tv [untitled] November 26, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EST
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no backing down the thousands of defiant voices on. how to stick to their demands for change despite the leadership's reluctance to make concessions. defying the crisis and their head to the stores for the annual black friday shopping frenzy in the queues at home a shelf isn't station set new records. plus a tale of riches to rags on american who wants to put government nothing crane and ended up homeless and destitute.
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costing live from moscow this is our team welcome to the program egypt's newly appointed prime minister has appealed to the nation to give him a chance to form a cabinet that will be accepted by everyone guns or new governments will be named after monday's parliamentary election crowds on karros to continue to keep up the pressure on the ruling generals on the media switch to civilian rule. tens of thousands of protesters a full cry from the million that the organizers had hopeful that a substantial amount nonetheless now the rallying point here is much the same people wanting the humanity to step down immediately and amenity despite the concession of appointing come out guns ari as the new prime minister has done little to meet the demands of the people the violence has continued although not of
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the nevers we've witnessed in the past few days as you can hear behind me there and even says speech in cost the human rights groups have also stated that in addition to the fact that the army and the police were using live ammunition many of those who were killed were killed while trying to help and as we also now hearing sad reports that families have been gathering at cairo's main mall to be tied into friday loved ones many of them sobbing and urging a message to waste amigas to stop painting of bombs gassed and weapons because they leaders are killing them from within now with me i have one of the protesters who is behind this he is chief joseph risk who is a founding member of the new republic group chief why does the appointment of a new prime minister change nothing grow up ironically there is a point or part minister that was quote from ninety six to ninety nine he represented all of the the dark policies of mubarak the far right economic policies
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. the rise of him because of him there were a number of the rising unemployment in egypt. a lot of what's attributed to the economic despair disparities was attributed to policies like yours but of course is human rights abuses with these ones one of the big questions here was the role of tear gas over the past week and here we hearing from human rights groups that help possible eagle substance has been used and of a growing concern is just how safe it is full of women reporters and a woman protesters out here. at least three female journalists have been sexually assaulted and i continue to tweak it around town here just a short time ago i was feeling incredibly safe much more unsafe then i have been feeling over the past few days. gyptian the security forces are hiding the real number of civilian casualties during the second wave of unrest according to unsee
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war activist and rights who's currently incurring the police are telling families of very poor families whose kids have been killed you can pick up the bodies but we're not going to give you a certificate of death to try to to hide what really is going on the heavy handedness of the of the government is this problem in my opinion that they are really trying to squelch this the grass roots desire and plea for a better life for themselves after january and february when finally the president mubarak resigned and this interim military council came in and that didn't really change things and so they are they are saying that the the security is really being threatened by the the internet are changing fast enough and that's why they're on the streets our correspondent in cairo paula so there is a foreign development surrounding the latest on rest in egypt turn to keep you
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updated twitter feed whatever latest tweet she says that politically the youth group something to. try and come up with a solution to curb some. of the news looks like a general strike. what was portrayed as an egyptian fight for democracy back in february has turned into disillusionment because artie's going to if you can reports has become something of a trend for countries caught up in the arab spring. almost a year after mubarak's fall hurry your square is again stained with blood there's no you it's about the dignity of the egyptian people we don't want any more humiliation. here is another revolution seen libya the ousted leader muammar qadhafi was killed last month the people of libya are now left with a country in ruins and the government they didn't truths i think there is
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a reign of terror going on against those who disagree with the libyan government it's not presented that way in the western media but it is a reign of terror if you speak up right now against the the new authorities in libya you're likely to go to jail or be executed or disappear in the meantime interim government brought to power by nato is strengthening its grip on the country nato and some arab states now openly call for regime change in syria the louder they call the more violent the opposition becomes. unusable in the states western countries in the capitals of some countries in the region are openly recommending opposition to not hold talks with the assad regime it looks like a political program cation on an international scale civil war is brewing in syria the whole region seems to be plunging deeper into crisis. while people suffer in the continuing wave of violence in the middle east and north africa some analysts
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say certain powers might be interested in keeping the trouble boiling there are certain powerful interests outside of the middle east who wants to bring chaos is a rolling scenario discontent and chaos in order that long term will be militarized directly by nato and the oil resources of these oil rich countries by a large can be directly put under private hands it looks like this so-called transition to democracy in the wake of the arab spring is not going to well more blood is being shed. we're looking at an arab winter and maybe a new way or spring around the corner as tensions rise and as certain global powers are pushing for regime change in more countries of the region the wave of revolutions turning to a notion of chaos i'm going to check out reporting from washington r.t. . the arab league ultimatum to syria to let in foreign observers or face sanctions has come and gone with rebels and government troops continuing to fight nationwide
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illegal now discuss new measures including a suspension of flights to syria as well as crippling restrictions on its central bank tensioners to force regulators on the government of president bashar assad. table but neither side is showing any willingness to make concessions and there's a series of protests now tearing into the lead surgeon saying the same. some say that pressure from outside the country to make the situation worse. the arab league called an emergency meeting karo to discuss syria meanwhile real reformers genuine egyptian citizens are getting their heads cracked open by the military police in egypt which is u.s. backed so the arab spring is a joke for the people of egypt and if you want any indication as to what syria might look like after the west is done with their proxy wars using their proxy rebels may be a bombing campaign look at libya they're flying the al qaeda flag over the
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government buildings in benghazi so if the if if the western powers think that they're going to get away with a no fly zone in syria this is a very different prospect than libya the strategy now is to weaken syria internally by using mercenary forces al qaeda forces which were used in libya and also in afghanistan to bring them into place in turkey come over the border for incursions these humanitarian zones that the french are talking about are not humanitarian corridors these are paramount. corduroys will be used to move arms much like the egyptian military government facilitated the movement of arms over the egyptian border into libya which was a direct contravention of the un resolution one thousand nine hundred seventy three so the un is losing credibility here as well. you know without that still ahead on the program unveiling the mysteries of the red planet. hopes to find traces of life on mars or by isis next mission is causing
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a russian fighter. i think that in america where i mean we have the money and. it ends up people in the u.s. and worldwide feeling applied to the global financial downturn some are still finding it hard for me just to back down easy credit. he was an inventor who once ran for high office in his homeland but went to crane looking for love around the destitution and how this with no money no means of contacting friends and family back home. takes up the story of a foreign intervention gone badly wrong. social services in western ukraine were very surprised at encountering this homeless man little to. exactly like a typical local bomb i asked him what he was doing and he replied in english but no
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regular down and out was he a homeless man turned out to be a us citizen carried a lego scientist and politician last year he even ran for the governor's post in arizona but failed he came to ukraine on a scientific exchange mission which quickly merged into a white front go lego got in touch with the ukrainian woman yulia we invited him over to china for you'll use that she is definitely working looking for a marriage partner gulfport is true the rest was like a bad dream it was and sure enough see that the lego learnt that all his credit cards were blocked after his cell phone and laptop chargers were stolen no money no connection with the outside world and most importantly no yuliya a long way from home and love the american slept rough at the train station until he was found by a local social services very seriously ill and he's now doing well but that's
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a fantastic trip was a very serious case of pneumonia. the u.s. embassy in kiev came to the lego's rescue and bought train and plane tickets to get him home after more than a week in western ukraine the troubled american arrived in kiev alone as yulia has snubbed him that she arrived if you come to your do you did she actually we met she call me once i missed the call she called me. and said just received all of the e-mail. she said she's going to combine under one cherish and it will show up and i miss you know well how was it for you psychologically you are for my candidate as sort of the candidate and now you find yourself in the middle. no where being basically a hobo on the train station what i say to that is you'll be the real candidate i was look what's happened to him a shrink the next prime minister book would speak on her since she left office you know what i say to that is these kind of things happen to people even that run for
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office and really know it's your one i mean to you know despite a genuine tom sawyer style adventure in ukraine the label says he has fallen in love with the country and will definitely which are next spring whether that's visits would be purely scientific or mixed with the personal his still has not yet made up his mind lexie were shut out see reports from ukraine. extraordinary story there from ukraine and there's more from that country now websites are to come find out why the new film ways that the novel that person around the world is now history cleansed to visit his son a far from happy. also online the baltic country faces of the kook challenge of terror suspect one threatening charles johnson all seems to talk shit and sink at the snake isn't it all that and more precisely the.
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magic. that phone watches you every single night. and waiting for you to stumble. i saw a man with a video camera so i moved over and he phoned me someone. you know we realized they were following everyone from early in the morning. the only chance to get rid of him. is to reveal him. me dumb operation on our chief. for.
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so holiday season in america with millions that the consider lose themselves in the pleasures of a shopping spree for many it's a chance to hold on to a nice style that's quickly becoming a rarity thanks to the ongoing financial crisis tearing to the world's biggest economies for others queuing has become a matter of survival as a lot of india expects. i lost my house my business and now i'm just kind of surviving it's difficult for lisa jones to plan beyond tomorrow she struggles to make it through the day the mother of three worries about her oldest son but in the war in afghanistan and she's among the millions of americans who go hungry every day you see families you see the elderly you see pregnant women you see people were polio and see people would die if you think people are dying well eager shoppers camped out in front of retail stores on black friday joan sleeps on the cold pavement waiting in
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a different line to wait for the turkey i used to be a god remember i used to have my own shopping now i do not and i'm in desperate straits so this is a godsend this is my first year here just in bartholomew joined the army after losing his job in the financial industry he can see that even members of the armed services are fighting an konami battle at home. for the soldiers like a. key. member. and all through. the program says. this year even the organizers of the give away needed a helping hand and probably never had to go on t.v. to ask for any donations of things like that but you know sometimes god mr do that . by sunrise the langrune as far as the eye can see this a microcosm of a hungry nation divided by the haves and have nots we haven't spent enough time on
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job creation all of this wrestling about whether or not the bridge is going to pay their fair share is ridiculous the rich should pay they fair share government figures show that los angeles is still the worst place in america when it comes to food insecurity and these long lines for free turkey giveaway may be an indicator of that but throughout the nation it remains a lot. problem with forty nine million americans struggling to feed themselves on a daily basis sixteen million of those are children it's amazing actually just so many people in the same boat fifteen hours later in freezing temperatures in a rollercoaster of emotions jones and smile again no one shall feed her family this holiday season it just brings up the rest of the rest of the month and. this is a guy. in los angeles. archie. so
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there were financial roller coaster has made millions of people around the world tighten their belts or harvest this just how much of it i have taken. tis the season and once again will this lousy economy affect your how it is this week let's talk about that in a moment it's ok. to. spend a lot of money for european countries. yes so that's an effect right but personally you don't feel. you can enjoy your holidays and shop in portugal is a lot of trouble there with the money so you think people will have less shopping and different holidays not at all to me i mean holidays i'm from brazil so economies are helping me there and how they have to go to travel you know i'm from
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brazil is a developing country. personally i don't it hasn't affected me too much i'm a real budget or so has my income went down i just changed my budget so for me and hasn't been a huge problem is it just that the world is bad at budgeting i believe the world or america is very bad at budgeting you're not personally affected. with that. close. you can buy anything from things but i think some people are not affected but i'm sure certain people are affected and so the countries like we're from singapore i've got friends it's hard to find jobs and stuff like that for us to leave overseas so you know as suspected as the ones that. are you scared that it's going to start affecting thing in poor more.
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detail than your shop and that's. going to keep their you know their finances under control this year i know i am so do you feel like that's a good or bad thing. sometimes it could be. which has been in the past i think it may be it may work for the best people. you could give a little less and still have the same meaning to christmas i think it's a great big it's almost like the economy into a bad place people spending money they didn't have right. in america. whether we have the money or not whether or not your how it is will be affected by the economy this year the bottom line about how it isn't supposed to be about money so maybe cutting back this year will be a good thing. for someone who's not from around the world with. water cannons. to
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this city single protests were targeted against their rival train every week processed waste and. police also removed activists are staging a sit down protest in the old truck train. order. is the first shipment to pass through egypt for instance and susan to suck down one of the city's twenty twenty. two police officers were hospitalized after a violent clash with a group of think it's. interesting. they blocked a highway with framing barricades and it was mostly shots so. police used tear gas to disperse the crowds were dismantled. some amazing pictures now from switzerland where. rossi gave this incredible line display using
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a tale of bait. he asked for helicopter a series of aerial acrobatics a snake that's. going to do the simplest flights rossi's previous aerial feats include flying. around. but aiming even higher than the nasa scientists were dead set on discovering traces of life on mars just that it is going to take off within hours kara huge array of high tech tools are crucial to its success is a cutting edge water park built by russian scientists. who made the device. the source of wild flights of imagination and of scientific speculation
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for centuries the red planet getting there has never been easy many missions have failed but hopes are high for this new rover it's called curiosity and it's due on mars next year the science laboratory on board should answer many questions first and foremost if there's ever been life on the red planet for growth could be one of the greatest mysteries of mars is that it surfaces streets with what looks like from rivers and streams almost everyone agrees the early march was similar with rivers lakes and rains there was a theory that order evaporated together with the martian atmosphere that we seem to have discovered it may have sunk inside the planet and the form of permafrost order . for this mission the russian scientists have created a unique device it will point the rover to places where water might have accumulated whether it's in ice or encased in underground minerals as imagined in the blockbuster site phyto don't recall. and here it is that
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ordinary case conceals the dynamic all be that of neutrons what simply band friends . it weighs no more than two bags of sugar and may not be much to look at but in fact it's an impressive piece of high tech hardware but the hardest thing imaginable is that this has been downscaled from us based on bore hole equipment used for finding oil the one metre long neutral generator has been turned into a small light and compact one. this is the heart of the device this tiny chip reduces neutrons capable of penetrating up to one meter a little service. but the challenge was to accommodate the device onboard a spacecraft we were not only limited in weight it also had to endure all the hardships of interplanetary flight and now need them second half
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a hydrogen detector which will act as a probes at whenever gate or through. the rovers like a small car in our devices placed on it right headlights so the generator shoots newtons go into the ground reveal they were under a fluke with a frozen water is now and then we measure with our detector and the road becomes fully loaded seventeen high definition cameras aluminum wheels that can be steered independently and mount lasers uprise rock and a robotic arm to drill and scoop up samples among other instruments under the hood then you can hear powered engine to give it a top crawling speed of five centimeters per second with this arsenal one sedan device shows the right spot the love will start its meticulous work and mankind will hold its breath for one of the most elusive ounces in space exploration area over r.t. moscow. the date on the kaiser report is just ahead and i'll be back with
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i had to go through ten year old boy that. we train them out of jail we use our source development orders for them to you know. we never explain to them why it's ok. most people at the point of looking down and trying to pull the trigger became conscientious objectors. and i don't remember squeezing the trigger i don't remember seeing him go down but i remembers that we shot him. in the other side are soldiers to unsolder to the song and they're trying to kill us we're trying to kill them and that's just the ugly face a war that. nothing
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