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tv   [untitled]    November 18, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EST

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tonight on our t.v. france trial syria's president says time is up and six more pressure on the violence plagued country as russia calls for a more balanced approach. we won't repeat the mistakes of the european union in grecian the e.u. took a short time to talk to some extent our situation is different. eurasia is economies of scale as russia but the roost in classic star move towards creating a new trade bloc to protect the region from economic turmoil. and there are new signs of a rupture within the e.u. itself britain clashes with germany which one's country to surrender more control
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of their own financial and political decisions. hello this is r.t. it's eight pm friday night here in moscow my name's kevin owen folks have been with this our top story france's foreign minister has told syria it's now too late to implement long promised reforms and says tougher sanctions are now needed syria earlier agreed in principle to let international observers enter the country apparently to comply with an arab league and from a team for the regime to stop the violence by saturday test recently in brussels to bring us up to date with more of what's happening this growing european pressure now tests are high that even more tough words than words this will come from today . certainly tough words coming from the from alan he had met his counterparts in a turkey and they both agree both to syria needs tougher and stronger sanctions now
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again you were mentioning earlier these sanctions are saying they're saying it's too late to implement any reforms at this point and this is coming on the back of the three day deadline for the arab league had given to syria to basically end the grudge now aside from this there's also been movement at the united nations now there are countries in germany u.k. and france they have been pushing for a resolution to be human rights violations are calling in syria now as we know they have tried to do this in the past and china and russia vetoed it this time this draft one will be at be a human rights committee all of this happening all of this movement coming on the back of strong words again and coming from leaders now and it has to be noted as you mentioned earlier that today syria said that in principle it would allow international observers into the country but certainly this is not a piece of western leaders calling for these stronger sanctions let's just look at what syria is under right now and right now it has been under those sanctions that has an arms embargo from the e.u.
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it also has all involved which certainly hurts the economy of syria because twenty percent of the g.d.p. is on oil also ninety percent of the exports from syria goes to the e.u. mainly germany or france certainly if you put tougher sanctions on syria it will certainly isolate the country and this is the goal of these are western leaders who have said so that they do want to show that president assad there is increasingly increasingly isolated out has to be noted that of course russia has said many times in the past that it's taking a very very careful approach to prime minister putin have met his account french counterpart francois fuel and their prime minister putin had said that russia again is very careful in this scenario and also that the conflict that they're seeing in syria is certainly not one sided and by imposing more sanctions and calling. for tougher restrictions on syria it certainly seems like you're taking one side and also our foreign minister sergei lavrov again stress the big do not want to see
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this drama decision of the syrian story to be used as a basis for any form of military intervention essentially russia is saying is that they don't want to see a repeat of that maybe a scenario for now they're seeing of there are signs that are leading to this now let's them i call the bennetts has tried to look at all sir at peace signs leading to that same libyan scenario. after its pivotal role in the overthrow of moammar gadhafi britain's become the new go to guy when there's trouble in the middle east prime minister david cameron's been handpicked his team captain for another libya style control group aimed at forcing president bashar al assad out to begin with it will be a diplomatic offensive to russia appease it's an overreaction that could pave the way for military intervention. we suggested in order to pull the arab initiative in place all countries concerned with a peaceful outcome of developments in syria if you demand not only from the syrian
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authorities but also from the opposition at least of their violence the ongoing attacks on government buildings in syria looks like a civil war. at the moment there's no mention of military action from britain their offensive is purely verbal for now but that's exactly how the libyan intervention began and the timing is very similar to the opposition in syria is now militarized making it much easier to support and adds more weight to any international threats . from raising. the profile and. learn the lessons of thousands. of the no. nato or any other intervention any other military. will have even more serious consequences because of the regional threat. of iraq the whole question is well the u.k. has apparently been handed its leading role by king abdullah of jordan so far the
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only arab leader to publicly call for to quit but the patience of syria's other neighbors and crucial regional brokers' is now wearing thin to the arab league suspended series membership and given presents as sad until saturday to end the violence with britain already primed this could be the last ditch attempt at conventional diplomacy we're in a position. now what i have to take some action in effect they've extended the date on the ridge and thereby exploit yesterday another difference or another three days so perhaps they're trying to offers us out as much as possible order to get over your opportunity by having sort of taken in the congress for every article she would have to have to make good on the promise that if you like otherwise the civilian about the credibility of the free syrian army has been the main driving force behind the growing opposition movement most to defectors from the army launching their latest attack on a security base russia and china still appealing for dialogue as a way to end what they call two way violence
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a desperate to avoid another libya style intervention but that chance may be fading but the wheels are already in motion for a coordinated attack it's verbal for now but when it came to libya it wasn't long before the words were backed up by weapons and bombs are the bennett r t. well let's get some insight on this got to appear a professor of political science of paris west universe the dr go on thanks for take the time to be with us there were three months now thanks doesn't it that serious we are the point of no return for reform and so how big a signal is that that france is running up and sleeve running for direct confrontation. but i think the main point here is that this situation is different at the u.n. security council as you mentioned before bush and china were really opposed resolutions in the past and i've just heard in these really even higher it's russian ships are going to syria in international waters the international
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situation is to print though the west will not risk a confrontation with russia and china either at the u.n. security council or in battle in syria this being said of course people would like the regime to collapse but the regime itself seems to be on the brink of collapse for domestic reasons so a desire for military intervention is there anything the political conditions are not great but such an intervention just to reiterate russia's position of russia says it's going to take a cautious position at the security council which is divided on this resolution is apparently isn't it moving through the un human rights committee instead now i just want to get your thoughts on that doesn't that need a higher level of scrutiny than we human rights committee yes the final decision will have to be taken by the security council and their distribution is blocked.
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that's why i cannot you know envisage repeat the libya situation because this time it will not be a majority for military intervention but it also seems there the opposition within syria is in fact stronger than the opposition within libya was. likely. solution for the leaders of syria to give up power can be worked out. by the syrians themselves helped by some outside causes but neither a western nor a turkish intervention would be a good thing because military interventions cause chaos and so on but the regime nart seems to be collapsing it's abandoned by the arab league has only one friend a strong opposition not just military opposition from you know the trees syrian army but also massive demonstrations and so on so it doesn't look good for the regime talk to the opposition in syria part of it called the free syrian army seems
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reluctant to end the violence why do you think there are so few calls especially from the west for them to lay down their weapons obviously the west would be happy . so. the free syrian army could be the instrument for the regime can fall and if it was strong enough to. to fight the regime that was would be quite happy. but. with the sickly i think it would be for the west and israel that syria disappeared as a political force from the area it would have some advantages disadvantages as well . but frankly i think you know even without a military intervention it looks as if the regime is doomed and precisely because the opposition is our position is so strong and if the people who formed this free syria syrian army are defectors it means key forces which in
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a passable to the regime are now are not supporting the regime anymore. so the internal the domestic dynamic probably it would be enough to topple the regime. first of political science of paris question aversive thanks for joining us on your scope there for. thank you. tens of thousands of egyptians are back on tahrir square to demand that the military hand over power to a civilian government the rally that sea united is amiss and secular protesters was organized by the muslim brotherhood after the government floated a controversial document bolstering the powers of the armed forces while coleman is a professor of international relations and bill kemp university in turkey told us he thinks the muslim brotherhood has personal scores to settle with the military the muslim brotherhood is in a position to challenge the military the question is who has more support it seems to me the who will. change will stream where you go online moments in egypt as people who it won't come because of me but there is
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a strange situation where the military in the muslim world will soon or it will be needed to get rid of her. muslim brothers and other perhaps they have been used as they were used in one thousand to can only generals. so the legacy. muslim brothers and look for elections have lots of will months but resumes lots of possibilities and claims of fraud claims a mile back and it's and just possible things going wrong in the meantime and some of the election process i think the problem for the muslim brotherhood may be i think it's the most organized group whether it's one of people. we don't know. about on the other hand or we've seen can use the same sort of presence as normal as a muslim party to be able to show it seems. but it's not just mass political demonstrations spilling out of the streets of post mubarak egypt a country is also witnessing an alarming rise in religious tensions right now and
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on our website we look back at how sick terry and violence flared up in egypt following the february revolution we've also got videos of fierce clashes between coptic christians muslims and security forces find out what state the nation is really in as it approaches a crucial election on our web site r.t. well. it might both be pressing for action to resolve the debt crisis but their approaches are worlds apart the german and british leaders have been meeting in berlin to thrash out a possible solution laura smith for r.t. reports on the cup. promise cameron and chance have held their meeting now and they ended it with a short media conference at which they were all smiles nothing less than we expect i mean these are two professional politicians after all they're unlikely to sling mud at each other in front of the world's press they really seem to have made nice with each other this morning they said that they do have different sense but the difference is that can be overcome and of course they're dealing with what is
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a economic and fiscal union essentially on the brink of collapse now michael solution to all that is basically more europe she says that there should be more integration they should be more national governments and in the country the heel of brussels much like it's in these now is incumbent solution to that situation going on in europe at the moment it's less integration he says he sort of talks here only of a union which has flexibility which is really the complete opposite to to michael's approach to germany and luxembourg now today and she's accusing the u.k. of selfishness and shortsightedness they're saying that they want to be patient bailouts to countries that are suffering more and they say the u.k. is quick to criticize but very slow to actually step in and help also heavily indebted countries like person who are doing markedly worse than countries like germany should just keep their mouths shut they shouldn't offer advice about how to
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handle this year of crisis so there are various disagreements disagreements over the mood of the euro some european central bank should it be a lender of last resort or not also disagreements about a tax on financial transactions michael once it's cameron doesn't so basic differences in approach. correspondent laura smith it's a lead greece's new government still balks rush would have already driven from the wall comes from thousands of protesters both protesters are committed to extremely unpopular solutions including budget cuts. for more on what else in charge could bring let's talk. galahad emeritus professor of politics of bradford university very good evening first of being on the program tonight the new government barely of got their feet under the desk so why are so many people in italy in greece so underwhelmed so early on. i think the are fairly convinced that the courts are going to insist on more austerity measures
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are not going to offer any kind of policies not sure there is a little bit later part of the end of the tunnel saw they feel the like a legitimate or really just the kind of mysteries or agent. of new e.u. course the shining likes the people full of promise as opposed to being these technocrats i mean swapping the politicians for the technicians if you like how comfortable is it for people to see an elected leaders take the reins of arguably the country's most crucial time of its recent history. well i think the feeling is topo in many quarters in both culture is that you know more kristie is being pushed out of the picture. by you know by the e.u. . they are not interested in using. the people's views are they regard it necessary to. widgets muesli before it will go the very harsh
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austerity measures that it seems will be imposed for many years to come. they seem to be very sort of self-confident. people will just. accept these measures with. no democratic appeal for those arguing over of course the quick solutions immediate release countries couldn't drag on like they were for much longer but we both are probably them a sudden monty having been in the system for years both well in their sixty's as well i guess the question is how they can have as many on the right fresh ideas to bring new blood in and try and get this sorted this crucially volatile time. well i think chancellor merkel and mr saul cause you assume that because it all want to use a lot. of property laws is a blogger squabbling political parties. with a little window of opportunity if you will to administer the scope of august and.
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i think that's a very sort of naive and short so to. some should i think that the power brokers in berlin and france are really parochial or not all people are really forgotten how democracy works and you can push people only true far on pierson's will bring gallagher america's merits professor of politics at the grove university in the u.k. thanks ever so much for your thoughts. this is it was on life you denied r.t. dot com where tonight russia's anti drug czar vows to get to the root of afghanistan's a taurus heroin production and says the u.s. needs to do more we've got the details of this high tech plan to play online tonight and how's this for a real page turner it is the world's biggest corral and you're looking out there and i could lead one of the most decorated to find out why it's come to russia great pictures on our website r t dot com.
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this is r.t. world that strad down europe's economies russia and some of its posts of your partners are taking steps to balance out the financial climate in the broader region the eurasian economic union has the next set to create a warm environment for trade and investment throughout the continent and he called piskun off scot more about this for a mask. this is a huge tutorial russia and kazakhstan combined put together a total area of around twenty million square kilometers and all the past twenty years or so it wasn't exactly used to its full potential sure there was the soviet union before but one of his main problems was that it was based on ideology which was one of the mean reasons behind its collapse in the end while the main idea of the you regime union is that it's based on capitalism while some me see that the
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european union is also based on capitalist values that it's not exactly going through its easiest times right now but according to the president it's need to be the video it's using the experience of the us to soar and the knowledge about the mistakes made by the e.u. which could potentially make the u. regime union much more powerful. is because we will repeat the mistakes of the european union in our integration we're conscious all we're doing much understand who we are integrating with what here are three countries sharing a common history and today will form in a common economy that is why we start not on different levels but from similar position to the european union to shorten our dollars which stands our situation is different i'm sure we'll be able to create a solid and stable economic union about. this union is being beast on the foundation of the customs union between russia kazakhstan and belarus so just three
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states but its future vision is much bigger just picture of content a ration of state trudging possibly from the bargains and all the way to the pacific a huge bridge between europe and asia perhaps it's too soon to talk about that at the moment since russia belarus and kazakhstan just put together a community which will be working to develop this idea further but just to give you an understanding of how effective it could be this within the framework of a customs union russia golson kazakhstan managed to increase their total treat turnover in just half a year by forty two. percent so just think all the possibilities but if you go to prison orthodoxy dot com keen to know what you think of the regime union what you think it means so most of you are telling us this that it's a new way for bureaucrats to influence all state funds they go twenty six percent it's almost neck and neck in fact between the next lot of use who don't have any idea what it is and those who consider it's a better version of the european union while the minority of you believe simply
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reincarnation of us is your opinion log on to our to pump we always welcome your say. political economy professor alexander littman says the eurasian union will boost competition and help discipline the finances of member states. well for one thing which is going to happen intensify competition between companies we observe it already now and we see that it's clearly benefits there if you increase the efficiency of the russian companies as well as the companies of other countries another benefit which is clearly to be taken into account is there restoration of the existing economic ties or the creation of the new russian companies have been very actively exploring the pros soviet space in the last decade also in qatar standing have been present quite actively so do you rate an economic union is likely to give a boost here supporting these developments and in some sense it will create competition between governments what's also go out today many russian companies at
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least claim to be considering migration to kazakhstan which has lower tax rates so it will discipline russian government itself as well. now we've got more analysis about the raise you know our business bulletin coming up very shortly as well. experts tell the business side see that russia kazakhstan and belarus will be boosting the economic integration to the extent that there will be a coordination of budget capital and monetary policies but the free countries of very unlikely to be heading towards a single currency more details coming up later in the program. taking around the world in brief arrest warrants been issued for the former philippines president gloria arroyo charges have been filed for electoral fraud which claimed she helped her supporter win a seat in two thousand and seven that solution strongly denies lawyers prevented from leaving the country which she tried to do earlier this week to get medical treatment accusing the government of violating her rights her condition means she's
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unlikely to face jail. an erupting volcano is attracting hundreds of tourists to a national park in eastern congo spectacular pictures there the fountains began flowing earlier this month and now they're reaching heights of two hundred meters this is have been invited to account in the up but according to official who poses no. threat to the adrenaline seekers they must be braver in two thousand and two another volcano in the region destroyed an entire city district with some three hundred fifty thousand locals forced to flee the area. it's a twenty four hour time in less than ten minutes more than a hundred explores the opera scene in the russian capital and even contributes to it time to get some earplugs first though let's catch up with demetrius got the business. thanks karen as we've been reporting free thought was so good countries have agreed to create a new region economic union russian president and his counterparts from kazakhstan
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have agreed on further integration kristie from troika dialog explains how the new economic bloc differs from the customs union between the countries. the existing custom units coming into place next year will simply remove. restrictions and difficulties of trading across a border between the three countries that would be easier to come to for goods with the cross between each of the three countries in the western jr what's now been talked about is closer economic policy integration so the three countries will pursue similar policy objectives which in terms of budget policies currency management policies capital policies this world. and policy budget policy objectives that's really what we're talking about we're not yet talking about for example the ultimate step which is monetary integration that's really not only agenda at this point and i think the last you have to be a complete reassessment of right now if you want to gratian means or how it can be
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done in especially in the light of what's happening in the euro zone right now. so we're going to the markets this hour while is mostly as the euro is gaining versus the dollar w.t. i was down this hour seventeen cents of brant is up almost. mixed feelings in the u.s. so the market hasn't sent so with the dow point four percent doesn't best is a somewhat relieved mcauley born buttes and spain and italy but tech stocks are still a drag nasdaq pretty much where it started. european stocks. has renewed frankly german spats increased concern but the region's leaders agree on how to contain. this insurgency is also weighing on the russian markets pretty much a fifth session in a row of losses on friday with the obvious my sixty years or more of the said blue chips trading in negative territory we are still putting pressure on energy majors
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lukoil not an exception the company says it's going to mostly pay attention to investment in new projects in order to increase production. starting next year and it's on the list in from metropole wraps up today's for. the week so that's from the crew be. on we haven't seen any significant movements before some news he will actually say that they're going to reset nations didn't affect significantly the markets and probably the only driver which was taken by markets as a significance was there an argument from bank of england but their expectation of the european economy ease of course and so we have seen out of the crime in all the markets including the u.s. an emerging market going to russia and this is probably the only significant driver we're going to see him for at the weekend so we're not sure that anything else than the fundamental changes in the actions of the european authorities can change the mood of the markets and of course with russia's second largest oil producer lukoil
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plans to travel its gas output in the next decade look oil says gas production investment will amount to twelve billion dollars over this period the company's vice president plenty to do and says they'll be looking for gas pretty much all over the world. really got in the next decade we plan to boost our gas production to seventy. distain you really we have huge projects in russia such as you multiple north and caspian sea deposits in the south we are already developing a huge gas field in this pakistan but now we're starting new projects in saudi arabia so we're trying to work with gas globally. so for now we will be back next hour with an update kevin baxter the headlines.
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tried to clean a ghost town. squandered money. abandoned mine. what is now. more than sixty square kilometers an environmental devastation and those are still suprising new lives i'm finding we're just. getting.


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