tv [untitled] November 18, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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margetts why not scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy cause a report on r.g.p. . on r t france tell syria's president his time is up and seeks more pressure on the violence great country as russia calls for a more balanced approach. we want to repeat the mistakes of the european union mission each of the shots in the dark to some extent our situation is different he raises economies of scale as russia by the us in kazakhstan moved towards creating a new trade laws to protect the region from economic turmoil. and there are new signs of brushy within the e.u. itself as britain clashes with germany which ones countries to surrender more control of their own financial and political decisions.
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welcome this is r.t. it's eleven pm now friday night here in moscow my name is kevin now in our top story france's foreign minister has told syria it's too late to implement long promised reforms and says tougher sanctions and i needed earlier this week the arab league suspended syria's membership and gave it until saturday to stop the violence threatening further measures tesser center reports from brussels on the growing pressure from europe. tough words coming from the from ellen page he had met his counterpart in the turkey and they both agree that syria needs tougher and stronger sanctions now again you were mentioning earlier these sanctions are saying they're saying it's too late to implement any reforms at this point and this is coming on the back of the three day deadline for the arab league given to syria to basically and the bloodshed now aside from this there's also been movement at the united
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nations now there are countries in germany u.k. and france has been pushing for a resolution to end the human rights violations are calling in syria now as we know they have tried to do this in the past and china and russia vetoed it but this time this draft one will be happy a human rights committee all of this happening all of this movement coming on the back of strong words again are coming from leaders out has to be noted that of course russia has said many times in the past that it's in a very very careful approach now or prime minister putin have met his account french counterpart france for fuel and their prime minister putin had said that russia again is very careful in this scenario and also that the conflict that they're seeing in syria is certainly not one sided and by imposing more sanctions and calling for for tougher restrictions on syria it seems like you're taking one side and also our foreign minister sergei lavrov again said they do not want to see this drama decision of the syrian story to be used as
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a basis for any form of military intervention essentially russia is saying is that they don't want to see a repeat of the media see there you are now you are seeing that there are signs that are leading to this power let's have my colleague ivan bennett has tried to look at closer at peace signs leading to that same libyan scenario after it pivotal role in the overthrew moghadam free britain's become the new growing when there's trouble in the middle east prime minister david cameron's been handpicked team captain for another libya star country. group aimed at forcing president bashar al assad out to begin with it will be a diplomatic offensive russia piece it's an overreaction that could pave the way for military intervention look with the good we suggested in order to put the arab initiative in place all countries concerned with a peaceful outcome of developments in syria should demand not only from the syrian authorities but also from the opposition to stop the violence the ongoing attacks
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of government buildings in syria look like a civil war. at the moment there's no mention of military action from britain their offensive is purely verbal for now but that's exactly how the libyan intervention began and the timing is very similar to the opposition in syria is now militarized making it much easier to support and adds more weight to any international threats . these are of them house for regime change and clearly. we should learn the lessons of the thousands and thousands of. nato or any other intervention another military intervention will have even more serious consequences because of the regional. question of iraq the whole question is well the ukase apparently been handed its leading role by king abdullah of jordan so far the only arab leader to publicly call for to quit but the patience of
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series other neighbors and crucial regional brokers' is now wearing thin to the arab league suspended series membership and given presents as sad until saturday to end the violence in britain already primed this could be the last ditch attempt at conventional diplomacy they're in a position now where they have to take some action in effect if extent of that on the region likes what yesterday given to another three days so perhaps they're trying to offer as a side as much as possible in order to get very opportunistic but having sort of taken back some of the. they really are in a position where they have to have to make good on the promise that if an arc of war starts to figure out about the credibility the free syrian army has been the main driving force behind the growing opposition movement most of defectors from the army launching their latest attack on a security base russia and china still appealing for dialogue as a way to end what they call two way violence they're desperate to avoid another libya style intervention but that chance may be fading but the wheels are already
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in motion for a coordinated attack it's verbal for now but when it came to libya it wasn't long before the words were backed up by weapons and bombs and i've been it r t want to talk about where there are maybe the start of it let's go to eric and the fulcrum a go this will correspondent and column is a very good evening to you faced with this in the last few hours worth of turkey and jordan reportedly now preparing to create two buffer zones for civilian refugees crucially on syrian territory another is still territory of a sovereign country is this the start of an intervention it certainly looks like the beginning of a military intervention and i'm surprised frankly turkey has decided to go. with relations with all its neighbors the jury that's the sticking its neck out too because. of the jordanian royal family a royal sits on
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a sovereign country with sixteen and. then you have an intervening in syria which is a challenge. but it's certainly the fuse is lit it's a cause jordan all for talking to the u.k. as well as we heard in a report that the u.k. have been called on to lead the diplomatic offensive against you know here in downing street appointed a top diplomat to talk with the opposition one of the two countries trying to achieve. well they're trying to achieve the ouster of the assad regime. without perhaps provoking a full scale civil war inside syria it is not dealt that civil war has gone by itself or it's very minor. chris but we also see a sort of reform the lowbrow actually followed by the western powers in syria. libya and in fact well actually we originally saw in georgia and ukraine that sort
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of the soft room. a lot of publicity behind the action trying to position groups and times over exaggerating the importance of the free syrian army you know there was distance from the certainly there is a move afoot of jews into the stands are full of equally good terrill is just around the corner what were the implications for the ramifications if western powers did intervene in syria given russia and china's objections to that. well the western powers said look at what russia and china do little nothing can affect and they are being very cautious and that they won't do anything really to stand in the way of western sakal these countries or them maybe it was a. very patient surprise they've been so low key in their response were the worst since the great opportunity because i can tell you in
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washington who has been wanted for one time to overthrow the assad regime because it's a key ally of iran and a key supporter of hers were law and let me not. washington. to overthrow along with the saudis and israel it's however there are wise heads in washington you know that are saying wait a minute if you go through the regime what's going to take its place and that held off intervention on something now would know where such eagerness to get any iran vs syria caution has been i think thrown to the winds and that what other countries stand to benefit from a regime change in syria or absolutely israel would be remember one ground officiers because it holds the syrians golan heights it's extremely strategic carrots or it saus primary water source for israel and israel has no intention of giving back the golan heights and the more trouble with confusion and chaos there
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is syria herb are better off if the israelis in fact there will be a serious fragments it's a real war he says and the golan will never be brought up again also the so never felt comfortable with the syrians. and turkey honestly seen some advantage that we had in a crumbling syria i'm not sure what we could have a program life from from for there my goal is correspondent and columnist thank you and welcome. unlike syria egypt calls for its leaders to go brought results when hosni mubarak stepped down last february but more than six months later now the people who hailed the revolution of returned to tahrir square calling for new changes to read all about so this friday's mass rally in cairo on our web site where we're also revealing what drove people to the capital streets and why there are tea dot com explain to while the muslim brotherhood is at the forefront of the
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nation's political transformation and to tell you what to expect from egypt's upcoming election. while gets dragged down europe's economies russia and some of its post some of your partners are taking steps to balance out the financial climate in the broader region here asian economic union is set to create a warm environment for trade and investment throughout the country that is correspondent igor press can offer reports from moscow. this is a huge tutorial russia and kazakhstan combined put together a total area of around twenty million square kilometers and all the past twenty years or so it wasn't exactly used to its full potential sure there was the soviet union before but one of its main problems was that it was based on ideology which was one of the mean reasons behind its collapse in the end while the main idea of the region union is that it's based on capitalism while some me see that the
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european union is also based on capitalist values that it's not exactly going through its easiest times right now but according to the president's video it's using the experience of the u.s.s.r. and the knowledge about the mistakes made by the e.u. which could potentially make the u. regime union much more powerful. is because we will repeat the mistakes of the european union in our integration we're conscious of what we're doing and understand who we are integrating with three countries sharing a common history and today will form in a common economy is why we start not on different levels but from similar positions the european union to shorten and dark to see how much stance our situation is different i'm sure we will be able to create a solid and stable economic union. this union is being beast on the foundation of the customs union between russia kazakhstan and belarus still just three states but its future vision is much bigger just picture
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a confirmation of state stretching possibly from the balkans and all the way to the pacific a huge bridge between europe and asia perhaps it's too soon to talk about that at the moment since russia goes in kazakhstan just put together a community which will be working to develop this idea further but just to give you an understanding of how effective it could be this within the framework of the customs union russia goes in kazakhstan managed to increase their total treat turnover in just happy year by forty two percent so just think of the possibilities . now we've got more analysis about the racial union in our business bulletin coming up shortly to. experts tell business side see that russia has expanded bella ruth will be boosting the economic integration to the extent that there will be a called a nation of budgets capital and monetary policies but the free countries are very unlikely to be heading towards a single currency more details coming up later in the program. they may both be
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pressing for action to resolve the e.u. debt crisis but their approaches are worlds apart the german and the british leaders have been meeting in berlin to try to thrash out a possible solution out is laura smith reports on the outcome. nothing less than we expect i mean these are two professional politicians after all they're unlikely to sling mud at each other front of the world's press they really seem to have made nice with each other this morning they said that they do have difference in their differences that can be overcome and of course they're dealing with what is a an economic and fiscal union essentially on the brink of collapse them uncool solution to all that is basically more europe she says that there should be more integration there should be more national governments until you come to the heel of brussels much like it's least now is incumbent solution to that situation going on in there in europe for the very basis less integration he says he sort of talks of a over a union which has flexibility which is really the complete opposite. approach in
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germany and luxembourg now today and she is using the pay of selfishness and shortsightedness they're saying that they want to be patient bailouts the countries that are suffering a bit more and they say that the u.k. is quick to criticize but very slow to actually step in and help also heavily indebted countries like person who are doing markedly worse than countries like germany should just keep their mouth shut they shouldn't offer advice about how to handle this crisis so there are various disagreements disagreements over the role of the euro some european central bank should it be a lender of last resort or not also disagreements about a tax on financial transactions michael wants and cameron doesn't so basic differences in approach. with. journalist and author who's on the line from london who was the war of words this week. calling the trans lose views utopian visions but today we've seen they're all smiles urging for decisive action what solutions
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can they reach to admit all these major disagreements going on. well the whole experience you see of the recent crisis demonstrates the impossibility of unifying economies which are opposing in radical the different directions they come out smiling i'm sure they all agree that innocence is a lead to do something yes but when it comes down to the concrete proposals of what is to be done of course there's going to be able to talk in fact there's a sharp disagreement particularly between germany and britain but i would say also between other european countries which is not these tensions are not going to get any better they will get i think only those constantly running then i mean angle of merkel is calling for more integration which of course means participation from all the members of the union including britain that are casting our minds by one so long ago was it as sarkozy privately told told cameron to shut up over the year or so what rule do what role they actually want the u.k. to play at the end of the day. where you see or on the one hand cameron is is
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pressurising the germans that they must put in more money here to see if you look to see if you do and so on and incidentally of course to see if the british economy unfortunately merkel is or what are the different opinions she's not prepared to put in any money and that's a good sort of problem and furthermore is proposing a tax on financial transactions of course doesn't suit the british banking sector which of course mr carden is that is the main political representative so there's no possibility whatever the dream of and i thought all this is well the issue of democracy as well italy greece saying there are no leg to home and let's face it that's what they are now pushing through unpopular austerity measures demanded by brussels not exactly democratic is it. well absolutely i mean it i think it was in june that the european central bank said the letter to these are neglected bank a center left to be italian government then of course was done by the leave under
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many to do better scored. a tele telling them what they'd much to see in others who introduced that's not berlusconi has gone and he's gone of course as a result of the question of the market and the question of you will he's now been replaced by this mario monti whose fathers are there connect with his never been elected by anyone i think he was a director of the court and italian then he was of course a european commissioner but this gentleman of course is a peer from norway has been appointed by the town with the president as a life senator senator appointed for life elected people by nobody here. has been invited by napolitano to separate the government which includes not one single solitary elected person the a bureaucratic omnibus i don't know who they are these are fishless people who now of course will preside over a policy of deep cuts deep cuts of cuts of pensions of cuts and salaries of cuts in
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health education which of course i anticipate will cause at the same fewer or leave it to the part of the italian people talking treeview news because because of the increase will incidentally that we've done exactly the same thing and haven't caused them i don't like the government of libya and while that's all going on in the south of europe of course the family still ride the dutch prime minister seems to run out of patience as he got the right idea he says he'd like to see the weaker countries booted out and a new e.u. comprised of only the more robust economies is not the way forward yeah well you see the all want to guard their old employers the employees who got on bankers' that is to say and of course that that's making a big fuss and sort of the fence by the way so that some of the. germans yes but you see if that were to occur if greece for example were to leave the commonwealth which is a possibility i think a real possibility what they'd all see is the consequence of quite dramatically you
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can do that well without provoking a kind of a domino reaction when we talk about more than one country alan we talked about it a lot with just briefly if you can what would those consequences be just remind us how bad it would be what would happen if greece did go well greece would be followed records or other countries by ireland by by cortical by spiriva good things become true even from splitting is no underflow the markets are picking on the french look at therefore we may be witnessing the beginning of a process which could lead to the breakup of the of not just of the utica but of the european union itself which without collateral consequences for every country in europe including germany but we are also for the united states of the world economy which is what the mission critical to fight our world journalist north of thanks his thoughts on the program much appreciated. hundreds of arrests and multiple injuries the result of massive rallies held across the us by the occupy movement protesters tens of thousands of anti corporate activists took part in
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demonstrations in key american cities marking two months of the movement however many met with a heavy police response officers in riot gear on food battles and shields were accused of brutality against mostly peaceful protesters the focal point was once again new york where crowds took their frustrations of the bridges to the subway stations even made attempts to disrupt the stock exchange there's no talking to deborah sweet from the group the world can't wait which campaigns against what they describe as crimes committed by the u.s. government thanks for being on the program good to see so your group let me get this right is supportive of the occupy movement tell us why. well this is a movement that has at its core people who are rejecting the consumerist corporate soulless control of wall street. of not just
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this country but really of the whole globe you wouldn't have a wall street today if you didn't have sweatshops spread across the world and this era that has come from the arab uprisings the arab spring into this country finally and the place where it's really most needed. is incredibly encouraging and we're doing all we can to support it and also help people stand up to the police state measures taken by our own government and most governments in the world today have their own police state measures in the u.s. of course has caught up wildly in the last ten years we understand including overnight that wall street occupiers who are being housed in churches have been visited by undercover police agents and counted so it's very difficult to escape
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their surveillance of the united states police state at this time we're very aware of it and yet people are not giving up are still in the streets and yesterday was a beautiful protest around the country. where the protesters achieving what they really want to achieve in this come two months on. well the demand is occupy wall street and yesterday four entrances to the new york stock exchange were blocked there were thousands of people in the wall street area the police ended up blocking some of the entrances and i think it was a very powerful repute. to the new york city police department and mayor bloomberg and the federal government who all had a role in breaking out the occupation of wall street at zuccotti park just two days before yesterday on the fifteenth of november people are standing up and
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whatever the message is it's clear that the powers that be in this country don't want to hear it and are choosing in many cases to repress it by kicking people out of public space so i think that very message just coming through to the world will bearing in mind how long do you think these protests are going to rob will eventually run out of state. you know. who can say nobody would have predicted this two months ago in the united states where we've been trying for years to get people to come into the streets and stay in the streets in opposition to the crimes of our government now as this movement is taking off i'm sure that things will develop further in unpredictable and an intensive pated directions but i don't see any evidence that the people at the core
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of this movement who really do have a better and new vision of the world coming out of this country show any signs of giving up and i imagine that it will continue and i fervently hope that it will ok cover story from the group the world can't wait campaign against so you describe crimes committed by the us government thanks for your thoughts. us in support of russia's initiative to create a united command to combat afghan heroin production russia's anti drug cheat victory even off told his counterparts in chicago that there needs to be joint effort to wipe out the root causes behind the industry among initiatives to be the creation of digital opium poppy roadmaps which even of said would provide relevant information about drug transit routes afghanistan's responsible for ninety percent of the world's her we're not sure which floods into russia production of a narcotic has soared since the american led invasion
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a decade ago cost or something is surely it's not much though business. thank you kevin good evening in a warm welcome to the final friday is business update as we've been reporting earlier in the program free former soviet countries have agreed to create a new region economic union russian president medvedev and his counterparts from kazakhstan and belarus have agreed on further integration truce we've heard from the troika dialog explains how the new economic block differs from the current customs union between the countries. the existing custom unit it's going to place next year removes. restrictions and difficulties of trading across borders between the three countries that would be easier to to for a good cross between each of the three countries in the question junior what's now being talked about is closer economic policy integration so the three countries
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will pursue similar policy objectives which in terms of budget policies currency management policies capital policies as well. and policy budget policy objectives that's really what we're talking about we're not yet talking about for example the ultimate step which is monetary integration that's really not in the gender is going to have to be a complete reassessment of what monetary integration means or how it can be done in especially in the light of what's happening in the eurozone right now. so you get the markets now oil has reversed into losses on concerns about global demand and euro zone and jitters. light sweet is exactly ninety seven dollars per barrel this brant is that one hundred seven and a half. in the u.s. another one half hours to go next feeling still the dow is up point six percent as
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investors are relieved somewhat over falling bond yields and it's tech stocks are still mostly down the nasdaq is one percent. in europe the markets ended on friday as renewed frankly with german spats increased concern that the region's leaders can't agree on how to protect for instance this uncertainty also reflected on the russian markets where the r.t.s. my six ended the week also on a negative note negative week on a negative note the blue chips were trading in negative territory energy shares were down lukoil not an exception the company says it's going to mostly pay attention to investment into new projects in order to increase production starting from next year and that's from the business team before this week do join us monday eight twenty am.
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