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tv   [untitled]    November 22, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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anonymity or phony names like americans for justice or whatever it may be and even public financing it but if that was our solution it would just be more money for the t.v. numbers it's time for us to return to the doctrine that we held for fifty years the united states of programming in the public interest the broadest things like the nixon kennedy debates we need to go back to programming in the public interest. of next i'll give you fifty billion reasons why climate change is a serious problem and why we need to do something about it before it's too late. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global mission that would see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t.
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question more. welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour another year another case of freak weather so with billions of dollars in damages already wrong up to twenty a lot of what's in store for our planet money. and could the same national
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sentiments lead to the murder of j.f.k. brewing again in america today i'll ask you a historian with our walter question later and internets daily take the media doesn't want to call a liar a liar and who will. this is been a war on costly year for stream whether any doubt as states the massive blizzard in the northeast to begin the year of the mile wide tornadoes that just about decimated the midwest the flooding along the mississippi that drowned entire cities the while flight fires that torched the american southwest to hurricane irene which was the east coast had been ten different natural disasters this year that each crossed more than a billion dollars. so what's in store for us next year and for each year after that as our nation drags its feet on addressing climate change or amanda stout joins us
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now she's a climate scientist with national wildlife federation for start welcome thank you for having me thanks for joining us storms a billion dollars and we tried to global warming clear global climate change or global weirding or whatever it's called that it's really been an extraordinary year for its stream weather but these ten weather and climate disasters with a total damages of nearly fifty billion dollars just in the united states and that doesn't even count the flooding in thailand i new report just came out last week from the intergovernmental panel on climate change stating that climate change is affecting these weather and climate extremes and that we can expect them to become worse in the future. so and the i.p.c.c. this is you know going to change they just released a new study was entitled special report on managing the risk of a stream events and disasters to advance climate change adaptations and it's a matter oh yeah the thing that concerns me is the word adaptations because what
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i'm hearing from some largely republican politicians is well yeah maybe even if things are going up you know or the temperatures are going up and i've certainly been hearing this from some of the shills for the well industry humans a jobs report was adapted you know norman's change we move from continent to continent we adapt. well you know it's the fact of the matter is that we are going to have to do some adaptation we've we've put enough carbon pollution in the atmosphere at this point that there are going to be impacts and we're going to need to do some adaptation and the other side if we don't take steps to stop playing carbon pollution in the atmosphere those adaptations are going to be very costly both in terms of money and in terms of people's lives and well being and much more costly than the efforts to change our energy usage and even taking humans over. picture for a moment if we. richard leakey wrote a book called the fifth extinction or the sixth extinction i guess where you know
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the five major distinctions with little the sixth extinction that we're losing species are at a rate that has not been seen since the dinosaurs vanished and you know we're using fifty percent of the planet's net photosynthetic productivity crowding out all the species and forests for example is warming houghton's uniforms can't move a couple of miles a year it's just it's so how is nature adapting to this climate change and how might that impact us to the extent that we're interdependent on nature for everything from our food supply to you know oxygenating our planet well the projections are that if we continue emitting carbon pollution at the rate we're going to thirty percent of the world's species will be at risk of extinction by twenty fifty and i think that's a really stunning projection right there and it's get facts and get back to your question about adaptation and the species are not able to adapt to the changes at
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the rate they're happening and likewise human beings you know we built our societies around the current climate the climate of the past and the climate is changing so quickly we're really not going to be able to it's after all of those if we don't take actions to slow things down so a lot of the actions we should be very well at the basic thing is we need to stop our addiction to coal oil and gas and and transition to a cleaner energy economy with more emphasis on renewables like solar and wind and in improving our energy efficiency and that's the basic thing we need to do clean energy i mean i've been watching the t.v. commercials you're talking about natural gas are. you know we're going to need a suite of solutions but i think of a cleaner energy that we really want to look towards is solar and wind things that don't put carbon pollution into the atmosphere and yet here in the united states we're talking about building a pipeline to bring car holds our slurry from canada down into the. the gulf of mexico where presumably we're going to find an export and we're talking about fracking half the country right now probably have a ball there but
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a good chunk of the east coast anyway it to extract enormous amounts of of natural gas methane which is itself a potent greenhouse gas and when it's burned it produces more c o two is this nuts it is a little nuts and you know we actually did have a victory in terms of the pipeline and that's been delayed at least for another year or so so i mean i think there are some signs there who are doing the right thing and in fact lisa jackson the e.p.a. administrator announced this that we think that they're going to move forward with regulations for power plants for carbon dioxide from power plants so i mean there are signs of progress but i think we need to be thinking about how much swifter and more aggressive transition is there technology for sequestering carbon coming out of carbon plants yes yeah i think that carbon sequestration this you know in the works so i don't think we're quite there in terms of it being operate i thought it
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was like that's mean people say solar doesn't work i'm sorry we're you know we've got solar almost so we're everything else is and everything else has subsidies. you know it's remarkable because the doctors thank you so much for being with st you for having me i appreciate it thank you climate change seems to move slowly and so your town is flattened by a mile wide tornado global weirding weather has become a total reality and it's going to get a lot worse passed here are some of the numbers from thomas jefferson wrote the declaration of independence global c o two was around two hundred eighty parts per million. and by the way where it had been for hundreds of thousands millions of years the industrial revolution fueled by coal and oil raise that number to around three hundred parts from the highest level in some point one million years around the time of the presidency of teddy roosevelt we have three hundred fifty parts. promoting the upper limit this is the absolute upper limit of of what you know scientists climate scientists tell us it's safe for humanity we had that in the mid
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one nine hundred eighty s. and look at look at what's been going on here we are in two thousand and eleven this is from c o two no doubt or and you know we're we're close in a four hundred parts per million or per billion or three millions and this is just this is a six astounding really when you consider we're republican thirty billion metric tons of carbon dioxide in the air every year right now at this rate by the end of the century will be at eight hundred thirty five parts per million our planet will be functionally uninhabitable at least the way that we're working right now we have to go to near zero worldwide carbon emissions within a decade or we're going to see some serious disasters so get involved as a bunch of great groups out there three fifty dot org c o two net now dot org amanda's organization and others show up participate and let your elected officials know that you're concerned about this issue.
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it's the good the bad and the very very below for a. while oath or really don't honestly admit that the good kuala lumpur the capital city of malaysia hosted a war crimes tribunals against from the president george w. bush and former president british prime minister tony blair the kuala lumpur war crimes tribunal was assembled by former malaysian for me or my fear of muhammad who has been a very vocal critic of the iraq war in the strictly symbolic four day hearing and tribunals both bush and blair are guilty of crimes against the peace in their verdict the tribunals said the evidence showed that the drums of wars were being beaten long before the invasion. the accused in their own memoirs have admitted to their own intention to invade iraq regardless of international law seven other
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bushies including dick cheney and donald rumsfeld will also be tried by the kuala lumpur war crimes tribunals for now if only we can get the same actions started here in the united states the bat orange river elementary school a sheriff's deputy was called the fort myers florida school last week because the assistant principal had an emergency on her hands she saw two students kiss that's right the assistant principal margaret and hearing glanced out a window and saw a little girl walk over a little boy and kiss him and call a parent immediately called child welfare officials who rather than telling her she was overreacting will told to call the sheriff which she did police arrived on the scene found no evidence of any kind of sex going on and the case was a complete waste. and a very very ugly meghan kelly until right last night on fox so-called news two talking heads tried to downplay the now infamous. every spring incident u.c. davis leaves. personal pepper spray just burns your eyes right right i mean it's
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like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially but a lot of experts are looking at that and saying is that the real deal has it been diluted because eventually they should have more of a reality yeah but at that point we. should have just used the food products like mustard with cream to disperse the demonstrators and i guess o'reilly wants to see the occupy patriots writhing in pain is there no end to the links five so-called news will go to to defend police brutality and downplay the ninety nine percent. that's a very very. crazy alert only in san francisco next month the guinness book of world records will be on hand in the bay city to officiate what could be the world's largest gathering of naked santa clauses to commemorate the tenth anniversary of santa and then san
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francisco in which people dress up like saint nick get drunk and commit blatant acts of debauchery around the city hundreds are expected to turn out in their cetera ads and boots and nothing else luckily in san francisco there are no laws against public nudity and guinness will be very strict in officiating the rich record breaking attempt all participants must be wearing a sailor hat perhaps boots gloves and a beard but absolutely nothing else elves and reindeer costumes are not allowed either and most importantly don't confuse the jingle bells with the jingle bells. after the break it's been nearly a half century since j.f.k. was assassinated so why is his murder more important now than of. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions compelled to break through get through to be made who can you trust no one who is in view with the global machinery to see where we had
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a state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. forty years ago today president john f. kennedy was assassinated in dallas texas and even though it's been nearly
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a half century there are endless unanswered questions about what exactly happened that day on dealey plaza and the on that there are still several lessons that can be gleaned from the mood of our nation just before the assassination. and a mood that exists in america today there are times columnist frank rich wrote a piece this last week and i exactly that is you describing the historical similarities between the america that killed kennedy and america today rich writes what defines the kennedy legacy today is the particular strain of burial and hatred that helped bring him down after j.f.k. was killed that hate went into only temporary hiding it has been a growth industry ever since and has been flourishing in the obama years there are plenty of comparisons to be made between the two men the most telling is the betrayal that engulfed both their presidencies there's no question about it but murder of j.f.k. still vitally important today explain why or welcome lamar walter to the show he's
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a j.f.k. historian and co-author along with myself of the book legacy of secrecy and legacy of secrecy and ultimate sacrifice lamar welcome back great to be a pretty joe thank you. new information about the first of all this book girl our book legacy of secrecy has been and made into a movie there's new information about that movie. that's exactly right it was announced just just recently was that the great house her winning actor robert de niro was going to be one of the stars of an almost like c. of secrecy joining leonardo di caprio and a character you know is going to be not only starring in latency of secrecy but also producing but this this brand new news about record in iraq is very important because robert de niro is going to be playing the godfather of texas and louisiana named carlos marcello who actually admit it as part of this incredible but secret happy item to cover operation that he's his godfather finally admitted that he
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ordered j.f.k.'s assassination here why did it all of that was kept secret we all deal with government secrecy a lot still today but robert de niro is going to great actors going to play this incredible dangerous godfather carlos marcello and it's going to help to start to get the story out because well we wrote two books that both a little together of a total eight hundred pages. that's a lot of information a lot of documentation but a movie is the way to get that information out and share it with a lot more people because if you're very right what you are saying start j.f.k.'s assassination is not just ancient history it's highly relevant to today and highly relevant to for americans each year as we look ahead to that fiftieth anniversary of j.f.k.'s murder which is only two years away and how is that relevant them are. well the heart and by the way the movie focuses on carlos marcello in prison and
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yet you are informant or an ordinary average guy a criminal who got his confession and in addition we're going to be there so much more than just the story for the movie who's going to be a two hour documentary or all cats great producer is going to be producing it and up it's going to have more of information from our books which really explains how marcello got away with it which was by politely mean j.f.k.'s assassination and phony documents it pointed to thirty al castro who switched just a year after chance nuclear standoff the cuban missile crisis so a lot of people high in government from the new president johnson head of the cia top call and for decades later people like alexander haig that was working on some very top secret cuba matters with john and robert kennedy they all believe sort of person alexander he says that i recently that he believed they all die if they are castro it ordered j.f.k.'s assassination they didn't realize what we got here in
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the trade paperbacks legacy of secrecy and all of them sacrificed all of that evidence was phony it was all planted by the mafia in the office. mian in the cia and the guy had nothing to do with your case murder and that is why u.s. cuban relations have been officially frozen since j.f.k. was murdered so the more we can get the truth out with this movie with the documentary with our books reaches nearly was there is no reason for the u.s. to still be in a cold war with cuba almost fifty years after j.f.k.'s murder rights and since l.b.j. went to his grave thinking the castro had killed j.f.k. in the in the minute half we have left like to talk about that eight in the street that are to happen sooner that that i that i mentioned in the in the setup. you have eloquently described. this before it's described in the book legacy of secrecy
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the hate industry that led to the murder of dr martin luther king the hated history that led to the murder of robert kennedy and of course jack kennedy but in particular that led to the murder of dr can. you tell us about how that was working down in georgia where you live. well we see our out here in a red state and i'd likely live in a blue area like i have to have it we see that hey it's just almost unbelievable and i actually know it's very relevant not just for like the assassination attempt on gabby giffords you know it's horrible but for everything to normalize relations with cuba because down here and i think in red states across the country a lot of purple states it's like a communist scanners of the of the one nine hundred fifty times they were revived imports by reagan in the eighty's and that's still out there so even if president obama were one of the houses of congress certainly probably senate were to make efforts to try to normalize those relations and the conservative control of even
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the country would immediately attack them and we you know if you saw sounds we the be tossing up terms like you know socialist and communist and they already knew when they use social us in the country obvious and so i think that really limits what he's ministration can do to normalize those relations in this election year and i do worry about the violence because you're very right it did lead very directly to martin luther king's murder carlos marcello pick the godfather or j.f.k.'s murder hume is an ardent racist to use than other whites premises the former f.b.i. had chicago in his plot and so he's racist they were exposed for j.f.k.'s murder based survive if you were able to influence as a marcello in a small way king's murder with other very hardened white supremacists so just that atmosphere of fear and hatred that's been stirring up what republicans been doing since you know nixon perfected these techniques to get elected and by the way super
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cuba sanctions from the eisenhower nixon administration which is just ridiculous and it is it is really is remarkable it is really is remarkable them our thank you so much for being with us tonight. thank you so much for the chance to really appreciate it. the movie legacy of secrecy which is based on the book the mar and i wrote is currently in production at warner brothers and is expected to be hitting theaters in the number twenty thirteen so stay tuned. there's a question if a politician lies well on corporate media he or she really tell a lie going off mitt romney's new campaign ad the answer is apparently no that's right the perpetual second place candidate the republican race for the white
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house mitt romney he's really confident that the voters are going to end their love affair with every other single candidate not named mitt romney in eventually settle on him that's why in his first television campaign ad these are going after newt gingrich or herman cain is going after president obama and just as you might expect from republicans who couldn't get elected dog catcher if their ads told the truth about their agenda to carry water for multinational corporations and wall street romney's kicking things off with a big fat lie take a look at this excerpt from romney romney's new ad seems to show the president ed need a talking about the economy hurts his own chances to win an election. ah .
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but by. we saw. them. i mean the truth is promised president obama did say that but they were his words here's the entire context what he actually said back in two thousand and eight when he was running against john mccain. even as you're worried about keeping your job or paying your bills or staying in your home my opponent's campaign announced last week that they plan to turn the page on the discussion about our economy so they can spend the final weeks of this election attacking me. senator mccain's campaign actually said and i quote if we keep talking about the economy we're going to lose. but mitt romney and his campaign apparently didn't think the truth was worth bothering with in his new campaign ad so instead they just lied and he did it intentionally as
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a romney advisor told politico today when they were called out we used that quote intentionally so the folks over at the center for american progress he's romney's own standard for truth telling to cut the said take a look. we should just raise everybody's taxes there's nothing unique about the united states government knows better than a free people how to guide an economy fiscal responsibility is heartless and immoral let us just raise your taxes some more we just need a little more america's just another nation with a flag romney really did say all those things seems fair and jokes aside though this is where our politics are heading. and this is the first ad of the general election season and it's only going to get worse and worse and worse that's because politicians know. they can basically get away with
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anything that is known as they don't tweet out a lead a lewd photo of themselves when it comes to lie and it's fair game. because the corporate media isn't doing its job anymore they aren't calling the liars liars in washington and calling crooks crooks on wall street and they are calling hacks tax when they look in the mirror and that's why the news media isn't going nuts today pointing out that a man who could be the president of the united states in this first ad comes off as a bald faced liar it's all about access now keeping access to the news makers and if one of the multimillionaire talking heads on t.v. calls romney a liar then guess what romney may not do an interview with that network in the future it's also all about the money strictly hypothetically let's assume there's a billionaire media mogul who owns a cable news network and he wants his taxes to go down so you think he has any interest in calling out is a liar a politician promises to lower his taxes i don't think so and ditto to that for the
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multimillionaire executives boards of directors of all the for profit networks as long as the corporations running the networks like your politics and as long as they depend on access to to you to keep viewership up an ad revenue coming in then you could waltz on any time you want spew as many lies as you want and no news person will ever point it out at most of network mail on a third party strategist from those side who have called for a lie but it's not that authoritative and we can expect these campaigns to police themselves and not lie any more than we can expect big multinational corporations to give a damn about keeping jobs in america the main way we the people can know the truth . it's from the gatekeepers known as the media and without them so much for having an informed electorate one of the most important parts of a healthy democracy it's time to bring back news in the public interest and time to
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promote real journalism journalism that puts the facts over profits and access as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website so tom hartman dot com free speech and archie dot com you can also check out our to you tube channels partly. also to check out all the different ways you send us feedback and don't forget democracy begins with you when you get active when you show up when you participate sad your it get out there occupy something.
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