tv [untitled] November 27, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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a. day's news of the week's main stories from our t.v. taria in turmoil the most violent clashes since the egyptian revolution during more than a week of protests with growing calls from other true rulers to go ahead of monday's election. from defiant to defendant colonel gadhafi is most influential son will stand trial in libya despite concerns that the judicial system is a shambles there and he may not get a fair trial. russia get stood over the landing a u.s. missile shield in eastern europe as president medvedev warns of deploying strike systems unless moscow's assured it's not a target. and limit putin's formally selected as the ruling united russia party
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candidate to run for president next week. welcome this is r.t. it's now one am here in moscow you're watching the weekly with me kevin zero in its around up of the top stories from us for the past seven days and we started in egypt where the military leaders one of grave consequences if the crisis doesn't end it comes just a day before the country's first parliamentary election since the fall of hosni mubarak the muslim brotherhood branded a terrorist movement but some countries claims it set to win the majority of seats and he's in this in now as more from tahrir square. but when you talk to people here on talk here about the muslim brotherhood most of them talk about it as their revolution being hijacked because the organization is very well organized itself they claim that they're going to win some forty percent of the votes on monday's
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election and they're a movement that is really use this revolution to mobilize people here on the square angry about that and in fact some analysts that we've been speaking to people around the globe feel but if they do come into power there's a very big chance of that but it could serve as a pretext for some kind of similar nato mission here in egypt as we saw perhaps in libya if the people fight them in the people by the media and they off a very popular. of course if that was to happen then you could see in a few years' time. all the british press western press talking about how well for the regime is there how dangerous it is and then you're back to a situation a game where there's discussions about nato airstrikes against egypt and then of course there's the news that the former head of the u.n. nuclear watchdog. is really going to give up his name on the ballot for the presidential elections to take over and run emergency government here in egypt
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people here are very supportive of that so in terms of the popularity of the muslim brotherhood and the support for all barrett i'm back would be another situation where we see some kind of tension or clashes between those two factions there's a sense now that anything can happen at any moment it is fairly quiet we're expecting a much bigger markets throughout sunday and then into monday what happened here over the past week has really changed the game here easy people are furious and one september there were protests and people were still saying that nothing has changed that's gaffers just like mubarak people are still in positions and egypt has not seen its promise democracy people now are marching more determined to make things change and that's going to play. into access to our real sense of the security situation i want people are going tomorrow not just because they feel like it's your first because they're afraid that it might be too dangerous to go to the polls . and this is now reporting for us from cairo she's also covering the latest
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developments in tahrir square on to it as you get to hear it as we do from in this a rights that medical personnel and ambulances are gathering in the square you see the case of violence does break out on the eve of the parliamentary vote so far those reported choir follow her for more updates and this is to the tag on the screen as you can see there. it's not just egypt's fate is being decided in cairo but syria's future as well league members have on sunday approved on president economic sanctions against damascus over its crackdown on protesters the measures were voted for by nineteen out of the twenty two nations a. travel ban though on senior officials also the freezing of deals with the syrian central bank and the suspension of flights into the country damascus has already condemned the move as a betrayal of arab solidarity meantime violence continued sunday with syrian activists saying at least eleven people were killed across the country all the webster tarpley says the revolution in syria and elsewhere in the arab world is
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nothing more but a well planned spy agency set up. the about the u.s. policy i think right now is to smash the middle east according to ethnic lines people complained that there are terrorist snipers who are shooting at civilians men women and children and blind terrorism random killing simply for the purpose of destabilizing the country i would not call this a civil war by any stretch of the imagination what you're dealing with here are death squads you're dealing here with terror commandos it's a joint production of. six most the deja of the french after libya becoming a bloodbath with one hundred fifty thousand dead and now with egypt showing what it was all along there was no revolution there it was a complete failure and now people are beginning to turn to stare that notice that
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nevertheless mrs clinton and miss rice at the united nations are continuing to push this bankrupt discredited model of the color revolution the cia people power cruel backed up by terrorist groups a website we're asking if you believe there's a need to set up this humanitarian corridor in syria that france is asking for this is what you've been telling us in response to the overwhelming majority yet still seventy three percent saying such a mission would be just another name for regime change thirty percent of you think it's long overdue similar amount if you think the west simply has no money for the minority believe the situation really isn't that bad at this stage dot com is the place to have your say. in libya moammar gadhafi son of one time heir apparent saif al islam awaits trial for war crimes court gave in to the new libyan rulers demands this week that he should be tried on home soil instead of the hague that's despite warnings that a fair trial is unlikely because the country judicial system is in disarray as
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ati's other bennett found. say fell islam gadhafi is a man with a lot to say he's the last chance the world has to know how they get their fee regime turned from public enemy number one to bosom buddies with britain and the other western powers but the international criminal court in the hague says it's not going to extradite him allowing libya to try him instead with libyan officials already calling for the death penalty many fear it's a tactic to keep those dirty secrets hidden forever that's a controlled forum where the the western interests look at look at what happened with the trial of a lot of it you can be sure that the information that the gadhafi family has about the relationships between gadhafi and the cia over decades will not come out good that he was his father's right hand man the crucial mediating go between with the
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west he enjoyed a playboy lifestyle in london counting tony blair peter mandelson and prince andrew amongst his pals there are even reports he was entertained at buckingham palace this is where safety that he was given a place to study i want to london's top universities because even invited back here to give a speech as recent as last year was introduced by his old professor as someone who looks to democracy civil society and liberal values for the core of his inspiration a far cry from the good that his previous role as international pariahs libya's oil wealth meant it had a lot to give some details of what britain want in return have already emerged safe get their fees album art it was given one and a half million pounds by his charitable foundation as part of a deal to educate hundreds of libya's future civil servants and it wasn't just britain according to gadhafi libya funded nicolas sarkozy's path to the presidency but they get that he's fall from favor was sudden and spectacular according to save
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their former friends have been try. to cover up any links since turning against them desperate to stave off a trial at the international criminal court. and a little of what they are trying to negotiate with us a deal of this the we will take care of the court what does it mean that means is the court is controlled by those countries. which attack us with and i don't think it's going to be in anyone's interest for this to come out of the new government in maybe one blood that's my reading of it europe wants silence and wants to do is move on a chapter because of course the hypocrisy in the double dealing of europe with the one hand condemning human rights abuses rather limited kind of wide the same time deporting gadaffi as enemies back to libya who were tortured almost at the very point when tony blair was meeting gadhafi in the tent so i think there's an awful
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lot of truths that ought to come out and i really doubt it ever will. you serve god. libby insists it's capable of giving a fair trial despite its judicial system not being independent for over forty years is still unclear where safe get that he will be trying to rival the ruling factions of fighting over who gets to exact revenge for the death penalty likely it seems safe to death and his secrets will be silenced either bennett artsy london. still ahead for you this hour euro kratz impress or say the euro crisis is taking its toll on everyone including them. what raises eyebrows is the fact that they're complaining at a time when millions of new citizens are bearing the brunt of harsh and steady measures imposed by the very same institutions they work for so we look at what's made the e.u. commission this one happy and compare the scale of their hardship with that of
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ordinary citizens in europe crippled nations also. what to expect next from iran as the islamic republic said his diplomatic ties with britain now we look at how further international pressure on to rand. also a safe haven for fascists we examine the case of a nazi war criminal who lives as a free man in the baltics raising questions over why some countries avoid pursuing the. crimes past. russia's president sent a strong signal to nato countries this last week over their planned european missile defense shield to me said if it goes ahead without guaranteeing russia's safety moscow will deploy its own missiles although he says the door for dialogue remains open peter all of it reports. hope. of the years of talks surrounding the united states proposed missile shield in eastern europe russia says the u.s. still won't give adequate assurances over who will be targeted prompting stern
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words from president made yet if. other measures are insufficient russia will deploy contemporary strike systems in the west in order to prevent further damage from u.s. missile systems deployed in europe the deployment of the is going to missile system in the coming year and region will be one such step. there is also the possibility this could derail the landmark nuclear disarmament process agreed to by russia and the us would have got to give me an extra couple link between strategic offensive and defensive weapons reasons could emerge from russia's withdrawal from the strategic arms reduction treaty this is a vision within the content of the treaty rusher in the united states had hoped to reset relations between the years of drift during the bush administration remarks from president obama in two thousand and nine led to optimism that the missile defense program would be scaled down but the united states now plans to increase the amount of countries which will place missile defense systems all of those
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nations are in russia's backyard going against assurances from washington that they would do no such thing a move that political analysts say is a game of brinksmanship with a potentially devastating outcome once one side has missile defense playing courage that sidetracked trying to launch a first strike so this kind of movement these kinds of threats actually increase the chance of a no clear war washington maintains that shield would protect against nuclear attack from so-called rogue states like iran those following the systems development believe it only ever had one target the american version it's directed against iran which is called politically upsurge every joke all it's a collateral it's no this is directed against russia and this is not the obama administration this is a pentagon program and there are also those who laid the blame for escalating this
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situation at the door of weapons manufacturers but i think it's being driven by the the military industrial complex and the united states that's getting billions of dollars in contracts to build these missiles the irony is that we have professors like that and ted postol on the red military people that. say it could never actually work stresses that russia remains open to dialogue with the united states and nato over missile defense issues but if that dialogue is to take place then a clear legal framework must exist saying who is the real target peter all of a moscow but in a putin's officially been chosen as the candidate to represent russia's biggest political party at next year's presidential election at the united russia convention here in moscow the prime minister outlined the direction he'd like to take if elected next march. conference now with some vision
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to. run to seek reelection as president in this country in several months from now he had been russia's president for two terms from two thousand to two thousand and eight according to the constitution one cannot keep the top job for three terms in a row that you'd like to make would you in the upcoming presidential vote will be the first leader in modern russia to keep this post for six years today in his speech he was talking about the way the election process is going on in this country he said that some of the criticism from the opposition is justified but he also warned the meaning specially when we're on the west end he said that in the first place elections in this country is a domestic affair of. i know that representatives of some foreign states pay money to so-called receivers of grants and instruct them how to do certain activities to influence the election campaign in the country in the long run it is as people say a waste of time and a waste of money firstly because judas is not the most respected character in the
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bible and secondly they should rather channel this money into settling their state debt and cut short an effective and costly foreign policy our foreign partners will be better to unite their efforts with us to fight against the challenges and threat to the modern world. many described as upcoming sunday's moment elections as a legal status for prime minister because popularity in this country the most recent public opinion polls show that united russia remains number one party in this country we were fifty three were sound and all the voters supporting the party of all opposition meanwhile claims that united russia party is popularity is dropping steadily and that set me up coming though it is lining up to be one of its enormous performances ever in prime minister vladimir putin knowledge that problems do exist in the united russia party but he also warns that by defeat of the ruling party would mean that the country could plunge into an academic crisis similar to the crisis which has great the whole of europe now and he said that it was only
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thanks to united russia's maturity in the last elections that russia survived the economic crisis of two thousand and eight and two thousand and nine. but from the university of london told us he believes putin can bring stability and protect the country's interests. if you look back to two thousand russia was in crisis because of the mad nine hundred ninety s. and putin gave russia stability and he give it respect and that was very very important during the period he was he was president in two thousand two thousand and eight he gradually became harder and he fell out with practically everyone he represents if you like russian nationalists line the outside world doesn't really like that russia is enormously rich in hydrocarbons and minerals this will give russia a seat at the top table they are child world rather nervous about that especially the united states and the european union because at this time there are very weak
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they are weaker than the been some twenty forty five so therefore russia at present if it has a strong leader and putin is a strong leader will be in a position to drive russia's russian forward and. arrange certain things according to russia's interests at r.t. dot com right now some stories for you might be interested in he's his snake wielding chicken throwing heavy metal door master on stage but we reveal the list cooper is the perfect husband would you believe it artie catches up with them to hear about the domestic bliss of the good life of being a member of rock royalty all revealed from us and also online in ukraine was not your story yes to even catch it there were aspiring american politician who was promised the love of a good woman is left literally lying in the gutter three sad story it's the romance that's more bitter than sweet but it's at r.t. dot com as well tonight catch up with that.
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last week was another tough week for the european union with italy's borrowing costs reaching record highs well above the levels that triggered meltdown in other e.u. nations the shah. news pushed the euro to a seven week low ratings agencies also downgraded hungary portugal and belgium a number of italian banks were also told ratings blow to as a you led leaders pledge the more cuts to combat the crisis before the euro crush capital of brussels leading by example it seems it's not a popular idea to use tests or a similar fact that. this is become a familiar sight in the streets of europe symptomatic of the euro crisis and now it seems that the tide of discontent is rising within the plush halls of the vast european commission bureaucracy. staff
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unions are threatening to go on strike after rejecting a proposal by the commission or the e.u. civil service to save a one billion euros over seven years by reducing pensions increasing working hours from thirty seven point five to forty a week raising the retirement age limiting pay rises and cutting five percent of jobs but the other day they get one point eight a rise. and they say it's a union representing lower paid staff says the media tends to lump them with the fat cats who get most from the e.u. gravy train he wants the highest salaries of those at the top to be slashed instead the commissioners have privileges which in the normal stop don't turn. do not contribute to their pensions we pay eleven point six percent and they do not contribute anything but some politicians are astonished at the notion of a strike by officials they claim are featherbed it while ordinary workers are losing their jobs and face hardship they get excellent health care free education
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for their children to private schools here wonderful pension deal and you wonder people listening to this at home looking or. perhaps earning working ten hours a day these guys are grumbling because they are being asked to work eight hours a day. while they're perfectly within their rights to contest the proposed changes to their working conditions what raises eyebrows is the fact that they're complaining at a time when millions of you citizens are bearing the brunt of harsh and sturdy measures imposed by the very same institutions they work for not to mention the twenty three million who don't even have jobs to speak of to remove what are to perks to suggest that perhaps they take a slightly lower percentage increase is hardly going to bring the world to an end still union members are adamant they're getting the short end of the stick. you know putting everything on the shoulders of the secretaries we think that the sooner we got is much too high and we would like to close that gap. many of us
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would be ready to pay for it but whether european taxpayer share the same willingness to sustain the benefits of their civil servants in brussels at a time when they themselves are forced to accept a steady measures is another question tesser cilia r.t. brussels iran's parliament approved the cutting of diplomatic ties with britain withdrawing or a bus to from london the decision comes less than a week after the u.k. bad this financial institution for business was to run it was part of a new wave of sanctions that western countries including the u.s. imposed over its alleged nuclear weapons program there are fears that such punishing measures will only provoke around for. all the signs are looking exactly like they looked in the period of two thousand and one to two thousand and three here in the us with this you know drumbeat of hysteria and. weapons of mass destruction if you really want to get a country to get
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a nuclear weapon then just keep threatening it with attack the sanctions will probably have a negative effect on the us goals of trying to drive a wedge between people in their government i think what you'll see in iran is probably something similar with the rallying by people to their government and to the you know nationalistic feelings when they're under attack from countries like the united states and israel. when the world's most wanted nazi war criminals remains a free man in europe israel's leading human rights group this week random to study a decision not to break the trial as a complete failure of justice but it's not the first time a stone has been accused of harboring fascists as i. explained. coffee is rated eighth in simon wiesenthal list of most wanted nazi war criminals but when you put this in which he participated in a murder of three thousand jews and bill roost in the one nine hundred forty s.
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documents of the proving it were provided for these don't even know the origins as well because then you know a story is anti-fascist committee says the proof of god's course atrocities in a belorussian concentration camp is solid and undoubted but instead of seeing off his days from behind bars he now lives the life of a free man in this baltic state. was deported from the us and stripped of u.s. citizenship that says a lot doesn't it alan gave him shelter and try to hide him here but then under international pressure the authorities had to initiate an investigation however the probe brought in the results after months of investigation is still only in authorities close the case a well grounded doubt remains that the god squad mentioned in the material is not the man you're going to score who is at present a citizen of the republican isto near the case will be closed as it has been impossible for the investigative team to find any additional evidence the decision
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raised eyebrows in israel at first but then simon wiesenthal center recalled which country they were dealing with they called washington spoke to the people who are here with this prosecution united states and asked them whether there was any doubt regarding his identity and they said no none whatsoever. now this doesn't surprise me personally because for the last fifteen years i've been dealing with the astounding in these stories have totally failed in terms of prosecuting that you walk home and it's clear that there's absolutely no political will to bring these people to justice and the good score story is not a one off case from sanctioning as veterans marches to glorifying former nazi collaborators this has been tolerance policy for the past decade but recently this man made just about every headline in a story are almost on the scale of a national holiday the country marked the ninetieth birthday of the only remaining holder of the iron cross one of the highest medals of nazi germany sixty five years
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ago the nuremberg tribunals sentenced the nazi leadership to either executions or prison terms this trial of history was meant to get rid of nazism for good but the s.s. marches in baltic states and other cases of rehabilitation of fascism nowadays suggest that history lessons have not been fully learned. ski r.t. reporting from tallinn in a store near. morris days international headlines now people in pakistan are venting their anger over nature's admission that a coalition helicopter was responsible for killing up to twenty eight pakistani troops that had pakistani soldiers have been buried in push our ceremony attended by senior officials including a chief in response to the country's authorities are demanding that the us. air base used to launch american drones. prince william is taking part in a naval rescue mission saving two russian sailors from the irish sea their cargo
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ship the small and sank with eight crew members aboard the british royal navy is released video footage of the rescue operation cambridge was copilot of the helicopter that airlifted two of the seven to safety five man is still missing the woman body has been recovered. several about the nuclear protesters were out in force in germany with some even tying themselves to well the tracks they hope to stop a cargo train which is carrying shipment of eleven nuclear waste containers to a storage facility which the demonstrators say is unsafe the annual shipment from france has been a regular focal point for protesters as nuclear energy has become unpopular in the country since the ninety six ennoble disaster in ukraine germany is yet to decide where the radio works will be stored. still ahead we've got a special report from our to you for you about how abundance of food in one part of the world can still leave a lot of poor hungry before that tell the back with an update of our main headlines a couple minutes.
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