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tv   [untitled]    November 19, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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an i've. this is our team moscow and tonight tar is returned to cairo central square sees fierce clashes between riot police and protesters demanding the military hand over the civilian government. in syria fresh clashes erupt despite the imminent deadline set for the comforter therapies to end the violence russia's been saying the bloodshed will only end if both sides put down their arms. and libyan authorities catch him while gadhafi son saif al islam and already suggesting could face the death penalty but there are question marks over the fairness of a trial conducted in the media. i.
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must reaction to yet more heavy handed us policing against demonstrators as officers pepper spray seated students at a california university they were peacefully protesting against social inequality and she wished hikes. hello eleven pm saturday night here in moscow you're watching r t with me kevin zero in on the top story tear gas and stones of flying once again in tahrir square as riot police and protesters clashing cairo state television says over one hundred fifty people have been injured and protesters have taken to the streets protesting against the military rule loosely been in control now since president mubarak was toppled in february they demanded we would draw all of the proposal that declares the military the guardian of constitutional legitimacy the protest was raised by
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these the mr muslim brotherhood and supported by some secular activists pepe escobar is a columnist and correspondent for the asia times he said that this comes ahead of crucial elections and may lead to another revolution. if they repress this syrian style this is going to get out of hand specially against the muslim brotherhood and if we see let's see a little large group of what's going to really to read a square with all the factions of the muslim brotherhood close to google generation everybody in this square i guess the military dictatorship here is see which is something that could happen within the next few few weeks let's put it this way then we're going to have her you square to every single depends on these parliamentary elections to start in a few days to go on for a few months they're going to elect their constituents the assembly and then they go to promulgate the new gustafson of the country and every single writes from that syria's facing sanctions from the arab league has its automated against the
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country's leadership expires within hours now earlier this week in cairo based party suspended syria and promised tougher action if president bashar assad fails to end the violence and his middle east correspondent paula slayer says the noose is tightening around the syrian leaders make. the arab league did say today saturday as the deadline for the syrian authorities to the spawned a peace plan proposal that is on the table now this proposal includes insisting that the syrian military withdrew from those areas where there has been no continues to be violence there also freaking sanctions against the syrian president bashar assad if he does not bring this violence under control now the latest word we have from the syrian authorities was mine officials speaking anonymously he spoke on friday and he said that in principle the same regime agreed to the proposal particularly the proposal by the arab league to stay in hundreds of observers to syria to study the situation on the ground other than him we've heard
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no other word from the syrian regime about this date non-athletes are indeed time now at the same time it hasn't been any response from the arab league itself now it is important to note that there have been demonstrations both for and against the syrian regime thousands of people taking to the streets so the syrian society certainly is divided over this issue throughout the week there was a lot of of tensions mounting both within syria and internationally over this arab league proposal now the united kingdom has begun a formal talks with the syrian opposition critics here saying that the situation mirrors what we saw happening in libya at the same time france has said that it is too late for the syrian regime she will form at sotheby's today for to implement any kind of reforms but russia has said that it is never too late and it has called on both sides to lay down arms and says there is an urgent need for the situation to be neutralized with particular point being made against the opposition many of whom defected from the syrian army many of whom are armed with russia saying that
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they team need to be held responsible and lay down arms so the russian point the situation is complicated it needs balance and of course the international community very much involved and keeping a close eye on what happens when this deadline expires. let's get more reaction on developments concerning syria with jason did seize that list of u.n. the u.s. based web site and he wore the comb jason good seats and i think stay with this thank you for having me now says it will finish work on reform by the end of the year and none the less though countries like the u.s. france and britain say that it will help it's too late and the president. just how far do you think the states might go in their push against the syrian leadership. well history's any indication though go farther than they probably should. and i think it's very much true that it's never too late to reform but the will to reform is a serious question here and so far we've had
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a lot of promises of reform and very little action to that end so so you say the u.s. france and britain are right to. not necessarily i think the assad regime although if it had reforms say six months ago we would have a lot less of this mess than we do today and. i think even if they did follow through with this promise to fully reform by the end of the year i think they're going to have these defectors fighting against them for quite some time now just just as a function of having riled up a lot of people with a violent crackdowns what you might call the first syria's neighbors take in jordan talking tough now. well i think it's quite interesting particularly with turkey that they seem to have. sort of thrown assad overboard he's he's done
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a long time ally of the turkish government but it seems like they're throwing their lot in with the syrian national council and the free syrian army and supporting them surprisingly openly. and so it's not a funny old world of the best of times with her ironic isn't it that this big deadly crash lands a government protest is it another middle east country or a distant yesterday passing through the streets that yes yes no reaction of that from the u.s. and its allies but it seems to be a very different story when it comes to syria one of these differences between syria and bahrain for instance but i think that's the case with a lot of countries and we haven't just seen it with the united states we've seen it with saudi arabia who has roundly condemned the crackdowns in syria but actually took part in the crackdowns and bahrain. a lot of these countries are trying to use the arab strain which is merely
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a winter at this point to their own ends and hoping that whatever comes out of them is going to benefit them and if it doesn't look like it's going to benefit them then they're not so supportive we've seen the pictures over the last week we show you on this channel of the heavy fighting that was going on in syria course russia's position just reiterate here is that. both the syrian government and the rebels should be held accountable for the violence on both sides and lay down on course you can france taking a different stance things they're ready to talk with the syrian opposition but they're ignoring the syrian government they don't talk to them anymore you know it's fair. well i don't know if it's fair but i don't think it's surprising either it seems like. these countries haven't had a good relationship with the assad regime for a long time they are seeing an opportunity and a potential regime change here and they're supporting it so i think it's not
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a question of fair it's just a question of. doing what they always do if we're having this conversation three months hence what position is syria going to be and then do you think. well it depends what happens between now and then but yes we're still ceasing the same sort of promises of reform which crackdowns continuing i think it's going to be a much uglier situation because it seems like violent crackdowns not just in syria but in libya in egypt in bahrain you largely haven't worked feet just stare up at population you get angrier and angrier and the longer it goes on the worse it's going to be any case this political analyst in the u.s. based web site as well dot com thank you for your thoughts thank you now libya state t.v. has released a photo of moammar gadhafi son saif al islam by the country's authorities now the libyan ministry of justice said he'll be tried in the country and could face the death sentence the image shows a man who appears to be siphoned
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a hospital bed with his right arm band they just it's thought he was seized by the military will attempting to escape to new jersey with two aides after weeks on the run angry crowds reported the storm the plane that flew into the libyan city is in town ways being held that nami base now to tell think shermer a philosophy professor at philadelphia university jordan told us he. would be treated fairly. it's unfortunate that syphilis lam has been captured and i think that it's sad because he will not stand. trial in the media after what we have seen what the new government have done or a very big. what the court called diffusion in media have done with his father and brother previously nonetheless i don't think that the people who are opposing the new regime in libya will put down their weapons and i think that the struggle will continue on for. months to come years to come.
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so if alyssum spoke to r.t. in july this year during our interview he admitted his mistake in opening is arms to outsiders and later he says turned their backs on his family this is a message to everybody you have your strong you never trust them. you have to be. open but it is believe that it's because if you you were nice with everybody and you brought all the enemies from abroad to libya and this that is a to be honest. i was naive because we just like to watch the full interview with her face you can on our website r.t. dot com it's also a you tube channel so you would have realized. the latest people to feel the sharp end of the police crackdown on the occupy protesters california university students soup set up tents on campus police in riot gear used pepper spray at least one
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woman suffered chemical burns as a result the officers response is because the students refused to move out is gonna change you can't force this through footage of the police action. didn't think babies california were peaceful we protesting social inequality and tuition hikes when they were surrounded by police and pepper sprayed a shortage coming from there is is astonishing you can see how a police officer pepper spray on students who were peacefully sitting on the walkway sprayed the flank of students and on crime and then went back to spray them once again. also really paintball guns at students faces people who were saying how aggressively their fellow protesters were treated other cities like old point where they were tear gassed where the war veterans were injured or new york where police are strong that has shown such brutality yes he saw protesters that you know shot the whole world a number of journalists were arrested even after they show their credentials my
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colleague in secret performance was struck by police for a time while who porting helicopters were there any firm bringing live coverage of the air occupier sent the treatment that they received from the police more than smaller thousand peaceful protesters have been arrested nationwide in the last two months more than four thousand any other country would be international we recommend it for violating the rights but ironically it doesn't seem to be the case when it comes to the united states a country that preaches freedom of expression people are protesting social injustice and the overwhelming influence of large corporations over decision making in the country under different pretenses are already said in taking protesters out of there are right the patients and business happening all across the nation. still to come this success or failure. i'm hopeful that they'll continue with their efforts and they will get work two months brought doesn't do any of them. change the bikers mind we put it well we had
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a lot of the streets of new york to find out whether the occupy movement is likely to leave a heavy footprint on u.s. history we try to gauge what people think. the u.n. general assembly has adopted a resolution condemning a rant over the alleged conspiracy to kill the saudi ambassador to washington and that's a claim to run cause and substantiated it comes as the u.n. nuclear watchdog called an around the answer outstanding questions over its atomic program the u.s. has also promised to introduce new unilateral sanctions on the middle east all with industry your monday he did with the diplomatic pressure on iran is coming amid reports that israel is considered a military strike on iran's facilities said mohammad marandi from to run university told us sanctions do not have any effect on iran but do expose u.s. weakness on the issue. they've been imposed sanctions. on the ronnie and oil ministry for years now and be iranians continue to develop oil and gas fields they continue to develop a chemical petro chemical industry but i don't think there's going to be any change
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whatsoever basically what it is doing it is that it is showing the american hand and how americans are really i'm able to do anything about iran so in general the iranians feel that the americans are their strength is weakening and we even see that in the latter in the statement issued by. a board that it did not contain any of the major elements that the americans were seeking. relative to find an american for a trans an american pow pow or both at the political level as well as. economic this ability to apply economic pressure. political analysts from lebanon told that some states are avoiding cooperating with the rand so there will be further isolated. americans and the western powers are trying to put in the corner this has nothing to do with the plot against the saudi ambassador
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or the nuclear program this has to do with political seeing in the region because iran has been really think all these policies in the region for local prying iraq or a position of the american of course encouraging some groups in syria iran actually has been showing that its nuclear program is a separate program while they are forgetting is writing programs they have two hundred nuclear warheads and of course the americans will try to cover up such a problem in the middle east if they want to really succeed they have to search all the region for the nuclear reactions whether in iran or in in israel. over r.t. dot com tonight moscow says it will seek international arrest warrant for an american couple found guilty of the death of adopted russian child given what's
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been seen as an extremely lenient and human one i'm about that someone from us also sort of the rocket will kill you long before you hear it washington testing out a missile that's six times faster than the speed of sound that could potentially reach any target on the planet within an hour. that fears in the eurozone attorney display now as its borrowing costs approach alarming levels the e.u. fourth largest economy is preparing itself for tomorrow's parliamentary elections and that he's winning political report snakes none of the candidates are offering an answer to raging unemployment and financial stagnation. there are two main parties contending for the elections at the moment the socialist party which is which has been a. party however over the past couple of days that we have been observing
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especially here in madrid. does not look like any party will actually win with a majority. become disillusioned with any of the choices the. political table as a matter of fact the socialist been in power for the last several years and they happen to people blame for not noticing the economic downturn for not reacting to the crisis properly and plunging spain. not just turn mind you the country has one of the highest employment rates in europe it's more than twenty four percent it has the highest unemployment rate among young people according to one of the spanish research companies in the four thousand people have been losing their jobs in spain every single day more than five million people in the country do not have a provider for their homes and unfortunately for a lot of people believe the situation worse before it will get better especially
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looking for a leader out of the nation's money problems british journalist and political thriller wood says the real solution is. the bankers priorities. all want to guard their all interest the aggressor good on bankers that is to come out smiling i'm sure they all believe that this instant there's a need to do something but when it comes down to the concrete proposals of what is to prevent of course was built no beams of thought in fact there's a sharp disagreement so if greece for example were to leave the common law which is a possibility i think a real possibility what they go see is the consequence of quite dramatically you can do that well without provoking the kind of domino reaction we should be followed records by other countries by ireland by by portugal by spirit and good things because even from school who is no under threat the markets are picking on the first sort of therefore we may be witnessing the beginning of
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a process which could be to the brink of view of not just of the euro but the big part of the unit you know yourself which would have prevented consequences for every country in europe including germany but we are also for the united states of the world economy which is what previous include telephoto and is even nations labor to try and preserve the endangered banking sectors max keiser states it states have a focus on have some banks and using the new founded munity to buff up their account sheets it goes on for cars report coming your way twenty one hundred g.m.t. . they blame themselves that was fantastic about having customers when i was writing on the wall street you lose the money and they're playing themselves you just keep still no money and they keep crying about. me help me relieve me of my money in the guilt they're just still money now and there are still money accompanied by a knock on the head and thrown into prison that's what happens when you are kleptocrats around the system either it's in greece ireland america the u.k.
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this is their methodology. but as one of our top stories the u.s. campaign against corporate greed has faced that nationwide police crackdown on i talk show host laurie half in a studio in new york spent trying to find out what legacy the movement is likely to leave behind now. has the occupy wall street movement achieved its goal of creating a shift in the system or is it slowly becoming a blip but history probably won't remember this week let's talk about that i think they've brought some attention to the issues that nobody really wants to talk about so. if it becomes part of the conversation i think they've accomplished something but there's still a lot of work to do i'm hopeful that they'll continue with their efforts and they will get it is to make people think it won't make
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a big difference so i think we'll think about it for a while and then go back to the ball. to parker's mind. but i think that's one of the problems no one really knows what their mission is other than because people lot of problems do you think if they had a leader that would help them define what their movement and i think if they had were that organizing cry of jobs wouldn't be so laying around last week i'll be honest with you i don't know what the message is so clearly they haven't communicated bad well not at all so how is it going to go down in history he begged i don't think that we've been much in history down the road i don't think it's going to be there it's not significant pace or feel like it figment again it always just everybody something they feel passionate about significant but so well there's it's not every revolution starts with someone just getting pissed enough to say i don't care what happens to me i'm going to make a change and then hopefully other people add on to that so what's the next step how do they add on. i don't know i guess you get the middle class that's kind of
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comfortable that doesn't see that is a real problem because they're comfortable you either get them involved or uncomfortable if you think they're going to go out when it starts now. i hope so because then i'll all feel better about it because the worst conditions they endured as we go along i think the moral feel supporting of it they need to go do a little bit more and then history will have a chance at remembering them two months protest doesn't do it but you've got to stick it out whether or not you think the acapella wall street movement has achieved its goals the bottom line is it will be interesting to see if the protesting continues when the snow right. around the world in briefly after a four day national assembly is back from the country president hamid karzai for a long term security pact with the us i was a deal would come with conditions including an end to night raids on afghan civilian homes by foreign troops it's a major cause of friction between washington and carb all in
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a strategic agreement is aimed at keeping four military forces in afghanistan after twenty four the un has said the number of afghan civilians killed in the first half of this year rose fifteen percent over a thousand of. the fifty two cards on the job and also bans killed three many more injured the crash left dozens of cars in a tangled mess the weather was foggy at the time. that is what triggered the halves of the incident happened to grow in germany for the. record rainfall failed flood control projects are being blamed on thailand's four month long floods the science and technology minister also attributed the deluge to climate change monsoon season came weeks earlier than usual it's killed nearly six hundred people since september kashmir's big bitterly fought over for decades by india and pakistan is taking its toll on the thousands of hindus who've been forced from their homeland those who stayed behind face continued persecution
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but they're determined to stick it out and encourage those who fled to return at his press figures chris. on every corner in his neighborhood vickie ganju can see mosques women dressed in his jobs and men working at home while butcher shops it's part of the culture of srinagar kashmir ever since one thousand nine hundred nine when an alleged papa son backed insurgency began in the area today ninety five percent of the people living in kashmir are most slims vickie ganju a hindu from the caste known as pundits is one of the exceptions we faced many problems biggest being the destruction of our house from a post away going to shoulder all the responsibilities of money for years of a very tender age ganju says his family's house was burned down during a period of particularly heated communal violence the indian government has said that around two hundred pundits were killed in the ten years since the insurgency began but other organisations say the number of killings could be as high as three
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thousand as a result ganju witnessed a mass exodus of his people in the past twenty years hundreds of thousands of hundreds have migrated from kashmir causing the population to shrink from one hundred thousand for around three thousand while many have started to come back most they still face this for many say despite obtaining a master's degree since his father's death can choose says he has been unable to hold down a steady job and has been living in a tiny unheated room with his mother and brother because of their tiny numbers in kashmir many pundits like him believe they will always be largely ignored by those in political power there is no one but if the government comes up with any packages for us there is some possibility otherwise even the remaining few families will also move out of kashmir i think i will leave kashmir or other pundits however are more optimistic v.j. sauce left the kashmir valley more than twenty years ago he's now back and is
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looking forward to a chance to reconnect to his past and john's. fight back because this is my right and nobody can and i'd rather he's a from a lot of the minority. and this to me while sas acknowledges the struggle his people have in george he has faith eventually more pundits will decide to return we expect not to do it basically this is. going to see in next ten years i'm telling you after one hundred years. i may not be here but the question will be here and i believe that taking pride in their religion and returning to their roots preassure either our t. srinagar india. going to hell in a couple of minutes not we put one of russia's most colorful politicians under the spotlight find out who but after a recap of our headlines coming up next. journey
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the length of life. the desire for the best of things
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hunger that drowns out our inner world. the story of one man who returns whom after years of alienation. media jumps right pass on watching. twenty years ago the largest country in the absence of traces of. what had been looking. at each began adjourned. for where did it take.


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