tv [untitled] November 22, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EST
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thousands of angry egyptians refused to leave the revolutionary tahrir square as calls for the end of military rule go along despite the cabinets offer to quit. more tear gas and rubber bullets rained down on protesters as fish clashes erupted tuffy square and demonstrators tyson it was told against bill currencies. moscow heads out of the u.s. for slapping a more sanctions on iran over its nuclear ambitions saying it contradicts international law and all her prospects for talks. the mission accomplished
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three crew members give the thumbs up as they plan their feet firmly back on the ground after six months in orbit. live from the heart of moscow this is our team with me in cairo's tahrir square is packed with tens of thousands of protesters rallying against the ongoing ruling military council in the wake of violent clashes that killed at least thirty three people the cabinet has submitted his resignation. is following the unrest in the egyptian capital right above to reassess where good to see you paul i know it's noisy i'll keep this brief you're right there in the middle of all of it tell us what's happening now. well the million man occupation of toughness why it is well and truly underway as you not behind me you can see the crowds tens of thousands of
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people who have answered a call to come to town just made today and manifest if a stray ssion now since the early hours of this morning people have been a variety they've been chanting really the same message and that is for the minute he joins her that has been doing this kind. east and stabilize our stock of hosni mubarak to step down the violence is increasing it's happening and all the signs streets leading here to tough you point out there we are receiving reports of protesters literally breaking up pavements and froemming concrete mounds at the security offices they've also barricaded inside themselves behind steel fences now the security police for various sides have been firing rockets they've also been firing tear gas almost nonstop so much so that you'd be hard pressed to find someone here in the crowd was not walking around without a tear gas must be the smell of tear gas it's constantly in the air here now we are hearing from it except they simply not coping churches and mosques in the area have
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opened their doors they are offering assistance and we're also hearing now for the first time consummation that the security forces have been using live ammunition doctors reporting that many of those who have been killed died from live gunshots now be tapped his main holding station for eternity it is also the party that it's run out of crossings and it is given a call for new coffins to be pulled to the area so the situation descending into cindy past at the same time i was walking around earlier and almost an ad in series of voting of last time i saw a number of youngsters writing their names and a family contact details on their arms this is in case they get killed at least i'll be able to be identified so the situation here is one of incredible tension appalling to this point the situation deteriorating you're talking of the violence so the big news is the cabinet has offered to resign just days before the election
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but what's the next step for the military council. well the interim government had its resignation to the supreme council of the armed forces late last night and the military has not yet responded as to whether or not they'll accept the resignation of a gun. that essentially they appointed but we understand that they're holding emergency talks that the person he's being bandied around as the prime minister to be possibly if not all baradei he was before my head after international atomic energy agency and he will if indeed he is tasked to do this appoint a new government but until such time the current government is overseeing the whole situation this is an attempt by the military to try and meet some of the demands of the tens of thousands of people who are here in tahrir square the people who are not fooled they say that it will essentially still be the military pulling the strings behind the scene i mean some of the sentiments of people are saying here is that the heroes of the last revolution back in february have turned out to be the
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villains of this revolution and that people here believe that the military everybody but both dictators both won in the same the question now is whether or not monday's parliamentary elections will go ahead and if the state that does not seen these upon a number of candidates has suspended their electronic titties and actually come here to join in with the demonstrations thirty seven political parties of baghdad to get it they have given their weight behind these demonstrations the muslim brotherhood of course is one of the main organizers of this demonstration and they are touted to be the biggest winner something next week's parliamentary elections but they have said that while they have not a good chance of a campaign they are suspending their electoral seventies paula as we've heard we've been speaking to you here we've been looking at aerial live pictures all over central square the swarming crowds tend to set up people there waving their banners
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and we can see what i'm going to try to get through the crowds there as you were saying earlier some of the children are writing the names of the names of their family members and telephones on their arms in case there struck down by the live ammunition that we have now confirmed is being used on areas of the crowd. you know as we know i know months paula since other former president mubarak was ousted some are wondering whether the revolution it was a good thing in the first place all these policy or life interests were thank you. for the rest is the largest and bloodiest since the february uprisings that toppled hosni mubarak the u.k. m.p. jeremy opened told us here at r.t. it's time with the military government listen to protesters who are fighting for their rights well i think what they want is the opportunity to decide their own future in their own government and what they've had visibility carrousel running the country ever since. is essentially full of mubarak appointees and it seems to me that the behavior of the army and indeed the police towards the demonstrators in
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tahrir square exam is provocative really they're playing that far because if the elections are postponed because of the behavior of the military then presumably the council to see itself as being longer in power if not permanently and that will then provoke more demonstrations and a whole new uprising across the whole country it's completely democratic the military of always had a pretty good position gyptian politics the high ranking officers enjoyed extremely privileged position and financially lives which we depend on the state in many respects this is any new government that challenges the authority of the creek is going to have a huge battle it seems to me the battle. before the election has taken place i hope that the military begin to see some sense and recognize that they have got to withdraw from the political scene. you with r.t. live from moscow russia has called the new american sanctions targeting iran's
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financial and energy sectors as unacceptable and contradictory to international law moscow also underlined that such measures would hurt their chances of renewing talks with iran over its alleged nuclear program but fall of the decision by the u.k. and canada to cut all ties with iranian banks for the measures are the result of the latest u.n. atomic watchdog report that suggested a terror on is building a bomb it's something iran eminently denies the new sanctions target iran's at nain bank and blacklist entities suspected of aiding iran's nuclear program the us secretary of state hillary clinton warned that increasingly aggressive action against the country will continue and urged other governments to also put pressure on toronto political analyst chris bambery thinks this approach by the west resembles the lead up to the iraq invasion. it's a ramping up of pressure on tehran and we have seen israel being for an attack on. iran we've seen israel essentially
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a dummy read using a nato base in sardinia by its planes flying back into how it's supposed to test its capacity to launch an attack on iran and why need to agree to that i don't know we've seen israel launching an into convents of ballistic missile in recent weeks and we have this force at the moment of an israel sitting in a conference discussing a nuclear free middle east when it is the only power in the middle east which has a nuclear program they are very selective in the use of sanctions of course to do nothing about it pakistan is an unstable state with nuclear weapons and you know of course it has been an ally of britain america in insight that i think people are asking what are britain america doing here they're marching to the drums of war once again claiming weapons of mass destruction we've heard these queens because some ten years ago in relation to iraq sanctions were used in a rack to soften up the country in preparation for a military strike i would be very worried about that and to be honest alliance of
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britain and america planning for and for an attack around little britain as contingency plans to support an american based attack on iran is a frightening prospect. well any military action against iran it could start up a third world war that's the theory of former u.s. senator mike gravel you can watch his folding if you later this hour but for now a preview. this whole ginning up over war with iran very dangerous because iran is not syria not lebanon and iran is a proud nation and they have missile capabilities they won't have nuclear capabilities but they have missile capabilities that they can rain down on television now i can tell you if they are attacked they will attack back and israel is so vulnerable and so small that they will retaliate they'll use nukes what do you think pocket going to do with its nukes what do you think
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china is going to do what do you think the united states is going to do in retaliation i mean you could start a third world nuclear war. and there are more thoughts from a former u.s. senator in full in about twenty minutes time. well also if you're in the program on r t picture and some money that's russia lashes out at the u.s. for letting afghan poppies grow as concerned the opium business is simply too lucrative to destroy. i don't do catch the first minutes on terra firma of the three space travelers who safely returned to earth after six months in . i despite all efforts from politicians and newly appointed technocrats suffer in
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a debt crisis continues its march all across the euro zone spain's borrowing costs have soared as investors showed little faith in the country's newly elected center right government italy's mario monti is in brussels to convince european leaders his country's economy is back on track and his commitment to the single currency hold strong the greek prime minister lucas papademos was has promised that his country will receive the next bailout tranche before the end of the year that's after he to make the e.u. stop technocrats and assured them he was determined to implement all the cuts that greece's creditors demand because r.t. sarah ferguson hearing of the new leaders of crisis hit countries are still struggling to get the backing of the people. the changing face of year democracy as the euro crisis continues to claim political heads and elected leaders have taken the reins they greece and italy this government is formed.
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explicit. the explicit task to do what europe's requires new leaders have been holding close to their european counterparts. could the task the foreign hokie live in others would call it impossible in trying to balance the more kristie we get reduction it seems for now the last is one out of the problem is that there is no. sure many academics or other groups that have concrete suggestions for a term of the suggestion of the crisis in italy i speak with economists. about why when it comes to finding a solution to the crisis the teeth all seem to be peeing left out of the equation what we've seen happen in a crisis has seemed to a lot of people very very confusing think economic and political game says.
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it's now time to take it back and give the decision to the people here this is affecting. us. in the roads. and i think it was a year because they were also. compaction drains suggestion of a referendum and it's followed by his shop. eventually people are going to have to be asked what they want despite stronger as a wrestler there's no alternative to being inside the year it's become increasingly clear that there is you know it has been a choice. people were allowed to make wrong people are afraid and the block me every day they're saying to them look if you don't like what the europeans are saying if you don't accept this their demands are imposed by the government and by the i.m.f.
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. it will be heavy was leading the year raising stuart means an extremely unpopular prospect c.t. that is simply continuing along brussels past which until now has meant more stary see painful jump cuts will bear louts a solution all of which has led to growing station and rest threatens to undermine the whole concept of european unity search on c. i mean time lawyer george got also police to the rescue cash will not be enough for you an elected technocrats to leave the country. very probably well going to take this class but of course this is not going to save us because these austerity measures are going to be implemented there is no way out for greece either for the other countries of the eurozone it is the lack of democratic legitimacy not only we have. never. been elected but they.
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are completely out of starts with a majority of the population that is the key are not all the case or for lack of democratic means to be much but also for. the old political party system is completely bankrupt completely discredited and unfortunately we cannot get covered by our political. this political act and if it cannot be i think one without any kind of democratic and political legitimacy so this kind of period of your money he's not going to last both because this is meant ineffective and exactly because they love any kind of approval of the electorate. across the atlantic people continue to express their anger against corporations politicians and all the latest from the occupy wall street protests. now the latest we have is the least twenty six journalists have been rounded up all across the country they claim they. are
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thrown onto the ground as a direct threat to press freedom in america. i'm talking about how russia's communists are using kalashnikov rifles to win the country's parliamentary elections writes drawing the anger of the designer of the iconic rock and all the details about the dot com so you can watch one of our best videos on our channel. he. is. in about eight minutes with business news for america's approach to tackling the
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flow of illegal drugs from afghanistan is misguided this criticism from russia's drug chief who believes a complete eradication of poppy fields is the only solution it's a position. the u.s. however this reluctance now has if the deadly business is simply too lucrative to destroy. parts. these harmless looking afghan puppies but caused millions of deaths worldwide. russian the u.s. have teamed up to crackdown on drug producers in afghanistan as a result of joint operations a number of major labs were destroyed there but there is a stark difference in how russia and the u.s. see the solution to the problem is that metaphorically speaking instead of destroying the machine gun nest they suggest catching bullets flying from the machine gun we suggest eradicating narcotic plants altogether as long as there are opium poppy fields there will be trafficking as simple as that but the u.s.
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and other nato countries have no intention to eradicate afghan poppy fields ranson for all they say afghans need opium poppies to survive another inconsistency the issue of americans come up with the u.s. together with the colombian government eradicates two hundred thousand hectares of cocoa pushes a year in afghanistan only two thousand hectares of poppy fields are being around a kid one hundred times less apart from the refusal to get rid of the poppies there is the alleged interest of international banks in dirty money or kardex have nearly as not share in the total world trade as oil and gas the head of russia's growth enforcement suggested u.s. and european banks tacitly welcome and encourage the inflow of drug money and that is progress reports show that a persistent lack of liquidity in an aspiration to survive during a crisis promote not only tolerance toward criminal money but also encouraging attitude of availability of such money there was silent consent in the us audience
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to the russian proposal to stop the banks from laundering drug money we can either do or can see is this of narcotics we can make arrests of traffickers but we really need to choke off the farm supply because there was also a sense of doubt whether western authorities can actually take on those very powerful financial institutions they u.s. and other nato countries are obviously not in for the idea. radek meeting afghan poppy fields all together besides your national bank remind you again follower of dirty money experts say that the status quo would lead to millions more dying in the future which could be prevented from getting that down reporting from washington r.t. . twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow let's get to some other world news in brief for you this hour time for the world update here the international criminal court chief prosecutor has come to libya following the weekend arrest of colonel gadhafi son saif al islam is wanted by the hague for alleged war crimes but the
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interim leadership vowed to try him at home where he could face the death penalty it comes as the new cabinet is expected to be named in libya three months after colonel gadhafi was overthrown the transitional authority is tasked with drafting a constitution and holding elections as well as balancing rival regional factions battling for influence in the country. the u.n. assembly is set to vote on a resolution condemning it's going to rights violations in syria damascus has already called it a declaration of war against the country accusing britain france and germany of sponsoring the mandate the u.n. says that more than three thousand five hundred people have already being killed during eight months of violent protests so western powers are calling for president assad to step down with turkey the latest to join the chorus of the e.u. is also increasing pressure on damascus calling for a new sign to be adopted this week. on the south korean parliament became
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a battlefield when an opposition lawmaker decided to throw what's being called tear gas powered up he was angry the ruling party lawmakers are pushed through a long stalled free trade deal with the u.s. the deputy parliament speaker was seen wiping his eyes after being doused with the chemical ratification of the trade deal with washington was agreed despite strong opposition. well it's been a soft landing on the step of kazakhstan for a russian soyuz capsule and its crew of the russian american land that space japanese space travel has returned after a six month stint in orbit at least on but now reports from mission control after a descent from the international space station the soyuz module has safely touched down in a step in kazakstan for a car worth volkov and mike fossum have been up on the international space station for six months conducting maintenance and experiments they also had
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a tense time up there in august with the progress supply module crashed on the way up to the i assessed bringing supplies and not raised many questions over the reliability of the soyuz vehicle all launches were suspended for a while so the crew that was supposed to come up to join them had to be delayed they had to send down videos explaining the hundred a process that's going ok the new crew is now installed up there and mike fossum so she thought of uncertain evolved often out back safely on earth after their stay in space. a success story right there but russia's space program may soon turn in a new direction the federal space agency says the moon could be its next destination that's if the current mission to the mars satellite fails rushers the space agency has not given up hope of completing the mission but admits the chances are now slim the spacecraft failed to reach its intended orbit after its launch two
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weeks ago the probe was meant to obtain soil samples from the red planet's moon phobos the space agency says if the mission does fail the dead of the spacecraft can fall on earth between the end of december and february but the chances of it actually hitting someone are close to zero. right now let's turn over to korea with the latest business news. hello and welcome to our business update the solidly clean relic and thanks for joining me there are some markets are recovering on tuesday after the previous session brought the biggest drop since early october spike and bounce the mood remains decidedly negative but a business our teeth pulled. i mean busters are still concerned over this over in debt crisis reading to the euro zone's the biggest economies are not was quite evident yes they were a sea of red across the board and there are a number of factors playing into that there are now concerns over francis' aaa
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credit rating and that's after movies warned over the country's rising cost of that as well as a weak economic outlook and it also mentioned rising risks for germany because of its banks exposure to troubled european economies but everyone is expecting to hear what will happen on wednesday when the european commission is expected to present a study which will have a real options for joint issuance and this is largely seen as a step closer to the euro zone discussing euro bonds where the dead so will be back collectively by all members rather than individually there is a similar story taking place right now in the u.s. very little investor confidence there is actually most expect the special congressional committee to fail in its quest to point a solution to the country's a huge a deficit and another blow was that some people ratings agency and now it's about it might downgrade some of the biggest banks in the u.s.
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so definitely not a lot of positive data coming out from europe or the u.s. at the moment. as i look at the numbers now oil is on the rise has renewed concern about a possible military strike against iran that subset of the worst of the world's biggest economies. because that's just ninety eight dollars a barrel brenda's trading at close to one hundred eight dollars about european equities are. trading against. the footsie is now off point eight percent so as the dax banks and resources stocks are benefiting the most. and here in russia investors see monday's slide as a buying opportunity yes it was. start adding about one. most of the blue chips are trading in the black market in financial c.d.p. is up more than one percent fertilizer maker is among the top gainers it's reported
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an almost three fold increase in net profit for the first of the year i'm going to k. is adding almost two percent to mining companies looking to buy in australia and produce their blinders. worse than brother was wrapping up their long lasting gas dispute he gave us newspaper cites a source close to talks saying moscow will finally cut the price of a house for starting next year that means both will pay around one hundred fifty dollars per one thousand cubic meters a cash strapped country has long been struggling to get discounts especially because it's creating a common economic zone with russia in exchange for price cuts agreed to go its gas transportation network the country's. which is only remaining in the presence of backup producers up for sale on the site newspaper said. will most likely period tobacco. seeking
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to challenge its main competitors and name is philip morris british american tobacco company hopes the deal would allow it to increase its market share from seven to twelve percent net profit. total thirty million dollars last year. that's what i have for you that's all i have for the sound out of back with more in about fifteen or so helping from.
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