tv [untitled] November 28, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EST
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by any objective measure the euro is a failure taking the highway to the danger zone the euro crisis is flying into trouble even spiraling out of control and now european leaders are meeting with the mavericks in d.c. to try to piece together a solution but is this effort too little too late. and while world leaders try to dig their way out of the euro crisis occupy los angeles protesters are digging their feet in and refusing to leave even after being handed an addiction notice so is the occupy movement bracing for a rough night i have a live report from los angeles. which i'm told you will to come zone here so we
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would be a lot of people nobody would go nuts and then they would know that these votes and this elections is not correct it's wrong to vote or not to vote for many in egypt it isn't a question protesters say the vote is rigged and that the military is trying to implement a new puppet government so as the crackdown in cairo continues let me thing really change after the ballots are cast. good evening it is monday november twenty eighth seven pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for you watching our team let's begin this evening with the crisis in the euro zone president obama today met with members of the european union here in washington and the meeting comes at a time in which many see the eurozone as being sort of on life support after economic collapse seems to be spreading now we've already seen greece portugal
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ireland bailed out but now the euro zone's third and fourth largest economies italy and spain are also under threat today's meeting is seen by some as a last ditch attempt to save the euro zone with even some. top experts predicting the eurozone has just days left to live if a major solution is not found by its next meeting on december ninth well certainly whatever happens could have a global impact world leaders are concerned they're worried some even pointing fingers here's nigel farage co-president of the europe and freedom and democracy group expressing his anger at the situation. you won't. know what objective measure the euro is a for you and who is actually responsible who isn't shown out of you lot of those who don't or is not of you because most of you have been elected none of you actually have any democratic legitimacy for the role that you currently hold within this crisis all right sir nigel farage has doubted the eurozone from the beginning
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but his view is one that even some original believers are starting to adopt that the eurozone may actually be a failure it's a question on the minds of many including our own lauren lyster host of the capital account here on r.t. and lauren is in studio lauren let's talk about this idea that the eurozone could be a goner this has been an idea we saw nigel farage talking about it this is an idea he's been talking about for a long time most people who believe this were sort of considered to be a little bit on the fringe the euro zone was a great idea according to most in the mainstream but now we see i've got the financial times here the eurozone really only has days to avoid collapse this was the front cover story the economist this week this is no longer a french idea no it's certainly no longer a french idea it's no longer limited to take euro skeptics like nigel farrar she we just heard from i mean now you see it on the financial times you see it you have technocrats and insiders that would very much be considered the european establishment saying things like the girl has
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a fifty fifty chance of surviving until christmas that was from jock a tali the economist seems to be the president of the european bank of reconstruction and development so it's very much moved into the mainstream because things have really changed in the last week christine things have been elevated to a different level when we saw a juror failed german bond auction thirty five percent were unsold i mean germany is as core to the eurozone as it gets that thought that there were concerns for germany and the bar and cost rose was a huge red flag from the people that i've spoken to and the people that are writing about this today and also we've seen things like italy's borrowing costs continue to be passed that seven percent threshold. which is really that kind of dangerous threshold that is considered unsustainable from the perspective of the markets this is the threshold that you know it wasn't too long after the countries that you listed greece and portugal and ireland had seven percent yield that we saw them get bailed out so that can't be sustained and we've seen italy's surpassed that last week you were talking about germany let's go into
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a little more jeff about germany's role in all of this certainly german chancellor angela merkel and french president nicolas sarkozy seem to have to really take in the lead in terms of working together being sort of the faces of trying to come up with a solution but germany is in a pretty unique position as i guess you could say france's but certainly germany is not having as tough of a time as some of these countries germany's unemployment rate is still low their economy relatively speaking is healthy yes merkel has said there are some ideas that she doesn't like including the solution that's been proposed of euro bonds talk a little bit about that yeah well germany has been really opposed to money printing to easy money policies and anybody that wants to know why wouldn't they only have to look so far is back to germany's history with hyperinflation to figure that out so it's pretty obvious why they've been opposed to those policies that includes the head of the central bank in germany too so they've been very opposed to any kind of euro bond or this kind of scenario but this is looking like it could change because
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one of the options on the table is this deal that france and germany are leading the way on which would be this fiscal pact this is moving more towards kind of the united states of europe scenario where there would actually be a central fiscal authority that would have the ability to seize national budgets of these countries in the euro zone so kind of like a department of the treasury for the euro zone exactly that's kind of where the direction that it could be moving towards and essentially the idea would be that it would be a quid pro quo that if that goes through if that kind of back does that that would pave the way to then allowing the e.c.b. to do more i want to talk now about the international monetary fund. there are rumblings that the i.m.f. so far has denied but rumblings that they are working on a plan right now a six hundred billion euro plan in which they might come forth and help at least italy out talk a little bit about this and i mean i think it's pretty interesting it is really interesting you know this is one of the rumors that we heard come out that it was reported that italy was asking for a possibly getting
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a six hundred billion euro bailout from the i.m.f. the i.m.f. of course came out and refuted that denied that but what one analyst told me was that this is maybe then testing the waters seeing what kind of reception this would get you see christine legarde in latin america i'm not going to go into the irony there asking for support for some kind of you know euro zone debt crisis solution you have people meeting in the white house today the european leaders we don't know if they talked about this but you know analysts have told me that it's kind of this meeting was to see what the u.s. would be on board with so obviously that has been denied does far but i think the reason this is really interesting is because a it's the i.m.f. bailing out europe if that happens in b. who takes on the risk of any kind of an i.m.f. loan everybody all of the countries so they're all the people that take on that risk you say you're not going to go into the irony but i think it's worth mentioning christine lagarde chief head of the i.m.f. is in latin america right yes talking to them asking them for help asking them to
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get on board latin america certainly not really ever having that role certainly in our lifetime that we can remember i think that important. but i do want to talk about no matter who steps in to help out no matter what happens it appears to me that whatever country is bailed out or helped out is going to have to make some major changes changes that could really affect their economies their lifestyles we saw in greece these austerity measures being imposed what will the results of major austerity measures in places like italy what will happen well i mean obviously i'm not a fortune teller but if greece is any indication we've seen yet. i mean it hurts and cripples average people i think one woman put it so well in an interview she said that we have a london prices on you know far far below greek salaries i think but she said bulgarian salaries so you know essentially you just see a total change in the quality of life for people you see as a result protests on the streets riots on the streets because people's quality of
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life are being changed prices are going up salaries are getting cut pensions are getting cut their stock market you know they've lost a ton of the value in their companies i mean it's a major pain for people living in these countries clearly very few people want to see the euro zone collapse even germany as we were talking about before they might not want or like some of the solutions major fraud my dear i want you are going to well because then you could say i told you so i'm getting he's been against it but but a lot of these people even you know. who doesn't necessarily love all the solutions being proposed knows how much of an impact this would have let's talk real quick about the u.s. impacts you said it's hard to say exactly what's going to be coming out of those meetings with the president president obama and some of these you leaders but what is at stake for the u.s. right now a lot i mean one of the biggest issues with the eurozone crisis where we could feel it in the u.s. is in the banking system u.s. banks have written a lot of credit default swaps against european sovereign debt so if there is
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contagion if this does bread if it's not contained you could see u.s. banks really suffer you could see i have been told that you could see bankruptcies in u.s. banks stemming from a euro zone crisis that they kind of unravels so that is a big concern you know critics would say that u.s. officials are doing the bidding of the banks when they say we need to get this euro zone crisis under control we need to do something now and urging european leaders to act also though of course you know the u.s. and europe have an enormously close economic partnership they're deeply involved in terms of trade. and those those issues as well it's hard as a journalist though to get all worked up all these doomsday talk as we know at least here in washington it's not until the chaos until the system really hits the brink that anything is done anyways so on one hand you can look at what's going on in the eurozone and just say oh this is just what they needed in order to actually come up with a solution but what happens if no solution is part of what happens if in ten days
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from now the gross one fails. wow i mean you could see sovereign defaults you could see banks go bankrupt and you could see a contagion effect that results in the bankruptcies of u.s. banks i mean if something is what analysts and economists say to me is that if there is an orderly solution that's a really really big difference from a disorderly solution so there's a big difference between negotiating a default figuring out all out and having a disorderly one which then just becomes chaos and has this whole kind of trick chain of events that can be so dire all right lauren lyster host of the capital account certainly i know you've spoken to so many people about this do appreciate your insight for our viewers. while president obama and american leaders attempt to find a solution for the debt crisis of broad there are a lot of problems here on u.s. soil that seem to have no end in sight now those issues include a high unemployment rate a high foreclosure rate and an economic system many say is corrupt and needs to be
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fixed well among those fighting to solve those problems the sauza of people who have been protesting for the last two and a half months and the occupy wall street movement in los angeles today the deadline for occupiers to move out has come and gone it was at midnight this morning and despite law enforcement officers threatening action many of those protesters remain this evening outside of city hall they have now filed a lawsuit in federal court and hope the five hundred plus tents that are up will be able to remain our to correspond to ramon go in though is in our los angeles studio he's been following all of this. play there ramona from what i understand this camp is shrinking but it is still intact what's the latest. well definitely christine as you mentioned there are some legal maneuvering happening as we speak as to whether the order for police to even the demonstrators will actually be carried through now the situation is still very tense as mentioned earlier the mayor had ordered the
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encampment to be shut down today that did not happen overnight despite the very large police presence now a lot of people did heed the warning there have been hundreds of tents laid out on the lawn of city hall now hundreds of those people did end up leaving yesterday but at the same time many more of the occupy demonstrators say that they are willing to stay and be a respite and they receive support from thousands of people in the community which turned out yesterday now there are some people here who believe that the police in the city decided not to go ahead and go ahead with the addiction yesterday as it would cause a great p.r. fiasco for the city but nonetheless things remain peaceful yesterday and the demonstrators are still waiting to see when police will actually come in and take action to shut down the encampment and let's talk about los angeles mayor antonio.
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first a huge supporter of the occupy movement i remember in the beginning he even brought you know rain gear out for people when when i walk away with sort of in its infancy i guess i'm wondering some of the reasons that he has given for this change of heart where this ordering police to effect protesters. right initially we were seeing a lot of support not just from the mayor but from several other local politicians year los angeles politics known to be very liberal very democratic and they were hoping to capitalize on i guess the negative attention that mayor bloomberg was receiving any york that's exactly what they didn't want to hear but eventually the mayor and other pot politicians here in los angeles and throughout the west coast that we are seeing that were once sympathetic towards the demonstrators once a bit towards their cause did not see it politically viable to be associated with demonstrations which were inmates has been vilified in the media i'm wondering have
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you seen i mean i think it's a very interesting point that you say they wanted to sort of contrast from what we saw in new york over the last twenty four hours ramon have you seen you know the pepper spray the tear gas the police baton have any of these things been brought out to try to deal with disorderly protesters. well so far police came out in force with definitely a lot of weapons they warn the demonstrators that they would use them if they failed to disperse however they have not used those weapons as of yet here in los angeles no we've seen the incidents that happen in davis up in berkeley and in oakland so people here are generally very wary of it but so far in los angeles things have remained peaceful and for that very reason where the city here the police has been embroiled in several corruption scandals throughout the years several accusations of police brutality and that's just the sort of attention that
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the city is trying to avoid in these days they say that they wanted to remain peaceful and so far from what we saw yesterday well the riot police were very very uncertain into demonstrators in like i said hundreds of them did decide to leave at the same time it is reinvigorating people to come out and support the cause even more remote let's talk about this movement overall certainly we've seen just over the last week or so some major changes in the occupy wall street movement one of the major ones being sort of the heart and soul of this movement where it all started in new york in zuccotti park and those demonstrators no longer allowed to bring in tents to bring in sleeping bags here in washington d.c. there's been rumors there's been talk we still have a very packed mcpherson square with every day what seems to be more and more people coming it's large but there's a lot of talk that occupy wall street is heading west especially for the winter that you could see i mean what right now might be about five hundred tents there
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could be thousands more people coming to take advantage of the energy and also to take advantage of the good weather i'm wondering first of all if you guys are hearing that on the west coast and also if you've spoken to police about how they're planning to deal with what could be much more massive movement there. right well while there have been negotiations in order to remove the. from city hall there's also been some sort of discussion about placing them in different locations last week there's an offer to give them office space now there's also talk about possibly moving them to a another empty lot nearby their current location but as far as a conscious several of them as a group of people going from one coast of the other so far hasn't been discussed very specifically however here on the west coast there are a large series of events happening in the coming weeks and including a cordon aided court shutdown which is being organized as we speak several west
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coast cities are taking part so. patients may be taking different. different shapes if you will the west coast will definitely be integral in the coming months as far as large scale mobilizations ago in regards to occupy wall street. or mongol endo doing a lot of work not getting very much sleep out there we do appreciate you keeping your eyes on everything on the west coast for us well let's talk now about the arab spring and what has in many ways become the arab winter there are connections to be made with what's happening in countries like syria libya and of course egypt the domino effect of revolution i guess you could call it but despite promises of democracy and change and things don't always go according to plan our correspondent anna to check on takes a deeper look into this. violence and chaos on the streets of cairo. the dust of egypt's february revolution is far from settled.
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people say their hopes and calls for change have been trampled upon they're not you it's about the dignity of the egyptian people we don't want any more humiliation almost a year after mubarak's fall are your square is again stained with blood. here's another revolution seen libya the ousted leader moammar gadhafi was killed last month the people of libya are now left with the country in ruins and the government they did not true i think there is a reign of terror going on against those who disagree with the libyan government it's not presented that way in the western media but it is a reign of terror if you speak up right now against the new authorities in libya you're likely to go to jail or be executed or disappear in the meantime interim government brought to power by nato is strengthening its grip on the country nato
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and some arab states now openly call for regime change in syria the louder they call the more violent the opposition becomes oh i grew up in the states western countries and the capitals of some countries in the region are openly recommending the opposition to not hold talks with the assad regime and looks like a political for the occasion on an international scale civil war is brewing in syria the whole region seems to be plunging deeper into a crisis. while people suffer in the continuing wave of violence and at least in north africa some analysts say certain powers might be interested in picking the trouble boiling there are certain powerful interests outside of the middle east who wants to bring chaos is a rolling scenario discontent and chaos in order that it long term will be militarized directly by nato and that the oil rig. sources of these oil rich countries by and large can be directly put under private hands it looks like the
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so-called transition to democracy in the wake of the arab spring is not going to well more blood is being shed we're looking at an arab winter and maybe a new where around the corner as tensions rise and as certain global powers are pushing for regime change in more countries of the region the wave of revolution could turn into a notion of. i'm going to check our reporting from washington. all right so hosni mubarak steps down colonel gadhafi is dead there's talk it is only a matter of days left for syrian president bashar al assad to stay in power but what does this all achieve or does it leave the people who saw their families and their cities ripped apart earlier i spoke to asia times correspondent pepe escobar and i asked him about the winners and losers about who has benefited most from the arab spring take a listen. let's go bit by bit egypt a military dictatorship is in place so the military benefit they control forty percent of the gyptian economy israel benefits because for the moment they said
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they're not going to renegotiate the camp david nine hundred seventy nine accords the west more or less benefits because they can sort of trust the military but they cannot trust the muslim brotherhood or the revolutionaries for that matter libya whole benefits the u.s. pentagon africa on nato and specially to french and the british was going to have the best contracts in fact in the end of the business in the water business as well saudi arabia and qatar as well qatar because qatar now is a close part there of nato and the house of saud because they got rid of gaddafi they had a beef with got out for four years says up syria is the really complicated story in all this because if there was some sort of civil war in syria which is what nato respects the norm for that matter because they know they won't get the u.n. security council resolution because russia and china already said it many times
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explicitly this is their red line and when bashar al assad says that cedar is the red line as much as we don't agree with a police state in syria he is correct because the reverberations in lebanon in turkey in iran s finest pakistan in afghanistan will be over rend us if there is an intervention so now libya two point zero is syria but it's a modified system. there won't be a direct intervention by nato but they are arming the syrian national council and the free syrian army via lebanon and via turkey and this has been confirmed by everybody including. lincoln admission in paris which is the best informed french daily that weekly newspaper it's a satirical paper and that thirty ish press everybody knows that this rule
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army is being armed by nato by qatar and by saudi outside of syria's borders but the most important point in my opinion now is the role of turkey because starcade they had a policy that they call zero problems with their neighbors that was stablish by their prime minister and now they're creating a problem with syria an effect they had an alliance it was still around that moscow's ankara and now this completely does appear an l.d.r. advocating destabilizing the moscow's and they know the problems will be enormous including for themselves the turks and why why why would turkey give up. what interest when they have in front of this mantling that relationship that they've had with area well christina we need ours that's good to explain that let's try to give the hollywood version right. they are realigning themselves with nato jemera
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just put some pressure over turkey since that famous vote that they had with brazil when they tried to organize the uranium nuclear enrichment last year and this was it vetoed by the u.s. since then and since the arab spring turkey wants to be the role model for the arab spring so they're trying to sell the a keep the model we are a moderate islamist party in power in the army is in the background but the. still more or less a secular society and relatively democratic they're trying to sell this to everybody so in libya but in syria they're trying to sell it via a blatant intervention so we wonder what what is going through the mind of the mill and prime minister erdogan at the moment i think they lost the plot completely and let's talk a little more broadly about this and what about this notion that there are certain interests powerful interests outside of the middle east that wanted this chaos that we've been seeing and that even if it's in keeping the chaos so that nato has to
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come and militarized the region and in turn of course on take over the control of oil resources what about that theory it's not only oil christine it's in terms of cultural link parts of the global economy there are not integrated totally in the global economy like parts of lebanon and especially syria and specially iran so it's breaking the alliance between the mosque hizbollah and iran it's a few traits in syria which is a key part of the neal conan idea of going on each at a time and then break them all down and real men go to tehran still applies and of course oil because there's a started there hasn't been reported that because there's a syria and iraq are involved in the pipeline says well with the participation of iran so always the oil majors in the west they want to be part of this business as
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well but most importantly is the expression of nato nato wants to control them aditya raney and syria is a big big problem there is a russian naval base at tartus sport made to once to get rid of this russian base by all means and the iranian navy they have docking rights at darts and says well so the eastern mediterranean is not part of the me totally so they want to do every seeing and out of power to control the whole of dimity tourettes and of course this is part of how to cultural the arab spring. which is not spring any more effect there so maybe different arab spring we should be analyzing all day because they're becoming winter little by little and that's when it comes to very influence of the house of salt which is behind every sing that he's been trimmed egypt they're supporting the military with four billion dollars so far and probably maybe more libya where they're supporting the al qaeda types who are part of the power in
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tripoli and this free syrian army which is being supported by the house of saud as well to destabilize another hour but republic certainly very interesting when you look at the similarities the connections and even what we just saw in egypt how so much of what we're seeing today looks a lot like what we saw nearly a year ago times correspondent pepe escobar thanks for your insight thanks steve all right we're going to end this hour with some video now that's been circulating around this is a leaked video from afghanistan of what appears to be u.s. troops clobbering a sheep beating it in the head apparently all for the amusement of a young afghan boy who's laughing well so to you a warning you may find this extremely disturbing. all right it is not confirmed who's doing the actual beating here but you can see you can hear plain english being spoken in the background and again you see what appears to be the guys in military uniforms you see the guy who just led the sheep
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out to the middle of the room there. you know where we're not going to show you the whole thing now because the ship is eventually killed as a result of this clobbering in the end but it makes you wonder if this is yet another example of the effects of more of the desensitisation of those who spend so much time in a war zone and how the killing of a helpless animal can be amusement as it appears to be here. it's unclear why those involved in this are doing this sheep are sacrificed for the holy festival of aid which occurred earlier this month but in a manner that doesn't look anything like what you just saw well that's going to do it for now but for more on the stories we covered at r.t. dot com slash usa or check out our youtube page at youtube dot com slash our team america you can follow me on twitter at christine i'll be back here in a half hour.
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