tv [untitled] November 17, 2011 2:30pm-3:00pm EST
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here but i'm not seeing hardly any birds squirrels you know. darts you know i don't know what's going on here. concrete monarchy. the top story some artsy violence arrests are taking place in new york tonight where a massive demo was underway with police reportedly using the sound of cannons against the protesters thousands of activists are filling the streets to mount two months of occupy rallies. russia's foreign minister says external forces are to live with me trying to aggravate the situation in syria justify possible intervention. and fresh and he was terrified protests spread across italy greece the rallies come as a warning to the two country's new prime minister who plan to pull the nation's out of financial turmoil with yet more cuts. missing money is on the cards reported by next from miami fraud to petty thieves with a moral compass. max
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kaiser this is the kaiser report. on a lark they come to care are sort of all over europe since there are so many more well max yes bankers unelected bankers have been put into power in italy and in greece this past week and in occupied london stock exchange they're fighting back they know how to fight crash j.p. morgan by silver you see from the sign that's right just the respect or the heart
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of the bankers is the only way to kill them you know iceland just as a side they felt they got rid of their terrorist bankers but they're back so they didn't kill them dead enough speaking of silver though let's move over to the east and we are often talk about the collapse of the u.s. empire and the shift of power and wealth from west to east and we're going to look at a few headlines from a new site called the china money report first headline chinese silver investment going parabolic the china daily reported that the trading volume of silver forwards on the shanghai gold exchange china's only exchange for the precious metal surged seven hundred fifty one percent year on year in two thousand and ten meanwhile the volume in september of this year was more than six times that at the same period in two thousand and ten six times six times on e chinese over you know i don't understand why people don't see that we've got here a china point remember the greenspan put you know whatever the market went down
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they lowered into. got owners in greenwich connecticut this is the kind of put your prime goal the solver you're not going to lose because china is right behind you buying tons of it but look at how silver is treated there six fold increase in the imports in september alone over in the u.s. we have the biggest player in the silver market is jamie diamond and j.p. morgan of course which is they have a huge naked short position this shorting more silver than there is mind in the history of the world practically that's right they pick that they inherited that when they took over bear stearns that's correct now max with this in mind i'm looking at this next headline from the china money report thief in china scolds women for having nothing of value to steal so women in china woke up and found an intruder in our apartment in the middle of the night but rather than run away the guy stayed there and the thief launched into a tirade cast sizing the woman for having nothing of value to steal he criticized
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her for more than ten minutes telling her she needs to get educated work harder and accumulate some kind of wealth before she gets old the man went on i am but a simple thief yet i have more than you so i thought this could possibly be jamie dying when he read that there was all this silver going to try and he was like a cat burglar around looking for some silver to meet a snake in short physicians well i think something a lot of the translation actually because the woman who was actually sleeping on a mattress filled with u.s. dollars and as the thief pointed out there's no value in those i want i want real look i want silver but it's also i think the motto for the one percent you see the occupy wall street people they're out there in chicago los angeles denver and new york los angeles london all around the world and what happens to them the bankers throw notes out the window saying we are the one percent we're better than you we create more wealth and i think that's a good motto this guy thinks he's one of the one percent i am but
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a simple thief yet i have more. and you and that's the truth here they are thieves and that's why they have more than us and they have they believe the moral authority as the us well let's move on to what happens to the thieves in china chinese fund manager was sentenced to death after killing investors out of one billion u.s. dollars two brothers and their father were sentenced to death for cheating fifteen thousand investors out of over one point one billion dollars in east china jang province so the family illegally raised one point two billion dollars between two thousand and three and two thousand and eight before they were taken into police custody in two thousand and eight holding the truth from investors that their company had been losing money for years so max compare this to what happens in america i think it's a good deterrent i think that you need a deterrence and if the deterrent is execution then i think the chinese are on the something that's why people are putting their money in the chinese banks taking
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them out of the u.s. banks there's no terms for fraud in american banks and them afloat will j.p. morgan is a great example so that's why people are moving their money out of the u.s. banks into chinese banks because the chinese are willing to execute fraudsters that's a good sign and the other thing we hear over and over and over again is that we bottom ninety nine percent must compete with china get with it cut your wages compete with them how do you expect us wealth creators to create jobs for you if you want pension plans if you want health care if you want wages living wages look at the chinese well why do we have to live like the chinese labor when they don't have to live like the top one percent in china quid pro quo but there's got to be some reciprocity this is what obama did mention in honolulu these so that you know something in chinese greg system we like they like the execute they're bad bankers we're going to start doing that on wall street really you would find the entire.
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situation change quite dramatically well let's look on into the america and see what happens there are bank of america and j.p. morgan really blocking the return of m.f. global customer money so this is from jesse's cafe american and he looks at a white paper from thai foreign capital management and chicago and the paper says by subordinating customers with collateral and segregated funds to creditors of m.f. global's the state the trustee is essentially making the creditors the beneficiary of a criminal act the creditors in this case include j.p. morgan and bank of america is m.f. global commingled segregated funds with corporate assets it was a criminal act paying such a creditors claim with a portion of those commingled funds would make them a beneficiary of that crime this is a remarkable development in the recent history of bank pilfering of wealth from common people they are now just reaching into the segregated accounts
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them solved and confiscating wealth of directly but not using credit default swaps they're not using the arcadia derivatives anymore they're not the skies in their actions they're just stealing money directly from the accounts you open your account is like oh less money why because these banks stole it this is a new level of insidiousness so tight fund management goes on to say that's the trustee involved in this is the same trustee the same lawyers that manage the bankruptcy of lehman brothers they themselves received one hundred sixty million dollars for handling the bankruptcy of lehman creditors got nothing so this capital management firm says if this bankruptcy is managed the same way as lehman's it will be the end of the united states as a viable jurisdiction for commodity trading congress should use whatever power it has to prevent this from happening so i'm going to cut right now to the next
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headline because he's pleading with the tongue. to help him out how members of congress get rich through honest graft so apparently insider trading is legal for congress and a new study out shows that how much congress people have benefited including like john boehner reportedly invested in several health care stocks shortly before killing the public option and last year's legislation nancy pelosi has participated in eight i p o's including some involving companies that had business before her house giving a senator or congress person pre i.p.o. shares in a company is allowed under current rules even though giving them an equivalent amount in cash would be considered an illegal bribe. they threaten inside information they're totally conflicted and as a related to your previous story they're trying to lobby congress to get this story and m.f. global cleaned up because postal face in new banking institutions will evaporate
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but of course as you're pointing out congress is too busy training on inside information and pelosi has made i think your net worth has tripled since she was now in washington so the idea of lobbying government to help it is obviously going nowhere well let's look at what the article says this is the problem of course is that not only are these transactions perfectly legal under existing law the people who benefit the most are the ones who write the laws nationally most members of congress don't seem eager to take away the special benefits that can turn humble public servants into multimillionaires so flash back max to what i just said earlier in the show where this beef broke into a woman's house in china and he said i am but a simple thief yet i have more money than you present and this is exactly what you're seeing here these are humble public servants they're constantly humble public servants hank paulson was
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a humble public servant when he left. goldman sachs and and gave thirty million dollars in tax breaks by joining government as a humble public servant not run and these initial public offerings as we've talked about on the show they price them so they get open like the group was recently and kept over thirty or forty percent that's graft to people in congress to pay off litigants and to basically perform all manner of fraud and its currency on the street to grease the meat the machines to keep this fraud going and we've got more coming this year facebook is another one coming down the pike that will be used again to pay off people to pass laws to favor facebook for example in the way that they violate privacy law well if they want to change the law so that they can violate privacy law they'll give people in congress insider stock pretty i.p.o. they'll get paid off in an asylum graft and it's a quote parker city isn't well it's no wonder that none of the banks have not one single executive from any of these banks have had any investigation any serious
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investigation into what they what they've done wrong but i want to go to this final headline one honest judge to line political parties federal judge jed ray cough is in the news again last week he challenge the f.c.c. his plan to settle a fraud cases against citigroup for two hundred eighty five million dollars saying that the deal would recruit only a fraction of investors losses that would leave the firm free to proclaim its innocence in private lawsuits over remaining damages so once again citi group is another sort of goldman deal thing where they created these mortgage backed securities sold them to investors and then actually bet against the c.d.o. is themselves but in this court case max the f.c.c. lawyer argued that the judge is entitled to assess whether the proposed settlement is fair adequate and reasonable but not whether it is in the public interest so the washington post says it is unclear whether judges can do much more than criticize
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and control. it is clear that they can't anytime you do business on water you sign a form a new account for that put you into a binding arbitration and you don't go to a jury of your peers this is what i was working on wall street the first thing they taught you they said just get him to sign the new account form and his car park steal all the money you want we've got lawyers but we cough in court he's conceded that he must give the s.t.c. significant deference now we just cover the legislative branch of our government the people's government and they aren't going to do anything because they benefit from the insider trading here you have the second of the three branches the judiciary and they're all going to do anything so that leaves just the executive he can assassinate a u.s. citizens that's the only thing that we have left that we could hope for that he does well that's right there's still hope that's the kind of hope and strains i'm looking for all right there are going so much going on because reports thank you
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search for miss as well as blogging this is a registered investment advisor for a sec at pacific asset management miss welcome to the kaiser report. back on the show max now let's talk about europe nash you're you talk about the rise of the borg technocrats tell us about it irish term i usually a financial times article that i just wrote for here you know we're talking about we should feel governments in our government in the early center fielder money greece so that you know they're going to replace these guys i'm going to allow. i see these guys temporary. you say your prayers for her spouse to be all knowing all powerful and they're going to get things done in the bond markets in the phrase today you know. this crap all straight. you know you should be
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compensated and turned her away by. congress failing no you know what i mean. really transformers go all feeling your guns you know what i'm saying you know those in the fine are simply saying no to your friends here right off of the far right now on your blog you said something interest. lately he said that the great deposit or they should pull every third of their money out of the great banks and it lays out farkas is that a little bit messy but i'm slowly. charge to you from my friends. bank in copenhagen to be sure to charge deposits and we're seeing a slow steady trend in the invader dragging people point money out of their savings accounts and checking accounts and grace and i send people out of your post and i walk. you know essentially christmas just the time of year in which we see these
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kind of default characters and bank closings in argentina again two thousand was really close to the currency. it took five years each. greece goes back to crime. you want. to know this all over we're going to get a no i just say for the same thing. going to pull their money out in your. very one. it's very very cold last year so there's a genuine chance you're sometime this christmas holiday season beginning of the year new year's both. priests. tryouts already and i say. you know you don't want to
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contract ok so you're saying historically there is some precedent for this you know making a right prediction but you're saying that given this long haul panic among the amongst the posit are they were saying a run on the bank that one of the next steps could be some kind of bank holiday and so i guess there is some chance of that in the eurozone and of course the big question people want to know is they would look at the euro versus the u.s. dollar you've been a pretty constructive about the u.s. dollar for a while now i would imagine that you don't see anything in the eurozone to change your opinion on that. there's going to blow us all of these currencies are ok. but the question is for a time frame here the problem in european crimes friday was greater than the problems in the u.s. so if this is a relative thing. really all that fond of the u.s.
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dollar i'm pretty fond of gold as you know we're. actually stakes here. so. expect gold to do well i just respect your free suitors. i think it's inevitable i think the bureau goes back with us our thirty percent are. very significant effect that's way down the timeframe that really all depends on how this happens the smart thing to do would be for germany to get out of the euro zone. and all the kids you know or show you the least crazy like you are. trying to revolt this how many just because the euro itself is structurally unsound. and all the currency you have every street car there's even you. you know yachts and the bond markets
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were very early this is not going to be the first all right let's turn our attention to colorado for a second here in chicago and we've got a big scandal and after lowball and there's a couple of different moving parts to this and all you track this stuff brokaw's link tell us your thoughts on the m.f. global and will. never go out you know. i think we have accused of trying to do things to discuss these guys. huge bonuses. for. you know meanwhile if you know wall street. they're going to focus on you know all these little. streams. you know you just really really are if you take action against. any. bonus money
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right before. you'll do you know the fraudulent conveyance tomorrow anyone who organized this. worst. product. right now any. goal and it goes straight to the trunk if you ask me. who what where and who authorized bailouts guber. these are all criminal indictments against all of the criminal indictments aims to be the last thing on anyone's agenda at this point in the case of m.f. global and there's a missing six hundred seven hundred million dollars and apparently the creditors of the company including j.p. morgan bank of america are claiming that they've got claims ahead of the actual all segregated accounts that m.f. global is responsible for so this is gone beyond just using fancy they can
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go accounting or off balance sheet tricks or derivatives this is all about just taking well out of people's accounts directly i worked on wall street for many years i mean this is about as bad as you can get in terms of committing outright securities fraud i mean i think i think as bad as this in the last ten or fifteen years i mean this is a. comedy group this goes beyond. to ask well beyond just a few all those things these guys i love your. you know came from. goldman sachs a guy me and louis who. now goldman sachs i mean a lot. of goldman sachs. is my eyes were right there all time this is going to continue as long as he's
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here to slap armrests. all these people you know it was quiet i don't remember what it was because so many times huge. drawers. looking just really group attorney. oh well he did not want to die. but he didn't do. you know and here's the securities. and drug study group maybe something like you know seven hundred billion dollars off and the fine was a couple hundred million i don't remember exactly so literally these corporations to do illegal things with the fines don't even call for. what they made him do with fraudulent activity it would be cool sure heard of greed and arrogance this is no matter what you do we're going to go live now we're going
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to hear this i'm on the wrist and we're going to cashier first off you may and freddie macas already cost us consumer. almost two hundred billion dollars it's pretty. cool we're throwing other. dollars. all right so you're making the point that for every billion dollars of money stolen by bank of america citigroup other banks they get fined maybe i don't think they are two hundred million dollars so obviously it behooves them this employee continue in that mode there's nothing to stop them now i wanted to make a comparison. because you write about china on your blog you talk about how american labor might benefit if the wages in the u.s. are more competitive with china on the same and the same thing i can we would you
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also look for similar just the standards and america that we see in china reason i bring this up is that china caught hundred million dollars or so or a billion dollar ponzi scheme recently and they executed the perpetrator if you think this might be a good idea for the head of citibank and goldman sachs and j.p. morgan to be executed by the state. to find them take away. just one dollar not. just. pollies. place where you. would someone who would if you're a law. now that. any one of the you know. any of these illegal.
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you all the time you were you. know chris. you know what your face just. floors the. patient it can be christina romer was attorney and shoe. so you know people are asking me how are these deliberations into a corner. should we do these hearings first you're going to make sure obama's council you can. just. base things the government wants to hear stay here. any truth we.
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government wants to hear. these. positions of power and that's just what's happening in the space space and i believe you're right mike we've got to cut it off that's all the time we have you back on again so thanks so much for being on the kaiser report. all right that's all the time we have i want to thank my guests mike said lock you know thirty minutes and your favorite search engine and my assets and they'll take you right to all of his great stuff you can follow my car mash on twitter agnes. you can fall also on twitter i keyser report you can also find us on facebook if you want to send me an e-mail please do so at kaiser report at r t t v dot ru and all my father's advice guys are saying by all. well. technology innovation all the developments from
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