anywhere you go to occupy this is being done nationwide for at least a month it's a subtle feeling process it's a set up what needs to change is we need to say the first amendment the first amendment and whether you agree with what the occupy people are saying or disagree you should support their first amendment right of free speech and also we to get the word out that occupy wall street is
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a diverse spectrum of ideas from libertarians to socialist to liberals to conservatives and it's that it can't buy the mainstream media to brand all protest as basically a bunch of communist you know i do critical of some of the messages in occupy and i was critical of it when obama tried to co-opt it and i said you have obama isn't able to co-opt it they're going to raid him and that's now happened so the good news is they failed to co-opt this movement and so that's why you're going to see the system current loose on them and so we need to stand with occupy wall street now that they're being attacked now is the time and we need to have more people like yourself what you're doing but other so-called media here in the u.s. needs to step up to the plate and point out that they are telling the people being released from prison. mental institutions homeless you name it go to occupy that's where the free food is and it's all a big joke as you said they pull the cops back. and it basically advertise this is a place to engage in crime to demonize it and i want i will mention at least that
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are some of the some of the organizers more well established people involved in occupy wall street say you know they don't mind helping these homeless people that a lot of these homeless people is mentally ill people are simply victims of the system out of time alex want to thank you radio host alex jones and austin texas. and as the movement gets ready to enter into its third month another chapter in this story is being written out about those who usually write the stories over the last few days several examples of reporters being kept away from the very scene they're supposed to be reporting on in new york even reporters with n.y.p.d. issued press passes physically moved from the scene in some cases being put into a choke holds there are also several reports of journalists being arrested and it's causing some to say is there a cord needed media blackout going on here but our own producer lucy cavanagh has spent several weeks that occupy wall street both in new york and oakland she's back in new york now and talk to us a little bit earlier take a listen first i want to pay play
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a little piece of video and then we can talk about it. so there's video obviously a very shaky of a journalist being taken into custody this report of course only one of many from what we're hearing of journalists being arrested journalists who just want to get close to the scene close enough to see what's going on so lucy let's talk about this i mean a lot of these people issued press credentials and they can't even be on the scene . and it's really something i have experienced first hand minus the arrest part and at the risk of sounding like the whining fourth estate you know it's not about the fact that journalists should be treated specially and given special privileges that other people don't have but in a country that really values itself and its freedom of speech freedom of the press that often talks down to other countries and calls for improvements in press freedoms abroad it's really quite absurd that the level of media clampdown in
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relation to these occupy wall street protests has been as high as it's been i mean the raid in zuccotti park saw several journalists arrested they ripped off the credentials of one and b c reporter they had asked a c.b.s. news helicopter to clear the air space so they wouldn't capture images of what was actually being recorded and i've seen both firsthand and spoken to a journalist both in you know planes in washington d.c. and here that are essentially kicked off of the scene prevented from filming targeted in some places we have had video of police officers using these high powered strobe lights to blind the video cameras to prevent from filming and it's just bizarre that you know indeed united states this kind of thing could happen it almost feels one veteran journalist but i spoke to said that it was easier to get access when he was embedded in iraq than it was covering some of these occupy wall street. i don't know if that's necessary but. we did see you were just in oakland a few days ago and we did see while you were doing a report talking to the camera you were even sort of pushed out of the way by
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authorities in the middle of europe. short but now that you're back in new york i really want to know from you we saw this video just crazy to think that zuccotti park sort of the heart of this movement the heart of the occupation idea is now no longer allowing people to camp out can you tell us a little bit about what's going on there with the scene is like now. it was quite shocking so i went down there today almost completely empty in fact there's probably more police officers there than actual protesters really really strange site not to see any of the infrastructure there anymore one interesting thing is although there's a lot of police officers there i talked to one gentleman asking him if he was and why p.b. he said he was a private security guard hired by brookfield refused to give me the name of the company but the fact that this private public space that's dedicated to for public use twenty four hours a day is now guarded not only by police department officials were private security guards it is quite absurd i mean to prevent against what threat to people with
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tents people expressing their first amendment rights but it is interesting i mean a lot of the people that work camping out i was told are now saying a church as different churches had opened their doors and i was trying to get a sense of whether people really felt like this was going to be a giant damper on the movement or that this is going to slow down i guess the efforts because as you said this is a very symbolic location and a lot of folks said that surprisingly actually that they thought it was a good thing because it would allow by wall street people in new york at least to think of other tactics there's a lot of discussion of for example doing cold hunger strikes once the snow comes doing other sort of more powerful visual events that would get the these protests more noticed in the media and so i don't think that it's an end necessarily just a little pause yeah it is certainly interesting the timing of it and it is we've been lucky the past few weeks here in d.c. and there in new york with a little bit of warm weather but i know any day now the winter is coming so it is very interesting the timing of this all i want to talk real quick if you lucy about tomorrow obviously a big day the two month anniversary you talked
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a little bit about the fact that it's empty but is there a sense of defeat or is there real planning going on in terms of sort of marking this important day and taking it to the next chapter. well i really think that tomorrow is going to be a big test for occupy wall street across the country it is the two month anniversary we did see this wide spate of crackdowns all across the country and i think that if if these protesters are able to turn out massive numbers and they are planning to do so whether or not they will or not remains to be seen if they're able to turn out massive numbers in los angeles here in new york and across the country then we will know that this is a much stronger force that we expected to deal with in new york specifically i talked to several protesters and said that they are prepared and willing and are expecting in fact to get arrested for nonviolent civil disobedience they're going to try to take over wall street or around the new york stock exchange area to do a massive sit in into what we've seen in the civil rights era we also know that there's other actions throughout the day that five pm there's going to be a massive rally with unions union leaders move on dot org and other groups
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organizing so we think the numbers will be really big culminating in a giant march across the brooklyn bridge and of course hopefully we won't see the same kind of a response by the police on the brooklyn bridge like we did last month when nearly seven hundred people got arrested there but i do think will be a major test of this movement if they can really turn out those numbers despite not having zuccotti park despite the crackdowns it's a much more powerful force them are realized. that was our two producer lucy cavanagh reporting from our new york studio and from oakland to the big apple lucy has been on the ground following this growing movement so you should follow her on twitter at lucent half an hour for the very latest information. and of course one of the issues the protesters with occupy wall street movement are angry about is that too close for comfort relationship between wall street and washington and never before is that more apparent than with the information from the twenty ten census data it appears there have been some changes in the way we do business here in washington the biggest change is how much business is apparently being done here
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how much money the city now rakes in and how many people are living large as a result well according to these numbers washington d.c. now has the lowest poverty rate for any not for politan city in the country surpassing even places like tech capital silicon valley california but that's not the whole story so i decided to take a look into these numbers and what they actually mean. and the winner is washington the district of columbia where this house is just one of many immersed in luxury and not for sale but what happens here and here and here played a major role in some changes in the latest u.s. census data the washington d.c. metropolitan area today has the lowest poverty rate in the country at eight point four percent money is a magnet and it pulls people here to make more money and that made clear as well in a survey of median household income with four out of the five wealthiest counties
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also in the d.c. metro area and its surrounding suburbs one of those places is the fairfax county virginia home to the national counterterrorism center the cia and it's located less than twenty miles outside of downtown washington so for those who work inside the city it's a fairly easy commute. and not a bad one when you're coming home to this or this not a foreclosed sign or even a for sale sign in sight big houses are needed after all for those with big bank accounts we're seeing more and more in d.c. who are military contractors coming to washington d.c. a lot of telecom and a lot of war three firms opening up what was your you had a lot of big issues happen in these last few years health care reform financial reform that brought in insurers wall street types all kinds of people who are looking to make the process work for their bottom lines chris freights is the lobbying correspondent for the national journal and says big companies put big bets
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in washington because they almost always pay off if you're a huge company if you're able to take that ten million dollar investment and find a tax loophole that saves you a billion dollars a year that's a very smart investment. on the streets of washington these have become a familiar sight and it's no wonder i watch news now there has been a seventy three percent in. crease in government owns limousines in the last two years from two hundred thirty eight in two thousand and eight to four hundred twelve in two thousand and ten. a few miles south and east it is a different set of wheels will more likely see the city bus. the people who live here more aware of the other extreme statistic that came out of last year's census that d.c. has the highest rate of those considered course of the poor those who live at fifty percent or less of the official poverty level i think there's a boundary is
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a line drawn somewhere. i guess separating the anacostia river here could be felt like the proverbial train tracks where life on the other side is almost another world and where many have been pushed to getting priced out of their homes without people afford a ring is going on the day they moved everyone else on the room only. one of their not a condo even here people are getting pushed further outside the vixens more and more widespread used to call this chocolate city you know and we were not rich you know what i mean so one may founding moved us all out i knew the riches coming and coming they did transforming the u.s. capitol into a microcosm of the nation where the gulf between rich and poor continues to deepen in washington christine first now. still ahead here on our team america's got a new middle eastern bogeyman to fear i'm not talking about iraq and its so-called
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weapons of mass destruction but it sure sounds like it so why hasn't the us learned its lesson from the last time a point of fingers outlining evidence. was either the police corruption. but what will test the nobody seems to know. that never break the face but part of the argument that they're being overly dramatic.
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welcome to the counseling i'm lauren mr. let's turn now to the fallout here in the u.s. after the release of that report from the international atomic energy agency quite a bit on hysteria over the iranian nuclear program with the same figures that accused iraq having been having possessed weapons of mass destruction leading the charge now iran has long been a hot topic in the west and anti iranian sentiments are at a high right now there's also new talk about of foreign scientists possibly from
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russia having outside influence and aiding iran in these so-called efforts argy correspondent he's now it takes a deeper look at some of the talk that's been circulating. iran has long been a hot topic but. the greatest threat that america in the world faces at faced was a nuclear iran but it's heated up since last week's report from the un's nuclear watchdog sparking fears iran was pursuing atomic weapons the i.a.e.a. says iran developed a high explosives initiation system a detonator with the help of a foreign experts question that our expert is called it the mystery science or was it a russian by some western movie and it even though the i.a.e.a. report doesn't name him and he's not russian by ukrainian many years now former weapons inspector david albright talks not sort of final to his nuclear credentials
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on c.n.n. weapons show them how to build a thin hemispherical shell with holes in it and where the detonation happens and you simultaneously set off explosive pellets in a series of holes in that one of shell and those explosive help pellets in night the high explosive underneath and in a very spiritual way it compresses the core and then you get a nuclear explosion just then he is a scientist but not under clear specialist those who actually know down again they did this. he worked in a nuclear facility but not every person who does is a nucleus specialist he's actually trained to construct an airplane and it's not the i.a.e.a. that is question he now but journalists run ins whenever the last all right accuses the young guy who specializes in not only diamonds in iran working with the iranians to help them miniaturize their nuclear warhead so they can put it on top
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of one of their missiles so it can be fired specter outright that history out pointing fingers just as for iraq was invaded essentially in two thousand and two. in terms of the chemical and biological weapons iraq has those now how many how could they deliver them i mean these are big questions then backtrack to the l a times once known w m d's were discovered in iraq. if there are no weapons of mass destruction i'll be now as i certainly accepted the administration's claims of chemical and biological weapons i figured they were telling the truth and some us politicians think non-truths could be repeating with iran i'm afraid what's going on right now is similar to the war propaganda that went on against iraqi you know they didn't have weapons of mass destruction but there were enough official reports implying otherwise in terms of the report there
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is limited information a lot of the reason it's limited because it's one most likely that iran does not know it is you know it is the case iran does not have a nuclear weapons program outright diplomatic days of who could be called critics say the public especially in the us are about to be inundated with another flood of so-called expert analysis the wearer of a dangerous mideast country that's presumably hiding secret nuclear weapons and may require a military strike the difference this time it's iraq not iraq and he said now i.r.t. nasca sally vance we are out of time and we told you at the beginning of the show when you talking about the supercommittee what the holdup is that story is available on our web site r.t. dot com slash usa you can also find my entire interview with fiscal times correspondent jennifer dipole that's on you tube dot com slash r c america you should also think.


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