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tv   [untitled]    November 27, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EST

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stories herron are taking the heat is turned up on egypt's ruling generals with hundreds of thousands protesting their ruined square and across the country it's leading to fears of violence ahead of monday's parliamentary hall. sounds the alarm over the u.s. . in europe estimate get more skilled at the borders in washington's continues. russia safety. and fresh credit rating downgrade straight from europe the e.u. battles to control soaring interest rates and its runaway debt. lapse is now imminent. life in the heart of the russian capital this is our weekly news review one of egypt's main presidential contenders says he's ready to drop his candidacy and lead
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a unity government instead baradei announcement comes after he met political groups which see a coalition cabinet as the only way forward but. reports the worry is it could cause even more confrontation within egypt. the situation doesn't maintain now we have an announcement find some sixteen is just a little silly to say that they have given such a clear what they are calling a civil salvation government they've named mohammed el baradei is a presidential candidate and it was also a name that was being bandied about earlier in the week as a possible person the army might approach to be the prime minister as the head of this new government and there are high profile names that have been named as his deputies a leading position leading economists and leading politicians who do not have the most bizarre situation where you have a government that has been declared here while there's another government that has been declared by the army and it is worthwhile noting that the muslim brotherhood
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does not support mohamed el baradei in any way all of this is painting the scenario for growing internal why every that can only lead to more and waste the one thing that is happening against the backdrop of this political posturing is that the violence continues to climb one person was killed another school people were injured when protesters tried to stop come out al gonzales who is the new prime minister that has been named by the army from entering a government building according to eyewitnesses the person who was killed was driven over by an on easy arkell's we're also hearing from eyewitnesses that there was a lot of jets fired by the security forces the ministry is going ahead with parliamentary elections on monday as i stated its name this new prime minister come out our guns will read it says it will have presidential elections and say fine next to june that this is not enough to satisfy the people and so he was missing with his new prime minister is an attempt to form a government but again come out all guns will we come from the mubarak era people
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here while on the one hand have likened him with some of the stuff he did when he was prime minister back in the ninety's they they think that he has been tainted with the brush of mubarak and they are very suspicious of any kind of government he tries to form and any kind of people he appoints within that government. well she's porous they reporting from corner of it well so far egypt for every revolution the hasn't brought the reforms the people wanted but has instead tended to frustration political commentator mark and then believes that's because the remnants of mubarak's old regime remain. all that it really succeeded in doing was removing one dictator while the program and the plan and the system remains the same and so for this reason apart from other possible involvement of the outside forces this is the reason why we see the type of unrest taking place in egypt i do not believe that the arab spring was solely a grass roots movement outside of outside influence that there were not elements
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involved in it we know that the united states and great britain and israel had spies on the ground in all of these countries where these revolutions were taking place we know that there were various groups tied to the cia that were responsible for training many of these young revolutionaries so in that regard i don't consider that the arab spring has done anything well to libya and where the most prominent son the former the the mother duffy is awaiting justice the country's new rule is promised saif will be treated fairly but there's deep skepticism over that as well have been it ripples. say feliz long get daffy he's a man with a lot to say he's the last chance the world has to know how they get their fee regime turned from public enemy number one to bosom buddies with britain and the other western powers but the international criminal court in the hague says it's
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not going to extradite him allowing libya to try him instead with libyan officials already calling for the death penalty many fear it's a tactic to keep those dirty secrets hidden forever that's a controlled forum where the the western interests look at look at what happened with the trial of the loss of it you can be sure that the information that the khadafi family has about the relationships between gadhafi and the cia over decades will not come out safe gadhafi was his father's right hand man and the crucial mediating go between with the west he enjoyed a playboy lifestyle in london counting tony blair peter mandelson and prince andrew amongst his pals there are even reports he was entertained at buckingham palace this is where safe gadhafi was given a place to study i want to london's top universities because even invited back here to give a speech as recent as last year was introduced by his old professor as someone who
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looks to democracy civil society and deep liberal values for the core of his inspiration a far cry from the good that his previous role as international pariah is libya's oil wealth meant it had a lot to give some details of what britain won in return have already emerged safe get their fees album art it was given one and a half million pounds by his charitable foundation as part of a deal to educate hundreds of libya's future civil servants and it wasn't just britain according to gadhafi libya funded nicolas sarkozy's path to the presidency but they get that he's fall from favor was sudden and spectacular according to safe their former friends have been trying. to cover up any links since turning against them desperate to stave off a trial at the international criminal court. and a little of what they are trying to negotiate with us a deal to get of this day and we will take care of the court what does it mean it
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means is at its core is controlled by those countries which attack us but then i don't think it's going to be in anyone's interest for this to come out of the new government to maybe one blood that's my reading of it europe want silence and wants to do is move on a chapter because of course the hypocrisy in the double dealing of your foot the one hand condemning human rights abuses rather limited kind of wide at the same time deporting gadaffi as enemies back to libya who were tortured almost at the very point when tony blair was meeting gadhafi in the tent so i think there's an awful lot of truths that ought to come out and i really doubt it ever will if you search your cause i see libya insists it's capable of giving a fair trial despite its judicial system not being independent for over forty years is still unclear where safe gadaffi will be trying to rival ruling factions of
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fighting over who gets to exact revenge for the death penalty likely it seems safe gadhafi and his secrets will be silenced on the bennetts artsy london. arab league finance ministers have agreed a draft plan to tighten economic screws against syria sanctions are expected to be finalized later on sunday a travel ban and senior officials freezing government assets and suspending flights into the country to mask has failed to respond to a deadline to let in the front observers to monitor the government's methods against civil unrest france meanwhile has been the first western country to suggest an intervention. scientists there has told r.t. he believes syria is not far from seeing military interference. things said probably not settled yet although the temptation to intervene it's. already forces at work maybe military bases in turkey so there is a strike towards
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a good type situation but with key differences with what existed at the un security council and also on the ground for libya there was no stop to the intervention because there was a un resolution which is of course to figley for a little bit intervention but this time it's very unlikely that the trail leads will be provided by the un or so ahead this hour the peacekeepers accused of stirring up trouble but it clashes that the possible border. forces him to head down a test a road block despite promising to stay away. russia's president sent a strong warning to nato countries this week over their planned european missile shield we commit yet have said if it goes ahead of that guarantees of russia safety moscow will deploy its own defensive missiles but it's put on ever explains one casualty russia and united states much vaunted nuclear cuts. euro hope
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on top of the years of talk surrounding the united states proposed missile shield in eastern europe russia says the u.s. still won't give adequate assurances over who will be targeted prompting stern words from president made yet of yes repeat it if other measures are insufficient russia will deploy contemporary strike systems in the west and south in order to prevent fire damage from the u.s. missile systems we've got lloyd in europe and this is the deployment of the is going to missile system in accounting or a region will be one a search step. there is also the possibility this could derail the landmark nuclear disarmament process agreed to play russian the u.s. . but got to give me an extra couple link between strategic offensive and defensive weapons yet reasons could emerge for russia's withdrawal from the strategic arms reduction treaty gonski this is a vision within the content of the treaty rusher in the united states had hoped to reset relations between the years of drift during the bush administration remarks
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from president obama in two thousand and nine led to optimism that the missile defense program would be scaled down puts the united states no plans to increase the amount of countries which would replace missile defense systems all of those nations are in russia's backyard going against assurances from washington that they would do no such thing a move that political analysts say is a game of brinksmanship with a potentially devastating outcome once one side has missile defense playing courage that sidetracked to launch a first strike so this kind of movement these kinds of threats actually increase the chance of a nuclear war washington maintains that it shield would protect against nuclear attack from so-called rogue states like iran those following the systems development believe it only ever had one target young american version it's directed against iran which is completely absurd every joke little analysts know
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this is directed against russia and this is not the obama administration this is a pentagon program there are also those who laid the blame for escalating this situation at the door of weapons manufacturers but i think it's being driven by. the military industrial complex and the united states that's getting billions of dollars in contracts to build these missiles the irony is that we have professors like. ted postol on the red military people that's. hey it could never actually work president medvedev stresses that russia remains open to dialogue with the united states and nato over missile defense issues but if that dialogue is to take place then a clear legal framework must exist saying who is the real target peter all of a r.t. moscow. well the stumbling block appears to me entrenched idea is one political scientist told r.t. that american russia found it hard to overcome the cold war mentality despite the
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best intentions we are back to square one and i think the biggest deficits despite was exchanging jury summits between russia and the united states is a deficient of confidence and is just simply from there too and he's just saying we've i think basically you have no walk looming and i think that they are sincere when they see the day when they want to change their vision and they want to move on after the fall school and strong but their confidence is not there and so easy to be one diffuse a problem especially a problem of this kind everybody tend to return to the over it or a new. still ahead this hour a safe haven for fascists the case of a nazi war criminal as a free man in the baltics facing questions over why some countries. find crimes.
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quickly. place with very closely throughout the. strike. russia's biggest political group united russia is about to kick off its convention. the country's two most influential politicians among its ranks the party's likely to unveil plans for next. elections and the presidential vote in three months time. is at the conference for us now and if you know how will today shape up then. we'll be talking about the see the future of the country but all eyes meet one of them it's widely believed that next sunday's parliamentary lucky to be at least has a prime minister who today because of voters will go to the polls not through looks like a miracle to know that he accepted it was that it's
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a mistake to run the presidency in march twenty third into the most recent polls that we can expect from next sunday's elections here you know as a result we need to reach for something to vote on two hundred fifty seats in the state duma somebody to help the russian involvement the second. that was. speeches on the future program of the countries ruling party united russia not just my job is the second part of that major conventional eleven of the previous convention at making. what's made that like him or isn't is most likely he will take the country still job option march twentieth while the like not going to the results all those monsters all the other parties according to them but each less than one percent of the vote let me and rush up
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seventy percent of the opposite side of the couple are tell me not to rush at least talk to me and that the upcoming elections are lining up to be one of the worst was as well but it was good to have. indeed those elections. for the country is going to. tell you not so proud to strike a match in the state. meanwhile the. change shows up do not show the real picture and the party still remains the most favorite one with the borders well the spokesman for blood immigration said but those are temporarily fluctuations and not significant changes and that when i'm done waiting for his business have been worse because these doesn't mean we see any stimulus for a good month for a change. we expect today that. is what they will most likely focus on
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is that the united russia should not only gain the should not only become the first day in the parliamentary elections they have to understand that it is on the whole priority of the ruling party may have to get a constitutional majority not to be able to the other possible all the supposed to bills going to drug bills by the government and trying to use changes to the constitution to ensure that majority they need to win at least three hundred seats in the state duma so most likely of let him akutan will be urging the toll brothers of the party to strike for a maximum seems so. but a pact to hold behind you there are lots going on the court with a victory next week me. for the future of united russia or the future of the united russia that would mean that if you believe in the new chairman of the country's ruling party and as i said we'll see expecting him to deliver to deliver members of the convention with the speech to the first thing we have to expect from him if he
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takes up the job of prime minister that he is or shuffling of a cabinet of ministers we know that in the past that have been bylaws to not do that in certain areas such as bad things minding your own homeless states most likely to be new program offered to meet him and then he was awarded that work we're not rushing to the next five years behind the states will be the opportunity to do least with his liberal reforms and he has stood with hamas over the long term and short term plan to ensure that this strategy has not changed and it's still in the line with what has been happening in the country over the past five years four years with the president so his speech will most likely was on the work done for the government and for the country during which the nod to russia will definitely. be among the trover there at a lively convention i thank you for that. well that was an
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escalation in the four month standoff in cost of a populated north this week ethnic protest to say nato forces broken agreement by trying to peddle their roadblocks along peacekeepers were met with resistance in response to gas resulting in dozens of injuries on both sides antiwar activists says sections of the aggressive. carry for. i'm struck that was developed for you know it's the united nations and developed for that which happened in yugoslavia after the west decided to pick. it apart so there is a legal basis you know the shore for this but the legal basis comes more or less at the point of a gun i really don't see a justification for what's happening i just see one more act that's a pattern of blatant international aggression by nato in the united states cos of
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all has been a part of serbia for a long time and kosovo and serbia did very well together within yugoslavia until tensions were you know stirred up more or less by u.s. intelligence. it's been one of the toughest weeks yet for the european union as markets deem. fit to weather the current economic storm interest in italy's debt has hit seven point eight percent on just a few months ago and above the level that triggered about downs and other eurozone nations shockwave saw ratings agencies downgrade hungry and portugal's debt to junk status. as well to. tighten banks were also dealt a ratings blow as e.u. leaders pledged more cuts to combat the crisis but in the euro crack capital of brussels leading by example doesn't seem to be taking hold. any reports. this is become a familiar sight in the streets of europe symptomatic of the euro crisis and now it
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seems that the tide of discontent is rising within the plush halls of the vast european commission bureaucracy the. staff unions are threatening to go on strike after rejecting a proposal by the commission or the e.u. civil service to save a one billion euros over seven years by reducing pensions increasing working hours from thirty seven point five to forty a week raising the retirement age limiting pay rises and cutting five percent of jobs. they get a one point eight three rise. and they say it's a union representing lower paid staff says the media tends to lump them with the fat cats who get most of the e.u. gravy train he wants the highest salaries of those at the top to be slashed instead the commissioners have privileges which in the normal stopped on time. do not contribute to their pensions we pay eleven point six percent and they do not
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contribute anything but some politicians are astonished at the notion of a strike by officials they claim are featherbed while ordinary workers are losing their jobs and face hardship they get excellent health care free education. for their children to private schools here wonderful pension deal and you wonder people listening to this at home looking or. perhaps earning working with these guys a grumbling because they're being asked to work. while they're perfectly within their rights to contest the proposed changes to their working conditions or raises eyebrows is the fact that they're complaining at a time when millions of e.u. citizens are bearing the brunt of harsh but steady measures imposed by the very same institutions they work for not to mention the twenty three million who don't even have jobs to speak of to remove water to perks to suggest that perhaps they take a slightly lower percentage increase is hardly going to break the world to an end
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still union members are adamant they're getting the short end of the stick. you know putting everything on the show does the secretary's we think that the center we've got is much too high and we would like to close that. many of us would be ready to pay for it but whether european taxpayer share the same willingness to sustain the benefits of their civil servants in brussels at a time when they themselves are forced to accept a sturdy measures is another question tess or sylvia r.t. brussels. bureaucrats who rushed to protect their pay renewed protests erupted in portugal when the first member states to feel the full force of austerity transport and public services were paralyzed as thousands of cuts. that will stand to continue the country would sink even further using desperation on its assessment of tensions as between
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a huge question just as it is greece is financial on this next. states into submission is about to leave its mark. the arrow was supposed to restore peace and harmony i'm in the euro zone but they're breaking down along country by country divisiveness once again and this can't end good because these countries let's not forget have spent hundreds of years at each other's throats now we're back at it you have to understand this is a systemic problem that requires a total re architecting of the system and a total execution in one way or another all of these factors that are just predatory leeches a cancer on the system they add no value they simply make things worse if they can profit from the chaos they're trying to refloat trillions of debt and say it's a brand new day and look great for about maybe twenty minutes but then we'll be back to exactly where we were where we started which is a massive debt deal leveraging sovereignty being lost amongst all these euro zone
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countries and predatory i.m.f. bankers on the loose rogue bankers looking to destabilize countries for a quick buck. total failure of justice that's how an israeli human rights group sees a stone is recent decision not to bring one of the world's most wanted nazi war criminals to trial six you know just the reports it's just that they just couldn't sustain multiple states approach to fascism. mikhail ghosh coffee is rated eighth in simon wiesenthal list of most wanted nazi war criminals but when you post this in which he participated in the murder of three thousand jews in baton rouge in the one nine hundred forty s. and what documents proving it were provided for the estonian authorities as well because then you know a story is anti-fascist committee says the proof of god's course atrocities in a better russian concentration camp is solid and undoubted but instead of seeing off his days from behind bars he now lives the life of
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a free man in this baltic state school. got to go of was deported from the u.s. and stripped of u.s. citizenship that says a lot doesn't it give him shelter and try to hide. under international pressure the authorities had to initiate an investigation. however the probe brought no results after months of investigation is still only in authorities closed the case a well grounded doubt remains that they got a score of mentioned in the material is not the me i am going to school who isn't present a citizen of the republican isto near the case will be closed as it has been impossible for the investigative team to find any additional evidence the decision raised eyebrows in israel at first but then simon wiesenthal center recalled which country they were dealing with called washington spoke to the people who handle this prosecution united states and asked them whether there was any doubt regarding his
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a belly and they said no none whatsoever now this doesn't surprise me personally because for the last fifteen years i've been dealing with the estonians these stories have totally failed in terms of prosecuting criminals and it's clear that there's absolutely no political will to bring these people to justice. and the go to school story is not a one off case from sanctioning s.s. veterans marches to glorifying former nazi collaborators this has been tolerance policy for the past decade recently this man made just about every had line in a story almost on the scale of a national holiday the country marked the ninetieth birthday of the only remaining holder of the iron cross one of the highest medals of nazi germany sixty five years ago the new tribunals sentenced the nazi leadership to either executions or prison terms this trial of history was meant to get rid of fanaticism for good but the s.s. marches in baltic states and other cases of rehabilitation of fascism nowadays suggest
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that history lessons have not been fully learned. ski reporting from tallinn in a stone year. but there's plenty more so ahead for you this hour including the latest news from the russian football premier league it's an r.t.s. sports bulletin about fifteen minutes to. recap this week's headlines for you in just a moment. well
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into the future. or in more mouths to feed but where will the food come from can science provide the answers to the future of food under the microscope. we've got the future covered. to the global economy.


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