tv [untitled] November 18, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EST
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so. welcome to the lower show where you get real headlines with none of the mercy or can live in washington d.c. now tonight we're going to take a look back at yesterday's day of action for occupy wall street we'll look into whether on a grand scale people are ready to accept this kind of massively disobedience or if they prefer law and order then if there's consensus about anything in washington say it's a congressional super committee seems bound to fail but we already knew that congress was dysfunctional so let's take a look at what a ninety nine percent proposal to rein in the deficit looks like prepared by those
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camping out and freedom plaza kevin zeese one of the main organizers can join us and with less than a year away from twenty twelve elections will take a look at voting laws that are sweeping sweeping across the states running to disenfranchise voters across the country we have all that and more feet and i couldn't get to us of happy hour but first take a look with the mainstream media has decided to move. all right so yesterday i for one decided to give the mainstream media a bit of a break i even had a few nice words for them because yesterday was the occupy movement celebrated its two month anniversary and a day of action was going on in cities across the country we saw the mainstream media finally give it some attention the attention that it's due but as i predicted it was only because there were good pictures and there was a convenient anniversary not because they realize the significance of this movement but today they were just right back to talking about everything else. stunning new
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allegations in one of the most high profile deaths in hollywood history a movie star drowned thirty years ago this month during a boating trip her husband robert wagner and actor christopher walken were onboard that time was the fight between natalie wood and her husband robert wagner what ultimately led to her death. yes they handled target the home of accused child predator and former penn state coach jerry sandusky football coach jerry sandusky could now face federal charges as well you gave the go interestingly he got a delivery of an exercise machine it seems abundantly clear that he's not planning on leaving that home any time soon unless he was slim and swear to god i think when i was a month or two months old joe's you can help your food you smaller portions or more frequently throughout the day and this breaking news so it's. really guys we
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hundreds of people were arrested yesterday the protesters in new york managed to cross the brooklyn bridge the signs of life were all there for movement of summer thought would die out fear of actions and rates and you want to talk about a rather slimming down to some of your top news a case from the eighty's being reopened deserves nonstop media coverage and i understand the paternal sandusky scandal that's really been shaking the penn state world but even that is less of a commentary on our society overall as occupy wall street and the only mainstream media outlet they decided to give a minute or two to today was c.n.n. . protesters across the country show they're not giving up on occupy wall street they swarmed streets stopped traffic and tangled with officers on the two month anniversary of the anti greed movement more than two hundred people were arrested and new york police say he threw some type of object at police officers prompting them to come in and arrest him these guys have been out here a couple dozen diehard protesters all night trying to stay warm they've been
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passing out hand warmers they're not allowed to bring in big blankets one thing's for sure this movement is still a very much alive out here and zuccotti park. so here we are again a two month anniversary is past hundreds of people aren't getting arrested nationwide today and so let's just pretend like that's discontent with our political system no longer exists let's pretend like inequality and corruption are rampant in our society let's pretend like the entire economic crisis from unemployment to foreclosures to debts has all been solved let's pretend like crony capitalism legal immunity for the one percent are shadows a hang over us every day yeah the mainstream media has already moved on to the other clearly more part of stories of the day all out of the stuff well they figure they get one day of coverage and they've done their part and from now on they can continue to miss.
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after yesterday's day of action by the prime mover meant a lot of questions arising as to whether tactics are beginning to outshine the message to take for example recent public policy polling over the last month support for the occupy movement is rein stable dropping only slightly from thirty five to thirty three percent where we saw the bigger change was in disapproval which went up eleven percentage points from thirty six to forty five but this could also be because in the area with the movement on the right is the percentage of those that are not sure how they felt about occupy wall street trunk for twenty nine to twenty two percent so those that have supported the message and the movement are made those who had no thoughts are starting to firm them up and it might be based on the type of media coverage that we've been seeing clashes with police reports of crime as well as blocking the port of oakland or attempting to destroy the new york stock exchange with portrayed in the media and by city officials are usually the negatives and the distractions and no longer the message so how do we compare this to other movements throughout history as perceived by the
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public and how is the g.o.p. trying to use this against president obama or discuss with me is james pullos host of the bottom line and reform school on t.v. james thanks so much for being here tonight of course i think it's been a while since you and i have caught up on our feelings about occupy wall street so i'm just curious now if this two month mark has passed what do you think in terms of how it's developed how it's progressing well i think this is an inflection point here on the one hand it's true that people have sort of affiliated with the vague message of occupy wall street they've kept it rather vague which i think was working to their advantage for a while but now that you know now that the encampments have moved out into the streets now that we're seeing is not you know the new york stock exchange is very different from all street wall street is kind of the substraction that everyone seems to shake their fist at the new york stock exchange lost people in stock it's a totally different beast and the way in which the movement has metastasized and change is a pro. i think is revealing that it's got a lot more of a sort of radical routing than many americans are because it's really a radical ruling or is it the fact that you what often happens right is you see
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radical elements that might start attacking on that might start just becoming a part of it because they want to you can say that the black bloc has been behind occupy wall street from the very beginning and you know they've been lying to riot this was not to be a peaceful protest or just bring to light the fact that they feel like there's a lot of inequality in our society and our it isn't fair it's now read not everybody has the same opportunities as they're supposed to well that's right you know we there is still some peaceful demonstration going on which is agree totally . commendable but there's also this chicken and egg problem where you've got a very limited number of personal when it comes to who's a radical who's a community organizer and you it's no surprise you're going to see the same people cropping up in this sort of environment as you would i mean look a quorn has been around for a long time discontent with the iraq war has been around for a long time the sort of boots on the ground community organizing radicals who have made a career out of this you know they're going to be present in this environment as much as they wouldn't any other and i think the crowd has a real choice to make going forward as to whether or not they're going to try and
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specify their message a little bit and organize around a policy that americans can agree with in general or whether they're going to let the message run away from but what do you buy policy right this is the this is part of the problem with the occupy movement is this general idea of ninety nine percent versus one percent inequality unfairness everything that i just laid out that seems pretty basic and that seems pretty obvious to me but policy is where i think everybody is lost is exactly what is occupy wall street want to do going forward they don't want to work within the political system they don't want to go out and vote because the entire system is already messed up and rig and they feel like that it needs a complete reconfiguration so what exactly in terms of policy do you want to see well you know i think that if they came out and said hey the government needs to break up the big banks i think you know whether you like that whole so you don't like it that's at least something that you can sort of hang a hat on and say ok this is something concrete we can talk about but if you do if you have it here you can. you look at some of the lit some of the websites right they do have websites where they have specific demands like this and i want to talk about overturning citizens united they want to talk about breaking up some of the
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banks i mean there are ideas out there specifics the problem is that the movement is fragmented and you've got a lot of different sort of quasi manifestos and would be manifestos coming out of different parts of the occupy movement scattered across the country you've got you know people in portland and also those who are willing to take things to a much more militant or more violent point than occupiers in some of the course of the country and the tea party didn't have this problem or the tea party coalesced around a few key issues they kept things peaceable a few people brought guns right to various realities they never went off everyone is fine in this is a hurdle that i think i have a hard time clearly when it comes to public opinion there is some support vaguely for the idea that big business and big government together equals you know the little guy gets screwed but beyond that when you start getting specifics it's going to be a hard road but i mean then again you can look at the tea party and what it's become now and we're going to start on this later on tonight shows that the fifteen members of congress that were elected on this wave of or the tea party we're going to get special interest they're just doing the same damn thing and they're taking
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the same money from the defense contractors and the bankers associations and so this is exactly what you don't want to happen at least what occupy wall street doesn't want to have and i want to go on and ask you in terms of public perception and how you think that it's shaped i just mentioned this poll those that support the message are still pretty much supporting the message other people are starting to firm up some thoughts and do you think that media coverage of the way city officials want to portray it has something to do with it you can't deny there is some clear bias when there bloomberg yesterday comes out doesn't have a single word about the violence that police are using against protesters about the fact that journalists are getting roughed up and arrested and then goes and visits one police officer who unfortunately ended up in the hospital well it cuts both ways bloomberg has been under pressure from the right and from others business interests local business owners to actually take some kind of action which he hasn't done for a period of i think months you know it's been weeks and leading into months and people. said you know bloomberg you need to do something so when he finally decides ok i'm going to do something because i'm facing this kind of pressure this is what he does you know it is all very clinical and tidy which is the way i'd leave the
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true although you would beat everyone if you go with the nightmare scenario here is that what we see in the media is jack boots versus jack asses and it polarizes the american people and they say either i'm for the truncheon or i'm for the drum circles and that's the wrong way it has mis always happened right if you look back to the vietnam era protesters public perception also didn't like that there's a poll from one hundred sixty that if you look at it they were asked to put him on a scale of one to one hundred and they got zero if you look at the civil rights movement public opinion polls at that point also didn't like the movement they thought that you know citizens were going to help integrate people into society so how much the public opinion matter that sometimes it's not what about the public not about what the public thinks but about what we need as a country well public opinion is important but i think the hinge for americans is are they breaking the law or are the deliberately heading into a confrontation with police and you know my libertarian friends many of them were on the side of occupy when they came to me when push came to shove with police and you start to see tear gas canisters on through the year and if you want because you
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don't always need to resort to to tear gas canisters and flash grenades and beating on the other hand when you are when you are when you are blockading ports when you are preventing ordinary citizens from getting to and from their place of business those kinds of things are tremendously polarizing they will not win. whether it was through one else any any public support or it will not get them any favors and that's where if you start to switch over into people saying hey this is about law and order it's not about the right there is agitating people really quickly don't have any time left but you wrote about line order and how you think that the g.o.p. is going to start to try to use this against obama even though the movement is separate from obama and elaborate on that really quickly oh yeah just quickly and you know we mentioned the tea partiers in congress i think if you stack up their record against these guys you'll see that there is a real difference there but even the guys who are tea partiers in congress establishing a movement like this takes time it takes sometimes. peter moore to get real results and so the frustration that i think republicans are seeing who don't like the establishment they're casting about for a way to say what is the issue that we want to hang this election on and i think
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increasingly unlikely by continues to spiral toward more crime and violence across the country it's going to be law and order we'll see we'll see you know i really wonder about i considering what we've seen going on across the world really in europe and the arab spring i think to be interesting to see what people what's going on in that sense great thanks so much for joining us. i have next on tonight's show speaking of tea party candidates they swore they would become a part of the system and listen to special interests and lobbyists here you see but are those tea partiers really acting any differently now that they've been elected and reports are showing the supercommittee likely to fail its one task to come to an agreement on where to find savings and what a group of occupiers has come up with their own solution to the deficit was sold over that topic senator. i was. going to leave the room and it was.
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like what testing nobody seems to know. but never appropriate to face the argument that they're being overly dramatic. you know sometimes you see a story so you think you understand it and then something else and here's some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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turns out the tea party freshman are just like everyone else yeah you heard me correctly fifteen super special freshmen tea party congress members who were elected in a wave of disgust with washington over the influence of special interests well it turns out that they've had a little change of heart since their rival here you're all the angry rhetoric against the bailouts against special interest groups well they're over that now and only collecting boatloads of special interest money just like the rest of their congressional colleagues sort of crash class or tea party congressmen collect a cool three point five million dollars in their first nine months in congress and you might say hey it's not so bad maybe they collected that money from small donors after all the tea parties grassroots right well in joints analysis by i watched news and the center for responsive politics found that it's not really the case the tea party fifteen freshman collected about forty four percent of their money from pacs forty three percent from large individual donors and just four percent from small donors who gave less than two hundred dollars so how does that compare to your average republican congressman well they got forty six percent of their money
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from pacs forty five percent from large individual donors and four percent from small donors who gave less than two hundred dollars so yeah you heard me correctly tea party congress members in the republican congress members got almost the exact same breakdown of donations almost ninety percent coming from paterson large donors so the whole grassroots thing doesn't really seem to be working out any better for the tea party than it is for the republican party as a whole let's dive in a little bit deeper let's look at who these paths are really give these congress members the benefit of the doubt maybe they're getting money from pots with a noble cause so topping off the list with the most donations to cheap party freshman is honeywell international company known for its defense products next is the american bankers association which is particularly interesting considering that one of the central narratives of the tea party is that it was anti bailout so i wonder how that squares away. with one of the major trade associations for the banking sector and coming in third yet another defense contractor lockheed martin and fourth of course infamous koch industries which is to be expected and finally
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the national association of realtors so the tea party is being largely funded by defense contractors and banking association and the billionaire brothers really sounds like they're standing up against the status quo in washington they're fighting the military industrial complex which has pushed us into unnecessary wars saddled us with excessive military spending and debt and they're fighting bankers that have taken bailouts of the american people oh wait they're not doing that at all they're just like every other member of congress in washington taking money from special interests to do their bidding so i think that there is a lesson to be learned here for all the people who are arguing that. follow in the footsteps of the tea party and go to washington i say be wary because of the tea party ever really did have the goal fighting special interests and they seem to have very quickly lost touch with that sentiment during their move to the nation's capital so much by wall street take heed and keep fighting the good fight outside of washington. now next wednesday the deadline for the congressional super
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committee to finalize its deal on how to find one point two trillion dollars minimum in deficit savings if you consider the fact that a bill needs to be submitted to the congressional budget office for scoring by monday and that today is friday and the picture becomes pretty clear all things considered including members of the committee are saying themselves it looks like it's going to fail but i guess we could have seen that one coming as not only do some people want it to fail but also the idea of a twelve member super group being super lobby really coming to a compromise and one that's the best option for the wellbeing of the country as a whole rather than special interest well all that kind of seems a distant dream in today's political environment so let's take a look at something that one occupation in the country is offering up those camping out at freedom plaza have now created their own deficit proposal the ninety nine percent deficit proposals they're calling it so joining me to discuss it is kevin zeese an organizer of occupy washington d.c. kevin thanks so much for joining us tonight. looks like the super committee is
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geared to fail are you shocked. i'm not shocked at all a very good previous story the tea party donors you could make the same was for the donors to the super committee it's primarily the military contracts that help illustrate on top of course is wall street and their start paralyzed now they can argue what the people want they can go against their funders and see an accuracy and income of the community even though the reality is this deficit problem can solvable it is economy growing is solvable because the congress represents the one percent are not going to do what's needed of the ninety nine percent but what do you think of the fact that you know if it does fail on what had you have factions that are i guess you could say farther to the left and farther to the right that we're actually looking forward to that because then for the left you would actually see six hundred billion dollars cut away from defense spending and it would be equal rather than something that would be you know very tall to the scales if the super committee did come up with a deal well i think there no deal is better than
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a deal and from the leaks we've heard from the super rich i think we should stop using that word it's always you know the super communes were dysfunctional family is dysfunctional clearly we're going to come out with is going to be worse than the prearranged deal but i can tell you there's to be such intense lobbying from the health industry you know from the military industrial complex but i'm very surprised to see those actual cards to close we'll be back to square one again back to dysfunctional government sold out to the wealthiest and it will do the most necessary terrorists they're going to music do and that's why we're not looking for little reforms those over seventy people in the occupy movement are looking for radical transformation another has sold our government right so now let's get into this proposal that you know is going over in freedom plaza just a couple of blocks away from here i'm curious you have your own the ninety five percent status or proposal but why are you focusing on deficit reduction. well you actually don't know isn't there is a reduction we actually focus on
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a fear of terror system you know more progressive so that we can see the whole the whole point here at the end of the day we're going to get into exactly how you break it down is you sell it as a way to also health or to use the country's deficits that you say have been bought up through i don't fair tax system through excessive spending on wars and military bases abroad and the like exactly what we will we say he's going to fix the economy in order to fix the deficit and then we'll say we don't have to do it was actually is the focus the focus needs to be aren't created for economy and america's economic insecurity start wasting money on endless wars and start going to work you up with very little taxes right so let's break it down in terms of what exactly is in this plan when it comes to taxes and what your legacy changed. well you look at the right now that. we have easter bridges grierson taxes in the one nine hundred fifty s. now you have a much higher a terrible insurrectionary much higher income tax for the wealthy up to ninety one percent as recently as the reagan years we had
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a seventy percent top bracket now we see the. last time i did thirty five percent we should have four hundred wealthiest americans in the country we have the world with one hundred fifty four million of those only seventeen point four percent in taxes while working americans pay twenty five to thirty percent it's unfair and if you face up to the problem you can just by doing a little write a seriously careful games in comparison fairness you solve the deficit grant and then you have money to put into actually building up the economy creating jobs we're checking the social safety net now to another one of the elements here you say cutting spending for economic security which includes cutting defense spending which you know our new secretary of defense leon panetta keeps going around and everywhere telling people that this is a scenario if the trigger a fact were to go in but it's not really about america's defense and that would be in jeopardy is it it's about america's role that wants to play in the world and the fact that we don't just defend ourselves we really like to expand our branch
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everywhere. we have to stop using the word defense it's military spending it's weapons spending it's war spending it's not defense spending and we spend as much as the whole world combined on weapons and war and it doesn't make us more secure in fact it makes this less secure because they root cause so why the economy doesn't work for most americans when they're paid up to military cuts and you may face up to why we spend as much as the whole world we can cut our military budget have and still be the biggest spender on earth as far as weapons of war goes we don't need that even in the military doesn't answer some of the weapons that congress gives one for even they want to spend less leon panetta of course but the side says he's a political appointee by a vote of the game but inside that the experts in the military say there are there's a lot of repercussions that's right and that many experts i've thought of you and i have been here on the program that exact same thing so let's hear about your job that president obama laid out his own jobs plan how is this one different the
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president obama's more rhetorical game with the republicans it was an anemic jobs a bozo that would not have a sob the jobs crisis or are just plain as a major public works plan the fact is that's what's worked in the past we cannot rely on private enterprise private markets to create the jobs they're hoarding their money waiting for the economy doing through their way to create the get the economy going and create jobs and create millions of jobs in the public works program and we desperately need it our infrastructure is dying and the the the the experts say we have the the level great very very structure and if we allow that to happen if can really undermine our economy further we have not only don't have work to do it so we went out when it's been the work the money for work that's necessary to do we have a lot of needs this country with are not being met now what do you mean another part and you say democratizing the economy. i mean change an economy so the people actually have an influence over we want to see us move away from for example
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corporate welfare to taxpayer investment so taxpayers invest in the economy and people and businesses prosper from that part of that profit will go into a fund where taxpayers will actually benefit and receive money from it if we're investors we should profit this is not welfare for the big business interests any longer be in n.m. and so we want to see a marker that currently where workers are more in charge of their employment more employer owned businesses more employees on co-ops we want to see the big banks broken up so money goes back to the local community rather to the wall street so you have community banks and credit unions where the money stays in locating and benefits local needs all these kinds of steps as a whole series of them that we can take to give people more control over the economy really we cannot a martyr times or a government and that's when the going to the markets are the economy and give people some tower in their own lives and their own economic life as well as more
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influence over the direction the economy is going i say i'm curious about how was that this big report that you put together was that was the five hour the general assembly you know you mentioned that this is not represent the entire occupy movement it doesn't even represent everyone who that freedom plaza right now and so i think again it's a lot of the problem with how do you get something that everyone agrees are. well we did was we actually had a hearing about a week ago we were brought in the happy as an experts on key issues we allow the ninety nine percent to speak as well as we had all that information to bring together to help to create this report and we do as we said the economy and accomplice and where we want to end up where we want to end up is in a situation where money no longer rules government where the people will govern and so every policy choice we make has that as its compas point when you finally as your compas point things really fall into place if you go to our web site occupy washington d.c. dot org and you look after the tsunami report you can also see the hearing that was
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played on c.-span see if you were in or saying you know also see the full report and recognize that what we're doing is consistent with majority americans want on the front page of our website we have an article about we stand with a majority and that's a series of polls on seven key issues and what this report is essential to put those seven key issues were a supermajority americans already agree it puts those seven key issues into reality this is all or look like if we did with the american people say they want in the polling around the united states and so i think in many respects this is really the people's budget compared to what we see up in the capital which is the elites budget this is the people we're says nearly like live that's. live by the fact that most of that's why i behind closed doors i hear you have an office ally kevin thank you so much for joining us tonight. jeremy on. now coming up next house member who allegedly engaged in questionable insider trading practices is now it's hard for hearing to decide if legislation is needed to curb those options for the
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plaintiff explain that my full time segment and that is there a war on voting i decided states are working on changing their current voting laws making their apartments more straight some ways more expensive so that's something the house judiciary committee for the investigative escapist rocky's may return. there's a reason the reps and the. like what a protest nobody seems to know. but never a pepper spray to face quality argument that they're being overly dramatic.
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