tv [untitled] November 29, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EST
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power of perswade in a russian woman convinces a tribunal in london she wasn't spying while having an affair with a british member of parliament. the cool reject sam-i five claims cathy is that's really the answer was a honey trap with the lawyers say the case against it was based entirely on speculation conjecture and prejudice join me on bennett for the full details in just a moment of egypt's first parliamentary poll in decades attracts only record number of voters despite days of violent protests against the army regime. thousands so up to have their say in the future of the country but many boycotted the vote
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demanding the military rulers step down immediately companies now in cairo with more details. and the new russian radar guard on its western most border with strikeforce is on the cards if nato doesn't guarantee its european missile defense shield isn't damed against moscow. paying double dip recession in the e.u. seems all but inevitable and russia now is in a better position than during the two thousand and eight crisis find out why and how business will attend. five pm in moscow i met good to have you with us here on r t our top story a russian woman accused of being a spy has won her legal battle against importation from britain catherine is a to leave venture was accused of trying to siphon information while having an affair with. a british member of parliament she was working for artie's ivor
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bennett's been following the case of the law then he joins us live with more ivor so the ruling a must be a great relief for mr to inverter tell us more about all of this. really could certainly see the relief on her face after she was told that she would not be deported and she can indeed stay in the u.k. after all the court and panel of three judges including a former head of the british security service ruled that on balance of probability she was not in is not a russian spy but is not certainly not we need her to reach this point she was arrested twelve months ago back in december last year on suspicion of being a spy and since then according to her lawyer she's been living a cash guest nightmare and she's been living under scary strict bail conditions the home secretary after her arrest a year ago said that she should be deported she was given the chance to contest that that ruling out at a hearing that ended last month and during that those whole proceedings she was never actually allowed to see or hear the evidence against her that the m i five
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said he had the m i five were in security service said it was too too sensitive in terms of national security for it to be made public and so. if there was any evidence against her we will of course never actually know what it was a talk with the home home office has actually already come out and said in reaction to this ruling that he stands by its original accusations that khatib settled yet so was indeed a spy and should be deported but given the fact that this these claims have been rejected by the court today. courting to catch is actually it is lawyers the m i five case against her was indeed based more on speculation than fact. that crisis was built entirely on speculation thank you dan and can jack jam it with amateur poorly without you we hype it the government would like very carefully on today's judgment why. musgrave's very confounds as to the standards of nationalism
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and competence stay within the securities that there. was the prosecution's case for her deportation. their main point was that she was she was accused of being used as a honey trap by the russians intelligence services tapped up from her time in some petersburg where she studied international relationship relations and and specifically targeted a member of parliament in order to gain access to top secret documents how the man in question was my can call a member of parliament and also he who had a seat on the parliamentary select committee for defense and also russia so he had access to some of the top level documents we do know or also that they had an affair for four years and also we do know that she was working for him as he's researching in parliament so potentially had access to these documents but that's about all we know so in terms of concrete proof and concrete evidence to suggest
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they thought she was in the despite that's about all we heard as i said the rest of the evidence if there was any the m a m i five had was given behind closed doors because it was deemed too sensitive so the case so her defense the bulk of it throughout the hearing was to try and show that her relationship with mike hancock was indeed a genuine one even though he was three times her age and actually the court in its ruling did actually say that it decided that it her relationship with him was injuring and genuine on both sides and that help helped it to reaches its final ruling to find that she probably wasn't on balance a russian spy and and and of course those three judges who did hear the evidence behind closed doors they also said that we have seen nothing which satisfies us that she was recruited as an agent always tast or acted as one and apparently and they say that this was not reached by a narrow margin so there so very much convinced on balance that she wasn't
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a spy and therefore has been allowed to remain in britain and will not be deported right artie's i have a better life for us in london thanks for that update. long lines and a strong turnout very much evident on day two of egypt's landmark elections but thousands of protesters in tahrir square say they're boycotting the polls they fear the military rulers who replaced president mubarak in february will stay in power artie's a nice in our ways watching the ballot in cairo. it really seems like a gypsy is are split into two camps and very simply outlined how they feel about this election and you have the group that is flat out boycotting this vote because they say the military rulers are still very much in charge it's them who came up with this system of voting they will essentially be the top people monitoring these votes and then you have the camp of people who don't agree of course with the military rulers especially in light of that crackdown that we saw just ahead of this vote but they feel like if they don't come out to have their say that they would be essentially giving up giving up the months that protests are spent on talk
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we're square trying to bring change to egypt so really a split of opinion like i said and really some some long lines of people very excited about coming out to be able to vote a lot of people are voting here for the first time in their lives and it almost seems as if they're not really thinking so much about whether this will be a valid election what the results will be for them what's important is that this vote is taking place there have been some minor violations the most common that we heard were counted it's coming up to actual polling stations and campaigning up into the end on twitter you could read about some people actually trying to go into the booths would people be heard of some minor i don't think you can even call them clashes but fights that happened at polling stations with people understanding that this was wrong that this of this was a flat out violation we also heard of some parties actually setting up booths if you will with laptops trying to help voters because what we're hearing is that the system that was created is quite complicated in a lot of people came to the polling station and didn't actually understand how it
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all works but really in light of the violence that we've saw some very minor violations still it's relatively calm here of course no security situations but people are very aware that anything could happen at any moment and you really can sense that in the year along with that excitement about this first vote how can we tell if this vote is fair well first of all it's only the first round of this parliamentary election in fact the parliament will go into some. until sometime in march also not even the whole country is voting in this first round is selected by districts in cities so a lot more of the country house has their say and with the situation with these military rulers in power no one knows what will happen between these rounds of elections just before these elections whether this is clamp down on top three or there weren't actually that many protesters when they came in actually decided to disperse protesters but that action brought hundreds of thousands of people onto the street when we saw ten days of violence you really never know what will happen
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this is the first round it is being praised as being so far pretty successful but anything can change here at any moment and egyptians are very aware of that egypt's sions frustration with their military rulers is palpably palpably clear with hundreds of thousands of people wanting them out immediately a little later middle east expert dr ahmed but explains why they feel robbed of their revolution. the mubarak is gone but the regime still and their six planes the demonstrations and. the satisfaction continue to supreme council forces. over the actions happening now because they see alliance that is taking shape between the muslim brotherhood some what i mean and some people do and the supreme council of the armed forces and they're very worried the elections are. the results of the election would be
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a victory for this coalition and for them that would mean the dude if you should would be hijacked. full interview with dr ahmad badawi is on air a little more than an hour here on r t. russia's assessment of the unrest in syria is that it's mainly being provoked by an armed opposition foreign minister sergey lavrov also says it's time to. stop dealing in ultimatums and get back to the peace table the un investigation earlier found that syrian forces committed crimes against humanity brutally dealing with anti-government demonstrators almost four thousand people have been killed after months of on the rest is tightening the economic screws on the syrian regime and mulling at the arms embargo which moscow strongly opposes artie's tears are so yeah i was more. this time of the e.u. was putting more pressure on the financial institutions in the syria more specifically they put a bomb along for financial support on trade with the exception of perhaps
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a few industries such as food and medicine e.u. companies are now prohibited from doing business especially with syrian state banks as well as investing in sectors such as energy and oil there's already an oil embargo on syria that has been imposed by the e.u. sometime in may now e.u. officials would maintain that all of this is to aimed at cutting off financial support to the syrian government but the people themselves so the syrians state t.v. in syria have been showing them going out into the streets by the thousands granted these are state backed protests but they are frustrated with the growing growing number of sanctions on the country because they are the ones who are feeling the pinch just an example i was there with the r.t. crew about a month ago and it was almost impossible to find it was impossible to actually five eighty have to get some money and everything was done in cash and when you ask the locals why is the case they simply say because there are sanctions in our companies the e.u. sanctions are in addition to the arab league sanctions which is the toughest
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sanctions by the arab league to work towards an arab country and they think that this is a because they feel that an economic war has been waged on the country and that they maintain that by doing so it's simply exacerbated the situation is just encouraging those who are involved in what the government sees the terror as terrorists and those who are part of an opposition that is growing increasingly militarized the government thinks that all these sanctions would just encourage them and those who are opposed to a putting sanctions on the assad government who want to. the arguments put forth this if this is really intended to come up with a a solution to the crisis why is it only focus on one side when both sides first of all are both in the same we are capable of violence and so by putting pressure on one side it encourages another side against the end of the day more financial sanctions while it may cripple the economy it may corner the government and business leaders it will also definitely impact the people political analysts dr his says it's not the syrian civilians the e.u.
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is concerned about but applying economic pressure only to remove the assad government. these sanctions meaningless actually i think that meaningless and on every level and on the level of the economic level and on the security level it will not stop the violence western powers particularly the united states now to use these sanctions and other to use the decisions of the ad and believe that if for their own purposes to put pressure on syria to put pressure not for the syrian regime the killing as they put it but you know what they want is to weaken the city and to g.m. and to weaken the alliance between syria iran and lebanon i don't think they they. as so much call for city and blood in libya more than one hundred thousand people were killed by nato bombings and the come through was devastated the nobody said anyway so i can't actually believe that they're now so so what it about three
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thousand city and when they are not actually what it's about more than one hundred thousand to be that has nothing to do with stop the violence on the country that they're feeding the bods we can't expect the syrian government and the city an army to end the violence if the other if the gangs do not stop atrocities against the city and on forces the next stage in saving the euro from collapses underway with finance ministers in brussels trying to bolster the bailout system in case the bigger players go under italy's seeking to balance its books its borrowing costs have soared to more than seven point eight nine percent that's well over the figure that forced greece ireland and portugal to call for help but as r.t.s. our fourth reports it's eastern influence that's going some way toward filling that gap. and the fashion capital of the world where you can be sure to sponsor an emerging trend but right now it's the economy here that's being guessing i'm a cave with the west seeking east an inspiration concept is silly and you're going
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to want to see the get the italian business model with its focus on slow fine and expensive production business here is saying this competition from its chinese counterparts but their emphasis on fast cheap goods. some of the high streets here in the chinese influence isn't hard to spot with you it's a commie struggling countries like china and a better time to snap up a bargain such as the acquisition this year of the well known italian fashion brands are greasy by a chinese luxury closing retailer for. the rest of the trying. very store so. i suppose the. opportunity. to catch the west struggles it's been the emerging grapes the brics that is brazil russia india china
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and south africa the defeat of paring ahead this is really kind of a moment where you might look back and say this is the chance where emerging markets finally got their opportunity to become much bigger players and much bigger powers around the world take a look at the g.d.p. growth to china and italy well if this least that meeting economy has resulted in a great slump china in comparison has been full steam ahead emerging as a major manufacturing base it was chinese businesses of previous strong competition china is being cautious when it comes to buying up your debts the last month should be targeted more to the valuable. help me industries instead o. robbing a bland is chinese investments in western companies and infrastructure grows so you to just china's control and influence across the entire european economy with the chinese trade and investment delegation g.
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to visit year next year further investment seem extremely likely so we need to do. the job. that we call a break so i. could be very. you know to do to. talk to financial crises as the crisis continues to readjust the konami aid is on the global stage emerging economies such as china looks set to remain firmly in the spotlight search. can always find more stories and in-depth analysis on our web site r.t. dot com here's what's a click away right now. the only daughter of former soviet leader joseph stalin has died find out why she considered herself a political prisoner of her father's long. and never truly managed to escape his shadow. and the russian woman who supersized her lips all in
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a bid to make herself look more like her cartoon idol jessica rabbit discover the next stage of her extreme make over at her t.v. dot com. fresh clashes have erupted between nato forces and locals along the serbian border with northern kosovo several peacekeepers an ethnic serbs were also injured tensions have been running high since nato forces fired tear gas at the protesters and an attempt to dismantle roadblocks put up by serbs living in the area they've been blocking the route since july when kosovo officials tried to take control border checkpoints to impose a trade ban on serbian goods kosovo unilaterally proclaimed independence in two thousand and eight a move never recognized by belgrade. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe norwegian anders breivik who admitted to killing seventy seven people in a massacre in july could s capable prison said these this after
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a psychiatric report claimed the mass murderer was mentally ill and therefore not responsible for his actions if the court accept the assessment brave it could be detained in psychiatric care but only confessed to the attacks in slow and on the toy island but pleads not guilty to terrorism. protesters in the iranian capital out of storm the u.k. embassy compound during an anti british demonstration militant students clashed with police and threw stones at windows there also said to have pulled down the british flag burned it and replaced it with an iranian one the incident comes after iran resolved to reduce its diplomatic relations with the u.k. during its decision to impose further sanctions on tehran. back to stan will boycott next week's talks with the u.s. on afghanistan's future end cut key nato supply lines through its territory this after the alliance airstrike on saturday near the afghan border that killed twenty
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four pakistani soldiers islamabad says the incident violated its sovereignty and the mandate of international forces in afghanistan. around seven thousand pro could offie prisoners are being held behind bars by former libyan rebels this according to a un report which says the detainees do not have access to a legal process as local police stations and courts remain closed findings show the prisoners are accused of working for gadhafi regime and had may have been subjected to torture and poor treatment.
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than just a response to nato as missile shield in europe let's get more details on all this from our correspondent italian overgrowth so the italian president about have promised a quick response to the missile shield in europe what signals the sending to washington. will the signal russia is trying to send is pretty clear that she sees installing this radio location system here as an adequate response to nato as plans to deploy an anti-missile defense shield in europe which russia sees as a threat to its national security and to has been saying that's. the reason for its the deployments of the amc to europe is in fact to be able to define some potential nuclear threats coming from iran and north korea however that a.m.d. shields will be covering a large part of the russian territory so russia does see it as a threat sounds really good russia wants. is for nato to present its. illegal everything down proves that that's not going to be the case how are russia's
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opinion on this hasn't been heard so far initially russia suggested to deploy the to work on the deployment of and say missile defense shield to europe together with native however that idea was declined stands would be seeing right now is a response. but it won't fortunately when you more of spoken assurances are not enough when we hear that you are pm missile defense is not against you i want to say friends that the radar that came online today is also not against you but it is for you to tackle the issues we're facing today but if our signal is not heard we will deploy other defense systems including tough countermeasures deploying strike systems. bonded further measures could include russia deploying strike systems school is scanned at and deploying them throughout alongside rather
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the russian border if nato fails to hear russia's position and on its anti-missile defense shield the worst case scenario would be of course for russia to pull out from the strategic arms reduction treaty that it signed with the united states some through years ago this is. this would seriously damage the reset of relations between russia and the u.s. that's the treaty symbolise when it was signed this is not the kind of scenario that's present beautiful wants to pursue he says that russia is still open for negotiations with nato and that's this particular radio location system could be used both for the benefit of russia and nato if the two come to an agreement better to tell you no because a life for us in kaliningrad thanks for the. well today's interview shows spotlight still ahead but first kareena joins us with the business update stay with us.
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hello and welcome to our business report the south thanks for joining me a double dip recession in the eurozone now seems all but inevitable during the first wave of the crisis in two thousand and eight well just suffered a rapid economic contraction as the world beyond its borders slowed however this time it's in a better position and even if europe does collapse russia is predicted to stay healthy as nick parsons from national australia bank explains. russia for example or no period in the next three years has a growth rate according to the o.e.c.d. of less than four percent so i think that that is substantially encouraging if you look at china yes there's a modest slowdown two percent in twenty twelve but again the focus for thirteen is well above nine so for the emerging market economies for asia for russia for latin america i think we've got a slowdown from some of the rates of growth in prospect for the next twelve months but the o.e.c.d. themselves are seeing some insulation from the pain and they're seeing continued
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outperformance and their likes their liberation into two thousand and thirteen. let's have a look at the markets now commodities first oil prices are higher this hour after seeing some gains on monday light sweet is currently trading over ninety eight dollars a barrel while brand is above one hundred ten dollars a barrel european stock markets turned higher with investors building on the prior day's gain a private gains and pinning some hopes on a meeting of eurozone finance ministers banks and energy stocks are leading shares of being borrows over one percent automakers are also higher pay zero rose two point four percent and one point seven percent respectively here in russia markets reversed into the red evening trading the r.t.s. is losing over one percent to my six this point nearly point nine percent down as well let's take a look at some individual shareholders right now energy majors are setting losses after seeing sharp gains in previous sessions look oil is currently losing one and
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a half percent rossley have is also down carmaker after the us is shutting losses its launching mass production of its newest model a lot of ground to make a tame k. is on the rise though the company's nine months net profit almost tripled to two hundred seventy nine million dollars. the world's largest social network facebook is preparing a ten billion dollars i.p.o. now. next year the wall street journal says that their floatation award value the company at one hundred billion dollars that's twice facebook's current value and say the plans are too optimistic facebook was reportedly going to hold an offering this autumn but postponed it after falling short of its revenue target the network has now around eight hundred million members with russian hi tech investment firm. being one of its a largest shareholders. that's it for now join me in fifteen minutes for more here on business meanwhile stay with us for.
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