tv [untitled] November 26, 2011 6:30am-7:00am EST
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three thirty pm in moscow these iraqi headlines i nato helicopter strike kills up to twenty eight pakistani soldiers at an army checkpoint with islam a bad closing off all the allied supply routes to afghanistan in response. to new clashes erupted in egypt's capital crowds of anti army protesters browett stick to demands for change despite the leadership's reluctance to make concession. choose sides of the crisis as americans line up for the annual black friday shopping hunch
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queues are also at record levels at homeless shelters and food stations. and the tale of rat riches to rags how one american who old stood for governor looking for love in ukraine but ended up homeless. next like continues meeting the key figures who will fight for the seats in russia's next state duma elections next weekend stay with us next. hello again and welcome to spotlight billions of galaxies our knowledge and today
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we continue our election review. on december fourth russia is electoral the doom of the lower chambre. seven parties that campaigning for the four hundred fifty seats out of the new laws m.p.'s perminov is will be five years instead of four over the course of the campaign spotlight given up anything to hear from paula zahn today my guest is you live in sudan the leader of the russian colleagues. the strongest reminder of russia's soviet past is lenin's mausoleum one right square in moscow while the leader of the revolution rest peacefully here at the very heart of russia's capital at present day members of the party he thought i working hard getting ready for the parliamentary election the second major party in russia and like all of those standing in the election race aspired to be the first in one thousand nine to one just before the soviet union collapsed becoming
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a sponsor of the van saw the republic of russia and was banned by decreed by president yeltsin the two years later the clock emerged under the leadership of do not use uganda the painful transition from state run to marking to in the one nine hundred ninety s. some millions of russians moved into poverty and many became this knowledge of the times of the soviet union when low prices in this. and wages were guaranteed by the state the communist party grew in popularity on the back of that sentiment throughout the turbulent nineties but the turn of a century so great economic stability in russia and the subsequent someone in the party's approval ratings yet despite the ups and downs the party has seen its candidates always the second you know presidential elections since the fall of it was just on the seven decades communists in the soviet union accepted no rivals now they find themselves in
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a parliamentary election race with six other bodies including their major opponent the ruling united russia party which won six times as many seats in the state duma four years ago. that yellow mr zyuganov and welcome to the show. says we have an international audience my first question go to this is the communist party happy with russia's current foreign policy and if not how would you change its. categories we are definitely not happy for one simple reason russia's plan and following other country's policies and is unable to resolve many of its problems that will affect among other things how russia survives the crisis russia produces approximately five hundred million tonnes of crude oil which accounts for fifteen percent of global production at the same time where i'm not involved in determining the price of that oil the price is determined by b.
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rigs in london and new york and since natural gas is packed to oil this basically means they decide gas prices to users it's not really new york a price is a set by opec and russia is not a member of opec anyway the point is we have no say in it secondly we could have pursued our own industrial strategy for modernization but instead the government. taking orders from the w t o they say don't subsidize science don't subsidize agriculture bring domestic prices for hydrocarbons up to the international level how can our industry compete with anyone production costs in russia much higher as two thirds of russia up on the frost can buy the best machines from germany and bring the best skilled professionals to the euros but still they have to make the walls of your factory in the urals thicker than in europe and have to lay the pipes then in europe and your workers will have to wear
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winter clothes your costs will be higher no matter what that's why our foreign policy should help russia develop not just for long uncle sam blindly and other dictate terms to us as a matter of fact i was going to ask you about the w t o rumor has it russia will join a w c o immediately after the elections. or are you against bets. it's not that there is nothing wrong with russia joining the w t l the question is on what terms do we join. this ng we can subsidize science but only crystal clear a third of inventions in the world were coming from russia. you look at what bill gates employs fifty percent all mathematicians from russia. how can the develops conchobar if we ignore all the science projects. another should be with the best science park in the world with twenty five well class institutes is now left
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without financing. how can we develop agriculture if winters last six to seven months even in our best lands in the combined region. i can't compete with britain or france. that's why we need to defend our interests other ways our entire second respect and egg recall to will vanish where against that moreover russia has forty one million hectares of land in the land if we invest in those lands and cultivate them we will be able to supply seven hundred million people with natural organic furred. prices will only grow in the future. and russia is importing hardwoods food. which is very unwise and very inefficient. mr zyuganov there is another thing i would like you to comment on the
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media you have probably heard about the occupy wall street movement that started in the united states and spread to other countries. now we have had guests and the studios say it was nothing other than a socialist revolution spirals in up he's that. what do you think of this theory. let's face it the liberal speculative model that the united states has forced upon the world after the war i mean the economic model. yes the financial and economic model it has failed it ing was trade in centuries old banks you can't plug that hole with the new money obama's failed to do it and so has europe. it was flourishing only yesterday and they can't even bail out crease and they have crises in portugal and possibly spain and italy coming up this means they need a different approach the government needs to play a bigger role social policies need to be smarter regulation in various areas
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including the finance market needs to improve. bankers' object to that naturally obama is trying to deal with them but he can't europe can't do anything either speculating and blowing financial bubbles is not only dangerous capitalism has had twelve crises over its one hundred fifty year history the last two global crises resulted in world wars that are still unclear how the current crisis will end with the second wave coming up already sweeping across the us by the way i recently met with steve cohen one of america's best political experts will discuss the situation in detail the protests currying in eighty two countries worldwide their currencies müller a medium sized towns what does it look like a socialist revolution it looks like a new stage of class struggle in order for
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a revolution to happen the lower classes need to be no longer willing to live on as before and the upper classes need to be no longer able to control the situation you also need a social force a strong smart well organized party capable of carrying it out where not quite at that point yet but you have to keep in mind that both the east and the west do not have much time left every fourth person on earth today is suffering from the shortage of bread and water. they will not remain patient from long could riots have recently occurred in forty countries of the world mr zyuganov. called me commented i understand your hints about the need for a strong party. but communist and socialist parties are very weak in the countries where the occupy events protests are happening the russian communist party only contrary is the second biggest party in the country. it is the main opposition party the oldest party in russia and of course it is very influential in the
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country indeed. right its influence is huge i see that to speak so well of us to vote for us in the elections you see i'm still undecided on what exactly i'm going to do on december fourth the question is why are people not coming out into the streets of russia where the communist party is so strong it never happens even when prices are raised drop economy breaks down. it happens in all other countries but not in russia. why is that happening is it because of the russian mentality or because you're not doing your job properly. first of all russia has a very special history of social protests no other country in the world has suffered so many difficulties problems and so much grief related protest the russians remember that and they would rather change the situation by voting than
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with cones in the wrong seriously in that when the subway fare doubles russians can live with it because the civil war would get much worse anyway. it's not just that in many ways it is a question of traditional. but there is also another tradition i once said that if people do come out into the street in full force they will not stop until they have dealt with the people who robbed our country oh the value of the savings the shut down seventy five thousand factories who abuses their children who are responsible for all pervasive corruption who ignore the keys of the children women and old men anyone raping our country today should keep this in mind especially those who are trying to score seventy percent of the upcoming elections by stealing and planting ballots instead of organizing decent after all debates but the real competition between parties their leaders and their programs. these people are
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not just taking him out risk. they need to take a look at what's happening in north africa and especially egypt barracks party they gyptian version of united russia has scored eighty percent at elections prior to his downfall knowledge of should believe these results given the current crisis if russia has no credible government this will destabilize the situation and then lead to mass riots says good ideas you got that leader out of the communist party spotlight for the better should we are so great self state will go to. the back and. i am.
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wealthy british style. is not on the title of. markets finance scandal why not what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our feet. to the. mayor and more mouths to feed but where will the food come from and can science provide the answers to the future of under the microscope if we've got the future covered. if.
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means that mr zyuganov you have just confirmed something that many foreigners say i mean the people in russia do not fight for their rights but all they can do is riots will. russians don't protest when prices are is known but if they do take to the streets the consequences will be very serious. on the contrary russian people are born fighters because of the vast expanses of this country out of a thousand years of russian history we spend seven hundred years in battles and wars defending our freedom and religion our culture and our land our hopes and our aspirations of course russians are very tolerant people because it's changed what we have thought hard to know we had to overcome numerous difficult is it would have been impossible to develop such a huge continent without hard labor tenacity and patience and a first step to unsettle an island and turned to look
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a russian territory overlaid by a call over the urals over the volga river at most concerned because barrack i was immediately convinced that impatient and good to nothing people would not have been able to develop such a piece of land it compression enthusiasm and russian capacity to get over difficulties to do this that's something we are good at getting over our challenges without too much grumbling but there is a limit to our patience and now that it's reaching its limit the situation is becoming dangerous for everyone. let us know talk about modern day communists about your eyes your g. . your mention several times the communist party is not the c.p.s.u. a communist party of his so if you are near your vision your objectives and your methods are different from those employed by the soviet communist party which created and eventually destroyed the soviet union who are you these days actually. are you liberals or social democrats. or are you missing the paternalist style in
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that state. mr goulden always knew that you are a master of smart and tricky questions this is a subject that can only be treated in a big volume curse the communist party of the soviet union was not a political party but the system of administrative and political control developed in the crucible of two world wars when it was necessary to centralize control over the country as much as possible but originally it was a pause a yes it grew out of a political party but then it was betrayed by the socialist revolution it is an expense to provocations then the war broke out of chile the communists pursued are extremely flexible policy given lenin adopted a number of consecutive programs while communism surplus requisition could tax and the new economic policy which was a fine balance between public and private property and the girl a plan was the most prevalent on innovation project and russian history so the policies pursued by the communist party have been quite diverse they can do so with
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communist party went through some evolution during the war difficile number of communists among the population was just three percent but among those who fell and about all that figure was forty percent that's because many soldiers and officers wanted to be remembered as communists and because they were killed since the war the communist party has had many victories it sent the first satellite into space harnessed the atom and achieved a nuclear parity believe us but once some of its leaders namely got a bunch of yours in and others began to betray the concepts of justice and respect for the merchant class and users are began to collapse our party is just one on the list we welcome political competition we want to mcready can fair elections but these should be elections not for vote rigging elections where they keep figures will engage in an open dialogue and debates i have personally invited president yeltsin put in an event of four debates today it's the communist party that defense . democratic foundations in this country while the regime relies on illegal activities and vote rigging now moving on to
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a different aspect our party decided to guarantee freedom of religion with its ranks about a third of our supporters i believe it is almost work as a vote for us and support our party also we think this should be multiple forms of property public property collective property and private property these three types should compete with each other but there is one thing you need to bear in mind if you want to introduce a free market economy along with the transcend beer and railway you will only be able to do so within the range of fifty kilometers from the railroad beyond this corridor our production costs will be so high that you won't survive without government regulation in the russian empire prime minister said gave it introduced takes transport rates of the regions of siberia and russia's far east was not allowed to raise the rate east of chalabi and otherwise would have never been able to develop siberia and the far east what do you think was a changed in russia's political system. first with urgent the need to change our
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financial and economic policies things will only get to us a new wave of economic downturn this hit the u.s. and now is sweeping across europe well part of that system the russian budget is based on the assumption that the average fuel price will be one hundred dollars a barrel if it falls below the seventy dollars budget will go down to pieces we won't be able to meet our social obligations i mean to pay pensions to deny winces our salaries top of the workers second put in his government should be dismissed immediately it isn't acceptable to have ministers like force and civic off they're not capable of breaking efficiently in a modern day environment said we need to pass a law that would turn our mineral resources into a source of revenue for the whole nation not just a small group of people rationalisation of mineral resources is not just nationalization we have the popular referendum recently and nine million people voted in favor of a plan that has the root cause of the problem in the united arab emirates for
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example ninety dollars out of the hundred earned from oil production would be placed international coffers to pay for freedom creation medical insurance and so on in norway eighty two dollars out of one hundred will go to boost the nation's wealth such a small country as norway has turned into a winter games champion russia is more snow and ice than anyone else in the world but despite that we've barely made it into the top ten countries at the vancouver olympics and it's a point out you're a smart politician. of course you don't need much snow and ice to become a champion in winter games just as you don't need to leave on an island there is the ocean so become a swimming champion. this facilities must be available to all groups of people including children you're right there is today any sports facility would charge you a fee that's an outrage therefore one of our future steps would be to make all the facilities that will. once misappropriated available to children again but again
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all kinds of property will be allowed they will compete with each other of the government should be a smart and efficient manager not just a guard protecting someone else's property other ways where do but this option is hardly regarded as acceptable either in the west or in the east much as in russia will hear of a president during the spring election next year it depends on the outcome of the december vote of course and nominated as a presidential hopeful in all russian region siberia the far east north caucasus the euro's district and the volga district and one of the most experienced and qualified politicians have given lectures in all of the world's best universities and spoke spoken to members of parliament in or major countries i'm familiar with international agenda and i've been writing in the council of europe for seventeen years a study of european experience i've participated in all the assemblies of the international conference of asian political parties we have a strong team our election ballot consists of seventy three groups and more than forty of them are headed by famous scientists among key figures our nobel laureate
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in physics us all thought of commander of russia's black sea fleet admiral come to term here of the soviet union test pilot who administered the scare who's also an excellent expert on defense and security where members in the big business community entrepreneurs who helped develop western siberia and demonstrated their ability to compete in the international market then we have quite a strong and intelligent team which is fit to set up a government of national confidence so you don't rule out running for president no . here's the last question then why do you think russia has suffered from a problem of political leadership that you need to go a lonely talking about the opposition very often we don't see a leader well even in the ruling party do you. know why we do have the this is just a mediocracy is dominating politics the ruling party can. stand smart intelligent
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and promising people they are afraid all of them thank you very much for being with us i just i reminded that my guest on the show today was good idea who got the leader of the communist party of which kind at the foot out of office spotlight will be back would you tell them to stay on r.t. and take. less sticky. but that's his be complementary and mobile home is told me oh creation off to the food system the global food system is not created to feed the people of the world it's created to maximize the profits. journal trading the actual cash physical
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grain and your trading promises for grain to be delivered a month or six months or twelve months or eighteen months in the future. stories of modern regulator silver or gold that can be negotiated and accorded to somebody very soon some place. yet or. possibly it's not traded now but it could be in the future.
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