tv [untitled] November 22, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EST
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i. agree calls for the end of military rule egypt as the former chief of the u. an atomic watchdog agrees to head off. i mean this is the. time to square egypt in just a few months. moscow here at the u.s. for slapping more sanctions on iran over its nuclear ambitions saying it contradicts international law and will hurt prospects for future to. mission accomplished three crewmembers thumbs up their feet firmly back on the ground after
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six months and. then business russian markets close in the black earlier today the market spared four point eight percent decline on monday the biggest and seven weeks will join in about twenty minutes from now more face. a very warm welcome to you this is r.t. live from moscow i'm shy swelling numbers have filled cairo's tahrir square rallying against their ongoing ruling military council it's now the fourth day of violent clashes police reportedly started using live ammunition now against the protesters. following the unrest in the egyptian capital. there are hundreds of thousands of people who are still arriving here and toughness where as you can see
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many of things heeding the call for a million man occupation of his square the crowd is chanting and has been since the only house assuming the shooting one minute she joins us to step down at the same time they're holding up that causes one of them says against the will of the people all egypt will burn was many people are calling this a second revolution was told the second phase of the strike really should the people here are angry they believe that they simply replaced the one dictatorship possible barrier was the army that's been in control of the security that we are hearing holds that the clashes between protesters and security personnel that have been taking place into the streets was separate to this where when i am coming here by interior ministry of the that's the many reports i'm still hearing ambulances came in and injured and wounded people was the obvious response is the that it doesn't have any intention to occupy time this way but simply wants to protect the
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interior building the we have been hearing reports from doctors that the army has been firing live ammunition up to saying that they've been chasing patients with fortitude to hit a quick gunshot wounds to the head and then it was obvious bruises all over the body to the civil side been using that and to beat the crowd there was a rumor circulating that the police are using a new kind of tear gas no way to verify that it might be true it might not be true that it was a point that is it going on at the moment the on the right side would be launching soonish to try to come in to streets again that is what many people have been telling me because there are so many people if the army that's not all just a nice time what exactly they would be some are saying possible that are not already for the head of the international atomic energy agency has accepted the post. prime minister nice indeed to see he would be tasked to meet the next government the military did see that it was going to try to time and essentially
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need be and what did announce that he didn't seem to be receiving these an obvious government let me see me see me sleep last night because if we didn't find the same seventy two feet of the people yet what is this you going to teach find a new teacher in the minds. of people and get people to see that it's the season itself she leads. with the government sticking down not the much money the supreme council. says it's to have to sit down because if they didn't they are the ones that are still in charge now you can find these if you like to get off and student athletes. plead to the police not the entry. it's not just the prosecuting. attorney it's going to listen to things and since i'm not in
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a lot of confusion and out of the stage kentucky is. reporting right there and she is at the center of the egyptian resistance there are live updates of the unrest twenty four seven on her twitter page she tweets that people are still arriving at this where the crowds are growing even louder with predictions this could go on for a day i do follow my twitter page for the news from. you watching r.t. now russia has called the new american sanctions targeting iran's financial and energy sectors as an acceptable and contradictory to international law also on the line that such measures would hurt the chances of renewed talks with tehran over its nuclear program the fall of the decision by the u.k. and canada to cut all ties with iranian banks and imagine the result of the latest u.n. atomic watched. report has suggested tehran is building a bomb something iran strongly denies and the new sanctions target iran's main bank
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blacklist and if he's suspected of aiding iran's nuclear program the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has warned that increasingly aggressive action against the country will continue and other governments to put pressure on iran but author and journalist david lebeau aggression towards iran could bring consequences all the signs are looking exactly like the look in the period of two thousand and one to two dozen three here in the u.s. with this you know drumbeat of hysteria. and weapons of mass destruction every leader of the united states keep seeing all. there on the table bit seeing be asian is on the table in israel of course i trust that we threatening to attack i mean if you really want to get a country to get a nuclear weapon then just keep threatening it with attack the sanctions will probably have a negative effect on the u.s.
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goals of trying to drive a wedge between people in their government because people get so angry at the same actions and see them as a threat so i think what you'll see in iran is probably something similar with the rallying by people to their government and to the you know nationalistic feelings when they're under attack from countries like the united states and israel. tarnower son minutes past the hour here in moscow still to come in the program here addiction money as russia lashes out at the u.s. for letting afghan poppies grow others concerned the opium business is simply too lucrative to destroy. punjab the first minutes on terra firma this of the three space travelers who have now safely returned after six months in. that despite all efforts from e.u. politicians and newly appointed technocrats the sovereign debt crisis continues its march all across the euro zone spain's borrowing costs of soared as investors
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showed little faith in the country's new elected senso right government meantime are italy's mario monti is in brussels to convince european leaders that his country's economy is back on track and his commitment to the single currency hold strong the greek prime minister lucas papademos was promised but his country will receive the next to bail out tranche before the end of the year as after he too used top technocrats and assured them he was determined to implement all of the cuts the modded by greece's creditors' result the surface has been hearing the new leaders of crisis hit countries are still struggling to get the backing of people. the changing face of years here in democracy the euro crisis continues to claim political heads and elected leaders have taken the reins and greece and italy this government is formed. explicit.
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expressive task to do what europe's requires the leaders have been holding close to their european counterparts have a dame a school the task the foreign hercules in others would call it impossible in trying to balance democracy with that reduction it seems for now the latter is one out of the problem is that there's no political parties sure many academics flora other groups have concrete suggestions to turn other suggestion to the crisis in italy i speak with economists much. about why when it comes to finding a solution to the crisis that people seem to be being left out of the equation what we've seen happen in a crisis has seemed to a lot of people very very confusing just think of economic and political games as far as they'll take it back and give the decision to the people here this is
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affecting. go through the. roof. and i think because of the way the pools they want the world so yes. could happen dres suggestion of a referendum and that's followed by his sharp exit eventually people are going to have to be asked what they want despite strong euro same rhetoric that there's no alternative to being inside the year it's become increasingly clear that there is and always has been a choice that's about two hundred people were allowed to make one people are afraid and the block me every day they are saying to them look if you don't accept work for europeans are saying if you don't accept this their demands are imposed by the government and by the i.m.f. it will be heavy leading the year is against you remains an extremely unpopular
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prospect say to you is simply continuing along brussels part which until now has meant more stereotype painful job cuts will bail outs a solution all of which has led to growing station unrest threatens to undermine the whole concept of european unity surf on sea. british taxpayers are also nothing new into financial hardship as they've been saddled now with some four hundred million pounds worth of losses in a bank sale deal this was sealed by the finance secretary economically remarks keyser explores how the banks continue to sail through the crisis. the so-called bad bank concept they have on their books of a certain value they don't use mark to market accounting they say that the assets on the bad banks' balance sheets are worth one hundred cents on the dollar we know that they're worth zero cents on the dollar you see this in countries all over the world particularly famously nama in ireland as bad bank work the assets are
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supposed to be worth something but they're actually worth nothing same thing in the u.k. same thing with northern rock they've got a bad bank the assets are worth nothing simply write off the bad debts the bankers made if they can't pay back debts that they may then they need to be punished in some way take them off get them out of the banking business for one thing why do you continue in the banking business if they've already proven that they are nothing but larsen istic leaching thieves. and you can watch the cars reporting about fifteen minutes time here so you'll watch it right now on our website he taught com plenty more waiting for you as well including explore how occupy protesters in the u.s. continue to express their anger against corporations and the politicians. and at least twenty six join us every day around the fall across the country they claim
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they've been thrown to the ground and pepper sprayed in a direct threat to press freedom in america. i mean find out how russia's communists are using kalashnikov rifles to win the country's parliamentary elections last drawing the anger of the designer of the iconic question all those details and talk. i'd ask about one of our top stories here on r.t. that of the ongoing riots and protests on to rear square in cairo the capital of egypt we know the latest numbers are at least thirty three people have died as a riot police used tear gas and rubber bullets and reports of some live ammunition on the protesters there we're also hearing that the former i.a.e.a. chief now how about of the could be said to become prime minister and said he will help to form a new government let's cross live now to talk to iman salaam a professor of international law at cairo university for more details on this as we see further live pictures there i thank you for coming on the program today do you
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think the move to appoint mohamed el baradei as prime minister a figure who is favored by the public is simply an attempt to appease the protesters. actually this would be a bit from the hybrid council to appease and calm down the protests very neatly in tahrir square and throughout the gyptian actually govern least i would like also in this regard to mention that by virtue of the moment the catalyst and the egyptian actually fire for food for toppling and unseat the mohammed. and his corrupted regime and that's why i can tell you that among the majority of the egyptians. there will be a similar for some extent concerns that mohammed but they would be the appropriate man in this actually. very crucial moment of egyptian control to
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see if it will have been a part of a if he did man the helm for the new egyptian government what would that actually mean for the future of egypt we saw the uprising nine months ago where mubarak was deposed now we've got a new flat set of four days of extreme riots and perhaps a second revolution going on if el baradei demands the helm what does that mean for the future. how we're going to this will be the last future over the long run. the appeal of the protesters either but at the or someone else whatever would be in the who would assume control this would be a government of salvation salvation government living i'm sure that anyone would directly the current. cabinet thought by the presumption of world to actually see the commitments from the government for from the first march and his tongue towel and his generals actually to authorize them and to monday them
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with full comprehensive authorities otherwise this would be sent. well it was called. the puppet government in the hands of the generals of the higher military council so the person is not the issue the issue is the how the the german the world is. much of them both he's going to actually reflect another shift in there as he as you say and losing is really the former i.a.e.a. chief my what about of a man the helm as prime minister of egypt was saying he would create a salvation government a full restructuring and reforms implemented of the government if i may go to the more current issues here there are reports of excessive use of force by the police live ammunition being fired videos of police we can see beating protesters with
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batons when is the international community going to condemn these acts as it's been so swift to do for example in syria and libya. i would like to confirm that the day the the. day the african union on its body of security and peace in the summer of actually appealed to the egyptian military to restrain and actually to starve the exists if use of force against the protesters. i do not think that the situation here with syria could be to a larger extent could be control. over the tanks the artillery probably in syria they think is more excessive then the city which is here in cairo however this does not mean that the blood and the killing of the protesters in egypt is acceptable. this is
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a grave violation of human rights and this is actually triggering the losing of the army's reputation in the eyes and minds perceptions of the majority of the region but if i may just be of interest from here and forgive me we are running rather low on time here on r.t. it has been nine months since president mubarak was talking. major spike in crime and violence who is to blame here is it the people misbehaving or the security forces driving the statistics to be honest a neutral in this there were mistakes from the army that mistakes also for on this side of the cabinet and i think that there were also some other. mistakes from the revolution missed in the terrorist were bearing in mind the the military council will pledge and. to hold the forthcoming parliamentary
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election. i mean on the twenty eighth of this november. but things that could be actually mentioned also in this regard the army should have negotiated peacefully with the leaders in the time should have used some good offices the even through to convince the those to go out to tahrir square and to count down. to secure holding stop wishing the furries democratic neutral independent parliamentary elections in the south fiji not only in the post of illusion of twenty fifth january but also in the sixty's the egyptian best doctor i'm a professor of international law at cairo university i'm afraid that's all we have time for today many thanks indeed. you're watching r.t. now america's approach to tackling the flow of illegal drugs from afghanistan is
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misguided as criticism from russia's anti-drug chief who believes that a complete eradication of poppy fields is the only solution position not currently shared by the u.s. however this reluctance now has some asking if the deadly business is proving simply too lucrative to destroy as i see the guy nature can reports. these harmless looking afghan puppies have caused millions of deaths worldwide. russian the u.s. have teamed up to crack down on drug producers in afghanistan as a result of going to operations a number of major labs were destroyed there but there is a stark difference in how russian the u.s. see the solution to the problem. metaphorically speaking instead of destroying the machine gun nest they suggest catching bullets flying from the machine gun we suggest eradicating narcotic plants altogether as long as there are opium poppy fields there will be trafficking as simple as that but the u.s.
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and other nato countries have no intention to eradicate afghan poppy fields once and for all they say afghans need opium poppies to survive another inconsistency. with the us together with the colombian government eradicates two hundred thousand hectares of coca pushes a year in afghanistan only two thousand hectares of poppy fields are being around a kid one hundred times less apart from the refusal to get rid of the poppies there is the alleged interest of international banks in dirty money or kardex have nearly as much air in the total world trade as oil and gas the head of russia's growth in force misadjusted us and european banks tacitly welcome and encourage the inflow of drug money and that is because of reports show that a persistent lack of liquidity and an aspiration to survive during a crisis promote not only tolerance toward criminal money but also encouraging attitude of availability of such money it was silent consent in the u.s. audience to the russian proposal to stop the banks from laundering drug money we
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can hear direct and see is cartons of narcotics we can make arrests of traffickers but we really need to choke off the farm supply with us there was also a sense of doubt where the western authorities can actually take on those very powerful financial institutions the u.s. and other nato countries are obviously not in for the idea of a right. hating afghan poppy fields altogether besides you know national banks don't seem to mind these huge inflow of dirty money experts say that the status quo leads to millions more dying in the future which could be prevented i'm getting shut down book warning from washington. now let's check out some other world news for europe for you this hour top of the world update here on the international criminal court says that colonel gadhafi son arrested in libya this weekend can be tried in the country for the hague the judges must be involved saif al islam is wanted for alleged war crimes by the i.c.c. but could face the death penalty. in libya excuse me it comes as the new cabinet is
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due to be announced in libya three months after colonel gadhafi was overthrown the transitional authority is tasked with drafting a constitution and holding elections as well as balancing rival regional factions battling for influence in libya. or you want to simply is to vote on a resolution condemning it human rights violations in syria damascus has already called it a declaration of war against the country accusing britain france and germany of all sponsoring the mandate the u.n. says more than thirty five hundred people have been killed during the eight months of violent protests so western powers are calling for president assad to step down with turkey the latest to join the chorus the e.u. is also increasing pressure on damascus calling for a new sanctions to be adopted this week. on the south korean parliament became a battleground when the opposition lawmaker decided to throw what's being called tear gas a powder he was angry that ruling party lawmakers pushed through
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a long stalled free trade deal with the u.s. every parliament speaker was seen wiping his eyes after being down with the chemical ratification of the trade deal with washington was agreed upon despite strong opposition saying it favors the u.s. over south korean workers. try to nearly type a career with the business but for now it's been a soft landing another step of kazakhstan for a russian soyuz capsule and its crew of the russian american and japanese space travelers returned after a six month stint in orbit but artie's turn back now reports from mission control after a descent from the international space station the soyuz module has safely touched down in a step in cannes extern such as she put a circle of all call for mike fossum a pin up from the international space station for six months conducting maintenance and experiments he also had a tense time up there in august of progress supply module crashed on the way up to
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the i assessed bringing supplies and that raised many questions over the reliability of the soyuz vehicle all launches were suspended for a while so the crew that was supposed to come up to join them had some pizza late they had to send down videos explaining the hundred a process that's going ok the new crew is now installed up there and mike fossum so she thought of power and surrogate volkoff an hour back safely on earth after their stay in space. time by reporting right there what are coming your way shortly as the kaiser report it is time focusing on the scandal surrounding the collapse of financial brokers and what happened to all of their clients' money first though career and the business. thank you rory hello and welcome to our business update the solid russian wrapping up their long lasting gas then mr newspaper cites
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a source close to talk saying moscow will finally cut the price in half from starting next year that means below it will pay around one hundred fifty dollars per one thousand cubic meters a cash strapped country has long been struggling to get his colleagues especially because it's creating a common economic zone with russia in exchange for price cuts means congreve to sell moscow its gas transportation network countries are to sign the agreement and the end of the week. let's look at the north it's now always on the rise as renewed concerns about a possible military strike against iran that's offset by worries about the health of the world's biggest economies as it just under ninety eight dollars per barrel brant is trading at close to one hundred eight dollars per barrel stocks in the u.s. are mixed at the opening up to the government lowered its estimates of economic growth or none shows a higher staging a modest recovery from the prior session capital group morgan stanley and bank of america leading the way choppy session. european stock markets give all the early
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gains up to data showing a downwardly revised u.s. third quarter of growth figure the footsie is a powerful percent of all the dax is down just a notch after spending much of the day in the black coat was back was topping the losers list on the dax down over eight percent. and here in russia stocks finished in the black my six has pared four point eight percent decline on monday the biggest in seven weeks let's look at some of the movers on the noise six banking stocks among the gain is on tuesday would be ending point eight percent in the black adam kalos point two percent of the mining companies looking to buy an australian. producer of flinders mines and fertilizer maker. is among the talking is that it's reported an almost three fold increase in net profit for the first nine months of the year. well equity markets are extremely volatile and nesting in or related stocks could prove a good strategy that's according to whether you can provide creative there isn't
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really a seed have in one markets you can find a relative shelter in russia and from that point i would recommend the oil and gas sector the oil has been particularly resilient over the last several months and that's reflecting of the world strong fundamentals strong solid demand and reasonably tate to supply out there in the market the oil and gas stories could be reasonably defensive and otherwise potentially be different stories that focus on different stories as well companies which have a track record of strong dividend yield in the oil and gas sector and russia is the only remaining independent tobacco producer is up for sale congress newspaper says the book will most likely be sold for imperial tobacco. seeking to challenge its main competitors in russia only philip morris and british american tobacco company hopes the deal would allow it to increase its market share from seven to twelve percent net profit of october thirty million dollars last year and
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that's our that's our business update for this hour but don't forget stay with us for headline news coming up. indonesia algy's available in the ground giotto shirts a media photo the ritz carlton hotel and a little hotel until new millennium hotel in china you can see all t. in censored so much comes from so tillman.
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