tv [untitled] November 17, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EST
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well look. it's technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future. fellow of the headlines for you now here in r.t. occupy wall street activists are preparing for massive protests about three months since the movement began a softer wave of surprise crackdowns by police who claim that cam's from the one where it all began. the world ratchets up the pressure on the syrian president arab league setting a seventy two hour ultimatum to stop the crackdown on western nations preparing new resolution a new u.n. . europe's debt inferno blazes brighter still single currency continues to
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perform consecutive day as contagion infects one of the most stable economy is. that still a little deeper into the causes of the occupy movement nazis other than cause he talks to the rap star both technique and exact gradual erosion of basic rights has inspired a nationwide wave of protest. technique i just want to know what do you think is happening right now in the country in terms of the occupy wall street movement getting something amazing you have a lot of big changes going on in the revolution perhaps. it depends on what your definition of revolution is if it's blood in the streets and the royal family being murdered i don't know if that's necessarily going to happen but i think what is definitely be boring to continue to transpire is more and more people realizing just how disenfranchised they are they're realizing just how little control they have over their own democracy so they would want to give more of
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a voice that i also think what's happening here is is mirrored in other parts of the world where people are just so opposed to the use of centralized power of the federal system that's so i wouldn't control of the state system. but yet they want it to be more efficient so they've almost surrendered their freedom to war fish and government similar to what russia will have to deal with when they decide where the food is going to come back into power with a lot of people a big all functionality over the desire of democracy that existed so i think the entire world is really dealing with that now will it be oligarchies autocratic regime that's more functional because it's backed by corporations or more of a democratic regime that could be hit and miss on certain things may take a hit on jobs you know these are very personal things to people because the example by how we choose to live as human beings but also personal because of the hard the day to day functionality of all this might i feel safe about functionality and
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simplicity we've also said that we constantly have to keep working at panera democracy writing something that's never going to be finished revolution is never going to be finished will lose a little more functionality and simplicity but i mean essentially people all want the same things i mean big and my. i said before that's not the same exact thing i mean people just want affordable health you know they want to be able to live in a house that's not. going to be repossessed illegally by some sort. so people will give up predatorial loans i think it's just the amount of things the amount of the buz that americans have had to deal with from the banking system is just there see i'm just wondering what it is that allows that and soon let it get to this point you know bottom line again so i want to get to the point where the powering isn't the end of so even when the wealth gap is so incredibly large manufacturing a funny story it exemplifies why it got this more my father and
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a colleague of his a friend of his that came to america before the collapse of the soviet union and he walked around the supermarket. and he goes i get it. he goes this is just wheat and sugar. said but in russia or the u.s. i saw all we have is the same color box we should go four hundred miles in america you have we can sugar with a tiger on the cut and then the other one has a frog on the cover and the other one has a charm on the bottom oh and i get this special get. the idea of america is to give democracy and freedom to people but i think that now more than ever it's become about placating people and about pacifying them so they don't put the amount of freedom that they're guaranteed almost like when police stop you and they're offended that you seem to know your rights that happens more and more i mean even if you want to make this entirely about occupy wall street we pray and even the
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people that are down to each and every single occupy wall street that is sitting there holding the law that have a legal teams this still see this civil rights being cut in every single poll and they still see excuses left and right all we want to clean the pockets of so we're going to move everyone out and then we're going to let you back in zero. you know there were rioting and the protesters got violent so maybe because you shot them with rubber bullets and you threw tear gas you know at some point there needs to be some accountability not just from the protesters but also from the police reaction to things like you know we've seen a lot of police reactions lately a specific meaning of land in other countries across the west as well do you think that our police aren't trained to deal with peaceful protests they only know how to suppress savaging use military and militarized tactics i think they because they thought that they could show up the more for the hard push but when they realized that it was going to be that easy. i've seen different cities take different action
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or just occupy charlotte schools and really the police seem to back off a little bit more than i absolutely need to go through a port a potties set up the people you know the different regions different seems particularly with different problems so in a city like new york where you have a population of eight million. and a migrating population that comes to work of another couple of million. probably explain why does thousand more cops why they're concerned with the rioting but my instance of that has always been listen if we were twenty thousand deep right then and there we could have torn downtown to pieces but we didn't. when you were missing women in the street we could have ripped the village limb from limb but we did. it because we don't hate america we love america and we want to see we want to see it become a better place because people are out there sleeping out in the cold because of a belief that maybe if they lead by example they may say you know i'm willing to
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stay here and sorry i'm willing to continue to be a voice for what's supposed to be democracy but supposed to be a representative democracy then maybe that letter that i wrote to my senator or that letter i wrote to my congressman that they're underpaid gotten through off somewhere. through all burnt out somewhere that never got to them thinking this is the only way that they can hear what i'm wondering if you think that i lost him if he wants to go somewhere it's getting need leaders and it's going to need a specific space for me also identify work up an interesting point i think the very beginning of the movement of the word no ever present leaders because people were afraid that the movement would simply be decapitated from the very. or. use that individual. as leverage against other people that were just as powerful in the movement so what they wanted to do was at first have no centralized leadership that could be attacked. and then later on they were as far as i know
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electing people who were going to be spokespersons for specific issues but now they have a general assembly and they have it is simply about race you know about all those simple issues that can be put into writing in a few sentences but that requires a lot of communication because as educated as the left maybe sometimes about class i think that there's still a huge composition to have the about race relations which is incredibly important because it's always kind of the. independent variable that's left out of the equation sometimes when we talk about revolution in this what do you think obama is making out of occupy wall street is supposed to be nonpartisan right it's supposed to be the ninety nine percent versus the one percent but it is within the time mostly left me and you think that obama is actually inhibiting it in some way because now you have the left which is split on their opinion over obama whether they're going to go out and vote for him in two thousand and twelve or continue
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resisting trying to go along with something the republicans will probably pick romney. he's not going to beat obama. obama is ten times the campaigner that he is the president i don't mean that as an insult i mean that as a compliment so you missed the press. is it because you can just say anything and they'll buy and they'll believe you know if we had invaded libya and if we had decided to intervene in all these other countries under a different president under under republican the under mccain this country was ready to go up in flames over the fact that we have been dragged into the wars that people thought were necessary that the economic system had collapsed the trillions of dollars have been given so when he came in he came in with the idea that he was going to reform things and when that was not met the criteria that he set up himself for what the reform would sail was not completed i don't think that created the occupy wall street movement but it definitely added fuel to the fire what see
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that's the biggest broken promise from albano marring you know what makes me the most disappointed in him that you think that he's not a person of disappointed on him. pretty well promise that you know emotionally scarred me something i think when you when you follow politics for a while you realize the differences between what people promised and what they deliver and also i think there was a little bit of either manufactured bloodshed you wouldn't naivety about the whole thing shutting down guantanamo i kind of knew from the beginning that that wasn't going to happen but if the same time everybody else had some kind of hope that he would come in and assure an air of peace and yet put his first term he's been a very very hawkish war president which is what i think is going to make it very difficult for the republicans to come up against them plus talk about the responses we see here from politicians from pundits when there's a revolution in tunisia and egypt it's the people's fight for democracy right it's
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a push for democracy in the arab spring when the same thing is happening here there anti-capitalists and they're anti prius by i think we all know the answer to that question you know when someone has a revolution in some part of the world and it benefits american companies. yes and they're given access to the natural resources of the subsidiary companies that own the press that own the news stations that own papers spin it in a nice way when it's something in which we lose access to natural resources but it becomes the worst of the ports that is absolute terrorism now when it is someone that is not beneficial to giving us access to natural resources but we can't really afford to toy with them like china then we tread lightly around our human rights criticism i'm going to take me you can sound like a rabbit. on
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. a very warm welcome to you this is your news today protesters on the whole city streets they have. even chance a good chance the chance to set a good mood for example the status of the human experiments gets a little. weakness you approximates rap music awards it goes to the movies lately trying to make sense of global economy and it's all came things as financial templates the research clambering to maintain our confidence in long kids and taking on constant easing trade imbalances recession looks keep the nation's close to collapsing a subprime loan foreclosed homes. to fail switchblade banks again feel a little like thing is us crash them into. feeling. just like all the classes in
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the streets behind the construction he'll just programs increase the term economists. wealthy british style. players. market finance come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our.
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will. occupy wall street activists are preparing for massive protests to mark two months since the movement began a softer wave of surprise crackdowns point police who cleared the camps including one where it all began. the world ratchets up the pressure on the syrian president arab league setting a seventy two hour ultimatum to stop the crackdown on western nations prepare a new resolution of. europe's inferno blaze's brightest still the euro to nosedive report consecutive day contagion the most stable economies. in the world of sports and next on r.t.
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it's to me. out of the first let's take a look at what's going on in the sporting world top stories this hour. still on beats and says come all school improve their record by winning their fifth game in as many matches in basketball's euro league. part of what hardship another day another twist in the n.b.a. lockout saga other players will meet the team's owners in courts. and. some side victories spots on the road without the fines coach. so let's start with basketball where it's come more schools have improved their record in this agency really is their one their faith in as many games. groupie spanish rivals only in the russian capital seventy seven to sixty six. dollars each top scored for the on
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the man with nineteen points including this jumper to get into seven late at the end of the second quarter headed for assists on the night. because last this is gradually increase their advance. to remain eleven points by the final buzzer and break your leg at seventeen and nine rebounds while it's a shared finish with ten points. in the group's second fixture of the day k.k. is a great looking there. as they hope to juggle and thanks to efforts of george with seventeen points and eleven rebounds together. at atlanta to the crowds sealed their historic victory eighty two cents eight the final score there could move level with jugglers in good be all for win and. one women for the fees. in group a turkish. country of italy in
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a symbol led the turks with eighteen points while a boost of last thirteen and added five rebounds because most are in a fight in three points for the visitors with eleven seconds to go in the fourth quarter taking the game into overtime at seventy three zero where. with a narrow eighty five to eighty three victory catching up with the italians and spanish liberal the top of the steps. no such drama for group a side in. a ninety one seventy eight over french slug nancy still is. a lead all scorers with twenty six points and six assists as the greeks improved two wins and three defeats . in the meantime the n.b.a. has now canceled all of its games until at least the middle of december the players deciding to take the lawsuit route against the team's owners it was a go ski looks at how the argument moved from across courtside to the court room.
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the league's labor stalemate is nearing the one hundred forty day mark but the battle for a new collective bargaining agreement is yet to reach its climax the only thing that n.b.a. commissioner david stern and players representative billy hunter agree on at this point is that the two thousand and eleven two thousand and twelve season is under threat fans of the game of course don't want to hear that especially after last season's while the exciting spectacle we saw the dallas mavericks upset the odds and secure the n.b.a. crown the owners insist on bringing the cost of players under control by introducing a hard salary cap. teams could exceed the total salary limit through luxury tax and other exceptions under the previous agreement something the players would like to keep intact the multimillion business of basketball also raising obvious questions about revenue split between the two sides the players previously took home fifty seven percent of all basketball related income and the owners want
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a bigger slice of that pie. the p.r.i. lose not only salaries but also money from such sources of broadcast rights gate receipts sponsorships concessions and many others the owners also want shorter contracts pay less guaranteed money to cut their losses on underperforming players you know was not commissioner stern claims that the n.b.a. lost over a billion dollars under the previous agreement including more than three hundred million last season really for the forty two of the league's thirty teams were also in the red last year according the start of the owners' ultimatum like final proposal which calls for a fifty fifty split of annual income and a seventy two game season starting december fifteenth was a bad it was rejected by the players today and now a class action and i trust lawsuit against the league has been filed by players in at least can states they're seeking triple the amount of money they would have made had the full season gone ahead the suing court cases could now take months we want
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to. take. the national football league meanwhile had a lockout of the wrong to settle this year but that dispute is completely forgotten by now with the n.f.l. busy rake in an enormous profits its revenue sharing system and secure your team parity allows everybody to keep their pocket stuff. while the n.b.a. wishes and only six different champions since one nine hundred ninety nine looks to suffer greatly after just beginning to restore its popularity since the michael jordan days during the past season began to gorski arche. sixteen qualified teams when you're trying to twelve now prepared to be drawn into groups hosts poland and ukraine already selected for groups and respectively while the other side's fate on the second of december fifth reigning champions spain aside else calls for no doubt they hoping to avoid that whilst the top ranked team
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share the first port with ten to ten world cup finals up the netherlands. poland and ukraine plenty of weights in this second part as well with inform germany italy and england for selection alongside russia. portugal gracious with an euro two thousand and four winners greece make the line up in paul three while france denmark the czech republic and ireland will be drawn last from port number four russia and their manager cart are keeping their fingers crossed that they don't come together with spain portugal and france and those definite group of death. and of those join a team has taken a three two lead against the russian under twenty side in the trying to live in super serious that's after beating their contemporaries in the penultimate game five. hundred damp attacking open for the russians eleven minutes in their ponies bounced back twice before the break a goal of pace during the second period for their dragons and then hopes for
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a proposed outcome but the canadiens managed to extend their legs of five against two in the final twenty minutes the series due to finished on friday. despite having to get by without a head coach and. in the case chelsea western conference claimed away a victory against spartak moscow which examples but once again for us. things haven't been going well recently as as great a transporter. they have the second worst record of. clubs more famous for their fights on the ice road or the quality of their hockey. things couldn't get any worse it. was banned for two games after striking out last time out of minutes after his team's bench had objects thrown of. mind tribunes was perhaps blown out of proportion. i think everyone was for thinking
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something different you know for the. yes canadians were kind of. used to it a little bit you know or there's always serious or anything but i think. you know that kind of stuff happens all the time that when it's not it's just it's different you know it's different here it's a different mentality and you know it was. it was interesting to have however back to the game and despite the schools first period things would start well for the visit is as they would take believe you i mean see in this track shot managed to beat spartak mit mind aleksey yeah from close range muscovites fire was soon level midway through the second so mark is marcel foster restore parity for the home side and things would get even better for spacek in the perth for just six minutes of the game remaining also grabbing his second for the red and whites on the verge of victory. however the tears had other ideas will make it through to just thirty
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seconds wait to see if getting a bite from goal to give his side a chance of getting a much needed winning over time in the end aside from check of wouldn't need the extra period as they would set up again with just a minute where. response like committing too many men forward the visitors took full advantage and an easy in practice second of the game on the breakaway to give details of points we won those five games there were some pretty good teams you know and you know i think we showed the people that we can play hockey too and we want to we're not just a bunch. of fighters and. it also hopefully for yeah it's something all again but you know it's tough you know every every team this leaves you know it's not like any games in sochi for us you know we we have to work work hard to be successful doing funding us out of was forced to watch the game from the stands his side wanted to start a two game losing streak with sam three two victory however the spark sank bereshit
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season. the news foreman says right piece they'll be in danger missing out on the playoffs richard pombo awfully hard to see. the formula one season finale set for brazil on the twenty. but red bull don't have to work so much spot that the team star sebastian vettel already securing his second straight drivers' title four races early an achievement is still coming to terms with hard to put in words really. i know formula one for a long time i know the big names and. the history does mean a lot to me so. that we are now in some way part of that is a very special feeling and it's something that no one can take away from us i think last year was already very special. to do it again and to have such a phenomenal season i mean we had a lot of highs i don't think too many lows. is incredible.
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