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tv   [untitled]    November 23, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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brighton if you move the sun from france to transition it's. starts on t.v. dot com. moscow warns it will pull out of the start treaty and stop nuclear disarmament if the u.s. continues to deploy its missile defense shield in europe. and the response to the russian is can't hear missile hours deployed on its borders from east to west i'll have more details from the kremlin in a just a moment. thousands vent their anger egypt's military rulers with protest to stay put in the heart of karo in tahrir square saying the obvious concessions are not enough. to protest the slavey heavy handedness of the army reminds me not to talk days of hosni mubarak more for me to interrupt a few moments. and the euro is in mortal danger brussels warns tough economic
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governance is the only way out of the crisis but moneybag germany says every country should look after themselves. and in business foreign direct investment in the us a is on the rise but analysts say russell still remains one of the nice abstracts of countries along developing part gunning for a full business growth and one that. could have you would decide this is r t coming to you live from the russian capital with the twenty four hours a day russia may pull out of the start treaty and stop nuclear disarmament if the u.s. continues to deploy its missile defense shield in europe present if it is said moscow could also deploy its own strike systems like to scan the missiles on its own borders as a response let's get all the details now from aussies and he said the only. some
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very harsh and direct words from president medvedev on the development of plans for the u.s. nato and their eastern european allies to build and develop that missile defense shield in eastern europe just outside russia's border he pointed out five steps that the russian federation would take if nato the u.s. and its allies don't reconsider first soft early warning systems will be immediately activated including grad which is russia's most buster and quite just outside just across the border i should say from the plans for that missile defense shield also the country's strategic nuclear forces will be strengthened significantly the president said the baddies to happen urgently to quote him our strategic missiles will be fitted with advanced missile how penetration systems so that means the latest generation warheads and also the armed forces has been notified that it needs to create a system that would be able to destroy my data exchange and control systems of that
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missile defense shield in eastern europe like i said once again it can't be stressed enough just outside of russia's border if all of those steps aren't enough for nato when its allies to reconsider this would be russia's last resort. just each other measures are insufficient russia will deploy and temporary strike systems in the west and south in order to prevent further damage from us missile systems collide in europe the deployment of us going to missile system in the coming out region will be one such step if the situation develops in an unfavorable way russia will reserve the right to seize further steps and we reduce the amount and arms control. even unix trickle link between strategic offensive and defensive weapons reasons could emerge from the strategic arms reduction treaty this is a vision within the content of the treaty it has to be pointed out that president medvedev once again stressed that it's not too late that russia does believe that dialogue can help to reach some kind of agreement that says. besides both sides in
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terms of missile defense the start treaty the latest one of course signed in april twenty ten held as a tremendous step in the reset so fasher words to withdraw from that treaty would be a huge step back in terms of russia u.s. relations president medvedev once again said that today that we need legally binding guarantees that those systems are not physicians against nazi they're practically surrounded from europe down to the middle east and the upper class in their eastern seaboard in the pacific in terms of bases in japan and south korea so russia saying that they need more guarantees than just the u.s. and its allies say you just have to trust us it was a great step in terms of relations but obviously not clear enough because there's not enough binding agreement between the two countries if those systems will not be directed against each other so russia and the west are very much moving in different directions russia feels that if the u.s. and nato can't meet eye to eye with them they have every right to create their own
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system and protect their national interests and he's reporting there by the way you can see present evidence speech in full on our website it is all t.v. dot com that's more on this from professor. she's from malaysia university and she's an expert on russia and eurasia joining us live from brussels professor before we start we got a map here to give us an idea of the geographical perspective of what's being talked about in terms of this proposed missile defense system the likes of the czech republic remaining in turkey poland and a bold carrier they will all host the radars or missile systems or indeed both if this system does go ahead the question is of course why is this idea being put forward where this system is to the west of russia very close to its borders when the perceived threat actually comes from the east from the so-called rogue states like iran and north korea. yes that's
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a big question of course because the system that the west is proposing to be puts a finish by of two thousand and twenty and god knows who would be the real threat to european security at the time so i think in my opinion is the weakest point of this proposal that b. c. i have been a little puzzled by and i was reading the speech of president medvedev because it's not the first time dot russia is reacting to a new western proposal a bald history and to me she'll miss him shields by threatening to install on its border an especially including no new establishment and so russia ass as you have been explaining all the reason to be anxious aboard the limited can prove its own retaliation capacity but i'm not sure that this cattle frittering have this mormon
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is the best reaction to the oh by the way also puzzling collaboration of president obama. you talk about a little earlier the threat to european security in the future who knows what that could be but is there not now an immediate threat where europe is likely to be threatened has been vetted has indeed said by russia itself we're seeing that we're not that europe is being dragged into a route between moscow and washington and now seeing itself under threat from russia. yes that is also something unreal that i was talking before because two hundred feeling to go back. slipping back i would say to the kind of call to all rhetoric when people we're talking or three deterrence and so on and in fact this is between russia and the united states and of course europe to absolutely no political reason to fear that those countries can be slipping is such an austerity adults law can be envisage a little longer. nuclear war so i'm in my mid feeling is that we are
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full of the west and russia are engaged in a kind of. awkward hasty miscreation exercise partly for the little run reason partly because one system thing and the ordeal think asked to react and that's what i think that it will probably be time to this is probably it's a little it's interesting you talk about political electoral reasons of course both sides of barbara facing a presidential election of course elections here in russia but surely put those reasons aside it doesn't make sense does it not here we have seen recently the resetting of relations between the u.s. and russia is their friendship really now in jeopardy along with the start treaty which of course has been mentioned. yes that's why i was talking of kind of in a realistic situation because to know wolf president medvedev and president obama where very proud of having reset the relation their course of course always these
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are greenman maybe of all discretion often to ballistic missiles and abort iran but there were also some progress and it also kind of put i say that in english a legacy of both presidency and of course we know that president obama is under pressure by a guy at heart republicans film so many. fields but it is really strange not to pick up just this one which after all the technical question of stopping passing information to russia if there is expected to be a need for a missile defense system moscow has made a gesture to the u.s. to say look what i call we share a system together why has that idea in effect been rejected by nato and the us so that we are back to square one and i think the biggest deficits despite to go towards was exchanging the recent speech mean russia and the united states are deficient of confidence and these are simply from neutral and this is
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a scene we feel i think basically you have partners who are clearing and i think they're sincere when they see it are they when they want to change their relation and they want to move on after the for school and so on but their confidence is not there and so inveterately wonderful problem especially a problem of this crime everybody tend to return to the old rhetorical new and that's what i was i repeat finding school and realistic in all of this story will be interesting to see how this develops in the near future in the meantime thank you for your thoughts professor need a postcard from leeds university an expert on russia and eurasia. thank you. now russia's envoy to nato has stressed russia now expect some serious dialogue with its nato partners and said there is a point where they go she actions will have to stop losses but war but would you know but we will carry on talks with our american and nato partners until the u.s. passes the point of no return with a point of no return is the finalization of the european missile defense system
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russia make sure the matter on the question if the location of sites from which its strategic nuclear forces can be monitored we will take a fully adaptive approach there is still time for negotiations and we are calling on our american counterparts and nato partners to waste no time to make sure that all european countries involved even those involved against their will not only assurances but legally binding guarantees based on the specific technical capabilities of missile defense. thousands of egyptians are refusing to leave town here square saying they're not satisfied with concessions being offered by the military council the army says a presidential election will be held by next summer or protests as what the well. is inker. the river of wind and fire is the monarch and populous not as all chaos pandemonium has broken out support of the dysfunction crazy in my humble mom would speak to the full response from her we understand the police have been finding live
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ammunition a number of fires have broken out of the area and there are ambulances behind me carrying both directions having the wounded in the city to the various makeshift clinics that are everywhere and i was forced to justice insistence on that i continued to sustain me when the youngsters around just picking up want to talk up tales to pull at the army there's a lot of anger there's a lot of frustration and so i think the scene comes to since twenty four hours since we've heard some of the time i think a decision based on this is saying that the obvious message to having an hour at the mine and still in pieces it may have been i want to fix of actually having the results of a test as they now say they going nowhere in fact i've been saying this in a number setting now they have no intention of leaving the army any more than they did the last seven eight months in which time they see it make very little difference is also just heavy smell of tear gas in the air it raises concerns that human rights activists have been asking all day what gas exactly are the police
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using with hearing from doctors that many of the people that died have died from gunshots to hades as well as choking that's not a safe place this will go home at all i mean we're just hearing from me keep him on our feet from egypt since he is urging the army to stop firing at the sisters on the one hand if the army takes heat of this kind of voice and he needs the spray of the protesters that will simply remain and they will remain with a demonstrably army to step down on the other hand the army doesn't make some kind of force i mean it has promised that they will be part of mainstream excess makes my big protest i'm not satisfied with this they say that how can they post against the backdrop of this and even if people turn out to vote one fifty two states across the ballots doesn't frighten them it just in the seat of those elections the army is a publishing next. me. came from the nixon. thing if you make the system process this point there's nothing that the army do or say that is actually going to meet the requirements of the tasters the standing here when we need it
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seems that the situation at the moment is. very difficult time for the army to know precisely how to deal with the demands of the protesters. and he's pulled a sneer as we know is there here square watching events unfold and tweeting. things that you won't hear elsewhere and here are some of the latest tweets that i'm reading here on screen at the moment the situation is going from bad to worse she writes lots of injured ambulances are struggling to get through the crowd but we're watching live pictures there from the center of cairo at the moment as she also posts on twitter feeds how the crowd is being pushed back from the front of the square with heavy white cloud of tear gas hanging over them and we can indeed see signs of that tear gas there amongst the masses of people there in town his square live coverage. from the car at the moment here naughty and of course you can follow her twitter feed from the live updates direct from that is where. they just don't
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say nothing has changed since president mubarak was toppled that's why they're out on the streets again but also f. william engle talk a little earlier that he suspects washington is pulling the strings in the second wave of the egyptian revolution and the question is is who. organizing behind the scenes that these demonstrations in tahrir square take place again and the muslim brotherhood comes in the largest organized political force in egypt. as well as the participants in the earlier twitter revolution in the nearly spring so and the role of washington has has been very curious in all this so one suspects that there is a deeper agenda going on here and the pentagon is not all that upset with the pressure being put on the military it's bringing the whole process into a second wave of course normal egyptians and i know many normal egyptians who
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deeply want to have a democratic country they're sick and tired of corrupt dictatorships from the military that's understandable but. this question of democracy is not a process that comes from from street revolutions in the course of history is not one example i can think of where it has. well we've been asking you how the west should react to the bloodshed in egypt and looking on screen at the moment we can see that the majority of its stony silence is the best answer nearly a quarter believe that nato allies must impose a no fly zone and get involved in a bombing campaign around a fifth so the west should react with tough sanctions and threats of action and the same number of people think the event should be condemned by your say because hear from you on the web site r.t. dot com. alarms over the euro's future of the heart of europe european commission president chose emanuel but also warned the single currency could collapse unless governments are more economically integrated he regrets it currently pitted against germany as chancellor angela merkel has once
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again rejected the idea of collective boring for the region let's get more from financial analyst and host of the kaiser report here on our team mexico is a mess but see here on our team now markets panicked after but also as comments but it's not the first time he's called for more centralized economic control it really is is it not time for brussels to get on and do its job and tell everybody what to do to get them out of this mess. well what they're going to have is to try and pull all of their debts and serif load all of their debts into a massive european wide pool of debts that they're going to try to get others around the world to finance think of in terms of this recent offering of groupon which was a known and notorious ponzi scheme they took at public for eighteen billion now it's crashed through the i.p.o. price trading for many billions of dollars less but for a brief shining moment it looked good so this is what they're trying to do in the
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eurozone they're trying to refloat trillions of debt and say it's a brand new day and look great for about maybe twenty minutes but then we'll be back to exactly where we were where we started which is a massive debt the leveraging sovereignty being lost amongst all these euro zone countries and predatory i.m.f. bankers on the loose brooke bankers looking to destabilize countries for a quick buck but isn't germany worried about this euro bond scheme it says it will probably have to cut more than the rest and indeed germany's position today max what's going on there it's sort of worst but on the auction ever well what is happening with angela merkel now disagreeing with her european neighbors and indeed become trade still showing signs of vulnerability. yes it's very interesting isn't it germany is on principle against buying up e.c.v. bonds or monetizing e.c.b. bonds but the bundesbank was buying out the bones of bonds for they so it's ok for
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germany but it's not ok for the eurozone and this is just opening up all the antagonism between all these european countries they are always opposed to restore peace and harmony i'm in the euro zone but they're breaking down along. country by country divisiveness once again and this can't end good because these countries let's not forget have spent hundreds of years at each other's throats now we're back at it. can you not see any optimism whatsoever in greece and italy finally people less seem to know what entering getting in experts a technocrat says but in having the politicians there isn't it it seems to me that to others and commentators that maybe that is the right way forward. technocrats you have been drinking the kool-aid and these are just banks stirrers look you have to understand if i look at what's happening on twitter for example you've got a twitter war going on between nuri al roubini a
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a technocrat type character and jim rickards who just came out of the book called currency wars cambric or gets it he understands we're in an era of zero reserve banking and that this is a systemic problem muriel roubini of course doesn't get it he's an academic who thinks all you need is a new model and a new theory if you follow guys like roubini they're going to go straight down into massive bankruptcy across the entire globe you have to understand this is a systemic problem that requires a totally architecting of the system and a total execution in one way or another all of these baxters that are just predatory leeches a cancer on the system to add no value but simply make things worse so think of profit from the chaos i do if i mention the word technocrats connection with banking that will get you going that's listen you're referring to the moment so you know if behind you investors already stop treating this as a country with a aaa score surely with that sort of credit rating with a problem there why should they be scared. the only thing that gives france in
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a aaa rating is the quality of the cheese and i'm afraid launch the cabin bear in the break lose their integrity france will be sliding down the slippery slope of ratings downgrades along with everyone else now to seriously doubt the a rating in france is over rated there are no aaa credits anymore there is a zero reserve banking system around the world nobody's got the cash to service their debts except for the i.m.f. was borrowing from other like minded global institutions better imposing the austerity measures this is all backed up by austerity measures which is heading back toward a situation of the one percent even getting more egregious lee wealthy at the expense of everybody else we're going back to medieval days of lords and serfs just finally briefly during their motive or also warning that single currency could collapse that's not very helpful coming from a visit but you agree with him it all depends on what germany wants to do
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germany loves the single currency because it's cheap thanks to the problems in the peripheral countries that helps their exports if there is a break up they get a bust out of the eurozone with the real unified country with a huge export superpower and so they win in either way this is why more and more countries are beginning to really hate germany again because they see that at the nexus of all these problems yeah be conniving central bank of germany and politicians in germany who are playing a system for themselves and they're sacrificing the rose once again historically we would expect that great talking to you max mexico as i live in paris thank you very much indeed for your thoughts. till now to update you on some other world news and before the business news an independent commission has found that the forces in paul rein use torture and excessive force against detainees arrested in crackdowns on the series are rising to report includes findings of overly harsh repression of anti regime protests officials also accused of multiple violations of human rights just hours ahead of publication fresh clashes flared up as police used tear gas
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against the crowds. the yemeni president has signed a power transfer deal brokered by gulf states ali abdullah saleh is now the fourth arab leader to resign in the wave of civil unrest that spread through the middle east this year following those of tunisia egypt and libya under the agreement he's transferred power to his vice president and exchange for immunity from prosecution after its crackdown of protesters left almost nine hundred people dead. also i was upbeat because french police have clashed with hundreds of empty nuclear protest is attempting to prevent the last planned whale shipment of radioactive waste leaving for germany security forces used batons and tear gas to disperse the crowds and at least five people were arrested the same time in germany hundreds gathered to call for the shipment to be stopped from his country's decision to phase out using nuclear power after being spooked by japan's fukushima disaster. for can where
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rouge leaders charged with genocide torture and crimes against humanity have denied alleged roles in the country's atrocities decades ago the surviving three most senior members of the regime are accused of orchestrating cambodia's infamous killing fields of the late seventy's almost two million people by the former president said the prosecution case was monumentally biased and based on false reports and supplement the business as promised is next with kareena. hello welcome to our business out there this out thanks for joining me foreign direct investment in russia is up forty three percent in the year through september at twelve billion dollars however most of the funds to come from cyprus where many big domestic firms are registered the emerging markets private equity association says russia remains were the least attractive investment destinations among developing economies but the head of russia's newly created direct investment fund is optimistic that this will change speaking to our t.q.
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the it highlights the sectors to watch. commodities is definitely going to be interesting but also there is major interest invest in infrastructure and to invest in sectors that benefit from the growth of the russian middle class there is massive grows in middle class which fuels growth in agriculture in medical consultant for masuda goals if i did full service in all sorts of sectors because of the second wave of economic crisis appears to be almost upon your up and did some economists argue that the congress is already downing a drowning there is much concern here in moscow how it will affect the russian economy and the head of barclays capital bob foresman is words are we optimistic he believes russia is strong enough to withstand external shocks. but we have strong commodity prices because of the oil price numbers there is a very strong the american economic. situation the fiscal situation its debt to g.d.p.
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extraordinarily low but students of europe the united states at least ten percent of the political stability that russia has today with the likely election of the support you need for another six years and there could be some negatives associated with that but given that you look at what's going on in the world today in europe and even the u.s. we look at the still needs having some degree of political stability could be considered a positive for us it's a little. let's have a look at the markets now oil is trading lower as investors speculates that rising gasoline stockpiles in the u.s. and slowing economic growth in europe will reduce demand for fuel. as at the moment trading at night over ninety five dollars per barrel brand is at one hundred and seven dollars a barrel u.s. stocks are falling at midday investors are worried about slower global growth the spreading european debt crisis market us and lower by an auction of german debts that drew surprisingly weak interest in a weak chinese manufacturing report rest as are focusing on the negative aspects of several mixed u.s.
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economic reports that is europe where markets drop on this disappointing german bond auction how the government was able to sell only two thirds of a six billion euro auction analysts say this is the worst result in recent memory and suggest investors now see high risk even for the safest the eurozone economy. and russian markets and wednesday's trading session mixed with investors concerned about how things are going on in europe and the united states now let's take a look at some individual shelves of m i six banking stocks were mixed red bank and a half percent higher while shares of the t.v. fell one and a half percent also on the downturn was parties gold at last one half percent although investors kept buying into precious metals and it because. now there were several stroke or else it wraps up today's trade. today is an extremely volatile on the markets i mean we've sort of fluctuated between you know gains and losses
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over the day looks like the you know the news is still mainly focused on europe the you know and i guess the you know sort of weakish. us figures coming out later in the day for you know you know employment figures are weaker than expected us employment figures so you sort of put the you know tamp down the market a bit. but a stop lenders burbank wants to cut the price and offer to buy the eastern european unit all folks bank and the bank wants to pay five hundred million euros that's fifteen percent less than the original offer german media reports that's very bank wants to pay less after germany's fault by can perform worse than expected. that's a half way of the south but you can stay with us of more headline news coming up next.
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that has become normal and mobile home to me oh creation of the globe the food system the global food system is not created to feed the people of the world is created to maximize the profits from. your not trading the actual physical grain your trading promises for grain to be delivered a month or six months or twelve months or eighteen months in the future. or is a commodity likely silver good.


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