tv [untitled] November 21, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EST
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free. three stooges free. food free books you know studio for your media projects free media gargi dot com. at least thirteen people are killed and more than a thousand injured at security forces launching a major assault on protesters in cairo's tucker you square who have been demonstrating since friday. as conservatives in spain celebrate a landslide victory national elections many people on the streets still fear of the new government won't be able to save the country's debt ridden economy. billions of dollars are reportedly wasted and stolen during the u.s. military intervention in iraq but those responsible are still walking free.
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if any on the russian capital you watching t.v. live from moscow i'm marina josh welcome to the program and it at least thirteen people have been killed and hundreds injured after two days of clashes between protesters and security forces troops used tear gas and rubber bullets in a major assault on demonstrators who are demanding the military rulers transfer power to a civilian government the violence comes just under a week before the first free parliamentary election in egypt in decades protesters camped out for a third night on monday intolerant where the center point of the twenty eight day uprising that ousted president mubarak and savvier eight the military which took over has promised to hand power to an elected civilian government but has yet to specify a date correspondent policy responding to situation from cairo and will be joining
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us shortly. author and political commentator marc bland says the arab spring that not produce the desired results and it's turned into frustration on its streets of egypt. all that it really succeeded in doing was removing one dictator the program and the plan and the system remains the same and so for this reason apart from other possible involvement of the outside forces this is the reason why we see the type of unrest taking place in egypt it's occurring at the moment but i do not believe that the arab spring was solely a grass roots movement outside of outside influence that there were not elements involved in that we know that the united states and great britain and israel had spies on the ground in all of these countries where these revolutions were taking place we know that there were various groups tied to the cia that were responsible for training many of these young revolutionaries so in that regard i don't consider
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that the arab spring has done anything. well we can now cross live to our correspondent paula thier who's following the situation for us in cairo hold here paula so tell us why are people there resorting to violence one of they can actually use their votes in the elections and next monday in fact those will be the first requirement or elections since the ousting of hosni mubarak. but i can tell you that the situation on the ground here is extremely tense every few moments a crowd surges forward and people start throwing stones just a few minutes ago the whole can't surrounded us and started yelling and screaming who were we and as i was walking to this live position i crossed through the center of the square and quite a few people came up to me in quickly how you need to decide telling me that as a clearly foreign face it is very dangerous to be out here in tahrir square at the moment there are very few women on the square most of people here are young men incredibly angry incredibly frustrated many of them walking around with bandages
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showing of the effects of yesterday's violence at least some thirteen people dead and more than a thousand people injured people here saying that they not going anywhere and till the military regime steps down now i if you can see behind me i have asked the cameraman to pan that he told me that it's pretty dangerous for us to do that we're trying to keep as much out of the eye of the crowd as possible they don't exactly level journalists here right now but it is starting to increase in number about two three hours ago it was hard to sayas here no doubt people who left in the early hours of the morning to go home and have some sleep and some food are returning the since i guess is that there is going to be violence here a lot of the does depend on how the police and the security forces respond later today but speaking to a couple of protesters they say that they ready for whatever happens and of course as we can see and hear from what you were just saying the situation is quite unstable where you are at the moment but tell us what has changed in the country
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since of ours began. well this is exactly the point that protesters here are making they say that nothing has changed in this country since mubarak was forced to step down earlier this year and they complaining that the military regime that is currently in power is much the same people much the same laws as were governing this country back in the mubarak era now next monday they will be the first parliamentary elections in the post mubarak era and people here say that they are extremely doubtful that those elections will be free and fair that there is still no commitment from the ruling military regime to state any kind of presidential elections that they say that they waiting for a constitution to be in place until they step down people here saying that they want to clear date when this regime plans to step down because what our petty people here are very distrustful if anything in fact will change so this kind of simmering anger just below the surface i mean to my right i can hear
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a crowd of people starting to cheer and screen right now you really get the sense that anything can erupt any moment. will pass thanks very much indeed for bringing us the subject from cairo do stay safe and will be crossing back to you for more on this policy reporting there from egypt. propping up shortly here on r.t. protection from prison. convicted nazi war criminals living live as a free man in a story a leading man wondering why a country so keen to give him shelter. spain's conservative center right party has swept to a landslide victory in parliamentary elections inheriting sky high unemployment of more than twenty percent from the ruling socialist the vote comes amid growing concern that spain is next in line to succumb to the e.u. death crisis contagion as art is a really poor it's many spaniards have lost faith that annie politicians will be able to turn things around. this is what the spain years want from the elections
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but it's very unlikely they'll get it the popular party may have won sunday's polls but it's highly unlikely they're in for an easy term but the reality of the economic crisis in spain means five million people out of work while only half million households are without a wage earner and if you look at employment rate which has shot up to nearly fifty percent this is it appears the winner will have to deal with what will they really be able to make a difference probably not believe gail allard an economics professor at madrid's i even a school we're going to have to cut benefits sharply we may have to differentiate among recipients of benefits we may have to limit programs that some things can really be. we may be seeing the death knell of the welfare state but most spaniards have had enough with budget cuts and empty promises protests by the fifteen m. movement the so-called indignant marches have been spreading throughout spain since march i mean people have chosen not to go to the polls on sunday believing politicians will not help the country i think people have been disappointed with
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the choices they have gone through throughout this campaign really for the last couple of months at least because i think they feel that there isn't a great deal of difference between the two candidates in terms of what they would do and it seems there is no easy way out of the current economic downturn in fact some of the minorities in the current believe spain is in a vicious circle. because it's all polish you so being dictated to in brussels the elections will help in creating more jobs it will be the opposite public expense will go down it was purchasing power will go down that will mean fewer investments and translates into unemployment. and though there may be new faces in the spanish government they will have to deal with the old problems in much the same way meaning nothing is likely to change for spain yards already tired of the economic catastrophe and the country if. madrid. market obvious fugitive spy chief one of the last key figures from lidia's old regime still on the run has been
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captured in the country self that comes just days after a khadafi son saif al islam was also caught the national transitional council has since said it won't hand him over to the hague tribunal instead it's vowed stew try him at home for crimes against the libyan people that could result in the death penalty while market obvious most influential son was seized in the south of the country on saturday along with his aides as they try to escape to neighboring as you're following the toppling of his father at the end of an eight month civil war nary questions about the regime remain site is believed to be one of the few who could answer them political analyst and author adrian so good he says will be silenced by either the hague or the national transitional council. now. what. he has is a terrible choice between being shot or being hanged because if he is judged and
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tried in libya he might end up very much and he said hussein like trial where he will end up being or he will end up being a one way or the other and if he is extradited to that he it will not be a fair trial when we are all the other we will silence as has been the constant throughout history every time somebody survives who made the. regimes and we've also seen and this is all these horrible documents how walmart gadhafi only in the last two years has. only. no doubt a lot of things were good a lot of very uncomfortable that the regime that information could be given by so long. and we are interested in what you think is waiting for gadhafi is captured son saif so go to our web site r.t.l. com to participate in our latest where all this take a look at what we've got there are now so so far as you can see the overwhelming majority predicts he will receive the death penalty and leave you slightly less
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than that and a quarter rather say he will not live to see his trial as too many leave begins one to rethink some of the responses do not believe that saif al islam was in fact captured and remain convinced he's at large while a few of you still think he will get a trial they hate whether they are or not so you can let us know what you think on this issue by logging on to our web site r.t.l. com and letting us know what you think. now as the date for the u.s. troop withdrawal from iraq nears questions are raised over billions of dollars that have reportedly been wasted or stolen during a military intervention a record number arrests of record number of arrests rather have been made for individual soldiers making cash on the side the big players behind the losses remain at large of course i'm getting to count now reports. not everyone leaves the war zone empty handed the number of people indicted and convicted by the us for
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bribery fraud and theft in iraq and afghanistan has never been so high among those a marine in iraq who sent home forty three thousand dollars in stolen cash by hiding it in a food marker among american flags a soldier who shipped thousands more concealed in a toy stuffed animal they can go after people to steal forty three thousand dollars all they want necessary ok they should go after him but what about on a larger scale in two thousand and six michael o'brien was tasked with helping build iraqi military he says those who have pocketed mili is enjoyed complete impunity they rebuilt an iraqi army base and i'm telling you the condition of the space and this is just one example so poor it was so pathetic and when i asked the american construction project manager what did this cost how much money would indicate i really thought he was going to say three million or five million was one
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hundred sixteen million dollars. the commission on wartime contracting estimated that between thirty one to sixty billion dollars has been lost to waste and fraud in iraq and afghanistan the figures seem even more staggering considering the overall amount the u.s. has committed to rebuilding iraq roughly sixty two billion dollars peter van buren was ahead of any rat reconstruction team working for the u.s. state department the squandering of resources occurred at her small ovals a thousand dollars a couple of thousand dollars here and there and all the way up into hundreds of millions of dollars that were spent on hospitals have never opened or prisons that never took any prisoners in the commission on wartime contracting is out of business now after congress cut its funding. the details of their program see. until two thousand and thirty one they don't want certain people in high places. to
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come under scrutiny that the u.s. congress wants to put the to walk all over iraq invasion behind it the scope of the waste and fraud is enormous the u.s. justice system goes after individuals who have stolen a few thousand dollars here and there but not after the big players the big contractors that have really made a killing on the wars i'm going to check our reporting from washington our team. american counterterrorism expert david gardner shy and ross says u.s. policies in the fight against terror have been misdirected and can watch his full interview later this hour but here is a preview. here was the word iraq which diverted resources away from afghanistan costing an enormous amount of money it's was pretty the u.s. is standing in the world beyond that counterterrorism apparatus that had been erected is a very inefficient one there are so many different secret programs set so many
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different cooks in the kitchen it's difficult to have anybody individual who can determine that there's not conflicted efforts. that has become more and more is the creation of the of the food system the global food system is not created to feed the people of the world is created to maximize the profits. you're not trading the actual physical grain you're trading promises for graeme to be delivered a month or six months or twelve months or eighteen months in the future. reasons moderates like silver or gold they can be easier to go she added in order to some degree of. water.
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possibly it's not traded now but it could be in the future. let's not take a look at some other stories from around the world first to new york where police have arrested an alleged al qaeda sympathizer who plotted to bomb returning military personnel from iraq and afghanistan officials identified the suspect as
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tell a dominican born u.s. citizen has been charged with several terrorism related counts of attempting to build bombs using materials he had recently purchased beyond the soldiers he's intended targets were also thought to be police and post-offices twenty seven year old spends most of his life in manhattan and have been under surveillance since two thousand and nine officials say it's the fourteenth of tampa terrorist attack targeting new york since nine eleven. the arab league has rejected a demand by the syrian government to change its planned and violent crackdown on protesters syria was told to accept five hundred international observers in the country a move that was turned down by president bush that the country now faces new sanctions as the arab league's deadline for an end to the bloodshed expired on saturday the u.n. says over thirty five hundred syrians have died during months of anti-government protests. germany has vowed to compensate the
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families of victims of a new announcing group believed to be behind at least ten murders the national socialist on the ground is allegedly responsible for attacks on immigrants throughout the country including a bombing in cologne in two thousand and four extremist went unnoticed for nearly a decade until one member turned herself in to police and two others committed suicide. germany isn't the only country in the spotlight for a neo nazi activity sixty five years after many fascist leaders were sentenced to execution or prison estonia is acting as a shelter for several convicted war criminals and with s.s. marches regularly held throughout the state many fear the country is increasingly embracing one of history's darkest chapters are his legacy your ships he has more. coffee is rated eighth in simon wiesenthal list of most wanted nazi war criminals
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but when it was written which is to he participated in the murder of three thousand jews in going to roost in the 1940's of documents proving it were provided for the australian authorities because they give them a story as anti-fascist committee says the proof of gush of course a prostitute is in a better russian concentration camp is solid and undoubted but instead of seeing off his days from behind bars he now lives the life of a free man in this baltic state. was deported from the u.s. and stripped of u.s. citizenship that's not doesn't it give him shelter and try to hide him here then under international pressure the authorities had to initiate an investigation. however the probe brought no results after months of investigation is still only in authorities close the case how well grounded out remains that they got caught mentioned in the material is not the me how you can score who is at present
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a citizen of the republican isto me at the case will be closed as it has been impossible for the investigative team to find any additional evidence the decision raised eyebrows in israel at first but then simon wiesenthal center recalled which country they were dealing with a cord washington spoke to the people who are here with this prosecution united states and if there was any doubt regarding his age and they said no none whatsoever that this doesn't surprise me personally because for the last fifteen years i've been dealing with these stories have totally failed in terms of prosecuting it's clear that is absolutely no political will and power to bring these people to justice and the good school story is not a one off case from sanctioning assets veterans marches to glorifying former nazi collaborators this. has been tolerance policy for the past decade recently this may
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just about every have line in a story are almost on the scale of a national holiday a country marked the ninetieth birthday of the only remaining holder of the iron cross one of the highest medals of nazi germany sixty five years ago the new tribunals sentenced the nazi leadership to either execution or prison terms this trial of history was meant to get rid of nazism for good but the earth isn't vaulted states and other cases of rehabilitation of fascism now days suggests that history lessons have not been fully learned. c. reporting from tile in in a store near a counter terror operation is underway in russia southern republic of coverage you know a group of militants has been cornered in a building in the capital city of narcotic while trying to flee from special forces both sides have been exchanging fire but there are no reports of casualties among security officers authorities are also trying to negotiate with the terrorists but said they will be eliminated if they don't surrender meanwhile
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a special operation is underway in a mountains in southern chechnya and of blocking and neutralizing members of illegal armed groups two militants were killed in the operation over the weekend. all of our news and much more is just one click away at r.t. dot com and here is what we are right now and the dawn for the occupy wall street saga even after a multiple raids and evictions the movement shows no sign of slowing down so you can find more at r.t. dot com. and also online for you big news for art lovers who have the chance to get their hands on the rare of archibald synagogues paintings which are to be optioned in new york.
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the afghan national sam lee has approved the idea of a deal with the u.s. that will see the presence of american troops after twenty fourteen when foreign combat forces are mant to leave the plan was put forward and front of the country's political and community leaders by president hamid karzai the move has already sparked angry protests among afghans artie's military contributor says the u.s. needs to stop makes diplomacy with the military. the new american strategic. formulated this fight talk and build will run aground as the previous ones it would be well advised for you as commander in chief of the diplomats we are talking at the same time don't interfere with the military to do the hard finally if you. don't begin somewhere in between all of you know where we have yet another camp plus years it's really all the dollars we have no
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tangible results except accumulated momentums of wasted. and blood and treasure. welcoming our way with our is the way is that action from the world or think we're going to return i'll be ampara russia how we wait by the legend hillary only and go gives american jazz concert a lesson in moscow putting an end to todd early retirement. and i'll bring you the recap of today's headlines after the business news with. a loan very warm welcome to the program world trade organization entry may cause confusion in the countries trading rules with better rules and kazakhstan the three nations are in the customs union which says special imports and exports regulations and world russia is about to join the w t o it's your ration card that's all still
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far from membership chris with a troika done it says there are important technical details to sort out. it's interesting that in the this year of the last six months as it became clear to russia and europe and the us wanted russia. all of previous question marks over how the customs union would affect that have really disappeared off the agenda if goods are imported into russia and then really explored to the european union are really treated better reuss are russian goods so there are lots of these technical issues that really remain completely on result i suppose the hope is that by joining the customs union and by pursuing greater economic integration with two existing member countries the submission to the mike no we put on some sort of a timetable and perhaps maybe even fast tracked over the next couple of years.
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eriksen is celebrated one hundred is celebrating one hundred thirty years of doing business in russia the swedish company has been one of the biggest contributors to the country's growing telecom network president and c. says russia is vital to the success of eriksson's business he also believes there are plenty more potential. in general we see the same trend around the world as we would see in russia we think that we're going to see more coverage mobile coverage prothero remote areas that we're going to see. much further out main port mobile broadband that's where do importance lies and in the current right there no need to look at all all governmental officials who are on the world be on the ground the correlation between. g.d.p. the development of the first if you would would services and that can be everything from health care to education or different types of services for different
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industries so here that we see in russia the possibility to use i said t. to transform the country to be more efficient sweden as well so it's nothing here but i think that's what we see in russia. hundred can watch the full interview with the head of ericsson just log on to our website that's archie dot com slash business and we'll still have time to have a quick look at the markets well it's trading near the lowest in seven days and speculation that fueled among may full to meet signs of economic slowdown in asia and that process in europe light switch is trading at ninety seven dollars a barrel while branches at one hundred seven dollars per barrel. in asia the markets all losing ground market watchers say debt problems in europe remain firmly in focus for the region's investors that's an addition to four days of from japan be true for the first climb in exports in three months sounds cynical were saying economy growth base down next year is dropping two and a health center in tokyo trading while the bank of china is losing three and
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the. russians would be so much brighter if you knew about some from finest impressions some. of these for instance on t.v. don't come. culture is that so much i'm afraid we're going to be a bit of a lot of people here yeah but the uncertain future is the eurozone grapples with the single currency what is the future of political union to save the euro is it necessary to mix. wealthy british style it's best not on the title i've got my card.
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