tv [untitled] November 22, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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angry calls for the end of military rule bring out to egypt's tahrir square from where we bring you live pictures the moment here on r.t. as the army braces to make concessions promising to transfer power. to moscow slams the u.s. for punishing iran over nuclear suspicions saying sanctions contradict international law and future talks. they have back from the stars three space one plant their feet on firm ground as their mission ends up to six months enormous.
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international music coming from moscow twenty four hours a day this is. hundreds of thousands and tahrir square staying put despite concessions being made by the military rulers the council has agreed to hold a referendum if people demand it thousands have been running for four days now and clashing with police demanding the army resign. larry's following the unrest in the egyptian capital. the touch of the the soft continuing how would a state with a team of thousands of people have some of the protests and insults and serious groups it was holding up that is the shunting told humanity to step down it will support the goals of the pos way that often makes such an expensive wasn't talking to you they are still most of my stomach and they seriously injured people every couple of minutes you'll hear ambulances trying to get to the polls to bring people back this world out of the sun we might see what happens and it was the same
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players and much the same punches they came out of the gym on the strip of beach it was the right time it was and it was if i knew he was saying eat eat eat once the head of the on the mound to step down they say that the army has betrayed a plot this economy is causing any of the promises it was missing almost a one hundred and eighty degree turn and they focus on things speaking to all the ills of the day said they should never have made the streets they should have remained here until the weekend edition was finalized as one young man put it to me he said we promise to be mostly on a silver platter so right now the bank of a lot of frustration and a lot of noise coming out of don from the time of the money to council has been
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trying hard to bring the situation under control and have announced july first next year as the deadline by which they will have presidential elections to the people yet that is something to this whole two days at the same time the minute it causes holding emergency talks of the range of political figures it was not at all but a day before the head of the international atomic energy agency in a politicians here in egypt is right to the come the next prime minister and what we're hearing is that all politics indicate that he is prepared to do this and he is the way it should. forming a government only on the condition and its immense fortune foundation that there is no interference i mean he has no support under the chief counsel to the funny ties the deaths that have happened over the past two days now the military itself has expressed deep regret it has the people can return find the former prime minister to resign and leave last night he said that the interim government that was the interim government told us to take has no desire to change our if we if people need
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to make a decision and to be taken if it's to bring the situation back to some troll who really was the sickest people here saying that the military can do better what is right now is not sufficient they want the money teach and not just the appointing people by day and interim government because they say that many of these people very much up putting the same strings i did a much the same item the bike was disappointed from the ways people cannot be sure that he will bring real and last lasting change to the scanty. there at the center of the egyptian resistance and you can follow her twitter page for the latest news from cairo in addition to of course a lot of reports here on r.t. well let's not talk to brian becker from the antiwar onset coalition he joins us live from washington with his perspective what's happening there in cairo the military rulers have promised to hold a referendum and bring forth the transition to civilian government how likely is it
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that they will actually proceed with these promises. well i think the egypt's in military the edifice of authority that has remained intact following the departure of mubarak a personality they thought when they replaced mubarak that over time the struggle of the people would become reduced that hop you lay she would become pacified but the basic demands of the egyptian revolution have not been met people want bread they want dignity they want democracy they want to be able to for the free without facing government repression and i think we can see from these remarkable demonstrations of the past three days that the people in egypt especially the young people but the working families as well they are determined to keep going until this revolution reaches a new and truly democratic state so i think the military is is between a rock and a hard place they they want to struggle to end it's not ending so they have to at least make some promises i think it only if the mobilization the people continues
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will these promises be realized what about the how much baradei for the head of the un's nuclear watchdog the i.a.e.a. and of course the winner of a nobel peace prize how significant would it be not only for the future of egypt itself but also its relationship with the western countries if he were to become prime minister. all right i think the united states and britain but principally the united states is looking at a number of options there or their primary option was to keep mubarak in power forever or then his sons and that can't be that can happen right now so they thought then that they would have a military rule that would create those political leaders who were acceptable to the west that's come on down because the military has not let go of the tight. grip on power and so now they're looking for plan c. mohamed el baradei he is familiar face to the west he is recognized by the west he was the chairman of the i.a.e.a.
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he was somewhat independent of the united states but not really a severe challenge for the united states in the run up to the iraq war so of course i think clancy might be considered by the american government the best of the available options but the gyptian people want to genuine democracy they don't want an interim government appointed by those who are really still be institutions of power from the mubarak then clearly the military hasn't got a tight grip on what the people will want to see right now they have to be able to suppress this very vocal and indeed a violent protest y.c. happening now all of a sudden just a week before the elections we're seeing this uprising. yes i think that this is a genuine revolution all all the great revolutions of the past two centuries the french revolution the russian revolution all the great classic revolutions go through multiple stages there's always the feeling by the powers that be that the revolution has gone far enough but the people who are in the streets who have
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suffered so much in the case of the gyptian young people and workers who have lost more than a thousand dead and tens of thousands in prison are they not satisfied with a cosmetic change they want real change and so we have a dynamic where the gyptian the steadfastness of the egyptian people has been alive not only in the entire country but in fact the entire world which is now a trained on the events in egypt so there's a synergy between the international struggle for social justice and economic justice we see this in the occupy movement we see that being synergized in energized by what's going on in egypt and in turn egypt knows that they are at the center of world attention those people are going to keep fighting until they win justice we see that synergy and energy you talk about happening in other countries could we see perhaps similar demonstrations in those countries that have experienced uprisings in the recent past like libya and tunisia. yes i'm not quite sure i heard the entire question but i think that what we're seeing is
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a global rising it takes place in specific national peculiarities each country is different but there is a universal of the global character to the protests because people are suffering the same fate high unemployment young people who can't get jobs even those who went to college the government repression bailing out the elites the bankers the corporations while the people aren't suffering and so we see a spread of demonstrations all over the world today in washington d.c. in front of the white house there are going to be people standing with those in egypt in town downtown cairo saying we're with you because we see in your struggle our own struggle ron good to hear your thoughts thanks for joining us live there in the states brian becker from the antiwar answer coalition in washington d.c. . seventy human rights committee has agreed on a resolution condemning syria for its eight month crackdown on protesters damascus has already called it a declaration of war against the country accusing britain france and germany of
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sponsoring the ninety eight point nine has the details from new york. this decision and this adoption of a resolution by the u.n. human rights committee is more of a symbolic kind of pressure by the international community rather than carrying any legal weight the resolution does not mention any sanctions on syria but it does call on the country to human rights violations and abuses to the united nations thirty five hundred people have been killed since the fighting in the uprising in syria began eight months ago the syrian ambassador accuse the west of declaring a diplomatic war against his country by sponsoring this resolution and many believe many experts believe that western powers are using this as a first step to bring this issue back to the u.n. security council last month when a resolution was introduced to the security council against syria condemning syria
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russia and china vetoed it is resolution saying that the situation that took place in libya should not be repeated in syria russia believes that there should be a dialogue first and foremost between the syrian government and the opposition groups russian foreign minister sergei lavrov says of course russia is calling for an end to the violence all countries want to see an end to the violence but if you don't you negotiations and mediation and the international community should not be taking sides in this circumstance so. i temped to bring this issue back to the security council through our resolution whether it be calling for sanctions or condemnation against syria you can expect that it may go in fact be vetoed again. still ahead this hour on r.t. you can catch the first minutes on terra firma the three space travelers who safely returned to earth after six months in
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a. first russia has called the new american sanctions targeting iran's financial and energy sectors unacceptable and contradictory to international schools underlined that such measures would the chances of renewing talks with iran over its nuclear program fall of the decision by the u.k. and canada to cut all ties with iranian banks and measure the results of the latest u.n. atomic watchdog report that suggested terror on is building upon something iran strongly denies the sanctions targeted named bank can at least entity suspected of aiding iran's and to program a secular state hillary clinton warned that crease in the rest of action against the country will continue and other governments to put pressure on him but author and journalist david lindorff elise aggression towards iran could bring a bit of consequences here in transit all the signs are looking exactly like the look in the period of two thousand and one to two dozen three here in the us with this you know drumbeat of hysteria. the weapons of mass destruction
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every leader of the in is seeing all. there on the table bit seeing that any indication is on the table in israel of course constantly threatening to attack i mean if you really want to get a country to get a nuclear weapon and just keep threatening it with the sanctions will probably have a negative effect on the u.s. goals of trying to drive a wedge between people in their government because people get so angry at the same actions and see them as a threat so i think what you'll see in iran is probably something similar with the rallying people to their government and to the you know nationalistic feelings when they're under attack from countries like the united states in israel. despite all efforts from e.u. politicians and newly appointed technocrats the sovereign debt crisis continues its march across the euro zone spain's boring call sought as investors showed little faith in the country's newly elected center right government italy's mario monti is
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in brussels to convince european leaders his country's economy is back on track and his commitment to the single currency hold strong offers a meeting in brussels greek prime minister lucas papademos has promised his country will receive the next plane out tranche before the end of the year he pledged to cut through one should say he pledged to go through with the promise cuts and great workers are in ready planning another move to scrap the sponsor to this the first one hundred new technocrat controls etc photos being hearing the new leaders of crisis hit countries are still struggling to get the backing of the people. the changing face of european democracy as the euro crisis continues to claim critical heads and elected leaders have taken the reins and greece and italy his government is being formed we have explicit. the explicit task to do what europe's requires the new leaders have been holding close
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to european counterparts have a day most could pass before and had a clear and others would call it impossible in trying to balance democracy with debt reduction it seems the now the last is one outs the problem is that there's no parties sure maybe academics or other groups that have concrete suggestions there another suggestion for the crisis in italy i speak with economists specially to sack a about why when it comes to finding a solution to the crisis the people seem to be being let out of the equation what we've seen happening to a crisis has seemed to a lot of people very very confusing do you think this sense of economic and political games is maybe going to find its they'll take it back and give the decision to the people here this is affecting. rather one of around them.
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make sacrifices. and moving those of the. people there were also yes. but captain dres suggestion of a referendum is followed by his sharp exit eventually people are going to have to be asked what they want this fight stronger is a wrestler there's an old turn as if to being inside the year it's become increasingly clear that there is and always has been a choice it's about time the people were allowed to make war on people are afraid in the block me every day they're saying to them look if you don't like what the europeans are saying if you don't accept this there are the measures imposed by the government and by. leaving do you resign still remains an extremely unpopular that say to you is simply continuing along brussels half which
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until now has meant more sturdy painful job cuts will bail outs no solution all of which has led to growing social unrest threatens to undermine the whole concept of european unity. artsy. german chancellor angela merkel insists investor confidence can't be restored purely financially she said europe needs a coherent political answer to richard wellings from the institute of economy economic affairs told me a little earlier but it can't be found in technocrat leaders because they created the failing system. but the irony is of course that many of these ten architects of the disastrous euro project in the first place so it really is pretty annoying that they're now in charge will be countries of the real problem of course is that the system itself is fundamentally flawed because it doesn't work having a one size fits all monetary policy over this huge geographical area and we don't
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have the safety valves like we have in the united states like labor mobility and allowing whole regions just reclined decade after decade so really the system is flawed and the only long term solution is actually an orderly break this also germany's political elites know usually how because they actually hold the purse strings. if you could where i mean are these reforms going to be successful if they can't carry the people with them we don't really have much of a democracy left in europe i think there is a fair chance there will be some sort of repair hopefully a political one not anything worth it of course we could see a rebellion among the german people because the real losers from fiscal integration so german taxpayers and german savers who if we do get fiscal integration will actually be bankrolling southern europe in perpetuity so they're the really big losers british taxpayers are also not immune to financial hardship as they've been saddled with some four hundred million pounds worth of losses in
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a bank sale deal sealed by their fine and secretary. next chis explores how banks assailing through the crisis. the so-called bad bank concept they have on their books of a certain value they don't use mark to market accounting they say that the assets on a bad banks' balance sheets are worth one hundred cents on the dollar we know that they're worth zero cents of the dollar you see this in countries all over the world particularly famously nama in ireland as bad bank work the assets are supposed to be worth something but they're actually worth nothing same thing in the u.k. so you think with northern rock figure out a bad bank the assets are worth nothing simply write off the bad debts the bankers made if they can't pay the bad debts that they may then they need to be punished in some way take them off but get them out of the banking business for a long thing why do they continue in the banking business where they've already proven that they are nothing but larsen istic leaching thieves.
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and you can watch the cars report in just ten minutes from now here in our or you can watch it right now on our website and there's plenty more for you there on our website at r.t. dot com you can explore how occupy protesters in the u.s. continue to express their anger against corporations and politicians. he's twenty six journalists are being rounded up across the country they claim they've been handcuffed thrown to the ground and pepper sprayed and direct threat to press freedom in america. was about how russia's communists are using kalashnikov rifles to win the country's parliamentary elections by drawing the anger of the designer of the iconic weapon all the details for your t.v. dot com. some other world news in brief you this hour in our world update the international criminal court says colonel gadhafi son arrested in libya this weekend can be tried in the country but they must be involved and is not wanted for and that's why the i.c.c.
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could face the death penalty in the news comes as the country's new confidence and being selected three hundred some to kind of get off the front. and transitional authority is tasked with drafting a constitution holding elections was planning to rival regional factions competing to influence. pakistan's ambassador to the u.s. has resigned following claims he asked for washington's help against his own country's military because some are saying it carney is accused of compiling a memo seeking u.s. assistance to avert a military takeover in pakistan after the killing of osama bin laden in may he denies the allegations made by a us based lobbyist the reality of the divide between pakistan's civilian government and the military and washington's shadowy role in the country. roadside bombing that somali capital is left eleven people dead and many injured officials say the explosion targeted the city's airport located in a normally safe district of mogadishu there is also home to over nine thousand
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members of the african union force units recently been pushing al qaeda linked insurgents out of the last neighborhoods under their control in the capital. and it's been a soft landing on the step of kazakhstan for a russian soyuz capsule and its crew the russian american and japanese space travelers returned after a six month stint in orbit and artie's tumbling reports from mission control. after a descent from the international space station the soyuz module has safely touched down in a step in kazakhstan so to put a surrogate volkov and mike fossum a pin up on the international space station for six months conducting maintenance and experiments we also had a tense time up there in august with the progress supply module crashed on the way up to the i assessed bringing supplies and that raised many questions over the reliability of the soyuz vehicle all launches were suspended for a while so the crew that was supposed to come up to join them had to be delayed
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they had to send down videos explaining the hundred a process that's gone ok the new crew is now installed up there mike fossum so she for the power work off an hour back safely on earth after their stay in space a success story there from marty's time barton well russian space program may soon turn in a new direction the federal space agency says the moon could be its next destination that's if the current mission to the mars satellite phobos fails russian space agency has not given up hope of completing the mission but admits the chances and else slim spacecraft failed to reach its intended orbit. to. the crew was meant to take soil samples from the red planet. eighteen she says if the mission does fail the debris of the spacecraft could fall on earth between the end of december and the chances of it actually hitting someone or close to zero. so that brings up the thing for the moment this is all to you live here in moscow
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coming up it's the report focusing on the scandal surrounding the collapse of financial brokers but first we have the latest business news with kareen. welcome to our business out there it's better with a wrapping up their long lasting gas dispute that is to newspaper cites a source close to talk saying nasca will finally cut the price in half starting next year that means pros will pay around one hundred fifty dollars one thousand cubic meters of cash strapped country has long been struggling to get this calls especially because it's creating a common economic zone with russia an exchange for price cuts minsk agreed to sell moscow its gas transportation network countries are to sign agreements beyond the week. stocks in europe drop on tuesday after an expensive volatile trading for spain also affecting the markets was data showing that the u.s. economy grew at a slower pace in the third quarter than initially estimated the folks who lost over
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a quarter of a percent the german dax for one point two percent dragged by commerzbank which as falling fifteen percent and here in russia stocks finished in the black reality has ended. point four percent of the black and a miser ex was slightly under one percent higher now let's look at some of the movers album isaac's banking stocks were among the gainers on tuesday would really be adding point eight percent in the black and i'm cables point two percent the mining company is looking to buy a straight in r. and produce the flinders mines and personalize it make a profit was among the top gainers it's reported an almost three fold increase in net profit for the first nine months of the. now while equity markets are extremely volatile risk to you all related stocks could prove a good strategy says that you are likely to. there isn't really a seat have in one market so if you can find a relative shelter in russia and from that point i would recommend the oil and gas
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sector the oil has been particularly resilient over the last several months and that's reflecting of the oil strong fundamentals strong solid demand and reasonably tight excess supply out there in the markets the oil and gas stories could be reasonably defensive and otherwise potentially be different stories out of focus and to the stories as well companies which have track record of strong dividend yield in the oil and gas sector forces only remaining independent tobacco producers up for sale or side newspaper says those corporate box will most likely be sold to imperial tobacco the u.k. based imperial is seeking to challenge its main competitors in russia namely philip morris and british american tobacco company hopes the deal would allow it to increase its market share from seven to twelve percent net profit of transport provoked a little thirty million dollars last year. that's awesome if i don't get so it's
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to. simply. feel. that's a big down payment and mobile home is to me of creation of the us food system the global food system is not created to feed the people of the world it's created to maximize the profits. and you're not trading the actual cash physical grain you're trading promises for graeme to be delivered a month or six months or twelve months or eighteen months in the future. for reasons madi like later silver or gold they can be negotiated and accorded to some
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