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tv   [untitled]    November 17, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EST

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russia says syria's leaders and the opposition are the only ones who can end the country's lethal violence faced verge of britain to caption the diplomacy against damascus. new york facing a major day of action as anti-corporate protesters plan to mark two months of rallies with a ten thousand strong march edited tempt to shut down the stock exchange. and beijing. patience runs out in one of europe's strongest economies are the netherlands calls for weak countries to be kicked out of the euro and to create a leaner bigger e.u. . these are live pictures you're looking at is anti austerity protests continue when it leads one of the country's worst hit by the crisis with thousands
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of students seen here taking to the streets. four pm in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story britain reportedly being urged by the king of jordan to take the lead in a diplomatic drive against syria of u.k.'s key role in bombing out libya's colonel gadhafi international pressure continues to pile up on president assad who's been given till saturday to heart crackdowns on protestors or face more isolation this as russia warns against taking sides. bet it brings us live from london with more live or so get arrest in syria has echoes of what went on in libya do you think but what kind of role do you think you could play here. britain's been picked his team
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captain along with france brought least one arab country to lead a libya style contact group now their task at the moment is a diplomatic one to coordinate policy between arab countries and the west and will be a verbal offensive putting pressure on president assad it could indeed end with him being forced to step down now the details of this most following a meeting between the british prime minister david cameron and king abdullah of jordan earlier took place earlier this week in london king abdullah is actually the first arab leader to publicly call for president assad to step down now he's believed also to prefer britain and france over america to lead any such mission because of the success they had in libya where they led military intervention that ousted colonel gadhafi now there's no mention of any such military activity with syria at the moment at the moment this is purely defensive is purely verbal but that is of course how the libyan intervention and an operation started there's already several similarities france will have
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a ready recall there and faster from the masses and of course the timing with the militarization of the opposition which would make any kind of intervention a lot easier to support and of course with libya we all know that it wasn't long before those words also turned into actions. under any other attempts to resolve the crisis are part from political pressure. well russia and china certainly view the whole situation very differently. they are very much against any kind of repeat of the libya situation and they and they certainly don't want to have posed any any u.n. security council resolution or russia they see it as a two way street and they think that president only be exerted on prison and this as sad because both sides are guilty of violence the free syrian army which is one of the main opposition groups that in syria the moment is largely made up now of defectors from the syrian army so they're suggesting that. there could be
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a resolution sought through dialogue between both sides that's really the only end so what foreign minister sergey lavrov is now calling a civil war. look look good we suggested in order to put together a position to be in place all countries concerned with a peaceful outcome develop a system seriously that should demand not only from the syrian authorities but also from the opposition at least stop the violence the ongoing attacks of government buildings in syria looks like a civil war looks you. and what could hamper any dialogue is the patience of the peace broker the arab league which is already seems to be waning because syria has already now been suspended from the arab league and they have also yesterday and she did three day old to make them to prison and sad end the violence and allow our observers into the country now and the fact that they have now protested. thought and has now approached britain to lead a little contact with
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a contact group suggests that this could be a last ditch diplomatic attempt by them all right our desire for a better life for us on the island. where as we've heard the political sands are shifting in the region with many of syria's neighbors taking measures against the assad regime. or it's there are fears that these moves could actually make the situation worse. so the arab league votes and then a senior turkish official openly discussed the possibility of inclusiveness on the syrian side of the border to give sanctuary to refugees in other words direct military action who would lead to the libya scenario it seems likely to get annoyed it is not a game and it is targeting syria which is very dangerous and very risky to the whole region even in israel syria's archenemy some would rather aside stayed in power that we also have been doing of the. israel israel favor of
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course this is not understood as we come a bit. of control and if they go can explode but the pressure on assad continues to mount to keep which one supported his government says it plans to suspend joint well exploration and is considering stopping electricity supplies to syria just the latest in a long list of sanctions already imposed on the country the sanctions may be a way for the powerful western countries to exert some sort of pressure. over syrian government but really the people are the ones who suffer by not being able to have medicines by not being able to have certain technology is maybe required to save lives one human rights group the syrian observatory wants both a buffer zone and a libyan style no fly zone but western leaders have realized that unlike in libya they cannot push for a no fly zone at the u.n. security council this time around because of russia's vow to veto it and while the arab league has stopped short of calling for syrian president bashar al assad's
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departure critics say this stance is nothing short of hypocrisy they have. at least they don't have some of them they don't have to show. and. develop but the more. ironic thing. what's more assad is shown he's willing to conduct reforms his government announced the release of one thousand prisoners after previously agreeing to admit five hundred arab league appointed observers this is you know a sign that is the thing he's still concerned about what his neighbors think and he's still. under some sort of willingness to negotiate but it's not clear the arab league has the patience to listen and neither do whiston leaders who decided a long time ago assad needs to go and without the option to do it through the united nations the arab league is the only expressed option policy r.t.
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tell of of. on r.g. dot com we're asking you to gaze into the future and give us your prediction as to what will happen in syria on our on line poll almost forty per cent of responders are convinced that nato will intervene with or without the u.n. backing in its bid to unseat president assad twenty three percent think nato wouldn't get involved militarily for fear of sparking a new bloody war in the region about a fifth think syria is just too strong and assad has too much so for to be overthrown and almost the same thing nato will intervene and i was president assad with you when backing that's how it tallies up so far large on top. cast your vote . appearing out of the day's other top stories new york bracing for its biggest protest in years as as high wall street demonstrators promised to occupy protests the whole city on thursday it will mark two months since the movement started in lower manhattan with activists now planning to fill the streets bridges of the subway and even shut down wall street itself they also want similar action taken in
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cities across the country and indeed around the world tens of thousands of americans expected to vent their anger against corporate greed despite a wave of police police raids against demonstrators in recent weeks officers have been accused of using excessive force including pepper spray and tear gas to break up the peaceful rallies hundreds of people were arrested tuesday in the heart of a campaign in new york's zuccotti park where protest was resolved appears stronger than ever. in the financial capital of the world a movement called occupy wall street is born in each week's the fight against u.s. corporate greed and both inequality and that infests in all fifty states i don't now make american movement not seen since the sixty's and the power of the people grows louder police force strong peaceful activists by the time blinded by nice and thrown to the ground under armed activists peach tents law enforcement
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. flash printing it's response is. that the. basic. things that. people exercising their democratic right or. why would. there. be any of this over the last few bucks and so they go. for the science tell. them that there's. thousands of occupy activists have been jailed throughout the china month campaign and mass arrests of eight hundred on the brooklyn bridge garnered international attention but this image of an eighty four year old former schoolteacher pepper sprayed during a demonstration captures the crackdown activists face brought to
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a boiling point by economic injustice and a political system failing the majority testers demonstrated unprecedented resilience. and then u.s. authorities began occupying the occupations one by one even activists under the preacher. or safety concerns a raid on the headquarters in new york came at one am hundreds of armed officers destroying and displacing the heart of this democratic movement i can't evict an idea to the idea that we are than i can i can set of americans that you know we need to resist the influence of financial institutions the corporations fight for economic sense of those messages that are being spread around the country every time the stories come in and try to make some type of offensive strike in a cowardly way at one am without any warning it shows the public support for this because the number is in the streets double the next day people come out out and
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determined to carry on what began as an occupation in a park. has grown into a national movement fighting for principles from wall street to time square support for the occupy movement has topped the streets uniting tens of thousands of strangers balanced by common hardship and frustration two months in there is no denying the grassroots movement has to be calm the brand of the big apple and the social marker in america are enough for niall hartstein new york. archie's crew in the u.s. is keeping across the occupy movement you can stay on top of parties and all that and her twitter feed she's filing photos and videos to give you a better feel for what's going on on the streets she also has firsthand accounts of heavy heavy handed police activity including an interview with a retired police officer who says it's making a mockery of democracy. later this hour rapper immortal technique tells you why the occupy movement in them is about american civil rights as well as wall street
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wealth. the idea of america is to give democracy and freedom to people but i think that now more than ever it's become about placating people and about pacifying them so they don't as put the amount of freedom that they're guaranteed almost like would lead to that you seem to know your rights that happens more and more i mean even if you want to make this entirely about occupy wall street and even the people that are down to each and every single occupy wall street that are sitting there holding the law that have a legal duty this is still you see this civil rights leader every single hole and this is the excuses left and right now we want to clean the park so we're going to move everyone out. united states' moves into the asia pacific region was underlined during president obama's state trip to australia recently two and a half thousand american troops will be stationed in the country over the next few
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years in apparent move to blunt china's growing influence in the region according to some analysts for more on this i'm joined by shouting fan sad news correspondent based in beijing thanks for joining us so what's the reaction where you are to the u.s. military getting closer to trying to force. the reaction has been negative both for my chinese leadership and amongst common chinese citizens the foreign ministry said it may not be quite appropriate to intensify and expand military alliances and may not be in the interests of countries within the region so of course this is not with concern of my chinese leaders until the chinese military leaders but it's also met with a lot of attention and concern of my chinese citizens many of my friends here you talk about this and what they perceive is the u.s. policy of containment of an attempt by the united states to encircle china back nominally and militarily and that perception that perception of the united states influence in the asia pacific has existed for several years time and alliances like
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this one between the united states and australia will only serve to strengthen that perception of course that this sort of alliance and u.s. military and diplomatic endeavors in the region are covered by chinese state new florence's popular opinion and it feeds into really the chinese sense of victimization at the hands of us turn powers here so there's a common feeling much chinese citizens that the united states now the us from powers may not want china to arise and that military and sever is an alliance like moment australia are an attempt to prevent it from doing so but opponents like these are often being sold as being a boost to regional security so it apparently seems that the opposite effect may happen. oh yeah potentially i mean really it's a boost potentially it's a reserve trader it's like the. he trade route along the china seas which is responsible for about five billion dollars and a national trade a fifth of that billion dollar five billion dollar trade is american trade so by
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having american forces so close that trade it helps provide some protection to these key sources of oil and gas and trade so potentially it will greatly increase tensions with china china the chinese military authorities showed a lot of aggressiveness in assertiveness in that region of the philippines the chinese that entered philippine airspace and water six times over the past year the chinese have also used aggressive language towards indian naval vessels in that region and have also cut the cables of vietnamese exploration vessels in that region so that moves like the united states of course being asserting its military in this region to become a military militarily involved me egypt's if it were only certain increased tension between china and the u.s. and some analysts feel fear it could lead to a cold war standoff between the two countries now looking at this from kind of a different perspective how much do you think is down to the shifting economic weight from the u.s.
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will be toward trying to especially in the financial world because china always award the u.s. national debt. that's right i think it's a great signifies a great chef potentially an iconic power i spent a lot of time in africa reporting on chinese and u.s. investment there and i observed a very similar type damage there which is that while china is their economic tries are growing in places like africa are growing with many nations in the pacific china as a top trading partner for many countries in the pacific playing partners to australia and its ties are growing in places like in africa and south america so in africa what i observed as well china's economic might is growing and while many african countries are increasingly relying on china to boost its economy and to boost its trade. its response is responding in some. militarily because right now the u.s. military really exceeds china's both in terms of its modernity and in terms of its expansiveness and so what's happening in africa over the last ten years is the
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united states has tripled its military investment over the last ten years there and similar to what's going to happen in australia it's engaging in joint operations and training local troops in africa and in a way it's using is using its military as a form of soft power as a way to strengthen ties with these countries because it can't necessarily compete with china economically at this point in time with many of these places around the world all right. news correspondent thanks for joining us here at our q. but she for russia's general staff has warned of the dangers of regional conflicts spilling out into full scale war as the comments were made as he addressed parliament to discuss the modernization program currently underway in russia's armed forces for more on this i'm joined by our he's here all over who's been following the story for us a little. more than the general the general chief of staff say and what exactly does he mean with his. well because i'm
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a total fool and against the spread so of small scale regional conflicts around the world including those around russia's borders saying that it's these small scale regional conflicts do have the potential to grow that she will why the scale global conflicts not even ruling out the prospects of an intentional nuclear war being spock's by some of these he was speaking as he traced the the defense reforms that are being made in russia he was talking to a parliament after they'd approved a fifty five billion dollars defense budget for next year which is expected to increase to allow reforms to take place now these reforms have been part of the process of russia's military no he said he wasn't done yet though with that he wants to see more professional so just cutting aid to the russian armed forces currently the majority of russia's soldiers sailors and. draftees now he
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wants to see more professional soldiers more people taking the armed forces as a career as opposed to a draftee serving full around twelve months and then going off into the private sector now he wants to see more people taking soldiering as a professional career to help make russia which is navy and russia's air force among the best in the world. all right and he's peter all over live for us in moscow thanks what about. italy's newly installed prime minister mario monti is unveiling his response plan to help tackle the country's massive debt crisis and it's being followed by hugh. huge interest including by university students in both rome and thousands of them toe to the streets thursday protest against budget cuts and a lack of jobs so far markey has received cautious reaction from investors who fear the debt contagion has already spread too far to be stopped meanwhile the cracks are widening in the eurozone with the latest blow coming from one of its strongest members the netherlands it was its prime minister wants countries to be able to
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kick out of the currency club public opinion is already swinging heavily toward a new union made up of the news most robust economies archy's daniel bushell reports. the worst day years for the euro this one good news that the netherlands considered the second strongest economy in the single currency has seen its pull wrinkles raise both the markets to new highs the dutch prime minister was forced to react on concerns that the problem spiralling out of control. said he'd like to be able to push countries out of the euro to put the foyer a sea called it is raising fears that countries will be forced to leave the euro still describes the spreading. as a first step a majority of dutch people finds a new poll just the plain else of greece which many see as the holes of the problems i love greece i every year i go to greece it's this is a little bit did i did i think cost quite
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a lot of money. millions just off of euros but until this moment did they don't do anything about it today should help us yeah i really meant because again we have the same problems going on with problems this is the man dubbed europe's top to do well many of today's euro skeptics was singing its praises in the ninety's top economist all your clothes wrote an open letter to e.u. leaders warning the single currency would destroy europe and deep down he says those leaders knew it but the euro did brought in sort of the horrors of trojan a trojan horse that is really going to undo the european project that's the big danger and. its causes for conflicts for serious disagreements and for economic instability taxpayers have paid a price think a very upset about it and you know that that form
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a call to shows we're aware of this problem but they have pushed this through. an idea of what it is a great idea one euro one europe but one euro one europe canales book says this because the dutch just don't feel solace there and see it with the other members now here for the first i would have to be interested in how the greek pay their taxes i don't want to know how to be paid exactly what the pension age of the front fringes neither greece nor france has a place in the euro a new nor the euro only a prudent state proposed by a top truly party official last week experts think just three countries actually deserves to stay in. only germany the netherlands and belgium can have the same currency without having economic costs to dillard's kodi pays more put posted to you call was. really no business need to go with this so the neighbors
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the little sure all team in the hague. bankers may be making off with the wealth of europe and the us put across in china expectations are very different even in their criminal community years max kaiser and seizing her to explain fifteen thirty g.m.t. take a look. you can try and scolds woman for having nothing of value to steal so women in china woke up and found an intruder in our apartment in the middle of the night but rather than run away the guy stayed there he criticised her for more than ten minutes telling her she needs to get educated work harder and accumulate some kind of wealth before she gets old the man went on i am but a simple thief yet i have more than you so i thought this could possibly be jamie diamond he read that there was all the silver going to china and he was like a cat burglar around looking person silver to me this naked short position well i think something i lost in the translation actually because the woman i was actually
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sleeping on a mattress filled with u.s. dollars and i was the thief pointed out there's no value in those i want i want real money i want silver. always loudly and kaiser well here's a look at some other stories making headlines across the globe the u.n. nuclear agency the latest resolution on iraq being seen as a compromise between the u.s. its allies and russia the document criticizes tehran's nuclear defiance but holds back from being overtly harsh america and its allies want a deadline for tehran to cooperate with inspectors russia and china want to avoid any direct action last week the i.a.e.a. said there was evidence to suggest iran was trying to develop nuclear weapons. insurgents in kabul have attacked a national assembly of politicians and tribal elders as they met to debate the future of u.s.
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forces in the country two rockets aimed at the site missed their target one person was injured when one of the weapons that landed near a police station the taliban says it's behind the attack. dozens of anti-corruption protesters forced their way into kuwait's parliament while hundreds more demonstrated outside this is the prime minister is being questioned over claims that the government officials illegally funneled money into foreign banks the country's foreign minister has resigned after the allegations surfaced. and interview and sports still ahead but first the business news with dmitri stay with us. thanks matt joining the world trade organization will provide russia with a new forum to resolve trade disputes none of the biggest concerns is the e.u. so-called third energy package your head it's a gas producer from also the transit infrastructure now also claims this is aimed squarely at the gas problem however just off mission come from august media thinks
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it's unlikely issue the issue will be challenge food the w t o as some are suggesting. i don't see really any direct influence of russian russia joining. changing our position of european union the european commission actually in regards . to package because i think it should be done again on the bilateral basis especially if gas problem want to move some some businesses like south stream and other pipeline project structure which are excluded from the priority projects so the real union and they are under this so that energy package will so it could be done on a separate basis i don't think any direct involvement of w. to your joint learns. so you go to the markets to sell oil is low on fresh concerns about it below ball demand and that's wasn't because of fitch is warning of the ongoing crisis in the euro zone potentially hurting u.s. banks and w g i is still around its highest level since may it's now over one
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hundred one dollars a barrel brant is adds actually one hundred nine six. quick look at the european markets now you really are shedding value the footsies down two percent germany's dax one point four percent in the red this hour it's early and spanish ten year bond yields are heading. to the pressure. here in russia similar picture both for the obvious in the my side start shedding more than two percent let's take a look at what's moving b m i six most of the blue chips are in negative territory bt be one of the biggest losers with three percent and l m k mine is also almost five percent below after it spurred the internet profit more than heart of the dark declined to the lowest level since two thousand. homeowners parts guy is correct then one hundred percent after gaining more than ten percent the previous edge. in starting is back in fifty five minutes time join me thinking.
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is he.


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