tv [untitled] November 20, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EST
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now at two thirty pm on sunday here in moscow you're watching of the weekly here on out see violence of sparks off in egypt once again as the cradle of the arab spring seize tear gas and rubber bullets with thousands of protesters all across the country saying that military rule is destroying the results of the february revolution. also this week occupy wall street has markets two month anniversary with an unknown president and protests all over the u.s. hundreds have been arrested pepper sprayed and beaten by the movement looks as set
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on its cause as. bureaucracy ascendent a wave of unelected favorites to take power in europe as the blocks much of water democracy is seen as being placed on the back burner in the face of a detonating crisis. plus the syrian president refuses to crack under international pressure or the threat of further sanctions on top diplomatic attacks fears we're about to see another libyan style intervention. to stay with us here on r.t. up next we sit down with katrina vanden heuvel publisher and editor of america's nation magazine article about her new book titled change i can believe in and discuss her thoughts on obama's first time in office. parties during. katrina its new book is just come out it's titled the change i believe in. thank you for progress in the age of about between
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i thank you very much for joining our team thank you and so for having me on your interest to barack obama's candidacy you supported him his celebrated his victory in two thousand and eight know that his presidential term is coming to an end do you feel disillusioned my view as editor of the nation which endorsed president obama was that we needed to understand that one man one woman even a president cannot change the political system in one to three years that our system is so complicated and corrupted by money by establishment power that it takes movements from below allied with politicians of conviction inside i think president obama has been a reform president in many ways he has passed two major pieces of legislation one on health care financial reform. but they have been diluted by lobbyists by money did he change the culture of washington not really he tried but one has to
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understand that the republican party are second nature party in the united states came to power not interested in working with him interested in undermining him but they think it's fair to place blame on the do nothing congress i think one has to assign much blame but i also think that blame is to be assigned to a number of areas and i regret that his leadership style has been too conciliatory his mantra of audacity was replaced by conciliation and a divided democratic party in many ways did not allow obama to do as much as he wanted but on balance it is a disappointment as we head into the election of two thousand and twelve yet there is also renewed excitement among americans because there is a movement brewing in america not just the occupy wall street but the two thousand patents occupy around america and also the sense that suddenly the. ninety nine
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percent of americans have not been heard from or being heard from and heard in the media which is not paid attention until now i know you've been watching this movement slate what should be done to keep it mobilized to nudge demoralized i'm sure you understand that in america until just recently the mainstream media in our country thought there was only one movement the tea party now they see they're not only people in occupy wall street or occupy to leader in ohio or occupy austin in texas but there are hundreds of groups working on issues from hoping people with foreclosure and mortgages to helping students with their loans these groups are now being super charged by the new environment and we also need people to run for office and there are candidates now like a lizard with warren a woman running for the senate in massachusetts with tammy baldwin a woman running for the senate in wisconsin these are women who represent the ideas of occupy wall street so it will carry on in different ways so i think it's going
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to turn into a real poll for political movement you think of the civil rights movement in the sixty's it helped bring about the voting rights act the labor movement made franklin delano roosevelt a more radical president and the new deal something that was of greater help to people than it might otherwise have been the environmental movement all of these movements have brought about the transformational change that president obama spoke of but you cannot expect one man one woman one leader can do without the support but do these protesters have any plan they call themselves the ninety nine percent but obviously it's very hard to agree on many things if you are of the ninety nine percent ninety nine percent of america does agree on certain things that agrees that again the very rich should pay higher taxes it's students should not have to go into debt to get an education that a country that was founded on the american dream. being on upward mobility should
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now have downward mobility and that the inequality in our country is dangerous so there's a lot of agreement it just hasn't been represented in our politics in our electoral politics and that disconnect is dangerous and that has to shift and that will be very difficult even the president has responded to the protesters and many in our congress have but don't you think that this movement has become a response to obama's failed policies are these protesters as anti obama as they are and their wall street's no they are much more anti wall street. it's interesting that it is not i mean there is there is good you know what it is much more than anti obama and it's a you know it's a global phenomenon you know this is how strong you look tunisia egypt spain there is a sense that politics is not working governments are not working for ordinary people that they don't have the legitimacy the trust of people but there's no question
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that there's a sense that obama and the administration feel to grapple failed to provide enough for a real economy main street recovery which many protesters actually associated with wall street because he is the one who works with larry summers is the one who works with the same team basically it used to resecure wall street there is anger probably more anger at larry summers than there is seriously at obama there's a little bit of this mentality of bizarre like desire was taken on taken in by his advisors but again it is deeper than obama it really is and this is a book about disappointment in the age of obama first and foremost but it is also a book of hope that change is possible if people don't give up if they don't lose hope if they don't play what i call that the trail sweepstakes which means always my. and whining instead of organizing and fighting for progress for
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reforms that could improve the condition of people's lives is a bomber fighting for progress if we talk about his foreign policy great disappointment that he has for the most part in many ways continued the abuses and excesses of the bush era on the other hand he's beginning to pull out of iraq he is beginning to pull out of afghanistan but it is still the mindset of a national security state and the new forms of warfare are very dangerous drone warfare. is. targeted assassinations this is the new face of warfare than we as citizens have to demand of our government that there are new ways of transparency they disclosed to us they are doing in our name all around but at the bottom a position to himself as a politician who post military interventions who promised to close guantanamo and
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to pull out of afghanistan however none of this has been achieved do you think he was unable to stick to his principles if we paid attention and a lot of my colleagues did not pay close enough attention to obama he in many ways was not the most populist in the race and if you remember what interest what was important was he opposed the war in iraq but he would say on the campaign trail we must get out of iraq so we can fight the good war in afghanistan so that was always there but what about guantanamo and that's leaving a question many say he is a later version of push through agree with that guantanamo the president tried to close but he did not fight hard enough and republican congress and democrats refused to pass legislation to allow. civilian trials were to bring detainees into this country and others he could have fought harder but he did not he's not bush
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lite but what he has done is continue the national security state in ways that have disappointed many and on libya. he went to the united nations he did get a resolution but it was a different kind of warfare again and an abuse of nato which is an institution in my view which should be abolished and other institutions should be supported like the united nations how do you assess obama's handling of the arab spring how does the arab world see obama now he's still supports that this process between israel and palestine he didn't back posting in groups for statehood plus his relations with iran continue to sour we all remember that it's up to bush it has to reengage with the middle east and now it seems that he has to remain gauge for the middle is to once again will he be able to do that you know he gave a speech as you know in cairo in two thousand and nine which in many ways you could argue opened the door for some of what we saw in the arab spring it really did speak to the possibilities of democratic uprising it was
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a great disappointment of course that he didn't support the palestinians bid for u.n. . because the membership on iran there is a great. neo-con still constituency in the us pushing for tougher measures with iran there is no great leadership in the white house but there is also no interest in war i think it is best for the green revolution even though it is now quiet and suppressed to emerge on its own terms because the united states when it gets involved can often stigmatize or taint dissidents because they look like they're proxies for the united states let's not talk about how americans see above us foreign policy can they regard the killing of bin laden and the killing of qaddafi as obama's foreign policy credentials you know i'm not happy about it i mean i think you know. bin laden should have been brought to justice and put on
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trial and dispatch to life life life and but what it has done and as is in those two incidents it has neutralized if not ended the view that democrats are quote soft and weak on national security he will sell those two issues absolutely osama bin laden who of course symbolizes the horror and terror of nine eleven but you know in this election the economy is where it's going to matter ok let's say obama is not reelected what's legacy will he leave behind probably as the first african-american president is that al you know in light of the history of america and the terrible racism in the civil war that is the bloodiest war america ever fought that's a lot. but that will be the main. legacy if it's a one term presidency. if it's a two term presidency. it's the history still unwritten. history still on.
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says. top stories all today and all this week here on r.t. violence sparks off in egypt once again as the cradle of the arab spring seize tear gas and rubber bullets with thousands of protesters all across the country saying the military rule is destroying the results of the february revolution. also with this week's news occupy wall streeters markets two month anniversary with an unprecedented protest all over america hundreds have been arrested and beaten but the movement looks set on its course as a. bureaucracy ascendant a wave of unelected favorites to take power in europe as the blocks much vaunted democracy is seen as being placed on the back burner in the face of
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a detonating debt crisis. plus the syrian president refuses to crack under international pressure of a threat of further sanctions and tough diplomatic attacks stoking fears we're about to see another libyan style intervention. ok a quick pause in the weekly here at our so you know it's time for the sports update with andrew and good to see you andrew so we could goose hitting on his way back to russia perhaps i might be his reign as turkey football manager has come to an end and he says he's after a prestigious project and is now described russian side and. prestigious maybe or reading too much into this but we've got that makes claims of interview with him coming up. hello there thanks for watching the sports and these are the headlines. former russian news hitting he says he's not retiring from football on fuel speculation
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and could take the reins it big spending angy. plus the relegation scrap begins in the russian premier league is krasnodar out of spotlight now chicken and car when that man bulger. could it be the last time russia fighting legend feeder you neil young. steps into the ring the mixed martial arts cain prepares to avoid his for the feat in iraq. thursday former russia has told r.t. he has no plans for attire from football and has not ruled that managing it and she is currently taking time out from the game after failing to lead turkey to next year's european championships but he's described the russian premier league club which is signed. carlos as a prestigious project and spoke exclusively with our rich if i'm perfect to see i mean there's been a lot in russian press written about. when you believe the club you've been linked with so you can categorically deny it but you've agreed something with. no i
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haven't agreed to anything with anyone because i was i was in turkey but that's why i take my time to settle down and know i reflect and know what to do whether it's nothing because i'm sixty five and there you can retire but i feel fit enough energy to go on and what the near future brings will see of course there's a deep affection from my side and frequent contact with all kind of people in russia which which i like very much and i still have those contacts will see what the future will bring or you need a project well it's a very ambitious project which is bring a lot of hope to the region pakistan which the very impoverished region yeah well you made it well i i heard it a little bit from the outside. a little bit from let's say the russian inside. but that's that's a pretty easy project and what i heard this i like the project because first of all there there must still be a good team. for the people in that region but also it's not just football what i
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heard is it's more then then threw the ball in there this nice for your for a region who will. leave those still living in poverty if people can do through football but other things other things as well then. then it's a very very beautiful project or you're not in chelsea no no no no no no i was i was confronted by two different racial at the time so there was not nothing else. about your relationship with mr rich. this relation was and has been and will be and is good very good and when i when i go to london i always welcome wherever owner or a car bomb or and in the stadium so this is a very although we don't speak every week but every now and then there's a contact and i feel very welcome always. ready to be doing our view is going to hold very. high you can be spending an excuse months here so we'll see what. the
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near future will bring but i will take some time off and then we'll see we'll see i'm going to feel you make a decision after when you don't make any decisions at this moment we i've made a decision to stop in the previous job and then one must get some time to reflect and look where where is just a prestigious object that's that's this interest of not just not just football of course important but through other things when i can help somewhere else that's why it's time for a little bit to reflect. you sitting there talking to richard from poor fleet of bank his cheek genesis and these action has got underway in the russian premier league with an arm up against the ban in the championship consigns the league's top eight sides who are battling for the title and then i am a third in that and the two up at home because i'm sure of an alexander quote in i would think goals is half time approaches in that one later on spartak face locomotives in the moscow garvey. tom's yesterday sides in the relegation group
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began their fight against the draw present are getting a three two win over spartak now kick they needed only eight minutes to open against their lowly visit europe move this year and scoring from a pinpoint pass. and ten minutes later give guinea pigs in made it senior. but just before the infield near the baghdad of each he gave now to cope by pulling a goal back and then teammate our sin was you call levelled early in the second half however with ten minutes ago matthew through the win at the present to school them and it was more misery for now to get the death the score did it picked up a second yellow card and off he went to the home side get nine points players or stop at the top of the relegation group from now tick and now four points from safety. meanwhile the first of saturday's bottom eight opening fixtures so come from behind to win two one and nine man bowled in a gritty encounter the hosts started well with alexander bellows of opening after
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seven minutes however a book in each side of the interval sovaldi is here critical are sent off and she goes in a minute from the tally grecian and then keeper put them in front two one after now but with five minutes to go bald is under a lot of saw straight away card and missed a penalty still one two one to lead for vulgar and go forth in the relegation group . and in the other game on saturday terry drew nearly at home to criticise yet of this. the first straw between the sides in eleven games both teams had their chance to win but failed to take them afterwards terex manager stanislav chitra source said his side had lost two points. over an england match city a five points clear at the top there after they ended newcastle's unbeaten run with a three one victory to penalties under michael richards striking the damage elsewhere leighton baines his late penalty helped their briton come back to beat
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wolves three one robin van persie is braced sore ass to come back to win to want to . put in three three three with wigan thanks to two goals and you could be the last in the ninth minute of stoppage time keeper rally to be in three two is stoke sunderland against fellow met with. bolton and having an answer is only strike manchester united fictious one thing but it is their noisy neighbors who are the only club who remain unbeaten although city manager man cine doesn't expect that record intact. you look at these. games. i'm sure. but the players and. players. well chelsea will look to chip away at man city's lead when they take on liverpool it's stamford bridge this evening the blues are currently twelve points off the
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pace that will have a practically fully fit squad to choose from with didier drogba and daniel sturridge back from the sidelines liverpool's who is suarez is expected to play up front for the reds after recovering from a minor back problem. and are in suicide attempt by a referee forced the cancellation of a game between cologne minds in germany's point is the leader forty one year old but back at a farce and was found in his hotel room bleeding in a bath he's now in a stable condition in hospital german football chief said colleagues had all had alerted hotel staff after he failed to answer his bedroom door. and then with the help of the whole staff member the door has been opened very quickly what they found there they had described to me i ask you to spirit with details it's true and that's he was in the bath and of course a lot of blood as you see. in other news fighting legend food or good meal is preparing to avoid his fourth consecutive defeat the russian martial arts king has
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hinted he may retire if he loses to jeff manson in moscow today the emperor had gone unbeaten for a decade but over the last eighteen months he's lost the but it's your burden and sone of silver and dan henderson is next opponent forty year old wants and was two hours late for saturday's press conference after being caught up in moscow traffic he weighed in point three pilgrim's light had been the russian who says he's in good condition i'll make a decision on his future after the fight. i think that when i feel i'm getting old i will quit but now thanks to god's will i feel good both physically and mentally so i think i'll carry on fighting this wait until tomorrow and we'll make some decisions. the americans have playing presidents cup for a fourth time in a row they beat the international side nineteen fifteen after sunday's singles and melbourne australia to maintain his hundred percent record in this tournament with a four in three win over ernie els and that move the americans to the brink of
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retaining a cup and tiger woods then clinched the vital point easily beating aaron baddeley with a four and three victory back sealing the win for the internationals giving them the eighteen points they needed to retain the cup internationals of only one this event once and that was thirteen years ago. roger federer will start the defense of his world tour finals title in london today the world number four will play joel free to song in the opening match brings together the world's top eight players initially they are divided into two groups in a round robin format and then the top two from each group go through to the semi's also in federer's group is mardy fish and rafael nadal and features he will feature in a sunday second match while world number one novak djokovic lines up alongside world number three and mary in group a along with dave for their son thomas six times. wimbledon champion federer comes into the competition and could form off the winning in basel on a down he's back for
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a few weeks off. the difference to remember is it still yet up to that snow is it's so different. but i really like both merely you know sort of the best state in this at the o two which is a wonderful setting great atmosphere that's like really great matches over there hopefully yes it was good to get with friends come and they are going to go for the side effects but there's. some of it it looks like this is a little bit of the want to see it want to see it slowly but look at the fin it's a little bit so it's a big goal of. them so that's what they're doing and they have to feel it's like. a mat is all the support for the moment kate will be here and the next couple of guys will face.
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