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tv   [untitled]    November 20, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EST

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top news of the week occupy wall street has marked its two month anniversary with an unprecedented protest all over the u.s. hundreds have been arrested pepper sprayed and beat but the movement lopes a sat on its causes ever. violent sparks off in egypt once again is a great all of the arab spring sees tear gas and rubber bullets with thousands of protesters all across the country saying military rule was destroying the results of the february revolution. bureaucracy a sound wave of unalike their favorite state power in europe as the blocks much vaunted democracy is seen as being placed on the back burner and face of detonating
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the debt crisis. plus the syrian president refused to crack under international pressure on violent a threat of further sanctions and tough diplomatic a tap still fears we're about to see another reagan style intervention. if you're watching r t coming to you live from moscow i'm marina joshie welcome to the program anti-corporate protest escalated all across the u.s. as the occupy wall street movement marked two months since its inception hundreds were arrested this week ask only store down activists camps all over the country including where it all began in september the park in new york however it did nothing to stop thousands gathering to demonstrate again evidence has been emerging off disproportion of police action in response to you mostly peaceful protests at
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the university of california a group of students staging a sit down protest were pepper sprayed. and the guardian newspaper is reporting that moon was showing actually beating an iraq war veteran you know the man suffering ruptured spleen but as arsons says into going to reports the crackdown only seems to be hardening the result of protest. human tsunami of tens of thousands of people flooded the streets of new york. hundreds arrested dozens beaten dragged and abused by police thousands more protests across the u.s. on thursday the feast of america's civil war against corporate greed and wealth inequality you could park the place where occupy wall street was born looks nothing like it did just a couple of days ago officials were hoping that a big thing of protesters would put an end to the movement but this has backfired a day of action brought more people out onto the streets with more bigger than ever
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before it's absolutely a story we haven't seen something like this in america thirty forty years and its history of eating itself the pleasure to make of it what you see to have three months of his history making two months after all keep by wall street kickstarted in the big apple new york authorities decided to kick protesters out of their camp bloomberg expose themselves as the clueless out of touch third world and dictator that he would like to be his forceful eviction only added more fuel to the fire a way that we were sort of discarded like trash that our civil liberties were really run over by our billionaire mayor has galvanized a lot of people another more powerful stage of occupy wall street out of being campaigned and all over the city said oh we're absolutely at stage two i think what happened yesterday was we showed the world that we are strong we are numbers i'm or we're angry about what's going on and we want we want solutions protester see the lack of a campaign the presence of police violence and the fact that officials remain deaf
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to demands who only in power. them more they don't store to so. it will happen later and through coaching their desire to stick by each other is now stronger than before think the blish i love you thank you for being appreciate you guys agreeing. a new dawn for the occupy wall street movement has broken on the horizon mr churkin or archie. holland and added her and senior writer at the online magazine alter an ad says there are signs that the movement is a falling from a protest a full grown revolution based on the many many people that i've interviewed that were part of the new i would say that there is an extremely strong sense of resolve you know we almost missed the point when we call it a protest movement a lot of the people who i've interviewed see themselves as part of
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a nonviolent revolution and to really deeply entrenched status quo so you know revolutionary whether we like them or not are people who are pretty dedicated to their cause i don't see this going away anytime soon. art is not if five of us were the latest occupy action is unfolding in oakland and she's sharing her impressions on her twitter feed the squeeze he's reporting that more than five hundred people are gathering in an empty area owned by the city and bringing chance despite the police prohibition they expect officers to arrive and start arresting people within hours to follow the story as it breaks on our t.v. and our twitter feed. meanwhile the cradle of the arab spring egypt that inspired protesters all around the globe is once again seen brutal clashes police used tear gas and rubber bullets against dozens of thousands of demonstrators who are it turns a tough for your square in cairo one person's been killed and around seven hundred
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injured during two days of clashes protests have been raging all across the country with demands for the draw of a constitutional draft i declare as the military the guardian of constitutional legitimacy critics say it will mean a return to the same problems as under hosni mubarak regime and us based radio host stephen lyman says the new military rule well rowing their results of the winter uprising. things are worse going to the military. who are under mubarak people who. are social issues completely. pressured. thousands of. imprisoned tortured put into crowds the military tribunals no just going to need leaders.
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will cause a presidential election until sometime in two thousand and thirteen. it will mean taking some green power it will. veto power because their own problems. and coming out a bit later in the program iran and the frying to run is pressure from all sides with the i.a.e.a. one of the questions over its alleged nuclear pursuit clears and the u.s. threatening to unleash israel if the islamic state doesn't drop its activities also . and spaniards head to the poll in the country's general elections but will it bring about any positive changes more than that in just a few short minutes. meanwhile across the european union the ongoing debt crisis has sparked an upheaval in the blocks political landscape from greece to italy an elected euro crabs are on the standard as democracy gives way to
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a desperate struggle for economic survival and italy power has gone to e.u. veteran mario monti after he's nomination as a senator for life to replace in column one silvio berlusconi wasting little time he unveiled his new strategy the very day he took office more sturdy more cuts more tax hikes but markets are far from convinced was debt interest rates across the e.u. reaching catastrophic levels this week and as r.t. sarah ferguson reports it's all providing great thought for the unification agenda of wafts prime financial powerhouse and on the cleared leader. it was never going to be easy to put it that unite europe seventeen countries of which you know on the one currency fierce criticism we just the beginning of a dishonest and downright dangerous journey president. to revive t.v. constitution but to do it in such
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a way that you would have the boy referendums in the key member states some might now be wishing they'd heeded the warnings one after another and then the states begin to wobble its least being the latest country to come under scrutiny we have been witnessing in the last. growing pressure from europe and i'm talking in particular from crohn's and germany hardly the u.k. certainly the european parliament and the commission it's going to start quite is to say first the leaders of greece and italy were placed by people who were never elected to office he knew their way around brussels and here it is really with berlusconi now gone doesn't. paying for reforms now need to be implemented to meet . for the first time since the crisis began talks have now begun to turn to the possibility of exit from the euro or the creation of the cool europe countries like
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germany seem to be leading the way i think it's not in the best interest of the germans to keep on going with this i think you know you have you have behaved badly we're going to punish that's not a union in united states of america you. barely imagine texans behaving badly and you think obama is going to we're going to kick you out of united states of america no they're not going to be going sense a bad year and a good year equate has not gone unnoticed by struggling countries what is clear that those who either spend this now face up to painful austerity measures the sense of being treated like a naughty school child they need added to the growing strain. community if it's really starts to behave well so to say there will expose much more france and especially germany to the times there must be up to a say two to express a politically defeat not just for their own countries but for europe as a whole your attentions have no list but. punish political leaders that
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curating the theat in dealing with the crisis in struggling economies like italy even though you predict for mistakes italy's being considered by many to test case for the entire a year if it fails and it could take down the entire fifth the big question now is whether or not those measures can fix feet whether we'll see them going the same way as previous measures put forward by european leaders it's a failed to come up with a convincing year of rescue a third party. well in spain voters have started casting their ballots to voice their rage against an epidemic of unemployment and poverty gripping the country polls show the ruling socialist fashion is set to give way to the popular party which is riding a wave of public discontent over uncompromising a stary style cross lifestyle correspondent in madrid for more while today for cheeriness so do bring us up to speed with what's happening where you are at the
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moment. well as you have said the polls have opened indeed in spain and also of course the socialist party which is the ruling party right now is expected to lose to the popular or the people's party however the question remains whether or not there will be a huge margin between the two parties you have to understand that at this point spain is a brain is it is in very dire situation once europe's third largest economy right now the country is losing the country's experiencing tremendous problems of employment there are more than five million people without jobs right now one and a half million households i do not have a wage earner at all in fact there was a census conducted here recently and i found that in september an average four thousand people have been losing jobs daily in the country and this is of course the situation that the winner will have to deal with you also have to realize that the country has the highest unemployment rate among the young people in the
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european union in fact there is a kind of a sad joke going around spain right now that majority of the pizza delivery men here have master's degree at least and of course because that is because a lot of people who do spend a lot of money on education end up not being able to get a job so here's the deal basically a lot of people are have been saying that they're just simply not going to go to the polls because they help in this intransitive with the entire political situation they do not like the choices that either of the political parties present because of course while the socialists are saying they're not going to cut health and education systems because they have already been cut severely promised there will be pension cuts and on the other head of course the popular party is probably going to cut their pensions and also will touch the health and education systems so really there is whoever is going to win in this election will not bring about any positive changes a lot of people understand that increasing numbers of spinners are thinking of moving abroad either to other european countries or to latin america so this.
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election is really going to show what is going on in the country by the number of people who actually turn out to vote because a lot of them are simply not going to do that because they have lost in the country's political system out of other things for much indeed for bringing us this update from spain where the voting is taking place there in a recording. a lot more is coming up this hour in russia shaves its answer to the new foundations a way for the creation of a new konami blocking your asia bearing similarities with the european union but sir to avoid its mistakes. shisha is between russia and the u.s. on the controversial anti-missile the failed system in europe are bogged down once again it's suspicion of washington's actions and warnings of moscow's response. to rocket propelled grenades have hit a half waters of syria's governing body party in the capital damascus witnesses say
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the attack happened early in the morning when the building was mostly empty it comes after syria's president asad vowed not to bow down and continue his resistance to foreign pressure the country is facing sanctions from the arab league after the bodies ultimatum for the regime to and watch it expired on saturday syrian human rights activists claim around two dozen people have been killed in clashes over the weekend meanwhile the country's opposition leaders are trying to bridge that was one of the approach to spearhead a diplomatic campaign against parties are back looks into the allegations. after its pivotal role in the overthrow moammar gadhafi resumes become the new go to guy when there's trouble in the middle east prime minister david cameron's been handpicked as team captain for another libya style control group aimed at forcing president bashar al assad out to begin with it will be a diplomatic offensive to russia peace it's an overreaction that could pave the way
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for military intervention. we suggested in order to put in place all countries concerned with a peaceful outcome of developments and serious she demanded not only from the syrian authorities but also from the opposition the stop the violence the ongoing attacks on government buildings in syria looks like a civil war. at the moment there's no mention of milledge. reaction from britain their offensive is purely verbal for now but that's exactly how the libyan intervention began and the timing is very similar to the opposition in syria is now militarized making a much easier to support and adds more weight to any international threats. that are of them house for regime change is clearly very very strong and we should learn the lessons of thousands and thousands. of the night of bombing. and nato bombing or any other intervention any other military intervention will have even
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more serious consequences because of the regional threat the whole question of iraq the whole question of israel the ukase apparently been handed its leading role by king abdullah of jordan so far the only arab leader to publicly call for to quit but the patience of ceres other neighbors and crucial regional brokers is now wearing thin to the arab league suspended series membership but free syrian army has been the main driving force behind the growing opposition movement most to defectors from the army launching their latest attack on a security base russia and china still appealing for dialogue as a way to end what they call to weigh in violence they're desperate to avoid another libya style intervention but that chance may be fading or the wheels are already in motion for a coordinated attack it's verbal for now but when it came to libya it wasn't long before the words were backed up by weapons and bombs either bennett's r t. russia refused to back calls for president assad to step down after hosting syria's
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opposition council in moscow earlier this week during their meeting with foreign minister sergei lavrov he said dialogue was impossible without sufficient pressure on the syrian regime this has a brand of moscow to reverse its stance that both sides should be engaged in peace negotiations beirut based researcher sarovar sect says the conflict won't be resolved unless the opposition lays down arms the syrian government and the military and intelligence services are being attacked quite violently and my well armed people there's not really much chance for the syrian government to take the troops from the streets to the tanks pressure is being directed only to one side in the conflict is to cite it and so we really need to start focusing on the escalation of the opposition in syria if there is a civil war has to be a burden at this point the way the opposition is framing things they're not
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thinking about how many people are still in the country and who support president and this is really really potentially destructive because they could pretend they're a popular movement and of course they have a lot of support but they also have a lot of opposition in syria people come into the streets by the tens of thousands to protest for the government and for president assad and right now the opposition is considering that they're not thinking about the fact that the marketing means that they're going to have to dialogue with all syrians including those people who support president assad. pressure kept piling on iran this week over the country's nuclear program the international atomic watchdog has called into iran to clear up all the outstanding questions on the matter the u.s. has promised to introduce new sanctions against the country's oil industry washington also reportedly told iran to rev up its nuclear program by spring two thousand and twelve or it will stop holding back israel's long planned tap on the islamic republic top of such a strike has been heard from israel for the past two weeks following the i.a.e.a.
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report that failed to disprove iran's drive for nuclear weapons or he said he said no we took a closer look at the case and found some startling riders of another country whose alleged weapons talks were played up as a pretext for attack. iran has long been a hot topic bomb iran. but. the greatest threat that america and the world faces had faced was a nuclear iran but it's heated up since last week's report from the un's nuclear watchdog sparking fears iran was pursuing atomic weapons the i.a.e.a. says iran developed a high explosives initiation system a detonator with the help of a foreign experts question that aren't actually heard is called at the mystery science or was it a russian by some western movie even though the i.a.e.a. report doesn't name and he's not russian by ukrainian many years now former weapons
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inspector david albright talks not sort of scientists nuclear conventional on c.n.n. weapons show that how to build of a thin hemispherical shell with holes in it and where the detonation happens and you simultaneously set off explosive pellets in a series of holes in that are going to shell and those explosive pell pellets ignite the high explosive underneath and in a very spiritual way it compresses the core and then you get a nuclear explosion which is known then he is a scientist but not a nuclear specialist those who actually know danny and say this. he worked in a clear facility but not every person who does is a nucleus specialist he's actually trained to construct an airplane and it's not the i.a.e.a. that is questioning him now but journalists iranians nevertheless all right accused is going to come who specialize in nano diamonds in iran working with the iranians
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to help them miniaturize their nuclear warhead so they can put it on top of one of their missiles so it can be fired her own right hand history out of pointing fingers just as poor iraq was invaded he said this in two thousand and two. terms of the chemical and biological weapons iraq has those now how many how could they deliver them i mean these are big questions then backtrack to the l a times once no w m d's were discovered in iraq. if there are no weapons of mass destruction i'll be mad as hell i certainly accept the deal administration's claims on chemical and biological weapons i figured they were telling the truth and some u.s. politicians think non-truths could be repeating with iran and i'm afraid what's going on right now is similar to the war propaganda when i want to instill iraqi you know they didn't have. weapons of mass destruction but there were enough official
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reports implying otherwise in terms of the report there is limited information a lot of the reason it's limited is because it's most likely that iran does not know it is you know if it is the case iran does not have a nuclear weapons program out right there promoting days hours who could be called critics say the public especially in the us are about to be inundated with another flood of so-called expert analysis the where of a dangerous mideast country that's presumably hiding secret nuclear weapons and may require a military strike the difference this time it's iran not iraq and he's now an artsy moscow. oh is more out our website or to comment here is what's online for you to say it off is most prominent sounds finally there is a levy is new rulers but questions remain on whether he'll make it alive to the hague or share the faith of his life father. and there is
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a huge sigh of relief that the space community as a three man crew successfully docks with the international space station as a person manned mission to fly after walking full of supplies crashed in august. this week washington has again refused to provide legal guarantees to russia that the cost of earthly u.s. anti-missile system based in eastern europe won't threaten its national security this has long been the kremlin's key demand russia's i'm going to nato dmitri we're gazan says that moscow will not abandon its terms it's going to stop the huge commitment then so we will never put our strategic potential stake americans in not installing the anti missile defense system in southern europe the region where a threat may exist they doing it in the north and there are no other countries but russia with our strategic potential we're not going to allow this if we eventually fail to reach any agreement with russia will prepare an adequate response. and
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russia along with some of its posts partners has moved closer to creating a new economic body eurasian economic union is expected to be set up by twenty fifteen modeled on the best of the european union artistic work is going off reports on the ambitious plan. three nations twenty million square kilometers of land one giant now u.v.-a. the spirit but we won't repeat the mistakes of the european union knowing to gratian we're conscious of what we're doing and to stand who we are integrating with what you know three countries sharing a common history and today we're forming a common economy. starting from january first next year's seventeen agreements aimed at creating a unified economic speech will come into force the eurasian union will be based on the already existing customs union between the three nations which are among the largest economies in the balls or the area within its framework in just six months russia bellew's in kazakhstan managed to increase their total trade turnover by
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over forty percent. in case of a crisis in this configuration it's much easier and even more appropriate not only to overcome any negative consequences but turn risks into possibilities. its plans that way twenty fifteen the union will not only have one borderline an economic zone but we switch to one currency as well. or aspiring to join ukraine is selling our team which will be becoming a member of the news because of this sort of cooperation means more jobs bigger salaries and a chance to boost reforms and modernize our country that's why most ukrainian support the idea they want stability for some groups have dismissed the union as an attempt to restore the u.s.s.r. but experts say the difference is clear if the shell of the u.s.s.r. was built on ideology while the eurasian union will be based strictly on the economy and pragmatism but experts say that even some latin american nations like
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you work in venezuela mean join the so-called e.u. two in the future while new zealand has already shown interest in joining as a large producer of meat with no cost them charges the benefits of being a member are simply too attractive nor surely it's way too early to talk about any massive economic and industrial bridge which right all the way from europe into the pacific ocean so far only three states have thrown their hats in but if the current momentum is anything to go by and more are certain to follow it is going off hard in moscow. i exciting development for russians global fans is heading our way and our scores boardin in just over thirty minutes time when he is such a sore soccer sorceror i'm i'd be on his way back to the country. for the sitting who led the russian national team two year old car bronze isn't ruling out taking over the helm of douglas downs big spending on g.
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has already and ties top stars on the low top and roberto carlos. about sports updates coming up very soon after archie's interview with victory stan go the man likely to take the help of a brand new eurasian commission but first a look at this week's headlines.
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to. keep.


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