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tv   [untitled]    November 24, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EST

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in the. taking a look now live pictures straight from egypt where egypt's military rulers say they're sorry for the deaths of almost forty demonstrators killed in the worst clashes since february as revolt thousands to finally remain on zardari or somewhere with public anger showing no sign of easing despite the general's apology . gearing up for a gun and i took classes as tens of thousands all back and said here demanding that the minutes he step down more from cairo in just a few moments. arab foreign ministers are also in egypt but it's a syria that they're that's on their agenda as they threaten the baskets with
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sanctions while france proposes what it calls a humanitarian intervention. and no plans to stop the reset of ties pasco says it will pull out of the nuclear disarmament treaty and place rockets on its borders if the u.s. goes ahead with its missile defense shield in europe. very warm welcomes you thank you for joining us on care and with a look at your headlines a former prime minister in the more about regime kemal all guns or he has reportedly agreed to form a new cabinet after egypt's ruling military council asked him to lead a national government earlier the ruling martial authorities apologize for the deaths of nearly forty protestors over several days of violent clashes with police however there is no sign of a let up in anti-military demonstrations which are continuing into
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a seventh day archies polis lawyer has more from talking or square. the people say they are not going anywhere in addition to that we're now hearing reports that fresh clashes have broken out there's been gunshots explosions and ambulances rushing past in the past few minutes now the chant of the tens of thousands behind me is the same that it has been for the past six straight days we want the field marshal gone people here are screaming the field marshal of course being one hundred twenty our leading head of the supreme council of the armed forces now earlier today thursday the military made with a full make egypt's prime minister come el al done slowly and the initial reports are that bruns already has accepted the post of prime minister not yet able to independently verify that the soviets it is true his hands will be full with forming a new government before monday's parliamentary elections not guns only is
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a popular figure among egyptian people he was the prime minister from ninety ninety six to ninety ninety nine but he is also very closely associated with the mubarak era of course he was prime minister when mubarak was president and for that reason people here will not support his appointment but in addition to that people say it doesn't really matter who is going to be the new prime minister and who will make up the new government they want the military to step down and certainly when the rumor sturtz first started filtering through a process of one thousand people here just started chanting louder that they want the ministry to go now a nother concern at amongst protesters here is what exactly is the kind of tear gas that the security personnel have been using and we're not hearing from introduction media much the same that we've been reporting earlier that the tear gas causes a burning in the lungs of the liver and a half with many people there saying that they picked up gas canisters that expired more than five years ago many people saying that this is
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a crime against humanity the irony of the situation is that while the arab league was meeting here in cairo the first. topic from discussion was the violence that was unfolding around them and the words that people have been using are double standards and prophesied the focus of an arab league meeting was what is happening at the moment in syria and they have now given damascus a good night until one o'clock local time friday to respond positively to their proposal to send some five hundred of the servers to monitor how the government is dealing with anti government protesters now he has no indication at this stage from damascus how they will respond we have heard from the iraqi foreign minister who says at damascus will respond positively but if we take those the arab league will need to gain on sunday and then they will begin the process of voting for sanctions and long they've been on has indicated it will not vote positively the signs are that the majority of the arab league foreign ministers in fact will give
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a nod now these sanctions include things like a ban on the travel of syrian officials they include things like no money commercial flights to the country a halt to dealings with the central bank and also no more government to government trade the purpose of these sanctions is not to stop the violence that would be impossible but rather to put pressure on the assad regime or to use polis lir reporting from egypt we are following the latest developments in cairo with live pictures here straight from tahrir square head to our web site to see what's happening at the heart of the second wave of egyptian protests with live pictures coming to you twenty four seven at our tea dot com. while the arab league prepares new sanctions against syria france has become the first western country to suggest intervention paris proposes to establish cell culture men of terror in court or us in syria to get aid to areas under attack from state forces like the pretext under which the libyan no fly zone was established professor paul sheldon foote from
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california state university says france french president sarkozy is being driven by the need to deflect attention from his domestic problems as he prepares to run for reelection next year sarkozy certainly news a distraction from the economic disaster that is very seen de france is looking forward to downgrades in its debt very soon a european major recession is are coming if he was to stay in power he needs something of this type to distract the people so they can complain about the economic conditions and for its own fortunately paris is a long history sponsor e terrorist groups and other illegitimate groups for example the iranian communist . communist terrorists are headquartered in paris whenever groups want to form some place person has been a great historical place to be protected by france their arab league has been a laughing failure throughout its history its build to protect the palestinian
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people from israel its failed to protect the bahraini protesters from saudi arabia the saudi arabian and bahraini government but taxes failed protect the protesters in yemen it failed to prevent the attacks nato and severe countries on libya i can't think of anything that the urban league has done successfully representing europe in true since its creation in. the end of world war two. and you round of violence has flared up on the course of all serbia border with nato troops using tear gas whilst dismantling barricades put up by local serbs opposed to border checkpoints their representatives claim that the nato command in the breakaway province has broken agreements with them after promising on wednesday not to take unilateral action or troops in riot gear attempted to remove concrete barriers and put up a barbed wire fence to restore control of the area belgrade has condemned the nato move and urged the peacekeepers to act according to the un mandate to protect
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civilians political analyst nicola tenacity says nato force in kosovo for can't fulfill this mission and that's why local serbs stay at the barricades there is no doubt nato has a legitimate presence in the whole of possible it's not a problem of whether to should be there is not a problem that they are the ones that are the only legitimate force that we should act upon such a situation but the problem is that they are exceeding their limits and they are exceeding their authority nobody wants to fit all night at some barricade and the like nobody has something better to do the problem is that people are really scared there are threats all the time there are incidents inside there are there are people getting shot there are all sorts of pressure and there is a great number of people especially from inside and some of your supporters both in both in europe and even in serbia which are constantly threatening with the so-called croatian scenario and that is the worst thing that could happen. coming
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up later in the program leaders of the three biggest economies in stroudsburg trying to come up with a remedy for the raging euro debt crisis but there's yet more division as they're split over what role the european central bank should play. moscow says that it is not planning to hold the reset of ties with law but is ready to pull out of the nuclear arms reduction treaty if the u.s. goes ahead with his defense shield plants and europe washington says it will not review its program despite russia warning that it could move its own offensive missile systems to its borders in response artes and he's now way explains. person's reaction to the active development of plans for this missile defense shield in eastern europe came in the form of an announcement from president meets major where he highlighted five steps that the russian federation would take if the u.s. and nato don't reconsider their plans first of all activated immediately will be
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early radar warning stations in kaliningrad which is russia's most western and played the country's nuclear strategic forces will be strengthened significantly he pointed out that this needs to happen both urgently are the countries of strategic missiles will be fitted with advanced kind of tracing systems and latest generation warheads and he's also notify the armed forces that a system needs to be developed that could destroy data exchange in the control systems of this planned missile defense shield if these steps are not enough the president pointed out that this would be russia's last resort. just a pitch if other measures are insufficient russia will deploy and temporary strike systems in the west and south east in order to prevent further damage from u.s. missile systems like any other system or deployment of the it's going to missile system in the coming generation will be one such step if the situation develops in an unfavorable way russia will reserve the right to seize further steps in any disarmament and arms control. to give me an extra couple link between strategic
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offensive and defensive weapons yet reasons could emerge from russia from the strategic arms reduction treaty people this is an vision within the content of the treaty the president pointed out once again emphasizing that he believes dialogue is the way to go and that cooperation is still possible it's not too late the promises are just not going to be enough russia needs legally binding agreements from nato and the west that these systems are not meant as a deterrent against them from the was a lot of the same broderick that russia has been listening to for years again that this system is meant aimed against so-called rogue states like iran and north korea that it's not any way again. russia that they do believe that russia and the west have separate systems from the representatives from the national security council we've heard that cooperation again that phrase president has made a statement about for their cooperation but also pointed out this is very important that they will continue to cooperate but that pursuit of cooperation will in no way
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be limited or changed or changed the plans for missile defense shield and then from secretary general rouse in sort of nato we heard again praise for the statement on dialogue and cooperation but he say he is disappointed by president reagan statement that it's not in the spirit of russia nato should offer a shooting but again if you look at a map you will see very clearly that nato is rapidly expanding eastwards on russia's what's the use words on russia's western border you have the united states in their bases all throughout the middle east and then up russia's eastern seaboard you have bases in japan and south korea to basically russia is being surrounded and it's pretty easy to understand why this is such a major concern for their national security. and we want to know how you think russians warnings over america's missile shield plans will play out and over to our web site r t dot com and cast your vote most of you believe it could trigger a new arms race opinion is split between those who think the pentagon's only
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speeding up deployment and those who say russia's objections will lead to europe saying no to the rest all the rest of you think washington will compromise and i agree to moscow's demands past your vote at our seemed calm. as the euro zone's debt levels continue to hold high france and germany say they will propose changing you treaties to improve financial governance in the region president sarkozy and chancellor merkel have been talking in strasburg where their meeting of the newly appointed in tallinn premier. now leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to the single currency but paris and berlin disagree on whether the european central bank should lend to euro zone states in trouble now idea of collective borrowing also remains a divisive issue technocrats and france are strongly opposed by the region's economic powerhouse germany supporters of the idea say would help raise much needed capital for the debt ridden nations berlin is opposed as are any costs with its
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investment adviser patrick young says the eurozone needs someone to make those executive decisions. the problem is first of all to go back to what we always keep hammering on the body we really need leadership mr barroso is trying to push forward this idea of euro bonds amongst others ultimately also germany either has to decide that it wants to be sickly take away the ball and threw a lot of other members out of the euro zone plug because they view them as not being worthy of being membership or they're going to have to essentially bite their tongue and they're going to have to come forward and do something with the marketplace and in some way find a solution the problem we have is you know euro bones we were talking about losing a year ago fifteen months ago but the difficulty has been all along the lack of political leadership and right now if there is definitely a palpable smell of fear in brussels over what's going on when you're in the euro parliament in the coffee shops the huddled corners are discussions about whether
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the euro really is going to survive in any shape or form and hopefully that's going to be a catalyst to see an oil rig of leadership and i grip of government and we will find a solution whether it's a collective euro bond or some other form of transfer that at least gets the market working again on the laws countries to borrow this crisis is like a pound demick of financial panic nobody really feel you see it in the euro zone and that's why germany must come i didn't leave a euro bond is basically a case of putting lipstick on the pay. quite literally in every possible sense and of course the other countries who are currently shut out of the foreign market or have to borrow at very expensive rates want to be part of a club where hopefully they will be able to borrow money and they'll be able to borrow it much much more cheaply than they can get it in their own right. one of those countries worst hit by the crisis portugal has received a vote of no confidence from ratings giant bitch as lisbon's credit score was
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reduced to junk status fish cited high debt levels and low growth despite a seventy eight billion euro bailout earlier this year and this comes as the country has grown to a halt over a twenty four hour strike workers have walked out of their jobs angry at the deep cuts that the government has imposed to paralyse books air traffic controllers joined the protesting ranks effectively grounding all flights in and out of those bonds international airport and as r t z d no go show reports more and more desperate portuguese are now seeking a better life abroad. now expansion readers ready to go leaving her home and has probably never been easier critical of my stay in portugal when we know that architects with five years' experience are paid just eight hundred euro's a month it's a question a lot of young specialists have been asking themselves legally and surprising answer may be to leave for portugal's former colonies like brazil or a good thing to fall into one has been rather stable they had their national truth
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and then a massive record in the reconstruction process began so there are a lot of opportunities for the civil construction companies especially and a lot of construction companies went there and they're currently very very active i'm going to maybe know something about many portuguese are starting to view it at least as a present day. an african country rich in diamonds an oil resources presents an appetizer an opportunity for a lot of people who have lost hope of finding a decent job at home from him going to who ever i tell him moving abroad invariably says brilliant can you get my job two friends even asked me to take their c.v. . according to some reports around ninety thousand fortunes are currently living in poor compared with just ten thousand in two thousand to some goalkeeper better income but most are simply looking for something something better than the ever worsening situation called police i think salaries unfortunately are not the main
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reason and the main reason is the lack of opportunities in the portuguese markets due to the well to the crisis. the mass exodus of portugal's young smart educated may pretend the end of an era for the country a lot of specialized people where higher education scientists brain drain as you call it that to go and work we've abroad and study abroad and to stay there and watch of course we will most likely never recover those human assets like rita we hardly think twice before moving abroad it is hard work for a decent salary far outweigh any possible fear of flying if you go score eighty has been. and you can head over to our t. dot com for more on the debt crisis marching through the euro zone but across the atlantic the u.s. has apparently found an unconventional way to save its own currency that's what some say could be behind the recent threats of a strike against iran's nuclear sites more on that story line and also there we
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explore some of the possible reasons behind the failure of russia's interplanetary probe focus grunt among the suggestions is interference from an american research station in alaska. now let's check out some other international news triple bombing at a busy market in the rocky city of basra has killed at least nineteen and left dozens injured police say two bombs hidden in a motorbike exploded one after the other and a third was detonated after people have gathered at the scene most of the victims are said to be police officers and military personnel there have been several deadly attacks in iraq in the last month with u.s. troops getting to complete their pullout by the end of this year. bloodshed continues in yemen a day after the president announced his resignation at least five people are reported killed after crowds demanding the former leader be put on trial were fired on by supporters of the regime of the last saleh agreed to transfer power to his
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deputy in exchange for immunity from prosecution months of protests and a brutal crackdown by government forces in yemen have left almost nine hundred people dead. and nato airstrike has killed six children and an adult and injured two girls in the south of afghanistan the strike was aimed at taliban fighters planting roadside bombs afghan president hamid karzai has strongly condemned the incident and ordered an investigation more than fourteen hundred civilians have died in military violence in the country in the first half of this year. leaders of the main palestinian factions fight to her and hamas have agreed to hold elections in may of two thousand and twelve they also say they've decided to try to bridge their differences on their positions towards israel both groups which with which respectively control the west bank and the gaza strip have long been political rivals last may they reached an agreement calling for the setting up
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of an interim unity government and emerging rival security forces israel threatens to cut all ties with the palestinian authority if it includes hamas in any unity government. and in tripoli libya's transitional government has formally been sworn in twenty four ministers will now stand power until elections in june next year they're said to be upbeat and optimistic but already face opposition on wednesday several tribes refused to recognize the new government and there have been clashes between moralists through the former leader moammar gadhafi and government troops in the city. leaving seven day. that's all for us from me or in a moment i'll be back with a recap of our top stories in about nine minutes time next thirty talks to philip jake crowley former u.s. state department spokesman about the challenges that lie ahead for the people in countries where regimes have recently been toppled so with us.
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and your times in the state department just how hard it was to explain to the people that the us brings peace and democracy with its interventions as in and reality it grow is the structure. but. i believe earnestly in the best of intentions of u.s.
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policy a stable peaceful prosperous middle east is in everyone's interest there's no question that the united states with the best of intentions intervened in iraq in two thousand and three with route really understanding not only what was going to happen inside iraq we thought it would be easy inexpensive quick and those judgments were all profoundly wrong. understanding that that in in the intervention one of the big winners for some time was iran and a resurgent iran had implications within the gulf and across the lot broader region certainly was not something that united states wanted to see happen and how severely the u.s. economic problems and their mind its ability to protect its power globally well you you are jacked power in support of your national and international interests which
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includes. the economy so so this is this is where it's easy for someone who's running for president to say oh yeah that's but strike iran it's harder to then understand across the board will a military strike be successful. it's very difficult to see how a military strike it might retard an iranian nuclear program it is not likely to stop it. also will a military strike. would that. increase the tension and fisher are said to exist within a. iranian society between the regime and the people who don't like the regime very much but what actually would drive you know the them closer together so you really have to look at this in a truly strategic way and that's why for the moment cooler heads recognize that the answer is political and economic pressure while leaving the
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military option there are as an option but recognizing that that comes with very profound costs what are the prospects of this and i carry i mean everyone recognizes the danger of iran going nuclear and it's not just about iran if iran crosses the threshold to get saluki weapons how does that change calculations by a saudi arabia turkey and egypt someone else do they. feel they have to have their own weapon you know everyone recognizes the last thing that you need in the region and some nuclear arms race we not withstanding the emergence of a pox on or a north korea you've got many many countries around the world who know how to build a weapon of chosen not that that is the optimal you know stabilizing situation do you think the u.s. is robust enough diplomatically and economically to manage the consequences of the family and the arab states that's largely responsible for i don't think you can say
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that anyone today is managing what is a remarkable transition but these these transitions are evolving in very different ways you know a country by country by country so do you think that the world should be concerned are the. as lamech extremists coming to power in the so-called arab spring well i think that's that is a that is a longer term danger in the short term. these you know take take egypt for example there is an open process underway. a group like the muslim brotherhood that has a long tradition within egypt of it and a pretty good political and social structure and those are going to the world will likely do very well in the in the upcoming parliamentary elections. i think what's very important is people in the region have to be patient if people
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become impatient and then become violent yes there are put is the potential that spoilers including a resurgence of al qaeda a lot of talk about. being part of. uprising the rubble say whatever you want to call it and lead again we'll see i do think that libya has the ingredients to be successful even under cut off the it was a it was a society that was. being sort of. the real question is can everyone come together and see that that's a given legitimacy that there have been elements there have been individuals and small groups associated with al qaida that have you know are in libya or have emanated from libya or there's a very definite libyan strain to al qaeda. but but as an organized force i don't i don't necessarily use but there is but obviously in the magreb is there
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could they try to take advantage of of a failure in the transition in libya absolutely could absolutely could. and journey the length of life. the desire for the best of things. that drowns out our inner world. the story of one man who returns home after years of alienation. making monks might
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pass on to. the booming. bloodlessly. just so. just so. smug. home. mum. commission free couldn't ation free instruction is free.


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