tv [untitled] November 21, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EST
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never. broken the law nischelle we'll get the real headlines with none of the mersey i can live in washington d.c. now tonight we're going to take a look at brutal police tactics used on students at u.c. davis last friday the video to prove it has gone viral as a school's chancellor tries to walk back her initial support for the police action we're going to ask why this kind of response is becoming the norm then this weekend in iowa g.o.p. candidates sat down for a thanksgiving family forum or they discussed social values and policies and responses make a logical question if some part of the g.o.p.
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would welcome a christian a theocracy here in america are going to show you some of the clips of the responses that are going to blow your mind and it was announced today that p.f.c. bradley manning will finally get a public court hearing on december sixteenth and maryland jane hamsher will join us to talk about what we might get to see there and ask why the white house has refused to follow its own petition rules and answer questions on the case all that and more fit and i couldn't because of happy hour but first take a look at the mainstream media has decided to miss. well it's oficial the super committee that everybody knew was going to be able to come to any bipartisan deal to cut a minimum of one point two trillion dollars in the deficit has failed and the mainstream media was of course happy to oblige lawmakers by acting like this really was three months of wrangling between the two parties so they'll be able to continue pointing the fingers at the other guy. a trillion dollar failure grueling
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in washington the congressional super committee is expected to announce that it cannot make a deal on deficit reduction the supercommittee debt panel on the verge of admitting failure now they just can't get it together all of the dead healed up awful after nearly three months of wrangling at all including the deficit reduction supercommittee is about to throw in the towel the committee will wait until after the day's markets closed and then will announce it failed to reach an agreement the goal was to find ways to cut one point two trillion dollars from the budget this committee is headed towards failure its mission had been pretty big to find one point two trillion dollars worth of savings over ten years and they just couldn't agree on how to get there. and i must say i find this all rather comical comical because nobody out there should be shocked in any which way shape or form that these twelve politicians who were given task could complete it in fact not completing tasks basically what they're good at is that or they just procrastinate
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to the point where our entire government is on the brink of a shutdown i don't leave that in the midnight hours do they do something to extend funding but only to kicking the can down the road kind of way where they extend it for just long enough to get a breather and then let the whole gave begin all over again but when you really think about it and you think of their failure to come up with a compromise here you need to ask the bigger question why would they come up with the government is they have got nothing to loose sure you can say that there's a chance i or from the probably not getting reelected but it's actually easier for them to not have to make any decisions and then they get to play with all the other party their inability to compromise or communicate in the next elections that way they will have to take any accountability for things that they actually did do now of course there's a little thing about the trigger and supposed to set in where automatic cuts would be made both the defense and social programs but as we reported to you on this show everybody's already trying to get around that none of those cuts would set in until january of twenty. so that leaves congress with
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a whole year to reverse their own deal and rules that they set up on themselves this summer once again ensuring that nothing actually happens or gets done now the president has threatened to veto but mostly he actually hold his ground on that one too and the funny thing here is that the less that they get done the more the deficit actually goes down if they were completely stop functioning tax cuts would expire drops in medicare physician reimbursement rates with kick in and so on and so forth but they don't want anybody to know that because you see they don't actually care about the deficit but then we the people will be left again saying hey wait a minute if you care about the deficit and think it's a national security issue then why are you spending all your time bickering on the super committee instead of creating jobs and then their religious function and worthlessness will be exposed and i don't want that either so the point here is that it's all a game it's all part of the overall dysfunction of our political system and the fact that what this country needs to get back on track is a lot less attention to what special interests will see corporate interests and
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defense contractor interests actually need a lawmakers are slaves to those interests the super committee got super lobbied and is worse than them all so they just part time the gridlock is based on fundamental values where the two parties don't align rather than the special interests on either side but they're serving because they have big influence and they have big checks it's all a twisted awful game and yet the mainstream media rather than talking about everything that i just did calling congress's bluff well they just play along they follow the tit for tat he said she said as if it actually matters the real problems that's what they miss. this past weekend this horrible video of police pepper spraying students who were peacefully protesting as part of the occupy movement on the u.c. davis campus went viral.
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now as you can see in the video the students were simply sitting on the ground arms length not interfering with the police in any way despite the police's initial defense that they had to use pepper spray because they had been encircled it's just another example of more brutal unnecessary tactics being used and it's resulted in widespread condemnation many people are calling on the u.c. davis chancellor to resign although she refuses and has so far changed her tune and initially supporting the police action and later expressing regret even outrage as well as trying to mend the situation by putting the two pepper spraying cops on leave now today students held another action on campus and unfortunately situations like this are becoming less the exception and more the rule join me to discuss it all is leafing we fall investigative reporter for the second alarm dot com we want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and i know that you were down there davis today where they held another action can you tell us what it was like are people still infuriated over last friday. a lot of thanks for having me i just got
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back from the u.c. davis cup by where about fifteen thousand students alumni and davis community members and i did number of media i crammed in to listen to speeches for about an hour from students who were pepper sprayed and from other activists who have been participating in this movement. following that the chancellor finally addressed the students apologizing to the fifteen thousand people there but not resigning and her comments were quite short and i would say that you clearly base and i want to get into the chancellor and her response but also let's talk about you know what it was the police did and this pepper spraying this unnecessary violence i wish that i could say that this was an isolated incident and it just happened to be u.c. davis and that was unfortunate but i think that as this often time movement has continued on as it's grown we start seeing it everywhere so does that tell you that
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when it comes to our police tactics and the brutality and the violence that really is a national issue. well you know this entire issue of a militarized police force is something that group are on both the drug war and the war on terror you have police forces all over the country and you can see even down to the university level that have militarized themselves with military style equipment that the pepper spray that was used was. a similar type used by military bill police i believe but you know as you mentioned this isn't the only example we can take through all the different sense that have happened all throughout the country the tank that was actually brought out and used at occupy tampa in florida but i think it's it's important to acknowledge that the students here at u.c. davis recognized that this is. not the rule or this is this this incident didn't happen in a vacuum it's part of
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a larger story that's unraveling all over the country i you know one of the things that's helped us be able to see all of that is that a lot of these incidents of brutality have been caught on video so if anything you know do you think this occupy movement is really selling us the importance of citizen journalism of your being able to use their smartphones and our cameras and whatever it is they had to immediately post things online. well of course you know and that's the other thing people are hopscotching the corporate media when i was at u.c. davis on saturday when thousands of students shamed the chancellor and gave her the silent treatment treatment as she walked over our reporter not too far away from me from the local n.b.c. affiliate basically live he said that the students were preparing to burble really confront the chancellor and you know kind of harass or that sort of thing and
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because i caught a video of what actually happened and posted on the web you can see that's not what happened it was actually an eerie silence were. almost like i tell you you know i since we're on it we actually have a clip of that video from the chancellor walking down in the silence of the students so let's play it really quick and i like continue. to so feel for him by the sleeve that's the way we like to be silent respectful it. sounds very eerie and very quiet because you know good if you expect your obviously to say no when you ask if you still threatened by the students. what wasn't clear the ministration tried to spin the situation where she had a press conference with media and there was a gathering of students outside who wanted to speak with her directly and she refused to speak to the students and then she said she wouldn't leave the building suggesting that there was some sort of hostage situation she was basically trying
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to marginalize the students as violent or crazy and the students in response sat down locked arms and refused to say a single word to demonstrate their nonviolence. like i said the media the corporate media they're trying to spin it and it ministrations perspective but if you actually watch the video of what happened. they were peaceful respectful and incredibly mature do you think that these you know city officials or chancellor is a different universities because we can let's hear davis we've got a u.c. berkeley do you think they're ever going to learn their lesson because each time it's been a case where the chancellor forest supports the athens of the police and the violence and the police in berkeley had even watched the video but immediately said that they were in the right and then later had to go in and walk it all back and express regret and launching an investigation. well the interesting thing here is that we can i think people are privileged enough to have this conversation of people here and i phones and cameras to record what happened they have
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a big alumni base of sometimes wealthy. families and people who are highly involved in a community so they can take action and hopefully take structural reforms back and alleviate some of these problems but as some of the the students mentioned today at the general assembly this sort of militarized police action is used against poor people and people of color all the time throughout the united states and there isn't this type of huge media frenzy denouncing it so at least we're starting this conversation and i think there's a great ideological coalition of libertarians progressive of even republicans who are really appalled by the level of of police brutality that's now used routinely even on college campuses i would say you know that kind of brutality those types of intimidation tactics could scare people off from ever wanting to
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join the movement that you think the opposite is happening here that it's actually galvanizing people inspiring them even more while i think the turning point in the civil rights movement. was actually wasn't the largest rallies and since it was in the actual footage of. bill carter and some of the other alabama. state troopers beating civil rights protesters it was horrific and terrifying for anyone to watch that british but actually galvanized people in the rest of the country to sympathize with their cause and to start talking about some of the issues that they were trying to push forward i think will we're seeing someone of a similar attack today i love my maybe not quite that extreme i really want to thank you so much for filling us in a little thanks alina. now davis wasn't the only california movement which found itself going head to head of police this weekend two other california camps were also raided and oakland cleared can't located at one thousand
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and telegraph avenue earlier this morning and despite the fact the police showed up in riot gear barring protesters from their camp no arrest or injuries reported however nearby san francisco during the early hours of sunday things got a little bit more heated. a mugger as protesters are long gone from the camp and outside of the federal reserve police and public works crews moved in just after one am to remove a dozen tents the last to go on the market street sidewalk. six demonstrators were arrested in occupiers still a fear that the main occupy san francisco camp in justin herman plaza will suffer the same fate as the one that was raided in front of the federal reserve building in san francisco mayor ed leave visited the herman plaza camp last wednesday and said the protesters would have a chance to improve their current camp which they deemed a public health nuisance as of last count there were two hundred tents at san francisco's main location out shift our focus to boston to revisit
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a story that we brought you a few weeks ago occupy boston is considered one of the best established locations throughout the country for the occupy movement and i'm very prevented police from grating down the dewey square encampment in boston's financial district forcing police to exercise restraint our law enforcement is resorting to alternative methods to rid the square of the occupiers as the past few days they've prevented demonstrators from entering the area with winterized tents and according to this next video whether protecting tents are considered contraband. well i'm going to put a little bit because. we are afraid that you will cause a man that we don't want the pale but with the sense. that he said the solution is of pain it's very sad and please consider lifesaving supplies illegal smuggled goods and this week at a mess and he sees chris hayes exposed to lobbying firms efforts to undermine occupies message on a broad scale a lobbying firm clark a little gig and cranford war of the american banking association via memo of the
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g.o.p. could do a one eighty on their view of the movement for the sake of the upcoming elections and c.r.t.c. proposed and eight hundred and fifty thousand dollar plan to protect the banks remember proposes a program of opposition research on occupy wall street activists which quote will also identify opportunities to construct that base negative narratives of the ws or high impact media placement to expose their backers they admit that individual companies under threat by o. ws and its adoption by democrats likely will not be the best spokespeople for their own cause because well everyone hates the bankers. now if you think about was bad there's a way to play here what a congressman said about movement during a town hall meeting illinois g.o.p. representative joe walsh declared the occupiers just don't understand how america works.
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this. is the worse. who. is. right now last year he went on to say that veterans and support the movement are anti american as they battle a socialist solutions so he can respect war veterans. now walsh is the only one who grossly misunderstands the strength and size of this movement won williams actually got into a heated argument with chris wallace on his sunday morning talk show this weekend about how americans feel about the occupiers to publicans in the time of occupy wall street are the protectors of the super rich at the moment here we should talk about occupy wall street is a plus any more like we should because they really really don't like it with all the violence it is great you really think about you know you're going to work. and you're getting distracted by think well you know people i know what i'm really happy with what all those people are thinking what you think i thought up with.
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williams has a good point that wallace is missing the whole point and he is getting distracted like rediscussed on friday shout out the end of the day the message of the ninety nine percent being fed up with the big banks the wealthy few holding the overwhelming majority of this country's wealth the one percent reaping all the benefits enjoying legal immunity while the rest of the country struggles to make ends meet and is criminalized for it that message is a plus chris wallace truth doesn't want to talk about it so there's a quick wrap up for you and a science and movement is still going strong. now coming up next some of the g.o.p. contenders got together this weekend in iowa for the thanksgiving family forum loughran them to do as they love best poetic on morals and social issues but they sounded pretty crazy different topic this and that. was.
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the eighty's repine. but what a contest nobody seems to know. that never appropriate to face but already argument that they're being overly dramatic. sometimes you see a story and it seems so. think you understand it and then something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm charging welcome to the big picture.
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probably have no idea if this happened because the event wasn't televised press coverage was scarce but this week at six every g.o.p. presidential candidates participated in a so-called thanksgiving family forum in iowa at this event was sponsored by the family leader and national organization for marriage to conservative christian organizations and the focus here was you guessed it social policy and values now what some describe as a soul baring event the candidates told personal stories of difficult moments in their lives there were gretz and their dedication to god that sounds nice sounds very personal but when you really look at some of their responses the picture becomes a little more scary if you have it's advocated for judeo christian values pervading our laws for the federal government to take power out of the hands of the state and legislating moral issues i think a marriage and abortion and for congress to take away the judiciary's power to review moral laws and all in all makes you wonder as william saletan of late did if
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these candidates who so often decry the influence of islam or the fake creeping shari'a law if they actually would mind a theocracy as long as it was christian so i mean to discuss this is david silverman president of american atheists they were thanks for coming back on the show now i just want to start with the way that this event went down it wasn't televised it was streamed online at the end of the day only seventeen thousand people actually watched it do you believe this is a little more important that more people should see what these candidates are actually saying in this regard. well i think the problem that we're seeing when we're looking at the republican party is what the american atheists have been changed for a long time the republican party is now the party of a christian theocracy and it is not. it's not going overboard to say such a thing the candidates and the road public and party right now are advocating theocracy and it's a very scary thing and what they're doing they don't have the answers to the real problems that we have in this country they don't have the problem the answers for
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the war or the economy or the joy. the humbling infrastructure so they are inventing a problem and they're assigning it to religious minorities and then they're demonizing those religious minorities so that they can coalesce their base around support around a fake problem and they're cloaking the whole thing in patriotism and it's very scary to watch it's very predictable we've been seeing this happen and we've been raising the red flag and i'm very happy that the press is picking up on this and yeah it's very scary that this wasn't televised but i've been looking at the the internet coverage on this for the past day and it's really kicking up i'm glad that people are starting to see the christian right the christian right influence on the republican party has real and i would just like to say that i used to be a republican i am all about small government i'm all about gun rights i support the troops i support a strong military but i can not vote for
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a republican because they are theocrats and they think i'm immoral just because i think atheists should have a fair seat at the table and that's wrong that's un-american on their part and it's very very scary from our from our point of view i well let me make one statement in regard to what you said there were there was one family that actually stood out at this forum in iowa this week and sounded like. they're reminded everybody got personal liberty and that was a belief that other people and i was ron paul resign him everyone else there is out of the same way and you have no i think they were just being rude here and they want to play a clip from something that rick santorum said that this might go along with. one like it's a lot of where the higher war the civil war the same in our case we have civil laws but our civil wars have to comport with the higher level our civil laws have to and that's why the issue of abortion as long as abortion is legal at least according
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the supreme court legal in this country we will never have rest because that war does not comport with god's law it would. so he wants god. through and i'm just wondering you know as an atheist how do you fight these types of statements and in my opinion all that because you're an atheist doesn't mean that you're necessarily immoral because it sounds like from the republican perspective unless you are someone to face and you have no morals right and mr santorum forgot to say that it was his interpretation of god's law that really counts it's not the other people's interpretation of god's law that really counts it's not about the economy and it's not about the jobs of the war it's about abortion or gay marriage and it's about islam and they're going to come and take over this country and make it their country and it's about the secularists and atheists we're going to take over this country and make it their country i'm sorry it's not an extremist point of view to say this it sounds
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a lot like early hitler it does and it's very very scary when people will swallow this kind of rhetoric when people will not see that these people the senate wrister santorum and bachmann and ron the end game which are using this kind of mentality using their religious beliefs and using this pumped up fake attack on christianity to cloak themselves and protect themselves from their complete inability to answer the country's real problems of the economy of the jobs of the infrastructure of the terrible education system that we have this is our problem as citizens we must not elect the people who can actually solve problems who actually distract we're actually you know show something shiny over here so that we don't look at the real problems and i'm calling out all christians out there don't just vote for somebody because they're bigoted in your favor bigotry in favor of first of christianity
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isn't good and it's not any better than any other kind of bigotry america is a melting pot where a broad country and. no matter how religious you are in and no matter how christian you are in a christian theocracy you'll never be christian and us there's always going to be somebody there with another version of christianity that's more christian than you and you're going to leave the freedom to make the choice because you didn't defend the separation of church and state when you had to change something you would hear a lie as you know certain candidates having to prove that they're more anti-abortion then the other candidate in their eyes having a what happened to her and i want to play one last clip where terrorists. well ask her for santorum that i think brings up a good point because. that is not our founders' vision that is it is newt's it just isn't you know license liberty says it's a corruption of liberty it's not understanding that with our founders understood liberty is not what you do want to do but what you ought
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to do. so it is kind of interesting i wonder how republicans would apply that to certain tracks there are when you start looking at the economy and it's not just about the free market and what you want to do but it's what an entrepreneur with is maybe help those that are new to this country and who's going to determine what you ought to do well they are going to determine what you want to do and then they close the whole thing in christianity and when you look in christianity there's no notion of freedom of religion in christianity there's no notion of democracy or separation of powers or checks and balances in christianity there's not even a vote in christianity anywhere there's no liberty in christianity that's why when they come out with these statements like america was founded in a christian values i challenge them ok name the christian values that you're talking about and show me where they're in american law show me where your
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assertion that this is a judeo christian nation actually manifests itself in our law and by the way gail christian is a is is a fake word anyways but let's find out what they mean and when you take it to the next level exactly what name one judeo christian value that's part of american law they can't because it's not true they know it they're lying they're trying to distract your attention from the fact that they have no solutions to this country's real problems and this country's real problems have no have nothing to do with abortion or gay marriage they're all about the economy the jobs our infrastructure our and quite frankly this horrible division that we have this horrible polarization that we have in our society that i have a lot of parts like are out of time but i have to have i want to thank you for joining us now and you know there's a lot to be said about.
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