tv [untitled] November 22, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EST
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flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations room today. thousands of egyptians occupy central cairo demanding an end to the country's military rule despite fierce clashes with security forces that claimed at least thirty three lives. people are strongly to top your plans once again there's more protests are being planned demonstrators are hardening they result against people foreign cheese. russia lashes out on new u.s. sanctions against iran's financial and energy sectors calling them unacceptable and not aligned with international law. welcome back after six months on the international space station a crew of three safely returned to earth aboard a russian spacecraft. and later this hour the russian markets have reopened
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following a major slide on monday find out what are the main driving factors for the equities in the business both in about twenty minutes. let me out of the russian capital you're watching our team on marina joshie thousands of egyptians are filling to harir square in cairo for the fourth day running demanding an end to the military rule at least thirty three people have been killed since saturday as security forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters the unrest comes before the country gears up to elect a new parliament in a vote next week. reports from cairo. kerry into his square thousands of protesters have remained overnight as you walk around now there are people still handled and that includes many of the protesters i seen are walking around almost
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with a sense of pride showing the bandages that are a sign of the violent clashes we saw until late monday on the sway of jaime not so many people at the moment although there are ambulances that has been passing their motorcycles carrying injured people so even at this early hour violence has broken out but we were kissing on the side of the army is an attempt to cleanse the square of people and what they have been doing is almost working their way systematically from street to street that leads to this way and that is why many of the clashes are not here in the central part of this way but in the streets leading to it what we saw last night is that when people finish work when they finish school they come here at the same time at school when child hears today for a million people to turn out on the streets of cairo today tuesday so we are likely not only to see those those numbers but also is an expectation that they could be violence today late monday the the cabinet announced its rizieq nation now the
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latest word we have on that is that the ministry is looking at it hasn't it responded we understand that there are emergency talks being held by the military council to discuss how they will react and that there was no consensus on that when that announcement was made here in town his where there was a loud cheer the chant was god is great people here certainly believe that the resignation of the cabinet is a step in the right direction it's a cabinet that was appointed by the army because people here want is the military to go one step further and not only to have its cabinet resign but also for the military and the generals themselves to step down the goal here really is to quote people i've been talking to to finish the revolution that started back in february some of the criticisms being leveled at this interim military council is that it hasn't done enough to hand over power it hasn't implemented. forms at a pace anywhere near what people here were hoping for i mean just some of the demands people are saying that it's leading what they've called a counter revolution and by that they mean that the military council has proposed
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constitutional changes that they disagree with they say that these kind of constitutional changes will ensure that the minute she retains power even after it hands over to civilian government that they've also been made a presidential elections and to late two thousand and twelve two thousand and thirteen so in essence what people want is for this revolution that was supposed to herald and new egypt in for that revolution to achieve its goals because they are reporting there from cairo british labor m.p. jeremy corbin believes change is unlikely in the country unless the west stops supporting the military rulers they are. it's western double standards work. very good in order to change the government because of threats against the people. they have put sanctions against some countries because of oppressions of civil liberties ok supply rain sorry radio as he prayed in. bahrain in order to protect the molecule the case i'm sorry the radio and mass incarceration of cuban rights
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and no intervention i think the west basically quite happy to carry on the military structure in egypt if you feel certain that is really the hold of any new government coming in the challenges the authority of the creek is going to have a huge it seems to me the brush has been even before the elections taking place in the west has to wake up to come out on the one hand to deal with kingdoms and take the ships of the press human rights and at the same time pretend to be on the side of the demonstrators democracy and human rights of the people of course is going to do so i think it is reality we've got to say it's time for the military in egypt to step aside despite all the weapons and everything they've been fed over the past few decades by the worst and more horrors of the protests that are once again shaking egypt visit our website egyptian army supported leave inspired by the so-called efficient police response to the alpha i will street movement in america
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and picks up tips for dealing with protests from overseas so read more about it as you go on and while you're online check out the footage from the cairo demonstrations on your cowardly to channel. four news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images go girl has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. moscow has lashed out at new u.s. sanctions against iran saying they contradict international law and complicate potential constructive dialogue with the country washington announce the measures against iran on monday targeting the country's energy and financial industries that fall the u.k.
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also declaring that it was cutting all ties was rainy and banks including the central bank a measure also undertaken by canada and measures are a result of the latest report from the un's nuclear watchdog claiming iran's working on building on atomic weapon the new sanctions targeting iran's main bad are also designed to make it more difficult for the country to develop and maintain its oil and gas sectors u.s. thirty three of state hillary clinton warns the increasingly aggressive actions against the country will continue and urged other governments to put pressure on toronto is author and journalist david lindorff believes aggression towards iran could bring dire consequences. all the signs are looking exactly like they looked in the period of two thousand and one and two dozen three here in the u.s. with this you know drumbeat of hysteria. and weapons of mass destruction and every leader of the united states keeps saying all. on the table
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this seeing that and invasion is on the table and israel of course constantly threatening to attack i mean if you really want to get a country to get a nuclear weapon then just keep threatening it with attack the sanctions will probably have a negative effect on the u.s. goals of trying to drive a wedge between people in their government because people get so angry at the same actions and see them as a threat so i think what you'll see in iran is probably something similar with the rallying people to their to their government and to the you know nationalistic feelings when they're under attack from countries like the united states and israel. the world could be standing out across this of a third world war and nuclear annihilation if any action is taken against iran a clear warning from former u.s. senator and. you could watch his full interview next hour right here is a preview. this whole ginning up for war with iran very
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dangerous because iran is not syria not lebanon iran is a nation and they have missile capabilities they won't have nuclear capabilities but they have missile capabilities that they can rain down on television you know i could tell you if they are attacked they will attack back and israel is so vulnerable and so small that they will retaliate they'll use nukes you could start a third world nuclear war but you're responsibly attacking iran. are you watching r t coming to you live from moscow and later this hour tackling a deadly danger of russia calls for simple solutions to solve the production and trafficking of drugs from ghana steal the largest producer of heroin in the world.
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series embassador to the united nations has accused the european powers of declaring a diplomatic war against his country it's comments come after the sponsored a un resolution condemning human rights violations in the country meanwhile the british foreign secretary has met with representatives of the opposition and urged them to form a united front against president assad's government on monday at least twenty people were reportedly killed in continuing anti-government protests the e.u. is increasing pressure on damascus calling for new sanctions to be adopted this week turkey is now also claiming it no longer trusts its former ally but russia says calls from certain states for the syrian opposition to avoid dialogue with the government are provocation on an international scale and will only lead to further violence author and journalist webster tarpley who is in damascus says the west is behind a crisis in the country. the u.s. policy i think right now is to smash the middle east according to ethnic lines people complained that there are terrorists who are shooting at civilians men women
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and children blind terrorism random killing simply for the purpose of destabilizing the country i would not call this a civil war by any stretch of the imagination what you're dealing with here are death squads you're dealing here with terror commandos it's a joint production of. six most. of the french but after libya becoming a bloodbath with one hundred fifty thousand dead and now with egypt showing what it was all along there was no revolution there it was a complete failure and now people are beginning to to understand it and notice that nevertheless mrs clinton and miss rice at the united nations are continuing to push this frankly up the strategic model because the revolution the cia people power with back terrorist groups people from al qaeda people from the muslim brotherhood because i've heard this from some very important religious authorities
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here there's a growing movement inside the islamic community here which says we want reconciliation we want law and order we want legality we don't want that fanatics to run the show the fanatics are being brought in by the western powers. the new leaders downgrade and greece and italy are hard to work as they attempt to rescue their countries out of their dad still. and athens lucas papademos has to prove reforms to secure the next international bailout tranche to for his country runs out of money while in italy of the new prime minister mario monti is holding key talks with e.u. leaders to map out a strategy for combating the country's debt crisis he is under pressure to boost italy's growth and bring down its data in order to prevent a disintegration of the euro our sponsor furth ponderous what lies ahead for you are. the changing face of europe here in democracy as the euro
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crisis continues to claim political heads and elected leaders have taken the reins in great greece and italy because government is being formed. explicit. explicit task to do what europe's requires the new leaders have been holding close talks with their european counterparts have a day more school the task before him her clear and others would call it impossible in trying to balance democracy with debt reduction it seems for now the latter is one out of the problem is that there is no need to go far these sure many academics or other groups have concrete suggestions or another suggestion for the grossest in italy i speak with economists might challenge the second about why when it comes to finding a solution to the crisis that people seem to be being left out of the equation what
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we've seen happen in such a crisis has seemed to a lot of people very very confusing do you think this sense of economic and political games this. is the tides take it back and give the decision to the people here this is affecting go through the wrong sort of around the. process. and those who would presumably because they were there was a bit. tappan dres suggestion of a referendum is followed by his sharp exit eventually people are going to have to be asked what they want despite strong euro same rhetoric that there's an alternative to being inside the euro it's become increasingly clear that there is and always has been a choice it's about time that people were allowed to make one people are afraid in the block me every day they are saying to them that look if you don't accept what
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the europeans are saying if you don't accept this there the misery imposed by the government by the i.m.f. . it will be fairly leaving the euro zone still remains an extremely unpopular prospects say to you is simply continuing along brussels part which until now has meant more stereotype painful job cuts will bear louts solution all of which has led to growing social unrest that threatens to undermine the whole concept of european unity search r.t. grannie. creek lawyer george carter a novelist believes their rescue cash will not be enough for a thing an elected technocrats to lead their countries very probably got going to take this class but of course this is not going to save us because of low because these austerity measures are going to be implemented there is no way out for greece
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neither for the other countries of the eurozone it is a lack of democratic legitimacy not only with prime minister that it never has been elected but the right to impose us policies that are completely out of starts with a majority view of the population that is the key not all the case or likely democratic it's a good message but not so sure that india has with the old police because the party system is completely bankrupt completely discredited it unfortunately would look to get a value of political life in the this political have been a do not be of the group that pick one without any kind of democratic and for you to go into the machine so this counting one period of what i deem was a problem with the is not going to last both because all this is meant ineffective and exactly because they love any kind of approval of the electorate also have a program a safe return home a trio spacemen arrive back in or near
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a half year mission on the international space station. russia's criticize the u.s. nato for not doing enough to stop illegal drug trafficking from afghanistan a country accounts for more than ninety percent of the world's opium production moscow says the simple solutions are the key to tackling the issue and regulating poppy fields across the country will help solve the problem r. g.'s ganesh the county courts. these harmless looking afghan puppies have caused millions of deaths worldwide. just one annual output of afghan heroin is enough to kill ten million drug addicts. russian the u.s. have teamed up to crack down on drug producers in afghanistan as a result of joint operations a number of major labs were destroyed there but there is a stark difference in how russian the u.s. see the solution to the problem because there was not a forklift speaking instead of destroying the machine gun nest they suggest
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catching bullets flying from the machine gun we suggest eradicating narcotic plants altogether as long as there are opium poppy fields there will be trafficking as simple as that but the u.s. and other nato countries have no intention to eradicate afghan poppy fields once and for all they say afghans need opium poppies to survive. analysts point out the inconsistency of such an approach by arguing that because afghan peasants don't want to grow potatoes instead of puppies and helias of people worldwide have to die another inconsistency. with the us together with the colombian government eradicates two hundred thousand hectares of coke of course is a year in afghanistan only two thousand hectares of poppy fields are being eradicated one hundred times less apart from the refusal to get rid of the poppies there is the alleged interest of international banks in dirty money their car ticks have nearly as much air in the total world trade as oil and gas the head of
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russia's drug enforcement suggested u.s. and european banks cast of glee welcome and encourage the inflow of drug money and that is because the reports show that a persistent lack of liquidity and an aspiration to survive during a crisis promote not only tolerance for criminal money but also encouraging attitude of availability of such money there was silent consent in the us audience to the russian proposal to stop the banks from laundering drug money we can hear and hear can see is tough. kardex we can read the rest of traffickers but we really need to choke off before. this there was also a sense of get out where the western authorities can actually take on those very powerful financial institutions the u.s. and other nato countries are obviously not in for the idea of a rabbit creating poppy fields all together besides irrational banks that seem to be huge inflow of dirty money but experts say that the status quo would lead to millions more dying in the future which could be prevented from getting shut down
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reporting from washington our team. now is take a look at some other stories from around the world and first to afghanistan where roadside bombs and insurgent attacks have left six people dead two nato troops were killed in the southern part of the country one soldier died in a roadside bombing and the other in an insurgent attack forces in the region have been trying to hold territory to gain after routing insurgents from their strongholds meanwhile four civilians have died in the eastern province after the your car hit a roadside bomb more than five hundred international troops have died in afghanistan this year. durham al-qaeda will name a cabinet of experts to steer the country to its first fully democratic elections the new government is due to remain in place until the middle of next year when elections for a new us and we are helping the country's former leader moammar gadhafi was captured and killed just one month ago after being in power for forty two years.
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yemeni tries that opposed to president saddam plame stormed a military base near the capital and made off with weapons and number of people were said to have been killed on both sides in the raid it's the latest in a series of battles between tribesmen and forces backing solid who's clinging to power to five months of protests demanding downfall of his regime meanwhile in the south the army killed twenty islamist militants after coming under an artillery attack. the raid has admitted using excessive force during pro-democracy protests since february which have left at least thirty five people dead twenty members of the security forces were charged over alleged abuses during the uprising q muslims rail against discrimination they claim to suffer at the hands of the governing sunni majority the government responded with a brutal crackdown on demonstrators sealing off hospitals and beating medics who tanned it for the wounded the report comes days before an independent inquiry will release its findings. a soyuz spacecraft has brought
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a cosmic off from russian to astronauts from the united states and japan safely back to earth a man have spent six months in orbit working on the international space station and will now have to slowly adapt to having their feedback on the ground or just on bart and witness their return. after a descent from the international space station the soyuz module has safely touched down in a step in kazakhstan rescue teams have landed and taking out the three crew that have come down in the module such as she put a surrogate volkova mike fossum have been up on the international space station for six months conducting maintenance and experiments they also have a tense time out there in august and progress supply module crashed on the way up to the i assessed bringing supplies and not raised many questions over the reliability of the soyuz vehicle all launches were suspended for a while so the crew that was supposed to come up to join them had to be delayed
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they had to send down videos explaining the hundred a process that was going ok the new crew is now installed up there mike fossum so she thought of. of all call for now back safely on earth after their stay in space come back reporting that i will find out more about the astronauts return on our web site also waiting there for you and other story frons things a russian probe headed for mars may return to earth with a bump after being unable to carry out its mission. and the works of art fired by the recent pepper spraying of occupy protesters by u.s. problems. and coming up here on our t.v.
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it's a kaiser report focusing on the scandal surrounding the collapse of the financial program a flow bill for doubt that will take a look what's happening in the world of business where the. it's almost twenty four minutes past the hour welcome to the business program on r t the russian markets are rallying on shoes they offer in the previous session they experienced the biggest drops and sperling october there are some good news from europe the euro zone finance ministers agreed to give the next tranche of financial aid to greece business artie's money in a closer vote joins me live from the r.t.s. the center of moscow to give us the latest but what are the main driving factors for the markets on tuesday. for the first leg busters or is still concerned over the sovereign debt crisis writing to the euro zone's the biggest economies and that was quite evident yesterday when we saw a sea of red across the board and there are a number of factors play into that there are now concerns over francis aaa credit
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rating and that's after movies warned all the countries rising costs of that as well as a weak economic outlook and it also mentioned reisa risks for germany because of its banks exposure to troubled european economies but everyone is expecting to hear what will happen on wednesday when the european commission is expected to present a study which will have a real options for joint issuance and this is largely seen as a step closer to the euro zone this doesn't mean you are born somewhere that will be back collectively by all members rather than individually with. what other issues other factors will investors watch this week. well there is a similar story taking place right now in the u. was very little investor confidence there is actually most expect the special congressional committee to bail in its quest to point a solution to the country's in huge deficit and another blow was simply ratings
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agency announcing that in my downgrade some of the biggest banks in the u.s. so definitely more a lot of positive data coming out from europe or the u.s. at the moment. thanks for the update our t's might in the closer of reporting from the center of moscow. and let's now have a look at the numbers well prices are recovering following a major slide on monday on fears about the state of the global economy that would lead to a weaker demand for crude w g i is that more than ninety seven dollars a barrel brant is topping one hundred seven years of r. . and asian shares are trading in the negative territory the nikkei is down more than one third of a percent the hang sang is losing around percent in tokyo export is a bucking the trend though thanks to a weaker yet honda is more than one percent nissan is gaining around two percent.
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and here are the latest numbers here in russia investors see monday's slide as a buying opportunity apparently both the indices are gaining more than one percent this hour. in europe and the united states may be drowning in debt but here in russia the economy isn't subplots. or prices of the past year at the main factors such fiscal strength acting finance minister antonis who lot of says the surplus is a must considering the turmoil of the financial markets is limiting the government's ability to borrow. we would loike in this year with a budget surplus of up to four percent of g.d.p. to use these profits to decrease commits to borrowing next year we cannot borrow a lot on the domestic market we are already testing its limits at the same time we are not going to increase taxes so the only way to restrain the budget deficit next year is to be prudent about what we spend. russia and bella rusev wrapping up their
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long lasting gas dispute that honesty's paper cites a source close to talks saying moscow will finally cut the price for manske and how starting next year the price will come to around one hundred fifty dollars per one thousand cubic meters. bello's has long been struggling to get it just sounds especially given that it's creating a climate economic so with russia in exchange for price cut the to sell moskowitz transportation network the countries are to sign a clean and at the end of this week. and that's all the latest from the business team i'll be back an hour and about fifteen minutes singer.
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