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tv   [untitled]    November 17, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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you saw you don't charge the big. three two one action occupy wall street protesters call for a day of unity and protest squaring off with police in the coffee park standing their ground in los angeles and marching to the key bridge in the nation's capital party is on the ground from coast to coast. a victim idea to the idea that we're going to percent of americans that you know we should resist the idea that the financial abuse of the bridge. and that idea is certainly spreading from a small rally against wall street to a movement that united thousands a lot has changed since the occupy wall street
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protests began will speak to one protester who has been there since the beginning. and the u.s. government is also getting in on the occupy action but this occupation happens to be in afghanistan so as president obama i have a permanent presence in the country we will take a look at the high price of american meddling. it's thursday november seventeenth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching artsy a chaotic scenes in cities across the nation on this two month anniversary of the occupy wall street movement take a look at this new video taken just a short time ago thousands of war are marching toward brooklyn bridge to get their message out the march started at six pm and it is happening now many of them though didn't make it that far. are at least two dozen were arrested after trying to block
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traffic on the brooklyn bridge roadway once again protests turned violent as police crackdown and arrest dozens we have disturbing video of police arresting a woman take a look at. the girl obviously in pain here struggling on the ground outs police restraint her these violent images becoming all too familiar scene over the past few months since the movement has progressed earlier i spoke with r.t. is an associate churkin i am ramon the lindo about its massive protests in new york and los angeles take a listen. look standing here in your city floating down because. maybe two months ago to see me
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again the occupation you tell me your december seventeenth two months later to spread all across the country and look at the expense of the it was really intense extremely big that was it was the area surrounding it in many respects the mayor. of the ninety or the actually that's actually a larger number because we saw many. that were arrested as well as clashes following the actions during the daytime in the afternoon there was a student protest. that students took the opposite to you know right here again. this is where. i was six years ago the students. yes. men which is. here and it was just. east what it means. i mean to be seated examined the. senate.
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was a thank you. to the team was because again many occupations lost. their. limbs which our team was missing. and the transmission of these external such large numbers does is a testament to the strength of the supposed us was there not it's going to shock the six nations it does remain to be seen this many people take to the streets seemingly with the support of labor the students the support of some politicians and not many it does say something about the strength and the determination of the people who are taking to the streets one of the interesting instances that lead you to mention a city. forced by the police a part. of the city. previously we didn't see many examples of this officers not
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make the distinction between these protesters and those saudi not make me a distinction between. resignation or. several arrests that. anyone there. was. going to. be executed if it was or there was. not very. few. justice was. to be seen and it is interesting to note the last time that we saw. conflicts confrontations between the police. on the evenings like unions was planned out. essentially such
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a. translation service here actually. on the spur of the day the purchaser is very mysterious and. says. this is simply. an area. we were. hearing. thirty six years. i apologize for the confusion there that was our t.v. producer lucy catherine oz and lucy has been across the country following the occupy wall street movement to get her very latest information follow her on twitter at lucy catherine od she is staying on top of this growing movement and it seems we really are occupied coast to coast as our t. is among the endo continues to keep us up to date with the latest from l.a.
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here he is with more. right now more than a golden boy year old the streets of los angeles is what actually district we can hear the kids are people like us from the east coast so you. have seen these demonstrations in solidarity with the occupy wall street and hear it great symbolism people asking for jobs asking for the heads of homelessness. to get given to all of this to show support for those who have been arrested by demonstrations throughout the country. now here the occupy movement along with several worker unions have shut down streets of downtown los angeles right next to the financial institutions which many
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say are to blame for the economic crisis that we're in right now if you look behind me now dozens and dozens of police officers ready to take people into custody some of them in right here there are lines in lines of police cars including a bus ready to take any sort of demonstrator into custody now the presence here among the protesters has been very heavy they just shut down several streets downtown los angeles the financial district many parts of it have come to a standstill now right now there are several people by just in civil disobedience sit down protest just ready to get arrested in support of because in the end two dozen people were arrested in los angeles on this international action but despite your arrests occupy l.a. and the movement are not deterred.
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and while the turnout for the day of action where largest in l.a. and new york there was still some action here in the nation's capital the crowds and not as big but their message still loud and clear christine president spent the day following the protesters and their march around d.c. i am standing here on the key bridge which we all people have all street protesters they marched here from the fierce and square it was about a two and a half mile walk and there were about two hundred of them so you see behind you this is georgetown washington d.c. and to give you a little perspective about where we are here washington monument is right here on the other side of this bridge this is virginia so the protesters have been standing here for the last few hours they're holding signs they're holding the people driving by driving to and from work can see their signs get here their messages they say they plan to stay here until about six pm tonight one of the interesting parts of today at least for the occupy d.c.
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movement has been a police presence there have been just as many officers as protesters they've been parked at every corner they have locked with the protesters and if you take a look here in the potomac river there they are waiting so far i have not seen any hand any police baton so far there have been no clashes with police that we know of as protesters have stayed on this side of the bridge getting their message is heard but not disrupting the flow of traffic not doing anything that has caused police to have to get involved i think that's one of the different things about what's happening here in d.c. for r.t. i'm christine for. well this all comes on the two bump anniversary since the movement sparked and since it began we've seen it evolve from a small grassroots protest to an all out national and even global movement that's when the backing of labor groups and been the target of ridicule for much of the mainstream media r.t. is marina for in iowa takes a look back at the ever evolving movement. in the financial capital of the world
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a movement called occupy wall street is born in eight short weeks the fight against us corporate greed and wealth inequality manifests in all fifty states i don't i am a american movement not seen since the sixty's and the power of the people grows louder police force strong peaceful activists by the tons blinded by nice and thrown to the ground unarmed activists pitched tents law enforcement launched flash grenades. of fear. but don't. you think that there are. people like this i think they're democratic right or. why would. there. be any of this to. you but and so
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they go and with this. or that helping. them that's the best route this is a local law to thousands of occupy activists have been jailed throughout the two month campaign and mass arrests of eight hundred on the brooklyn bridge garnered international attention but this image of an eighty four year old former schoolteacher pepper sprayed during a demonstration captors the crackdown activists face brought to a boiling point by economic injustice and a political system failing the majority protesters demonstrated unprecedented resilience. and then u.s. authorities began occupying the occupations one by one even activists under the pretext of health or safety concerns a raid on the headquarters in new york came at one am hundreds of armed officers
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destroying and displacing. the heart of this democratic movement became addicted idea to the idea that we are that i could i said of americans that you know we need to resist the wants of financial institutions the corporations record of each of those messages that are being spread around the country every time the stories come in and try to make some type of offensive strike in a cowardly way at one am without any warning it shows the public support for this because the numbers in the streets doubled the next day people come out and determined to carry on what began as an occupation in a park has grown into a national movement fighting for principles from wall street to times square of support for the occupy movement has on the streets uniting tens of thousands of strangers bound by common hardship and frustration two months in there is no denying the grassroots movement has become a brand of the big apple in the social marker in america. artsy new york
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and to get another perspective i spoke to someone that's been occupying wall street himself organizer joe he says he has seen police brutality firsthand. all right well i got down to the financial district about say like eight thirty on about two hours of sleep and still adrenaline from the night before. we had marched over to my group to wm in exchange place where there was a sit in and my checks where we were everybody to share a sort of a story so finally there was another crew down by monaco's and we heard that there was a crowd of police chasing them and then we went to go join their crew so there could be bigger numbers we in turn were followed by cops down william street where a couple people got arrested and sort of got it handled. one girl was being picked
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up by the. our hands behind her back and they were holding her by her arms and legs . after that we marched down to broad street where we were killed in there were police. they were letting us go for a while a very big standoff for a good like fifteen minutes or so and then after that we finally more fact to zuccotti park by that time i think it was about ten thirty i believe. so two to three hours later we were we were noticing that the police presence around the park were. steadily multiplying they were starting to use the plastic ties to tie the barricades and started cataloging us in the park with point it was starting to rain some people had started to leave to go over to union square to other protest or you know go about like the rest of
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their day some even like to work on wall street as one of my friends that. all of a sudden we saw helmets coming into the park people screaming that they were getting beaten a journalist got thrown to the ground one kid but we got a skull cracked. by a person i was with a tool who actually had a videotape of the kid with the blood who i was with we had a jump over a barricade because the cops had catalyst in but were swarming the park looked like they were just out and i think we are looking at that ever it was i think that's what our viewers are seeing on the screen there. bloody bloody. bloody here. pretty badly there. joe what we're seeing these violent images of police police brutality it looks like i mean what
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has it from what you've seen of what has caused police to resort to violence like give us some more contacts surrounding the situation there. the only thing i could think of is that bad apples are deciding to follow orders knowing that they have basically impunity to do so. following orders of bloomberg and ray kelly obviously who obviously bloomberg is supreme lee embarrassed by this entire movement as we have been targeting him as you know the twelfth richest person in the world he could be doing a lot to. set a standard to help people but he just he has failed every single step along the way number of us including myself have called for him to resign in fact. president scott stringer said that he was turning this but he likened it to starting to see him in square and you know i understand they use. a fairly
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a police officer in uniform. i i did not see it but i know i did meet ray j. lewis the other night captain retired captain ray lewis of the philadelphia police department who come down from upstate new york and told me that he came down after he saw the images on tuesday night and said that you know this this can't stand i can't stand for this and that he in his thirty years of policing he pretty much went over like his it like with his whole experience with me and a group of us and really enlightening to hear that like you know they're not all cops are bad but there are cops that understand that you know we have to uphold freedom and the rule of law in fact well the rule of law right now being preclude me flouted by an arc it's billionaires who we've been this is why we've been here
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for sixty two days. in jail was a big day for the occupy wall street. to month anniversary what is next for occupy wall street. what is next the sky's the limit really we have popular support of america and the world. everybody is a one the one strand take it as they bring us all together is a one way or another we've all been screwed by the system. twenty eight years old i don't own a house i don't know if i'm ever going to own a house the way our financial system is currently set up. a big reason why we're here to do is because wall street exports oppression around the world so many of these companies that are traded they trade or four hundred one ks with our military contractors and weapons manufacturers and and even. even they we have tech companies that export filters for
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internet for like middle eastern country. these and they we want to talk about freedom and democracy and yet we're we're exporting oppression to these countries yet trying to say that we are you know we have some kind of legitimacy it's an absolute joke so we have to do it we have to have some sort of ethical divested from all of these companies whether it be selling all your stock and moving having your four hundred k. managers move all of your money to difference fund more ethical funds getting the money out of politics too and i mean even if you want to short sell these companies you know to show them that you know we don't approve of our money being used for this we're going to take the money back because all of these companies were really boils down to is all these companies are getting handouts from the government they're getting free government money yet when the people start clamoring about how
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we're getting screwed here we're getting called leeches we're getting called looking for handouts and that's couldn't be farther from the truth we have we we have people from every segment of society here we're not all hippies we do have hippies with us but we have cars we have marines you firefighters we have nine eleven first responders we have already drawn a list we have anybody you could even think of with us and it doesn't stop you even if we don't hold you caught it does not stop here we still have a lot to go but we have we have held the fort for two months and we should be very proud of that. thank you for sharing your story with us about well as occupy wall street organizer. and our r.e.c. correspondent i mean i'm trying i have also been in the streets at the big apple following this story all day she told me that the protesters were peaceful but that didn't stop police officers from getting pushy take
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a lot. liz what i'm seeing what i'm hearing is helicopters flying above me these helicopters are hovering overhead the same way they were this morning there were five helicopters up in the air one thousand of these occupy activist street early morning and now we know that thousands of them are making their way down. to foley square which is about nine blocks. causing part and this is arguably the biggest crowd that had gathered today because it's not just the occupy activists that have been marching in the street all day now students have joined them join them a few hours ago and labor unions are joining them as well this crowd from the pictures we've been seeing from the people we've been speaking with is literally occupying the streets shutting down the streets police were getting on their megaphones warning the protesters and activists that if they do not get out of the roadways they will be subject to a raft. students even on top of cars holding signs saying that students and workers
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are joining the occupy movement ramon was just talking about the students that were rising awful with occupy l.a. that were joining the movement there and god can do. what is happening here in new york after major that the crowd is reaching numbers as high as five thousand points what's being reported so far by city officials is that at least one hundred seventy seven people have been arrested rule out that day some of those arrest turned very violent when we saw both male and female activists grouse drugs on the street arrested had caused some circumstances very sloppy. there was an incident where we saw officers refusing repond could be some of the activists but they were acting disobedience by the clearly this movement this party nearing despite all of
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those options. that was our to use our own marine corps and i on the grounds in new york city coming up will they stay or will they go next murtha just when it comes to determining if the us will have a permanent presence in afghanistan. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions committed to break through get through it it made who can you trust no one who is in the you with the global machinery see where are we hiding state controlled capitalism is called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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well looks like the u.s. is on its way to building a permanent military base in afghanistan afghan president hamid karzai yesterday in a tribal council meeting in kabul approved the measure today there are more than one hundred thirty thousand foreign troops in afghanistan most of them are from the u.s. the u.s. state department is calling the proposed base a strong partnership between the two countries as troops are separate poll to be pulled out of iraq next month it looks like the u.s.
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is setting its sights elsewhere but what exactly will these bases achieve stars and stripes journalist neil shea joins us now from germany who just came from afghanistan neal thanks for joining us the president karzai has agreed to the military bases but only under certain conditions if you. want to be. with us to do what we're troops. and you know what will be the bases in afghanistan really achieve. i think a lot of the bases will be used for special forces operations i think they'll do a lot of targeted raids like we've seen them that sort of an elevated sample rate over the last several years i think will be development projects we continue out of them. a strong military presence will continue one way or another the u.s.
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side. there is this planned draw down of foreign troops in afghanistan most of them are your last troops also marked the transition of control to the afghan national army but at the same time there is this more long term benefit of being established what is the significance of a more permanent presence in afghanistan well i think when i was in kandahar few weeks ago it senior u.s. diplomatic officials told me that the u.s. plan to continue to have a strong relationship with afghanistan and he said that was going to be sort of a normal development relationship and that could mean that the united states develops a sort of relationship like it has with egypt where there's a lot of military cross training at funding but those that may be u.s. presence will continue to track down that surgeons that bike on afghan soil and i think that's largely what the u.s. is interested in doing. so the afghan president to have
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a great progress about what is the sense of the afghan people. a lot of the elders that i spoke with on my most recent trip actually were saying we want the united states to stay. now that doesn't necessarily mean that widespread opinion but many of the military commanders police commanders and even down to the most basic police recruits and villagers who benefited from the u.s. presence want the united states to stay because they don't believe that their own government will be able to fight the taliban without support so we are seeing. agreement among leaders but what about the everyday. person to have an afghanistan well that runs all over the place the same elders and villages are out of the princes. they don't need the united states to be there any more they feel very confident that they can handle things themselves and then people in some of the
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larger cities who've been a little bit more liberated by the presence of foreign troops they're worried about a little help and when the united states on the other place they did there's not a lot of confidence that the afghan forces would be able to handle it other. and iran iraq troops there were not granted immunity from prosecution will this be the cole. there i don't think that it will be i don't think that the the u.s. certainly or stay. in afghanistan if it's if its troops won't be immune from prosecution that's one of the sort of basic deals with the u.s. worked out at the do you know wrecked her later in the iraq war and it will do that afghanistan i don't think that's going to be too much of an issue that and certainly if the afghans for it up the americans will push back very strongly against it. well neal thank you so much for weighing in on the.


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