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tv   [untitled]    November 28, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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no. you won't eight engine oil by any objective measure the euro is a failure taking the highway to the danger zone the euro crisis is flying into trouble even spiraling out of control and now european leaders are meeting with the mavericks in d.c. trying to piece together a solution but is this effort too little too late. we're trying to call the people to come zone here so we would be a lot of people nobody would vote and then they would know that these votes and this elections is not correct it's wrong to vote or not to vote for many in egypt it isn't a question protesters say the vote is rigged and the military is trying to implement a new puppet government so as the crackdown in cairo continues will anything really
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changed after the ballots are cast. me. winning the hearts and minds of the people in afghanistan a new video appears to show us soldiers of mercilessly killing an innocent sheep such as anyone else see a problem in this luncheon. well it is monday november twenty eighth four pm in washington d.c. and christine for watching our team. let's begin this afternoon with the crisis in the eurozone president obama today meeting with members of the european union here in washington the meeting comes at a time in which many see the eurozone as being on life support after economic collapse seems to be spreading now we've already seen greece portugal and ireland bailed out but now the euro zone's third and fourth largest economies italy and
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spain are also under threat today's meeting is seen by some as a last ditch attempt to save the eurozone because even some top experts predicting the eurozone has just ten days left to live if a major solution is not found by its next meeting on december ninth certainly whatever happens could have a global impact world leaders are concerned they're worried some even pointing fingers here's nigel farage president of the europe for freedom and democracy group expressing his anger at the situation you well. know by any objective measure the euro is a failure i do he's actually responsible hooting shone out of you lot but of course you don't there is not a view because none of you have been elected none of you actually have any democratic legitimacy for the role that you can really hold within this crisis now nigel farage has doubted the eurozone from the beginning but his view is one that even some original believers are starting to adopt that the eurozone just may be a failure let's go now to joe weisenthal deputy editor for the business insider hey
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there joe on one hand this is a dire situation but it seems that the only time things are things actually happen is when we are in dire situation so i'm wondering what you think is this the end of the eurozone as we know it. you know you're absolutely correct i think it takes some it takes for a crisis to really get to the edge to spur people to act i mean this is been festering for at least two years the first time we started talking about the greek crisis was october two thousand and nine actually and here we are but here is the problem because there are so many leaders in the euro zone you know seventeen countries within the euro itself and the more or countries in the e.u. even if everyone decides to act at the last second there is no guarantee of habits because you have this tremendous problem of coordinating various national interest and point and i want to bring this up there are some rumblings i guess you could say that the international monetary fund is in the process of coming up with a plan to step in and help out at least with italy there is talk of
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a six hundred billion euro assistance package though the i.m.f. is denying this but i want to get your take on why you think would be some of the consequences of the i.m.f. getting involved here. well the first thing to realize is it's hard to believe that the i.m.f. has that kind of money. but right now the fund just as you know has to borrow money from the e.c.b. in some kind of waiver we're going to do anything like that and right no that being denied but i think the broader point is the last few days we've seen a real flurry of rumors about you know something big happening whether it's for the e.c.b. or some kind of stability pact or fiscal union or euro bonds so something is cooking you just seeing too many headlines for there not to be something up but we just can't figure it out i know it's probably just the i.m.f. bailing out italy is that even if it happened it wouldn't solve the fundamental problem because the euro has a structural flaw it's not just about the debt in these countries but about the flawed aspects of all these countries sharing their currency and unless the
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solution actually gets at the heart of that problem nothing is going to work it is really interesting also to see i.m.f. christine legarde in latin america this week not doing what the i.m.f. usually does and latin america which is you know imposing austerity measures now this time she's asking countries like brazil for example for help. i'm wondering if you i mean this is seems to me like a total role reversal but do you think this is one of the sat is easy said the i.m.f. doesn't have the money probably doesn't is this what's going on here well i think actually it is soon to be time that does seem to be you know behind the scenes trying to get the brics to invest in europe but i think it's a scandal and the reason is that fundamentally. you know the bric countries are many much poorer than european countries sure on the surface they seem broke but the problem is not enough money in europe the problem is a bad structure the problem is the fact that countries don't have control over their own currencies the problem is that the e.c.b. doesn't perform as much of
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a role as it could so it's actually kind of outrageous that they get these poor countries bailing out these richer countries when what the euro needs is not money but structural reform to just make its own markets work i think that's such an interesting point and also what you said earlier when you have seventeen countries it's just not easy at too many cooks in the continue can say i want to talk now about germany relatively speaking germany has a pretty healthy economy low unemployment levels and mark all it seems wants no part of one of the proposed solutions which you mentioned before for the e.c.b. to essentially print more money so what happens here i mean how much power does germany actually have in all of this well in firies of people say well you know the e.c.b. isn't going to. print money and bail out europe unless the german signed off technically look the e.c.b. is it is an independent organization they can do whatever it wants and it doesn't german approval in fact it might even be easier for germany to resist kicking and
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screaming and sort of you know let the e.c.b. do it it may well also insisting that it never signed off on it but the bottom line is that in the end germany while it does have a relatively strong economy it cannot afford to let everything collapse around it its own banks would get in trouble the european its european neighbors or major x. . markets those would shrivel up if they collapsed furthermore germany would lose its export competitiveness if countries left the euro and were able to devalue their currency so merkel is in kind of a box because she has opposed basically every feasible solution the e.c.b. euro bonds and so on but can't really afford to let the whole thing collapse so it'll be interesting to see how she walks this type rope now add certainly is interesting and as we know german chancellor merkel and french president nicolas sarkozy have sort of been you know teaming up in this effort trying to take the lead in coming up with solutions what do you think some of the solutions both that
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you think would be good and also that you think we're going to see kind of put out on the table in the next few days. i believe that the only solution that has a shot of working is if the e.c.b. seriously steps up and becomes a lender of last resort to the various euro zone countries that is the fundamental difference between europe and save the u.k. u.s. and japan all of whom have central banks that serve as the lender of last resort to the government certain even the banks of those countries until europe has that nothing is going to fully convince markets that its bonds are safe again now there may be some steps along the way for example perhaps a euro bond scheme where the various countries pooled together and borrow money together and then the e.c.b. can perhaps buy up those bonds or something like that it might you know they might have to do some tricks along the way but fundamentally until the e.c.b. plays a much larger role in funding all of europe i don't think investors will feel very
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comfortable on things made out here are saying that there are there is still room for solutions i know though you know the front cover of the economist of the major star the economist this week in today's financial times both mentions of a possibility that the eurozone is done financial times article today saying a critique of him being ten days or less i mean this could be huge do you think well to having to do think it's going to happen this is a real possibility i think last week was seen as kind of a game changer because last week what we saw was. actually start to rise in the core countries and wednesday germany had a very bad bond auction and so that was the first time it looked as though investors were saying ok this isn't just a breeze or italy or a peripheral issue this is an issue that strikes every country in europe is potentially a credit risk now because none of them can print their own money none of them have a lender of last resort to backstop so that kind of takes it to a new phase because event point when everyone is that risk and you have this
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potential for a run on the entire economy you really do have to get a solution right away i guess you could say the fact that the e.c. . we could still do this is an optimistic take and you know i don't think there are new solutions left i think this is a possibility but there are going to be tremendous cultural your credit hurdles to overcome for this to happen certainly between the meetings today with president obama and some of those e.u. leaders and also that december ninth meeting that's scheduled i certainly all eyes will be on the eurozone business insider deputy editor joe weisenthal thank you turning now to egypt where the beginning of a new era you could say has started and which many egyptians are voting for the first time in their lives now this is simply step one in a very long process that will not be wrapped up until least march of next year and this election follows a week of violent protests more than forty people killed in those protests against the military regime there and it brings with it many questions about what has changed and what a future egypt could look like largely correspondent and he said now is in cairo
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and brings us a look at how things are looking on the ground there. there's certainly tremendous excitement here in egypt as people go to the polls since the first time since the fall of hosni mubarak some of them voting for the first time in their lives with that said there are serious concerns over the legitimacy of this vote firstly of course because of the security situation in light of that violence the clampdown in clashes that we saw just ahead of this vote and also because an announcement from the military had that the actual parliament will have limited powers and they won't actually be able to just solve any kind of cabinet but that said the muslim brotherhood is expected to make major gains in this part of the mentoring vote like you said it's only the first round but i want to get some more analysis and joining me now is akhmed founds the political analyst here in congo thanks for being with us thank you i first want to talk about the muslim brotherhood it seems at least the people we've spoken to they're very popular here there has to be said in some
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countries around the world they're considered to be affiliated with terrorists why do reduces like them so much why are they so popular ok there are among many reasons you can talk about many maybe for reasons first here we're talking about a religious group and we all know that religious religion in this part of the world especially in egypt makes a lot to the egyptians second we're talking about an organization that has been in on earth for eighty three years since one nine hundred twenty eight and has been standing at that from several governments starting from the kingdom of egypt until now. you have to look about the members of this organization with the amount of dedication they give. to that group and why they think asian i mean that they donate a lot of money and a lot of time to their cause to fourth i believe is the amount of charity and development work that the muslim brotherhood does especially in the rural areas of
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egypt but let's go back to the the revolution tough here the people it was all. about being on the streets and fighting for the future of egypt as i understand the muslim brotherhood was the party that took the least steps let's say on the streets they weren't really out on the streets with the people these last couple of months . you could say so because we haven't seen them joining in some major strikes in in egypt. and yes they haven't been there and if you are talking about this affecting their popularity i would say. yes but when it comes to voting power i think it's a bit different maybe the last you can say they lost the respect of a lot of the revolution. and what about claims that the muslim brotherhood has a very tight relationship with scout which of course is the supreme council of the armed forces who is in control of the party and a lot of people say really taking care of these elections making sure they go
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fairly and there's no fraud per se what i would say that there is a relation but i would say from my point of view that country muslim brotherhood fears the scaf more than. it's the other way or so because of their history with the with the army starting nine hundred fifty four when they clashed with the army they were dismissed as a group and they were sent to jail almost all of the members of but by that time so they are free to to repeat what has been going on and i think this they. what they provided to the military is that they want to cause a lot of problems on the ground so that's maybe the reason they haven't joined unless things the thing strikes that. was talking about things that affects them direct right thank you very much for joining us here live in cairo on this first day of the first round of the parliamentary elections on tuesday voting will continue so far it looks like turnout has been very successful
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a lot of people the excited but still doubting like i said the legitimacy of the vote i spoke to the only female presidential candidate who told me that she believes that this vote will in fact be void and some people that we spoke to are going as far as to boycott the vote. but we're told some adoptions are bracing for the worst medics are lined up and security is tight for egypt's first parliamentary election since the revolution the country's only female candidate for the presidency expects the vote to be void due to from want but sent this message to the supreme council of the armed forces or scaffold who took over after mubarak we are as. a movement. we are watching you. monitoring the election just to connect their mistakes and their products we had and our own no waiting for them all chris others are planning to boycott the ballot
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minya a protester at occupy cabinet says they are encouraging people not to vote trying to do we're trying to call the people to come zone here so we would be a lot of people and nobody would vote and then they would know that these votes and this elections is not correct it's wrong how could you ask us to vote for a parliament which which you are building under you were a scout for. the violent crackdown that swept over egypt just before elections seems to be pulling focus from the long awaited dream of democracy minya says if the vote goes through the military will succeed in covering up the blood spilled. like take them to scores or something like for the people the kills i got shot in my yard like here but of course it's not that big of deal like other people go now they're blind and a lot of them are dead because of what happened who's going to say when you were wrong the party likely to win
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a staunch number of seats is the muslim brotherhood considered a terrorist affiliated organization in some countries appears very popular here in egypt known for tight organization and a hard islamist line. also accused by some of wheeling and dealing with the military supreme council they are politician and the man who is from there the one in that it will use an indian's and this is not for that when you show me this hold the power power that the people on talk rere have been fighting for on the streets to hear you square people would love to have a strong presentation in the parliament. so i urge everybody of those who is going to miss the election please don't do that but what egypt wants and what egypt gets has so far proven to be two very different results many egyptians feel the political parties on the ballot don't resent the people and even more so their
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revolution one of the most common things you hear on top three year is that the people running the country are no different from mubarak and they're thought to be very much running this vote reporting from cairo and he said now a party. so let's talk about egypt and how in the last few weeks much of what we've seen coming from tahrir square resembles what we saw back in february people angry people fighting people dying there have been similar scenes too in libya where there was a fight a revolution and promises for democracy that haven't exactly gone as planned now syria could be next but the arab league over the weekend deciding to impose sanctions on syria a response to widespread violence there in which more than three thousand people have been killed under under the government now according to the united nations and that information quoting thing united nations that in an attempt to isolate president bashar al assad himself. now so let's put this in perspective we say we
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saw mubarak step down gadhafi is dead there's talk of only be a matter of days for us to stay in power but what does all of this achieve times correspondent have ask of our is in south hollow brazil and joins us to shed some light on what this all means and they're bad day let's talk about winners and losers in terms of what we're seeing here who has benefited the most from the changes we've seen as part of the arab spring in egypt in libya and protests potentially soon in syria ok let's go but like the egypt the military dictatorship is in place so the military benefit they control forty percent of the ship should economy israel benefits because for the moment they said they're not going to renegotiate the camp david ninety seventy nine accords the west more or less benefits because they can sort of trust the military but they cannot trust the muslim brotherhood or derivatives and areas for that matter libya whole benefits the u.s. pentagon africa made to and special to french and the british is going to to have.
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best contracts in fact in the end of the business in the water business as well saudi arabia and qatar as well qatar because qatar now is a close part there of nato and the house of saudi because they got rid of gaddafi they had a beef with got up to four years says up syria is the really complicated story in all this because if there was some sort of civil war in syria which is what nato respects and known for that matter because they know they won't get the u.n. security council resolution because russia and china already said it many times explicitly this is their red line and when bashar al assad says that sears the red line as much as we don't agree with a police state in syria he is correct because the river ations in lebanon in turkey in iran s finest pakistan in afghanistan will be over rend us if there is an
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intervention so now libya two point zero is syria but it's a modified system. there won't be a direct intervention by nato but they are arming the syrian national council and the free syrian army via lebanon and via turkey and this has been confirmed by everybody including. lincoln admission in paris which is the best informed french daily that weekly newspaper it's a satirical paper and the turkish press everybody knows that this rule army is being armed by nato by qatar and by saudi outside of syria's borders but the most important point in my opinion now is the role of turkey because starcade they had a policy that they call zero problems with their neighbors that was stablish by their prime minister and now they're creating
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a problem with syria an effect they had an alliance it was still around that moscow's ankara and now this completely disappeared and now they are advocating destabilizing the moscow's and they know the problems will be enormous including for themselves the turks why why why would turkey get up and what what what interests when they have in front of this mantling that relationship that they've had with area well christina we need ours to try to explain that let's try to give the hollywood version right. they are realigning themselves with nato jemera can split some pressure over turkey since that famous vote that they had with brazil when they tried to organize the uranian new clinton in richmond last year and this was it vetoed by the u.s. since then and since the arab spring turkey wants to be the role model for the arab spring so they're trying to sell the a keep the model we are
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a moderate islamist party in power and the army is in the background but the. still more or less a secular society and relatively democratic they're trying to sell this to everybody so in libya but in syria they're trying to sell it's via a blatant intervention so we wonder what what is going through the mind of the mill and prime minister erdogan at the moment i think they lost the plot completely and let's talk a little more broadly about this and what about this notion that there are certain interests powerful interests outside of the middle east that want this chaos that we've been seeing and that even assist in keeping the chaos so that nato has to come and militarized the region and in turn of course take over the control of oil resources and what about that theory it's not only oil christine it's in terms of controlling parts of the global economy there are not integrated totally in the global economy like parts of lebanon and especially syria and specially iran
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so it's breaking the alliance between the mosque hizbollah and iran it's a few traits in syria which is a key part of the neal conan idea of going out domino each at a time and then break them all down and real men go to tehran still applies and of course oil because there's a started there hasn't been reported that because there's a syria and iraq are involved in the by ply ends as well with the participation of iran so always the oil majors in the west they want to be part of this business as well but most importantly is the expression of nato nato wants to control them of the to raney and syria is a big big problem there is a russian naval base at tartus sport made to once to get rid of this russian base by all means and the iranian navy they have docking rights at darts and says well so the eastern mediterranean is not part of the meat's only so they want to do
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everything in their power to control the whole of dimity tourette and of course this is part of how to control the arab spring. which is not spring anymore effect there are so maybe different arab streets we should be analyzing all day because they're becoming winter little by little and that's when it comes to very very soon flows of the house of salt which is behind every single trim egypt they're supporting the military with four billion dollars so far and probably maybe more libya where they are supporting the types war part of the power in tripoli and this free syrian army which is being supported by the house of saud as well to destabilize another our republic certainly very interesting when you look at the similarities the connections and even what we just saw in egypt how so much of what we're seeing today looks a lot like what we saw nearly a year ago times correspondent pepe escobar thanks for your insight thanks steve.
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i want to play some video now that is circulating around this is a leak from afghanistan of what appears to be u.s. troops clobbering a sheik beating it in the head apparently all for the amusement of a young afghan boy who is laughing and we all saw this too but a warning you may find this extremely disturbing and. now this is not confirmed who's doing the actual beating here but you can see you can hear plain english being spoken in the background and again what appeared to be a u.s. military uniforms were standing around you see that man who's just led the sheep in in the first place we're not showing you the whole video but the sheep is eventually killed as a result of this clobbering in the end and certainly this makes you wonder if this is yet another example of the effects of war of the desensitized desensitisation of those who spend so much time in a war zone and how the killing of a helpless animal can be amusement as it appears to be here. it is unclear why
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those involved in this video were doing that sheep are sacrificed for the holy festival of aid which occurred earlier this month but in a manner that doesn't look at all like what you just saw. well that is going to do it for now but for more on the stories we covered go to argue dot com slash usa or check out our youtube page at youtube dot com slash r t america you can also follow me on twitter at christine for capital california lester is coming up next you can see she's already working hard getting ready for the show.
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to the capitol and i'm laura mr. more news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images the
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