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tv   [untitled]    November 17, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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the rizzuto one action occupy wall street protesters call for a day of unity and protest squaring off with police and security parks standing their ground in los angeles and marching to q. branch and the nation's capital arts he is on the ground from coast to coast. addicted idea to the idea that we are that i do not percent of americans that we should resist the. financial institution the corporations and that idea is certainly spreading from a small rally against wall street to a movement that united sauza
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a lot of change since the occupy wall street protests began we'll speak to one protester who has been there since the beginning. and the u.s. government is also getting out on the occupy action but this occupation happens to be in afghanistan so as president obama is a permanent presence in the country well look at the high price of american man-boy . it's thursday november seventeenth seven pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching artsy. well today marks the two month anniversary of the occupy wall street movement and protesters are commemorating it with what they are calling a day of action and york city where it all began they aim to shut down wall street once again and turned violent as police crackdown and arrests.
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you can see the chaotic scene here police decked out in riot gear dragging and arresting protesters and we found this serving video police arresting a woman take a look. at the girl very obviously in pain there struggling on the ground as police try to restrain her these violent images becoming an all too familiar scene over the two months that the movement has progressed earlier i spoke with arts he's on the south of. the window about today's massive protest in new york and los angeles take a listen well you know liz like you mentioned in the videos that are popping up all over the internet and that we have been bringing our viewers a sometimes really shocking to try to believe that this brutality is happening here
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in new york city in the big apple this is certainly something that new york has not seen for many many years some of the graphic videos really show police dragging people around bruising them stepping on people's necks we just heard that there was a report that one man had his head gassed to the point of having white meat being shown on his head leading certainly very graphic images hard to believe and this all started today of course the day of action throughout the new york city and some other big cities across the united states two months after the occupy wall street movement kick started here in new york we saw hundreds come out onto the streets this morning this is grown into thousands and protests and marches are taking place all throughout the city ramona how are things unfolding over there in los angeles. well is today was definitely not the biggest demonstration we've seen in los angeles over the last couple months since occupy wall street started but it was
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definitely one of the more symbolic demonstrations it's definitely the demonstration in which there have been the most police officers especially riot police now they moved in on a demonstration early this morning we started at seven am in hopes of shutting down parts of the financial district here in los angeles during that demonstration some twenty three people were arrested for setting up camp in doing a virtual occupation of the intersection there in the middle of the financial district now a second march has just wrapped up in downtown near city hall where three other people were arrested and now police say that the second march did not have a permit some of the people that we talked to say the first amendment is the only permit that they need now we saw several hundred to a thousand people hit the streets here in los angeles with more demonstrations being planned throughout the day and in cities throughout the west coast so
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definitely the national day of action has caught on here and heavy police presence on the streets of los angeles and we just heard from ana stasia some pretty shocking accounts of. police brutality an hour and the violence erupting between protesters and the police ramon hadn't seen anything like that in. well besides a little bit of pushing and shoving of the crowds there isn't any sort of berry dishes brutal attacks from the police however what we are seeing is that every time that a demonstration is announced than a demonstration is planned here in los angeles the police presence just keeps growing and growing and growing and these are not just plainclothes police officers or excuse me city police officers these are police officers in full riot gear with rubber bullets with tear gas canisters ready to fire now fortunately things have
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not gotten that serious here in los angeles book we are seeing that the police are becoming ever more increasingly concerned with the same astray sions here in los angeles now we saw the police and politicians be very supportive of the occupy l.a. and catman over the past few weeks yet that tone has changed in the past couple weeks and we may be seeing some of that change in attitude as far as law enforcement and politicians go as we see more and more police turning out to these protests in some instances outnumbering the demonstrators with their show of police presence and honest. protesters over there in new york had sat a number of clear goals they wanted to shut down while sorry how successful have a bad name achieving some of these goals. well you know liz the protesters here in new york have definitely kickstarted the dave trying to occupy the new york stock exchange. gathered outside wall street kind of holding hands and creating human
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barricade and it was interesting to see some of the bankers trying to get through this human barricade to get into their offices were not able to do this so to that extent the occupy wall street movement has definitely fulfilled its goal of shutting down wall street in terms of the brooklyn bridge of walks through in march this is something that is still going to happen later on in the day and we have to keep in mind that last time the occupy wall street protesters walked along the brooklyn bridge over eight hundred people were arrested and so far today here in new york we know that the numbers are definitely over one hundred and they're very likely to grow as the marches continue in places like foley square and different parts and most importantly across the brooklyn bridge well this really is a big day for the occupy wall street movement it commemorates their their two month anniversary since it sparked. i mean so far they have these ambitious goals as is it hasn't been seen as a success for the movement ramon. but evelyn from the people
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that we touch it today they are definitely currents now many of the people that we talked to may not be the most hurt by the financial crisis but they see themselves being affected by a very soon with austerity coming in yet they see that congress doesn't seem to care so much about their feelings so we see all these people who would not have protested in the past all of a sudden coming out showing that they they are they do have something in common with other people so many of the people that we talk to they say yes this is a success this shows that people who are otherwise apathetic or apolitical are all the sudden taking a stand they see that things are not working as far as the economic and political system and they see that the occupy wall street movement is changing the discourse in their nation and we are also seen that on the subject of police now many of
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these protesters do come from formerly middle class neighborhoods and one of the protests or who i talk to came from south central los angeles a place where people have a genuine distress of the police now some of these demonstrators who are being cracked down on in different parts of the country are now seeing the things that have happened in these impoverished. neighborhoods and now they are trying to starting to evolve into another cause now we'll see whether or not. and the police brutality becomes another rallying cry for occupy wall street but it does seem like some of the people that were in the crowd today did start notice scene that riot police may not necessarily be necessary for peaceful protesters imus coffee any of our there are any new york on how mayor bloomberg a is reacting for gas. well this is interestingly mayor bloomberg seems to have fallen somewhat silent definitely throughout the day today we are very likely to of course hear something
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from him as a protest move closer and closer to his headquarters but you know interestingly i'd like to mention in terms of the successes of this movement we heard skeptics would occupy wall street was getting started that they would not be able to gather the promise twenty thousand people if we look at all the numbers throughout the united states that that number has definitely been outgrown if we look at skeptics saying that the occupy wall street movement are just young teenage hippies we've seen from the young to the old come out onto the streets the retired the seedy years we saw even the other day on a sixty something year old woman an old clinton get tear gassed in the face so those stereotypes have been broken and in terms of the goals and the message of messages of the occupy wall street movement they're continuing to push through they're continuing to try to get their voice heard in terms of both equality in this country and that will guardedly determine the success of the movement once their messages are actually heard by wall street and the politicians and not just shoved around on the streets. after the protesters were evicted there and
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park earlier this week there were talks that maybe this would be the beginning of the end of the occupy wall street movement but today is there a sense that there is this new beginning. well you know that definitely looks like that might be the case was because as you rightfully said many people were saying once it's going to get reidy and cold once the eviction actually takes place people will start feeling weaker and leave the park and move away although they have been evicted from zuccotti park so definitely the strength of the movement is not dying down the vigor is not dying down and neither are the numbers the people are still out there they're in the thousands and they did continue they intend to keep going with all their strength and what about over there in and los angeles or ramona is there a sense that this is kind of gaining steam and and possibly a new beginning for this movement. well there's definitely
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a lot of enthusiasm here now we'll see what how the police action invigorated things here but so far i mean ever since occupy wall street started ever since occupy l.a. started its and catman the sort of demonstrations that we've been seeing here on the west coast care los angeles has only become more and more popular just behind me at the university of california los angeles there's a rally as we speak where students are speaking out against these high tuition costs today just south of us faculty are walking out in protest of high tuition cause so these issues that occupy wall street have brought up are definitely galvanizing people here who may have not wanted to speak out but it has gone to that point where people just cannot stay quiet and are starting to hit the streets with more and more frequency and that was our t. correspondents ramona glenn though an honest. and our our key correspondent irene
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uproar and i has also been in the streets of the big apple following the story all day she told me that protesters were peaceful but that did not stop police officers from getting pressure. when the what i'm hearing is helicopters. helicopters are hovering overhead the same way they were this morning to my problem copiers up in the air one thousand occupy aptitudes three early morning and now we know that thousands of them are making their way down to where which is about nine o'clock. argued we did because the crowd that is gathered partly day it is not just the odd activity that have been marking the street all day now students have joined them i joined them a few hours ago and unions are joining them as well a bit broward because we've been the people we've been speaking with is literally occupying the streets. down the street police were getting on their megaphones
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warning the protesters and activists that if they do not get out of the roadways they will be subject to a grad. students even on top of cars holding signs saying the students of the workers are joining the occupy movement ramon was just talking about the students that were rising also with occupy l.a. that were joining joining the movement there and that can be opposed by what is happening here in new york is this app to meet a crowd is reaching a number of highs five thousand houses points what's being reported so far by new york city officials is that at least one hundred seventy seven people have been arrested will out the day some of those arrests turn very violent police or both male and female activists talk to the grouse drugs on the street arrested had crossed some circumstances very lucky. there was an in physics is where we
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saw officers refusing reponse to. some of the activists that they were acting disobedience by the clearly this movement was pioneering despite all of those actions and the marina we were just discussing the instances of police resorting to force police brutality. can you provide some kind of a context i mean what prompted police to to really crack down and resort to violence. well i mean one example i could give you with that i've been watching all day is that there's barricades up on the sidewalk and as soon as out. on the street there was already a pushing back and the prop there was a riot gear started pushing off to the stock and they did not want them on the street at all so if any of the activists. occupy the street that down the street they started arresting them for one on one of the rest we still don't know there
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was a female journalist were toppled to the ground drive and arrested and it's still not clear why why that topic we don't know the young men. who was beaten and arrested. we don't know what kind of problem he says this week because when we arrived at six pm we saw which would appear to be blood on the ground and with their eye witnesses told us that he was. standing by the barricades maybe pushing against them even try to jump over them that is not. really are ready. they are. there to take on the activists if they see this activist out of iran and american on islam or thing was among those people arrested among those people arrested was a retired police officer from philadelphia has been out here. in this and that that was. supposed to be protecting the citizens and allow him
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protecting their freedom of speech and what you've seen so far that perhaps out in new york city and around the country he could not be flying out of come out he was dressed in uniform in the past holding signs supporting the occupy movement and one of those people. we saw was a new york city well and we certainly are seeing people from all walks of life joining this movement marina for the most part would you say the protesters are trying to remain peaceful. they are remaining peaceful from what i see in the house not a cop the police officers they have not filed i have not seen these questions i have not any any kind of. action against the police officers but civil disobedience is civil disobedience where if you go out in the town in the middle of it we saw.
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before that it was that disrupting you know some kind of normal quality of life but i do think that the activists are willing to go that far because i see so willing to sacrifice whatever they need us to point out all not all of them i can call them but those that are pushing would say they are willing to make that sacrifice. for this movement and not just a movement with the movement than what they said and not more you know more of you know economic inequality in the united states they are trying to fight against corporate influence on us always trying to hide it. from the work. of the ninety nine percent that would be a lot of them are prepared and going to prepare for. their their ultimate goal is to get the message out marina thank you so much for keeping us updated on the ground there in new york that would argue their own marina or annika and new york
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city. and to get another perspective i spoke to somebody that's been occupying wall street himself organizer joe fiona he says he's seen police brutality first hands all right well i got down to the financial district about say like eight thirty on about two hours of sleep and still adrenaline from the night before. we had marched over to my group to william in exchange place where there was a sit in and my checks where we were everybody sharing a survivor stories on. finally there was another crew down by a bell monaco's and we heard that there was a crowd of police chasing them and we went to go join their crew so there could be bigger numbers we in turn were followed by cops down william street where a couple people got arrested in sort of getting manhandled. one girl was being
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picked up by but her hands behind her back and they were like a hold of her by her arms and legs and after that we morphed into broad street where we were cattle in there were police where gaines and they were letting us go for a while very we had a big standoff for a good like fifteen minutes or so and then after that we finally marched back to zuccotti park by that time i think it was about ten thirty i believe. so two to three hours later we were we were noticing that the police presence around the park were was steadily like multiplying they were starting to use the plastic ties to tie the barricades and started cataloging us in the park at which point it was starting to rain some people had started to leave to go over to union square of the protest or you know
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go about like the rest of their day some even like to work on wall street one of my friends that and all of a sudden we saw helmets coming into the park people screaming that they were getting beaten a journalist got thrown to the ground and one kid but we've got a skull cracked. person i was with a tool who actually had a videotape of the kid with the blood who i was with we had a we had a jump over a barricade because the cops had catalyst in but more swarming the park would look like they were just. and i think we are looking at that ever it was i think that's what our viewers are seeing on the screen there. bloody bloody. bloody head in the had pretty badly there. joe we're seeing these violent images of police police brutality it looks like. what
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has it from what you've seen of what has caused the police to resort to violence and give us some more context surrounding the situation there. the only thing i can think of is that poles are deciding to follow orders knowing that they have basically impunity to do so. following orders of bloomberg and ray kelly obviously obviously bloomberg is supreme leader barest by this entire movement as we have been targeting him as you know the twelfth richest person in the world he could be doing a lot to. set a standard to help people he just he's failed every single step all all of the way number of us including myself have called for him to resign in fact. president scott stringer said that he was turning this but he likened it to starting to tiananmen square. and that was occupy wall street organizer joe field
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and while the turnout for the day of action were largest and l.a. and new york there was still some action here in the nation's capital the crowds are not as big but their methods still loud and clear our tea is christine for they'll spend the day following the protesters on their march around d.c. i am standing here on the key bridge with the occupy wall street protesters they marched here from rick pearson square was about a two and a half mile walk and there were about two hundred of them where you see behind me this is georgetown washington d.c. and to give you a little perspective about where we are the washington monument is right here on the other side of this bridge this is the protesters have been standing here for the last few hours they're holding signs they're hoping that people driving by driving through and from work can see there's times people hear their messages they say they plan to stay here until about six pm tonight one of the interesting parts of today at least for the occupy d.c.
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movement has been the police presence there have been just as many officers as protesters they've been parked at every corner they have walked with the protests. and if you take a look here in the potomac river where they are awaiting so far i have not seen any handcuffs any police baton so far there have been no clashes with police that we know of as protesters have stayed on this side of the bridge getting their message just heard but not disrupting the flow of traffic not doing anything that has caused police to have to get involved and that's one of the different things about what's happening here in d.c. party i'm christine for sound. coming up will they stay or will they go mixed messages when it comes to determining if the u.s. will have a permanent presence in afghanistan. on . the one thing they're looking to
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repine. but what a protest nobody seems to know. but never a pepper spray to face but a lot of the argument that they're being overly dramatic. well looks like the u.s. is on its way to building a permanent military base in afghanistan afghan president hamid karzai yesterday in a tribal council meeting in kabul approved the measure today there are more than one hundred thirty thousand foreign troops in afghanistan most of them are from the u.s. the u.s. state department is calling the proposed base a strong partnership between the two countries so as troops are sets of pole to be pulled out of iraq next month it looks like the u.s. is setting its sights elsewhere but what exactly will these bases achieve stars and
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stripes journalist neil shade joins us now from germany he just came from afghanistan neal thanks for joining us so president karzai has agreed to the military bases but only under certain conditions that's right the afghans want to be very careful. u.s. troops to get cheated. and you know what will these bases in afghanistan really achieve. i don't think a lot of the bases will be used for special forces operations i think they'll do a lot of targeted raids like we've seen them sort of an elevated temple of rates over the last several years i think they'll be development projects they continue out of them. a strong military presence will continue in one way or another from the u.s. . there is this planned draw down of foreign troops in afghanistan most of them are
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u.s. troops this supposed to mark the transition of control to the afghan national army but at the same time there is this more long term benefit of being a southwest what is the significance of a more permanent presence than afghanistan well i think what i was going to stand up are few weeks ago a senior u.s. diplomatic official told me that the u.s. plan to continue to have a strong relationship with afghanistan and he said that it was going to be sort of the formal development relationship and now that could mean that the united states develops the sort of relationship like it has with egypt where there's a lot of military cross training and funding that goes but i think the u.s. presence will continue to track down that surge and still fight on afghan soil and i think that's largely what the u.s. assistant doing and so the afghan president has agreed for that's what is the
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sentiment of the afghan people are. a lot of the elders that i spoke with on my most recent trip actually were saying we want the united states to stay. now that doesn't necessarily mean that that's a white spread but pena but many of the military commanders the police commanders and even down to the most basic police recruits and villagers benefited from the u.s. presence one of the united states to stay because they don't believe that their own government will be able to fight the taliban without support so we are seeing. this agreement among leaders but what about the everyday person abbott and afghanistan well it runs all over the place there's i've seen elders in villages far out of the fringes better get a stance here that they don't need the united states to be there anymore and they feel very confident that they can handle things themselves and then people in some of the larger cities who've been
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a little bit more liberated by the presence of foreign troops they're worried that it will help them when the united states and the other countries leave there's not a lot of confidence that the afghan forces will be able to handle it of the river. and the iran iraq troops there were not granted immunity from prosecution will this be the case in afghanistan there i don't think that it will be i don't think that the u.s. certainly stay in the unit and afghanistan if it's if its troops won't be immune from prosecution that's one of the sort of basic skills that the u.s. works out as it did in a wreck or leader in the iraq war and it will do that in afghanistan i don't think there's going to be too much mission this front and certainly if the afghans spring it up the americans are pushed back very strongly against it well neal thank you so much for weighing in on this that was stars and stripes a war zone.


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