tv [untitled] November 17, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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the recruiting bill came a triple which will create a renaissance hotel bill cable suites hotel room pacific resort and spa. in israel parties available in some of the telltale derrius hotel jerusalem. police hundred arrests as a mass general gets under way in new york with thousands of protesters filling the streets to mark two months of occupy rallies police using sound callous and dispersed the crowd of. russia's foreign minister says the external forces of the liberty kind of aggravate the situation in syria to justify a possible intervention. and fresh out of your sturdy protests across italy greece in a warning to the two country's new prime minister's plan to pull the nation's out of debt would get more cuts.
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hello this is r t it's eleven pm now about the night here in moscow one name is kevin owen and our top story violent arrest taking place in new york where huge antiwar street rallies underway hundreds of activists marching across the city pledging to occupy streets bridges in the subway it's all part of the protest against economic inequality that's been going on for exactly two months now that is more important ira's in downtown new york for. right now was that the crowd. but. all morning it's been like thousands of optimists of this occupy movements have been demonstrating all around the lower manhattan they began with that time to shut up shut down the new york stock exchange at dozens and dozens of protesters have been arrested now some of the arrests started streaming the aggressive we saw police officers growing optimistic down to the ground both of the male and now there have been also forced sing i sound cabinets to disperse the
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crowd the crowd are walking along on the on the sidewalk with this stuff on the street that's when the police get very aggressive there's been pushing as i mentioned and arrests in zuccotti park i should mention this though it's a party park which was raided a few days ago by the new york city police department i have to have gotten back in there but it is a joke with riot police the optimiser saying to the police take off you're right there's no fire here while i've been on one side of wall street the public some of the demonstrations up my colleague lucy coming off has been covering other parts she actually got caught up in one of the demonstrations once it was getting quite aggressive and let's have a look at the local police she has filed this really it's what. people downstairs and i was there with him for. the first hour simply standing on the street but it looked like all the real number says this was them was starting to push some people
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underground including one woman who was violently hit i would assert it with a police officer things are getting a little bit hectic again it's hard to tell who's starting what but. certainly these are police response truth to these occupations again most of the protesters are very diverse in age we've seen everyone from people in their sixty's or seventy's young women and i haven't seen that many children a lot of students here. not exactly the reddening types of you know typical riotous crowds that one would expect to be greeted with this kind of a police response so again it's very unclear. why this is happening in fact if maybe we can over there that was one of the women one hundred women dressed in shall. hear the crowd i think the whole world was watching was watching the. big interested in journalists and he was you know it would you know it was only going to want to polygraph every
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appearance so one of our colleagues is standing over there i don't know where he went right now but he was he was kneeling on her neck and i don't know why they were doing that which is tidy and not fighting back it was ridiculous as you can see there's not much distinction made between press and the protests here but i don't know how this is going to play out is extremely tense and if it continues at this rate i think we can expect to see many many more arrests before this day is over reporting partying downtown st lucie. that we heard from reporter as well our correspondent there to naughty screw in the u.s. is keeping across the developments of the occupy movement to stay on top of it to throw a twitter feed of course and as they see what they tell us in a twitter as well they treated as well the latest smarties lucy catherine off is that a group of activists is marching towards city hall to demand the resignation of. she also says hundreds of people are filling up a number of major speech in new york the so let's go on the story yet we of course
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you will see. for more on the anti corporate greed protest in the u.s. let's now than talk to independent. news closely follow the story either of you could have you on the program the city of oh criticize here you are now saw one of the most heavy handed police clampdowns didn't it police say that general approach has been helping to restore public order to agree with that. if you look at the end now. it's cost a broke city of oakland for this heavy handed police response to half a million dollars just for the latest raid and you're asking who pays more. what what the city is costing so much thanks were seven million dollars from taxes just last year so banks are actually costing the city more money than the occupy wall street protests happening here this protest isn't your problem to occupy the whole city well they're doing it now including the subway do you think this move could backfire though and cause public anger not only for the police is the general
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probably going to try and get on with their lives in new york today. possibility but civil disobedience is really the only way to go you see this police state forced it on and so now and people are waking up to the fact that our police is now militarized and these absurd methods of crowd control tear gas and thousands of people if one person there was a bottle or whatnot i think it you know caused some anger for people who are trying to get to work but overall i think it's a great response because we're not going to take it anymore and we're not just going to step back it's the cops because that is a pretty good side of downtown oakland we're going to reconvene and show up stronger. zuccotti park that's of course you know it's now been ruled that no more company no it's getting colder in the u.s. as winter is coming on so it makes it more difficult for demonstrators to maintain the momentum of their campaign about how you look at it is there a danger maybe you say that today's rally promised to be the biggest so far could
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be a kind of last convulsion before. no absolutely not it's just getting more in the infancy of this movement right now the more we're pushed back the more we're going to step up so i think it's a beautiful time i think it's great that they're doing this because it's showing me like i said before and we're going to reconvene. we've seen the wall street protests across the u.s. grow in number over the last three months we are going to be a very careful in the course of the say with a about what they see even so do you think that they will ever achieve any of the what headway has been made at these two month anniversary is a good problem back isn't it what you think been achieved here. like gandhi said first they fight you they ridicule you and then you win i think we're in a state right now where they're trying to ignore us they're trying to just push the police and arrest our case out and it's not going to work because this movement you can't kill an idea you can't jail an idea so it's really
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a beautiful time to try to be more creative and see how we can fight back nonviolently of course and combat this police state and the tea party dictatorship that we no longer adhere to and germicide remarks in the line from oakland where we saw all that unrest now so long ago thanks for your thoughts on the program thank you i told my thoughts on the program next rapper immortal technique tells us why the occupy movement is about america's civil rights as well as wall street wealth. of america. but i think that now more than ever it's likely about. something. for the amount of freedom that they're guaranteed almost like with clinton that you seem to go your rights. more and more i mean even if you want to because it's highly about occupy wall street even the people that are now that each and every single occupy wall street that are sitting there
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holding the lot that the little clique this still see this civil rights every single quarter this is excuses left and right all we want to clean the floor so we're going to move everyone out the. situation in syria is being dramatized by external forces to pave the way for a possible international military intervention that is the view of russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov who called all sides to stop the violence and the start talks are going off as more from moscow first some very strong words from russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov has been talking about the situation in and around syria. basically he's been saying that the violence is continuing and the tension is continuing to rise as well and it's said that some states are actually pushing to accelerate this process. for observing how the external players are trying to boost the confrontation in syria perhaps trying to dramatize the situation in egypt
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and gain additional grounds for a possible intervention in syrian affairs however everyone denies it on the record we feel some countries have such plans russia has been strongly criticizing the violence going on in syria throughout the entire conflict but moscow has been stressing that this is a serious internal matter which has to be solved through peaceful dialogue between the our stories in the country and to the opposition and the foreign minister is once again called on both sides to put their weapons down. while it's being spread not only by the authorities but by the opposition as well what bones are still being smuggled into syria and a situation there looks as if it's really on the brink of a civil war so you are of all sorts stressed that the a libyan scenario can be repeated just peaceful a dialogue between all parties that's the only way according to moscow when i britain is reportedly being urged by the king of jordan to take the lead it
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diplomatic drive against syria after the u.k.'s key role in bombing out libya's colonel gadhafi international pressure continues to pile up on present the saddening time has been given now till saturday to hold crackdowns on protesters or face more isolation it comes as russia warns against taking sides over bennett reports. britain's been kicked his team captain along with france by at least one arab country to lead a libya style contact group now there tosca at the moment is a diplomatic one to coordinate policy between arab countries and the western wall verbal offensive putting pressure on president assad it could indeed end with him being forced to step down other details of this most following a meeting between british prime minister david cameron and king abdullah of jordan earlier that took place earlier this week in london laurie's actually the first arab leader to publicly call for president assad to step down that he's believed also to prefer britain and france over america to lead any such mission because of
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their success they had in libya where they led military intervention that ousted colonel gadhafi now there's no mention of any such military activity with syria at the moment at the moment this is purely defensive it's clearly verbal but that is of course how the libyan intervention and an operation started is already several similarities france will have already recalled their ambassador from the masses and of course the timing with the militarization of the opposition which would make any kind of intervention a lot easier to support. our website r.t. the column we're asking you for your prediction about what you think will happen in syria those votes actually have been pretty constant really of the last couple of hours but this is what you say is the graph two percent of you are convinced that nature would intervene with or without u.n. backing you just don't see the south for the three percent say that nato wouldn't get involved militarily for fear of sparking a new bloody war in the region but a fifth of you still believe the serious symptoms are strong and that assad's got
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too much support we have to throw the same amount again just think that nato will be there and i was present to side with u.n. backing thanks for both of you if you have still plenty of time to do to with our team talk. thousands of greeks are taking to the streets of athens in a warning to the new prime minister lucas papademos nast youngsters through fire bombs at police outside parliament the thousands of police monitoring the demonstrations responded with tear gas and stun grenades the answer was thirty protests arranged forcing home the message to parliament the onslaught of tax hikes and budget cuts around except the ball is all coincided with an annual rally marking greece's bloody stupid uprising in one thousand nine hundred eighty three which helped topple the country's u.s. backed notorious on early in its early students clashed with police when thousands of people marched in protest against budget cuts and a lack of jobs it followed new prime minister mario monti's maiden speech in parliament where he pledged to push through austerity measures which will be huge sacrifices for ordinary people across the widening elsewhere in the euro zone with
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a fresh blow from one of its strongest members the dutch prime minister wants countries to be able to kick others out of the currency club leaving only the e.u. is most robust economies inside us is doing a bushel explains more. the worst day yet for the euro that's how one banker called news that the netherlands considered the second strongest economy in the single currency to seen its boring cause raised by the markets to new highs the dutch prime minister was forced to react on concerns that that problem spiralling out of control. said he'd like to be able to push countries out of the euro to put out the fire as he called it is raising fears that countries will be forced to leave the euro to stop this crisis is spreading. as a first step a maturity of dutch people finds a new poll to stop the bailouts of greece which many see as the halls of the problems i love greece and i every year i go to greece it's this is
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a little bit did i did i think cause i got a lot of money or millions of dollars of euros but until this moment if they don't do anything about it today should help us you know really meant well because if we have the same problems going on with problems this is the man europe's top to do while many of today's euro skeptics were singing its praises in the ninety's top economists tell your clone the wrote an open letter to the e.u. leaders warning the single currency would destroy europe and deep down he says those leaders knew it when the euro did brought in sort of the horse of trojan a trojan horse that is really going to undo the european project that's the big danger and. its causes for conflicts for assurance disagreements and for economic instability taxpayers have paid
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a price they get very upset about it and we know the former politicians were aware of this crowd but they have pushed this through in an idea of whether they have a great ideal one year or one europe but one euro one europe canales books is this because the dutch just don't feel seoul is there at sea with the other members now here for the first time i would have to be interested in how did we pay their taxes i don't want to know how to please what the pension age of the front fringe you know the greece nor france has a place in the new row or new nor the euro only prudent state proposed by the top the truly party official last week experts think just three countries actually deserve to. in. germany the netherlands and belgium can steer the same currency without having economic costs the villains currently pays more per person into e.u.
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call for anyone else with growing numbers no see need to treat this so the neighbors . in the hague or the bankers may be making off with the wealth of europe or the us put across in china expectations are very different even the criminal community is next and stacey explained later this hour. scolds woman for having nothing of value to steal so women in china woke up and found an intruder in our apartment in the middle of the night but rather than run away the guy stayed there he criticized her for more than ten minutes telling her she needs to get educated work harder and accumulate some kind of wealth before she gets old the man went on i am but a simple thief yet i have more than you so i thought this could possibly be jamie dying when he read that there was all the silver going to trying like he was like a cat burglar in around looking for some silver to meet us naked short position well i think something a lot of the translation actually because the woman is actually sleeping on
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a mattress filled with us dollars and as the thief pointed out there's no value in those i want i want real money i want silver. terminus time the united states is boosting its presence in the asia pacific a factor in the line during president obama's state visit to australia two and a half thousand american troops will be stationed there over the next few years in a pair of move to blunt china's growing influence in the region let's talk about this of course live to new york the slaters that is from the nuclear age peace foundation elise thank you for taking the time out to be with social who broke the news we've heard over the last twenty four hours or so this enhanced military presence wasn't it simply more cooperation with the strain we're all as many people are saying something about containing china moreover well it's
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very interesting character clinton our secretary of state just wrote an article this month in foreign powers the about the new pacific era for the united states and they are doing a full court press to. beef up their military forces to maintain sea. to maintain us or germany i mean they say it's a must that they're going to maintain the same kind of parity now in the pacific that we always had in the atlantic with nato so what this move with australia then of course we have other alliances with japan and you know military alliances and taking all these countries into where our. whole new. structure military economic aligned so what's your view on this is this measure improve security in the asia pacific or does it make the region more tense than.
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well it's a provocative miserable. twentieth century. way of looking at the world and i think the us is being very unrealistic because we're not going to have the money to pay for it anyway i mean you know this american century after world war two we have to go into a more cooperative paradigm and they just don't get it the readers and get it obama doesn't care that the u.s. congress is very clear on this issue or they're standing all kinds of money on the military we're spending more money on the military than we have a century in the cold war will course always reserve becoming a police state. the reason there's a there's a lot we can say about it becoming a police tell you what's going on in america right right now but let's let's try to stick to the point china has of course already given some reaction to this it says
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it resents the move but you say we're going to expect any counteraction from beijing if so what impact will that of all on relations between the two do you think. no what we're doing is where where where tossing a great big part of the u.s. military industrial complex the price we were originally in an arms race with ourselves russia and china were asking the u.s. to negotiate a treaty to prevent the weaponization of space and every country in the world voted for it at the u.n. over the last few years except the united states we blocked consensus for any progress to go forward so now china is beefing up its military it's a need our lack of willingness to move forward even china has even asked us to eliminate nuclear weapons and even russia over the years with gorbachev and putin may all wanted to eliminate nuclear weapons provided the u.s. gave up star wars its desire to down in
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a. military base then israel this week pushing forward and of course chinese and if we are threatened they are going to build up their military so it's a very unfortunate situation and it's being so in america like we have to be fearful of china but most americans don't know that china has been making all these peaceful goes towards us as far as you know trying to slow down the arms race as has russia you know. called the chaff tried with reagan maybe get rid of all the nuclear weapons except that reagan wouldn't give up his star wars dream and i was there a conference at the u.n. . i'm afraid we're actually running out of time this is very good to hear your views on the program tonight from the. studios in new york you can remove.
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we bring a plate a couple of top world news stories the un's nuclear agency has issued its latest resolution about iran it's big seems a compromise between the u.s. and its allies and russia the doctor would criticize it around nuclear defiance but it does hold back from being overtly harsh americal its allies want a deadline for to run to cooperate with inspectors while russia and china want to avoid any direct action last week the i said there was evidence to suggest that iran was trying to develop nuclear weapons. dozens of anticorruption protests as forced their way into kuwait parliament while hundreds more demonstrated outside it so as the prime minister's been questioned over claims that government officials are legally channeled money into foreign banks become trees foreign minister resigned after allegations of. returning to our top story now police cracking down on protesters in new york during a huge anti corporate rally hundreds of occupy wall street demonstrators have been
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filling the streets these are pictures we got through markings that in two months since the movement began in lower manhattan just to remind you of correspondents there right now they're closely following the developments they're posting what they see direct to us and direct and to the screens the latest from outside the city council office that is violence under way in the heart of the protests to college park and you just as police are raiding protesters they will get more on the live for you from our reporter in the next hour as the news continues but this details of a plan by protesters to occupy the subway. a little over five minutes financial pundit nice cars a delve deeper into the european crisis in because the report but let's get across the business first after this quick break.
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e.u.'s so-called first energy package and it prohibits a gas producer from also transit infrastructure moscow claims this is a squarely at castro however just loved mission from august media thinks it's unlikely the issue will be challenged for the w t o as some media suggest. i don't see really any direct influence of russian of russia joining the w two war and changing some our position the european union european commission actually in regards with the third energy package because i think it should be done again on the bilateral basis especially if gas problem want to move some some businesses away. from him and other pipeline projects are actual which are excluded from the priority projects of the union and they are under this sort of image of package rules so it could be done on a separate basis i don't think any direct involvement of w.t. or show influence. so you look at the markets and at the close of the search and b
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r t s m i six are in sync down zero point five percent feeling sympathy for europe which was also showing losses on first day long the main movers most of blue chips were in the red for example bt be losing one point eight percent mine and l m k is also low after its birth brought a net profit of more than half an hour but they are declined to the lowest level since two thousand by and coal miners but he is down on one and a half a cent of climbing ten percent the previous session as it announced an almost four hundred million dollars buyback of the shares. russia's trade watchdog is checking whether imported vehicles are flooding the market have knock down prices local produce a solis claims foreign light commercial vehicles are being sold in russia with what it sees as excessive discounts. solar's says this is causing significant losses to
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the local industry the trade ministry is now looking at imports from germany italy poland and turkey so was once the authority to introduce additional taxes for such vehicles but analysts say the company is trying to offset rising competition as russia joins the world trade organization however one bunch if it owns the young believes being a member of the trade body will ultimately benefit the car industry. definitely on the positive side it will speed up the industry development because obviously it becomes more competitive so this could be overall an upside for the market place supposedly certain amount of years for this will go down the market will become more competitive and over all these may trigger for the moment. and so from the business team for now coming up next i'll see the headlines and stay with us.
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