tv [untitled] November 22, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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what. nobody seems to know. that never ever afraid to face quite hard the argument that they're being overly dramatic. give us some closure see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know. her welcome to the big picture.
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national day of action the market two month anniversary of the occupy wall street movement thousands of march across the country there are reports of mass arrests police beatings the use of al rounds and pepper spray often called rudeness so do you think the police or the protesters one that is going to produce a prison sent you to find out what you have to say as we head into month three of the occupy movement we have seen images of police using pepper spray and a group of peaceful college students launching canisters of tear gas into crowds beating protesters during mass arrests there's nothing like seeing the conflict between protesters and police with your own eyes to help decide which side you support so how do our viewers see it is the violence help greece support for the movement or for politiques who do you think is winning all smoky said the protesters show up with guitars and songs the police show up in riot gear what is there to saying the other to do right control and it's not much of a fight for inside his approach this painting john carney said the protesters are
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walking the forceful reaction by the system shock troops is indicative of this fact question believes the protesters can't work until they unite about a few single and specific issues that have been on the other hand told us the protesters are certainly winning but only if news outlets like ours he came calling attention to the unwarranted violence so what does it all mean well the last major poll released by gallup yesterday concluded that fifty six percent of americans polled still have not made up their minds about the occupy movement and remain ambivalent and while americans still aren't quite sure what to make of the movement one thing is for sure the movement which some thought was just winding down for the winter is not going anywhere as long as police and marriage across the country continue violent crackdowns on a peaceful movement. all right now as always we appreciate your responses and here's our next question for you will in the show we spoke about the republican claim that higher taxes would lower living standards in the united states but as we showed you that doesn't exactly add up so do you think if the u.s.
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standard of living would rise if taxes are raised on americans but if you think on facebook twitter and you tube and those are responses just like me. now you know we constantly hear the argument from conservatives that federal workers earn too much well apparently they've got nothing on government contractors turns out there are many perks to being a defense contractor and one of those is the salary because under current rules you can get paid more than the president does right now under current compensation limits back in one thousand nine hundred eight contractors can be paid up to six hundred and ninety three thousand and nine hundred fifty one dollars for the salaries of their top five executives that's almost seven hundred thousand dollars all courtesy of you would i be american taxpayers so let's give that number a little bit of context the president of the united states salary is currently capped at four hundred thousand about three hundred thousand dollars less than some defense contractors executives and don't forget these contracts are awarded by the government so it's your taxpayer dollars that are paying those salaries but it
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seems as if under the desperate questor cut government spending our lawmakers have actually decided to pay some attention to the insane pay imbalances between the contractors and the government workers senators barbara boxer chuck grassley and jay rockefeller ball traduce the common sense defense contractor compensation amendment to the two thousand and twelve defense authorization bill so this would cap the salary for all government contractors at four hundred thousand on part of the president and i guess you can see that is a bit of a compromise because in his deficit cutting plan released in september the president wanted to cap contractor compensation at two hundred k. so maybe one benefit of the hysteria surrounding government spending is that it's finally force those in office to address the ever growing pay gap between government employees make versus government contractors turns out the contrary to right wing with a government workers are paid. less than their contractor counterparts and i gap is only continuing to grow all the whole contractors are paid seven point three percent more than federal employees doing comparable work and median contractor pay
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compared to the previous year increased by two point one percent while government workers pay has stayed flat but here the gap starts to get super big when you look at contractor executive pay levels which are sixty nine percent higher and better employee counterparts so you can see how and why this gap occurs when contractors are paid almost seven hundred thousand dollars by the taxpayers so the thought of executives at our nation's defense contractors being paid upwards of half a million dollars a year of politicians callously around cuts for veterans benefits and cuts the social safety net all that doesn't bother you not really sure what will but i'm going to wait and see if this amendment actually makes it through because i see it as a positive step. now this week it was reported that up to a dozen u.s. spies in lebanon have been captured by hezbollah over the last couple of months the u.s. embassy in lebanon is denying that news but anonymous officials are reportedly saying that it's true and it's incredibly damaging and effectively shutting down the agency's operations there a.b.c. is reporting that using the code word pizza. pizza hut's could have been one of the
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things we gave them away kind of sounds like an amateur and foolish mistake but it's another intelligence mishap and it seems to be an increasing trend we spoke on the show many times before about the agency's changing role since nine eleven of turning into a killing machine drone strikes carrying out assassination plots from pakistan to yemen and somalia and it's led many to ask if this change in culture is taking a toll on the cia's abilities and if that's the case my focus on terrorism now with immediate results be keeping them from finding threats in the future or discuss this is retired lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer senior fellow at the center for advanced defense studies and pack america he's also the author of operation dark heart for me thanks so much for being here tonight for having me now as usual the way the stories go the embassy is denying it and so we just hear from anonymous officials that reportedly it's true we've heard about this in the past right it was in june to the leader of hezbollah started making those hints do you think that it is you don't know but the evidence is pretty clear that things were telegraphed
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pretty early on and i think if you don't know if forces are out there which i tend to believe we are we've pretty much lost the entire network there inside of lebanon which is a hugely bad thing at this point in time because we know. as you know the crossroads between. syria radians and. because it is really so it all comes together right there and it is a bad time to not have our eyes and ears on the ground knowing what's going on but unfortunately as i mentioned before it's not the first time that we've had the you know this is a bad time for something that to happen you know let's go back to what happened in afghanistan in two thousand and nine. camp chapman double agent was actually sent in because he was under control the us government used to be very clear about this we were about book we took people inside the wire we actually had a warlord on an air assault with the rangers we do certain things to make sure that they were vetted she has been very sloppy in two thousand i can't trap them they
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allowed al qaeda operatives to come through the security checkpoints with a bomb in the killing i believe it was seven cia officers and some other personnel total of ten and it was very clear that they were getting strike when they were going to strike in two thousand and three operation dark heart the very focus of my book we were going to tell cia about it because we knew if we told them the chances were very good it would be compromised most likely to be to the pakistan the pakistani. that's embarrassing the cia's supposed to be the top intelligence agency in the country and so are you have the mindset that this focus this post war on terrorism focus on like i said you know drone strikes targeting killing more war on terror rather than intelligence gathering is that taking it absolutely they fundamentally have been created to be a policy support organization to go and get the facts in a sport that brought us over to first tell you we do hope white house you know it's wonderful i'm we're all trying by cia i promise to train case officer is just our skills are focused on helping the military conduct military operations which
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ultimately is killing people so that that learning between pure intelligence collection are focused primarily child collection and us doing military operations is black badly blurred and i think cia has gone way far into our lane looking at conducting military operations they have something called the ground branch which is really expand ensuring the war that used to be kind of the the less popular place to go in the old days now it's a place to be because they're prosecuting this hard but the problem is this your training skills which are necessary to have good networks telling you what's going on this is the skill sets are similar but not the same and if you don't really maintain your trade craft skills and it's what the problem is here from everything up here. trade craft trade craft very craft if you're not paying attention to using cues you're losing big opportunities to maintain focus on what you need to do which is told collection i haven't seen or talked about how this line now has been blurred between the interim between the cia whose fault is that it's not at the cia immediately raise their hand after two thousand and one after the september
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eleventh and said let us get in here right well there's two reasons that the linesman blurred first off the money is on the killing side more than the collection side intelligence collection operation this because if you will it's very inexpensive so you know you're not going to make a lot of money for your organization at that salute me the technology to the programmer drones cia has your own predator drones that's all what they've been investing in that's where the money second is managers managers you just talk to talk about government employees look senior managers want to be in the know and be inside the circle and so this war has been focused on going after terrorists therefore of course these guys in a strike over a problem is this fundamentally we have always had this mission this is our job and we do it very well and it's one of those issues that i think that we much better off letting the military to military operations and allowing c.i. go back on its mission was a little hard to say now that you have general david petraeus who was in charge of the war in afghanistan or for that was in iraq who is also now heading of the cia
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who is making those decisions to just share the same management all over the top and this is a lot of them hearing that he's not very popular over there is working in his own crew with that said clearly there's a blurry even bigger blurry and this is for rumsfeld and to love him or hate him when he was director defense actually sort of pulling back do you have the support for see i see i have to do a lot of this with you direct support and so this is where the line was was being pushed back clearly again having c.r.u. certain things but now it's being back really kind of merged back together again so if there are a few of the cia right now should they necessarily be giving a patient conducting drone strikes do you think they should be focusing on al qaeda and other terrorist networks or should they be in other countries be in lebanon and worrying about threats of the. future rather than he no some people write about it to the next minute about being obsessed with this global war on terror the way they are obsessed with the soviet threat and of course sending weapons to the people right reality fighting in kind of losing sight of what the results of the record questions might be my friends and i would like this answer i would expand but their mission is based on the some of the cold war cold wars over we should reorganize
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the entire community based on future threats you brought up and you're not sure what you're looking at what's over the horizon much water the rearview mirror i mean reporters are great about reporting what's now the stories look at the past we have been told really looking over the horizon we're not doing that right now especially if you just look at rock and people and levanon or and in pakistan we've got to get over the horizon and that's the problem right now you only get with the target when you get intelligence because already the seas we're going to see a lot of candidates tonight that want to be president a foreign policy debate talking about the future and how we need to go out and bomb everybody from syria to iran to have a good solution and that is scary not a good solution really quickly before you wrap up you and i spoke about your book here and we mentioned the other day that now you're trying to sue and you can't get your original manuscript back even though you wrote it and it's already all over the internet or seems like there's no common sense here it's nine hundred four yes you as a civilian could go out and find a copy of my book that original redacted manuscript cost a few thousand dollars couple thousand dollars i can't look at it now it's totally
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legal for you to look at it because it was let go but this is the insanity of the current thing we sued and they're saying no we don't want you to look at it because that would mean you could tell us your own classified sources they don't want to deal with and this is the whole problem if you say something they don't like they will push you aside try to make it difficult frankly the the book obama's wars the book that the book has tons of real classified information in it and yet you don't see any issue at all with that because that was hateful slippers absolutely who is allowed to have you know one of the sources that you know many see the exact same thing in the story that you and i are speaking about right now is which sources want to tell that story you know what media outlets tony thanks so much for joining us here. sorry coming up next on fox news darlings are trying to downplay the horrific pepper spray incident that happened if you see hey that's details to come in our full time award and in happy hour purcell's bachmann gets an interesting introduction on jimmy fallon and romney's attack isn't quite truthful in its portrayal president obama stated.
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the police were looking at. what a protester nobody seems to know. but never a pepper sprayed the face of the argument that they're being overly dramatic. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then glimpse something else and hear see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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mr. our guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we actually have two winners for you both of whom are royalty over at fox news making kelly and bill o'reilly were having a nice little pleasant discussion on this show last night about the pepper spraying that occurred in the u.c. davis sit in over the weekend and by now i think we've probably seen the video where police locked down the line of students sitting peacefully in protest and pepper spray them just inches away from their face. that's right that video has rightly sparked outrage across the country and three officers have been placed on administrative leave since that incident and while most media outlets have expressed disgust over the brutality made in bill brown it
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played it down to say the least. social pepper spray which is burning garage right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially but a lot of actors a looking at it and saying is that the real virile has it been diluted. oh pepper sprays essentially a food product megan really or not just sounds so lovely and harmless but i dare even say delicious this seriously if they don't see how a person reacts to getting pepper sprayed i don't think they're writhing in pain just for the cameras and no bill it's not just for the eyes you can actually damage the cornea of your eyes and it affects all of your mucous membranes making it difficult to speak or even breathe for about forty five minutes some color neurotoxin in a can and just to give you hints of how hot this food product is take a look at this chart developed by one hundred years ago it clearly shows that us great pepper spray is the second hottest type of pepper even if it's diluted and perspective it's a thousand times hotter than
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a hollow pen you know i remember when a pregnant woman was pepper sprayed during a clash between police and protesters occupy seattle. it was a great way to go. all that young woman has since miscarried due to the trauma she sustained from the pepper spray as it's made it isn't offered so you would think that she'd have a little more sympathy for those that have been hit with this weapon but he's not alone in her efforts to diminish the buzz around the u.c. davis incident bill o'reilly explained the police should have been trusted and there on the spot reaction to the peaceful protesters it looks like these cuts from have room to argue that this is not excessive force does that mean they should have affected the arrests in this way that's a more world yes i know but i don't think we have we have the right to monday morning quarterback to police a particular place like u.c. davis which is you know a fairly liberal campus. right so if you're arguing that because it's a liberal camp is that it's not ok to question the police's action that's
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a quick reminder bill last time i checked you called yourself a journalist and it's your job to question the actions of the police are back in may get what's coming out of the moral line after not caring about what pepper spray does to people well that just makes this whole situation look a lot worse it's really something when journalists act as the spokes person for the police so for trying to gallon play the actions of the police at u.c. davis bill o'reilly and megan kelly are tonight's told time winners. are guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening is lauren lyster host of capital account on r.t. and anthony rand as a director of economic research for the reason foundation and other math geniuses with me this evening i think it's already in me. so i have already mentioned like five times in this show because i'm looking forward to laughing at the candidates once they actually open their mouths tonight there's going to be another foreign
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policy debate and i think that we have a good little preview of what to expect take a look at something that perry said. if you believe it in libya which is still a student no fly zone. over syria who would you like if you were the president would you advocate that we do have syria absolutely. did you did you see the things trailing around his head first like when he was like wait which. i know anyway what does this mean again you know i think i think herman cain about herman cain is worse than rick perry and that sense but at least he got an answer right at least i got an answer i think he just figured he'd question yeah it's pretty easy that way i think you just figure that hey this is what texas politicians do they authorize or they answer to no fly zones over countries in that region you know if texas justice now iraq part to. play safe or for america. any answer is that is that saudi texans do right
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a straight shooter and you don't have to say at least it wouldn't be romney who is going to be like putting together a spreadsheet on the calculations of whether this would meet certain demographics approval you know whether or not it a no fly zone would be accepted by the president be so boring if you over think it just. started just now if i do it ok speaking of mitt romney he actually did something kind of shady take a look at this is his first t.v. ad that he's released and just listen to the quote from president obama. ah. ah. the. rest. of the five. all right so who cares about the economy i can't like you said that turns out it
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was actually john mccain said that was quoting mccain on the campaign trail but here's another interesting clip from this morning when they were talking about it on a daily rundown. senator mccain's campaign actually said and i quote if we keep talking about the economy we're going to live. but you know you you did some work for mr romney back and if i did a larry of the just politics that we will do is totally lying campaign well it is what they do once they know about this is only when politicians do you want to start like detailing deceptions and campaign you're going to be here for a very very long time and it's not republicans you know i'm sure that once the president obama starts putting out putting together campaign stuff it's going to we're going to find the exact same sort of really. you know no politician he says they want to see for everyone just like this is the way the world is the way the game is played perhaps and i worry about the people who are watching at home and
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you know don't watch the news and read all the blogs today that are like. you know romney is the wrong word and i believe that we have to say i'm sorry i didn't mean it was the fact that we're in d.c. i don't know if this winds up being true to the resignation but we look at the fact we're just writing this off as this is what politicians do maybe there's a sense in most american people that most of these campaign ads are going to be full of b.s. and they really only get it's only going to speak to the audience like who's watching that clip and i was going to vote against president obama before but i you know they're really i don't think people that are for mitt romney are going to be persuaded anyway otherwise if an ad is misleading or vice versa for that matter i would like to see some more demon she been like you know weird stuff that we've just gotten around to yeah there's a bad i love i don't know you know they are here and that's ok. michele bachmann was on it jimmy fallon's show last night and just listen to the song of
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ruth played as usual. congresswoman shall. i say the name of the song lion as. i think this just goes to show that the people that are getting the best shots in right now are musicians and they're not one singer got that in the apac tenor of the world leaders occupy protesters that i had to play and he has and he's on a protest and the roots cats and i cab they are the ones that are really making inroads these days certainly wasn't a daily show entrance for every politician so presidential be used against senator . kerry it isn't in the fact though that if there was almost any other female politician that walked into that music it republican or democrat for the most part
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it's a whole country would probably be in an uproar and some kind of you know feminist rage but the fact there was michele bachmann. you know what really is that i think that's maybe says something about michelle and i was there because i don't know the age i think people just don't know the song yet maybe only going to say you're right with that idea was like until today so some people really decided to take a listen and decide to bring it i wondered from a value that was going to happen like if that was planned out or not but. i did i mean hillary got some you know some flak and stuff but her big wide hips and. everything else that's a lot of flack for things that they shouldn't but feminists still hate michele bachmann something that's just one. last thing everyone has seen the wiki leaks track it's been a staple out i was three down in zuccotti park and basically what happened is the guy who got his car towed by the police one day they tried to give him a ticket because like his license plate was slanted and then he resisted and then
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they tried to come up with some other b.s. argument and now he's calling all the telling play. and they just said they've never seen this week you extract how do you lose a week you'll be struck on a mistake i was struck that says a wiki leaks on the side of it is something that actually asked the right if you're the n.y.p.d. do they really think that julian assange and his ilk are going to be that stupid the way that you lose a stroke as you lose it in seventeen thousand pieces all over the store you're going to screw you slips and. the wiki leaks truck is that they were just like whatever dropped off of the earth you know. they didn't say. ok every we're going to lose your life or we do expect are you going to think for to you tonight and that's it for tonight's show if they were to get a base for the come back tomorrow norm stamper the former chief of the seattle police department to be on the show to discuss the recent clashes between police and occupy wall street protesters and we timed over guesses about banfield on a show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of the nice or any
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other nights of his cattle if you flashed me on a shelf and coming up next he's. i hope that is the tom foreman and mobile home is to keep the creation of the us food system the global food system is not created to feed the people of the world it's created to maximize the profits. sure not trading the actual cash physical grain or trading promises for grain to be delivered for a month or six months or twelve months or eighteen months in the future. for reasons model likely silver or gold that can be negotiated and then afforded to some degree in the sense of place. the yacht or.
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