tv [untitled] November 18, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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they're claiming their territory in hopes of taking back the congo the occupy wall street movement in once again after protesters rallied together for a day of action so what was the result and could this be the new dawn of the movement. united states the pacific well we are here to stay. here there everywhere never mind a crippling economic crisis to make matters worse u.s. tax dollars are now headed to a top secret base down under tonight we'll speak with a woman who broke into the facility. all of these simple small entrepreneurs'
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hopes and dreams you know paying into balance because of what it called interest want to stop from here. it is an all out food fight in washington d.c. major restaurants are trying to kick drugs to the curb or in this case off the curb in the nation's capital because something about competition makes a bad taste in their mouth. afternoon it is friday november eighteenth five pm in washington d.c. i'm christine freeze out and you are tuned into our t.v. . so we occupy wall street movement today enters its third month yesterday of course the two month anniversary two months of demonstrations and occupations thousands of people around the world demanding a change to a system that they say is dominated by an elite class who embody the ideals of wall
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street money power and corporate greed while main street continues to suffer yes they also marked a change in the movement two days after zuccotti park in new york was raided by police and tents and large backpacks were not allowed inside so we want to look at this afternoon at the future of occupy wall street and what it will take for to survive artie's on the turf in our reports from the big. human tsunami tens of thousands of people flooded the streets of new york. hundreds arrested dozens dragged and abused by police thousands more protests across the u.s. on thursday the feast of america's civil war against corporate greed and wealth inequality we could report to the police where occupy wall street was one looks nothing like it did just a couple of days ago officials were hoping that it between the protesters would and
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to the movement but this has backfired the day of action brought more people out onto the streets with more bigger than ever before it's absolutely a store we haven't seen something like this in america thirty forty years and it's history repeating itself it was here in america that we received more than a few months and this is remaking two months after occupy wall street kick started in the big apple new york the forty's decided to kick protesters out of their camp bloomberg expose themselves as the clueless out of touch third world dictator that he would like to be this forceful addiction only added more fuel to the fire the way that we were sort of discarded like trash that our civil liberties were really run over by our billionaire mayor has galvanized a lot of people another. more powerful stage of occupy wall street out of being campaigned and all over the city said we're absolutely at speech to i think what happened yesterday was we showed the world that we are strong. and we're going on
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and we want we want solutions protester see the lack of the camp the presence of police violence and the fact that officials remain deaf to demands only empower them more. which is. really. their desire to stick by each other it's no stronger than before a big push for a lot of. research and does a. new dawn for the occupy wall street movement as a group on the rise of mr churkin or archie. are is another question related to the occupy movements is not just what will happen but how it will be covered by the media while it took a few weeks for most media outlets to send in the camera crews to cover occupy wall street as a serious movement and even when they did they had their own interpretations here's some hannity on his show on fox news channel last night we are dealing with part of now part of the global socialist movement what we see here violence and rape arson
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destruction of property sex and public national beijing and public naked people drugs drug paraphernalia you know and he american is an anti semitism anti capitalism so i guess you could call that covering it there are many who say you know the mainstream media have it all wrong they haven't put in the time or the effort to even understand what the occupy wall street movement is all about well among those people actual founder of quote me i spoke with him earlier and asked him why he thinks mainstream media has an interest in diluting the force behind the occupy wall street movement here's what he had to say. well we have to see first and foremost who is mainstream media i mean the clip that you show from fox news pretty much says it all the corporate interests behind mainstream media it's obviously against their interest in percent what the actual movements are all about is very interested that often they say you know the movement does not have
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a clear message when time and again we're seeing big sides and big statements from those same occupiers have a clear message but the interest is obviously opposed to what mainstream media is all about which is run by the same corporations and the same wall street interests that occupy wall street is fighting against i want to play one more example that we can talk about in a second this one of the last in your face now this happened in los angeles it was actually a reporter with k.t.l.a. who was appearing live on c.n.n. . and we have to get this country to the people is what was done is exactly what we have to do is they should bring the jobs back to america and they should that there's justice that this time i do think there's anybody who's going to say they're not in favor of jobs my question to you is this is this type of the group is really achieving anything at all other than just looking traffic and making it harder for people to get to their real jobs those are still
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doing a job. all right there what do you say that there were this reporter says this protest even achieve anything other than you know traffic jams and preventing people from getting to their jobs what do you say to people who may agree with their message but not with their method. i think that they have to see things in a larger perspective right into what the movement is all about the movement is all about representing the majority of the people who do not have the voice to be represented on the daily basis it covers what is most said as the ninety nine percent so i think that the methods are pretty much in line with the message and i think those that question the methods really have a problem with the message in the first place i think in that clip the show it's more it's clearer that the interviewer has a problem with the message and is trying to attack the methods by which the message is delivered and that's essentially what the problem in general another line that
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we often see is how the movement is not diverse that kind of pigeon of all of us and only lazy disorganized white kids as rush limbaugh. mentioned in one of his audio cast and one of his radio shows when in reality those they're all in the movement are diverse as we've ever seen it before and they represent a larger scope but there is a political agenda to fight back against this growing and grew movement and this is the more that that political agendas advance the more that they try to quiet the movement the more the try to isolated the group the bigger it grows and the more and the stronger it grows and we know that they're not going to stop the motivations there the movement is real the message is clear and the diversity is very clear with and certainly it is interesting when you talk about the messaging war and what these some of this corporate media as you call them they're trying to win the world by making these protesters out to be you know this sort of pigeonholing them into a very small group and so what do you think about what many are calling stage two
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of this movement occupations were previously you know sort of the embodiment of this movement now that many of these occupations i've been dismantled many of the people no longer allowed to camp out some are saying this will dismantle the movement altogether others saying it will simply drive it into the streets what do you think. absolutely what we're seeing and in fact this is the representation of what we've seen last week the more that you're trying to push the movement out the more that the movement is actually going to organize and it's going to create more avenues to release it deliver the message so maybe you're not going to see camps but you're going to see more protests you're going to see more actions are going to see more targeted approaches we're going to see people move from one set of organization to another set of mobilization and i think that that's very important and the key here thing is not that because they're in one place and because they have been dispersed that this movement is over that it was only about a sort of occupation but this movement has
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a real interest and real inertia behind it there are particular messages that have to be delivered and as long as those messages and that action has not changed. the longer that this movement will continue. and israel craft i know here in los angeles we saw yesterday this two month anniversary i was out at the one a in d.c. about two hundred people came out fouls in the new york what are you seeing happen in los angeles. we're seeing about pretty much the same thing we had a protest we saw approach also yesterday with their blog one of the avenues. avenue downtown again showing that the movement changes right because the occupation they're threatening with with also this matter of the occupations of the message to it is that we still have the set of goals and objectives and an item's that we want to push for and as long as they're not met as long as we're not heard you know
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we're going to continue acting to promote that message and bet's essentially what's at the core of this whole issue and this whole debate is that as long as the message just long as the points that the greed that the abuse that the manipulation by wall street and scroll news i have have really impacted our society and have really created this huge huge gap between the one percent and the ninety nine percent the more that they fail to recognize what is at the horror of those values the more that they cease to ignore what really is behind it and the longer that this movement will continue in all of its capacities maybe you will not see we won't see occupations across the cities but those protests will not mean targeted approaches those those might be mobilizations and as we go into tensions to we're tired we are out of time so sorry to cut you off there but i do want to thank you for joining us and i want angela studio afrikaner yele founder of climbing. all
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right so a few minutes i'd like to take a look at what's going on in italy and greece and also make some comparisons with the occupy wall street movement here in the u.s. in all cases they started by people who feel powerless living in a system controlled by the most wealthy and powerful people the one percent they feel the only thing they have left is their voices and their dedication to protest and many continue to question whether or not their actions will be enough to bring about change so too will this be enough are these comparisons fair to answer that earlier i spoke to charlie mcgrath founder of wide awake news dot com to start things off i asked him a simple question is it fair to compare what's happening here and with italy and greece here's his take. i mean absolutely it's the banks are protests. and i think once the occupy movement realizes. that they are protesting against the same people that the tea party movement was protesting against you know since two
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thousand and eight that that parallel needs to be drawn and it needs to be shouted from the rooftops because the occupy movement here is talking about going after the too big to fail firms on wall street the tea party movement is talking about it too much government but the message that needs to be delivered to all the people and occupy and the tea party movement is they are absolutely one in the same so the people who are protesting law street right now they are protesting the government and vice versa so we look overseas and see what the people are protesting there it is the implementation of banks to rule over these countries you know your report talked about mario monti and company miss right these are banks that are puppets that tessa themis comes right from the european central bank to replace the prime minister of greece because the try minister of greece had the os on that city to put the make a referendum for his people if they were going to accept this bailout deal or not within two weeks he was gone and we have the banks that are in there if you look at
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mario going to be in italy his track record he is also a big star puppet he's the head of the european trilateral commission need to build a burger he has the right trade agree to work on behalf of the banks this is why people are in the streets around the world so you're saying tiley that you know a lot of people call call it scapegoating what we saw in italy and greece i saw both going to start down that down and said ok we're going to get to people and who actually know how to fix this you know what's going on you're saying the opposite you're saying these leaders were actually speaking for the majority of their people and now they've been replaced by leaders who are have a much closer ties with sort of the one percent in those countries they are the one percent these are banks there's these i mean. they come from that community you know i think the the legitimate president easter verla stoney in italy. he is like he was under tremendous pressure to do something on behalf of the banks to make sure they would realize
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a lot the same thing inside agree and i can't even imagine what was said to them behind closed doors especially in greece when they were going to produce a referendum vote the proof is in the putting what we have right now we have a the leadership being completely decapitated from these countries and we have interim banks toure's in there so they can do the bidding of the banks well let's contrast then for for a moment what we've seen in these two countries certainly we saw a changing of the guard a change in leadership as a response to the financial crises in those countries what about what's happening here occupy wall street still of course and it's very young stage is only two months what is our loud message is becoming more clear what about how our government here in the united states has been responding to the to that in some respects a lot of people in the alternative media community don't like the word democracy but in some respects europe is more of a democracy you know they have a more of a democratic situation going on in europe than we do here they don't have to worry
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about the decapitating leadership in the united states because they've already co-opted our government you know we have five hundred thirty five members of congress between the house and the senate and what are we talking about today we're talking about the super committee of twelve slashing and burning the budget and when this does occur the control swings from the left to the right in the proceed left right battle we're going to see massive austerity that these senators and congressmen are going to be able to throw their hands up in the air and say i didn't have anything to do with it you know it was an automatic cut if we could have come up with a deal in the supercommittee then these cuts are going to be in place so it least inside of your if you have the seventeen e.u. nations that have a voice and what we're finding out is if the boy isn't lining up with the banks they're gone we have less cars. super committee i mean in some senses this super committee came about because the last in the right as you say to have a little bit of trouble first raising the debt ceiling dealing with budget issues
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so the super committee formed a lot of things that we've seen happen especially in the last year or so have happened as a result of our perceived crisis here in the country i know you've spoken about this a little but the results of you know crisis governing talk a lot about what you see as some of the biggest issues with us ok great point and you're absolutely right you know for three years we've been dealing with this governed by crisis we're not a republic we're not even a shoddy democracy in this country we govern for the next crisis if the crisis is the the financial markets are going to freeze up if we don't bail out the too big to fail we get it blasted congress represented the people of this country but in september two thousand and eight when they were the no vote for the bailout we saw terrorist financial terrorist activity occur from that point forward so these bankers and he's too big to fail firms to get everything they want and they do this by governing by crisis the exact same thing you see going on inside of europe we
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need a crisis we let it escalate so we can get rid of leadership so we can implement austerity and if we think in this country that it can't happen then we need to wake up because it is happening we don't have representation anymore that is why people are in the streets that is why people are so frustrated and we have unfortunately a mainstream media that's in the back pocket of these corporations they're not showing that message of the occupy movement they're showing they're putting the least eloquent person they could possibly find to put in front of a camera and then they're making all kinds of puns and jokes about these people but it isn't a joke main street is literally with the ring and dying on the vine in this country and in europe and people really do feel like they have no other alternative if they want to redress of their grievances they're going to have to take to the street that is where the world has been but. and that is were it is so interesting to you when you talk about this governing by crisis and every time there seems to be a bad line here in washington it never give done before it's always told the last day and it often sort of blows up in everybody's face of trolling
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a graph founder of wide awake news dot com thanks so much well president obama has spent the last few days in australia and while he was there he spoke to the australian parliament about the united states' commitment to the asia pacific region no doubt sending a pretty clear message to beijing take a listen as we today's wars i've directed my national security team to make our presence and mission in the asia pacific a top priority as a result reductions in u.s. defense spending will not repeat will not come at the expense of the asia pacific all right now what you may not know is that australia is also home to a highly secretive sophisticated and very large military base it's called pine gap and from the outside it looks like there are twenty six huge golf ball looking and tenors many believe there is information central intelligence being distributed from this base all over the world including two u.s.
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commanders in iraq and afghanistan and they have had a central role in the two thousand and three shock in our invasion of baghdad donna mulhearn is an activist who actually broke onto the property at pine gap she is in sydney australia to tell us more about why people should be concerned about what's going on there. and they're gonna i guess let me just start by asking why you and three other activists decided you need to get onto the property back in two thousand and five. well we did that because we felt just had a right to know what was going on and i got up because pulling out is actually a sacred and the treaty that govern its presence in a strategy that sacred and even a strike members a column and i'm not permitted to know what goes on apply and got that as a strike but this isn't brought up we live in a democracy we are they have to have a sort of think accountable to the twelve olomouc and to the people so we went to client got and we did what we called our citizens inspection for suspected
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terrorist activity and so we dressed up in our what not to now house with citizens inspection chain on our coats just trying to make the point that we want transparency in this country and we don't want any secretive chitti going on especially activity that. the grasp the gravity of that being involved in the war in iraq with that activity being accountable to the government and to the people so that's why we're going with data right away and the highlights are all i'm got well donna how far did you get and what did you see. well we didn't get to stop because we were arrested because it quiets well if you're ready operatives from strives to preserve us both the united states secret service we didn't get too far but it was very interesting in just moving through the no ice show that's why i got located in the middle of a struggle to get it right in the center of the struggle to keep life and just
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running twenty four hours and we know that it is god god it was not the high survive. and so when we were arrested there was quite a fuss my that we had got that job and the security forces there were very obama that we had actually managed to penetrate the area of the by and the with a i don't know what was the fall out i mean what what what were you charge them with and what we sense when we were arrested and charged under an act of parliament that has. nothing on defense special undertakings that any sex with don but i guess in the cold war era to suppress information about secret life in australia that this act of parliament was dusted off and used for office so strong and so we five years in prison in fact we were. charged and arrested and convicted and we didn't get such a hater penalty although the government did appeal
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a prosecution but in the end we also if you know because al hakim it was a it was a miscarriage of justice. because we were not allowed to present any information and any evidence that we had gathered from experts about the role of function of because we were doing that it was not for the defense of australia and we were not going to bring that information into the court room and so in the end we were acquitted of those charges that's what i want to ask you then i mean why australia i mean the us does seem to have bases just about everywhere around the world but if you think of countries that the us has no problem with at all australia would be one of them so there's got to be a reason why this is the location of this highly secretive sophisticated. well this is two reasons one of them is that it's a convenient location in terms of the functioning of those taps satellite bases so it's in the middle of a straight does it and has a cleave you know of the earth the space in the satellite systems that it needs to
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have access to so we just tickly it's a good position but i think the other my reason is a political one and that is there's a lot of talk going on at the moment train our politicians about how we're best friends and how we're the closest allies of all countries and at one stage a former prime minister john howard actually called himself the deputy sheriff to president george w. bush which allow him to strike because we would actually prefer to have an independent foreign policy to be the deputy of another country so i think one of the reasons is because that's america knows that it can rely on a strategy it's politicians who are quite sycophantic towards the united states at the moment i'm wondering what your reaction was i mean our president has just spent the last few days in your country we just played a clip about the commitments that no funding that is cut will impact the u.s. presence in the asia pacific reason region what what was your you in the other activists i'm not sure if you're still in touch with them but what was your
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response to hearing what president obama said and to see that that relationship is still extremely strong. we were quite shocked by the announcement that was might just wait to be a new american military by a stylish when you know your with two thousand five hundred brains down to the permanently by australia now he's kind of out of the blue and astrology is reeling at the fusion and it's an out and because we're still trying to figure out what exactly he's going to me for australia but one thing that we're sure of he's not in the best interest of our country two and a half thousand marines on a military guy north it might be the right strategic for the united states. for australia not analogous to just so i think we're gonna see. protarchus all right i'll just write in this country about fusion and that announcement is really all right he's active has gone on woman in sydney australia thanks so much for
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sharing your experience with us it's a pleasure well tonight a story about big business and powerful people wanting to make sure they stay that way these are really interesting example of this right here in washington d.c. there is a battle brewing between some of the biggest and list restaurants here and a new way of dining has become appetizing to so many food trucks it's hard not to see them these days they're parked on the curb in just about every quadrant of this city and so many other cities around the country and there is literally something for everyone but not of some of the more established people have their way i want to look deeper into this here's what i found. every mom was sixty seven dollars. little less than my. friend for your plate because you could call it a restaurant on wheels we have been too long and pumpkin they call it a traveling coronary carnival we try to do
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a little song is that. the full brothers is the first ever food truck in washington d.c. and they were in the business of selling korean happiness the photo brothers served their first batch of korean happiness on january twentieth two thousand and nine the day of president obama's inauguration and have been going strong ever since with the church twenty one with the butter chicken in the lentils from california so we had a truck but nothing like that. wednesday and we'll check with sweaters to make sure they're here we come down in lines a little bit long but it's totally worth it well what started out as a lone soldier in the food drop world has now become a small army it's estimated there are now eighty food trucks in the washington d.c. area alone i'm an average of about five people working on each that is more than four hundred jobs here but there are jobs that are now under threat by people working and the more traditional and well established restaurant community and we
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are involved in a lot of those cases an old fashioned david and goliath conflict according to attorney bert gall he's leading the effort to put a stop to brick and mortar restaurants trying to put the brakes on their new mobile competition ultimately it's about the little guy. or who is he has fought so hard to start a business and all those faces a challenge from some a stablished you know politically connected powerful competitor who wants to squash the entrepreneur he says it's a trend that now spreading across the country in raleigh north carolina food trucks must park more than fifty feet away from. restaurants and are not allowed in the downtown area in new jersey there is a one hour duration restriction and trucks must operate one hundred feet away from one another and three hundred feet away from brick and mortar restaurants and roving restaurants are banned altogether in the old town district of monrovia california all of our cases involve small entrepreneurs whose hopes and dreams you
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know hang in the balance because stablished political interests want. from competing stop them from entering into the marketplace there's been several police and we've had businesses. might kick the ball thought by being like they're not supposed to park there you need to move every two hours because the meters are two hours even though everyone knows if you put more meat money in the meter you can say that for now those in washington d.c. are safe as the back and forth legal battle plays out behind closed doors into lots of truck i've been to three of the hollow trucks. d.c. barbecue the other one was the korean taco. crate truck or if it's a kosher deli on wheels you desire or mac and cheese cheesecake they're all here we can carry. you sixty trucks is a very washington social phenomenon because we get to enjoy each other's company.
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