tv [untitled] November 22, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EST
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an. angry calls for the end of military leadership ring out in egypt's tahrir square as the army races to make concessions promising a referendum on bringing in civilian rule. because continues to sour. state government for details on top u.s. where in just a few moments. the un human rights committee votes to condemn syria for its ongoing clampdown on anti-government protests something damascus dubs a declaration of war. and they're back from the stars three spacemen called
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their feet on firm ground as their mission ends after six months in orbit our top stories this hour. international news and comment line from moscow twenty four hours a day this is the hundreds of thousands on cairo's tahrir square are staying put despite concessions being made by the military rulers the council has agreed to hold a referendum if people demand it thousands have been running for four days in clashing with police demanding the army resign. is in the egyptian capital for its. cause a massive gathering behind you award is the atmosphere like there in town here square paula. i know it's difficult to believe but the numbers here just keep growing the crowd is just reeling people have been arriving since the early hours of the small
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morning and at the same time the shots and the cries are now demand out of. people saying. they calling on one hundred times how do you believe the. army that has been looting the country since favorites. stepdown five just returned from aman mark what street is just a short distance away from here and that is where all the trash is continue between the security personnel and the protesters behind me you'll hear the ambulances they feed ferry nonstop the injured and the dying because we're hearing that the number of those who have been killed continues to mount speaking to medics they say that they've lost count of how many people they are treating now while i was on the streets it was a makeshift clinic to the one side and a makeshift clinic spot toughest where behind me there are people literally dragging others over their shoulders to these clinics most of the people are suffering from smoke inhalation as i'm speaking to you there's a strong smell of tear gas in the air the police have been firing tear gas they've
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been firing rubber bullets and these are the these guys here have been but this deafening sound of gunfire now a short time ago mom of scientology caved and live a trace in which he tried to meet some of the protesters demands among the points he made is that he would be a face attentional conviction the full chief makes jokes he also said that he had accepted the resignation of his interim government but that they would remain in power until such time that a new government was up and running he also said that all military trials would be stopped with the exception of a few he also said that the military council was ready to quit and to go back to its original goal which is essentially that of defending the country if that was something that the people desired certainly listening to protesters is something that they want and they want it immediately turns out we also made the point that he was highly offended by the criticism that the army was cheating and watching the
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souls of the egyptian people he said that this was simply untrue poor days new concessions they changed the mood of the demonstrators their. belief doesn't change the mood of the demonstrators if anything it's just an. it's inflamed even more they believe that the army is coming to the party much today all this talk about an interim government they say detract attention from the fact that the army that they actually want to step down and interim government is pretty meaningless in that context now mohamed el baradei who heads up a political party here and who is also the former head of the international atomic energy agency has indicated that he would be prepared to become the next prime minister and be tasked with forming the next government but he says that this is only on condition that he is given absolute control over any decisions he has to make it seems as if this is the way the country's going to move forward and i think it's worth pointing out that our baradei is and much more popular figure on the
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international stage and happy fourth every seven issue most people have actually not even heard of him and already also has the support of the waste of the international community and that's something that most people here will take heed of because of course mubarak was criticized for his close ties with the united states so people here are saying that any kind of discourse any kind of discussion any kind of solutions being offered from the military are to be taken with suspicion because really it will at the end of the day still be the same people pulling the strings at the same time the military council has been holding firm on the course of the janus even crisis talks with a cross victim of political parties to try and get out of the situation they calling it a government of national rescue that's what they said they want to sit out in a call going again to protesters here on the streets to return home and entryway the whole world in egypt that would be free of violence that's exactly the course that protesters here are saying and they say the only way for to be achieved is for
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the army to step down paula thanks very much indeed for that live update from. joining me now is political commentator all show he is joining us live. in the. states good to have you there from buckley the military really is a promise to hold a referendum and bring forward the transition to civilian government just how likely is it that they will actually fulfill their promises well the appearance of tone power on television to make those putative promises is empty of any significant content on november first deputy prime minister ali al sounding presented a document requests quote super constitutional principles which state that the military stands above the law and has the exclusive right to crew any legislation relating to the armed forces or the economy or the drafting of a new constitution and indeed prime minister this i'm sure often demanded that the
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protesters all leave tahrir square and cited on state t.v. didn't they are writers and books all of this i should say must be placed in a very specific context this hunter is prepared to ground this movement in good on november fifteenth general james and matt his who is the head of the united states central command was in cairo for urgent meetings with your marshalltown tawi and general sania non chief of staff of the kitchen armed forces that coordinated meeting was about suppression of the population and because a ration of the military oligarchy in control as it has been with mubarak and without over a space of forty years that's the context here they are trying to contain a revolutionary uprising against the oligarchy has continued control who has just said that what you just said that perhaps explains the silence we've. noted from the u.s.
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in its condemning all the way that the minute she's been handling these protests now for the four days of clashes though all of a sudden today the u.s. government has condemned the government's crackdown on protesters so why this sudden u. turn. well i don't think you can really refer to business as a crack complaint of crackdown the statement from the u.s. decries the violence is very i'm good at the you of the violence is indiscriminately described not attributed to the regime as such two thousand wounded people have lost eyes filled with grave head wounds these tear and chemical canisters are all made in the united states just as in myanmar so in cairo the population is not taken in by these crocodile tears shed in the presence of an ongoing struggle against an oligarchy that has continued to control the life political and economy economics of the country over two million excuse me over fifty percent of the population live on less than two dollars
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a day this staff supreme council of armed forces is the same apparatus that in conjunction with this highly concentrated bourgeois dollars are the atmosphere oligarchy is a stranglehold on the economic and political life of the country and will not yield it and we couldn't talk about the timing here to protest as patients seem to have run out just before the promised elections why we suddenly seen this outbreak of protests and violence across egypt at this crucial time when it seemed that the election promises were about to be fulfilled. well i don't see any evidence there are any yes such promises were about to be fulfilled is the big talk of holding them before june and the nature of these elections is such that as i just indicated to you the november first declaration leaves in the control of the military veto power over economic and other critical issues so it's. an election that is largely formal without any substantial content people understand that the power of
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the of the oligarchy cannot be challenged in this visit manner it has to be challenged by a political movement to replace it to displace it to establish democratic control over the country workers' control at a point of production those are the critical issues that arise in egypt and the role of the military is to prevent it and to suppress the population not to facilitate transformation noting control of the lifeblood of the country just one of the briefly one of the what are implications here do you think that some rest could trigger a chain reaction in countries like libya and changes in that i've also seen similar demonstrations in the recent past. well i think yes you're making a very critical point here because originally by the way in libya uprising in egypt and in tunisia and inspired uprising there amongst the oil workers that's when the u.s. and the cia nato attempted to hijack an uprising and to take it over and to deploy
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it as an opportunity to impose imperial control over libya egypt very much on their mind because as in egypt so in back grain and in yemen and across the region the oppressed populations to take the country selling regimes in posing sustained by the united states military and by the zionist state support for that are under challenge from the population this is a revolutionary process which cannot be met by formal paper covered up arrangements that leave the essential control in the hands of the oligarchy one pickwick point about that you mentioned el baradei who were the principal of prizes to mohamed el baradei simulant peres and begin their brzezinski people understand that you need to transfer power to the population not affect cosmetic control by pop public figures who submit to the oligarchy is continued stranglehold over the life blood of egypt its political and economic future role shown in live then the
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states thank you very much for your point of view thank you. even a simple human rights committee is agreed on a resolution condemning syria for its eight month crackdown on protesters damascus has already called it a declaration of war against the country accusing britain france and germany sponsoring the mandate in the arena poll not has the details from new york. arena what will this decision mean then for the masochist. well with this decision illustrates is an increasing amount of symbolic pressure against syria now having said that although this resolution was adopted and supported by one hundred twenty two states it holds no legal weight the resolution does not call for any sanctions what it does is it calls on syria to all human rights violations and abuses and of course on an international level puts the nation against syria
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now according to the u.n. roughly thirty five hundred people or at the least have been killed since the uprisings began eight months ago this resolution however was introduced by germany and it is being seen as the first step the west is taking in an effort to really introduce the issue of syria into the united nations security council now just last month when european powers introduced a draft resolution against the syrian security council russia and china vetoed that resolution arguing that the mistakes that western powers made in libya should not be repeated in syria or russia believes that the syrian authorities and opposition groups need to come to a point of negotiation and peaceful dialogue to come up with an ultimate solution that would be best for this internal conflict and according to russia russia and
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other countries i should mention the security council believe that any outside military intervention into syria did not happen and is considered unacceptable and clearly pressure is growing on syria one of the troubled countries in the region why isn't that. that is a good question it's a question that many observers and experts are asking because today at the united nations syria was all the focus we also heard turkey's prime minister come out for the first time saying that president bashar al assad of syria should step down western powers are increasing their campaign against the syrian government and doubling down many believe as i mentioned about the resolution but having said that throughout the day we have not heard much criticism made against egypt's military
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force and the aggressive tactics that we've been talking about and discussing being used against the protesters that have been turning out in the here square we know the numbers of protesters and demonstrators that have been killed or injured and it's the united states for days to issue a condemnation that wasn't even specific meanwhile barring a co-sponsor of this resolution against syria has failed to even end the uprising in its own country that has continued for the past ten months according to international groups of forces in bahrain government forces have been excessively used against anti government protesters that have been rising up there are reports at least thirty five people have been killed and thousands of others have been injured in bahrain as you know many of the civilians there have been rising up and
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asking for a change in government so many experts observing what's happening here on the international stage with respect to syria say that there is some hypocrisy playing out here and the international community is cherry picking from from where believes human rights is being violated and turning a blind eye to other countries that maybe need some more attention thanks very much indeed for that from you on tuesday. it's been a soft landing on the step of kazakhstan for a russian soyuz capsule and its crew the russian american and japanese space travelers returned after a six month stint in orbit in artie's tom barton reports now from mission control after a descent from the international space station the soyuz module has safely touched down in a step up in kazakstan for a surrogate volkov and mike fossum has been up on the international space station for six months conducting maintenance and experiments he also had
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a tense time up there in august with the progress supply module crashed on the way up to the i assessed bringing supplies and that raised many questions over the reliability of the soyuz vehicle all launches were suspended for a while so the crew that was supposed to come up to join them had to be delayed they had to send down videos explaining the handover process that's gone ok the new crew is now installed up there and mike fossum so it's actually full of power and certainly volkoff an hour back safely on earth after their stay in space. tom barton reporting that it's coming up to seventeen and a half minutes past the hour that's it for me for the moment i'll be back with a look at our main news stories in just over ten minutes from now in the meantime he is talking to former u.s. senator mike gravel who says washington's trying to promote fear in people over terror attacks and young u.s. soldiers are dying in vain because of the country's imperial ambitions that interview next here on alt.
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commits a crime against humanity in afghanistan libya iraq i did why is no us politicians today exposing that we first time ever i mean extremely concerned i'm extremely horrified and i'm extremely embarrassed over my country i like the united states but by the same token i think my country is an imperial country that is going downhill and our leadership doesn't even acknowledge the problem we spend more in defense than all the rest of the world put together and we're broke one third of our children don't even graduate from high school we're twenty six in a world with respect to education our health care system is a joke and yet we're told oh we americans are the smartest we're the best in the world this phony triumphalism and it's turned into a device to consummate our kids to live in fear fear of of
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a terrorist attack and use an individual yet you have a thousand times more likelihood to catch cancer than ever be heard by that and so here in the united states in afghanistan and iraq and vietnam in the air and all these american soldiers have died in vain died in vain and this is the comment that i got from a general he said mike they died in vain look at vietnam today most favored trade nation or the status it is a still a communist country so we ask yourself three million southeast asians were murdered as a result of our activities fifty eight thousand americans and one is change nothing our actions are causing people to die they don't there's no sense of the. we don't have a democracy we have a system of representative governments worldwide and that is not good enough for
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the people to govern themselves in the twenty first century it's presidents appall mccue of crimes against humanity over libya i'm the continued participation in iraq and afghanistan oh i can give you the proof after he got elected president the united states a lot of progressives felt that an obama campaign that he was going to be transparent and we're going to have a new level of democracy he was asked the question as to whether or not they would be a possibility that we would begin an investigation of the invasion of iran iraq by george bush which was a crime it was a it was an absolute crime and what was the rock will bomb the sponsor well we don't buy that means we don't want to use the american citizens and see what happened because you may turn around and accuse us of doing the same thing well it's even worse than not it's not an accusation he has been doing exactly the same
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thing as george bush did here most people aren't aware of the fact that last year the a bomb a administration chased out of the united states expulse them over five hundred dollars and people. the with gearing up to attack iraq how serious is that the irresponsibility of newton yahoo and allies not i don't have to i'm not telling you anything new circles he says he's a liar so in my humble status as a private citizen that i tell you the netanyahu is a liar is not nothing new but he is a liar because he's made statements about iran that are absolutely ridiculous and all it is is to create the fear for the people within israel he is part of the george bush syndrome and that is create a bunker mentality and create fear because with fear you can make people do almost
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anything in a representative society this whole ginning up of a war with iran very dangerous because iran is not syria not lebanon iran is a proud nation and they have missile capabilities they won't have nuclear capabilities but they have missile capabilities that they can rain down on television now i can tell you if they are attacked they will attack back and an israel is so vulnerable and so small that they will retaliate they'll use nukes to retaliate because they can't suffer to be destroyed they'll use the n. solution so they nuke iran what do you think pakistan's going to do with its nukes what do you think japan china is going to do what do you think the united states is going to do in retaliation i mean you could start a third world nuclear war. like irresponsibly at
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tackling iran the best way to solve the problem with tehran is leave them alone not provoke chairman of the the most the foundation thank you for speaking with. on. a very warm welcome to you this is your news today protesters on the wall street sprint they have to. leave decent chance of a good chance to choose to use it to get with the status of the human experiment if you just stick with. me because you approach this in this rap music in which it knows absolutely trying to make sense of local economies and it's all changed
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