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tv   [untitled]    November 27, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EST

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week's top stories here in r.t. the heat is turned up on egypt's ruling generals with hundreds of thousands protesting their ruined cairo square and of course the country it's leading to fears of more violence ahead of monday's parliamentary home. sounds the alarm of the u.s. in europe. that moscow will deploy rockets at the borders if washington's plan continues that guaranteeing russia safety. and fresh credit rating downgrade shake europe and even battles to control soaring interest rates and its
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runaway debt funding market the collapse is now imminent. we're watching our weekly news if you're welcome to the program one of egypt's main contenders for presidency. says he's ready to drop his candidacy and his offer to lead a unity government instead announcement comes after his meeting with the country's political groups which see a coalition cabinet as a only way out of the current crisis artie's reports this could lead to even more confrontation within egypt. the situation does remain tense now we've had an announcement by some sixteen egypt political groups who say they favor for their return to spread what they are calling a civil salvation government they've meant mohamed el baradei is
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a presidential candidate and he was also a name that was being bandied about earlier in the week as a possible first in the army might approach to be the prime minister as they hid all of this new government and there are profound names that have been named as his deputies a leading physician leading economists from anything politicians so you not have this is the most bizarre situation where you have a government that has been to create fear itself here while there's another government that has been declared by the army and it is worthwhile noting that the muslim brotherhood does not support mohamed el baradei in any way all of this is painting the scenario for growing internal why every day can only lead to more and waste the one thing that is happening against the backdrop of this political posturing is that the violence continues to climb one person was killed another food people were injured when protesters try to stop come out on the story who is the new prime minister that has been named by the army from entering a government building according to eyewitnesses the person who was killed was
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driven over by an army vehicles we're also hearing from eyewitnesses that there was a lot of tear gas fired by this acuity forces the military is going ahead with parliamentary elections on monday as i've stated it's named this new my minister come on our guns will reach its ears it will have presidential elections and face time experience june but this is not enough to satisfy the people and so people are seeing with this new prime minister is an attempt to form a government but again come out all guns will be comes from the mubarak era people here one of the one hands have slightly him full force some of the stuff he did when he was prime minister back in the ninety's i think that he has been tainted with the brush of mubarak and they are very suspicious of any kind of government he tries to and any kind of people he appoints within that government. are egypt's military leadership is feeding the nation promises of a democratic future some analysts believe that introducing reforms really on their gender. in the run up to election it's a very very sensitive period let's not forget the tactics that the police animal it
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feel to be using against these originally peaceful protesters the fact that they've opened fire with live rounds and also with this kind of what they call in c.s. gas which is put something like fifty to one hundred people in hospital god knows what chronic illnesses but they certainly should have been used this is the reason why so many people have turned out so angry i mean the military doesn't seem actually in control of their own police force the other thing about all this is that the former interior minister is potentially really serious criminal i think what's happening is that the military are actually reluctant to allow the democratic process to proceed in egypt because they know many of mubarak's former government and possibly some of them will be tried in pretty jail. by lance ministers from the arab league have agreed on the draft plan economic sanctions against syria the measures which are expected to be finalized later on sunday travel bag with countries senior officials he's in
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a government that sits on suspension of flights into the country it comes as the mascot's fail to respond to a deadline for it for observers to monitor how the government copes with. france meanwhile has become the first western country to suggest intervention economic basis but this criticism is pretext we are starting to mention. also the reports. people thanks to deliberate intervention of french president nicolas sarkozy badge a string of firsts for his country first call for nato to impose no fly zone over libya. first to officially recognize the opposition as libya's only legitimate government first to strike with libya now in the rearview mirror syria appears to be the next stop france is once again but first western nations suggest an international ground intervention in syria calling for a quote secured zone to protect civilians and first to endorse the exiled opposition syrian national council plans is
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a county where human thing governs and is very very popular agreement between most of the left and most of the right about and sarkozy as the savior of the intervention so it seems to me that the small even more aggressive than obama would be even though he doesn't have the military strength of the highlands and sweeping popularity at home is what suckles he needs if he intends to let the french decide his fate as president and that's what he told elections. president nicolas sarkozy talks about the syrian crisis he's popular in spoken to ricky because a you know he's really really. that situation when when it comes to the polls he's using certain phrases as a way to. try to be seen as provocative the way he was with libya but what the french government deems a success doesn't seem to be too promising for those living in the post after the
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era of violent clashes between rival militia groups have continued adding to the death toll a new u.n. report says that some seven thousand people are being held in libya detention centers controlled by militias with no access to courts or a functioning judiciary many are still armed scenario some warn it could be repeated in syria and once those regimes are overthrown a pound or a box is opened in other words chaos can be the result while one is always happy to see the end of brutal dictatorships and my own view is that these against these regime should come from the people themselves critics or france's latest move of raise a question of whether any foreign intervention in syria would actually and the upset a lot of countries have taken a slightly more cautious step it seems that the french leadership is putting its foot down and putting its fly over everyone else french assertion is not entirely welcome by syrians themselves a lot of it. actually would not welcome. turkish
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forces. with the regime and against warring intervention and for all the gains france get out of intervention in syria even critics wonder if it's really worth it but at least no one can argue about who said it first us or cilia r.t. brussels. but some analysts however think that foreign influence is already active in syria squads trained by western intelligence operating on the ground. the u.s. policy i think right now is to smash the middle east according to ethnic lines people complained that there are terrorist snipers who are shooting at civilians men women and children and blind terrorism random killing simply for the purpose of destabilizing the country i would not call this a civil war by any stretch of the imagination what you're dealing with here are death squads we're dealing here with terror commandos it's
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a joint production of. most. of the french after libya becoming a bloodbath with one hundred fifty thousand dead and now with egypt showing what it was all along it was no revolution it was a complete failure and now people are beginning to understand it notice that nevertheless mrs clinton and miss rice of the united nations are continuing to push this bankrupt discredited model of the color revolution the cia people power tool backed up by terrorist troops. but still ahead the tensions rising but it clashes that the cost of a order to force it's been built its head on a protest to break up despite promising to stay away from. us the masters of economic warfare take aim at iran as the u.s. hits tehran a fresh sanctions by canada and the. russia's
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president sent a strongly worded warning this week to western powers every plant they tell missile shield in europe we try to have said that the plans go ahead without guarantees of russia safety moscow will respond by applying missiles of its own as artie's a piece of the reports that speech also threatens to deal with that much want to deal cuts between russia and the u.s. . zero hope on all of the years of talk surrounding the united states' proposed missile shield in eastern europe russia says the u.s. still won't give i quit assurances over who will be targeted from time stern words from president made yes yes to each other measures are insufficient russia will deploy a contemporary strike systems in the west and south in order to prevent fire damage from u.s. missile systems could light in europe the deployment of the is going to missiles are still in accounting and region will be one a search step. there is also the possibility this could be real the learn more
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nuclear disarmament process agreed to going bush in the us. have got to give me an extract of a link between strategic offensive and defensive weapons reasons could emerge from russia that would rule from a strategic arms reduction treaty against people this is a vision within the content of the treaty russia or in the united states had hoped to reset relations between the years of drift during the bush administration remarks from president obama in two thousand and nine led to optimism that the missile defense program would be scaled down but the united states now plans to increase the amount of countries which will place missile defense systems all of those nations are in russia's backyard. to sure instance from washington that they would do no such thing and move the political analysts say is a game of brinksmanship with a potentially devastating outcome once one side has missile defenses courage that actually launch a first strike so this kind of movement these kinds of threats actually increase
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the chance of nuclear war washington maintains that it shield would protect against nuclear attack from so-called rogue states like iran who's following the systems development believe it only had one hundred one target the american version. directed against iran which is completely up surd every joke elliptical arrows this is directed against russia and this is not the obama administration this is a pentagon program there are also those who laid the blame for escalating this situation at the door of weapons manufacturers but i think it's being driven by. the military industrial complex and the united states. doesn't contracts to build these missiles the irony is that we have professors like that mit policy for no revenue at our people that's. say it could never actually work president medvedev
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stresses that russia remains open to dialogue with the united states and nato over missile defense issues but if that dialogue is to take place then a clear legal framework must exist saying who is the real target people over. but if nato continues to ignore moscow's warnings a new arms race is imminent constantine concept of the head of the state duma foreign affairs committee it is not russia who goes here it is the united states of america broadly nato goes ahead it is not about action this is about counter action we have to take certain measures in order to balance the eventual damage to the nuclear armament balance sense the duty which has existed until now in case they will proceed even nori russian princess unfortunately we will face
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another armory arms raised to reach russia definitely wants to. tehran says it's ready to hit a nato has missile defense network in turkey if threatened by military action the warning was made by high ranking military officials the country could open to new targets western pressure on the islamic republic has shown no sign of easing this week with us for a set of sanctions aimed directly at ground zero and question chemicals industry is also target the country's banking system that was described as a sense of money laundering and secretary of state clinton but i don't need an expert on this going to know makes told r.t. tends to influence sanctions but only goes to support for the current regime within the country. but when you bomb a country that unifies the population with the government even if they don't like the government any time you either take economic use economic warfare or actual
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warfare you're going to get a rally around the flag effect and sanctions are good for smart persuading nations to do small things but overthrowing governments or getting them to stop nuclear weapons when they live in a dangerous neighborhood it's just not going to work israel has nuclear weapons and other countries are working secretively to get nuclear weapons presumably so iran. feels threatened and when they feel threatened it will probably push the the population to support a regime that they wouldn't normally support. it without taking the still ahead this hour money down the drain billions of dollars. covering credit been spent in vain it's almost the same amount of what you think it's the only thing you can pay. and no suit is filed against him if you were in your. secret prisons the right side to speak out and if
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that's what you want in the bank. well this week or so in u.s. collation a four month standoff and possible. north. forces green trying to clear. these keepers were met with resistance used some sports class results dozens of injuries on both sides. and mr journalist says nato actions are blatant type aggression. k. four is a structure that was developed for against the united nations and developed for that which happened and you just after the west decided to pick it apart so there is a legal basis you know this you are for this but the legal basis comes more or less at the point of a gun i really don't see a justification for what's happening i just see one more act that's
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a pattern of blatant international aggression by nato in the united states possible has been a part of serbia for a long time. and kosovo and serbia did very well together with in yugoslavia until tensions were you know stirred up more or less by u.s. intelligence. but r.t. has been covering events in the north of course since the protests first letter of the summer you can find the correspondence reports and lists opinions on our website articles. also online today from a rising star to down and out point out how a man who once ran for governor in the u.s. ended up sleeping rough in ukraine he'd gone looking for the. likes of the dark when saddam hussein became stars of advertising the full version of the politics dot com. as the
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deadline approaches for the u.s. to withdraw its troops from iraq looks like it's not just soldiers leaving the country billions of dollars are reportedly been stolen from iraq during a military campaign. justice system is chasing petty crime by a ranking officers the people at the top to be immune from investigation. not everyone leaves the war zone empty handed the number of people indicted and convicted by the u.s. for bribery fraud and there in iraq and afghanistan has never been so high among those a marine in iraq who sent home forty three thousand dollars in stolen cash by hiding it in a foot locker among american flags a soldier who shipped thousands more concealed in a toy stuffed animal they can go after people to steal forty three thousand dollars all they want necessary ok they should go after him but what about on a larger scale in two thousand and six michael o'brien was tasked with helping
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build the iraqi military is says those who have pocketed mili is enjoyed complete impunity they rebuilt an iraqi army base and i'm telling you the condition of this space and this is just one example so deplorable it was so pathetic and when i asked the american construction project manager what did this cost how much money went into this i really thought he was going to say three million or five million one hundred sixteen million dollars. the commission on wartime contracting estimated that between thirty one to sixty billion dollars has been lost to waste and fraud in iraq and afghanistan that figures seem even more staggering considering the overall amount the u.s. has committed to rebuilding iraq roughly sixty two billion dollars we get around viewer and was the head of an iraqi reconstruction team working for the u.s.
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a department where the squandering of resources occurred at her small levels of thousand dollars a couple of thousand dollars here and there and zoomed all the way up into hundreds of millions of dollars that were spent on hospitals that never opened or prisons that never took any prisoners and the commission on wartime contracting is out of business now after congress caught its funding. the details of their probe see. until two thousand and thirty one they don't want certain people in high places. to come under scrutiny but the us congress wants to put the box all of our iraq invasion behind it the scope of the waste and fraud is enormous the u.s. justice system goes after individuals who have stolen a few thousand dollars here and there but not after the big players the big contractors that have really made a killing on the wars i'm going to check on reporting from washington our team. it's one of the toughest weeks yet for the european union as markets italy
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increasingly unfit to weather the storm the current economic climate interesting little is debt has hit seven point eight percent and i can prove just a few months ago that both the government has meltdowns and members ratings agencies have been forced to act on them because grading hungry portugal's that status warning of more to come the number of italian banks were also hit by that rating as you think is worse there to combat the crisis and investment advisor patrick young believes now is the time of tough decisions. right now and there is definitely are pople smell of fear in brussels over what's going on when you're in the euro parliament in the coffee shops the huddled corners our discussions about whether the euro really is going to survive in any shape or form this crisis is like a pandemic of financial panic because ultimately you have individuals who are managing
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pension funds for yourself or myself all over the world and when they wake up in the morning and they've got to go and do something with our money for the next five or ten years ultimately their their most important facet right now it is the keep that money see and as i'm sure you can appreciate nobody really feels see if in the euro zone germany either has to decide that it wants to be sickly take away the ball and threw a lot of other members out of the euro zone club because they view them as not being worthy of being membership or they're going to have to essentially bite their tongue and they're going to have to come forward and do something with the marketplace and in some way find a solution. well meanwhile new protests erupted in portugal one of the first e.u. states to force of austerity transport and public services were paralyzed as thousands rallied on to the streets to voice their opposition to the war cuts the organizers of the strike argue that it will still images team countries economy
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would sink even further. desperation to show its crisis management credentials as with tremendous pressure on israel to carry on with the cuts. and to fuel a growing exodus from the debt ridden country. now expect rita's ready to go leaving her home and has probably never being easier the capable he got why stay in portugal when we know that architects with five years' experience are paid just eight hundred euro's a month is a question a lot of young specialists have been asking themselves legally and a surprising answer may be to leave for portugal's former colonies like brazil just fallen through and has been rather stable they had their national truth and then a massive break up in the reconciliation process began so there will be support of civil construction companies especially and a lot of what she is still a construction company is winter and there currently they're very happy and go maybe you know something many portuguese are starting to view it at least as
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a present day. an african country rich some diamonds an oil resources presents an advertising opportunity for a lot of people who have lost hope of finding a decent job but hope from invite to ever i tell him moving abroad invariably says brill and then you get my job two friends of mine asked me to take their c.v. . according to some reports around ninety thousand portuguese are currently living in cooler compared with just ten thousand in two thousand to some go looking for better income but most are simply looking for something something better than the worse the situation is we simply i think salaries unfortunately are not the main reason and the main reason is the lack of opportunities in the portuguese markets due to the well to the crisis the mass exodus of portugal's young smart educated make returns the end of an era for the country a lot of specialized people where the higher the creation scientists brain drain as
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if you would call it that to go when we've abroad and study abroad and there's just stay there and of course we'll most likely never recover those human assets like rita we hardly think twice before moving abroad and his agent work for a decent salary far outweighing any possible future flying if you go straight to lisbon. the baltic states a little leeway may face trial in the hague for torture and the delegations that's been harboring a secret cia prison and started a lawsuit filed by a terror suspect who was locked up without charge by the u.s. government a decade. as the story terror suspect abu zubaydah now at guantanamo a prisoner has been in washington's hands for almost a decade the a legit al qaeda recruiter has not been charged with anything just yet however he claims that crimes were in fact committed against him during his interrogation by
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the cia there is evidence. from there in our government reports and also from reports of the international committee for the red cross the couple who bear was tortured in the hands of the cia. he was subjected to very cruel treatment for example people mock executions and waterboarding which is what i'm not drowning. he seems to have every reason to hold a grudge against washington but from behind bars of the by the file the rather surprising lawsuit against sleeth waning yeah he claims that in two thousand and five he was held in a secret cia prison in the baltic state in plenty of bears responsibility for its role in facilitating the operation of the cia program i was obey the request of the european court to recognize him as a victim of and forced disappearance secret detention and torture plain and
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territory a secret cia prison in a small country in central europe that may seem like a conspiracy theory to sun but not since he was right activists when they have cia planes landing in the field to be have the records of conversation between the fenian security officials and between him and top politicians. you don't have to argue about the prison it was clear the question is how many people were brought and most probably cloture moreover when your authorities did not even deny that there were secret cia facilities on their soil for some reason though they are refusing to comment on the bulls abiders lawsuit mr pilots these bullies are simply scared and they knew where to accept people who maybe tortured them with renia and that was twice as bad as it could be but they were responsible
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officials from the united states m. m. from including george w. bush should be brought to international hate for crimes against humanity against prisoners it may take months for the biters lawsuit to bring any results but even at this early stage it has highly explosive potential say experts as it may trigger actions in other european countries poland macedonia and romania along with little. and you have all been accused of having cia prisons on their territory and it's the first time that their former detainee has decided to file a lawsuit against the country and experts are now speculating what the possible consequences of this case may be let's see reporting from vilnius lithuania well coming up shortly our special report looks at why in a world of plenty so many hungry eyes off the headlines.
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