tv [untitled] November 23, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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from start to finish just as quickly as the nuclear disarmament treaty was signed russia and the us are back on the fence and neither side seems to be backing down so in this chess match over missiles could be a stalemate. obviously most homes would be a would be someone you'd look at absolutely those are the folks who are the radical muslims are the people that are committing these crimes. throwing the p.c. playbook out the window looks like g.o.p. presidential hopefuls aren't afraid to get their hands dirty if it means winning the party's nomination so with troll debates down and countless more to go i'll take a look at the boulder is better republican mentality and the outlandish comments
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coming from the right. both of you which was not a case of the world it's a it's a bit as the saying goes it's a long fall from the top and it looks like the american ego would be taking the plunge only half of americans believing the u.s. is still on top we'll take a look at some of the motives behind this changing mentality. that evening it is november twenty third five pm in washington d.c. and christine for us out there watching our team. well let's begin with u.s. russia relations the u.s. anti-missile defense system has been a sticking point between the two countries for a long time now but we just heard today some very strong words from russian president dmitry medvedev aimed at the u.s. now we'll talk about them in a second i want to play what the russian president warned would happen if the u.s.
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continues to move forward with missile defense plans along russia's border. russia will deploy a contemporary strike systems are going. in order to prevent damage from the u.s. missile systems including. the deployment of the a skilled missile system in accounting and he will be one step if the situation develops in an unseemly way from russia will reserve the right to seize further steps and sentiment and arms control. give me an extra to believe between strategic offensive and defensive weapons reasons could emerge the russians would draw from the country's economic reduction treaty. all right so russia saying it would help pull out of the start treaty and stop nuclear disarmament if the u.s. continues to deploy its missile defense shield in europe so what is going on here all joining me from or is it time for spinal pepe escobar so happy as happy as we know this treaty signed back in april of two thousand and ten this was seen as a reset in relations between the two countries now now that agreement is seen as
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about risk or your thoughts on this announcement. forget about reset there was a p.r. coup and the russian leadership has just understood over the past few months that it was a p.r. coup if everything is interlinked what happened in libya what need to explaining for syria the nato planted done we need to really to rein in these what used to be some interceptors in czech republic they're now in romania twenty four interceptors in a huge a radar station in turkey the american version it's better record against the run which is completely absurd every jew political analyst knows this is directed at this russia and this is not your government ministries this is a pentagon program it's part of this so-called full spectrum dominance which is deficient better go on the doctrine since at least two thousand and two so all
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these should have a mechanism to discuss this as adults in the ne to russia council they're going to meet each weeks so let's see after two weeks if they really can discuss this because the russians are correct that they know this is a canister russian territory it would be the same as russia spelling missile defense system in cuba all over again below because of law all over again you know it doesn't make sense at all a one of the biggest present coming out of russia and some other countries is the fact that you know on the u.s. already has a missile shield in many other country that afghanistan. israel has plenty as wealth a lie does the u.s. need to have with missiles in europe and particularly our long russia's border i think that seems to be one of the biggest criticisms and very two way you say how so many of these things are connected and i want to talk about several other geopolitical issues while i have you here let's talk about syria and how moscow and beijing have warned about the use of any military action how how that will be
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acceptable in syria what do you think happened in the main interest in western countries on syrian human rights and my moscow and china my are they opposing factions. look. ok there are human rights and was in syria of course it is a very dreadful police state that's not in question what's in question our message employed europeans and the americans to bring down the assad government it's certainly libya two point zero it's the same thing in effect if you go back to the beginning of this month's evil daalder the us ambassador to nato he said explicitly the rule met what is the real map for syria basically is to recognize the opposition the syrian national council which is already a call in effect a few minutes with a french r.c. they're going to do exactly that try to create the impression that assad is going to call for a human assoc or in homes or in hama syria get
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a full two for the just see and the arab league which not the case is the same say a single group so read it all and then that's both but like that they're not going to get it he needed some kind of consensus when this means russia and china are ready bolted and they say oh no people read starts in syria and i thought the russians that's earthbound lot like libya to point out well they are here on a lot of people predicting a lot of you know predicting a you know what if if something does happen with area you know what what's next well iran is next i want to talk to you about iran and the renewed talk about increasing thank sions on iran and we have secretary of state clinton speaking about there's much of this of course the fallout from the release of the report from the international atomic energy agency i want to get your thoughts have been and if there's an area that you've covered and you know a lot about your concerns about the u.s.
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reaction here regarding iran look yeah a report was the burked. by some of the bastard just a little analyst that we can find anywhere including seymour hersh's. writes for the new yorker of course our friend gareth porter who writes for i.p.s. we try to dish at times on our side as well look it's bogus it was a monologue yukiya amano the japanese which are we he leaks cable rate he said already prove that he's basically a yes man for us designs at the i.a.e.a. and people who work at the a.a.a.s. spector's themselves and physicists they said this is scoop leaky upsurge yes' being diverted towards a political role and who we are attacking equal a party which is completely absurd ok so the piece that i wrote recently for asia times is basically if you want to get to tehran you have to go through the mosques and that's the plan no it is because everybody knows that the us is not going to
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launch a war against iraq no way and not an intellectual you are number two israel cannot do it by themselves and you about domestic issues that can and most people the pentagon are against this war so the only way would meet ok let's strike the mosque was first to study lies the regime which to study lies as well as well wish to stop the lies this need to run damascus access and then we think about iran's probably after the presidential elections and he if you are watching if you watched the foreign policy plates of the republicans yesterday and you saw all those eight walk all say what they're going to do the first thing they're going to do this war against iran it's beginning of two thousand and twelve adeline in fact ron paul has valid let's get the facts made and i think i'm confident things to be a little wary of that as well. yes we got our own after in policy when i won with you right here on r t a times correspondent from our. thank you all right let's talk now about the twenty twelve election and about those g.o.p. candidates they are realizing fast that the world is getting smaller and that
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understanding the relationship between the u.s. and for example china and iran and yes herman cain even is back of stand well it's important there are questions about what has been done well regarding national security and foreign policy and new questions also as we saw last night about what should be done in the future eight candidates squared off last night just down the street from our studios here in washington d.c. and r.c. correspondent was one takes a look at the policies then the politics of those who hope to be this country's next commander in chief when it comes to foreign policy but they asked me who is the president of. the biggest names you know i don't know you know do you candidates of periods of these stunts now with the president he put us in libya he is now putting us in africa we already researched truth in any put our special operations forces in our region you know michele bachmann forgot libya is in africa cain is at
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a loss of words when asked about the situation there president obama supported your grounds crew president obama for the removal of. talking about the same thing yes i. know what any president is going to hire lawyers who will focus up and think you think but you want somebody who could challenge those risers you. stupid or stupid or destructive foreign policy was front and center during the g.o.p. debate here in washington d.c. aside from ron paul the republican presidential candidates what consider going to war with iraq we are fighting a war against radical islam and what radical islam is telling all the radical islamist leaders are saying is that just wait america out syria is a partner with iran in exporting terrorism all across that part of the world
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and and all around the globe the meal ticket for the republican party is who can out hark the other person who can play in a more grandiose way to the military industrial complex that's the ticket more controversial statements from the g.o.p. on the interrogation of terrorist suspects this is one thing we know about barack obama he is essentially handed over our interrogation of terrorists so the a.c.l.u. to racial profiling obviously muslims would be would be someone you'd look at absolutely those are the folks who are the radical muslims or the people that are committing these crimes as we've got by and large as well as younger males bold statements made by candidates determined to be the next commander in chief but with serious implications for the nation and the world if elected they will of course try to steer the country further to the right further in the direction of militarism taking away any possibility of or we've got military budget ramping up
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sort of racism against people of color in immigrant communities and some say obama's best chances of getting reelected are his g.o.p. rivals while it's a sore point rare bird incumbents again. reelected when unemployment is above seven percent with some of these extreme statement that embarrassing performances by the republican candidates some say they could be boosting obama's chances of staying in the white house and washing but most of all are seen all right so the debate last night spent a lot of time discussing national security issues like the patriot act immigration and the t.s.a. but several issues were overlooked the eurozone crisis for example an important role topics like china north korea and iraq early mentioned well i want to talk about all of this with michael hughes his foreign policy strategist new world strategies coalition. hey there michael i know that you wrote about this after the last foreign policy debate
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a few weeks ago and you seemed very well disturbed let me get your take first what did you think about last night last night i thought we were. all reiterated. the war were. pending and then being. anti muslim groups or inside immigrant or in back in israel and all want to see the you know all encourage a broad how would you like it you will be a spirit i want to talk about china now you know on one hand you have candidates like mitt romney criticizing china criticizing is undervalued currency from the other candidates talk about china as a job stealer and some talk tough about wanting to impose trade restrictions on china but the fact is romney for example is a businessman as are many people in this country and trade restrictions put on china could hurt business here i want to get your take michael about what these
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candidates in to be flip flopping a lot on the issue of china and what they want to say and what they want to do. yes romney is. more on china in. john kerry again tonight. but china i agree with her interests with the confrontational way that romney wants to go. huntsman was an investor china romney. are coming much damage would hurt small business. dragging on the. world trade organization talking about a minute currency manipulation in the very. i know during the last debate you as i said you you were just are that's a lot of foreign policy debate and i want to just read something you wrote and get you to react he said some displayed maniacal cunning while others exposed world views so naive and embellished they make payware in foreign policy for those same
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kissinger esque talk about what you mean i mean you're saying that sarah palin actually seems like she knows what she's talking about compared to some of these people. well i think. very early. you know it's pretty scary. i mean herman cain didn't know. much about libya he didn't know china had a nuclear weapon. china has had nuclear weapons since perhaps back in the one nine hundred sixty s. i think that to get their feeling could see russia from her backyard what it sounds to you i mean you mentioned a few things but i think it's important to know and certainly wolf blitzer at the beginning of the debate pointed out these debates are seen around the world i think a lot of people kind of watching the. you know from other countries there i think it could be argued it could be some cause for concern based on some of the things
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that's in these candidates but i want to play. something that was said last night by rick santorum this is regarding what he thinks the t.s.a. should be responsible for doing at the airport and racial profiling and the folks who are most likely to be committing these crimes if you look at i mean obviously it was people obviously muslims would be would be someone you look at absolutely does are the folks who are the radical muslims the people that that are committing these crimes all right to talk about this i mean santorum right there saying you know i want to be a president i also will make sure that muslims are racially profiled how does this play internationally. i think it plays for we've got ninety percent of males in kandahar the united states is there to destroy his mom after watching the ones that have boarded up. you know it probably. is a very very smart. you know race ethnic baiting and you know or did anything
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to babysit jerry brown or about. christian christian well. that way you can now. speaking of christian profiling i know you wrote a little bit about what sort of the evangelical perspective is in terms of war and how some of these candidates seem to use sort of god as their reason for the need to go to war talk a little bit about that sure i you know i think it's very serious me seem to want to use. the national security adviser and as i said in one of my our i think god doesn't want policy based on you know what you know based on abortion and i think the american voters are going to be they're going to want. this guy and they should have this attitude i reckon. so i think that i think that is
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a point of concern. on. some of the immigration is from the army. certainly was an interesting debate last night i think it really did pay more clearer picture than we've seen so far about the views of some of these candidates michael you foreign policy strategist at new world strategies coalition . well take a look now at the mood around the country right now it is of course the day before thanksgiving people are traveling to spend time with their families and soon many of these people will also be shopping at least that's what the retailers are hoping but something has changed in terms of the way people view the country and its ideals i want to show you the results of a new report released from the pew research center this is part of their global attitude project when asked the question our people are not perfect but our culture is superior to others there is a big change in the way people have answered over the years in two thousand and two as you say sixty percent agreed with that statement in two thousand and seven that
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number went down to fifty five percent and today just forty nine percent agree that's less than half of people who agree with that statement i see it there so in other words when it comes to the idea of american exceptionalism things are changing party correspondent are going to want to talk to folks about this just regular people to get some of their thoughts on what it all means. the sense of exceptionalism traditionally a big boost to american features an amp right in the u.s. with these something is according to a we just meter survey for the first time in years the feeling is in decline less than powerful but americans at forty nine percent reading on to believing in their country's exceptionalism let's go find out what's going on here are you feeling it's. are you feeling exceptional today what. do you think american exceptionalism is alive and kicking. but.
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is anybody feeling exceptional at this bus stop today. no you're not do you think the us is exceptional well. i think we are. why i know who started it with. overall movies for all how do you think the country is doing these days terrible why are you feeling exceptionally. well have a job do you think the us is exceptional. here why. we get a lot of trouble or should we feel that we're not exceptional we never were exceptional let's admit exceptionalism stems from strength at home and abroad a booming economy allowed americans to proudly carry themselves and lead politicians lecture other countries but with an economy turned upside down and foreign respect when doing. what's causing the winner can feel about the state of affairs where you can get in the blues. i mean. what's
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going on. to make people right to work and i think the general. more since the reagan era the bar in this country has lowered intellectually considerably an employment. growth. period of time so many people want to employ. there's a lot of laws that shouldn't be in place but what solutions to american see to their countries well let's see what people say about how do we fix this this is a serious problem. here so they can all work in the u.s. might work. better but. we need to support things that are made in the u.s. much stuff doesn't go overseas. you know. the world many analysts are saying people spirits are not going to be lifted any
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time soon americans are preparing for things to get worse before they get better. so she says things are going to get worse before they get better certainly something we've heard before we do think this is an important topic to examine and put it into context of what's happening right now both on our shores and off from occupy wall street to a new revolution in egypt i was on earlier by author and historian william engdahl and i started by asking him about this notion that american exceptionalism is on the decline. well i think americans are feeling more and more depressed economically so the they're hardly feeling like they're the leading nation of the world. the united states is in a situation and i've said this in my books comparable to that of the british empire before the first world war the decline has begun years back perhaps twenty five thirty years back but it proceeded very slowly because it was artificially covered
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over money from asia and other places and now with the financial crisis and the collapse of the home mortgage market americans are finding themselves in middle class americans are finding themselves in a desperate situation america's role in the world is not the pillar of democracy and freedom that it was once seen to be it's regarded as the brute force that comes in and bombs countries like libya or. things in asia or all around the world that are not exactly the kind of things that people expect from the united states so i think that since the exceptionalism doesn't seem to be working i think it's also safe to say you know with the internet with this twenty four hour cable news that people living in the united states of america have just more of an understanding of what life is like outside of america i think a lot of people have been looking at what's going on in egypt with the sort of second uprising there's increasing talk of the u.s.
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relationship with countries like iran and syria i want to talk to you about how all that relates to occupy wall street and the movement the sort of revolution that's actually happening on our own shores what is your take of the occupy wall street movement as you've seen it over the last two plus months. i think the focus of the occupy wall street movement is a very very important one because for the first time since the financial crisis broke out in two thousand and seven the attention is being put the spotlight has been put on the source of the problem the fact that wall street banks seven or six giant banks banks whose whose balance sheet is larger than the gross domestic product of most countries of the world these six or seven banks goldman sachs citi bank j.p. morgan chase etc bank of america are literally taking over the policy of the united states of america at the senate the congress and the white house and that's got to
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be reversed so i think in that sense no matter who from the white house is trying to create two groups within the occupy wall street and what police provocateurs are being sent in there to give it a bad name i think the focus is very very important to the protest movement and i support it entirely from that regard i think it's interesting to just sort of the increased talk about subjects like income inequality that you know a corrupt system that favors the wealthy and powerful an order to keep them off and powerful. but what about you know i think it's important as you say this changing the conversation and changing the dialogue but what comes next what do americans need to do those who consider themselves you know in the ninety nine percent i guess you could say what's of a need to do to bring about actual change. well this is the question we have a presidential election year coming up in two thousand and twelve and up until now it's been tweedle dee and tweedle dum the same wall street money goes in whether
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it's a democrat or republican and it's you know a cycle horse race where the game is fixed before you get out of the gate so i think if the population of the country wants to wants to really have change it's got to be grassroots it's not going to happen if it's done by something like the tea party where you have money from the cop foundation and different groups like this who have a. very specific agenda and they use the the frustration of the population and steer it in very definite directions to their special interests so it's got to be a grassroots based thing it's got to have an economic agenda which it doesn't yet have and one one that addresses the fundamental problems of the out of control federal debt the out of control private household debt of the country and the fact that the economic policy of the last thirty years has let the industrial base of america go into the scrap heap and outsourced by large multinational corporations
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to asia and elsewhere that has simply destroyed the the productive work base of the traditional american economy that has to be brought back to real infrastructure not not when bill projects but real infrastructure building rebuilding the highway system the water system is and disrepair the bridges of the country the electric grid these are these are things for the basic infrastructure of the country that could provide jobs and really help the country back on its feet reptile and if you think based on. sort of the crux of the second and the upcoming election i know just last night we had another g.o.p. debate there seem to be just about one week here in the united states i want to talk about on your concerns based on some changes that happened over the last. here i'm talking about the citizens united supreme court case that basically allows corporations to give. in and do so in an undisclosed way and also i mean we just
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see every single day dozens of super pacs popping up you know on both sides of the aisle how do you think this will shift both the direction of the elections and the power of whoever is in office and twenty five well in reality written a book on this called gobs of money wall street in that this is the american century in reality the united states over the past thirty years with the deregulation of the big banks street banks done by by the congress and by tim geithner and larry summers to talk. about making financial decisions that the obama administration actually rape the legislation in two thousand the open the floodgates for the banks to do this criminal enterprise called. securitization that didn't coots with the insurance companies like g.e.
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. the credit rating agencies so that's going to be rolled back. and we have to get back to. basics focus on the real economy. we can leave it at that i know you have a sore throat today totally understandable with the winter is coming i guess you could say william angle joining us. here. thanks so much appreciate having you all right not going to do it for now but for more on the stories we cover. you to. america you can also follow me on twitter christine. see you back here.
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