tv [untitled] November 17, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EST
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occupy wall street activists are preparing for a massive protest about two months since the movement began after wave of surprise crackdowns white police who pled including the one where it all began. the world ratchets up the pressure on syria's president for the arab league setting a seventy two hour ultimatum to stop the crackdown on western nations prepare a new resolution of u.n. . europe's debt inferno blazes brighter still the single currency used to nosedive for a fourth consecutive day contagion effects one of the reasons most stable economists.
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who casting around the world twenty four hours a day this is r.t. occupy wall street protesters in new york have returned to the epicenter of the movements of white tents and sleeping bags we were told they can stay but they can't camp out the police in riot gear a victim protesters on tuesday night citing health and safety issues as part of a countrywide wave of raids on protesters and activists say was a move to stifle them before the movement's two month anniversary. in the financial capital of the world a movement called occupy wall street is born in eight short weeks the fight against us corporate greed and wealth inequality manifests in all fifty states i don't i am an american movement not seen since the sixty's and the power of the people grows longer police case closed strong peaceful activists tons winded by
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mates and thrown to the ground unarmed activists pitch tents law enforcement flash grenades. and. basically make people think that. people exercising their democratic rights are. why would or. as they go in would. tell you all. get them out of. thousands of occupy activists have been jailed throughout the two month campaign the mass arrests of eight hundred on the brooklyn bridge and garnered international attention but this image of an eighty four year old former school
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teacher pepper sprayed during a demonstration captures the crackdown activists face brought to a boiling point by economic injustice and a political system failing the majority protesters demonstrated unprecedented resilience. and then u.s. authorities began occupying the occupations one by one even activists under the pretext of health or safety concerns a raid on the headquarters in new york came one day out hundreds of armed officers destroying and displacing. the heart of this democratic movement. that idea to the idea that we are that i did i preferred of americans that you know we need to resist the good points of trying to do for the corporations have a chance of those medicare card being spread around the country every time the stories come in and try to make some type of a transit strike in a cowardly way at one am without any warning it shows the public support for this
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because the numbers in the streets double the next day people come out out and determined to carry on what began as an occupation in a park has grown into a national movement fighting for principles from wall street to times where support for the occupy movement has passed the streets uniting tens of thousands of strangers bound by common hardship and frustration two months in there is no denying the grassroots movement has become a brand of the big apple the social marker in america. for niall hartstein new york . also also used to see half an office keeping a close watch on developments around the occupy movement the latest just follow her twitter feed she's posted like pictures those across the park but without the tented city that's become a landmark over the past two months was also collected the first time the counts of the crackdown are these caps and this is making a travesty of democracy. but radio host alex jones
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believes the pound health hasn't started for the actions was a setup from the start that effort to demonize the very idea of protests in the u.s. but discovered and in detroit as well as new york we've confirmed. then when they let homeless people out have been arrested for being drunk in public or sitting on the sidewalk or they're released from prison or or homeless shelters or mental institutions they tell them go to austin occupy go to new york occupy if we want to arrest you here so for the last month they've been shinning all the homeless people and mentally ill people in prisoners there so they can then demonize it say look people are going to the bathroom on the ground even as a porta potti people are fights are breaking out there's roberts now they're in the business of team and izing it infiltrating it trying to manufacture or dig up dirt on them as a way to generally. demonize all forms of protest in this country
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ahead of the food depressionary collapse bank runs and everything else that's in the works you know i see the police in here talk radio demonizing occupy wall street across the board calling obama ship dirty criminals the new york post called them a rabble which means basically criminal scum this idea that protesting and demonstrating is criminal or is scummy or filthy is really un-american and anti-democratic across the world. parties i mean cos he spoke to a rock star over technique he says the whole anti will street movement was motivated by a slim invasion of civil liberties is a preview of what's coming up next time. the idea of america is to give democracy and freedom to people but i think that now more than ever it's become about placating the pacifier so they don't ask for the amount of freedom that their parents almost like with clinton did you seem to know you're right. happens more
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and more i mean you look at me as a totally about occupy wall street but even the people that yelled at me to every single occupy wall street that are sitting there holding the law that illegal to this still see this civil rights group. but every single one of this excuse is left or right or we want to clean the clock so we're going to have to move very well. but other news now the syrian president has until saturday to stop the violent crackdown on protestors down more attractive into the country that's the ultimatum from the arab league instructions to tighten the financial noose around the regime by stepping down heavy sanctions drumbeats lot of international pressure against bashar al assad there are fears it may only make a bad situation worse. first the arab league votes and then a senior turkish official openly discusses the possibility of closing the buffer
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zone on the syrian side of the border to give same shri to refugees in other words direct military action boy repeatability a scenario that seems likely to get annoyed but it is not a demand for reform it is. a good thing which is very. very good the whole region even in israel syria's archenemy some would rather aside stayed in power but we're also doing of the. israel israel over of course this is not understood. control and if they go and put the pressure on assad continues to mount to keep which one supported his government says it plans to suspend enjoin to oil exploration and is considering stopping electricity supplies to syria just the latest in a long list of sanctions already imposed on the country the sanctions may be a way for the powerful western countries to exert some sort of pressure over syrian
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government but really the people are the ones by not being able to have medicines by not being able to have certain technology is there may be required to save lives when human rights groups the syrian observatory once both a buffer zone and a libyan style no fly zone but we certainly. it is have realized that unlike in libya they cannot push for a no fly zone at the un security council this time around because of russia's vowed to veto it and while the arab league has stopped short of calling for syrian president bashar al assad's departure critics say this stance is nothing short of hypocrisy they have no. they don't have some of them they don't. develop their democracy the. ironic thing though what's more assad is shown he's willing to conduct reforms his government announced the
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release of one thousand prisoners after previously agreeing to admit five hundred arab league appointed observers this is you know a sign it is is going he still concerned about what his neighbors think and he still. under some sort of willingness to negotiate but it's not clear the arab league has the patience to listen and neither do whiston leaders who decided a long time ago aside needs to go and without the option to do it through the united nations the arab league is the next best option policy r.t. tel aviv well the international project of solving serious conflict has been flawed from the start and constantine cause a trough of the russian state duma foreign affairs committee. the fact that the situation is escalating the violence is escalating is a reflection of the wrong approach taken by certain states a unilateral approach when they keep saying keep sending messages to the people of
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syria that you can see we are right for a case of syria wrong and this is their own approach because they're tired of messages. introduces an illusion that yes the people of syria can get. freedom democracy was freer by using more oil and against the rule in the thirty's and not by negotiating not by maintaining the political process it's not just about. throwing stones against policemen or. border guards this is about using heavy weapons and this is a real war. well germany britain and france are pressing for a u.n. resolution condemning serious human rights violations while your position in a regime play a blame game over the rising death toll some experts say the uprising is rooted
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outside the country we know that in most countries especially in the middle east there are special forces operating behind the lines cia must m i five you name it and they can they can create a crowd if you want to put it that way they put arms across the border to give to the opposition or breakaway groups and they in turn then first of all look at the arab spring you get people take to the streets in mass why are they out on the street is because they're frustrated by their government in the price hike of commodities food and petrol and loss of employment loss of housing executor so they're pretty mad it's at least vulnerable moment when the special forces and secret service operatives intermingle with the crowd and in some cases become the snipers on the rooftop and say take out selective innocent victims the people in the crowd then believe that their government is carrying out this action and it
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becomes a rebellion. well our web site r.t. dot com is always just a click away that's where to go for fresh updates on the stories we're covering plus using a fake name on facebook or a false number of dating profile could land you in jail that's if a proposed new anti happened on the u.s. is passed you can check out what other internet activities could. also online eleven thousand kilometers worth of inspiration a french artist has traveled the length and breadth of the world's biggest country together some new creative ideas.
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by the start the e.u. leadership so united result the hope the spread of europe's debt crisis out of conspiring to impress investors even one of the heroes and most stable economies the netherlands is beginning to feel that first hand the facts of contagion southeast television reports taxpayers apathy is quick and turning to anger. the worst day yet for the euro that's how one banker called news that the netherlands considered the second strongest economy in the single currency has seen its boring cause raise but the markets to new highs touch prime minister was forced to react on concerns that the problem spiralling out of control. said we'd like to be able to push countries out of the euro to put out the foyer a c called it is raising fears that countries will be forced to leave the euro stop this crisis is spreading. as a first step a maturity of dutch people finds a new poll to stop the plane loads of greece which many see as the hosts of the problems i love greece i every year i've come to greece that this is
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a little bit did i did i think just got a lot of money. millions of of of euros but until this moment did they. don't do anything about it today should help us you know really meant because it does have the same problems. problems this is the europe doctor while many of today's euro skeptics were singing its praises in the ninety's top economist or your clone wrote an open letter to e.u. leaders warning the single currency would destroy europe and deep down he says those leaders view it with the euro drop in sort of the horse of trojan a trojan horse that is really going to own the european project as the big danger and. its causes for conflicts for serious disagreements.
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for economic instability taxpayers have paid a price to get very upset about it and he noted that former politicians were aware of this problem but they have pushed this through in an idea of whether this is a great idea one euro one europe but one euro europe canales books is busy because the dutch just don't feel still is there a seat with the other members now here for the first time i would have to be interested in how the greek pay their taxes i don't want to know how to be paid and quickly what the pension age of the front fringing is or you know the greece nor france has a place in the new row a new nor the euro only for prudent states proposed by a top dutch ruling party official last week experts think just three countries actually deserve to stay in only germany the netherlands and belgium share the same currency without having economic costs to the villains currently pays more per
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person into e.u. copas than anyone else but growing numbers knows they need to go indulge with this so the neighbors that you push you out see in the hague. and mario monti a veteran of e.u. politics now heads up italy's government and takes the reins of a debt stricken nation but the reaction from investors has been lukewarm at best possible even by very unfair crisis has already gone too far to be contained. any credit is that the single currency bloc is now headed for recession it's an opinion backed by recent figures even the strongest eurozone nations bordering on stagnation a slowdown has been attributed to the e.u.'s austerity strategy of savage cuts and tax hikes and should help growth back on opinions that there are too many opposing interests in brussels preventing a credible solution being adopted. by the economies of the eurozone of failing
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their growth is non-existent in many cases their colonies are going backwards they're in a debt spiral and their lack of economic growth is not helping at the core of their problems is the eurozone problems caused by the single currency and there's serious economic difficulties which are just not being cured while these countries remain within the e.u. single currency the euro the the answer to their problems really is to cut loose the countries that are struggling economically because of the euro being one of them especially but the main focus is of course italy and greece and then those countries can start to grow again and then we can have economic growth back in europe we can have hope for you it citizens and jobs can be created and the deck can then be dealt with the european union with so many different vested interests isn't acting nearly as fast enough and the solutions are there coming up with all that actually in the interests of the citizens because the institutions of the you aren't accountable to the citizens of those countries. coming out max keiser and
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stacy herbert away up china's zero tolerance approach to financial fraud that was underlined by the recent death penalty for a family accused of cheating investors out of a billion dollars it's just one of the themes on the microscope in today's kaiser report coming your way just ten minutes time but for now it's a pretty. chinese fund manager sentenced to death after cheating investors out of one billion u.s. dollars two brothers in their father were sent. consider for cheating fifteen thousand investors out of over one point one billion dollars in east trying to bring province i think it's a good deterrent i think that you need a deterrent and if a deterrent execution then i think the chinese are on to something that's why people are putting their money into chinese banks taking them out of the u.s. banks there's no deterrent for fraud in american banks they're not global margan is a great example so that's why people are moving their money out of the u.s.
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banks into chinese banks because the chinese are willing to execute fraudsters that's a good sign. elsewhere in the world the u.s. ramps up at specific ambitions washington is set to expand its military presence in australia deploy a total of two hundred thousand troops over the next three years the parents were announced as barack obama addressed the country's politicians during his visit on thursday and around the speed it's a move to counterbalance china's growing influence in the region. dozens of antigovernment protesters have stormed kuwait's parliament hundreds demonstrated outside of the holding up proceedings for several hours they peacefully cleared the building authorities question the country's prime minister russian allegations peter claims that government officials illegally transferred money to foreign bank
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accounts last month kuwait's foreign minister resigned as the scandal emerged. the suicide bomber in pakistan's largest city of karachi has killed four suspected insurgents and the police officer. reportedly blew up their car after being chased by police through the streets the city is not a common target for attacks at some distance from it and strongholds in the northwest. but such as a mix of the latest news there. it's twenty two minutes past eleven am here in moscow welcome to the business program russia's pulled cold water on reports from ukraine that the two countries have reached a deal over gas pricing ukrainian media been citing a price of two hundred thirty dollars for a one thousand cubic meters that's a substantial reduction on the four hundred plus dollars that would have been due
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for his accession to the w t o could also complicate things but the country's chief negotiator says they have a discounted prices offered to bell routes and possibly to ukraine well won't be a problem it's amazing for the true respect for precedent is it says a person. should be based on commercial considerations reducing the. us forces which are no contracts without sources of police commissioner situations and is a pretty good month oh my god this ability to secure the city will force a small. possibility of to big to include process so i can see a job for me. russia could launch the second line of the north stream gas through would ahead of schedule prime minister vladimir putin says half of it is already finished once online it will double the capacity of the newly opened north stream pipeline it will then be able to pump a third of russia's the annual gas exports directly to europe the second line is
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scheduled to open in although less than here in october two thousand and twelve. and let's check out the markets or oil as lord fresh concerns about global demand bounce after a fish warmed worsening crisis new york zone could hurt the u.s. banks the w.t. eye is still around its highest level since maids now at one hundred two dollars a barrel brant is a one hundred eleven. and let's now see how the equities are performed. asia is in the red this hour hong kong's hang seng is losing more than three quarters of a percent tokyo's nikkei slipped into the red losing restaurant workers. again here in russia as the markets are in positive territory in the second hour of trading the r.t.s. is adding around the sounds of the my sex is up around half a percent. and let's take a look at some individual share moves on the my six most of the blue chips are on
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the rise with spare bank up around half a percent why in our us pards is among the main gainers after the company announced an almost four hundred million dollars buyback of the shares from the market and on k.'s losing around losing some ground after its third quarter net profit what and how often and ever done to climb to the lowest level since two thousand and five bigger. than best just should be going to proxy stocks for safety. the markets will be strong in coming to what's. going to dissemble i would probably be invested to know which is sitting for example in commercial or in boards for example as for russian markets i think and w. decision is very important for all approaches sure's big sure it's like. just drop or something like this it looks like google stock is through all these negative.
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sentiment to get strong during the whole year and now he's changing it dry fuel gets more and more investors are asking you go do so and multiples is a ridiculous. do you know the store with your three so you can be wrong actually going us from right now. because three verses industrial output is flowing and increased three point six percent year on year in october and that's the lowest spend around eleven months food production accounted for. most of the growth thanks mainly to increasing consumption of concerns over a devaluation of the rouble analysts warn that industrial output is unlikely to accelerate given the current economic uncertainty. asia investors are buying into brushes white collar returned to hong kong based bank you reach of capital partners has agreed to invest one hundred million dollars to help build a new skin resort there however the money will come from its own funds the rest from chinese and korean investment companies the project includes the construction
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