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tv   [untitled]    November 18, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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get some closure see the story of the scene so you think you understand it and then something else some other part of it and realize that everything you saw. i'm sorry is a big. blow
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to the counseling i'm lauren lyster in. our guys inside outside the ward and tonight it goes to congressman spencer baucus a g.o.p. representative from alabama is the chairman of the house financial services committee and he found himself in the hot seat after sixty minutes aired a story this past sunday about legal insider trading going on i think congress baucus as well as several other members of congress allegedly use information from private meetings to trade stocks trade stocks and make
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a killing something that wall totally unethical is unfortunately technically illegal. for example insider trading on the stock market if you are a member of congress those laws are deemed not to apply so congressman get a pass on insider trading they do the fact is if you sit on a health care committee and you know that medicare for example is is considering not reimbursing first certain drug that's market moving information and if you can trade stock on off of that information and do so legally that's a great profit making opportunity and that sort of behavior goes on what is congress now the report called on house speaker john boehner and former house speaker nancy pelosi and spencer baucus and sixty minutes says that baucus that on the stock market taking a turn for the worse just a day after he met with ben bernanke and hank paulson. these meetings were so sensitive that they would actually call for skate cell phones and blackberries
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going into those meetings what we know is that those meetings were held one day and literally the next day congressman baucus would engage in stock options based on apocalyptic briefings that he had have the day before from the fed chairman the treasury secretary i mean talk about a stock tip well congressman now it's known here the baucus has denied it these allegations and according to think progress baucus made about twenty eight thousand dollars off of two hundred stock trades during the worst part of the financial crisis so now that sixty minutes is blown everyone's cover on these pretty disgusting practices arnie frank requested a hearing on the issue of insider trading and yesterday the house financial services committee decided that they would hold a hearing proposing legislation so determine how politicians would have to comply with insider trading but guess who made the announcement none other than a representative baucus himself after a one of the members who allegedly engaged in these shady practices is the chairman of the committee that's going to be holding the hearing so rest assured americans
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he's going to take care of it all i wonder if you can call it himself during this hearing to talk about how he feels about using nonpublic information for his own personal financial benefit at the exact moment when many americans are seeing their savings disappear before their very eyes so i make a rather cynical point here and say that i doubt that much is going to be accomplished if the financial services committee is the one getting to the bottom of the wrongdoing headed by one of the main then accused of the wrongdoing so you're showing us once again how corrupt and inefficient congress truly are it truly is for the baucus you are tonight's winner. and it's become clear that drones are going to play a central role in america's future not only of the unmanned aerial vehicles become one of the go to weapons for our military and the cia of rot but it also become a popular option for law enforcement to keep tabs on what's happening in their jurisdiction. we could launch this put it over a fire put it over has. put it over.
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and literally give the incident commander the ability to look at the entire scene. you. now our police say that it gives them a leg up on protecting the public groups like the a.c.l.u. of the concept of a constant level of surveillance against people but here's an interesting idea what if this surveillance concept was flipped wired's editor in chief chris anderson spot of the civilian with a drone equipped with a video camera at an independence day rally in poland and once the drone was in the air the camera gave a vivid image of what the riots looked like in warsaw and the number of police who were on the scene so for once the public didn't need to wait for the media or the police to release a bird's eye view of what was happening on the ground a regular citizen use their own road to gather all of that you know that was needed now granted this happened outside of us what does this mean for the concept of citizen journalism right here at home just think about media outlets have come to rely on the public playing reporter gathering video on their smartphones inside
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sharing it online on twitter facebook with the world we have yet to see that expand to aerial video see images like this would remove the need for a new stripers from a news organizations and more importantly more that mean this technology mean for the occupy movement reports of police brutality have been verified with cell phone video across the country just think about what could be clearly seen if these do it yourself drones are used during some of the most intense moments of these demonstrations like new york or in oakland it would hold law enforcement responsible for their actions with visual proof and give the public an opportunity to see what the movement looks like without any chance of media or police bias and of course i'm sure that we hear a lot of politicians and police departments critique this if we ever saw the technology being used in the u.s. let's not forget three states out there still make it illegal to even film the police but they're going to have to accept constant surveillance by the feds and the citizens surveil. spin and i can silver lining to keep law enforcement from using excessive force. now the next general election is less than
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a year away and the stakes for both parties are very high so running up to next november we've seen a trend beginning to form currently over thirty seven states of either adopted or have laws that are pending which are changing and in many ways upping the requirements to vote on the right may claim the voter fraud is an issue that plagues our elections in many ways these laws can also be seen as an effort to disenfranchise minorities and the poor those that often and their voting democrat so this week to talk house judiciary committee democrats ask the chairman to hold hearings on that so determine its state lawmakers are indeed only trying to make it harder for people to exercise their right as citizens so let's take a look at some of these laws and determine whether hearings that really are in order and discuss this with me is scott key is a reporter for think progress or scott thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you for having me on right now so we're going to break down a few of the states and specific types of laws in just a moment but overall when you look at this picture you look at the fact that thirty seven laws have these or thirty seven states have these laws that are in the works
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do you think that this is a sign of a you know of a massive movement an attempt to intimidate voters sure we've seen right through the twenty seven election when republican lawmakers not only took over in congress but in a lot of state houses one of the third things that they came in to do was introduce a lot of these voter restriction laws which really peel back voters ability to go to the polls now we're talking about new or strict new requirements for what they're have to bring in order to vote new restrictions on who can get registered new restrictions on who can register other people. making the actual time that you can vote in the early voting periods a lot shorter and more stringent this is absolute concerted effort we're seeing a pop up in a number of different speeds all right so if we look at the id requirements that are having a lot of states out there some people are comparing this to the poll tax because let's face it it costs money to go out and get a government. i didn't think about a fair comparison i met with a voter down in texas just last week and she had just moved she lost her i.d.'s in
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the movie and then she was actually rob so her other papers got. lost in that process in order for her to go get one of these ideas which are ostensibly free she needed to be able to go all the way back to missouri to get her birth certificate where she hadn't been since she was three days old a forty fifty sixty dollars to get it there then come back to texas in order to go to the d.p.s. and get a quote unquote free photo id i mean you and i know that this is not a free process she would have had to give up a day of work to go get this there are a number of barriers both monetary and time was that put up that make this really essentially a modern day poll tax much less than than a tiny hurdle for voters to jump over and some recent statistics now just to put it into perspective that two million people out there lack of. photo i.d.'s and a quarter of those are a quarter of african-americans also lack of proper documentation and so you can start seeing those things come into play now you today i wrote about texas taking
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it one step further this isn't even saying that you can't vote you can't register the same day this is trying to put restorations on the people that want to help register other voters right i wish they weren't the case but the new law in texas which is currently being reviewed by the department of justice one of the mandates is that for groups like the league of women voters groups like the next american legal defense fund who would help facilitate. individuals and groups were trying to register others to vote in voter registration drives now there are these major new restrictions on who can do that when you have to turn these in it and making it much more difficult for them to conduct their what you say who can do that you mean that you have to you have to be a citizen right you have to be somebody who also is able to vote and you can help other people register not even a citizen you have to be an elegy. texas voter no i spoke with disability rights texas there and so for individuals who are considered full guardians and they are
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not considered mentally capable of voting but a lot of them have really enjoyed being able to take part in the process by registering others to vote one individual would go run in his wheelchair and bring voter registration papers and you know anybody i mean you know are you registered to vote this is him engaging in the community because he's not an eligible texas voter he's going to not be able to do that if there's a law goes into effect i understand i've seen it because i am i only got my citizenship a couple of years ago and so since i was four years all of this country but for a very long time i was a legal resident and if i wasn't able to at least think gaging a process that i knew one day hopefully i would be able to participate in by trying to get other people that i would be upset now because there are individuals who are who this is their job who are going to get fired or laid off if there's no means of going to affect their job is to register others to vote but if this new law goes into effect that they have to be eligible voter citizens they're out of luck what can congress actually do about it let's say a pay to hold these hearings they start investigating it's going on in thirty seven
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different states you know can they change anything well you know we're hopeful obviously elections are state matters but there are a few tools that the federal government has in their in their quiver we've got the twenty fourth amendment which says that you cannot levy a poll tax against individuals which you know as we discuss this is a indirect poll tax but a poll tax nonetheless we've also got the voting rights act of nine hundred sixty five where your state has its on this state the burden is on the state to show that this is not discriminatory towards racial minorities and that's clearly not the case with these photo i.d.'s that we shown and from state to state to state in south carolina texas tennessee elsewhere that this is going to be most hardest hit among poor individuals and among minorities and they're going to be the ones disenfranchised so it's really you know it's depressing but unfortunately you think it is just a cycle that we're going to keep seeing repeated. throughout history the more we think we go forward the more they try to push back you know it's a lot of days it feels like
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a one step forward two steps back type of situation i see glimmers of hope up in maine the republican legislature up there passed a bill to repeal that state's election day registration law were citizens could register to vote at the polls that have been in place for forty years in maine the citizens revolted they signed up you know mass output of signatures they had a citizen referendum on the ballot a few weeks ago and they overwhelmingly vetoed the new bill from the legislature i think it was sixty one percent voted to veto that bill and now they still have the election there which station in maine so i'm hopeful that other states will be able to repeat this process that means leading the way on and you know that's good to see today because one of the many critiques you can say about the voting process here is that not that many people actually fell less than fifty percent of the population and so you see at least with these referendums that when something is bad enough people will and i want to thank you so much for joining us and i thank you. i saw the kind of night. and happy hour teen birth rates are
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surprisingly on the decline and herman cain decides that he needs more protection. right. he's the right. nobody seems to know. that given her straight face the argument that they're being overly dramatic. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then something else you
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hear see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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mr. to tonight's. your. this week we saw free speech and civil liberties organizations legal scholars members of congress and all of the leading tech companies come together in opposition of legislation that's working its way through congress for the massive internet campaign of wednesday as american censorship to bring light to the senate's bill to protect ip act and perhaps even more importantly the house version of the bill. two pieces of legislation being sold as a way to stop the piracy of copyrighted material online but now the cause is one that most everyone can get behind the tactics that means bills are not we've heard
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critics near and far say that this will in fact break or end the internet as we know it and either fresh or these bills will allow for websites deemed as dedicated to infringing activities blacklisted without any due process so who also allows private rights holders to cut off advertising and banking transactions to rogue websites again without any court intervention now to say that a finding a website is rogue is a massive understatement to allow rights holders to pressure credit card companies an ad networks letters asking for abuse and he reminder as to whether or not credit card companies will comply and fold but just think back to the financial blockade imposed on wiki leaks i visa paid all mastercard and western union pressure there came from the government pressure here what's going to come from exactly who would expect hollywood in the entertainment industry as a whole and so this is where looking at who's on either side of this debate it's very apparent that legislation in this country can be bought and paid for this is
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where you have to take a good hard look at the lawmakers who are still supporting this bill after all as we reported to you yesterday on the show even the bills made that very conceded that there are serious problems with the bill that need to be addressed and of rights groups tech giants and legal scholars alike who let's face it probably under . this legislation better than a lot of lawmakers if they all say that it's dangerous and why wouldn't you listen well the only reasonable conclusion is because you're being paid not to because you're being paid to do the bidding of the n.b.a. and. you put innovation the freedom of the internet all on the line throwing out due process creating a censorship policy that resembles those of countries artificial so often denounce that's not for the public good that's either completely naive and worse guided misguided or it's very simply corrupt but i think there is a light at the end of this tunnel planted this made big news this week the lawmakers are trying to change their tune and all that can be attributed to the massive effort online and in print media to bring attention to it so maybe there is
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still some hope that voicing concerns a loud and clear can stop in its path of destruction unfortunately it's probably not because they realize the dangers of the legislation they're proposing but because they don't want bad p.r. because they don't want the largest companies who let's face it also donate a lot of money to turn their backs on their campaigns in that sense google facebook linked in a.o.l. e-bay all of them putting their might and money into opposing these bills while still shows us that money is the only key to getting anything done in our political system and that's a much larger systemic problem that han't but it's perhaps the most blatant the lawmakers are so clearly going against the tide when it comes to progress and all reason let's hope to protect ip and so both fail but if they don't just remember this is a perfect example of legislation that was bought. our
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guys for half the hour and joining me this evening is r.t. producer jenny churchill and host of the bottom line and reform school on the. thanks for joining me ok so we've had way too much fun with herman cain lately with all of his little snack food. when it comes to libya and then he said the president don't even need to know foreign policy and so obviously the media has been all over herman cain because he's like his golden little ticket maybe always says something stupid and you love it but turns out that according starting yesterday he now gets his own private service security you can't speak secret service detail think look. the campaign is going for a new us and yes they did ask for the protections protection he's paid for by taxpayer money does not come from the campaign there has been some pushing and
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shoving in recent weeks between security and security for the cain campaign and some journalists we don't know if that was the cause for this. apparently because the washington post was reporting that you know this is because of scuffles with journalists but i guess that they asked for the secret service like three weeks ago or four weeks ago or something that really i mean i find it ironic that you have republican candidates and he's the only one so far that's had this have the taxpayers pay for their security detail well i mean i don't care if i do with their tax dollars going to this is what do you currently have to. write it which would you rather it were rick santorum but i'm just like i'm sorry journalists are not that scary celebration. really. you know where you're going to be we've got this we get this cast of characters here and it's inevitable that people will start taking interest in them right right and so herman cain's got the numbers he's a public figure i don't see this is all going to go and it's totally unnecessary he
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doesn't need it because he's crazy and people who try to assassinate people are crazy he's crazy therefore crazy love him. we're going to get really into the crazy thing quite a bit just for the meantime he is just i think a little challenge when it comes to having the smarts that you need to have the right to be the president and so last night jay leno actually had a little fun suggesting that maybe we could have the presidential candidates be on jeopardy take a look. category is famous monuments this structure in washington d.c. is named after our first president rick the. moment. just for. the show that's really. just the city. rick groups. that's. pretty
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good i wish i could have at it myself but we decided that's so funny that we bring it out could you imagine if herman cain michele bachmann and rick perry were all in jeopardy together it would look like. as a one day jeopardy champion i can tell you but the problem is you were one day. you know there's probably just have a clicker problems you know if you're worried about your experience here well you really have to master the clicker and you can be the smartest guy in the room and even if you can't sort of remember a time you will lose jeopardy and you will lose so you mastered the clicker for one by one they only last you they give you a little sort of practice beginning and if you kind of have to find your group and this is the thing about you know guys like cain and like perry they haven't really found their groove and if you don't have the right kind of campaign staff to prepare you for a national campaign then you'll run into some of this trouble and it's sad to see it happen because you know they should have just been better prepared to just carry on really not have enough people preparing them or is it that he just can't keep anything in his ok i don't think there's harry literally
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a number of people that could prepare these people to be president and i don't think a million people could do it and i have to say i came up with a few possible categories for the no you're going to go yeah well i was thinking you could do like women who have accused you of sexual harassment which cain has issues with naming or recognizing any list of three topics any list of three things and then also for michele bachmann other countries that should pay us back for things that we've done i think that's my favorite line is that we should be reimbursed by the people of iraq and. yeah i mean. i know it's like your team that we're talking about that these people are crazy you don't want any of them actually when you're into single digits you say things that will get you on the t.v. whether you're republican or democrat i think they've heard they're already on the t.v. right there are other candidates out there that aren't even being invited to the base these people are just they're just they're on the t.v. the media loves them and they're actually crazy to believe this stuff i think
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michele bachmann probably believes that we need to be reimbursed by iraq. i mean she said it multiple times. forgets for its one agency and you know obviously embarrassing he should have like just admit it in the first ten seconds and sort of first in three seconds but he did remember let me let me can you know a different story when cain blanks out on an entire sort of foreign policy question rather than oh i forgot the third agency one of course you know that is a much bigger deal much bigger money for us so you know i think i think rick perry is getting a tough time and i think he's actually responded to the gaffe pretty well as far as it goes whereas cain is i think sucking wind and it's well you know if you really care if he would kill romney in mind we are sorry next time here you know what romney just you know is some of the therapy if you like a car salesman. so ok this is a video that came out today about the white house shooter where he's well take a look. it's not just a coincidence that i look like jesus i am the modern day jesus christ that you all
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have been waiting for. and it's nothing about this guy is he also you know those that know him say that he became obsessed with eleven eleven eleven and thinking that the world was going to end on that day i mean it sounds to me like the guy probably needs help you know maybe he might need to be in a mental institution or something like that but i just think it's a little much that they want to charge him with attempted assassination. you know if it's a stretch based on what the provable facts of the case they've got a guy they've got a gun they've got a hold on the white house you know window or whatever it is but when you're trying to meet that bar you have to meet an evidentiary hurdle and my understanding is that it's not quite there so we'll see how far this case actually goes in court obviously they want to throw the book out and you know i understand that but certain things pass in a court of law and certain things don't and i think in this case it's a bit of structure an obvious defense just the obvious defense is going to be insanity he's going to plead insanity and i don't think any of this is even going
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to matter i just can't imagine you know taking someone who believes that he is jesus and that obama is the anti-christ he said he was a modern day. but then he made that that assumption comes from the fact that he looks like that's how he gets and that's the reason. that he looks like i mean that you know you appreciate that he's sort of like a scrambling are sort of preconceptions about race and ethnicity and politics like that's sort of a nice reminder of how crazy all americans really can be but chooses. ok we're going to wrap it up you guys thanks for joining me tonight i think tonight so thanks for tuning in they should come back on monday mike riggs reason magazine is going be joining us for happy hour in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of you on a show on facebook and follow us on twitter you missed any of the nights or any other night you know it's fashionable in. washington want to show you a fine interview as well as the show in its entirety and coming up next is the
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