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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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why there are other decades. to go. i have a right to know what my government want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize it as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. a story. you think you understand it and the. other part of it and realize that everything is.
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if. the police corruption of. stuff that nobody seems to know. that never break the face by top. the argument that they're being overly dramatic.
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hi guys it's time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliance and engaging the are comments from facebook twitter and you tube because when you've got something to say i listen now first i want to respond to a comment or that watched our interview on the republican foreign policy debates or the so-called commander in chief debate each candidate rush to the clear their desire to decimate the foreign aid budget eighty five paul mccartney said on you tube foreign aid accounts for one percent of the national budget why then so much emphasis on this and not going to be wasted in homeland security or all the wars the us is involved in and i guess we can really a little back all the cab again can this forget to mention when they proclaim their desire to save us from fiscal ruin by cutting
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a program that cost almost nothing in the scheme of things because god forbid they actually touch the programs that cost money like unnecessary weapons systems or the other real pentagon bloat that's right aside from ron paul these candidates simply choose to ignore the cost of our two full scale wars our secret wars and our hundreds of bases all over the world because it's so much easier to say that we're going to stop funding countries who hate us but actually tackling the real areas of spending our foreign policy now this is where i would have expected a moderator to jump and say hey guys i realize authority is only one percent of the budget so i'm not sure that's where we should be focusing all of your efforts for getting this country back on fiscal track but will be too much to ask because both scott pelley and major garrett were content to let the g.o.p. presidential candidates get away with platitudes about fiscal responsibility regarding a program that is just one percent of the federal budget way to go guys are and i want to stick with the same subject and respond to another viewer that commented on our coverage of the republican foreign policy debate tonight welch said on facebook
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i know i've said it before but i love our t.v. and sort of looking at a horse race or if a candidate stumbles we have a news network that actually looks at policy. thank you somebody else feels my pain here the back of the media focus is all and i mean all of their attention on how the debates will affect each candidates chances for election how that slip up is going to factor in the polls lets them totally off the hook for actually covering what the candidates are saying they want to get us involved in another war no big deal for getting a few words well that warrants you hours or maybe days of coverage it's almost as if there's a physical a version of the cable media to cover what the candidates actually say which are their policies and trust me i know that it's scary to actually listen to what these people say they would do if they were president but newsflash that is your job now finally want to respond in kind to you or that we did at this tolerate twenty three say at the low to show love the show kind of like a female version of the daily show. i wish i could be that jobs are seriously
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lacking but thank you for the call but i'll definitely take it as if my rantings that way but i will be back with more as usual next week. a new secretary of defense leon panetta has been making his rounds warning of imminent doom if the supercommittee fails to trigger mechanism would kick in to slash defense spending now it's not to bring spending back to two thousand and seven levels with by any means for a country in more danger it just might limit the role of the u.s. could play around the world and so we have to ask what is that role that we want to play i think pacifically afghanistan this week president hamid karzai has called the loya jirga together made up of two thousand afghan leaders to discuss the future of relations with the u.s. as well as to go sheesh and with the taliban karzai is trying to get the u.s. to keep troops and military trainers in the country for ten years past the twenty fourteen deadline as well as getting help financing the afghan security forces of course all this in exchange for full respect of afghan sovereignty and an end to night raids and house searches by foreign troops but ten years in america's war
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effort in afghanistan is still failing but what could ten years more really achieve i'll talk to somebody who's been there and knows what the u.s. and coalition troops are doing wrong joining me to discuss this is kim lynch founder of free range international can't thank so much for being on tonight a long time no talk we're happy to have you back on the program. all right so let's first start with what's going on in afghanistan right now with this or that i mean karzai has decided to call it's kind of an old tradition and yet at the same time he's getting a lot of critique for it because well they've been trying to build democracy in afghanistan and now they have elected representatives so what do you make of this weird mix of old and new. i don't like it it's it's it's seems to me that most a lawyer jurga is comprised of passions. dylan his chief competitor if you would if you can call it that there's a single book principle and it is not there i don't believe many of the pensioners
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are there any of the other tells us and so. i don't know what to make of it and i find his demeanor. to be a little bit unreasonable even though i have to agree and have been on record as saying i don't think the night raids are a smart move i think now he has demands but he also has desires our troops to stay for another ten years past twenty four. or more funding to help train afghan forces can you think of any reason why after twenty fourteen we would still need troops to be there for ten years. no i can't i can't think of any good reason why we would other than the national reputation international prestige and loss of fish. there would be a hard reason to sacrifice a son or daughter. in a full on hope if you will and so no i don't i don't see exactly a good reason for saying that. i will i want to get i want to get more into that in
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terms of saving face and i want to bring up a blog post about a couple of months ago you know where you actually detailed certain ways in which you think a counterinsurgency campaign there is failing even said that it was all based on a lie so i want to break it down i rather be ability of modern western armies to train a mentor afghan security forces is almost zero plus like. clear because when we used to be able to do this kind of thing it was when we could not send people back and forth in a day back when you had to have a regiment in china you sent the force marines and they stayed there and stay stay there until they were the mission was no indication of with marines if it was like ten years or so because we had so much money and our expectations of what we give our troops in the field or so high and so expensive we can't make your anybody because to mentor would require you to live with them and to basically where we pay where and travel like they travel and do what they do and we don't do that i mean with with very few exceptions some special forces units that do that. you see good
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mentoring done in certain areas of the south but it depends on which the challenge there and which regiment is there as to as to how effective it is not everybody's uniform and and how they do this and so it doesn't matter in the end because they're going in seven months and so every year the afghan officials are dealing with a different person who's full of good intentions and and knows that right now the big thing is we're not going to kill civilians well ok ok so they go out of the way not but that's not how you win these things you win these things by committing and be there in force you change and you don't have a legitimate partner to begin with in the in the course administration ok any time you truly think if you have incumbent it neatly reverts back to chaos and so i see us actually setting up for another massive civil war that could be perfectly honest but the. at the same time you know right now you have so many veterans that are struggling because they're going on their third fourth fifth sixth seventh tours
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and this is a war that has lasted ten years and so are you saying that it needs that ten years it might need ten more years because you need to put the time in or they just haven't been putting the time in properly at all because they're so separated because they're on massive bases that have burger kings and pizza shops and whatnot . that's exactly them saying they don't need ten years i can't think of a legitimate reason why we spend ten you should begin with already there and i believe the afghan people will enjoy it much i'm going to escape and i've got a lot of friends there it's. respected it's cool. but your cost and you spend in other people's money in your in your in your so in a way. and the health of the people short and then it's just that this is true because what is the point of view that. i have no idea to prop up the cause if that's not a very good plan now when it comes to spending other people's money you know we
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often hear about massive amounts of waste so that you and millions if not billions of dollars and you've heard about how through your relationships you've made over the rear over the years over how knowing how to interact with these people you get stuff cheaper so what can i learn from you. and then maybe the most frustrating thing about mind charged when it's over there they're not going to learn anything from me because they don't want to hear it. being able to successfully operate on on the cheap a live off the fabs in and live inside the earth and they don't want to hear that because they're not going to do it so it really doesn't matter the fact that i can do that how i would do in a base in delaware and get picked up by a guy in his in his cattle issue be there if you didn't hear conditions similar summers a hundred twenty degrees up and he's a hero only got to score for humans for we don't have any cause now michael what did you discover we went to court how much you paid two thousand
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a month i could've blip a quarter thousand dollars in her last. week but this is the kind of a very dickless nonsense that goes along with a big only big five mentality. and to me it's just a you know it's a guy who spent his entire adult life as a in the marine corps it's most disappointing to see that is not the way we talked about doing this thank in the ninety's when we were talking about doing exactly this kind of operation so how do you blame that on the blame kids here in congress and big defense contractors have a lot of lobbyists. more more more or is there just a general lack of you know the ability to use is the word fail and ever put it into the rhetoric so that you can actually realistically look at what you're achieving what you're not. yeah i guess i don't i don't know where to assess the but i think there's enough blame to go around. to a whole host of people starting with third of gen colin powell and his if we break it we've got to fix it i don't think so we can break it and i think that we're
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going to do i mean we could have done what we did in two thousand and one and a little drugs said hey boys just keep yourselves under control of please if you know you get rowdy and split reporters again we're going to come back and it's going to be even worse i think that might have been a good play but at the time i didn't. you know it took me seven years of being in afghanistan before that to finally realize just exactly how how how how and that we are this kind of thing you know how much money we waste and what they're doing fine in five pound bags of ice from saudi arabia. who do really kind of thing only us apparently apparently we do well clamp thank you so much for catching back out of that now it's my pleasure thanks for having me on. all right coming up next the cia's waging war against the book details full of hindsight and i don't have the hour paid up to fight with mario and herman cain just tell it really well let me tell you about his latest.
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insight on where. to go. i have the right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then something else here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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mr. there's no police corruption in. protesting nobody seems to know. that never ever sprayed the face but part of the argument that they're being overly dramatic.
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sorry guys it's time for tonight's tool time award tonight because the cia once again all common sense and logic is flown out the window of the agency in the name of over pacification and it's around the book of one of our frequent guest retired lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer it was been on the show many many times looking at a little run in with the cia over his book operation dark heart he recalls shaffer turned in the book to the pentagon's classification board to be interviewed prior to publish eight that's when he was given the a ok for the book to be published and so the book was published back in september of two thousand and ten when something strange happened the cia and other intelligence agencies had a last minute meltdown about the book removed its permission for the book to be published citing over two hundred parts that they revealed as classified
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information small problem of the book are even published so the pentagon then it tapped into their inner fahrenheit four fifty one and decided to buy all ten thousand books and burn and destroy them nothing like a good old book now of course as they did that and redacted copies of the book are being sold on e bay and all across the internet but despite the massive failure of the pentagon's exercise in mass censorship they've decided to double down on their battle against this book schafer's now suing the pentagon and the cia for violating his first amendment rights he argues that nothing in his book was classified information so in order to successfully do this he needs his original and redacted manuscript which the government unfortunately has and which they will not give back at all they say that he cannot his manuscript back which is already being sold all over the internet because contains classified information and of course he says if that's not true bottom line there's a cia it will give him back his original manuscript with information that he already knows because he wrote it and information that is already readily available
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to the public because it's already been published. it's already being sold all over the internet i'm sorry but just where and when does the madness and the government simply making a fool of it sell here so we're embracing censorship throwing all common sense out the window we're going to give the cia tonight's tools and i reward. ok guy fly for happy hour and joining me this evening archie producer jenny churchill and jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant and military blogger at black five dot net thanks for joining guys and ok so we've obviously been making final herman cain a lot on the shell lately but it just makes it so easy and so before we get into the next reason why we're going to make fun of him we're going to play you this clip again they came from milwaukee journal sentinel where they were interviewing
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him asking about what he thought on obama's strategy or policy towards libya and where he just had this really really embarrassing moment take a look. president obama supported the ogress program. i do not agree with the poll. so there's a lot of. people are going to go read see. god it's just so awkward jim you have you have been on you know since we've been playing with you think about this great. hurts a little i like herman cain just because he's a straight talker but he couldn't even talk straight and that's a softball it's livio you know gadhafi is a jackass and obama should have just taken the lead instead of leading from behind
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it's not a telephone. those seriousness i pick we'll have to agree to disagree on that will and. kate definitely came out looking bad so this is the best part is that now they're walking journal sentinel has released another little tidbit another little gem from one of the other things that he said during his trip in wisconsin and he said this is a quote i'm not supposed to know anything about foreign policy just type throw that out i want to talk to commanders on the ground because you run for president people say you need to have the answer or you don't know you don't that's not a good decision making. do you think. i'm a little shocked by this because i completely thought the president was the commander in chief of our armed forces of the commander he's supposed to be getting all this information exactly so i'm just a little confused on how you're going to make sure that other people are making the correct decisions if you don't even know countries that are having revolutions that we're involved in that's just
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a little little bit of an issue. here you know i mean i mean it's tough to keep track of the whole arab spring thing but i'm sorry herman you know you're losing me on this one you know it's one thing to delegate authority louie argue. that something could actually deter you go where you might call him at this point i don't know that a good sport demand for president you should you you should go think about foreign policy bottom line if you want to be the president you don't need to be the foremost expert on every single region in the area you have advisors you have fuel for that but you need to know what's going on foreign policy is the one area where the president often has the authority to make decisions. congress is a long ways you can actually do something all the rest of the world here you have to wait for congress and everyone else to agree right. let's just hope he doesn't have to leave that. gator go and get out. ok let's move on to the next one. here. they're angry with somebody and what do you know and this time they have some
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beef with mario with the video game they're upset because he's wearing a for a new key suit the new super mario three d. land which is the japanese raccoon dog or actually you know were able things happen to them but it's a video game and so they've released a video and response. you know it's a video game this is where i think it goes a little too far not to mention i've seen some people commenting here they don't care about all the turtles that he kills all the time when he's just on them and squashes them when they die who cares you know who cares about the turtle all about the new king and somebody has got to take the side of the poor record here and it's not going to be. ridiculous really going to the citizens really terrible topic
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selection for those e-mails that we manage to provide coverage that we all actually agree on i don't like very little. well i just you know i think peter obviously and i've said this many times before i think that. serves a purpose but it's for a good cause i totally understand you know people fighting against animal cruelty but i just think their tactics are lame and i think a lot of the time they go too far and over the top and i think they have better issues to go after than what mario is wearing in the next in the new video game i think they could serve a purpose that has a place about it and they have absolutely do not because they're all worried about that when you know it's crazy because there are actual things to be worried about that do they hate sonic the hedgehog because because it's a hedgehog you're playing as they talk to somebody new and how does that somehow or into hedgehogs to them probably play a role he can do you know i mean ok. we are
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a very good everything this is so weird everything because i did talk about obama well let's move on to something of the obama administration is doing the justice department basically for starters i think everybody out there is seen to catch a predator where you go after predators they go after little girls and a little clip and then i'll expand after that it's. currently walking into our undercover houses thirty nine year old john elliott a factory worker for a window company he's driven two and a half hours to meet a group who told him she was twelve and home alone. ok so now it looks like not only creepy predators that go after teenagers could be caught lying and in trouble because the justice department wants to make it a federal crime and this is out there to make it really complicated they want to make a federal crime to violate the terms of service of any website but basically that can mean that if you're on facebook and you lie about the way you look or your name or something like that or if you're
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a match dot com and you lie about your weight technically you're violating the terms of service so basically there are a lot of people out there that are now going to be criminals because they obviously completely lie about themselves when it comes to dating profile including the to catch a predator crew because they go online and lie and say i was twelve years old but really very twenty three or whatever it is we had it nailed when you brought up obama in the justice department i knew i was going to be on the other side of this and i can't. but. i don't know as i know it will read the terms of service of anything we all turn up a lot because you have to do anything when no one's ever read it and if you do read it you can find out that you violate the terms of service a little i think i mean i don't even know google had terms of service but apparently they're saying that if you let me have all this so i have according to the interpretation the way they're going about this that means that. i was a very psychic google terms of service to play that if you're not of legal age to form a binding contract with going forbidding from using any of the sites or services so
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the legal age of consent there is eighteen so basically if you're a seventeen year old who conducts a google search or you're researching a term paper then you're also now a criminal court so you know it's one of the. that's actually the most and same thing i've heard all day well hopefully that there are a lot of people who is mining the e-mail category of every one of my searches and trying to sell me crap i don't need based on my internet habits i'm sorry if i'm going to listen to your terms of service and i'm the criminal i'm sorry they're really. going to. no danger i mean that's what we look for for the excited ok here is i was already there a lot of pride even brand new that it's on ads that are supposed to be controversial because they show a bunch of world leaders i think we have them right. given a little smooch and the word there is on hate because we all just let me know there was this and i think my favorite one is is the obama when it really looks like that
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although that was awkward to oh yeah i don't really like. what you say is this groundbreaking i think the truth about obama kissing chavez is if you want. it's all going to go ahead and. i like banjul merkel were right aaron sorkin's you call the germans and the french if they ever got together europe's toast which they might well carla bruni's not going to like really you're going to top me for angela merkel oakum they did know berlusconi would somebody come on that would have been fun with him gone ok that's my guy right but you can thank you for joining me tonight and next time we'll find something we can fight over outraged by the way just just so we can have one difference i know. are you guys that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure you come back tomorrow colonel morris davis former chief prosecutor of military commissions at guantanamo bay is going to be on the show i mean time to get to become a fan of you understand on facebook and follow up on twitter if you missed any of tonight's show or any other night with catch the you tube dot com slash the i want
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to show you'll find interviews as well as the show and it's entirety and coming up next it's. download the official ante up location i phone the i pod touch from the i.q. stamps to. one shall see life on the go. video on demand on cheese mind bold colors. says features now in the palm of your. question on the t. jobs com.
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today violence is once again fed up. and these are the images are seeing from the streets of canada. sheinkopf orations are all day.


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