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tv   [untitled]    November 24, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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the maiden's hotel. was a medicine ship and it was promised to stay for a cash purpose. set up. egypt's military rulers say they're sorry for the deaths of almost forty demonstrators killed in the worst clashes since the febreze revolt. protest a baby on use of its influence here but many vowing not to turn out to make sweet morning mainstream extends more than cairo interest a key moment. arab foreign ministers are also in egypt but in syria that's on their agenda as a threat in damascus with sanctions while france proposes what it calls a humanitarian intervention. no plans to stop a reset of ties but moscow says it will pull out of the nuclear disarmament treaty
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and place rockets on its borders if the u.s. goes ahead with its missile defense shield in europe. and in business russia suffers a setback to supply more gas to china his biggest country has signed a deal with the right to buy significantly more of its natural gas turning twenty minutes for more on that and other stories about this. international news uncomment live from moscow twenty four hours a day egypt's military has apologized for the deaths of nearly forty protesters over several days of violent clashes with police however thousands i'm talking square say they are not buying it and plan to boycott next week's elections has more from. the situation here is calmer but it's far from as calm as it can be as
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you can see behind me tens of thousands of protestors were named in toughness where the numbers are still missing there were this time yesterday but we still would hear ambulances going through the square although nowhere near as many as we heard yesterday only in the army apologized for the loss of life and the youngsters who had been injured but talking to protesters here many of them have been telling me that they believe that that apology was insincere the army also says that it is committed to holding fundamental elections next week monday but again many protesters asking the question how can you hold elections in a climate like this and what kind of the gist of the sea will those nations have there was also a rather bizarre and nonsmoker that was made by the ministry it says it will find some five hundred eighty different pounds which is the equivalent of some eighty three u.s. dollars on every egyptian he does not result in a trying day so people the loss of metal from saying really what kind of democracy is this the army has also said that before monday it will have
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a new cabinet in place but no word yet on who will be the new prime minister tusk with forming a new government places because we have a person nine people dead and still more than two thousand injured the situation in egypt has not been discussed arab league meeting which is not resigned and ironically the focus of the meeting is to look at the escalating violence in syria and the question of whether or not to impose sanctions on that country the leaks proposal is to send some five hundred observers to damascus until now syria has just used to do this saying that it infringes on a sovereignty and he says word both from the iraqi foreign minister is that damascus is not prepared to come to the party and sign a protocol that will see is accepting these hundreds of observers now damascus has one day it has until this time tomorrow to sign this protocol the arab league that we need to. again on saturday if indeed the syrians fine this will be any indication if they have given into pressure to try and prevent sanctions against
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him be the options on the table not only sanctions but also travel bans against an official the stopping of commercial flights in and out of syria if indeed the syrians don't sign when the arab league will need to make good on its threats and it remains to be seen what decision he will make on the weekend but certainly this is receiving a lot of criticism not only here in the region but internationally when people are accusing the arab league of government standards and the caucus he again saying why so many people here in egypt have been killed and injured in the situation here is unfolding almost hour by hour believe chooses not to discuss the situation in egypt but only to discuss what's going on in syria. there is following events as you can see there in car and keeping us updated via twitter feed has a taste of her latest post there's a large crowd in tahrir square she writes but their focus is on tomorrow's million
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man march many people are vowing to come and you can follow his tweets from live updates there from egypt. but while the arab league is discussing sanctions against syria france has become the first western country to suggest intervention on a humanitarian basis can walk limb from the institute for democracy and cooperation in paris says the move echoes the build up to foreign involvement in libya. the french proposal has been to create a humanitarian corridor and this is where the similarity with libya lies i'm sure your viewers remember the libyan campaign was started off in the name of a humanitarian operation to protect civilians now the french the british and americans failed to get a united nations resolution on this but they are trying effectively the same thing again they're trying to get humanitarian aid or they say they're trying to get humanitarian aid in but i think that russia and the world in general should regard this initiative with the greatest possible skepticism we know from libya that the
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claims made about massacres of civilians were untrue we know that they were exaggerated and they were manipulated for the purpose of overthrow gadhafi in my view the same motives are at force here if a humanitarian corridor all is opened it will allow among other things secret service agents to penetrate into syria and they will presumably be there with the goal of overthrowing the regime i think is extremely dangerous and i welcome development. violence has flared up in northern kosovo with nato soldiers using tear gas against local serbs who tried to stop their barricades being dismantled troops in riot gear attempted to remove concrete barriers and put up a barbed wire fence to try and restore control of the area late on wednesday gunshots were reportedly heard when hundreds of ethnic serbs poured on to the streets to remove the wire tensions have been on the rise over disputed border crossings since july when course of our authorities try to take control of
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checkpoints to impose a trade ban on goods political analyst alexander public says that maintaining the region's volatile situation is that in the interests of the western allies or discuss the situation in the region i'm now joined live from belgrade by political analyst and you cannot tell us which. well it's not the first time nato troops have use force against local serbs but originally the peacekeepers moved into calm the area so what do you make of nato its actions at the moment in northern ca. well it's hard to say actually because they have have been acting a bit radically and a bit in a confused fashion when they initially who moved in they were a part of the solution because. the serbian government authorized their taking control of the role of the administrative crossings in the north but that kind of intervention was what the last for only a month and a half now that they've had expired and so far mostly nato hasn't shown that it has
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a clear vision of what it wants to do at times it just seems to be calmed down situation but at a lot of times like what happened last night they are just policing for the cost of a government and of course that is the kind of behavior that is inacceptable for the third oh you are saying that nato was part of the solution but is it not still part of the solution without this what many would say a necessary intervention the certain consequence will surely be at each other's throats in the situation would be a lot worse now would it not well there is no doubt there nato has a legitimate presence in the whole of possible i mean they have the resolution twelve forty four they have a consent or with the common of the common of agreement of the thirty in authority reader it's not a problem of whether they should be there and it's not a problem that they are the ones that are deal only illegitimate. force of which
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should act upon such situations but the problem is that they are exceeding their limits and they are exceeding their authority what is the reaction from where you are at the moment in belgrade the seven interior minister has said that further attacks on local serbs in kosovo will be seen as attacks on belgrade something you've just said a minute ago that they are exceeding their authority and he says that serbia cannot and will not watch on peacefully that sounds to me but like a threat doesn't it i mean what could that lead to. well i mean i don't think anyone in belgrade has has any has any intention of making any threats i think the whole point of what was said was just to draw everyone the tension on how how tense the situation is and how inflammable it is that this point i mean the whole problem there is that the people that are at the barricades you know nobody wants to sit all night at some very cage and in the like like nobody has something better to do the problem is that people are really scared there are threats all the time
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there are incidents from the albanian side they are there are people getting shot there are all sorts of pressures and there is a great number of people especially from being inside and some of their supporters both in both in europe and even in serbia which are constantly threatening with the so-called croatian scenario and that is the worst thing that could happen that means a total exodus of the remaining served in kosovo and there is already up to well maybe up to two thirds of the serbian population of possible has already been badly cleansed from council said that is what the problem is that is the only threat that we are facing belgrade is not making a threat at this point but because of the metal bench and this just totally goes have ambitions for you membership with that perhaps not be the answer perhaps that could unite and pacify the situation between the two if that is the case surely these latest events really would have a negative impact on those ambitions wouldn't. well of course. even officials are
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constantly stating that there is no no one can talk about e.u. ascension for either costs of war or serbia unless this kind of problem can be peacefully resolved and of course technically speaking and ideally speaking everything would be great if everyone just entered the e.u. and started living peacefully in you know in a union with no borders but the whole problem is how to get there now the serbian side is constantly saying all right we we are completely aware that we have to find a solution for the problem at some point in the future but we don't want to rush it and we will never agree to any kind of solution which is inacceptable for what we usually think and i think rightfully we say any kind of solution which is in acceptable for both sides now that is not something that we're facing here now we're having pressure is demanding third to find a solution now although we are. frankly speaking goal serbia especially cause of a very far from the e.u. ascension at this point so it is mostly
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a sort of political pressure and much less much less an actual option at this point it's ideally it functions but at this point it's very hard to say that and any actual solution could come out of that particular. point of approach nicholas concerts thank you very much indeed joining us live in belgrade good to see here on r.t. thank you. and please please. well coming up later in the program here on r.t. this are one for all all all for one. e.u. leaders pledge closer ties and stand by the single currency but the question of collective pouring for the eurozone continues to divide the region's top brass. portugal hits a new low as its debt has been classified as junk by one of the world's leading ratings agencies. those stories still to come on moscow says it's not planning to halt the reset of ties with washington but is
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ready to pull out of the nuclear arms reduction treaty if the u.s. goes ahead with its defense shield plans in europe washington says it will not review its program despite russia warning that it could move its own offensive missile systems to its borders in response but he's a nice and explains. press's reaction to the active development of plans for this missile defense shield in eastern europe came in the form of an announcement from president medvedev were he highlighted five steps that the russian federation would take if the u.s. and nato don't reconsider their plans first of all activated immediately will be early radar warning stationed in kaliningrad which is russia's most western enclave the country's nuclear strategic forces will be strengthened significantly he pointed out that this needs to happen urgently are the countries strategic missiles will be fitted with advanced penetration systems and latest generation warheads and he's also notified the armed forces that a system needs to be developed that could destroy data exchange in the control
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systems of this planned missile defense shield if these steps are not enough the president pointed out that this would be russia's last resort. just a peach if other measures are insufficient russia will deploy a contemporary strike systems in the west and south east in order to prevent further damage from us missile systems collide in europe the system of the deployment of us going to missile systems in accounting will be one such step if the situation develops in an unfavorable way russia will reserve the right to seize further steps in the air i mean additional english and arms control. give me an external linkage between strategic offensive and defensive weapons yet reasons could emerge from russia's withdrawal from the strategic arms reduction treaty this is a vision within the content of the treaty the president pointed out once again emphasizing that he believes dialogue is the way to go and that cooperation is still possible it's not too late but promises are just not going to be enough russia needs legally binding agreements from nato and the u.s. that these systems are not meant as a deterrent against them from the past
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a lot of the same graduate that russia has been listening to for years again that this system is meant aimed against so-called rogue states like iran and north korea that it's not anyway thanks again. russia that they do believe that russia and the west should have separate systems from the representatives from the national security council you heard that cooperation again they praise president has made a statement about further cooperation but also pointed out this is very important that they will continue to cooperate but that pursuit of cooperation will in no way be limited or changed or changed the plans for missile defense shield and then from secretary general rasmussen of nato we heard again praise for the statement on tie a log and cooperation but he say that he is disappointed by president medvedev statement that it's not in the spirit of russia nato cooperation but again if you look at a map you will see very clearly that nato is rapidly expanding eastwards on russia
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as well as eastwards on russia's western border you have the united states and their bases all throughout the middle east and then up russia's eastern seaboard you have bases in japan and south korea so basically russia is being surrounded and it's pretty easy to understand why this is such a major concern for their national security. as the euro zone's to levels continues to hold high in france and germany say they will propose changing e.u. treaties to improve financial governance in the region presents a cosy and chancellor merkel have been talking in stride meeting the newly appointed italian premier and it is of also reaffirm their commitment to the single currency collective euro zone is still a divisive issue champion but e.u. technocrats in paris but strongly opposed by the region's cash cow has helped raise much needed capital from the debt ridden nations but mostly at germany's expenses its boring costs would rise investment advisor patrick young says the eurozone needs someone able to make executive decisions. the problem is first of all to go
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back to what we always keep hammering on of we really need leadership mr burroughs who is trying to push forward this idea of euro bonds amongst others ultimately also germany either has to decide that it wants to basically take away the ball and threw a lot of other members out of the euro zone to a because they view them as not being worthy of being membership or they're going to have to essentially bite their tongue and they're going to have to come forward and do something with the marketplace and in some way find a solution the problem we have is you know euro goans we were talking about those a year ago fifteen months ago but the difficulty has been all along the lack of political leadership and right now is there is definitely a poll people smell of fear in brussels over what's going on when you're in the euro parliament in the coffee shops the hubble's corners are discussions about whether the euro really is going to survive in any shift or form and hopefully
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that's going to be a calculus to see and i critique of leadership and what group of government we will find a solution whether it's a collective euro bond or some other form of transfer that at least gets the market working again on the laws countries to borrow this crisis is like a pandemic of financial panic nobody really think you see if in the euro zone and that's why germany must come i can lead a euro bond is basically a case of putting lipstick on the pigs quite literally in every possible sense and of course the other countries who are currently shut part of the borrowing market or have to borrow very expensive writs want to be part of a club where hopefully they will be able to borrow money and they'll be able to borrow it much much more cheaply than they can get it in their own right. patrick young there in one of those countries worst hit by a crisis portugal has just received a vote of no confidence from ratings giant fitch as lisbon's credit score was proclaimed junk fitch cited high debt levels and low growth despite a seventy eight billion euro bailout earlier this year well this comes as the
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country's grantor hold over twenty four hour strike workers have walked out of their jobs angry at the peak cuts of big government is imposed to balance the books air traffic controllers join the protesting rights picture be grounded all flights in and out of there and international as art is only glasgow reports more and more desperate portuguese are now seeking a better life abroad. now expect readers ready to go leaving her home which has probably never been easier to kick over why stay in portugal when we know that architects with five years' experience are paid just eight hundred euro's a month is a question a lot of young specialists have been asking themselves legally and surprising answer may be to leave portugal's former colonies like brazil since two thousand through has been rather stable they had their national truth and then a massive reconstruction process began so there are a lot of opportunities for a civil construction companies especially and
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a lot of construction companies went there and they're currently very very active and go maybe you know something many portuguese are starting to do it at least in the present day. an african country rich in diamonds an oil resources presents an advertising opportunity for a lot of people who have lost hope of finding a decent job at home or member of you could ever tell a moving abroad and very brilliant can you get my job two friends even ask me to take their c.v. . according to some reports around ninety thousand fortunes are currently living in cooler compared with just ten thousand in two thousand to some goalkeeper better income but most are simply looking for something something better than the every worsening situation is called policing we i think salaries unfortunately are not the main reason and the main reason is the lack of opportunities in the portuguese markets due to the well to the crisis the mass exodus of portugal's young smart
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educated labor turned the end of an era for the country i want to specialize people we have higher education scientists brain drain as as you would call it that the boeing work we've brought in study abroad and to stay there and part of course will most likely never recover those human assets like rita they hardly think twice before moving abroad the desire to work for a decent salary far outweighing any possible fear of flying. has been. by the way had to r.t. dot com for more on the debt crisis marching through the euro zone but across the atlantic the u.s. has apparently found an unconventional way to say its own currency. is what some say could be one hundred recent threats of a strike against iran's nuclear sites more on that story for you online also there at the moment. to be explored some of the possible reasons behind the failure of russia's interplanetary prove. and suggestions as interference from an american
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research station in alaska. is here with businesses very shortly but first let's check out some other international news bloodshed continues in yemen a day after the country's president announced his resignation at least five people were killed after crowds demanding. and put on trial followed by supporters of the regime immediately to transfer power to his deputy in exchange for immunity from prosecution months of protests in a brutal crackdown by government forces in yemen have left almost nine hundred. germans are out in force to protest against the arrival of a train packed with nuclear waste to be processed in their country shipment originated in france where police clashed with hundreds of anti nuclear protesters as the train began its journey security forces used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the crowds and at least five people were arrested spooked by japan's fukushima disaster germany decided earlier this year to phase out using nuclear
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power. in south korea water cannons are being used on protesters demonstrating against a free trade agreement with the united states scuffles broke out as thousands gathered for a third day of rallies in seoul protest does insist that president lee myung bak should resign and they claim the deal favors the u.s. over south korean workers and treaties calls quite a stir during ratification proceedings opposition member threw tear gas powder at the deputy speaker in the parliament chamber. i'll be back with a summary of all my new stories in about six minutes from now business is next with creators promise that'll be off to a quick break stay with us live here in moscow. the
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. writer. from months to. come. here welcome to business here in r.t. thanks for joining me russia has suffered a setback in the race to supply more gas to china his biggest country has signed
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a deal with took many significantly more of its natural gas but it was all right almost two thirds to sixty five billion cubic metres a year that's an equivalent of ten months of china's gas imports as part of the deal trying to has agreed to give loans to buy oil and gas equipment russia has also been negotiating a deal to supply gas to china but the two sides have been unable to agree on pricing russia is reluctant to sell gas for less than it gets from europe while china refuses to offer war that it pays for central asian supplies cousin sensitive product from u.b.s. says not have to be more flexible. it makes china position these negotiations more make me makes it stronger he really gives point could be more talkative in terms of the price we've been going to for years five years two thousand and twenty china will need about one hundred fifty billion cubic meters of important here and half of peace will come from the elegy and the
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other half will come from the pipeline and here just a few has an opportunity to get exposed to this market. look at the equities now u.s. markets are closed for thanksgiving holiday markets in europe have raised gains on thursday afternoon and trading higher for most of the day britain's benchmark fell in afternoon trading after german chancellor again dismissed calls for your bonds to ease for crisis investors also took the news that fitch credit rating agency cut portugal's debt rating to junk status. plus markets ended lower for the president three on thursday with both the indices closing in the red column to the main movers and m i six now energy majors he raised early gains lost almost six percent it was down more than three and a half percent banking stocks also lost their momentum russia's second largest bank p.t.b. was down almost two percent. from metropole wraps up today's trade. we see. sideways and there are several reasons for that i think one is that the market
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wants to see walker trade actions from your peer authorities particular from e.c.b. in addressing this crisis the reason we're not going down today we're going sideways is that we went down quite a bit the last few days so basically there is. a law and profit taking are we seeing but i think there's a good chance we'll end up the next few days significantly lower. below where we we are at today. foreign companies will be able to list then rush her from next year the country's financial regulator is introducing a special regime for overseas firms to play shares on the market access is currently limited as the russian legislation doesn't comply with international corporate rules say the nark it is initially most likely to attract firms from central asia. and satellite navigation system garner says boosting its share of russia's smartphone market when asked is russia's answer to america's g.p.s.
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platform the world's biggest nor about manufacturers are being obliged to use client asked and their phones sold in russia as the government plans to impose import duties for products without the system. the way it was a new user's z g q e h g c we keep it up to thirty percent of russia's smartphone market based on our technology we're working hard to initiate big projects this year we expect our revenues to jump hundred pulled compared to two thousand and nine but then our goal to reach will be more conservative. as off of the business team but by more stories on our website i didn't cancel business thanks for watching.
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