tv [untitled] November 26, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EST
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soundcards a nato supply routes afghanistan demands the u.s. to vacate its base after it claims an alliance airstrike killed dozens of pakistani soldiers nato admits it was highly unlikely to have been responsible for the killings. clashes in cairo as the death toll rises to forty two protesters on tahrir square say they will not stop the future into their own hands and form their own government. and loverly does her produce once aspiring american politician has been left homeless i'm told list on the streets of ukraine.
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thank you for joining us i've am here and most with your headlines now i'm karen taraji pakistan is reviewing the terms of its cooperation with nato including diplomatic and political after the killing of up to twenty pakistani soldiers into alliance airstrikes islam abott has already shut down nato supply routes into afghanistan pakistan is also demanding the u.s. vacate its air base in the southwest of the country within fifteen days archies priya sridhar reports. according to the pakistani military nato helicopters actually attacked a military checkpoint on the pocket afghan border that checkpoints called follow in response to this incident actually ask elated pretty quickly and the pakistani military actually shut down that checkpoint which is the shortest checkpoint between pakistan and afghanistan so now all of this and supplies that were meant for nato forces in afghanistan are not able to get over the border and the
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pakistani military also called this a tap quote unquote unprovoked and indiscriminate now nato helicopters are often in this region performing missions against militants and the taliban in this region pakistan is a very strategic ally to the united states in the quote unquote war on terror and tensions between the two countries have always existed they came to an all time high back in may when the united states performed a unilateral attack that actually alternately killed osama bin ladin just last year of the united states accidentally killed two pakistani soldiers on the border an invalid incident as well the pakistan afghanistan border was also shut down there have also been a lot of talk about these unmanned drone strikes that have been going on across the border by the united states in pakistan obviously the purpose of these missions
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these unmanned drone strikes is to attack militants across the border many times they've killed several civilians and after that there were several protests across the country and pakistan many danis want to cut ties with the united states everyone sort of watching what the repercussions of this incident today will be for the region and there's been a powerful reaction across the web to the latest nato which. is keeping an eye on the public opinion through artie's twitter stream where she says some pakistanis are calling for revenge and retaliation for. the deaths shelter reports that the people who were killed are considered martyrs. pakistan is calling the nato raid an attack on its territorial sovereignty saying it will not tolerate such incidents john resupplied political analyst from the british based stop the work whole issue and told r.t. that the us and its allies are creating an explosive situation in the already volatile region and whether or not it's a precondition for washington it should be
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a big issue for the rest of us this is after all pakistanis after all a nuclear state the region is unstable the poor with afghanistan is huge because the pretext for drone attacks within saudi pakistani territory we know that the us military really regard and the prefer the whole area has. as if it's one single state if the puppet regime and it is a puppet regime it afghanistan is so horrified by the pakistan that it is saying that it will back pakistan against the countries that are occupying afghanistan i think you can see quite how far this has no this is now run so i think this is a very very dangerous moment i think what the united states and its allies nato allies have done is an extremely dangerous incursion i'm not surprised that the anger of the pakistani all the pakistani people and i think the message should go
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very very clearly the united states and its allies you are playing with fire you are risking instability greater instability in an already unstable region and this kind of behavior simply has to stop which gangsterism. so ahead for you this hour what the future holds for syria as the arab league moles over sanctions against the assad regime we ask what further moves to mask is going to expect from western powers plus. i think in america we're trying to buy whether we have the money or not in the wake of black friday in the u.s. we asked people in new york if the financial crisis has put a black mark on their shopping plans this year. to egypt now where protesters demanding the end of military rule have clashed with police using tear gas to protesters have been killed bringing the death toll to forty two people since clashes broke out a week ago artie's while asleep brings us the latest from cairo. the crowds here are growing there will be people who have rising over the situation does remain
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tense now we've just had an announcement find some sixteen each initial police who say that they have a very tough display what they are calling a civil salvation government they've made stuff from it all by race day is a presidential candidate who is also a name that was being bandied about earlier in the week as a possible first in the army might approach to be the prime minister as they hid all of this new government and they are high profile names that have been named as his deputies a leading physician a leading economist and eating politician so you not have this is the most bizarre situation where you have a government that has been to create fear itself here while there is another government that has been declared by the army and it is worthwhile noting that the muslim brotherhood does not support our day in any way all of this is painting the scenario for growing internal why i believe that can only lead to more and waste the one thing that is happening against the backdrop of this political posturing is
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that the violence continues to fly and just this morning saturday at least one person was killed and out of school people were injured when protesters tried to stop them all out on the story who is the new prime minister that has been named by the army from entering a government building according to eyewitnesses the person who was killed was driven over by and on the vehicle we are also hearing from eyewitnesses that there was a lot of tear gas fired by the security forces and indeed these kind of records on tear gas are coming to us from alexandria with protests continue outside the security building there it has caused leading civil rights activists to start pointing fingers and point to bring international attention to what they say is launching and illegal substance that the egyptian army and police have been using let's take a listen there was so much chaos and there was there a different type of gas that was creating what they call the chemical pneumonia that was very very difficult to treat. and a very well have died from of and the police are telling families of very poor
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families whose kids have been killed you can pick up the bodies but we're not going to give you a certificate of death to try to to hide what really is going on it's not only here in egypt where protesters filled with the revolution they started back in january has not achieved their goals they were hoping for indeed we're witnessing this same time the feeling of this important things are people feeling that promises were not kept across the region as my colleague investigated. almost a year after mubarak's fall hurry your sport is again stained with blood it is not you it's about the dignity of egyptian people we don't want any more humiliation. here is another revolution seen libya the ousted leader moammar gadhafi was killed last month the people of libya are now left with a country in ruins and the government they didn't choose i think there is
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a reign of terror going on against those who disagree with the libyan government has not presented that way in the western media but it is a reign of terror if you speak up right now against the the new authorities in libya you're likely to go to jail or be executed or disappear in the meantime libya's interim government brought to power by nato is strengthening kids on the country nato and some arab states now openly call for regime change in syria the louder they call the more violent the opposition becomes. ends up in the states western countries on the capitals of some countries in the region are openly recommending opposition to not hold talks with the assad regime it looks like political probation on an international scale civil war is brewing in syria the whole region seems to be plunging deeper into crisis. while people suffered in the continuing wave of violence in the middle east and north africa some analysts say
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certain powers might be interested in keeping the trouble boiling there are certain powerful interests outside of the middle east who wants to bring chaos is a rolling scenario discontent and chaos in order that it long term will be militarized directly by nato and that the oil resources of these oil rich countries by a large can be directly put under private hands it looks like the so-called transition to democracy in the wake of the arab spring is not going to while more blood is being shed we're looking at an arab winter and maybe a new where spring around the corner as tensions rise and as certain global powers are pushing for regime change in war countries of the region the wave of revolutions could turn into a notion of chaos and then it struck our report. from washington r.p. and on to the syrian conflict now members of the arab league have met in cairo to drop possible sanctions against president bashar al assad the move comes in an attempt to end the deadly crackdown on protesters and
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a deadline passes for foreign observers to be allowed into syria the measures which will be finalized by foreign ministers on sunday include a travel ban on senior syrian officials the freezing of government assets and the suspension of flights into the country turkey and austria have already expressed their support for the same chance for a proper acknowledgment policy director at just foreign policy org told r.t. that the west shouldn't snoop into syria's affairs. the french government talked about you know material who are leading western troops that's just plain usually the regime and anything that has to do so a lot of these issues that you're only in turkey with regional players team not friends not states not western europe. western military intervention be outside the discussion where. it should be the regional players trying to prove. and political solution.
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our town line reports on how fast food chains t.v. ad sees the fate of the dictators in the middle east and africa. check out who else in bob always long time ruler robert mugabe is remembering at his now so no maintainer log on to archie dot com. an american scientist mission to you crane turned into a hopeless love quest blinded by feelings he was quickly left homeless with no
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money and no way of getting home or to say at a show ski has the story of a man who has found out the price of love the hard way. social services in western ukraine were very surprised at encountering this homeless man who is going to be sniffing kaluta exactly like a typical local gun and i asked him what he was doing and he replied in english but no regular down and out was he a homeless man turned out to be a u.s. citizen carried a lego scientist and politician last year he even ran for the governor's post in arizona but failed he came to ukraine on a scientific exchange mission which quickly merged into a white front the lego got in touch with the ukrainian woman yulia we invited him over to china you'll you'll see that she is definitely working looking for a marriage partner got her it is true the rest was like a bad dream it was and sure enough see that the lego learnt that all his credit
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cards were blocked after his cell phone and laptop chargers were stolen no money no connection with the outside world and most importantly no yuliya a long way from home and love the american slept rough at the train station until he was found by local social services very seriously ill and is now well but that's intensive treatment for was a very serious case of pneumonia. the u.s. embassy in kiev came to the lego's rescue and bought a train and plane tickets to get him home after more than a week in western ukraine the troubled american arrived in kenya alone as yulia has snubbed him this year arrived did you come to your do you did she actually we met she call me once i missed the call she called me in tears just received all of the e-mail where i had said she said she would come by the next day i want to know if
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you know we showed up and i miss you know how was it for you psychologically you are for my candidate a senate candidate and now you find yourself in the middle of nowhere. being basically a holborn train station. candidate i was what's happened to the commission next prime minister would speak with her since she left office you know what i see that is these things happen to people even though run for office and you know you're one of them into the you know despite a genuine tom sawyer style adventure in ukraine delay who says he has fallen in love with the country and will definitely which are next spring where that visit would be purely scientific or mixed with the personal his still has not yet made up his mind. like see russia ski odyssey reporting from ukraine. it's holiday season in america with millions they're looking to savor the pleasures of a good shopping spree for many it's a chance to hold on to
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a lifestyle that's becoming more and more unobtainable but for others queuing has become a matter of survival as artie's about one guy linda explains. we lost my house my business and now i'm just kind of surviving it's difficult for lisa jones to plan b. on tomorrow she struggles to make it through the day the mother of three worries about her oldest son but in the ward at cana stand and she's among the millions of americans who go hungry every day you see families you see the elderly you see pregnant women you see people with polio history people with diabetes or do people have dying well eager shoppers camped out in front of retail stores on black friday joan sleeps on the cold pavement waiting in a different line for a free turkey i used to be a dog groomer i used to have my own shopping now i do not and i'm in desperate straits so this is a godsend this is my purse here here just in bartholomew join the army after losing
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his job in the financial industry. he can see that even members of the armed services are fighting a battle at home. for the soldiers to. keep. remembering. the princes. this year even the organizers of the give away needed a helping hand and probably never had to go on t.v. for any donation of things like what you know sometimes broad based or direct the test by sunrise the line grew as far as the eye can see this a microcosm of a hungry nation divided by the haves and have nots we haven't spent enough time on job creation all of this wrestling about whether or not the bridge you got to pay their fair share is ridiculous the rich should pay their fair share government figures show that los angeles is still the worst place in america when it comes to
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food insecurity and these long lines for a free trip to give away may be an indicator of that but throughout the nation it remains a large problem with forty nine million americans struggling to feed themselves on a daily basis sixteen million of those are children it's amazing actually to so many people in the same fifteen hours later in freezing temperatures in a roller coaster of emotions jones can smile again knowing shell feed her family this holiday season it just brings up the rest of the rest of the month and all the way to christmas because this is a godsend in los angeles family no r t. occupy wall street protesters used black friday to spread their message against corporate greed dozens of demonstrators faced off with the lines of police officers in riot gear in san francisco trying to dissuade shoppers from taking part in the big bucks sales
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at macy's and other stores the mayor of los angeles has given occupy protesters until midday monday to pack up their camp on the lawn at city home consumers however were unmoved and went on a shopping spree breaking the black friday record spending more than eleven billion dollars nationwide but as you can find out on our teams the kaiser report in the next hour occupy wall street activists had some reason to cheer. i was read is winning hundreds of thousands of bankers and brokers are being laid off that's right there were the baxters that's what we're aiming for here is the right donald application go get a job president the article starts off introducing john brady the co head of m.f. global incorporated chicago office he's looking to join a firm now as he's lost his job that believes integrity and honesty are the single most important ingredients to success if you get a job as a florist or
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a dog walker or something like that where his ability to cause trouble is minimized . and question more online where you can find top news of the weekend featured stories there for you right now. to see punk band takes russia by storm selling out all their concert seeds across the country want to know more follow us on our t.v. dot com was. guilty as charged a court finds former u.s. president george w. bush and former british prime minister tony blair guilty of war crimes.
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five twenty right now here's more world news for you this hour in yemen the vice president has announced that presidential elections have been scheduled for february comes three days after president saleh agreed to step down from power after months of violent protests earlier protesters took to the streets angry at the former president and the spammer being granted immunity from prosecution yemen is the fourth arab state outstrips in there from the power in the arab spring. protesters in germany have clashed with police after trying to stop a controversial shipment of one hundred fifty tons of nuclear waste from france thousands of activists tried to prevent the carriages reaching their destination by blocking and damaging the railway track at least twenty thousand police and women on duty to ensure the safe arrival of the load to a storage facility. some amazing pictures now from switzerland where jet
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men leave for l.c. gave this incredible flying display using a unique tailor made jet pack the aviation enthusiasts left from a helicopter and performed a series of aerial acrobatics high above the alps even joined planes on a synchronize flight rossi's previous aerial antics include flying the english channel i looping the loop around the hot air balloon. eyes are also on a different kind of flying aiming to go much further all the way to mars nasa is biggest and most expensive robotic rover has taken off on the discovery mission from cape canaveral in florida the device make named curiosity is due to arrive at the mineral rich martian gale crater next august aims to search the planet for clues about whether mars has ever had a life supporting environment and. explains it's some russian kid that's going to be looking for those vital signs. a source of wild flights of imagination and of
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scientific speculation for centuries the right line it's getting there has never been easy and any missions have failed but hopes are high for this new radar it's called curiosity and it's due on most next year the science will board three on board should on so many questions first and foremost if there is going to be life on the red planet. one of the greatest mysteries of mars is that its surface streets with what looks like the readers and streams almost everyone agrees the early march was. with rivers and lakes and rains there was a theory that order reverberated together with the martian atmosphere we seem to have discovered it more sun started on it in the film frozen or. for this mission the russian scientists have created a unique device it will point the rover to places where water might have accumulated whether it's in ice or in cased in underground minerals as imagined in
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the blogosphere sayf items or recall. and here it is this ordinary case conceals the dynamic alveda of neutrons or simply banned to friends. it was no more than two packs of sugar and may not be much to look at but in fact it's an impressive piece of high tech hardware but the hardest thing for the magic is that this has been gal scale from pics based on bore hole equipment used to finding oil for the one meter long neutral generator has been turned into a small light and compact one. governor this is the heart of the device this tiny chip produces neutrons capable of penetrating up to one meter below the surface. enough there was about the challenge was to accommodate a divisor of onboard a spacecraft and were not only limited in way it also had to ensure all the
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hardships of interplanetary flight work and now need dan second half the hydrogen detector which will act as the probes act whenever gator. rover is like a small car and our devices restarted right headlights so the pulse neutral generator shoots go underground group if you have your hands or if liquid or frozen water is there which can then be measured without a director and the rover comes fully loaded seventeen high definition cameras aluminum wheels that can be steel independently and mount lasers uprise rock and a robotic arm to drill and scoop up samples among other instruments under the hood then you clear powered engine to give it the top calling speed of five centimeters per second for this arsenal once the dam device shows the right spot the lab will start its meticulous work and then kind will hold its breath for one of the most elusive answers in space exploration gary r.t.
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moscow and back to the holiday season and america artie's laurie her first asks people in new york just how much their spending habits have been hit by the global financial rollercoaster. tis the season and once again will this lousy economy affect your holidays this week let's talk about that in a moment it's ok not so much effected as to spend a lot of money for other european countries the moment yes so that's an effect i personally don't feel it doesn't know you can enjoy your holidays and shop in portugal is a lot of trouble there with the morning do you think people will have less shopping and different holidays not at all to me i mean all of those i'm from brazil so the economies are helping me there with their how is it how to go to travel you know
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i'm from brazil is a developing country. personally i don't it hasn't affected me too much i'm a real budgeter so as my income went down i just changed my budget so for me it hasn't been a huge problem is it just that the world is bad at budgeting i believe the world or america is very bad at budgeting you're not personally affected tell. me what that comfortable. clothes. i can buy anything apartment something but i think some people are not affected but i'm sure certain people are affected and so the countries like we're from singapore a i've got friends it's hard to find jobs and stuff like that but for us we see so you know as suspected as the ones that. are you scared that it's going to start if i think thing of poor more. but until then you're shopping and. i think it's
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a great thing it's almost like that's what got the economy into a bad place people spending money they didn't have right yet i think that in america we're trying to buy whether we have the money or not whether. very night your holidays will be affected by the economy this year the bottom line is the holidays aren't supposed to be about money so maybe cutting back this year will be a good thing. and i'll be back with an update in a few minutes still ahead for you this hour we have our teams technology update with a review of the latest scientific breakthroughs. in
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