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tv   [untitled]    November 17, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EST

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the really interesting klutz civility sure to come this piece of the first earth well sure can pinsky swiss it still doesn't hold bill to let me know it's come golden eagle teco to. reports of the first arrest stirring a huge day of action in new york as anti-corporate protesters start their ten thousand strong march to mark two months of rallies and attempt to shut down the new york stock exchange and. russia says syria's leaders and the opposition are the only ones with me and the violence in the country while the arab states of urgent britain kept in the diplomacy against the mascot's. patients and running out with one of europe's strongest economies the netherlands calls for weak countries to be kicked out of the euro and caribbean protests well in italy one of the e.u. countries were hit by the crisis.
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six pm in moscow i map president have you with us here on r t our top story new york bracing for its biggest protest in years as anti wall street activists promise to occupy quote the whole city on thursday this marks two months since the movement began in lower manhattan this is live video you're looking at from the scene there the activists now planning to fill streets bridges the subway and they promise shut down wall street and the new york stock exchange artie's marina porton is on the streets she joins us live with more. so the protesters want similar action in cities across the u.s. and around the world what's going on on the streets where you was. just about ten minutes ago or so there were hundreds of demonstrators. walking up this
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street behind me right behind me is the iconic statue i feel odd wall street and a lot of the demonstrators were screaming take the bull to the ball about nine to fifteen police officers immediately surrounded the full that there was hundreds of demonstrators coming lining up to warm the side streets as you mentioned they are attempting to shut down wall street more specifically shut down the new york stock exchange that's their first goal of the day we are getting reports that some arrests have already been made but this is just the beginning of an all day on occupy wall street of that later on there will be units by those supporting this movement to shut down the subways in all five boroughs not to mention that there will be rallies a little bit north of here you know you can square that's where a student thousands of students are expected to take to the streets in the parks
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joining the occupy wall street movement are talking about their own grievances about suisham hikes and student debts later on there will be a much bigger rally where unions will be joining the occupy movements in a huge park all day long they will be talking about what this campaign is about the wealth while walking inequality here in the midwest between rich and poor u.s. corporate influence on the politics on the system it's very hard to believe that this movement has grown so large and so big considering it was just a few weeks ago and also considering the massive police system that we've been facing for the past two months let's take a look at what those events were like. in the financial capital of the world a movement called occupied full street is poor in eight short weeks the fight against u.s. corporate greed and wealthy. all of the manifests in all fifty states identify american
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movement not seen since the sixty's as the power of the people grows louder police force strong peaceful activists beaten by batons blinded by mates and thrown to the ground unarmed after this pitch tense law enforcement launched flash grenades. but. the. main. thing that. people exercising their democratic rights are. in this. and so they go and. tell. them that the. local law to thousands
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of occupy activists have been jailed throughout the two month campaign the mass arrests of eight hundred on the brooklyn bridge international attention but this image of an eighty four year old former schoolteacher pepper sprayed during a demonstration captures the crackdown activists face brought to a boil in point by economic injustice and a political system failing the majority protesters demonstrated unprecedented resilience. and then u.s. authorities began occupying the occupations one by one even activists under the pretext of how for safety concerns a raid on the headquarters in new york came at one am hundreds of armed officers destroying and displacing the heart of this democratic movement i can't evict an idea to the idea that we are that i did nine percent of americans that you know we need to resist the good points of financial institution the corporations fight for
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economic sense of those messages that are being spread around the country every time that the tories come in and try to make some type of attempt to strike in a cowardly way at one am without any warning it shows the public support for this because the numbers in the streets double the next day people come out out and determined to carry on what began as an occupation in a park has grown into a national movement fighting for principles from wall street to time square support for the occupy movement has rocked the streets uniting tens of thousands of strangers balanced by common hardship and frustration two months in there is no denying the grassroots movement has become a brand of the big apple the social marker in america. for ny artsy new york. for more reaction on the occupy movement i'm joined by robert david steele a political analyst and former intelligence officer thanks for joining us so we have an unprecedented number of people expected to take part in today's protest
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speaking truth to power so to speak do you think our voices will be heard. short answer is no. right now bloomberg is in charge of the world's first police city. and i believe they will be. pushed out. they're being driven in for the winter and i'm not at all happy with their lack of organization. yes i believe this is a protest that will not be killed in the long run. you can't screw all of the people all of the time and get away with it goldman sachs and the banks and the us government has gone way over the line in terms of being irresponsible. what we would call our seed corn. this is also not a us organization it is a global organization and it differs from the tea party in that the tea party loves the republican corruption they just don't like the democratic corruption occupies
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against all forms of corruption but they have not organized to do the two things that i thought they should do this winter if you're interested. this is why video that we're looking at from lower manhattan right now as we're talking about. yes i went to new york and i greased the occupy working group on electoral reform and that video went viral robert steele electoral reform new york. the only thing that occupy can do to get through the winter is to raise money with one single issue that everybody including the independents in the moderates like myself of the two political parties that shut out everybody else is electoral reform and we are now up to a crowd sourced electoral reform act of two thousand and twelve point three i believe that we can confront every senator and every representative while they are home for the holiday recess and we can force them to either co-sponsor this
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accurately hounded out of office is occupied is not do this they lose twenty twelve and they will probably be covering time for the next presidential election but time is the one strategic variable we cannot afford to lose we cannot buy it therefore i think occupy needs to focus on the larger people not just on the protests. there are some allegations that u.s. intelligence agencies may be working to demonize protests by. targeting them absolutely. it's not just possible it proves it and one of the nicest things about oakland is that they have developed a very fine technique for basically researching and photographing all prior known police officers and then finding them when they're undercover the police are not good at undercover work i still remember introducing the u.s. government to hackers in one thousand nine hundred four and the u.s.
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government undercover president consisted of two guys with with very short hair white t. shirt shorts and black or a family shoes that was their version of undercover at the time and we all thought it was very sunny the u.s. government actually stinks at clandestine human intelligence and it stinks at counterintelligence. what they're doing though is they are inciting violence and you're you're absolutely right there is a massive information operations campaign against this group. and of course the corporate media in the united states is completely owned by wall street this is one of the reasons why i like russia today t.v. it's replaced the b.b.c. as a truth teller. there was criticism of the occupy campaign wasn't particularly focused now it's been running for two months now if you think there's a more consolidated approach. well the short answer is no they did it well they have solid aims which is they are torn between street groups really they have
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the iron or kiss who basically want to do away with the us government and return to some kind of those anarchist utopia i don't think that's going to work you then have the reformers like myself although i am not calls occupy i believe in and support occupy. and i believe that the only thing that will clean the us government is to flush congress down the toilet there for electoral reform as a singular demand is necessary but the reformers aren't doing that they're talking about everything under the sun and it's the same problem that affected the one nine hundred sixty s. group. d. the good will to people mistake cooled by holding hands looking deeply into each other's eyes and trying to satisfy everybody they mistake that for political spectacles they are intersected at this time. and then the third group unfortunately is all the people who have no jobs who find occupied to be
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a gauging place where they can get some food and they can they can be in good company so occupy is not organized itself and it has failed to come together as a fund raising organization i actually talked to the management of the indie go go and i arranged for all occupy groups to be able to have their own open ended page. they haven't done that so right now it looks to me like occupy is dead for the winter it may come back in the spring but strategically they have lost the opportunity to capture the presidency in two thousand and twelve which i think they could have got. there robert david your political analyst and former intelligence officer time my pleasure. coming your way in about twenty minutes rapper immortal technique tells us why he thinks the occupy movement is about civil rights as well as wall street well. the idea of america is to give democracy and freedom to people
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but i think that now more than ever it's become about placating people and about pacifying them so they don't put the amount of freedom that they're guaranteed almost like when put into that you seem to know you're right. that happens more and more i mean even if you want to make this entirely about occupy wall street. even the people that know that each and every single occupy wall street that are sitting there holding the law that have a little clique this is still see this civil rights movement every single one this is excuses left and right now we want to clean the park so we're going to move everyone out. britain are reportedly being urged by jordan's king abdullah to take the lead in the diplomatic drive against syria after the u.k.'s key role in bombing out libya's colonel qadhafi international pressure continues ratcheting up on president assad who's been given till saturday to halt crackdowns on demonstrators or face more isolation
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this is russia warns against taking sides artie's ivor bennett has the latest from london. britain's been picked as team captain along with france quite least one arab country to lead a libya style contact group now their task at the moment is a diplomatic one to coordinate policy between arab countries and the west and what will be of verbal offensive putting pressure on president assad they could indeed end with him being forced to step down now the details of this will most following a meeting between the british prime minister david cameron and king abdullah of jordan earlier that took place earlier this week in london and king abdullah is actually the first arab leader to publicly call for president assad to step down that he's believed also to prefer britain and france over america to lead any such mission because of their success they had in libya where they led military intervention that ousted colonel gadhafi now there's no mention of any such military activity with syria at the moment at the moment this is purely defensive is clearly verbal but that is of course how the libya intervention and an operation
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started is already several similarities france will have already recalled their ambassador from the matter is and of course the timing with the militarization of the opposition which would make any kind of intervention a lot easier to support now russia they see it as a two way street because both sides are guilty of violence the free syrian army which is one of the main opposition groups in syria the moment is largely made up now of defectors from the syrian army. we suggested in a little. place all countries concerned with a peaceful outcome of development and serious should demand not only from the syrian authorities but also from the opposition to stop the violence the ongoing attacks on the government buildings in syria look like a civil war and what could hamper any dialogue is the patience of the peace brokers the arab league which is already approached britain to lead a libya style contract contact suggests that this could be
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a last ditch diplomatic attempt by them. for more on the story we're joined live from london by lindsey german star of the coalition thanks for joining us so all the recent rhetoric about syria seems to be headed toward one conclusion do you think there could be a repeat of a libya style scenario there well i think most definitely need to read in which we . point your correspondent made about the withdrawal of ambassador be. taking sides rapidly becoming a civil war and the desire of the western powers for regime change is clearly very very strong and i think therefore with a very very dangerous situation around the questions theory. the countries involved in the arab league can hardly hold themselves are. not kristie the turkish government which is very heavily. criticized in syria very heavily involved in the
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release an issue. is a government which also has all sorts of human rights issues to do with the kurdish minority inside turkey so really what you're looking at is only thoughts and people focusing on. that they won't change that without looking at the whole question of what this will mean for the wife. it's noticeable that the arab league has become increasingly prominent in putting pressure on syria why do you think that is. well i think it's absolutely clear that the arab league. as it was in libya is being used the ideas of the arab league against syria there must be something dreadfully wrong with syria and they are being used. i think by the by the west. in particular is very much a proxy of of u.s. and western interests and this is
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a situation where whatever you think of president. the civilians inside inside syria this this intervention is norton powerful thousand civilians we should learn the lessons of libya thousands and thousands of civilians die after the nights are gone in the can and nato bombing or any other intervention any other military intervention in syria will have even more serious consequences because of the regional set up the whole question of iran the whole question of israel will come much much more to the fore and aft police will lead to a much more substantial war in the region which is the last thing that anybody really needs so you personally prefer to see it handled internally as russia and china. well i think there are very real questions here about democracy they are pulling for all we our people have the right not to say i think i have the right to overthrow the writers but when you find david cameron nicolas sarkozy and the other
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western leaders suddenly taking such an interest in the region you have to ask what is the power and of course it has always been about the western interest in this region i do not like syria. if you go back to two thousand and two this was one of the countries which to post very closely of us described as part of the axis of evil. and they would like to be able to have a much more private westernizing in in syria and they are using the very real discontent that many haters syria fail to try to achieve around lindsey german from the start the war coalition prankster perspective thank you. italy's new prime minister says he is ready to push through austerity measures that would mean sacrifice for italians mario monti's maiden speech in parliament was watched closely including by university students in several cities across the country
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thousands of them marched on thursday against budget cuts and a lack of jobs cracks are widening elsewhere in the eurozone with the latest blow coming from one of its strongest members the netherlands because the prime minister wants countries to be able to kick others out of the currency rob public opinion is already swaying heavily toward a new union made up of the most robust economies ok dana bash reports from the hague. the worst day yet for the euro that's how one bank called news that the netherlands considered the second strongest economy in the single currency the seen its boring course braze but the markets to new highs the dutch prime minister was forced to react on concerns that the problem spiralling out of control. said he'd like to be able to push countries out of the euro to put out the fire as he called it is raising fears that countries will be forced to leave the euro to stop this close to spreading. as a first step a majority of dutch people finds
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a new poll to stop the bailouts of greece which many see as the holts of the problems i love greece i every year i go to greece it's this is a little bit did i did i think cost quite a lot of money. millions off of. euros but until this moment did they don't do anything about it today should help us yeah i really meant by it because if we have to same problems you know cannot make progress this is the man dubbed europe's dr doom well many of today's euro skeptics were singing its praises in the ninety's top economist or your club or wrote an open letter to e.u. leaders warning the single currency would destroy europe and deep down he says those leaders view it with the euro they brought in sort of the horrors of trojan a trojan horse that is really going to undo the european project that's the big danger and that. it's causes for
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a conflict for serious disagreements. for economic instability taxpayers have paid a price take a very upset about it and we know that former politicians were aware of this problem but they have pushed this through. an idea of what it is a great idea one euro one europe but one euro one europe canales books is this because the dutch just don't feel seoul is there at sea with the other members now here for the first i would have to be interested in how did we pay their pepsi i don't want to know how do we actually what the pension age of the front fringes know the greece nor france has a place in the new row a new northern your only for prudent states but a top truly party official last week experts think just three countries actually deserve to stay in. only germany the netherlands and belgium canst share the same
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currency without having economic costs the netherlands currently pays more per person into e.u. coffers than anyone else with growing numbers nelse they need to go in dutch with this southern neighbors and you bush you are seeing in the hague. take a quick look quick look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe the u.n. nuclear agency latest resolution on iran being seen as a compromise between the u.s. its allies and russia the document criticizes tehran's nuclear defiance but holds back from being overly harsh america and its allies want a deadline for tehran to cooperate with inspectors russia and china want to avoid direct action last week the i.a.e.a. said there was evidence to suggest iran was working to develop nuclear weapons and . insurgents in kabul have attacked a national assembly of politicians and tribal elders as they met to debate the future of u.s. forces in the country two rockets aimed at the site missed the target one person
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was injured though when one of the weapons landed near a police station the taliban has claimed responsibility. for dozens of anticorruption protesters forced their way into kuwait's parliament hundreds more demonstrated outside as the prime minister's being questioned over claims the government illegally channeled money into foreign banks the country's foreign minister resigned after he already has surface. and we're turning now briefly to our top story new york seeing the biggest protest in years under way as the anti wall street demonstrators are valid to occupy the whole city arrests are of already taken place in new york our correspondents there are closely following developments posting what they see on their twitter streams latest information we're getting from downtown manhattan is that the new york stock
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exchange opening has actually been delayed the opening bell reported delayed as all the entrances to the exchange have been blocked by activists are. is among the protesters she says people near her have been hit and dragged along the ground by police she also says that an officer struck her in the arm with a club and that there's been an atmosphere of mayhem in lower manhattan where she's standing we'll check in with her and our other correspondents keep up on this story throughout the day here on our team. business news though next with can be true stay with us. thanks man indeed it seems that in five minutes we won't be hearing the opening bell on wall street or the new york stock exchange because as we mentioned all entrances to the n.y.s.e. are reportedly blocks but they will take a look at what's happening in the markets if there's any kind of reaction in just a second first of all joining the world trade organization will provide russia with
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a new forum to resolve trade disputes one of the biggest concerns is the e.u.'s so-called third energy package it prohibits a gas producer from also owning the transit infrastructure but also claims this is aimed squarely at gas from however because last mission go from august media thinks it's unlikely the issue will be challenged of through the w t o as some media are suggesting. i don't see really any direct influence of russian russia joining w.t. or changing some position of european union european commission actually in regards to the energy package because i think it should be done again on the bilateral basis especially if gas from want to move some businesses. sell through him and other pipeline project structure which are excluded from the priority projects of the european union and they are under this sort of a package will so it could be done on a separate basis i don't think any direct involvement or w.
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to your joint learns. let's take a look at the markets out of pairing of this oil is still lower that's on fresh concerns about global demand after fitch warned the ongoing crisis in the euro zone could hurt u.s. banks west texas crude still around its highest levels since may one hundred one dollars forty one cents this hour brant is the gliding more than two dollars so the gap between light sweet and brand is becoming more narrow by the day. so you look at european markets nothing has changed pretty much doesn't seem like there is a reaction to this to delay the opening bell in new york which is down still one percent to one point two percent the dax one third of a percent actually correcting italian and spanish ten year bond yields are heading higher this is adding to the pressure. and it seems russia will not have time to react to the beginning of three in the u.s.
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but right now it is these are coming back to opening figures the r.t.s. is down and by just not in my six point two percent. in other news russia's trade watchdog is checking whether imported vehicles are flooding the market not down prices local producers saw those claims for in light commercial be a. goals are being sold in russia with what it sees as excessive discounts solar says this is causing significant losses to local industry and trade ministries amount of imports from germany it's only poland and turkey so is once the authorities to introduce additional taxes for such vehicles and analysts say the company is trying to offset rising competition of russian joints w.t.f. . right that's it for now the headlines are coming up next on our to do stay with us.
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twenty years ago in large this country in. this particular instance of. what had been. began a journey. where did it take.


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