tv [untitled] November 25, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EST
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market. why not what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause report on or keep. you watching r t in this hour thousands gather on cairo's tahrir square for mass protests planned as a final call for the military rulers to hand over power as the most violent rallies in egypt since mubarak's for enter this second week. once those regimes are overthrown a pandora's box is opened. france's fresh initiative to set up a humanitarian corridor in syria is widely seen as a first step towards military intervention in the country ripped apart by violence . and preparations are in place for a possible escalation of violence in northern cos of a local service
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a nato backed forces broke earlier agreements to try to tear down the border barricade that's a move that's led to fierce clashes as we were for. hello there is eight pm here in moscow this friday night you're watching r.t. with me kevin zero in on the top story kyra tahrir square is packed tonight with people gathered for friday prayers with the threat of continued violence hanging in the air recent clashes and seen more than forty people killed since saturday as angry protesters call for the military authorities to hand over power to a civilian government. has the latest for you from cairo. the situation here still tense and still very unpredictable i've been walking around the square talking to people they forgot that today last chance friday but there's
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a difference of opinion difference of opinion since then to come today will pan out some of the protesters have been talking to say that they're very fearful that they will see violence tonight that the whole situation will the same into n.l.p. and chaos that on the other hand the just as many protesters are seen talking to he said if they can even today will mark the end of this whole phase as they term of these approaches to cyclone on monday to go and vote in the parliamentary elections they feel that the army should be given a chance that there is also a group of them short distance from here who we are hearing are planning a march to tough to square that if indeed these markets were up close the military comes out and they clash with the majority of people here who are not prime minister we put the violent clashes now the protests are still standing high there which was a march and that is for the army to stick stance immediately the only response was at the beach a trail that is quote are the possible party that they seem given and so in line with the sense that they were appointed a new prime minister gamal guns army who was part of the barak iraq has done little
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to convince people here that the army is serious about transferring power the sentiment is one of anger over the course of the whites that the tear gas being used by the security forces has been banned internationally enough that people here needed human rights weeks to tell them the specific information that people have been believing for the past week or signaling from local officials that at least twenty two people who were killed were killed by live rounds with dr supposing that many of them died from a single one of the wounds to the french they change their same time we are hearing that a lot of the fire that killed these protesters came from the posts of the star seems to suggest that the army and police are using snipers the white house says it is. it a statement in which against the minute he can hand over power quickly to civilian government but other than that the international community has largely been done about what is happening here in egypt in stark contrast to the way they reacted to
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the violence in syria just yesterday the arab league met here in climate and instead of discussing the protests and the demonstrations here they focused on what was happening in syria then a given in ultimatum to damascus to accept a five hundred strong observation mission and we're not hearing reports that the masses have missed it did nine by which i had to give it's not of agreement that it would allow the submission to come through if indeed this is true the arab league has written that it will look at whole flows of cash sanctions on the country the difference of reactions of five international community to egypt and syria have lifted many people of us to keep the scene and double standards football is following the situation carefully in cairo you can read of latest updates at artie's twitter feed in one of the latest messages she reports that egypt's highest sunni in strode to support behind the protesters in tahrir square the president is against the government position you could see cuts over for his fee for yourself
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retreats is one of the r.t.o. of the school. the muslim brotherhood an islamic group considered terrorist by several countries is likely to pick up a bunch of seats in the egyptian parliamentary elections political analyst dr marcus papadopoulos says if the western support of revolution seizes a mistake there's no going back. if the people vote them in but people vote them in and they are very very popular you know it could be another scenario like in the gaza strip where. five or six years ago most people in the gaza strip voted for the last you know democratically and the west attitude has been. since then so i can honestly say what they could do if if if muslim if muslim brotherhood comes to power becomes a power of course if that was the happen then you could see in a few years time. or the british press western press talking about how awful the
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regime is there how dangerous that is and then you're back to a situation again where there's this question is about nato airstrikes against egypt and i think the tariff comes up in cross talk later on today on this channel people of elle's guest discuss the new uprising and how the u.s. and other western players are reacting to. this have a second chance now they've had a chance to rehearse what they could have said in the case of. it because they have absolutely no kind of consistency they have no real policy and they have no real direction what they're hoping at the moment is somehow that the military would regain control and ensure a more kind of snot transition in favor of their own interests and outlook for the . syria no faces punishing sanctions from the arab league as a diplomat from a body says damascus ignored friday's deadline to accept foreign observers france
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is actively seeking international support for the humanitarian corridor to be set up in the crisis tom country it's also the first time a major power was formally called for foreign intervention in the uprising against president assad but there are questions about paris's to go efforts at these terrorists more. people thanks to the libyan intervention of french president nicolas sarkozy bad destroying a first for his country first call for nato to impose a no fly zone over libya. first to officially recognize the opposition as libya's only legitimate government first to strike with libya now in the rearview mirror syria appears to be the next stop france is once again but first western nations suggest an international ground intervention in syria calling for a quote secured zone to protect civilians and first to endorse the exiled opposition syrian national council plans is a county where human beings and is very very popular agreement between most of the
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left and most of the hype about that and sarkozy as the savior of the intervention so it seems to me that the small even more aggressive than obama would be even though he doesn't have the military strength of the us and sweeping popularity at home is what suckles he needs if he intends to let the french decide his fate as president of the twenty twelve elections it's trying president nicolas sarkozy talks about the syrian crisis he spoke. to keep those that know he's really really. bad situation when when it comes to the polls and he's using certain craziness as a way to. to or to be seen as proactive the way he was with libya but where the french government deems a success doesn't seem to be too promising for those living in the post after era violent clashes between rival militia groups have continued adding to the death toll a new u.n. report says that some seven thousand people are being held in libya detention
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centers controlled by militias with no access to courts story functioning judiciary and many are still armed scenarios some warn it could be repeated in syria but once those regimes are overthrown a pound or as box is opened in other words chaos can be the result while one is always happy to see the end of brutal dictatorships and my own view is that these the ends to these regimes the people themselves critics of france's latest move of raise the question of whether any foreign intervention in syria would outlaw and allow their countries have taken a slightly more cautious step it seems that the french leadership are putting its foot down and planting its plug part of everyone else french assertion is not entirely welcome by syrians themselves a lot of opponents actually would not welcome. western was it or even turkish forces so you can be sure the regime and against storing it and fraud
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against france it cycles he may get out of intervention in syria even critics wonder if it's really worth it but at least no one can argue about who said it first or cilia r.t. brussels. it's all the us is redeployed its newest aircraft carrier from the persian gulf to the syrian coast washington is also urging american citizens to leave syria immediately sort of country heading samoa's a political analyst for america's in for war dot com online magazine country very good evening thanks for being with us and does this look from what you're seeing what you're a gleaning here like a build up towards an intervention you don't. i think what it looks like now is we're looking at the initial steps of a repeat of what we saw in libya ok the u.s. position there are cracks off the coast of syria but most of that is posturing us cannot go in unilaterally in a military fashion and because the other coalition of countries are what i call the axis power countries which are the us britain france and israel are acting in
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concert and supplying the rebels in syria we are told from syria ok the free syrian army is just over the syrian border in turkey recent reports from the telegraph and other major newspapers have cited this force that fifteen thousand strong ok this is in direct violation of international law the western powers cannot back a rebel military force working against the government in syria which is a legitimate government comes in the galaxy that just to say i mean we're talking about the u.s. france britain they will just completed a very costly military mission in libya that struggling to solve some good financial problems at home of course you really can't get involved in another intervention. look the u.s. is financing all of its empire through the federal reserve printing for your dollars ok there's only one candidate in this sort of presidential race at the moment on the republican side is ron paul who's actually advocating not getting
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involved in nation building not having military intervention overseas no one else is talking about it but it's good news for the oil producers this air of instability iran syria and so forth is going to mean that if there is any kind of military war or anything like that it's going to raise prices immediately so this is a cash cow for the major opec countries like saudi arabia and also country companies like exxon and philips and so cal and people like that this is take off let's talk about the legality of it as you touched on just now russia and china say they're very adamantly opposed to meddling in syrian affairs they're trying to pluck any resolution of the u.n. could western countries nonetheless still undertake military efforts of some so despite that. well funny enough russia's just supplied reports are that russia has just supplied syria with a s. three hundred anti-aircraft missile batteries this is the most advanced radar
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system an anti-aircraft system so if the if if the western powers think that they're going to get away with a no fly zone in syria this is a very different prospect than libya this would be the first time in syria and also if you look forward with iran that the west actually is engaging a country that has the ability to fight back so but the strategy now is to weaken syria internally by using mercenary forces al qaeda forces which were used in libya and also in afghanistan to bring them into base in turkey come over the border for incursions these humanitarian zones that the french are talking about are not humanitarian corridors these are paramilitary corduroys they will be used to move arms much like the egyptian military government facilitated the movement of arms over the egyptian border into libya which was a direct contravention of the u.n. resolution one thousand nine hundred seventy three so the u.n. is losing all credibility here as well patrick just but just cut to the chase here
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again as time goes on as before and what's happening in the country why do you think western powers are still so shell of the president assad's departure it couldn't prove anything in syria especially. to say what we're seeing in egypt right now tonight. exactly look the arab league called an emergency meeting cairo to discuss syria meanwhile real reformers genuine egypt and citizens are getting their heads cracked open by the military police in egypt which is u.s. backed so the arab spring is a joke for the people of egypt and if you want any indication as to what syria might look like after the west is done with their proxy wars using their proxy rebels and maybe a bombing campaign look at libya they're flying the al-qaeda flag over the government buildings in benghazi ok but it is open for business as far as international corporations go the agenda is to carve up what's left of these countries into privatized industrial corridors there carving up libya they want to
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carve out syria they also want to break what russia and the former soviet union states or forming an economic blockade eurasian union most likely syria and iran will be a crucial part of that economic block this is also throwing a spanner into the plans that are coming out of moscow so this is a much wider i think we're going to see the. cold war a new cold war emerge in the next two years and we are seeing the initial steps of that new cold war right now heading some political analysts are america's informal dot com online magazine thanks for your thoughts. thank you. coming out later europe's money continues to dry up as investors take flight. personally i think the whole thing will break up it's proved to be unworkable and britain's preparing for it with the country's chief regulator of planning for a euro split scenario we've got more on that surely it's a knife also this to. the us and well over a deal get the heavy discount on gas supplies in return russell takes on
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a hundred percent ownership of its neighbors to ask for more evidence of. tensions running high and serbia's border with northern kosovo's neither of the conflict in sides are prepared to rule out a further escalation of violence local serbs say nato forces are to blame for breaking an agreement by trying to remove a barricade blocking the way to one of a number of disputed checkpoints and move from violent clashes that left dozens injured on both sides. have got the details from kosovo last slide caused here in northern kosovo without violence but does not mean that the source of tension has disappeared two nights ago on the twenty third nato back a force tried to remove a barricade that has been put up by the ethnic servin minority here it was word was stiff resistance tear gas was used more than twenty people were injured and the operation by the capel had to be abandoned. now yesterday we drove around the area
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and these barricades which have been up here for around four months still are manned by people and people are saying that they're not going to abandon them and find planning to put up even more of them now that untrained eye these road blocks these barricades just seem like piles of rubble amateur actually constructed and nobody would think that would be a cause of such a bitter conflict but in order to understand why they appear we need to go back to july as we know the serbian people here the ethnic serbs are in a minority they only constitute about ten percent of the population of course of oh since the kosovo has been recognized by several countries they've also lost any kind of legal status they still consider themselves citizens of serbia and they still consider land a part of serbia of course the majority albanian corsa was not considered. to be independent but so far at least they have been allowed a measure of self-sufficiency a measure of independence and an ability to be in contact freely with the mainland
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serbs now in july became a threat to this albanian said that they wanted to control the customs control all the goods and all the cars coming into the area now the serbs didn't just see this as a formality it's orders as an infringement of their remaining freedoms calling this a slippery slope first to control the customs house control of the police coming in here and being able to control the territory and finally the remains of the serbian population at first they've been of these barricades to prevent this happening but then supposedly a compromise solution was found where instead of the albanians being able to take control of customs this control would go to the native baquet for the serbs they did not trust before they said they came for basically protecting albanian interests and the kind of clash that we saw the night before when the case was trying to move the barricades for the serbs here that's a clear illustration of priorities lie. because we'll continue to keep you updated
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on developments in northern kosovo r.t.c. we just heard from is there a moment. for these tweets as they said the course we go on telling us that people in the serbian part of kosovo suffering from constant blackouts these days in the forced fires in the temples of falling or heading in the winter before the feed for yourself and r.t. underscore. british banks are getting ready for a eurozone break up in the latest sign that a single currency split may be on the table the risk management plan by a senior u.k. regulator comes as the euro continues to weaken hitting a seven week low on friday present day with middleton chairman of the institute of economic affairs says the eurozone leaders have been unable to learn the lessons of their own mistakes the euro is in such bad trouble it's obviously not going to continue as it is personally i think the whole thing will break up it's proved to be unworkable one of the lessons is that the people running the euro zone haven't been able to look ahead after all the u.k.
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a lot of them is the main financial center in europe and it's not surprising that our financial people are used to looking at it as part of the trade several of the countries in the eurozone are insolvent and that means really unless they can be ridiculous lee improve their competitiveness they need to default now that is not welcome news and people are trying not to talk about it they keep saying they've got the political will to do whatever is necessary but what we have to remember is this whole thing is a political project and it's their political will that has got us into the mess in the first place. professor david middleton had twenty dog calling for the world online from us there you'll find a spy story tonight at a pivotal point iran's arrested twelve alleged cia agent supposedly snooping into the country's nuclear program we've got the latest r.t. dot com and there's this for a rather splendid faberge egg or not find out why a museum dedicated to the renowned russian jew this falls out of million dollars for these breakfast leftovers why the details around the so-called.
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immortalize world news headlines and a police phone calls been leaked of confessed norwegian mass killer and his bravery during two calls the thirty two year old offer to surrender but then went on to kill more people on a toy or island killer told investigators that he tried to call the police ten times as officers tried to reach the island by boat and his brevik admits killing seventy seven people in the massacre and a bomb attack in all slopes in july. bush fires raging through a popular west australian tourist region with hundreds of residents evacuated from the area the town of margaret river has been hit hard with dozens of houses destroyed by the blaze and emergency warning remains in place for authorities hope
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that raids forecast now the next few days will hopefully help contain the advancing flames. bargain hunters of at the stores a big way in the united states annual black friday sales many shops open a few hours early to try to accommodate long lines of shoppers all killed by the post thanksgiving this black friday isn't just a holiday spending spree it's a key test of the u.s. economy with consumers predicted to part with nearly five hundred billion dollars. let's get right know to. bring you these votes live pictures coming through from cairo's tahrir square thousands of people protesting there tonight against the military government after holding friday prayers today's protest is being called by some the last chance friday more than forty people have been killed in the violence since saturday and as darkness fell tonight over karl rove the threat of violence is still hanging in the air the military rulers have appointed a new prime minister in this promised a presidential election next summer but the protest is either barring an immediate
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transition to a civilian government is keeping a close eye on tahrir square throughout the course of the night of course here on our team. in the next few minutes moscow out wonders why what museum here is deliberately kept in the freezing cold and then later to go to sports tonight focusing stateside discover who got stuffed on thanksgiving in the n.f.l. creators got the business that makes them. and rock on top with a start at this hour russia and bellows have signed a landmark energy deal prime minister putin says the agreement will be good for years to come essentially go as well get a heavy discount gas supplies return russia will take one hundred percent ownership of its neighbors transit system. is that gas with the details. the deal cuts the price that pays for russian gas by about half had
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paid three hundred dollars roughly for every thousand cubic meters of gas but it got from russia it will now pay just over one hundred sixty dollars a yukon trees by comparison pay the market rate of about four hundred fifty dollars per thousand cubic meters in return the russian gas monopoly gasp wrong will get to by one hundred percent it's already owns fifty percent of the belorussian transit company bell trans gas problem in putin the prime minister said it's a big deal for both sides it's a small she's doing this to discount to save at least two billion dollars we also agreed on gas pumps acquisition of one hundred percent of the shares of trans gas this will ensure the unconditional transit of russian gas to european consumers through the territory of reuss. russia is keen to secure its gas transit routes to europe it has the north stream pipeline going straight to germany around twenty
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percent of its gas goes through to europe but the vast majority still flows through ukraine this was an important deal with rampant inflation and a trade crisis it needs all the money it can get and it will raise two and a half billion dollars from the sale of trans gas although some of the russians may feel that they have lost out in losing control of the national assets at the moment the priority is to work as much money as possible. and to cut down on the gas price . plus have a look at the markets commodities first oil is higher in new york on speculation than your area leaders will do war to fight the debt crisis has gained as much as one point two percent are concerned the tension in the middle east process russia supply parts of the u.s. are trading higher in the. it was hope u.s. consumers would carry the day that kicks off holiday shopping and with concerns about the eurozone of the partner and european stock markets large and reversed
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course turning early losses into his like gains britain's food see as high as bargain hunters stepped in after nine consecutive sessions of losses bank shares among the top again as on the field see the world bank of scotland. over four percent of lloyds banking group over two percent. and here in russia markets and high on friday the r.t.s. close point seven percent in the black while the noise extended one point three percent higher. let's take a look at some individual share moves on the rise six energy majors and it's on the rise gas from gained over two percent. finished over three and a half percent in the black bag from early last this mission point eight percent. and look for those just posted nine months results russia's biggest profit all for made a net profit of nine billion euros a thirty percent increase over last year the results are forecast which we're
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looking for a forty four percent rise on average all in gas from the company slowed by ninety five percent reporting period. for just fourth largest steelmaker m.m. cases and m k has agreed to buy australian iron ore company flinders naing in a deal worth more than half a billion dollars the price is at an eight percent premium to the firm's market quote the deal will allow m.q. to get a slice of the resource rich pilbara iron ore project in western australia robert nancy senior analyst at creech here believes it's a good deal for and ok even though it is paid a lot. i wouldn't use the words too expensive but if the market is where the market is now if i think they were they were generous again i don't think they want to debate anymore these are these are one of the last an appendage in your companies with these kind of grades and in western australia so they didn't want to they basically want to walk in the board and walk in the shareholders with such
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wealthy british soil. is not on its right let's look at. the bigger. markets. come to find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name two kinds of reports on our. world to the fuck outta here and more mouths to feed but where will the food come from can science provide the answers to the future of food under the microscope. we've done the future coverage. he.
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