tv [untitled] November 21, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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but just as the body egypt's military leadership step down immediately greeted by tear gas and rubber bullets in caro's town here square. just started. the country seems on the brink of the second as thousands of protesters demanding to match each week sometimes the details in just a few months. moscow rounds on the west accusing it of hurting prospects of peace talks in syria where violence between protesters and government forces carries on unabated. and iran's banks news corporation with none of them has to run feels more
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mistrust comics' way. the u.k. slaps fresh sanctions on iran after concerns over its nuclear program severing all financial times with the country more details of the followed. from all business desk growth in markets close deep in the red as equities around the world come back on concerns that the sovereign debt crisis could spread to the eurozone biggest economies join me for now on that in our business the. international news and comment live from moscow twenty four hours a day this is t.v. thousands massing in egypt's time here square demanding the country's military rulers step down in the third clashes police hit protesters with tear gas and rubber bullets at least twenty four people have been killed in the largest demonstrations and spread his uprising that ousted dictator hosni mubarak. is in.
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there must easily be tens of thousands of people are gathering here in town this where you can afford insults interest will put their chance of various servants among those slogans like owning on the military machine that has been in power since before we just piss and forcing of ours was asked in february they calling on them for change to step down they will say we claimed to have his way and for weeks youngsters have been trying to come back to the square but they've been prevented from doing so by the police the army says and now that they've that here as you can see behind me they have no intention of leaving the demand really is quite simple they don't believe that the military is any different to diminishing our force me mubarak they are against the trough constitution that this regime supports saying that the military when he wants to stay in power even offered hands over to and he went to civilian government and talking to youngsters actually just based expressed
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by one person i spoke to he said with the gods to the parliamentary elections next monday that will be the first elections to be held in this person of our era who cares about elections to hell with elections we need to come back to test the square and finish over the nation people here we don't believe that we see selections will be safe and safe and want to change anything critically even so much the same as they were under the time of the bari but what is interesting is that whereas in february we met revolution took place the army was much on the side of the people very much a stand a one hundred eighty degree turn in terms of how people feel that they feel betrayed by the army and we have witnessed excessive find in some of the worst violence over the last few days in which more than twenty people have been killed the army has been firing rubber bullets it's been firing tear gas of the protests themselves will spin throwing stones they will seem very hard to tell so lots of anger being expressed by both sides against the two protesters earlier they say
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that they're not going anywhere until the military steps down somewhat in line to see is some kind of showdown and certainly the mood here is incredibly tense it's incredibly volatile just anything could unfold. constantly keeping an eye on what's happening in fact here is where i live updates of the unrest twenty four seventh's on her twitter page you can see on screen at the moment she's tweeting that though it's getting the crowd keeps growing people that are milling about talking to each other in the square she also says there are rumors that security forces are using a different type of tear gas but she's not sure if it's true or people are becoming paranoid you can follow those comments observations on twitter for the latest information there from. gyptian protests is the modern military rulers transfer power to a civilian government or independent online journalist james called at least that outcome would put some western powers on edge what ultimately happened was thrown
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out of a figurehead instead of the actual power structure itself which has been for many years and continues to be a military dictatorship that egypt really is it made so so i think the illusion of democracy is just that until the the underlying power structure that's going on there can be ousted i don't think anything really has changed and i think alternately bit that falls into the type of power politics to get played in in situations like this but the people who are watching this from behind the scenes and wondering how they're going to fit into the new geopolitical paradigm rather than what's in the interests of the people themselves that point so little talk receive it's been there all along i don't think the west was really you know you notice that we were up with it was a favorite guest of the white house and in all of that right up until the time of this type of operation in egypt and so i think really what's happening here is that the west saw an opportune time to rebuff of the bandwagon and hoping that the power structure would continue in egypt that would mean team the status quo new region but since that destabilization looks like it's going to go even further i think
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that people in the powers in western intervention of countries are now are now wondering how far this will go and whether it can go perhaps too far for their conference. well western powers are focused on syria at the moment moscow has accused the west of stirring up tensions in the arab world by calling for the overthrow of the syrian regime russia says calls from certain states for the syrian opposition to avoid dialogue with the government are only provoking further violence r.t. peace offer has the latest. what we heard from the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov today was him reiterating russia's position on the ongoing conflict in syria that position is that they want to see negotiations regime change become the final outcome in not conflict now said beloved of cold what he called the western calls for assad to step aside and also for the opposition in syria not to negotiate with assad he called that a provocation saying that that would not bring about peace that would only spur on
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the opposition to continue the fight for through seen so far over the last eight months has resulted in three and a half thousand people being killed in that country is the laughter of saying that this international provocation should not have happened so. force you in syria we're now seeing a situation where the arab league is calling for hulk's of violence and the beginning of dialogue and western countries and the capitals of some countries of the region and making calls to the country expressly recommending the opposition hold no tools with the asset regime it looks like a political provocation on an international scale yes violence has to be stopped but this demand has to be addressed to the authorities and the only groups in the syrian opposition now this isn't the first time they said to love raul has accused the west of meddling in the syrian situation though he also suggested that there was a shadowy hand of western governments behind the arab league's decision to suspend
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syria from their group last week now. because the last country to be suspended from the arab league before syria was libya and not the situation in the in libya the what we saw in libya is something that russia really does not want to see happen in syria also the syrian opposition who are here in moscow last week their leaders also saying they did not want to see a civil outcome is what happened in libya where international intervention took place. he said that straight intervention straying will be on the parameters of u.n. resolutions that will lay down this type something that both russia and the syrians want to avoid happening in that country peter one of their alter and journalist webster tarpley who's in damascus says it's very simple western powers one hundred violence in syria the u.s. policy i think right now is to smash the middle east according to ethnic lines
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people complained that there are terrorist snipers who are shooting at civilians men women and children line terrorism random killing simply for the purpose of destabilizing the country i would not call this a civil war by any stretch of the imagination what you're dealing with here are death squads you're dealing here with terrorist commandos it's a joint production of. six. of the french f. to libya becoming a bloodbath with one hundred fifty thousand dead and now with egypt showing what it was all along it was no revolution and it was a complete failure and now people are beginning to understand it notice that nevertheless mrs clinton and miss rice of the united nations are continuing to push this bankrupt the spread of this model of the color revolutions the cia people power called backed up by terrorist groups people from al qaeda people from the
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muslim brotherhood i've heard this from some very important religious authorities here there's a growing movement inside the islamic community here which says we want reconciliation we want law and order we want the galaxy we don't want that fanatics to run the show the fanatics are being brought in by the western powers. still ahead on this our conservative solution as the center right leaders take the helm in madrid we have the spanish voices doubting whether the new faces will do anything to lead them through debt and sky rocketing unemployment. a money going down the drain billions of u.s. dollars intended to rebuild war zones or stolen but those who pocketed millions just spend gotten. the stores to recover first the u.k. has declared it severing all ties with the reigning banks u.s. is also announce its joining britain and canada in targeting iran's economy with you sections over its controversial nuclear program bodies of bennett has the
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latest for us now from london. the u.k. has imposed fresh sanctions on iran severing all financial ties it has with the country this is coming from how the announcement was made by the u.k. chancellor george osborne ordering all of the u.k.'s financial institutions to stop doing business as of now basically with iranian counterparts including the central bank of iran the same with it's for reasons of national security for the u.k. and also the security of the world i what prompted this move these latest sanctions on iran is the latest report on iran's nuclear program out from the international atomic energy watchdog the i.a.e.a. who kind of well brought up fresh concerns that iran is actually using its program to develop nuclear weapons now this is something that iran denies it insists its nuclear program is purely for civilian and scientific use is the first time the u.k. has actually use these powers created under the two thousand and eight counterterrorism act to act in this way and part of the country's whole banking sector several
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countries will impose sanctions on iran in the last few years in fact as regards this heat nuclear program and really they haven't had much effect actually is one of the story's been rumbling on for a number of years and russia is opposing the use of sanctions and this time this latest one is actually russia actually came out and said it should sanctions be imposed will be seen in the international community as an instrument for regime change in iran that's come from russia's deputy foreign minister and so they strongly oppose any sanctions they say that this report from the i.a.e.a. shows nothing me when they thought why impose fresh sanctions however because the sanctions has been strongly backed up by israel and the u.s. and now certainly the u.k. is those calls. either but reporting there spain is shifting right to attempt to balance the books the country's conservatives have won a landslide victory in the general election and i have to tackle record unemployment over twenty percent and find a way out from underneath a growing pile of debt but it's not usually in english go has been hearing the
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spanish don't hold much hope that the new crew will bring any change. this is what the spaniards want from the elections but it's very unlikely they'll get it the popular party may have won sunday's polls but it's highly unlikely they are in for an easy term the reality of the economic crisis in spain means five million people out of work but only half million households without a wage earner and it will that employment rate which has shot up to nearly fifty percent this is a state of affairs the winner will have to deal with but will they really be able to make a difference probably not their lives gail allard and economics professor at madrid's i even miss school we're going to have to cut benefits sharply we may have to differentiate among recipients of benefits we may have to limit programs through this could really be. we may be seeing the death of the welfare state but most pain years have had enough with budget cuts and empty promises protests by the fifteen m. movement the so-called addictive marches have been spreading throughout spain since
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march and many people have chosen not to go to the polls on sunday believing politicians will not help the country i think people have been disappointed with the choices they have throughout this campaign really for the last couple of months at least because i think they feel that there isn't a great deal of difference between the two candidates in terms of what they want to and it seems there is no easy way out of the current economic downturn in fact some of the minorities in the parliament believe spain is a vicious circle. because it's all polish use of being dictated to in brussels the elections will help in creating more jobs it will be the opposite of public expense will go down purchasing power will go down will need fewer investments and that translates into unemployment. and though there may be new faces in the scottish government they will have to deal with the old problems in much the same way meaning nothing is likely to change for spaniards already tired of the economic
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catastrophe in the country he didn't go madrid. more money matters are being chewed over on our website r.t. dot com they point out about how the economists are predicting the fall of the u.s. dollar within a decade china becoming the world's strongest economy and its q one b. reserve currency. and as we can leaks founder julian assange faces extradition to sweden over six assault charges the likely supporter comes to his defense as of world renowned feminist calls for an end to the witch hunt against him for more on that story plenty of others had to ulti dot com. plans for american troops to stay in afghanistan after the twenty fourteen pullout deadline of course and divisions in the country the idea was approved by political and community leaders but sparked a thousand strong protest rally in afghanistan while some experts believe that the political elite in both countries have a vested interest in u.s. troops staying in afghanistan for as long as possible. the current ruling elite
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is completely dependent on us military the moment the americans are out these people don't have a chance to stay in power many of them are proxy is. the various. american organizations n.g.o.s this military intelligence and other departments of government they have different links and they're all dependent on the americans the moment they're gone people are down this is simple is that it is very important to remember that a promise time today is the largest base of operations for the cia anywhere in the world they are no longer operating like this in africa or in latin america that we used back in the one nine hundred eighty s. and before understand is an important base of operations they are testing new weapons of with their let's remember that the drones were tested here and perfected here and of course they are sitting in the backyard of major powers in the region russia china iran pakistan other countries it's very important for them to be here
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inside washington d.c. there are people who don't want to get out of a promise time no matter what they would not let go off the strategic piece of land . and apart from its strategic location afghanistan is another attraction for some of those in power that being the opportunity to make a buck especially for an unscrupulous few and out of money missing in afghanistan and iraq has reached the water levels and is being held to account this. explains. not everyone leaves the war zone empty handed the number of people indicted and convicted by the u.s. for bribery fraud and there in iraq and afghanistan has never been so high among those a marine in iraq who sent home forty three thousand dollars in stolen cash by hiding it in a food locker among american flags a soldier thousands more conciliatory stuffed animal they can go after people to steal forty three thousand dollars all they want necessary ok they should go after
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him but what about on a larger scale in two thousand and six michael o'brien was tasked with helping build the iraqi military he says those who have pocketed nearly is enjoyed complete impunity be rebuilt an iraqi army base and i'm telling you the condition of the space and this is just one example so poor boy it was so pathetic and when i asked the american construction project manager what did this cost how much money went into this i really thought he was going to say three million or five million one hundred sixteen million dollars. the commission on wartime contracting estimated that between thirty one to sixty billion dollars has been lost to waste and fraud in iraq and afghanistan that figures seem even more staggering considering the overall amount the u.s. has committed to rebuilding iraq roughly sixty two billion dollars we need
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a van buren was the head of an iraqi reconstruction team working for the u.s. they department with the squandering of resources occurred at her small levels of thousand dollars a couple of thousand dollars here and there and all the way up into hundreds of millions of dollars that were spent on hospitals that never opened or prisons that never took any prisoners in the commission on wartime contracting is out of business now after congress cut its funding. the details of their program see. until two thousand and thirty one they don't want certain people in high places. to come under scrutiny in the u.s. congress wants to put the debacle of our iraq invasion behind it the scope of the waste then fraud is enormous the u.s. justice system goes after individuals who have stolen a few thousand dollars here and there but not after the big players the big contractors that have really made a killing on the wars and then in reporting from washington arcade. some other
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world news in brief now this hour in our world update the parents of a murdered teenager whose phone this phone was hacked by the tabloid newspaper the news of the world have given evidence to an inquiry into the standards of the british press they say some messages with the looted from her father loftus she disappeared in two thousand and two making them think she was still alive in fact milly dowler was dead when the person who deleted her messages worked for rupert murdoch's newspaper celebrities including actor hugh grant and giving evidence about illegal eavesdropping five journalists. the long awaited trial of three surviving former khmer rouge officials charged with genocide and crimes against humanity has begun three top leaders are accused of orchestrating cambodia's killing fields in the late one nine hundred seventy s. which almost two million people died defendants include the former cambodian communist group's main ideologist along with its foreign minister. the so-called lone wolf terrorist has been arrested in new york here's opinion telling
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them when it can born u.s. citizen is accused of plotting to attack police and post offices and troops returning from combat he allegedly used instructions on how to build a put on from an al qaeda magazine and been under surveillance for over two years. a total failure of justice that's how a jewish human rights organization dubbed the recent decision by stoning or to close a case against a suspected nazi criminal i can say there's no political will and talent to punish nazi collaborators and critics wall it's only part of a wider problem as are his election reports. i mean gosh coffee is rated eighth in simon wiesenthal list of most wanted nazi war criminals but when it was in which he participated in the murder of three thousand jews in the roots in the one nine hundred forty s. what documents proving it were provided for us to not orals others as well because then you know the story is anti-fascist committee says the proof of god's course
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atrocities in a belorussian concentration camp is solid and undoubted but instead of seeing off his days from behind bars he now lives the life of a free man in this baltic state that's called the country of was deported from the u.s. and stripped of u.s. citizenship but does not doesn't it when you're telling give him shelter and try to hide then under international pressure the authorities had to initiate an investigation. however the probe brought in the results after months of investigation is still only in authorities close the case a well grounded doubt remains that the god squad mentioned in the material is not let me hail core who is at present a citizen of the republican isto near the case will be closed as it has been impossible for the investigative team to find any additional evidence the decision raised eyebrows in israel at first but then simon wiesenthal center recalled which
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country they were dealing with it called washington spoke to the people who were here with this prosecution. asked them whether there was any doubt. and they said no none whatsoever. now this doesn't surprise me personally because for the last fifteen years i've been dealing with historians these stories have totally failed in terms of prosecuting actually it's clear that there's absolutely no political will in power to bring these people to justice and the good score story is not a one off case from sanctioning as veterans marches to glorifying former nazi collaborators this has been tolerance policy for the past decade recently this man made just about every headline in a story are almost on the scale of a national holiday a country marked the ninetieth birthday of the only remaining holder of the iron cross one of the highest medals of nazi germany sixty five years ago the nuremberg tribunal sentenced the nazi leadership to either executions or prison terms this
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trial of history was meant to get rid of nazism for good but the s.s. marches in baltic states and other cases of rehabilitation of fascism now days suggests that history lessons have not been fully learned. r.t. reporting from tallinn in a stone here. well shortly will be visiting a remote russian region where buddhists are welcomed with open arms that's after a business update with kareena. thank you bill hello and welcome to business russian markets had a bad day on monday following equities around the world markets tumbled on concerns that sovereign debt crisis could spread to the euro zone's biggest economies when he's agency warns that the rising costs of french debts and its weak economic outlook are threatening its aaa credit rating it also sees rising risks for germany due to its banks exposure to trouble you are piano economies so let's have
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a look at the numbers now for those trading near its lowest in seven days on speculation that fuel demand may falter like food is trading at ninety five dollars per barrel friends and that's just under one hundred six dollars a barrel stocks in the u.s. up long enough to congress's latest bid to resolve the federal budget gridlock appear to fail that could lead to broad automatic cuts for military and social spending where it is also true that europe's debt crisis might spill over to structuring the fragile u.s. recovery still stalks on the topic liners as metals prices decline and european stock markets closed lower as well stock markets fell after investor service delivered a pair of warnings related to france and germany banking stocks are under pressure at lloyds banking group told seven percent of the footsie all the dax commerzbank all six percent among other banks shares of can you see group sank ten percent on speculation back to the. pound here in russia equity markets closed deep in the red
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and negative trend was mostly due to the drop in the oil price wise it's lost over four and a half percent the biggest fall since october fourth let's have a check of some of the individual channels and why they're declining the mines it was led by russia's biggest coal producer metro down almost eight percent north neko was in the north also on the top loses falling around five percent energy shares retreated on lower crude prices but look or losing four percent rather you carol. what wraps up today's trade. we have clearly seen a risk off trading session across different geographies and it hasn't been a single reason behind it other than an accumulation of reasons from the past the realization that the no progress in terms of the european debt resolution the sky high yields and cost of funding to the european sovereign debt market is continuing concern for investors globally and here at home in russia as well and
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there's no visibility in terms of the the way it all can end really in any forseeable future and if anything the markets are starting to price in a potential scenario which which was considered unthinkable back a few months ago that the european monetary union can be dissolved and a mechanism could be created whereby some purple countries could exit out of the roadblock has been put on the path of russia's product as they should program this time by the government wants to ensure it gets a fair price for state assets vice premier the shares of the state companies should be sold lower the prices the proposal has already been approved by prime minister putin last year the government announced a large scale operation. bushell claim turbulance financial markets are messing up their. etc now about that you can always find more stories at the long haul
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